Everything doesn't work out the way you want. Why is everything not the way you want it to be?

In truth, what we talk about happens to us. And sometimes we say a lot, and without thinking at all about the meaning of what was said. There are many smart books and different rules on how, when and what to talk about.

But these are the rules... They are boring and we follow them only sometimes - when it is very important for us to follow them. The situations for applying these rules are different, but they stress us out quite a lot. And therefore, in everyday life we ​​easily deviate from these rules.

It seems to us that we are simply living at this time. Just talking with a friend or girlfriend, just throwing out emotions, just talking about nothing. And sometimes we also know how to simply “show off” or simply “play to the public.”

And all this time, it turns out, we are putting together our own lives. From carelessly thrown words, from fragments of negativity or denial of the obvious. And we also build it, life, from sincere joy, from smiles and warm glances... But now we are not talking about them. Now we are talking about the words with which we cover our lives, turning it from a beautiful holiday carpet into tattered patchwork quilt.

From the most recent dialogues

“The kind of men I need simply don’t exist. They don’t exist! They haven’t been born yet.”--- This woman has been alone for a long time. She wants to get married, but the chances of starting a new family are equal... you yourself understand what they are equal to.

“Oh, now such women have gone. What kind of relationship can you have with them? They are predators and only want to take, or rather, snatch. That’s why I only focus on sex with them. And only with those who do not behave like predators.”--- This is said by a man who has had a lot of trouble with predators and is now licking his emotional wounds with casual sex. Can you imagine how “lucky” his women will be?

“What are you talking about! What kind of money do I have?! To have money, you have to become a criminal. But all I want is some kind of roof over my head and a little food. I don’t want anything else.”--- Of course, this man is no stranger to guile. In fact, deep down, he dreams of status and a new car, and he dreams of an apartment in a prestigious area at night. But this is how things work out for him - he survives on petty earnings and continues to “become poor.”

“Clients? Oh, of course, I have them. But they are such misers that you won’t get any income. I’m tired of throwing pearls in front of them. You spread yourself out on the floor in front of them, and they, the bastards, take money away from your competitors.”--- These are the revelations of one business woman who dreams of big profits in her business and hates her clients. Comments also suggest themselves.

But there are even more terrible sayings...
“May your children not give you bread in your old age!”--- This phrase, said by a mother to her 10-year-old son, once simply shocked me. When I began to explain to her that her words were tantamount to cursing her own child, the lady was perplexed. Unfortunately, the words returned to the mother - the son grew up, left for another country and the mother was forgotten.

Be careful with your words. Everything you say can become part of your life without you noticing.

Want to test yourself? Try to record your conversation (preferably more than one) when you talk about how you are doing or about your plans, or evaluate what is happening. Listen to it after recording and write down what definitions you give, what mood you have in the conversation. You will be able to learn a lot about yourself after this exercise and about the reasons for the events in your life.

The situation is not as sad as it might seem. To change it, it is enough to replace the wording with positive ones, watch your words and maintain a positive attitude. This is very easy to do if you start changing your life in the company of a friend or girlfriend. You can help each other by watching the wording and giving the agreed upon signs.

In your own words, paint a beautiful picture of your own life. May she please you and give you happiness!

Are there people in the world who want to feel bad? Any living creature strives to feel good, at least to survive. Man is no exception. Therefore, to one degree or another, all people think positively, that is, they want good things for themselves. Even a suicide does this because he believes that it will be better for him. Everyone has different dreams and desires. Everyone strives for something in life, even when they are just lying on the couch, at least to be left alone. Why not a desire?! Why do most wishes not come true, why do dreams crumble and hopes die?

Tell me, why should they come true at all? Just because you want it so much or the teacher at the next psychological training told you that in order for a wish to come true you have to really want it and you will succeed. And whoever doesn’t want it, everyone wants it. But only a few succeed. It turns out when desires coincide with a person’s Karma. It seems to me that the basis of this gigantic misconception is the excessive, unfounded confidence of people in their capabilities and abilities. We can observe this in everyday life, when people take on any task without having either the ability or the necessary knowledge. As a result, there are a huge number of amateurs in all areas of life, from plumbers to state leaders. Therefore, the idea of ​​“positive thinking” fell on the fertile soil of the desire to get results quickly and effortlessly. After all, you just have to want it and that’s it.

