To make a guy think about you is a quick plot. How to make a guy miss a girl using playing cards

If a guy misses you, then this is one of the signs of his falling in love. But how can you find out if a guy is bored, and if not, how can you make your loved one feel bored? Do you need mysterious magical rituals or just need to change your behavior a little?

How to make a guy miss you? Magic will help!

Wanting to change something in our lives, we begin to search for ways to achieve a goal and very often turn our gaze towards magic, considering this the least expensive way. But this is not entirely true - any magical action requires willpower, as well as concentration throughout the entire process. So if you burn a candle, wanting to bewitch a guy, and think about the dumplings lying in the freezer, then the maximum that you can get from such an action is the desire to eat. Therefore, before starting the action, you need to clearly imagine the image of what should happen as a result of the ritual. Moreover, you need to imagine not the future time, but the present, as if the desire has already come true. In addition, you should perform love magic on the waxing moon, and keep your intention to perform the ritual secret from everyone.

So, how can you make your boyfriend miss you? You need to take any thing that was in his hands. For this thing, you need to read the spell 9 times: “I conjure you (name of your loved one), your thing is with me, your thoughts are about me. Reach out to me, miss me, you will only find joy when you are with me.” The enchanted thing must be hidden at home so that it does not catch anyone’s eye. After the ritual is completed, you need to stop thinking about fulfilling your desire, considering that everything has already happened. Well, in order for a guy to get bored, you need to not see him for several days.

How to make a guy miss you: psychology

If you are wary of all magical “things,” then you should turn to psychology. She also knows how to make a guy bored.

Does everyone remember Pavlov's dogs with their conditioned instincts? The same thing can be done with people. If a person gets pleasure, then he strives with all his might to repeat those actions that lead to such a result. It seems that everything is clear, the guy feels good with you, he gets bored without you. That’s why he runs as fast as he can to make things feel good again. True, there is one problem - you are not the only woman on Earth, and therefore a man can get this “good” with any other woman. So what can you do to make a guy miss you? It is necessary that all the pleasant moments of your relationship be imprinted in his memory, so that the process of receiving pleasure is associated with you. For this purpose, NLP advises hanging your loved one with “anchors” - creating a connection between a pleasant moment and your person. Such as the scent you wore on your first date, the song that played during your most romantic moments as a couple, the words you whisper in his ear during orgasm, etc.

How it works? For example, he hears music, remembers that you kissed passionately to this melody, and then he heard it more periodically, in general, this music in his thoughts is associated exclusively with you. The memories go further, he understands how great he was with you then and how not so good now. In a word, the guy begins to miss you.

Many girls try this way to make a guy yearn for love by ignoring his calls, avoiding meeting him for some time. The method is really not bad, but only if the girl has already managed to “hook” the guy with something. And here you need to be careful not to overdo it - if the girl does not show signs of interest for a long time, then the guy will stop “hunting” for her - no one needs unpromising projects.

How to understand that a guy is bored?

It’s quite easy to understand that a guy is bored without you. He constantly shows his desire to be around all the time. For example, he often calls, writes messages, and when meeting, constantly looks into the eyes, tries to touch as often as possible. He also strives to spend all his free time together, says that he cannot wait for the next meeting.

Relationships between a guy and a girl are rarely built on the principle of equality. In any couple, one person loves more, and one person loves less. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex turn out to be more “thick-skinned,” although in their hearts they may experience the most tender and romantic feelings for their chosen one. But girls can only guess about this. But they want to know for sure that they are valued and loved! To do this, you just need to force your chosen one to openly show his feelings and, for starters, at least make him miss you a little. This is not difficult to do if the young man really likes you. But between friendship and love there is usually a whole gulf, overcoming which can take many years. To speed up this process, the girl should resort to little tricks.

