Quest pistols show group composition. All clips

“Golden line-up” of the group “Quest Pistols”: Nikita Goryuk, Anton Savlepov and Konstantin Borovsky reunited to present the public with a new music project- group "Agon". Now young people work without a producer, so the group can safely be called an author’s project. IN exclusive interview for GEOMETRIA, the artists told what caused the new group to appear, what they dream about, and where they prefer to dine.

- Guys, our meeting is taking place at the vegetarian restaurant “Fresh”. What is the reason for this choice of establishment? Are you vegetarians?
N. In fact, Anton visited it many times, he likes it here. We trust his taste. Plus the restaurant is located not far from where we live now.
A. Yes, we are vegetarians, and whenever we visit some city, we try to find a cool place where we can dine on delicious, clean, healthy food. It always fills you with strength, energy and encourages you, because on tour your digestion works strangely and you have to feel sorry for it somehow.
K. This cafe is one of the good places we have already found.

- How long have you been vegetarian?
K. For a long time.
A. A long time ago.

- How did your fans react to the appearance of the Agon group? How did this idea come about?

K: It seems that our reunion came as a surprise to many. We knew about everything, communicated closely with each other for some time, prepared, and the fans remained completely in the dark. Judging by their strong reaction when we opened our social networks, our reunion became a real sensation. Fans started writing comments: “You brought back my 2007!”
N. It was in the comments of fans that a cool definition for us appeared - “golden composition”. We decided to bring back these golden years through our creativity. The permanent author of all our hits as part of the previous group, Sasha Chemerov, also stayed with us. Now he writes for the group “Agon”. Soon everyone will hear our first album. I hope everyone enjoys it.

- Why did you decide exactly? new group create rather than relaunch Quest Pistols?
A. The Quest Pistols Show still exists. There are completely new people there, and this is a project of the production center “KRUZHEVA MUSIC”, to which the name belongs. There is already a lot associated with this name, and much of what is happening was not done by us. Last years"Quest Pistols Show" was a specific production project. We want to bring a completely new mood, a fresh spirit to what we do. It’s the same us: the essence remains the same, but the wrapper has changed and has become even more relevant for us personally and for our listeners. They recognize tunes that they've always liked, but the content, the videos that we offer are completely different. The creative part is now entirely on our shoulders.
K. Even the content of our interviews has become a little different: we feel more relaxed, free, we are not bound by any conventions that were before. This is a new milestone. We are not tied to the Quest Pistols brand. To be honest, we always thought among ourselves that this was a rather stupid name. It appeared spontaneously, and we did a lot to “swing” it. The same thing is happening now: we have chosen a different name and will also make it very famous.

-Are you currently working without a producer?
K. We have a producer Yuri Fedorov, but creative part he trusted us. For example, Anton made a backstage video for our first video, “Let It Go.” And Yuri, in the interview that Anton took with him for this video, said that his task is simply to give us the opportunity to do what we are best at. This is cooperation: from us is the creative side, and from him is the organization and production.
N. We have finally begun to show qualities that we could not have shown a few years ago. Everyone's taste has developed with experience, and is now embodied in creative ideas and is implemented in a group. We started doing what we like, what we are ready to put all our strength into 100%.

- Is it true that the premiere of the “Everyone for Himself” video will take place in early May?
A. The single “Everyone for Himself” appeared on iTunes on April 15 along with the song “Let Go,” the video for which you’ve probably already seen. It was ours debut video. Now we are preparing for the shooting of the second video. The idea already exists, and we are working on its implementation. In the near future, we will completely devote ourselves and all our energy to “giving birth” to this new brainchild - video material for the song “Each for Himself.” The video will be released in May.

- How would you characterize the fans of “Agnya”? What kind of people are these?
K. Very different. We've always had a variety of fans.
N. Flaming.
K. I have a realtor friend who helped me buy an apartment. She's probably 40 years old. Her ringtone says “I’m tired.” And there are 13-year-old girls who are waiting for us at the entrance after the next broadcast. Or, for example, people who come up and say: “We are from Ashgabat, you will never come to us, it is a closed city, but we really like you.” That is, our creativity touches a variety of strings human souls and we are very happy about it. Sasha Chemerov writes meaningful tracks for us, we invest our full potential in them, and the result is a product for the widest range of audiences.