In fact, Karma stands between people's desires and their implementation in life. The fact is that our life is a reflection of our consciousness, which in turn is formed by Sanskars or the matrix with the help of which Karma is recorded in it. This means that in life people will see not a reflection of their desires, but a reflection of their Karma, which in the vast majority of cases is very different from desires and hopes. It’s like if we put a disc with the movie “Avatar” into the player, but we want to see “Titanic”, isn’t it funny? Rave! But unfortunately, almost everyone does this in life. A simple example - who wants to be sick, old, poor, unhappy, lonely, and so on? What in practice?

We live in Kali Yuga, or rather even in Kali Yuga Sandhi, or in simple terms in the last final part of it. This period in the history of human civilization is characterized by the fact that the minimum amount of negative Karma in people is 75%. Try to realize your desires with such a force of resistance. This requires super abilities and enormous willpower, called Sankalpa Shakti in Yoga. The vast majority of people simply don’t have it. But this is not enough, the main thing is the opportunity to change your Karma, and this requires special knowledge. I always give this example: anyone knows that in order to fix a simple computer, special knowledge is required. But every person believes that he is able to change his life for the better, simply because he wants to. But the life of an ordinary person is trillions of times more complex than all computers combined, and in order to change it, even more so, special knowledge is needed. But knowledge is on a completely different level. People study various sciences: chemistry, physics, mathematics, but no one anywhere studies the most important science, the science of how to live in this life. After all, even a simple electric kettle has an instruction manual, but people don’t have such instructions for life. So everyone tries, whatever they can, using the random method. Hence the result. Fortunately, such a science exists and has existed for millions of years and it is called Sanatana Dharma. It contains all the secret, divine knowledge about life and ways of changing Karma, including.

The fact that Karma stands between a person’s desires and their possibility of fulfillment is very good. Why? Imagine for a second what would happen if all people’s wishes came true. Yes, there would simply be no one left on earth. He wished for you to die, but he took it right there and fulfilled your wish. What would have happened on earth then is even scary to think about. In addition, people often no longer want tomorrow what they wanted yesterday. This is another reason why people's wishes do not come true. Karma is the universal fuse and regulator.

Real positive changes in life are possible only with Divine help because this is the only way to change a person’s Karma. If God is with you, then what do you fear, and if not with you, then what do you hope for. This is why Sanatana Dharma exists. An attempt to change life without God is doomed to failure, and if changes occur, then either one problem will replace another, or it will be “they wanted the best, but ......”. No wonder the Bible says: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

Read this text and you will be able to look at your problems from a different angle!

There are times in life when it seems that everything is not going as we would like... Be it serious problems with health or finances, or discord in the family, conflicts with children... As L. Tolstoy once said: “All happy families are happy equally, and every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

The truth is that everyone always has problems, and Happiness is not the absence of difficulties in life, but the ability to deal with them. No matter how bad or good you feel, start the day with gratitude. Look at what you ALREADY have, instead of dwelling on missed opportunities and losses.

Here are some more important reminders. Read them every time you feel like giving up:

1. Pain is part of growth.

Sometimes life closes doors because it's time to move. And this is good, because we often do not start moving unless circumstances force us. When times get tough, remind yourself that no pain comes without a purpose. Move away from what hurts you, but never forget the lesson it teaches you. Just because you are struggling doesn't mean you are failing. Every great success requires a worthy struggle to be present. Good things take time. Stay patient and confident. Everything will be alright; most likely not in a moment, but eventually everything will be...

Remember that there are two kinds of pain: pain that hurts, and pain that changes you. As you go through life, instead of resisting it, let it help you grow.

2. Everything in life is temporary.

Always when it rains you know it will end. Every time you are hurt, the wound heals. After darkness there is always light - you are reminded of this every morning, but nevertheless you often forget and believe that the night will always last. It will not happen. Nothing lasts forever.

So, if everything is good right now, enjoy it. This won't last forever. If things are bad, don't worry because it won't last forever either. Just because life isn't easy at the moment doesn't mean you can't laugh. Just because something is bothering you doesn't mean you can't smile. Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Every second you get a second chance. You are given a chance, and you just have to take it.