How to make a guy miss you

If your romance is just at the very beginning, and after a date a young man can easily go to friends to drink beer or discuss the latest sports news, then in this case you need to exercise maximum tact and caution. You should not impose yourself on your boyfriend and, even more so, demand from him an account of where and how he spends his free time. After all, it could easily happen that in the company of friends he will feel much nicer and more comfortable. You need to ensure that the young man’s heart yearns and breaks with pain when you are not around. Therefore, on every date you should make it clear to your chosen one that without him your life does not stand still. For a girl who loves noisy companies or has a huge number of various hobbies, this will not be at all difficult to achieve. For example, you can limit the time allotted for dating, citing the fact that before meeting a young man you go to the swimming pools, and after that you do charity work, helping collect warm clothes for an orphanage. No matter how the young man feels about your hobbies, he will have to come to terms with the idea that he does not occupy the most important place in your life. Awareness of this simple fact hurts the pride of almost any young man very painfully. As a result, your chosen one will begin to get bored when you are not around, and will even gain the courage to admit it to you. But you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions. You can celebrate your victory only when your boyfriend volunteers to help you with charity work or signs up for a handicraft course so that he can be with you for an extra two or three hours.

If the couple has already safely passed the bouquet and candy period, when feelings are heated to the limit, then making a guy get bored, as a rule, is not at all difficult. He is already accustomed to the fact that you are together, and every minute spent apart causes a certain semblance of confusion in his soul. But even in such a situation, you need to always be on guard and not indulge the desires of your young man to the detriment of your own interests. Of course, sometimes he can be given some concessions and, instead of a planned visit to an elderly relative, have a romantic dinner for two. This will help keep the guy in good shape and will be a great fuel for his feelings. Nevertheless, More often you should give preference not to dating, but to solving your own problems. This approach, even after a long relationship, will make the guy miss the girl, if, of course, he cares about her.

When the relationship has reached a dead end and you want to make a guy miss you, you can resort to more subtle tricks. But to do this, you first need to analyze everything that once connected you together, and isolate from the mass of memories exactly those moments that gave your chosen one pleasure. This could be your hairstyle or special makeup, exquisite perfume or a dress that the young man especially liked. All these little things are so-called psychological hooks that are firmly ingrained in the memory of your chosen one, even if he himself does not want it. Having accidentally smelled a familiar perfume, he will mentally return to your image, even if he himself refused to continue the relationship. But it is precisely this insignificant touch that can cause a feeling of melancholy in his soul, and he will certainly want to meet you. However, one should not rely on chance. It is necessary to calculate everything properly and deal a crushing blow to your beloved. It is best to arrange a supposedly random meeting, during which you will look impeccable and at the same time begin to behave as if the presence of your former lover did not make any impression on you. There is no guarantee that this tactic will work and you will make the guy miss you. But it’s worth trying, because the sages are convinced: love does not disappear anywhere, it simply transforms into other feelings that can manifest themselves in the most unexpected and unpredictable situations.

The desire to get a guy at any cost can sometimes be very strong. And many girls resort to the help of magic. Thanks to the help of otherworldly forces, you can force the object of your adoration to fulfill your every whim, including a conspiracy to make the guy call you.

After all, you need to remember that the magical effect on another person is carried out against his will and desire. Therefore, the bewitched person may not behave quite adequately.

He will have an irresistible desire to hear your voice. The bewitched person does not notice the changes happening to him, driven by the “natural” desire to at least talk to you.

A simple ritual for a guy to call

I would like to warn those who are driven by revenge on the offender. By bewitching a guy to you, you are imposing your will. The person is conspired to become obsessed with you, and the more you torture him, the more serious the consequences will be. Without receiving the object of desire, the bewitched person can become very aggressive and use physical violence even against you.

Magical influence is extremely dangerous, so it is worth first trying a simpler home ritual that does not harm the chosen one and does not impose a strong third-party will.

Before reading the spell, imagine your loved one in all its glory, let his image stand in front of you throughout the ritual. Then focus on wanting your loved one to call. And start saying the spell:

“My beloved (name of beloved),

Why don't you call me and talk to me?

I’m a stately girl, pretty and good to everyone,

And for you, my love!

