A brief chronicle of the life and work of B.L. Pasternak.

1890, February 10 (January 29, O.S.)
B. Pasternak was born in Moscow. Father is artist Leonid Osipovich Pasternak, mother is pianist Rosalia Isidorovna, nee Kaufman.
1901, August
Entered the second grade of the Moscow fifth gymnasium.
1908, May
Graduation from high school with a gold medal.
Enters the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. At the same time, while still at the gymnasium, he is taking a composition course according to the conservatory program, and is preparing to take exams as an external student.
1909, May
Transferred to the philosophical department of the historical and philological faculty of the university.
1910. February
The first surviving poems of the poet, who for a long time diligently hid his literary talent.
1911. January 10
Report “Symbolism and Immortality” in the Young Symbolist circle at the Musaget publishing house.
1912. May-August
Trip to Germany, studying during the summer semester with Professor G. Cohen at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Marburg. Two week stay in Italy.
1913. April
The first publication of B. L. Pasternak’s poems in the collective collection “Lyrics”. In the same year he graduated from the university with the title of Candidate of Philosophy from Moscow University.
Work on the collection of poems “Twin in the Clouds”.
The first collection of the futuristic group “Centrifuge” is published - “Rukonog” with poems and an article by B. Pasternak; in the same year the first meeting with V. Mayakovsky takes place.
Release of the book of poems “Over Barriers”.
Revolution in Russia; B. Pasternak is working on the book “Sister is my life.”
Work on the story “Childhood Grommets”.
Parents' departure to Berlin.
Marriage to artist Evgenia Vladimirovna Lurie; Pasternak began corresponding with Marina Tsvetaeva, who was living in France at that time.
A book of poems “Sister is my life” is being published.
Stay in Germany, participation in literary life Berlin; a book of poems, “Themes and Variations,” was published here (January 1923).
The magazine “LBF” publishes the poem “High Disease”, in which B. Pasternak tries to express his understanding October revolution.
Work on a novel in verse “Spectorsky”, where Pasternak, feeling a craving for the epic form, for the first time makes an attempt to combine prose (“Tale”) and poetry (“Spectorsky”) in one work.
He writes the poem “Nine Hundred and Fifth Year” - an epic “inspired by time.”
Writes the poem “Lieutenant Schmidt”; breaks with the LEF group, calling the work of the LEF members “handicraft semi-art” on the topic of the day.
The autobiographical story “Safety Certificate” is published, dedicated to memory R. M. Rilke. Marriage to Zinaida Nikolaevna Neuhaus; trip to Georgia, beginning strong friendship with Georgian poets Titian Tabidze and Paolo Yashvili, whose poems he translates a lot.
New love– a new creative takeoff: a book of poems “Second Birth” is published.
Attacks on the poet from the loyal press are intensifying. Pasternak, trying to be further away from official literary life, goes to his dacha in Peredelkino, where he works on translations.
Suicide of Paolo Yashvili; arrest and execution by the verdict of the NKVD “troika” Titian Tabidze.
Release of the collection “Selected Translations” from Western European poetry. The first poems from the “Peredelkino” cycle.
Translates and publishes “Hamlet”; begins work on the translation of Romeo and Juliet.
July August
Evacuation of the family to Chistopol; the first “war” poems.
As part of the writing team, B. Pasternak goes to the Bryansk Front.
B. L. Pasternak’s last lifetime poetry book, “Selected Poems and Poems,” is published.
Work on the novel “Doctor Zhivago”.
Meets Olga Vsevolodovna Ivinskaya.
1946, autumn
B. Pasternak's first nomination for the Nobel Prize: his candidacy was proposed by English writers for lyrical works. In the homeland this is time is running outright persecution of the poet, his books are destroyed, devastating articles are published.
1952, October 20
Myocardial infarction; Botkin hospital.
Publication of Goethe's translation of Faust as a separate book.
Nomination for the Nobel Prize. The USSR government did not approve of Pasternak's candidacy, proposing Sholokhov.
Submits the manuscript of the novel “Doctor Zhivago” to the editors of the magazines “ New world” and “Banner”, almost simultaneously the manuscript falls into the hands of the Milanese communist publisher G. Feltrinelli. Writes autobiographical essay“People and Positions”, started last cycle poems “When it clears up.”
A set of a book of selected poems prepared at Goslitizdat is scattered; Pasternak was summoned to the CPSU Central Committee with a demand to stop the publication of the novel in Italy, but in November the novel was published in Italian, then it was translated into many other languages ​​of the world.
1958, October 23
Award Nobel Prize in literature for the novel “Doctor Zhivago”. The Literaturnaya Gazeta published a letter from the editorial board of Novy Mir, accompanied by an editorial entitled “A provocative attack by international reaction.” B. Pasternak is expelled from the USSR Writers' Union. As a result of all this harassment, I am forced to refuse the bonus.
The poem “Nobel Prize” is published in an English newspaper, after which B. L. Pasternak is summoned to Prosecutor General R. A. Rudenko, charged with treason and prohibited from meeting with foreigners.
1960, February 10
The writer's seventieth birthday. He begins work on the play “Blind Beauty”.
May 30
B. L. Pasternak died at his dacha in Peredelkino.