3. Worrying and complaining won't change anything.

Those who complain the most achieve the least. It is always better to try to do something big and fail than to try to do nothing and succeed. Nothing is over if you lose; it's all over if you're really just complaining. If you believe in something, keep trying. Don't let the shadows of the past cloud your future. Today's complaints about yesterday will not make tomorrow brighter. Let what you know improve the way you live. Make a change and never look back.

And no matter what ultimately happens, remember that true happiness begins to arrive only when you stop complaining about your problems and start being grateful for all the problems that you don't have.

4. Your scars are symbols of your strength.

Never be ashamed of the scars life has left you. The scar means that there is no more pain and the wound has healed. This means that you have overcome the pain, learned a lesson, become stronger and have moved forward. The scar is a tattoo of triumph. Don't let your scars hold you hostage. Don't let them make you live in fear. You can't make scars disappear, but you can change the way you see them. You may begin to view your scars as a sign of strength.

Ryumi once said: “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Nothing could be closer to the truth. From suffering came the strongest souls; The most powerful people in this big world are marked with scars. Look at your scars as a slogan: “YES! I DID IT! I survived and I have the scars to prove it! And now I have a chance to become even stronger.”

5. Every little struggle is a step forward.

In life, patience is not about waiting; it is in the ability to maintain a good mood, working hard towards your dreams, in the knowledge that the work is worth it. So if you're going to try it, go all the way. Otherwise there is no point in starting. This could mean a loss of stability and comfort for a while, and perhaps even your sanity. This may mean not eating what you used to or not sleeping as much as you used to for weeks on end. This may mean changing your comfort zone. This may mean sacrificing relationships and everything you know. This may mean the appearance of ridicule. This may mean time that you will spend alone. Solitude, however, is a gift that makes many things possible. It gives you the space you need. Everything else is a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to achieve your goal.

And if you want it, you will do it, despite failures and disagreements. And every step you take you will feel better than you can imagine. You will understand that struggle is not an obstacle on the way, it is the path. And it's worth it. So if you're going to try it, go all the way. There is no better feeling in the world... there is no better feeling than knowing what it means to be ALIVE.

6. Other people's negativity is not your problem.

Be confident when bad things surround you. Smile when others try to defeat you. This is an easy way to maintain your own enthusiasm. When other people talk bad about you, continue to be yourself. Never let someone else's conversations change the person you are. You can't take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Don't think that people do things because of you. They do things because of themselves.

First of all, never change to impress someone who says you are not good enough. Change if it makes you better and leads you to a brighter future. People will talk no matter what you do or how well you do it. Worry about yourself before you worry about what others think. If you believe in something, don't be afraid to fight for it. Great strength comes from overcoming the impossible.

All jokes aside, you only have one life. So do what makes you happy and be with someone who makes you smile.

7. What is meant to be will eventually BE.

True strength comes when you, instead of screaming and complaining, choose to smile and appreciate your life. There are blessings hidden in every struggle you face, but you must be willing to open your heart and mind to see them. You can't make things happen. You can only try. At some point you have to let go and allow what is meant to happen.

Love your life, trust your intuition, take risks, lose and find happiness, learn through experience. It's a long trip. You must stop worrying, questioning and doubting at any moment. Laugh, live in every moment and enjoy your life. You may not know exactly where you intended to go, but you will eventually arrive where you need to be.

8. The best thing you can do is keep moving.

Don't be afraid to get angry. Don't be afraid to love again. Don't let the cracks in your heart turn into scars. Understand that strength increases every day. Understand that courage is beautiful. Find in your heart what makes others smile. Remember that you don't need many people in your life, so don't strive to have more "friends." Be strong when the going gets tough. Remember that the universe always does what is right. Admit when you are wrong and learn from it. Always look back and see what you have achieved and be proud of yourself. Don't change for anyone if you don't want to. Do more. Write stories. Take photos. Be aware of the moments and ways in which your loved ones look at you.

Just keep being YOU. Keep growing. Keep moving.

People are designed that way that they always want something. The simplest wish, for example, is for everything to be fine. Health, work, family, home, money, leisure and other human joys. But unfortunately, not everyone’s affairs turn out the way they want. Conflicts in the family and at work, health problems, lack of money and other unhappy factors poison our lives.

There are many desires, and most of them cannot be realized for a variety of reasons. Of course, we succeed in doing something, but often with great effort and so slowly that we get tired of waiting.