Take your phone

Your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

An important component in the conspiracy is the strength of your desire and will invested in the spell being cast, as well as the strength of your concentration on the image of what you desire. True faith that your lover will call will help you realize your intention more quickly.

A strong conspiracy to make the guy call

To be sure of the effect, you can perform a stronger ritual. For it you need to prepare a number of additional things:

  • Photo of a lover,
  • Blank white sheet of paper
  • Pen of any color.
  • Separately rewritten words of the spell.

Once you have everything in place, the next important thing is preparation. The atmosphere is important here; you must be completely alone while performing the ceremony.

Each item used in the ritual must be treated with respect and care, because they are magical items in your particular case, and magic does not tolerate jokes.

Another important aspect of the conspiracy is to fulfill each condition, sequentially following the instructions:

  1. Sit down at the table and place in front of you a white piece of paper, a pen and a photo of your loved one. It is important that the photo is located on the left side, and the paper sheet is on the right relative to you.
  2. It is best to memorize the plot in advance, investing all your love and emotions while reading.
  3. A person’s mood is also important, imagine your loved one, and therefore take each object in turn and speak to it.
  4. Take a pen and say the words of the spell.
  5. Then take the sheet and also say the spell.
  6. Then write the numbers of your phone number on a piece of paper with a charmed pen, just write each number clearly and read the spell again.
  7. Now place the photo of the guy on the sheet facing the numbers and say the spell again.
  8. The last stage is to turn over the sheet with the photo, without separating them, with the sheet facing up and read the plot again.

Here are the words of the spell:

“My dove, (the name of my beloved) my, my desired, long-awaited!

Remember, remember how good it was for us!

Remember, remember! I opened my heart to you.

Soon soon! Remember my number.

Soon soon! Make an appointment.

Not this week. Not the other day. This minute!

I'll be waiting for your call!

Call! I'm coming! I'll take it! I answer!

I'll make an appointment!

Remember that you cannot talk about the ritual performed, much less brag to your friends, otherwise you will face retribution. Regarding the result, the ritual takes effect almost immediately after implementation, so keep your phone nearby to answer the call.

Rules for performing the ritual

The main rules for conducting a magical conspiracy to make your desire come true:

  • You cannot perform a spell ritual for the sake of curiosity. Even if you liked a man you don’t know well, this does not guarantee that your sympathy will develop into something more in the future. Maybe you will recognize those sides of his character that you will not like.
  • Make sure that your feelings are really strong, drive away doubts, only complete confidence in your abilities, and the action of the conspiracy guarantees the result.
  • The image of a loved one must be clear, otherwise it will distort the energy directed towards the conspiracy.
  • The plot must be pronounced as if in a melodious manner, smoothly starting in the middle, putting in all the emotional storm of feelings and ending calmly.
  • The ending must be pronounced with confidence.

For a guy to call to make peace after a quarrel

This ritual is suitable for couples who have been together for more than one year; the plot will push the lover to start feeling very bored, pick up the phone and call, thereby asking for forgiveness. If you are afraid to hear his voice, you can try a conspiracy so that the guy decides to write an SMS.

“Dear, beloved, (name of dear one) mine!

Call me, tell me what’s on your heart.

Etheric ligature - mobile communication, connect us!

I am a maiden queen, there is no one more beautiful than me,

Pick up the phone and say HI!

Pick up the phone and make a call!

I will respond - I will make my way into your heart!

When pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, it is better to look out the window, imagining the image of your loved one and thereby sending everything said to him. Read the plot until your subconscious mind tells you enough.

