Men's muscles faq php mode. Imbuilding - development of a man’s intimate muscles

The muscles of the male genitals work during urination (female muscles work in a similar way in this case), from the beginning to the state of full erection (in this intermediate state the most noticeable movements can be caused by the muscles), during ejaculation. In sexology, the male penis in a calm state is called the penis, and in an erect state it is called the phallus. Accordingly, the controlled muscles in both cases will be abbreviated as pumas and fumas. Due to the fact that there is no special term for the intermediate state (transformation of softness into hardness), and it is still not suitable for anything, we will conditionally consider it still a penis.

Any man, remembering the folk humor (“No matter how much you shake your penis, the last drop will be in your pants”), gives an energetic shake to his penis after urinating, trying to get rid of this last drop. In youth, this is more or less possible, but in old age this drop (usually more than one!) still ends up in the pants. There are a lot of jokes that very accurately reflect reality, where a man’s inability to urinate normally is ridiculed: he will wet his shoes, or even wet his knees. All this is associated with weakening, detraining of the muscles that compress the bladder and urethra. These functional muscles need to be maintained in working condition. Well-known exercises for this purpose (kegels) do not take much time and effort, but will help a man avoid trouble. The same is recommended for women. In addition to this task, performing kegels produces an energetic massage not only of muscle tissue, but also of blood vessels, which certainly contributes to the good quality of an erection.

The literature provides examples of the unique abilities of yogis: not to mention controlled ejaculation (this is an elementary skill for them), some can suck back ejaculated sperm from the vagina due to the vacuum created by the muscular expansion of the bladder. Some people can throw, “swipe” quite heavy objects off the table with just the movement of the phallus, and some “craftsmen” manage to turn the pages of a book, etc. For ordinary men, this belongs to the realm of fantasy and is perceived as tricks from a circus repertoire. In everyday life this is difficult to achieve, and it is not necessary. But to avoid troubles in old age and increase your rating with a woman, to get closer physiologically to the ideal man - every man strives (or should strive) for this.

Developing and learning to control the muscles of the penis, that is, turning them into pumas, is relatively simple. To begin, stand naked in front of a mirror and try to squeeze your muscles, as you do after urinating. You see, for some the penis “moves” noticeably, for others this movement is barely noticeable, and for some there is no “movement” at all. If we analyze all three cases, then in the first version we can really talk about the last straw, but the last one coincides with the jokes. It has long been recommended: to repeatedly interrupt urination, and as you continue, you should strive to make the stream more powerful; the pressure weakens - stop; inhale, exhale - gain strength and become powerful again. If such an act is made habitual, then in old age there will be no troubles. This is also recommended for women. The next stage of training is to achieve the ability to work the pumas and anus muscles separately. Now this is happening simultaneously. But if you relax, concentrate and try to move your penis a little, you can only feel these muscles; the anal muscles do not work. Gradually, working these muscles separately, you can learn these actions. It is also very beneficial for the quality of erection and bowel movements.

For the following exercises, we will use the numbers on the clock dial: 6 - the penis is below, 9 - the penis is horizontal, 12 - this is the phallus! Fantasize about a sexual topic or “play” with your penis, or even better, use the help of your partner. Bring it to state 7 - 8. Now sharply “throw” it with your muscles, do not help with your pelvis. Practice until you slap yourself in the stomach. If the partner has overdone it and it is close to 12, then now the clap will not work, “punish” the partner or cool off in another way. The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to cause “stormy applause” and perform 10 - 20 claps in a row. More is possible. If your partner follows your achievements with interest, then you can move on. Get into position 12 or close to it. Is your stomach bothering you? Pull it in, or better yet, lose 15-20 kg. Tighten it strongly and you should see an increase in the size of the head. Perform several (many) times until it falls off.