Why is everything not the way you want? The answer to this and most other questions can be obtained by considering

Why does a person come to earth?

Do we really come into this world to suffer? Some religious systems claim that this is so. You can earn heaven by suffering. But not everyone suffers, although any religion claims that we are all equal before God. And the “starting conditions” at birth are different for everyone. You can be born into a wealthy family and not have problems all your life. Or you can be born sick and never see your parents. Some are healthy, some are beautiful, some are lucky. But not me. Why?

Such “inequality” can be explained if we accept as possible that a person comes to this earth more than once. The immortal part of a person - his soul, after the death of his physical shell, after some time he moves into another body. Therefore, the conditions in which a person was born today (family, health, etc.) are determined by the circumstances of his past life. This phenomenon is called reincarnation. We hope that if there are convinced atheists among the readers of Z&S, they will generously forgive us for these reasonings.

However, 80% of people at birth have conditionally equal “starting opportunities” and, potentially, they can achieve for themselves everything that can be had in this life. They can, but they don’t achieve it. Why?

The fact is that every person, coming into this world, has certain obligations and requirements are presented to him that he must comply with. Who makes these demands? Nature, Higher powers, God, Creator, Absolute - call it what you want. If a person lives according to the rules established from above, then he achieves everything he wants. In principle, our planet is precisely a paradise, because here you have the opportunity to enjoy everything you want: beautiful nature, food, love, creativity, communication, creation. But, unfortunately, people do not know the rules that they must follow if they want to live well. As a result, they violate them and life becomes torture. This means that in order to get rid of problems, you need to learn these rules of behavior in life and follow them.

From here we can draw the following conclusion: a person comes into this world to try everything that is here: creativity and work, fame and wealth, love and sex, entertainment and travel. Of course, at the same time, he should not violate the rules of conduct in life that are established by the Higher Powers.

What rules should we follow?

And these rules are simple: we must accept the world around us as it is, despite its obvious, from our point of view, imperfection. If a person does not accept this life at least in some part of it, he is in conflict with the world around him. This is the main cause of all problems.

It should be immediately noted that observing this rule is very difficult in our world, which is divided into rich and poor, sick and healthy, communists and democrats, believers and atheists, and so on. We are constantly dissatisfied with something: the government, prices, boss, relatives, neighbors, weather. This means that we do not accept life as it is.

The logic here is simple: we did not create this world, it is not for us to condemn it. If we are dissatisfied with the world, it turns out that we are dissatisfied with the work of the one who created it.

Every person has a set of ideas in their head about what this world should be like. In other words, what should my life be like, my job, salary, family, children, etc. These ideas are formed as a result of upbringing, public morality, ideology and other factors. It turns out that there are two different worlds: the one invented by man and the real one. And if the real world in some part of it begins to disagree with the imagined one, a person experiences a lot of negative experiences: resentment, anger, irritation and other, far from joyful emotions. This is how rejection of this life arises, internal discontent.

How to avoid this? You should not keep ideas in your head about what the world around you should be like. Because he will never adapt to your ideals, no matter how much you want it.

This leads to the rule: a person should not idealize anything. The term “idealize” means to attach excessive importance and experience negative emotions when the actual situation or object does not correspond to the model you hold in your head.

Idealization occurs when you have a certain model of how a husband, for example, should behave. You know how he should behave. And he behaves a little (or completely) differently. So you try to force him to do as you see fit. Or you fall into sadness and despair. In both cases, you do not accept this person, and through him the whole world, as he is, because he does not correspond to the ideal that exists in your mind.

Therefore, sin can conventionally be called any negative human experience caused by dissatisfaction with the world around us.

As you might guess, anything can be idealized. For idealizing any earthly values, a person receives punishment in the form of those very diseases, troubles, conflicts, destruction of plans and other things that so interfere with our lives.

To better understand why this happens, we suggest considering how a person should behave in this world so as not to violate the requirements established by the Higher Powers.

Our life is an excursion

Why a tour? Because 70-90 years of life is just a moment compared to thousands of years of our world’s existence.

But this is not an excursion to an ordinary historical museum, where all the exhibits are behind glass display cases, and you can only look at them and cannot touch them. This is a modern museum, like technology museums in developed Western countries. There, every visitor can touch and play with almost any exhibit. The instruments standing there demonstrate various physical effects - echo, interference, diffraction, magnetism, laser radiation, etc. The visitor can turn any knobs and levers, press buttons and activate any exhibit.