- Do you have any other independent projects that you are developing?
N. I have a project “ZVEROBOY”, which I started last summer, closer to autumn. The debut track “Drowning in Dreams” took place, and a video was to be shot. Subsequently, I broke all relations with the company “KRUZHEVA MUSIC”, so this project became completely mine. This is very difficult, in fact, because the whole project is only on my shoulders: I need to deal with PR, promotion and everything else that I would not like to do. I just want to do creativity, music, writing albums. But soon there will be an album, I think everyone will see it, hear it, and hopefully love it.

- Where can you follow the news of the “ZVEROBOY” project?
N. On my social networks. If you're lucky, one of them record companies will sign a contract with me, and then my songs will be heard by a large number of people from different countries.
K. Only Nikita has a solo musical project. Personally, in addition to participating in the Agon group, together with my wife I run a clothing brand called BRVSKI. I also do tattoos in a tattoo parlor. I plan to develop these areas.
N. Just recently, Kostya and I came up with 10 sketches that he would apply to my body, and we will try to highlight all of this on social networks. This will be an original PR move on our part.

- Do you have grandiose professional or personal dreams?
N. We would like to convey to everyone that there is no need to be offended or angry with each other.
A. It’s worth smiling and having fun.
N. Enjoy just communication and company. Because everyone is different, you need to accept that. If you don't accept people, then you don't accept yourself.
A. It seems to me that this is a utopian idea. How can you use creativity to make all the people in the world not conflict?
N. I don’t want to force you. I just want to show it.
A. Well, how can you make this happen? This is unreal! Moreover, with the help of music and creativity.
WELL Queen it worked a little.
A. Yes, so what? Wars are still going on.
N. Well, trying is not torture.
A. I just want to say that your idea is very noble and sublime, but it is a failure. It will remain a big dream in your head.
N. Okay, I agree.
A. High five!
K. Personally, instead of a professional dream, I have great joy and gratitude for the fact that many amazing events are happening and interesting meetings. As if by chance, everything comes together on its own so that our group develops as quickly and harmoniously as possible.
A. A great team is being assembled.
K. This is very pleasing, this has never happened before. A complete idyll, and for this I am grateful to fate.
A. It’s just that the group “Agon” is already a dream come true. Everything that happens to her - amazing adventure, which cannot but rejoice. It is very exciting and helps develop best qualities: both professional and creative.
N. “Agon” was the first instrument of progress. It all started with him: man obtained fire, warmth, light, protection.

- So, the name is partly connected with this?
A. Of course. It is associated with primitive human associations. A fire was needed to keep warm and cook food, and everything else would happen by itself and turn out fine.
K. And also fire and warmth inside. The sun that warms, universal warmth.
A. Just like in the fire that destroys the universe at the end, we burn everything that happened to us in the past. We kindle this fire in order to invite new people to warm themselves with us. Also, this is a slang word from the Internet - Agon - like super class, in general! And this is our mood.

- Filming, new project, probably take up all your time. How do you recover and rest?
K. We had a great recovery today – we were lying in our hotel rooms. They lay there and lay there, and you can still turn over to the other side.
A. Well, then where do we go?
K. Let's go perform and give people smiles.
A. No, between these two wonderful things?
K. We'll go to the gym again.
A. The gym is also being restored.
K. And then we’ll have lunch. By the way, the correct daily routine is very important. People often go to bed very late and wake up very late too. Therefore, it is difficult for them to get anything done due to a lack of vital energy and accumulated fatigue. And if you get up early, do exercises, eat right, life will become qualitatively better.
A. Emotional recovery is also important. Emotional strength requires constant feeding. This requires positive impressions and productive communication. You need to pay attention to the kind of relationships you build with loved ones, so that in difficult moments this communication will help you stay afloat, when you just want to wrap yourself in a blanket like a little cat. This helps a lot. Well, cool magazines, video clips, etc.
N. And it helps me a lot to recover spring-cleaning apartments. This puts all thoughts in order and helps to push away something bad. Clean around, clean inside.