Exercise with weights: attach a container, for example, a jar or can, to the head of the phallus, for example, using a bandage or a specially sewn bag with straps (under no circumstances tie it with a knot or a noose!). Pour water into the container (for the gifted - lead shot) until the load drops to 10. Now, repeatedly using muscle tension, lift the load to position 12. Gradually increase the number of lifts and the weight of the load. You can use the help of your partner. What's stronger? Her left hand or your fumas? You can create a similar load yourself. But in these cases, the result of training is not visible, there is no quantitative assessment, as it was a month ago - and as it is now. Having achieved some success, you can sometimes do this during coitus. The main thing is to choose such a position (pose) that it gives pleasure and is pleasant to your partner. If a man learns to “lift” his partner, then this will distract him from the influx of feelings, prolong, prolong the act. In general, pair training (this will be discussed later) is much more effective than single training. During these exercises, you need to be safe: do not take things to the point of absurdity, in which you can get a “dislocation”, tear tissues, blood vessels. You need to observe moderation and respond to painful sensations. As fumes develop, you can achieve such results that strong muscle tension will relieve the pre-ejaculatory state. A man, by tensing his muscles, will be able to prolong coitus without being distracted from the process. Unfortunately, there are no known cases where cougars can be used to create an erection without arousal. But its quality undoubtedly improves as pumas and fumas develop. In addition, the partner will be grateful to such a partner for the incredibly pleasant sensations caused by the work of the fumes inside her.

We have already moved on to the physiological interaction of partners, so we will try to create an ideal couple in this regard, and then move on to the ideal man. Like everything in nature, man and woman have their opposites: courage and softness, strength and tenderness, protrusion and depression. A man always wants, but not always can; a woman, on the contrary, always can (if you do not take into account lubrication discharge), but does not always want to. In order for life to become more harmonious, this difference needs to be smoothed out. Taoism solved this problem for men by regulating the number of ejaculations. There are many coitus, and ejaculation is only within the limits of the body's capabilities. Almost no teaching was done on women. But maintaining sexual elation (activity) is part of her raison d'être. In addition to her own efforts, the man must (must) encourage her to do this and constantly do this. In a sexual ideal, the picture is the same: a woman should achieve orgasm as quickly and often as possible, a man slower and less often. Only in this case can we talk about the sexual health of the couple, about the ideal couple. If Nature in some cases makes a woman ideal from birth and rewards her with the appropriate temperament, then in other cases it is the man who must help her friend get closer to the ideal. In addition, a man must develop (the nature of this feature has not given anyone) self-control over ejaculation, learn to manage this action. Equally important is a man’s sexual literacy and his sexual culture; his desire to get to know his girlfriend, excellent awareness of his partner’s capabilities, right down to erotic fantasies.

A woman’s abilities, of course, primarily depend on her, but, again, a powerful incentive is a partner, a man. A woman’s success largely depends on him. She constantly needs support, encouragement, and admiration from her partner. And she will do a lot for her beloved. If the relationship has developed in such a way that the partner helps with training female muscles (as she helped him), talks about his increasing pleasure (as she progresses), a feeling of gratitude, etc., then the woman’s enthusiasm is inexhaustible. A man should always remember that a woman needs the participation of a partner (especially a permanent one), thanks to him she can turn into an ideal.

The muscles of the male genitals work during urination (female muscles work in a similar way in this case), from the beginning to the state of full erection (in this intermediate state the most noticeable movements can be caused by the muscles), during ejaculation. In sexology, the male penis in a calm state is called the penis, and in an erect state it is called the phallus. Accordingly, the controlled muscles in both cases will be abbreviated as pumas and fumas. Due to the fact that there is no special term for the intermediate state (the transformation of softness into hardness), and it is still not suitable for anything, we will conditionally consider it still a penis.

Any man, remembering the folk humor (“No matter how much you shake your penis, the last drop will be in your pants”), gives an energetic shake to his penis after urinating, trying to get rid of this last drop. In youth, this is more or less possible, but in old age this drop (usually more than one!) still ends up in the pants. There are a lot of jokes that very accurately reflect reality, where a man’s inability to urinate normally is ridiculed: he will wet his shoes, or even wet his knees. All this is associated with weakening, detraining of the muscles that compress the bladder and urethra. These functional muscles need to be maintained in working condition. Well-known exercises for this purpose (kegels) do not take much time and effort, but will help a man avoid trouble. The same is recommended for women. In addition to this task, performing kegels produces an energetic massage not only of muscle tissue, but also of blood vessels, which certainly contributes to the good quality of an erection.