Thus, having purchased an entrance ticket to such a museum, a person has the right to play with any exhibit at any time (within the working day, of course). But he cannot take these exhibits with him, he does not consider them his own. He came, used it and left.

The situation is exactly the same with the human soul. When she goes to earth, she has the opportunity to become human. She can taste everything there. But we must not forget that she was allowed there for a while. And all this does not belong to her, this is not her own world. He existed for millions of years before this soul came into him, and after its departure he will exist for just as long. She can only use everything that is there. And she should be grateful to the one who let her there. These are the rules, and every person is obliged to follow them.

Unfortunately, our soul, having come into the world, usually forgets about this parting word. Once in the real world, she considers it the only one. This is what atheism teaches. Meanwhile, any religion reminds us that all this is not ours, it all belongs to God. But few people hear this reminder.

People begin to completely immerse themselves in this world, idealize earthly values, and “get hooked” on it. Love means immersing yourself in love with all passion, considering it the goal of your life. Or they become passionately attached to money. Or to power. And as soon as excess passion appears, a person forgets about God. Moreover, he is not even required to have special love for God. You just need to remember that everything belongs to God and behave accordingly. I took it, played it and put it back in its place.

This is exactly the case with any idealization - to the material world, spiritual qualities, abilities, creativity.

Here we come close to the concept of “karma”. For many, this word has a mystical meaning and seems to be a punishing right hand that falls on a person for the sins of his ancestors.

What is karma?

The burden of problems or illnesses that a person brought from a past life is mainly considered as karma. Accordingly, you may get the impression of complete predetermination and hopelessness of our life. But fortunately, this is not the case. Basically, a person forms his karma during his life. And the problems of past lives have a relatively small impact on our “today” life.

What is karmic punishment for? For the idealization of any earthly values ​​and the negative experiences that are caused by this idealization. Karmic punishment is almost always realized in one way: the destruction of an idealized value. For example, you idealize your material wealth and believe that you must earn $1,000 a month. But you don't earn that kind of money. Accordingly, the mechanism for destroying your idealization is activated: life will prove to you that you can live on 100 dollars. If you continue to be offended by life, this money will be taken away from you.

It turns out that the degree of karmic punishment directly depends on the degree of your satisfaction with life. If you don't have any big claims to life, you won't be punished for anything.

For the convenience of further discussion, we suggest presenting all our “sins”, i.e. our negative experiences, in the form of a liquid, which is collected in a container of limited size. Let's call it the Vessel of Karma. We don’t know what this container actually looks like. Therefore, it is in the form of a small vessel, into which our “sins” enter in the form of liquid from above through several pipes

From above, the liquid enters the “vessel of karma” through several pipes, which correspond to different “sins”. Let's take a closer look at these pipes.

One of the pipes is the Idealization of earthly values ​​or “clinging” to earthly values ​​(both spiritual and material), which can include excessive attachment to:

Money and material values. Everyone lacks money and material goods. But karmic punishment occurs only if you are offended by life and consider it a failure only because you do not have enough money, do not have a car or a country house.

Body and health. This means that you worry excessively when you feel unwell. Or God gave you health and physical strength and on the basis of this you began to despise other, weaker people.

Sex. Sex in itself is not a sin. Idealization of sex is punished - if you attach excessive importance to it. Or constantly worry whether you are a good enough lover (mistress). Or you attach excessive importance to intimate contact, regarding it as a big sacrifice or a blow to your pride.

Career, future. Such idealizations are typical of those who plan their future successes and become aggressive or despondent if their plans collapse.

Capabilities. This is the idealization of achieving success in any field in this world. If success is not achieved, then people with such “clues” believe that their life was in vain.

Family, children. Planning an overly prosperous family life is characteristic mainly of women. Therefore, men are simply forced to drink and go out on the side - thereby destroying their wife’s idealization of certain aspects of family life.

Beauty. You are worried about whether you are beautiful enough, whether you are well dressed and combed, etc. And vice versa, if you were awarded beauty and on the basis of this you began to despise the rest of the “ugly ones”.

Fame, glory. These human joys are loved equally by both men and women. Excessive need for them has led to the collapse of careers or the death of many famous personalities.