Album “#I Will Love You” on iTunes:

Video clip “Everyone for himself”

Interviewed by Victoria Negara
Photographer Kiro Bolotov

Nikita Kuchukbaev

There was no longer any hope of seeing the ex-members of the group Quest Pistols together on the same stage - it seemed that the paths of Anton, Nikita and Konstantin had diverged forever. But heaven took pity on the fans of their talents - the artists united in a new project and now surprise with their debut work on the song “Let Go.”

Group "Agon". Photo by Evgeniy Burlyai

- Guys, what is this strange name - “Agon”? Where did this word come from?

Kostya Borovsky:

When it became completely clear that we wanted to work together, the question arose about the name of the group. One of us said: “The main thing is that the title should be “just agony.” Later, despite other versions, it turned out that this is the very name. “Agon” is a creative force, a creative element, passion and motivation, without which there is no creative process.

Nikita Goryuk:

There were options: “Three Reptiles” and “Guys”. But “Agon” is an unusual word that most of all reflects our fiery mood, ardent perseverance, fiery diligence and flaming mind. “The fire” cannot be stopped once it turns into a fire.

- Who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating the group “Agon”?


The idea captivated us, especially when we realized that the golden squad could return and show themselves in all their glory. Now this is not a production project, but ours creative work- as it was before.

Anton Savlepov:

The idea of ​​our loud comeback was voiced by composer Sasha Chemerov, author of the most famous songs QP (now he composes for us). The thought of creating such a project intrigued me and greatly inspired me. And when I heard the finished demo album, all possible doubts were transformed into stable confidence in success.

- Tell your version: why are you all in different time left Quest groups Pistols?


Every year, my activities at the Quest Pistols Show became more and more like the role of an employee. Latest songs and the clips in this project did not resonate in any way with my musical tastes. When we left the group, each of us created our own project. Nikita presented the musical team “Zveroboy”, Konstantin founded the clothing brand BRVSKI, and I opened a vegetarian sandwich bar ORANG+UTAN in Kyiv.


Unfortunately, information was posted on the Internet that the reason for my leaving was a certain demand of my wife. This statement is absolutely untrue and once again shows show business at its most unsightly side.


What could cause disagreements between you? What's the difference between your fights now and eight years ago?


We seem to have grown out of the “pants of quarrels” and left behind the tense moment. Now we're just flames.


I have noticed that in later life, friction arises either because of money or because of women. General girls We don’t, but financial relations are well organized. Eight years ago, arguing was our style of communication; we were teenagers who wanted to make a loud statement. But in any case, quarrels are never appropriate, they are always ridiculous. I remember a lot of idiotic conflicts over trifles, and not a single serious one.


We recently went on stage together for the first time in many years. It felt like we were born on this site. Sometimes, of course, we argue, but these are purely creative disagreements, when everyone defends their own idea.

- Do you have any rituals before going on stage?


My grandmother was an Old Believer, she taught me one thing protective method, which works 100%, I checked. (Smiles.) So we decided to always use it before a concert. We light a fire in the dressing room and take turns jumping over it three times, saying in our minds maiden name to his mother. If even one thread on the clothes catches fire, it means the concert will be unsuccessful. In such rare cases, we refuse performances and return the fee. We just don't want problems.


Have you ever had any funny situations with fans?


One day a guy for a long time who closely followed the development of our group and was a fan of it, specifically got a job as a security guard at the hotel where we stayed. Seeing me in the hall, he tore off the “security” badge from his chest, threw off his jacket from his shoulders and introduced me right on the parquet floor of the huge hall. dance number with elements of lower breakdancing. It was a special and unexpected gift! It’s a pity that the real, dedicated hotel security quickly interrupted the unauthorized “show” without letting us get to know each other.

Can you say that you stand on a par with other boy trios, such as “Ivanushki Int.”, Dzidzio, Еmotion, “Not People”? Do you consider them your competitors?


I’m hearing some names for the first time, and I respect those I know for their contribution to music. Well, competition is for nervous people.


The stage is not a sport. The moment you start looking at it through the lens of competition, know that you are doomed to fail. Competition always implies an obsession with results. I like the process itself, I am an artist, I express emotions on stage. People come to experience them with me. Well, what kind of competition can there be here? Now I approach music differently, it educates me. I recently bought a subscription to the site of classic works - real sound therapy, almost every composition is perfect.