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Chronicle of the life and work of B. L. Pasternak

) - poet, writer (10.2.1890, Moscow - 30.5.1960, Peredelkino near Moscow). Father is an artist impressionistic directions, mother is a pianist. Pasternak studied music as a child. From 1909 he studied philosophy at Moscow University, and in 1912 in Marburg, Germany. He completed his university education in 1913 in Moscow.

Pasternak's first poems appeared in print in 1913. He entered the literary group"Centrifuge", which was in line with futurism. His first collection of poems Twin in the clouds(1914) from afar Aseev and Bobrov, Pasternak included most of the poems of the first collection in the second - Over the Barriers(1917). Pasternak's third collection of poems brought him the greatest recognition. Sister is my life(1922), which arose in the summer of 1917, but was inspired not by political events, but by experiences of nature and love. The next collection of his poems is Themes and Variations(1923), after which critics recognized him as “the most significant of the young poets of post-revolutionary Russia.”

Geniuses and villains. Boris Pasternak

In short epic poems Nine hundred and fifth year (1925-26), Lieutenant Schmidt(1926-27) and Spectorsky(1931) Pasternak partly speaks about revolutionary events.

Since 1922, Pasternak has also published prose. First prose collection Stories(1925) includes Childhood Eyelets, II tratto di apelle, Letters from Tula And Airways. After him, in 1929, Pasternak’s first autobiographical story appeared, dedicated to the memory of Rilke, Safe-conduct certificate(1931); the understanding of art expressed in it is in sharp contradiction with the ideas of the then influential functionaries of RAPP.

After a collection of new poems Second birth(1932) Until 1937, several more collections were published, including previously written poems by Pasternak.

In 1934 he was invited to the board of the new Writers' Union. Since 1936 Pasternak had to go into translation work, he translated especially a lot of Shakespeare's tragedies. "His translations from Georgian poets won the favor of Stalin, and perhaps saved the poet from persecution.”

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak- great Russian poet and writer, translator, Nobel Prize laureate in literature (1958), author of works "Doctor Zhivago", "Nine hundred and fifth year", « Winter night» and others.

Pasternak Boris Leonidovich born January 29 (February 10), 1890 in Moscow (Peredelkino, Moscow region) in a family of creative Jews. Father, Leonid Osipovich (Isaak Iosifovich) Pasternak - artist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Mother, Rosalia Isidorovna Pasternak (née Kaufman, 1868-1939) - pianist. The family moved to Moscow from Odessa in 1889. In addition to Boris, the family had three more children: Alexander, Josephine and Lydia.

Pasternak maintained friendships with famous artists I. I. Levitan, M. V. Nesterov, V. D. Polenov, S. Ivanov, N. N. Ge; musicians and writers, including Leo Tolstoy, visited the house. At the age of 13, under the influence of the composer A. N. Scriabin, Boris Pasternak became interested in music and studied for six years (two preludes and a piano sonata have survived).