Relationships between people. A person may have a model of empathetic and delicate relationships in his head, so he becomes irritated or offended when he finds himself in an environment where people behave more rudely.

Spirituality, religiosity. Spirituality or religiosity in itself is a good thing, but if a person despises “unspiritual” people, this is punished.

Purposes. A person can set any goals, but he should not feel irritated, angry or despair if they are not achieved. This idealization is destroyed through the inability to achieve the goal.

Education, intelligence. The idealization of these qualities is typical for scientists, artists, and intellectuals. It breeds contempt for uneducated or undeveloped people.

Work. Many people cannot imagine life without work. Therefore, they periodically receive “clicks” in the form of business failures, career failures or loss of money.

Authorities. Many people love power, but not everyone has the opportunity to try it. Power itself is not harmful; the thirst for power and the pleasure of using it in case of humiliation of other people, attempts to control the situation, etc. are punished.

Moral standards. Such “entanglement” is characteristic mainly of older people who were raised in accordance with the norms of communist morality. Accordingly, they are greatly irritated by the “immoral” behavior of young people, changes in the system of life values, etc.

Trust. Excessive trust in people is punished by people destroying this idealization.

Creativity, creation. The idealization of creative abilities is typical for artists, musicians, painters, writers and other people engaged in creating something new. Having received the ability to create at birth, they often forget who gave them these abilities, who organizes the “inspiration,” etc. Your own successes give rise to contempt for other, uncreative people. Or to those who are undeveloped and do not understand your creative expression.

We have given the most common types of values, the importance of which people tend to exaggerate.

Through the Erroneous Beliefs pipe comes karma accumulated by a person as a result of his erroneous beliefs and ideas about life. These most common beliefs include:

Pride. A similar attitude towards the world occurs when a person believes that the whole world revolves around his navel. And no matter what happens in the world, everything is directed either against or for him. Accordingly, a person considers only his own opinion, needs and interests, and despises everyone else.

An attempt to bring the world around us under our control. This attitude to life is typical for people holding any leadership positions. By nature of their work, they plan how events should unfold and become irritated when their plans fall apart.

Jealousy. This feeling occurs when one person treats another as his property. And my property should belong only to me, and no one dares to touch it (or look at it).

Condemnation and contempt of people. A similar attitude towards people arises among those who have achieved real success in our world - achieved money, fame or power.

Resentment towards life. This attitude towards life can develop in any person, regardless of the level of his abilities, wealth or success. A person believes that his life has failed. Or that he doesn't get what he seems to be owed.

The list of erroneous beliefs can be expanded many times over, including political, national, religious and other views. As long as a person is “engaged” in at least one earthly value, it is through it that the liquid enters the “vessel of karma.”

But as soon as a person realizes the error of his attitude towards earthly values, the valve immediately closes and the liquid stops flowing through this channel into the “vessel of karma”.

Another, third pipe for the flow of karma liquid is Conscious actions, i.e. negative actions of a person committed by him in accordance with his will. The liquid enters the “vessel of karma” through this pipe when a person understands that he is doing wrong, but considers it acceptable for himself.

Trumpet Failure to fulfill a karmic task is revealed when a person is engaged in “not his own business” and has a craving for something else and experiences internal discomfort from this.

Thus, karma accumulates through four main large pipes. But the liquid not only enters the “vessel of karma”, but also flows out of it. Otherwise, it would fill up very quickly, and our life in this world would be much shorter.

At the bottom of the karma vessel there are several pipes through which the karma liquid is drained or “cleansed”. Those. a person atones for accumulated sins with his life and thoughts.

One of the lower pipes is Conscious positive actions. A person can idealize something earthly, but with his positive actions (charity, for example), he can open the valve on this pipe and pump out the liquid of karma without bringing its level to serious consequences.

The second pipe for draining liquid from the “vessel of karma” is Positive personality traits, such as kindness, good nature, cheerfulness, optimism, etc. A person may be “hooked” on something earthly, but due to natural good nature and optimism, his “vessel of karma” is never overfilled. Fat people (who love to eat) and good-natured people often find themselves in this balance.