Perhaps there are artists with whom we will be compared. But our songs are too cool and original. This is a separate niche, not occupied by almost anyone - juicy, branded pop.

Long road in the dunes

- What did you want to say with the title of your debut song “Let Go”? Are you trying to get rid of something?


The sculptor removes everything unnecessary from the stone, leaving the beauty of the forms. We are probably on the same path. We separate the excess.


The song has two meanings, like an ancient mantra. The first is on the surface: let me go home, I don’t have the strength to play anymore. This is the story of the band and its members, old, new and recent. The second, intimate, is internal and more important: something that every listener can see in the song for themselves or about themselves, which will make them think.


I think the word “Let go” is inherently symbolic for both us and you. It is the personification of a whole stage on the path of development. Each of us knows and understands exactly the moment when we need to take a step forward and let go, get rid of everything that gets in the way. Begin with clean slate- it's about me.

- How did you create the video for the song “Let Go”?


Filming took place in Los Angeles and Kyiv. They were remembered above all unusual places and the fact that almost every time it was quite a serious test. In America they staged scenes in the dunes, which were incredibly difficult to move around. We also worked in the Red Rocks Conservation Area, where it rained constantly. We made the most of the short periods when the sky allowed us to shoot. An unexpected thing happened to us in Los Angeles. For several days we searched for the required location. In the end, we chose an old, half-abandoned bridge. At 8:30 am we film crew We arrived at the site and saw... how our bridge was being destroyed by workers. The whole team watched this magical process for some time and eventually realized the symbolism of what happened - for good luck.


Questions like this always baffle me. Because all I can think about now is the video. What will it be like and what can I do to make it as close as possible to what was planned. Do you understand? It’s not about the fact that the monkey was tired and tore Nikita’s suit, and not about the fact that I ran around the track for six hours straight and was tired. There are always enough of these things on any shoot, and they are characterized by the slang word “kitchen”. Strange things always happen while working on a video, but the task of the artists and those involved in the process is to ensure that there are as few “curiosities” as possible. I would like to believe that people like high-quality music and beautiful videos a little more than funny everyday stories.


The most difficult moment for me during filming was falling from a 10-meter height. Backward! Into the smoke! It was scary and difficult psychologically. But the stuntman who trained me at the end shook my hand and praised me.

Justice League

- Is there a leader in your team? How are the roles distributed in the group?


We don't have a clear leader. Nowadays, rather, the synergy of qualities is more important - everyone tries to manifest themselves and reveal themselves in creativity as much as possible. This is the main responsibility.


Our leader is justice. We're just the Justice League. And we all respect her, listen and do what our hearts tell us. It tells us to be together.

- Who do you feel like now?


We are heroes, one way or another we fight evil.

- Where do you get inspiration from when coming up with incredibly ornate movements?


Like da Vinci, in nature and the environment.

- What can you tell our readers in connection with the premiere of your new group?

We wish everyone to remain reasonable and understanding people. Our body is the temple of the soul, do not allow anyone to desecrate it!

The experiment of the incendiary participants of the ballet “Quest” turned into a real sensation. Today, the songs of the group “Quest Pistols Show” become hits in a matter of days, but before their first performance, no one could have thought that the April Fool’s performance of three young and shocking dancers would develop into major project with your own philosophy.

History of creation and composition

The group's biography began in 2007 with the dance ballet "Quest". The band members decided to do something extravagant and act as pop stars, recording a cover called “I'm tired” of the song “Long and lonely road” Shocking group Blue.

The Ukrainian team made its debut in the “Chance” project on the Inter TV channel. The first performance of the newly formed group took place on April 1, 2007, it was well received by the public: more than 60 thousand people voted for the song.

Initially, the group consisted of three young guys. One of them - Konstantin Borovsky - with adolescence was fond of dancing. He moved to the capital of Ukraine and took up a popular trend at that time - breakdancing. It began in Kyiv vocal career in the group "Quest Pistols".

Nikita Gordyuk

Another participant was Nikita Gordyuk: a dancer and singer who was born in a border town between Russian Federation and China. WITH early childhood the boy attended figure skating classes and dreamed of achieving the title of world champion. The young man became a father at the age of 14.