The literature provides examples of the unique abilities of yogis: not to mention controlled ejaculation (this is an elementary skill for them), some can suck back ejaculated sperm from the vagina due to the vacuum created by the muscular expansion of the bladder. Some people can throw, “swipe” quite heavy objects off the table with just the movement of the phallus, and some “craftsmen” manage to turn the pages of a book, etc. For ordinary men, this belongs to the realm of fantasy and is perceived as tricks from the circus repertoire. In everyday life this is difficult to achieve, and it is not necessary. But to avoid troubles in old age and increase your rating with a woman, to get closer physiologically to the ideal man - every man strives (or should strive) for this.

Developing and learning to control the muscles of the penis, that is, turning them into pumas, is relatively simple. To begin, stand naked in front of a mirror and try to squeeze your muscles, as you do after urinating. You see, for some the penis “moves” noticeably, for others this movement is barely noticeable, and for some there is no “movement” at all. If we analyze all three cases, then in the first version we can really talk about the last straw, but the last one coincides with the jokes. It has long been recommended: to repeatedly interrupt urination, and as you continue, you should strive to make the stream more powerful; the pressure weakens - stop; inhale, exhale - gain strength and become powerful again. If such an act is made habitual, then in old age there will be no troubles. This is also recommended for women. The next stage of training is to achieve the ability to work the pumas and anus muscles separately. Now this is happening simultaneously. But if you relax, concentrate and try to move your penis a little, you can only feel these muscles; the anal muscles do not work. Gradually, working these muscles separately, you can learn these actions. It is also very beneficial for the quality of erection and bowel movements.

For the following exercises, we will use the numbers on the clock dial: 6 - the penis is below, 9 - the penis is horizontal, 12 - this is the phallus! Fantasize about a sexual theme or “play” with your penis, or even better, use the help of your partner. Bring it to state 7–8. Now sharply “throw” it with your muscles, do not help with your pelvis. Practice until you slap yourself in the stomach. If the partner has overdone it and it is close to 12, then now the clap will not work, “punish” the partner or cool off in another way. The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to cause “stormy applause” and perform 10–20 claps in a row. More is possible. If your partner follows your achievements with interest, then you can move on. Get into position 12 or close to it. Is your stomach bothering you? Pull it in, or better yet, lose 15–20 kg. Tighten it strongly and you should see an increase in the size of the head. Perform several (many) times until it falls off.

Exercise with weights: attach a container, for example, a jar or can, to the head of the phallus, for example, using a bandage or a specially sewn bag with straps (under no circumstances tie it with a knot or a noose!). Pour water into the container (for the gifted - lead shot) until the load drops to 10. Now, repeatedly using muscle tension, lift the load to position 12. Gradually increase the number of lifts and the weight of the load. You can use the help of your partner. What's stronger? Her left hand or your fumas? You can create a similar load with your own hands. But in these cases, the result of training is not visible, there is no quantitative assessment, as it was a month ago - and as it is now. Having achieved some success, you can sometimes do this during coitus. The main thing is to choose such a position (pose) that it brings pleasure and is pleasant to your partner. If a man learns to “raise” his partner, then this will distract him from the influx of feelings, prolong, prolong the act. In general, pair training (this will be discussed later) is much more effective than single training. During these exercises, you need to be safe: do not take things to the point of absurdity, in which you can get a “dislocation”, tear tissues, blood vessels. You need to observe moderation and respond to painful sensations. As fumes develop, you can achieve such results that strong muscle tension will relieve the pre-ejaculatory state. A man, by tensing his muscles, will be able to prolong coitus without being distracted from the process. Unfortunately, there are no known cases where cougars can be used to create an erection without arousal. But its quality undoubtedly improves as pumas and fumas develop. In addition, the partner will be grateful to such a partner for the incredibly pleasant sensations caused by the work of the fumes inside her.