Make a guy call a salt and water ritual

To perform this ritual you will need some items:

  1. Candle,
  2. White handkerchief without inscriptions.
  3. The lace is red.
  4. Glass of water,
  5. Salt shaker.

Now the ceremony itself:

  • Light a candle, be sure to use a match, and place it in front of you.
  • Cover the space between you and the candle with a white scarf.
  • Now place a red cord in the shape of a circle on the scarf. If you took a long lace, then make several layers of circles, this will only be a plus.
  • Place a glass of water in the center of the circle.
  • Afterwards, you need to take the salt shaker in your hands and mentally imagine that your loved one is dialing your number and starting to call you. Keep the image clearly in your mind; you should see what you want on your inner screen. Then put it back in place.
  • Now take a glass and also imagine your lover calling you on the phone.
  • Return the glass to its place.
  • Take three pinches of salt from the salt shaker. You need to take the first one and release it back without raising your hand, shaking the salt back into the salt shaker. With the second you do the same as with the first. And throw the third pinch into the glass. Watch the salt dissolve and recite the spell.

Conspiracy words:

"Like salt in water,

The thought of me dissolves in you.

The banks are high and there is water among them.

I'm the only one you need.

The circle closes, the darling smiles.

Phone in hand, calling me!

After carrying out the spell, you need to pour half the glass over the flower with a male name, and the other half with a female name.

What needs to be done for the summoning spell to work?

In order for the spell to ring a loved one to work effectively, you need to remember:

Believing in yourself helps you achieve what you want.

Only a strong feeling from you will make your lover, even against his will, dial your number and make an appointment.

If the ritual worked, don't talk about it

Jokes with magic end badly; as payback, you may have problems in your personal life or a streak of failures at work.

Accurately follow all points of the ritual.

Charmed phone

This ritual is carried out if you have spoken with your loved one on the phone at least once. You need to take your phone and mentally remember your lover’s voice, as if he had just spoken to you, and then say the following words:

“I can hear your words now!

This is how they will sound in reality!

So he can become real!

Let your call wake up the silence

And your wish will be

Call me now!

Let it be so!"

Call to name

This ritual is a powerful way to arouse your loved one’s interest in you. You need to take one red candle and a white piece of paper. Write the name of your loved one on a piece of paper and set the piece of paper on fire from a candle, while saying:

“Body and soul burn in fire,

Until you call me!”

After complete combustion, scatter the ashes from the leaf outside the window in the wind and expect a call soon.

Ritual with black pepper

This type of conspiracy is aimed at a quick call from the desired one.

Take from a new pack of grain black pepper as many peas as your lover’s age. Throw all the peas into a hot frying pan and say:

“How this pepper jumps and flops,

So let (Name of the desired guy) suffer,

How this pepper jumps, gets burned,

So that you (Name) jump up and don’t know how to handle yourself

Like pepper can’t escape the heat of this,

So there is only one road for you.

I conjure with solar fire!

I conjure with the fiery Sun!

Let it be so. The heat is powerful. My word is stone"

Clearly imagine what you want in front of you, while not taking your eyes off the jumping pepper. After the pepper is charred, collect it into a leaf and take it to a road intersection. You will also need to leave a payout of 6 ruble coins at the intersection, and when placing them on the ground, say: “Paid”!

How quickly will the ritual work?

The speed of any conspiracy depends on your desire and strong faith in the ritual performed. Therefore, when performing any ritual, strictly observe all the necessary conditions and first memorize the words of the spell, not from a computer monitor, but by first writing them down on a piece of paper.

Don’t forget that by writing out the words of the spell on a piece of paper with your own hand, you further enhance the concentration of your psychic powers and magical abilities. And if you memorize them, it will be easier for you to focus on the image and it will quickly become reality.

Girls and ladies, do you think that Cupid only hits you with a sweet and bitter arrow? Do you think he doesn’t have enough “ammunition” for your “other halves”?

This misconception is very common in the romantic circle of Eve's daughters in love. Each considers her to be the only one in the universe.

Naturally, this makes her torment even more “serious.” How is it that she, so uniquely attractive, thinks with bated breath about her hero.

And at this most magical time he drinks beer or plays football (maybe he studies, works, surfs the Internet, and so on). It turns out unfair, however!

Let's turn to the “heritage of our ancestors.” They, our foremothers, in every sense, also found themselves in such a whirlwind. It’s clear that they came up with a bunch of recipes.