Third pipe from the bottom - Third-party influences from other people. A person can go to a good healer or psychic, who will perform some manipulations and pump out some of the liquid from the “vessel of karma”. Or go to church - confess, repent. This is also a good mechanism for “washing away sins.” But such effects will most likely be short-term, since without blocking the pipe from above, the “vessel of karma” will soon fill with liquid again - in a week, month or year. Therefore, the effect of most psychics resembles the effect of pills - while you drink, it helps, you stop drinking - everything resumes.

Trumpet Fulfilling a karmic task can sometimes have a serious impact on the general condition of the vessel. A person can idealize a lot of values ​​and be dissatisfied with life. But if, contrary to personal gain and common sense, he does what he loves, this pipe is open and saves the person from “educational” procedures.

Thus, if the upper pipes are dug up and the lower ones are open, then at some point in time the “vessel of karma” may remain completely empty - such a person has no sins at all. This is a holy person, not attached to anything earthly. He has the right beliefs, he helps people - through healing, preaching, and his lifestyle. Practically, nothing holds such a person on our planet; he is here only at his own request and can leave at any time. There are very few people like this in our world. These are, for example, yogis of high dedication or adherents of any religion. But this is not us, although the ultimate goal of our development is precisely the draining of our “vessel of karma”.

How we are “raised”

The educational karmic process is always aimed at destroying our erroneous beliefs. When the “vessel of karma” is a quarter full, the “caretaker” does not have any major claims against the person. A person lives normally and has small troubles-reminders in life.

But as soon as he begins to idealize something in this life, the corresponding valve opens and the vessel begins to fill. When the vessel is filled to the middle, the “caretaker” begins to take his measures. Those. They begin to send quite strong signals to the person, and if he does not understand them, then the situation worsens sharply.

Depending on what a person idealizes, he develops illnesses, major troubles at work, problems arise in relationships with a loved one, scandals in the family, money or things are stolen from him, he gets into an accident, etc. If a person does not perceive this as a personal signal, but just as an accident, and continues to behave as before, then a more severe warning is sent to him. There are no accidents in our world - in this respect it is strictly determined. Everything that happens to you is a reminder of the wrong behavior or way of thinking! Thus, you are sent a reminder that you are doing something wrong in this life, breaking some laws and rules. And what exactly you are doing wrong can be understood by what methods of “education” are used against you.

First of all, a person will fall apart from what he is excessively attached to in our world. You idealize the family - conflicts will arise there. You are irritated by disruptions to plans in business - expect that problems will increase. You are unhappy with your financial situation - it may soon worsen even more. Etc.

If a person does not understand the meaning of these signals, then he develops fatal diseases or very serious troubles (“the vessel of karma” is overfilled). If a person again does not understand that he is violating the rules of tourist behavior on an excursion, and begins to rely on doctors, healers or his own security service, then his life is taken away from him. This is why successful businessmen and thieves in law often pass away. Having received practically unlimited money and power, they began to treat other people with contempt, and thereby filled their “vessel of karma” to the top.

This is exactly how the Higher powers “educate” us, ensuring that a person fulfills the basic karmic requirement - not to idealize anything.

Let us illustrate all of the above using one example - family relationships.

As you know, in most families, spouses encounter mutual misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with each other. Which leads to conflicts, scandals and divorces. As you know, more than half of marriages break up. Why is this happening?

At the time of marriage, every person imagines what his family life should be like. For example, girls usually imagine a family life with a prosperous life, a calm and loving husband, who gives all his money and free time to the family, and has no interests outside the family. Those. in fact, they idealize certain aspects of future family life.

Since they idealize this life, according to the usual rule of karmic “education,” their ideals must be destroyed. Where is the best place to destroy the ideal of family life? Of course, right in the family. And it is the husband who must do this - the advice of other people may not help.

Therefore, such a girl usually gets a husband who idealizes completely opposite values. Those. he must believe that the husband should decide for himself what to do, how to spend money and with whom to sleep.

Therefore, it is he who falls in love with her husband and, with his behavior, begins to destroy all the ideals of his wife. And she destroys her husband’s ideals because she despises his values ​​- freedom, independence in decisions, etc. Not understanding that each spouse is a “karmic pill” for the other, they begin to make claims to each other, get offended, quarrel, etc. It turns out to be a typical family, which we described a little higher.