We have already moved on to the physiological interaction of partners, so we will try to create an ideal couple in this regard, and then move on to the ideal man. Like everything in nature, man and woman have their opposites: courage and softness, strength and tenderness, protrusion and depression. A man always wants, but not always can; a woman, on the contrary, always can (if you do not take into account lubrication discharge), but does not always want to. In order for life to become more harmonious, this difference needs to be smoothed out. Taoism solved this problem for men by regulating the number of ejaculations. There are many coitus, and ejaculation is only within the limits of the body's capabilities. Almost no teaching was done on women. But maintaining sexual elation (activity) is part of her raison d'être. In addition to her own efforts, the man must (must) encourage her to do this and constantly do this. In a sexual ideal, the picture is the same: a woman should achieve orgasm as quickly and often as possible, a man slower and less often. Only in this case can we talk about the sexual health of the couple, about the ideal couple. If Nature in some cases makes a woman ideal from birth and rewards her with the appropriate temperament, then in other cases it is the man who must help her friend get closer to the ideal. In addition, a man must develop (the nature of this feature has not given anyone) self-control over ejaculation, learn to manage this action. Equally important is a man’s sexual literacy and his sexual culture; his desire to get to know his girlfriend, excellent awareness of his partner’s capabilities, right down to erotic fantasies.

A woman’s abilities, of course, primarily depend on her, but, again, a powerful incentive is a partner, a man. A woman’s success largely depends on him. She constantly needs support, encouragement, and admiration from her partner. And she will do a lot for her beloved. If the relationship has developed in such a way that the partner helps with training the female muscles (as she helped him), talks about his increasing pleasure (as she progresses), a feeling of gratitude, etc., then the woman’s enthusiasm is inexhaustible. A man should always remember that a woman needs the participation of a partner (especially a permanent one), thanks to him she can turn into an ideal.

The desire of a man (and woman) to be loved is constant and embedded in his subconscious; he longs to be “the best” for his partner. Most men are capable of altruism in sexual relations. Even in criminal and vulgar environments they are not strangers to this: for example, they “roll in balls,” that is, they implant balls and other objects into the foreskin or head of the penis. This creates unusual female sensations, she reaches orgasm faster, prolonged male intercourse occurs due to the discomfort that arises, and sometimes pain from implanted objects. These sensations delay ejaculation. The custom of “circumcision” is also a very wise ancient solution. In this case, in addition to hygienic considerations, the sensitivity of the head is significantly lost. In some men, the skin on the head becomes so rough that it resembles a callous. Naturally, to achieve ejaculation in this case, greater stimulation, more friction will be required, and the act becomes prolonged. This is understood not only by the religious bearers of this tradition; in America, almost all boys undergo this operation at birth. However, European religions and morality deny the obvious effectiveness of “circumcision.”

Humanity has been reducing the sensitivity of the phallus erogenous zones since ancient times. But, unfortunately, like many things in sexual life, the baton almost stopped at hetaeras, and widespread taboo began. Only a few contemporaries, often on an intuitive level, continue this tradition, avoiding premature ejaculation. Some altruistic men rub the most sensitive areas to the point of pain, “bloody calluses.” Sometimes their partners help them in this, turning their men into “sexual giants” (in the sense of prolongation). With developed introital and anal muscles, especially in conditions of insufficient or absent lubrication, strong friction occurs, and the erogenous zones of the phallus also become coarser. Some couples use tampons to remove vaginal lubrication for the same purpose. Some couples begin to do this so purposefully that the opposite effect occurs: the skin from the penis comes off like a stocking, and everything needs to start from scratch. But in terms of AIDS and other gifts from Venus, this is dangerous (see Chapter 9).

Male altruism should extend not only to prolongation, but also to positive disharmony. This is especially important with constant connections. A man should be capable of self-esteem that is not entirely pleasant for himself. In this, male pride must be suppressed by reason, reason. There is no need to accumulate dissatisfaction with your wife or girlfriend. There are sex shops, where you can find a “helper”, and more than one, not only for foreplay, but also for coitus. For example, the newest patent "orgastic belt". Such “helpers” allow you to create orgasmic “holidays” for your wife. Their abundance in the home collection will add variety; the ideal man will not allow routine and monotony. Massage, especially erotic one, also helps a lot. In principle, everyone should master this, but when there is disharmony, it becomes mandatory for the partner and, preferably, at a professional level. The main thing is not to “get hung up” on your size, but to gain experience, knowledge, and skills. You need to try to give her such an orgasm from time to time that she is on the verge of fainting. If this has never happened to her, teach her, train her. Sexological literature contains enough information, in addition to the physiological ones under consideration, so that the wife does not have the desire to look for living assistants. You need to be so skillful that the experience “on the side” seems colorless and unattractive to her. Particular attention should be paid to the practice of older men (“gladiators”), where not only individual experience is concentrated, but also knowledge equal to a lifetime.