And the conclusion of the trio is, whose parents hoped for the academic future of their son. But, as a teenager, the young man became interested in the art of dance, considering him his idol. Despite the disagreement of his parents, the young man still did what he was attracted to.

The group existed in this composition until mid-2011, after which Borovsky left the team, and Daniil Matseychuk took his place. He was a member of the Quest ballet when he invited the young man to join the group. The young man stayed with Quest Pistols for almost two years, after which he left.

In April 2014, the team was rebranded: the lineup was replenished with three new members. The first of the “new kids” was Washington Salles, who began dancing at the age of 14. In Russia, Salles collaborated with many domestic celebrities.

The next one was Ivan Krishtoforenko, who became interested in dancing from an early age - at the age of 4. Paying special attention to hip-hop, he has repeatedly won competitions in this area.

And the third member of the updated team was Mariam Turkmenbaeva, who had previously been a member of the “Quest” ballet. The girl worked in the group before the rebranding as a backup dancer and choreographer.

In September 2015, Matseychuk returned to the updated lineup and became a permanent member. Very soon after his return, Nikita Gordyuk left the group, followed by Anton Savlepov. With their departure, the history of the Quest Pistols group ended and the era of the Quest Pistols Show began.


Soon after the band’s debut on the television project “Chance,” a video for the song “I’m Tired” was released, which immediately went into rotation on music channels. The band presented their debut album, “For You,” which received platinum certification based on sales numbers, at the end of November 2007.

Song "I'm Tired" by Quest Pistols Show

The next loud statement from the Quest Pistols was a cover of the song “White Dragonfly of Love”. The video for this track was released in the spring of 2009 and became a hit on YouTube. Moreover, the song was played on almost every radio station, and the video was shown on many music TV channels.

The performers continued to develop and already in the fall of 2009 they presented the second studio album called "Superclass". With the release of new “catchy” tracks, the band’s popularity gained momentum.

Song "White Dragonfly of Love" by Quest Pistols Show

Interesting fact from the group’s biography: young people have repeatedly applied to participate in international competition Eurovision, but never made it to the qualifying round of the competition.

From the beginning of summer 2013 until April next year the group toured with 2 soloists: Savlepov and Gordyuk. There was also a mysterious masked member in their company. In October 2014, the premiere of a video for a song that blew up all the charts at one time took place: “Santa Lucia” - a cover of Igor Seliverstov’s track.

Song "I'm Your Drug" by Quest Pistols Show

The debut of the new format of the dance show took place on November 15, 2014, with which the participants went on a world tour. This show was based on the dance philosophy of the performers, which in the future led to the format of the show project and the name being changed to “Quest Pistols Show”.

The first mini-album of the renewed group released tracks that defined it new genre: club and incendiary house music.

Song "You're so beautiful" by Quest Pistols Show

A little later the group had a big solo performance“Unlike Concert”, where the debut studio album “Lyubimka” was presented, the first in the discography of the renewed band.

In 2016, “Quests” recorded a track with the group “Open Kids” called “Coolest of All,” which later became the soundtrack of the TV show of the same name.

Quest Pistols Show now

Now the updated group “Quest Pistols Show” is active concert activities and regularly delights fans with new songs and videos. Moreover, the team often appears on entertainment events as guests: for example, at the Comedy Club.

In the summer of 2018, a new video for the song “Drink Water” was released, and at the beginning of September 2018, the band performed at the event “ New wave».

The group has a verified account in social network "Instagram", where participants regularly publish photos of events from the life of the team.

As for the first line-up of the Quest Pistols, they formed a trio called . But in 2017, Nikita Gordyuk left the group, taking up his own project “ZVEROBOY”.


  • 2007 – “For You”
  • 2009 – “Superclass”
  • 2015 – “Sondtrack”
  • 2016 – “Favorite”


  • 2007 – “I’m tired”
  • 2007 – “Days of Glamor”
  • 2008 – “For You”
  • 2008 – “Cage”
  • 2009 – “White Dragonfly of Love”
  • 2009 – “He’s nearby”
  • 2010 – “I’m your drug”
  • 2011 – “You are so beautiful”
  • 2012 – “Different”
  • 2013 – “Let’s forget everything”
  • 2014 – “Heat”
  • 2014 – “Santa Lucia”
  • 2015 – “Wet” (feat. Monatik)
  • 2016 – “Dissimilar”
  • 2017 – “Favorite”
  • 2017 – “Wow!”