We have given only one example, but there may be many. Parents idealize moral standards and public opinion - their child will sneeze at these standards, take drugs or walk around with green hair. With scientist parents who idealize intelligence and abilities, the child will study poorly and, most likely, will be mediocre. If a person was given abilities - in art, sports, business - it doesn’t matter, and based on his successes he began to despise “incapable” people, everything will fall apart for him and he will find himself at the very bottom of his life - among those whom he despised. If you are trying to plan your life and get annoyed when something does not happen according to your plans, then rest assured that all your plans will continue to crumble. If you hate the rich, it means that you yourself will not have money and your financial situation will only get worse. Etc. and so on.

People have many erroneous beliefs, so everyone is raised in one way - by destroying these beliefs. In the process of “education”, a person is shown by example that the values ​​he idealizes are worth nothing - look, the other person despises them and feels good about himself. Or if you are offended by the current situation, they lower you to the bottom of life, so that from there you can see for yourself that before everything was quite good with you and there was no point in being offended. Moreover, illnesses are actively used as “educational measures” - some of your illnesses are organized by your own “caretaker” in order to change some of your erroneous beliefs.

This is how we are constantly “educated”, but they never tell us why. You have to guess for yourself.

As a result of such “education” we have a lot of sick and poor embittered people. We put the word “embittered” in last place, and this is wrong. Most likely, they are sick and poor because they are embittered.

How can we live if we are “brought up” with such sad measures for everything? There is an exit. We will give you some recommendations, and whether you accept them or not is up to you.

How to cleanse your karma vessel?

First of all, you need to analyze your attitude towards life and refuse to idealize what is so dear to you. Moreover, it is expensive mainly on a subconscious level, since consciously you can quite logically prove the correctness of your views on life. But this will not make your life better. How to refuse excessive idealization?

It turns out it's not difficult at all. Humanity has known this path for a long time. This is the path of forgiveness. Forgive everyone and everything for what they do not do as you see fit. No matter how hard it is for you. Understand that all this is being done only for the purpose of your education, to “sever” you from idealized earthly values.

If people irritate you, then understand that they do it unconsciously. And be sure that as soon as you forgive them all their shortcomings and accept these people or events as they are, everything will immediately change. You will no longer need to be “educated”, so even serious illnesses can go away, not to mention people and surrounding circumstances.

There is one universal technique that allows you to thoroughly clean your karma vessel. This is a forgiveness meditation. On a piece of paper you need to write down all the people who have ever offended you. And also those whom you have ever offended. Then you need to take one person from this list and cleanse your resentment or guilt towards him. This is done as follows. Sit back and imagine this person. And mentally, to yourself, repeat the following phrase: With love and gratitude, I forgive N.N. (for example, my father or my friend Lena, or my sister Olga, etc.). If you are purging guilt, the phrase will be a little different: With love and gratitude N.N. forgives me. The time spent meditating on one person can range from 3 to 5 hours. This phrase should be repeated until you feel a feeling of warmth emanating from the heart area in your chest. After you have forgiven one person, move on to the next one on the list. It is clear that you need to start meditating specifically in relation to those people with whom you are connected with the most vivid experiences of guilt or resentment. And then move on to the rest, less significant offenders.

But forgiveness is not everything. This is only the first stage of correcting your destiny. A person can sincerely forgive someone, and a day later again become offended or embittered by the same thing. Therefore, it is not enough to forgive. After understanding your “clings” on earthly values, you must first forgive (life, loved ones, fate, etc.), and then you need to take a position in life that will not allow you to “catch” on the same thing again. There are two possible behavior options here.

For example, one can take the life position of a player playing a game called “life.” The player can actively participate in all processes, but does not take his loss to heart. I lost, I lost, I’ll win back next time.

In this position, you can set any goals for yourself and strive to achieve them with all your energy. They will test you to see if you will be offended by life if something doesn’t work out. If you pass this test and are not offended, then any goals are achievable for you.

Or you need to take the position of an outside observer who detachedly observes life passing by. He can be involved in any process at will, but if something happens wrong, he is not offended. He is an observer and participates only in as much as he wants. This is the “highest level” of attitude to life, and it is available only to people who have a minimum number of “clues” for life values.

This is our proposed system of views on the world in a greatly reduced form. It is not simple, but it explains many events happening in the world. It works - it has been tested on many people who have corrected their fate only by revising their outlook on life.

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