Thus, in short, the ideal qualities of a man in physiological terms are altruism, that is, the ability for a prolonged act, and the desire to provide maximum sensations to his girlfriend by all available means and means within the limits of acceptability for her, constant concern for expanding these boundaries (preferably before the realization of female erotic fantasy) and the realization of the body’s hidden capabilities associated with the development of anal-genital muscles. Naturally, drawing on the richest sexual experience of humanity, in addition to the physiological one, is a guarantee of the highest quality of life.

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Kegel exercises have always been considered beneficial for women. From this article, I was surprised to learn that men should not neglect them either.

(Grigory Rostislavovich Grechkin, site editor)

Let's finally clarify once and for all what these magical exercises are, how they affect our health and sex life, and how to train those same muscles!

The famous urologist Arnold Kegel (1894-1981) solved the problems of uncontrolled urination in women by strengthening the urethral sphincter in pregnant women. Today, Kegel exercises are a set of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are not used in everyday life and can become weakened and stretched over time. Because of all this, the muscles begin to cope worse with their main function - holding the pelvic organs. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of sexual life and various diseases.

  • pregnant women in order to learn how to relax the muscles that prevent the baby from passing through the birth canal;
  • for long-term sexual health;
  • for the prevention of inflammatory processes in the genital area;
  • to counteract general aging;
  • for the prevention and treatment of pelvic organ prolapse;
  • to restore stretched tissues after childbirth;
  • for the prevention and treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • to prepare for the upcoming pregnancy.

Weakening of muscles with age

Unfortunately, with age, the pelvic floor muscles inevitably stretch. As a result, problems arise in sex. But fortunately, just as we train our chest, back, arms and legs, we can also train those same muscles. Make a focused effort and everything will be fine!

How to find the muscles of love?

Female muscles

The pelvic floor muscles are a huge conglomerate of closely interconnected muscles. Hiding inside levator anus muscle and covering the vagina and urethra in front, and the rectum in the back (this is why vaginal prolapse so often brings us hemorrhoids). The middle layer of muscles is genitourinary diaphragm, here are urethral sphincter(Wilson muscle) and vaginal sphincter. These two sphincters unite to form urethrovaginal muscle. Since they are interconnected, the weakening of one leads to the inevitable weakening of the other.

The most important female love muscle is orbicularis vaginalis muscle, compressing both sphincters - the urethra and vagina. In general, it is mobile and elastic, but it can stretch, losing these two important qualities. This is fraught with sexual problems - the muscle ceases to tightly grip the penis during sexual intercourse.

This is why it is so important to learn how to tense and relax the orbicularis vaginalis muscle. Sexual intercourse itself is considered excellent exercise, but other exercises that engage the lower abdomen are also beneficial. Hence the undeniable benefits of Kegel exercises. How to feel this muscle? If we really want to go to the toilet, but it’s not nearby, it’s the one we instinctively squeeze. As you remember, the sphincters of the urethra and vagina are interconnected. By training one, you train the other.

The pelvic muscles are connected to the abdominal muscles. This is why drawing in and relaxing your stomach is also very important. You need to train your abdominal muscles both separately and in connection with the pelvic floor muscles. These workouts increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is very beneficial for them.

The outer layer of the pelvic muscles consists of three muscles connected by fascia. These are the external anal sphincter, transverse perineal and ischiocavernous. It is their strong connection that allows a woman to recover after childbirth. All these muscles are located near the urethra.