In 1901 Pasternak I immediately entered the second grade at the fifth gymnasium (now Moscow school No. 91). Boris Leonidovich Pasternak graduated from high school with a gold medal and all the highest marks, except for the Law of God, from which he was exempt.

In 1908, B. L. Pasternak entered the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. In 1909 he transferred to the philosophy department of the historical and philological faculty.

In the summer of 1912 Pasternak studied philosophy at the University of Marburg in Germany with the head of the Marburg neo-Kantian school, Prof. Herman Cohen. At the same time, he proposed to Ida Vysotskaya (the daughter of a major tea merchant D.V. Vysotsky), but was refused. This story from the writer's life is described in a poem "Marburg" and autobiographical story "Safety certificate". In 1912, Pasternak visited Venice with his parents and sisters, which was reflected in his poems of that time.

After a trip to Marburg, Boris Pasternak refused to further concentrate on philosophical studies. He begins to enter the circles of Moscow writers. Pasternak's first poems were published in 1913 (collective collection of the Lyrics group), the first book - "Twin in the Clouds".

In 1916 collection released "Over the Barriers". Pasternak spent the winter and spring of 1916 in the Urals, near the city of Aleksandrovsky, Perm province, working in the office of the manager of the Vsevolodo-Vilvensky chemical plants as an assistant in business correspondence and trade and financial reporting. It is believed that the prototype of the city of Yuryatin is from "Doctor Zhivago" is the city of Perm. In the same year, the poet visited the Berezniki soda plant on the Kama.

Pasternak family in 1921 leaves Soviet Russia at the personal request of A.V. Lunacharsky and settles in Berlin.

In 1922, Boris Pasternak marries artist Evgenia Lurie.

In 1922 the poet's program book is being published "My sister is life".

In the 20s a collection was created "Themes and Variations"(1923), novel in verse "Spektorsky"(1925), cycle "High Disease", poems "Nine hundred and fifth year" And "Lieutenant Schmidt".

Since 1928 Boris Pasternak writes prose. In 1930 he finishes autobiographical notes "Safety certificate", which outlines his fundamental views on art and creativity.

Pasternak meets Zinaida Nikolaevna Neuhaus (nee Eremeeva), at that time the wife of pianist G. G. Neuhaus. Together with her in 1931, the writer left for Georgia.

In August 1932 book came out "Second birth" with the “Waves” cycle included in it, full of delight that Georgia aroused in him then. This was Pasternak's attempt to join the spirit of that time.

Having interrupted his marriage with Evgenia Lurie, in 1932 B. L. Pasternak marries Z.N. Neuhaus. January 1, 1938 at Pasternak's and his second wife, a son, Leonid, is born.

In 1935, Boris Pasternak participates in the International Congress of Writers for Peace, held in Paris, where he has a nervous breakdown. This becomes the writer's last trip abroad.

In the same 1935, Pasternak stood up for Akhmatova’s husband and son, who were released from prison after letters from Pasternak and Akhmatova to Stalin.

In January 1936, Pasternak publishes two poems that admired J.V. Stalin. But by mid-1936 The attitude of the authorities towards the writer is changing. Thematic and ideological restructuring is unconditionally demanded of him. This leads to Boris Pasternak's first long period of alienation from official literature. As interest in power wanes, Pasternak's poems acquire a more personal and tragic tone.

By the end of the 30s, Boris Pasternak deals with prose and translations, which in the 40s became the main source of his income. During that period, Pasternak created classic translations of many of Shakespeare's tragedies, Goethe's Faust, and F. Schiller's Mary Stuart.

On the eve of the war, at the beginning of 1941 year, the poet overcame a creative crisis and entered a period of recovery: he wrote a cycle of poems “ Peredelkino."

In 1943 Parsnip made a trip to the front, as a result, essays appeared "In the army", and poems “Death of a Sapper”, “Living Fresco”, “Spring” included in the book "On the Early Trains".