All we have to do is get acquainted with them, choose the one that moves our hearts, and use it.

A conspiracy to make a guy miss is actually a light and bright ritual. There is no need to be afraid of him. All rituals contain a mechanism for transferring feelings to a loved one. And it’s up to him whether to accept them or not.

It happens that your boyfriend is not yet ripe for love. Then the conspiracy will not penetrate him. Don't blame me. Wait until he grows up. And if you wish, cast a spell.

Well, we will study the situation when your energy will be directed towards a “worthy person”.

How to make a spell to make a guy miss you

First you need to learn one small rule for using a conspiracy. It developed in a completely natural way. After all, only girls in love used it before.

We need the plant that the object “contacted” with. For example, he often sits next to a flower or walks past the lawn every day. Or maybe there is a tree in his yard that he mentioned with admiration.

This is exactly the plant we will be looking for.

  1. Pick a few twigs, blades of grass, leaves (not important). Just make sure they are fresh. And don't mow down a whole haystack.
  2. Have pity on the plant. Bring it home.
  3. Throw it immediately at the window that faces east.

Say it like this:

“The light is from the east, you (name) are in trouble! The sun dries the grass, your heart is stifled by love. You will dry out and be sad, you won’t see the light without me. Amen!"

I was bored and called

At sunset, open the window and breathe in the fresh air (well, such as there is). Say this into the window:

“As soon as Yarilo rises, the nightingale will sing. Dear (name) - through the window, so that he misses you a little. Nightingale, sing, I will marry my beloved (name) with me (name)! Your whistle is a sign to him that he can’t live without my voice. Neither sleep, nor work, nor walk carefree. Bring the nightingale together, let your dear little head hurt! Amen!"

So that the guy gets bored and comes back

This ritual was performed when a black cat ran between people. Or maybe she was quite real, and... In any case, the ritual should correct the situation. Somewhat “weaken” the negative field around.

You just need to prepare the item that your boyfriend used. Without it, you will wait a long time for results.

  1. Be sure to go to the Temple for the morning service.
  2. Buy one thick candle and the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God.
  3. Bring everything into the house. After sunset, light a candle in front of the Icon. Place the item next to it.

Say the following words seven times:

“Mother, help! Save my love! The clouds that are cooler than all the winds have rolled in. Hearts were broken. The road of melancholy opened endlessly. Unite Your children (names) again. Let love become bright again. Amen!"

The ritual is continued in the evenings every day until the candle burns out completely.

We all experience difficulties in love from time to time. We quarrel with our loved ones, we don’t know how to attract the attention of the person we like, we are faced with the coldness of our husband. Of course, no girl will like this - she wants more attention and care. We want our loved one to think about us for as long as possible. A ritual known since ancient times will come to the rescue - a conspiracy for a man’s melancholy.

Thanks to white magic spells, you can attract a man from a distance, return the attention of your spouse, and take a man away from your rival. In addition, one of these rituals can help you get rid of love addiction.

Unlike love spells, the effect of conspiracies is not destructive for a person or for relationships and does not last so long. They will help you draw attention to yourself, push a doubting or insecure person towards you. The further development of the relationship is up to you.

  • Firstly, most spells are cast on a full moon or a waxing moon. Otherwise, you may, on the contrary, push love away from you. But there are also exceptions. This will also be discussed in the article.
  • In addition, try to strictly follow the order of actions. Otherwise, the spell will not work or will not work the way you wanted.
  • If the ceremony is performed indoors, it is advisable to do it at home. Right at home. At a party and in non-residential premises, the power of the spell will be much less.

Rituals to attract a man from a distance

This ritual will help you attract a man who is far from you. Or maybe I don’t know you closely. Rest assured, thanks to him, this man will definitely pay attention to you and will overcome all distances to be with you.

White conspiracy to longing for a photo

You need to read such conspiracies for a man’s longing for a photo on the full moon, at midnight. Take a photo of your loved one and go out to the intersection with it. Concentrate in your thoughts on the image of your betrothed. Press the photo to your heart and start reading the plot:

“I order (name) to look for me, yearn to meet me, rush to me, regardless of any obstacles! Let it be unbearable for him to live without me! May my wish come true on this full moon!”