Urethra - path of urine exiting the bladder . The length of the urethra in women is 5 cm, and in men it is 20 cm. This is why inflammation in women occurs many times more often - it is much easier for microorganisms to get into a woman’s bladder. The bladder is covered by the sphincter - a ring-shaped muscle. It can contract and relax. Compression prevents the movement of urine through the canal, and relaxation allows urine to enter the canal. The vagina is separated from the bladder by a very thin septum. Its thickness is only 2.5 cm. So pressure on the vagina leads to pressure on the bladder. The result is a constant urge to urinate (this happens when using a tampon). The walls of the bladder are elastic. They hold up to 350 ml of urine. It is very harmful to stretch the walls of the bladder, ignoring your desire to go to the toilet - this can cause the walls to lose their elasticity and the connective tissue to wear out. Sometimes women may have problems with urination: a spasm of the sphincter occurs, and as a result, urine does not flow out immediately, but after some time. With a lack of movement, the pelvic muscles lose elasticity. The ligaments atrophy, and the bladder begins to experience constant pressure. This is how the common problem of uncontrolled urination arises. This problem often plagues middle-aged and elderly women. When laughing, sneezing, coughing, sudden movements, or exercise, urine may leak. Due to the weakening of the intramuscular apparatus, the ability to hold the uterus, appendages and intestinal loops in suspension is lost. These organs begin to put pressure on the pelvic floor - and therefore on the bladder. As a result, urine leaks out. This means that the causes of incontinence are purely physical and are in no way related to the psyche or nervous disorders. This is where Kegel exercises come to the rescue again. His main advice to such women was to learn to stop urination in the middle of the process. The second is to learn to squeeze the muscles of the anus. Of course, these tips are primitive for today’s science, and much more advanced techniques have now been developed. But the fact that Kegel exercises have an effect and fight urinary incontinence in women has been proven by research (research from the British Center for Women's and Children's Health).

In pregnant women, the enlarged uterus constantly puts pressure on the bladder. After childbirth the problem disappears.

Male muscles

As you know, the male genital organ does not contain a single muscle. There is simply nothing to squeeze or strain there. An erection in a man depends only on the intensity of filling the penis with blood. However, some training can help.

In the perineum, under the pelvic organs, there is a group of muscle fibers attached on one side to the pubic bone, on the other to the tailbone. This muscle is called the pubococcygeal muscle or PC muscle. It supports the pelvic organs, prevents involuntary urination, and ensures ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

How can you use this muscle to strengthen your masculine power?

Remember: muscles can be controlled, contracted and relaxed. Any muscle, tensing and relaxing, increases blood flow around it. Blood flow provides nutrition, restoration, tenderness, and rejuvenation of the muscle.

What problems are solved by training this muscle?

  • The prostate is better supplied with blood, which eliminates age-related problems with this muscle.
  • Sexual intercourse is prolonged: the developed pubococcygeus muscle prevents premature ejaculation.
  • The orgasm is brighter and stronger. The strength of orgasm is directly related to the force of ejaculation - which is influenced by the pubococcygeus muscle.

Unfortunately, men do not consciously use this muscle (it’s like the ability to move your ears). First you need to find her. Try to stop the process while urinating. Remember which muscles tensed. Then repeat the tension of this muscle without urinating. Along with straining the pubococcygeus muscle, you will inevitably strain other muscles in the hips and pelvis. Slowly learn to isolate and tense only this one muscle.

Benefits of Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises may not sound difficult, but they are incredibly effective. With their help, you can not only improve your sex life, but also:

  • for men - strengthen erection;
  • cope with incontinence;
  • avoid uterine prolapse;
  • help with bladder displacement;
  • restore urinary control.

When performing Kegel exercises, a “pumping” effect occurs - that is, the organs are saturated with blood. Hence the improvement in the degree of erection in men. Ejaculation is further enhanced.

  • delayed ejaculation (sexual intercourse will last longer);
  • increased libido;
  • improved prostate health;
  • increased orgasm.

In general, increased orgasm when performing Kegel exercises is typical for both sexes - due to increased blood flow. Women will be able to feel the long-awaited multiple orgasms.

Physiology of male erection

It is very important for any man to learn how to use his “tool” correctly. This directly affects the level of satisfaction of his woman. So knowing how the penis functions is essential.

When performing Kegel exercises, the penis will not increase in size, but the erection and force of ejaculation will increase.