1942-1943 The writer spent time in evacuation in Chistopol. He helped many people with money, including Marina Tsvetaeva’s daughter, Ariadna Efron.

In 1943 book coming out "On the Early Trains", including four cycles of pre-war and wartime poems.

In 1946 Boris Pasternak meets O.V. Ivinskaya, she becomes the poet’s “muse”. He dedicated many poems to her. Before Pasternak's death, he and O. Ivinskaya had a close relationship.

In 1952, Pasternak the first heart attack occurred. It's described in the poem "In the hospital".

From 1945 to 1955 Boris Pasternak working on a novel "Doctor Zhivago". This novel was published in 1958 abroad. For the novel "Doctor Zhivago" Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize. However, at home, the novel was not only not published, but also caused sharp criticism from the official authorities. Pasternak was expelled from the Writers' Union. (In 1987, this decision was reversed, and in 1988 the novel was published in the New World magazine.)

From 1956 to 1959 printed last book poems by Pasternak “When it clears up.”

Pasternak Boris Leonidovich, (1890-1960) Russian poet and prose writer

Born in Moscow, into a family famous artist. After graduating from high school in 1909, he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University. I became seriously interested in philosophy. To improve philosophical knowledge in 1912 he studied at the University of Marburg in Germany for a semester. In 1913 he returned to Moscow.

His first collections of poems - “Twin in the Clouds” (1914), “Over Barriers” (1917) - are marked by the influence of symbolism and futurism (part of the “Centrifuge” group). In 1922, a book of his poems “My Sister Life” was published, which immediately brought forward the author among the masters of modern poetry. In the 1920s he joined the literary association "Lef". During these years, he published the collection “Themes and Variations”, the poems “Nine Hundred and Fifth” and “Lieutenant Schmidt”, and began work on the novel in verse “Spektorsky” (1924-1930). In the 1930s, he was mainly engaged in translations (of Georgian poets, W. Shakespeare, I.-W. Goethe, I.F. Schiller, R.M. Rilke, P. Verlaine).

In 1943 he made a trip to the front, which resulted in essays and a book of poems “On Early Trains” (1943).

His novel Doctor Zhivago brought him worldwide fame. For this novel, Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1958. Under threat of expulsion from the USSR, he refused the prize.

    Girl X is right, nothing is said about his death, I would add, “Bullying from other writers caused the poet’s nervous breakdown, which ultimately led to lung cancer and death. Boris Leonidovich never had time to finish the play “Blind Beauty”. Pasternak died at home, in a bed from which he had not risen for a long time, in 1960, on May 30.”

1890, January 29 (February 10, new style). In Moscow, a son, Boris, was born into the family of artist Leonid Osipovich Pasternak and pianist Rosalia Isidorovna, née Kaufman.

1901-1908 Studying at the 5th Moscow Gymnasium. Upon graduation, he enters the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. A year later he was transferred to the philosophy department of the historical and philological faculty.

1913 First publication of poems in the collective collection “Lyrics”; first book of poems "Twin in the Clouds". Graduates from university.

1914 The first collection of the Centrifuge association, “Rukonog”, is published with poems and an article by B.L. Pasternak. 1916 Publication of the book of poems “Above Barriers.” 1922-1923 Marries E.V. Lurie. A book of poems, “My Sister is Life,” is being published. A trip to Germany, where he publishes a poetry collection “Themes and Variations”

(1923). Becomes a member of the Left Arts Front (LEF).
1927 Break with the LEF group.
1931 The autobiographical story “Safety Certificate” is published. Leaves the family and marries Z.N. Neuhaus. Trip to Georgia.

1932 The book of poems “Second Birth” is published.
1943-!945 - Books of poetry “On Early Trains”, “Earthly Expanse”, “Selected Poems and Poems” are published. 1945-1955 Work on the novel "Doctor Zhivago".
1957 The novel Doctor Zhivago is published in Italian.
1958 Nobel Prize awarded.
1960, May 30. B.L. Pasternak died at his dacha in Peredelkino near Moscow; buried in Peredelkino.

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