In order to enhance the effect of the plot, you can read it again, on a new moon.

Waning moon spell

At midnight, take coarse table salt and pour it into a saucer or tray. In addition, you will need a glass of water. On this water, read the following words:

My word is the truest, my deed is the strongest
How a swan yearns for its swan, cannot find a place for itself
So you (name) will suffer,
To wander alone without me,
You will never stay with the other one.
Let it be so.

Mix salt and water. Pour half of the liquid into the open window, and pour the other half onto the street or into the entrance. Soon your loved one’s longing will become so strong that he will come to you.

We return the love and affection of our husband

This ritual will help make your union strong. Make your loved one miss you. You need to read it if the betrothed has not yet left the family, but the relationship is not going well.

Salt spell

For this plot you will also need table salt. It is generally a proven ingredient for many rituals, as it has the property of absorbing energy. She will absorb your words and pass them on to the man.

A ritual is performed on the waxing moon. Start reading the salt spell, and then add it to your beloved’s food. Every day he will become more and more attached to you, and will not even look at other women.

“I’m not throwing in salt, I’m throwing in burning longing for me and pain. I take away peace from the slave (name). Let him not find a place for himself from sadness and melancholy without me. So that he could not live without me, he toiled all the time - early in the morning and late in the evening. I pour salt and warm up the melancholy. Let it be so".

Ritual for water

This ritual will help if you and your husband have quarreled or he has another woman.

To complete it, you need to bring holy water from the church. At dawn, after the full moon, pour this water into a transparent decanter, stand in the middle of the room and look carefully at its bottom, not forgetting to read:

“Neither quarrels nor bad thoughts will separate us. My husband will forever remain with me, he will never look at the beautiful, or the rich, or the handsome, or anyone. As I said, let it always be so! My husband will never forget me!”

Repeat the spell nine times, and then sprinkle all the corners in your apartment with the charmed water. Add the remaining water to your spouse's food. And store the jar with it in a dark and cool place, away from prying eyes.

How to make a married man yearn for you?

On a candle

Take a photo of a guy in which he is shown alone and in full growth. She shouldn't be too old. Also, take the red candle.

Before going to bed, light a candle and pick up a photo, and do not forget to read the plot:

“You won’t think about worries and troubles anymore. If you get sad with her, if you get twisted, you will never forget about me. Whether it’s sunny outside or stormy, it doesn’t matter. You love me alone."

Move your fingers to the heart of your chosen one, slightly stroking the photo, continue:

“I will heal and warm your heart, let it love and desire only me. If you are not nearby, it will miss the path. And you will be the only one tied to me. Let it be so".

Afterwards, put out the candles and put the photo under your pillow and go to bed.

To the wind and rain

An ancient ritual in the face of wind and rain will also help to keep your beloved man away from his rival. It can be done at any time of the day, in windy or rainy weather. Go out to a deserted place and stand on a hill, exposing your face to the wind.

Imagine the image of your betrothed and start reading the plot:

“Like on the island of Buyan, the Wind Vetrovich wanders. Everyone bows to him, everyone respects him. So I will bow my head to him and ask Veter Vetrovich for my happiness. Fly, Father Wind, to my beloved (name), wherever he is. Bring him hopeless longing, impenetrable boredom for me (your name). Let his heart be filled with burning love for me. Let him neither sleep nor eat without me. Let it be so".

After completing the ritual, immediately leave and do not look back.

How to get rid of lovesickness?

It also happens when you need to get rid of the strongest melancholy that interferes with life.

To do this, you will need a handful of five dried herbs: nettle, mint, thyme, wormwood and fireweed. They need to be sewn into a small fabric bag, and at the same time, read the words:

“Every day I grieve less and less, get away from me. Amen."

Carry the bag with you until your heart calms down, and then keep it at home in a secluded place.

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