How to do Kegel exercises correctly

For women

So let's begin! For training, 5 minutes of exercise a day is enough. The muscle contracts as if you want to push something out of it, similar to bowel movements (only we are talking about the vaginal muscles). All exercises are repeated ten times, holding for up to 5 seconds. Then learn to do the exercise as if you were pulling something into yourself. Hold the position for up to 5 seconds, repeat 10 times. When you reach a certain level of experience, add 5 seconds of hold with each approach until you reach 30 seconds.


It is best for girls to perform Kegel exercises at home while lying on their back or side. Only with experience, when you already feel some progress, start doing Kegel exercises while standing or sitting. During pregnancy, do the exercises lying down for the first 4 months, and starting from the 16th week - standing or sitting. An even better effect will be achieved if you spread your legs slightly. Be sure to go to the toilet before exercising. Take the starting position and begin to tense your muscles as if you really want to pee, but are holding back (this is called a “butterfly”). Tighten and relax the muscle as quickly as possible until you feel it flutter. Don't hold your breath. The muscles surrounding the vagina and urethra are involved. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times. To avoid overstraining your muscles, gradually increase the number of repetitions.


Imagine that you are going up in an elevator. On the lowest floor, begin to slightly strain your muscles, and towards the highest floor, the tension should reach its maximum. Now go down - gradually relax all the muscles involved.

To avoid damaging your muscles, relax if you suddenly feel like sneezing or coughing.


Sit on your knees, lean back on your heels, resting on your hands. Tighten your abs and lift your hips off the floor. Tilt your chin back. With your hips raised, perform the butterfly. Squeeze your pubococcygeus muscles, hold for 5 seconds, relax. Lower your hips. Repeat 9 more times.

Pelvic lift

Sit on the floor, spread your legs hip-width apart, rest on your hands. Lift your hips, tilting your head back. With your hips raised, perform the butterfly. Contract your muscles, then relax them. Repeat 10 times.


Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Knees bent, feet firmly on the floor. Lift your hips up, squeezing your glutes. Make several pulsating movements up and down. Do a butterfly with your hips raised. Breathing slowly, tense and squeeze the pubococcygeus muscles, then relax them. Repeat 10 times.

Kegel exercises after childbirth

After childbirth, a woman’s body needs to recover. Kegel exercises will help with this. You can even start in the postpartum ward. They will improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles that have experienced enormous stress during childbirth.

Attention! If you have had a cesarean section, consult your doctor before doing Kegel exercises!

Start with retraction. Place your palms on your stomach and inhale through your nose until your stomach swells. Exhales through the mouth. Slowly retract your groin muscles as if you were stopping urination. Relax. Repeat. This exercise will improve blood circulation and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Breathe diaphragm. Place your hands on your ribs and inhale slowly through your nose. With your hands you should feel the ribs moving. The stomach does not move, the chest inflates. Exhale through your mouth, drawing in your navel. This will improve your breathing function and strengthen your abs.

Stretch your upper body. Extend your left arm to the right across your chest. Support your left with your right hand. Relax your shoulders and hold your breath. Change the position of your hands, do the exercise in the opposite direction. Place your hands behind your head and straighten your spine as much as possible. Hold your breath for two counts. Relax. This way you will stretch the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Strengthening the tone of the pelvic muscles. Lying on the floor or hard surface, press your lower back. Close your knees and place your feet on the floor. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, suck in your stomach. Squeeze your gluteal muscles. Relax, repeat several times. This will strengthen your abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles. Blood circulation in these organs will now be extremely useful for you.

Rotate your feet. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, press your feet to the floor. Raise your left leg and rotate your foot while squeezing your toes. Place your heel on the mat and inhale through your mouth while sliding your heel along the floor until your leg is straight. Pull your heel, inhale, and return to your starting position. Repeat with the other leg. This will improve blood circulation in such a large muscle group as the legs.

Let's do rolling log. Lie on your back, pull in your stomach, roll onto your side using both hands. Rise up and take a sitting position. The head rises last. When landing, the abdominal muscles should work.