Quest Pistols- a Ukrainian pop group formed from the dance ballet “Quest”, whose members were Anton Savlepov, Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky. Their first performance was on April 1, 2007.

History of the group

April 1, 2007 is the birthday of Quest Pistols. It was on this day that Anton, Nikita and Kostya decided to try their hand at performing in the Ukrainian television program “Chance” in a new role. A cover of the song “Long and lonesome road” by the group “Shocking Blue” blew up the TV air under the title “I’m tired.” TV viewers cast 60,000 votes for their performance, making the Quest Pistols famous.

The debut video “I'm tired” was released in June 2007, and immediately got into rotation on some music TV channels. The Quest Pistols presented their debut album “For You” in Ukraine at the end of November 2007. The disc became “gold” in terms of sales and received only positive reviews. The album was presented in Russia in May 2008.

The lyrics are written by Isolda Chetha (the pseudonym of Alexander Chemerov, a member of the Ukrainian group “Dymna Sumish”, used by him as part of his collaboration with the group Quest Pistols), with the exception of the song “White Dragonfly of Love”, the author of which is young musician Nikolai Voronov. The material released in 2013 was written by one of the soloists - Nikita Goryuk.

On February 10, 2011, a message was received that Anton Savlepov decided to leave the group. But a week later, Anton’s statement appeared in the press that he had changed his mind and decided to return. As the participants themselves later admitted in an interview, it was a joke.

In August 2011, the group added a 4th member. It became Daniil Matseychuk, and in September Konstantin Borovsky, who is currently engaged in artistic photography and various art projects.

On June 10, Anton Savlepov posted a video BYE BYE DANYA on his blog, dedicated to the departure of Daniil. According to the group members, Danya will continue to make music.


Video clips were shot for songs marked with an asterisk ★.

For youI'm tired ★ (dir. Evgeniy Opanasyuk), Singing live (Intro), For you ★ (dir. Philip Lee), Tomato juice, Starlet (intro), Mom, After the Rain, Loser (intro), Days of Glamor ★ (dir. Philip Lee), Be with me, Magic colors, I'm tired (remix), Tomato juice, Quest Pistols Party, First, My girl 2007
SuperclassWhite Dragonfly of Love ★ (dir. Konstantin Borovsky), Everything Smells of You, Internet and Laptop, Cage ★ (dir. Vladimir Yakimenko), Before new meeting, Rock and roll and lace, Superklass, To the east, He's nearby★ (dir. Yuri Bardash), Electric wires 2008
Fire and tricksI am your drug ★ (dir. Yuri Bardash), Revolution (feat. Artur Pirozhkov) ★ (dir. Yuri Bardash), You are so beautiful ★ (dir. Yuri Bardash) 2010
T.B.A.Hot dancing, You've lost weight (feat. Lolita Milyavskaya) ★ (dir. Yuri Bardash), Different ★ (dir. Philip Lee), Bear (feat.

Today about the group Quest Pistols Show, whose composition has been for eight years musical career changed three times, is known to every connoisseur of modern domestic show business. Who would have thought that three outrageous dancers would develop into a real mega-popular project.

History of the group's creation

The song group has existed for 8 years, but initially Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky were only shocking choreographers who founded it in 2004 dance group Quest. Guys - bright personalities, who are used to surprising and captivating the Kyiv public. With the debut song everything turned out exactly like that. At the “Chance” project from the “Inter” TV channel on the International Day of Humor and Laughter, the guys performed a cover of the song “Long and Lonesome Road” by the Dutch band Shocking Blue. Public recognition was lightning fast, 60,000 messages in support of the track and its performers became the starting point for the reckless trio, and the composition “I'm tired” soared to the first steps of the domestic music charts.

If a person is endowed with God's spark, then he is talented in everything. So the guys showed the makings of vocalists, composers and poets. Every new track The band becomes a hit and long-lived on the hit parade.