For men

Safety precautions:

  • Exercise only if your physical condition is good. If you have hypertension or high blood pressure, it is not safe to exercise. You should not exercise if you have other cardiovascular diseases, especially if you have had a stroke or heart attack. It's best to check exercises with your doctor.
  • Pay close attention to how you feel while doing these exercises. If you feel something unpleasant, slow down the pace of the exercises or stop them altogether. Do not cause pain - there should be no pain during exercise.

Technique for performing Kegel exercises for men:

  1. When urinating, stop the process in the very middle, tensing the pubococcygeus muscle. Achieve complete “overlapping” of the jet. Hold the flow for 2 seconds. Relax your muscles and restore urine flow. The flow intensity should be restored completely. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times during one urination. Gradually increase the number of repetitions.

Repeat the exercise daily, at least once a day for 2 weeks.

When you have learned to feel your pelvic floor muscles, going to the toilet to exercise them is no longer necessary;).

Keep your muscles contracted for as long as possible. At first you won't be able to do it for more than a couple of seconds. Some men are initially unable to hold these muscles even for one second. This is absolutely normal. You will get stronger over time!

Release the muscles and relax, then repeat. Do 10 reps. Gradually increase the time you perform the exercise, bringing it up to 10 seconds.

If you do the exercise correctly, you will feel your testicles rise. It takes time. But if you practice the exercise regularly, you will immediately notice the strengthening of your lower floor muscles - this will take 4-6 weeks.

The best thing about Kegel exercises is that you don't need to use your arms or legs to do them. Do them anywhere and anytime - in the car, in front of the TV, while standing in line at the checkout line at the store, at work.

How often should you do Kegel exercises for men?

As with other workouts, start gradually. Here are the recommendations we can give:

  • First few weeks do 50 exercises a day. Hold the muscles for 1 to 5 seconds each time, depending on the strength of your PC muscles. The first few times you won't be able to last more than a second or two. With more experience will come greater strength and you will be able to hold the muscles longer.
  • With time: Gradually increase the number of repetitions. Exercise 5 to 10 minutes a day, four times a week. It will be quite simple, since you can do them anywhere and anytime. For example, do them during your morning planning meeting. The main thing is to increase the amount and duration of muscle retention.

Can Kegel exercises help you achieve multiple orgasms?

Yes! Kegel exercises for men can lead to multi-orgasms. If the pubococcygeus muscle is strong, you will be able to stop ejaculation. To do this, hold the muscle for 10 seconds. Once you have learned how to do this, use the following method for delayed ejaculation:

  • Do a Kegel exercise the moment you reach the “point of no return.”- the point when the semen begins to move inside the penis and ejaculation can no longer be prevented.
  • Hold the tension for 10 seconds or longer.
  • When the urge to ejaculate has subsided, release the muscle.

It is quite difficult to train the pubococcygeus muscle in such a way as to resist ejaculation. The process of mastering the technique can take from several weeks to several years. It will take a lot of practice, patience and trying (which is not a bad thing), but the results will be worth it.

  • Kegel and penis enlargement: exercise increases blood flow in the penis. In turn, this improves the effectiveness of each exercise. So be sure to include Kegel exercises in your regular workout routine.
  • Kegel exercises for men and premature ejaculation:"Oh no, I'm cumming too fast... What's wrong with me?" Some men reach ejaculation faster when they first start practicing Kegel exercises. If this happens to you, make sure you relax your pubococcygeus muscle during sex. Some people, having learned to tense this muscle, involuntarily tense it during the act. Relax, have fun, and strain the muscle only at the very end.

Is it possible to overtrain with these exercises?

Nobody likes overtraining. In the beginning, you may want to do more exercises than you can handle to see some results sooner. However, this is counterproductive.

Just as bodybuilders who overtrain their muscles can end up with injury and a long layoff in training, so it is with those who practice Kegel exercises. Overtraining can lead to injury. Listen to your body. Give him time to recover. Progress gradually.

How to use Kegel exercises correctly

Life hack for men: to prolong sexual intercourse, Kegel exercises can be used during sex. During intercourse, keep your pelvic floor muscles relaxed, and if you feel like orgasm is close, use Kegel exercises. This way you will delay the onset of climax.

Drawing conclusions

So now you know how important it is to strengthen your love muscles - practice! And most importantly, spend more time in bed with your loved one - sex is known to be incredibly good for your health!

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