The success of "Fast Pistols" was stunning. Their faces immediately began to appear in Ukrainian and Russian glossies, and the guys did not have time to give interviews during the breaks between rehearsals and the creation of their debut album. Initially, the group Quest Pistols Show, which grew to five members in 2014, was designed as a male trio. The core of the team and the first laurels of recognition went to the founders of the group: Anton Savlepov, Konstantin Borovsky and Nikita Goryuk.

Just a few years after the successful start, information about the collapse of the team began to leak into the press. In February 2011, fans of the group were horrified by the news that one of its brightest members, Anton, was leaving the group, but the idols hastened to calm the alarmed crowd and soon gave information.

In the summer of the same year, the trio unexpectedly became a quartet: another member joined the guys - But a month later, Konstantin Borovsky announced to the tabloids that he was stopping work on the project. Or rather, about a change in his status: from a soloist, the showman turned into the curator of Pistols.

The guys continued to shock the audience with their performances, videos and released more and more interesting material. But this trio was not destined to please their fans for long. Already in 2013, Daniel Joy went to solo swimming. Or rather, he left the group to create the boy band KBDM with Kostya Borovsky.

The quests continued to tour, but only together. In early 2014, they were joined by a masked dancer.

Road of Change Quest Pistols

It was at the beginning of 2014 that the media increasingly began to talk about a creative crisis in the team. During this period, Nikita Goryuk released the solo track “White Bride”, and rumors began to circulate that the group would cease to exist altogether.

While the producer of the group, Yuri Bardash, and the participants themselves openly ignored the paparazzi and kept the intrigue going, interest in the project greatly diminished. And here it is, a time bomb: in April, the guys appeared to the public in a new role and introduced the fans to the new members of the Pistols.

New team format

During the year, when Nikita Goryuk and Anton Savlepov performed as a pair, the guys presented the public with a video for the song Baby boy. The work was radically different from the previous material and was completely unusual for the participants’ style of performance. Perhaps this was the tactical move of the group's producer, or the guys did not yet know in which direction they would move next. But information began to appear more and more often about a change in the format and sound of the group. And yet, the organizers of the Quest Pistols Show did not provide photos of the new participants for some time.

And only when the updated title appeared famous group, and since April 2014 it sounded like the Quest Pistols Show, the team was replenished with three newcomers: they were famous dancers Miriam Turkmenbaeva, Washington Salles and Ivan Krishtoforenko.

In one of the many interviews, the shocking stars admitted that there was a turning point in the group’s history. new era. The vocalists said that they decided to return to their roots and present fans with something completely new. dance show. Now the main emphasis in the project’s creativity is on choreography, special effects, and old tracks have acquired a new, more modern sound.

And immediately, to confirm the words about the Quest Pistols Show, the participants presented their new clip to the song "Santa Lucia".

Quest Pistols Show. "Santa Lucia" - the hit of the past year

The new look of virtuoso, versatile dancers was liked by the public, and the new video immediately conquered all the pedestals of the charts, not only domestic, but also foreign. Today the team has become a favorite of demanding Russian fans.

What did the guys present in their creation? High-quality visual images, bright images and costumes make the video as enchanting as possible. The choreography is amazingly professional. The opposing styles of the participants create the impression of some kind of dance battle. And, despite the new concept of the band, which relegates vocals to the background, the track turned out to be very euphonious and memorable. Just a few days after the video was rotated on air and global network The clip received more than a million views.

Many music critics, and simply admirers of the group’s work expressed the opinion that new line-up became that breath of oxygen that brought the project back to life. The girl in the Quest Pistols Show “Santa Lucia” video that was especially intriguing was Miriam Turkmenbaeva. All fans of dance, and especially hip-hop, have long known her from her participation in the first project of the show “Everyone Dances,” where she reached the finals.

Quest Pistols: show must go on

After such an enchanting return, “Pistolets” again proved that they are a phenomenon in the domestic music industry.

The guys have grandiose plans for the current year. The team prepared a large-scale dance show for Russian cities. Then unbridled creatives plan to conquer the platforms of Asia and America.

The soloists of the group Quest Pistols Show, whose lineup met all the expectations of fans, promise that the next tracks and videos will be no less provocative and vibrant. Just look at the new composition with the eloquent title “Money”.

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