How to draw a real goldfish. Drawing for children “Goldfish from a fairy tale” step by step with photos

gold fish - main character fairy tales in verse by our great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” Everyone knows this one a wonderful fairy tale since childhood. This is one of the few fairy tales that mothers read to us from the very beginning. early childhood. Pushkin’s magical lines are remembered and stored in our memory for the rest of our lives. The goldfish was not just a fish, but a sea sorceress. She granted three wishes. An old man caught her in the blue sea and she wanted to fulfill his three wishes. But the old man, at the behest of his harmful wife, the old woman, demanded a lot from the fish; she became angry and stopped fulfilling their wishes. Here we will teach you how to draw this magical fish step by step with a pencil and then color it.

Stage 1. Draw the contour lines of the fish. The rounded upper part, which tapers towards the middle of the leaf with its two edges, passes into the contours of the caudal fin. On the head of the fish we will draw two intersecting curves. Two curves extend from the middle of her body - these will be the ventral fins.

Stage 2. Now we will begin to design the figure of the fish according to the initial sketches. We draw lines from one end of the body, then outline the expanded part - the head - and then narrow the line down.

Stage 3. Here we show the lower part of the muzzle. We smoothly round it into a semicircle, highlight the line of the nose on the right and the line of the mouth in the middle.

Stage 4. Now we draw two eyes along the curve on the muzzle. They are quite large, surrounded by eyelids. And above and below the line of the mouth we make lips. The fish's lips are plump, the upper ones seem to be raised, the lower ones seem to be lowered.

Stage 5. Let’s complete the design of the eyes. We draw round eyes with glare of light reflected in them. On upper eyelids showing eyelashes. There are cute raised eyebrows above the eyes. You need to draw a crown on the head of the Goldfish. First, we draw a double curved line and from it upward the teeth of the crown, decorated with balls at the ends.

Stage 6. Here we will draw the lines of the body behind the right cheek and the initial strokes of the fins: abdominal and one pectoral.

Stage 7. Draw the ventral fins. There are two of them. They are located in front under the head. The shape resembles curved leaves. On the side of the body we draw one larger fin - this is the pectoral fin. You need to show strokes on the fins - these are thin fin rays.

Stage 8. It’s the turn of the caudal fin. The Golden Fish has it, as it were, divided in two. It starts from the end of the body and goes down, branching in two directions. It is also necessary to show with strokes the fin rays - thin bones that support the fin itself.

Stage 9. Now we need to finish drawing another pectoral fin. It goes symmetrically to its paired counterpart (in our case it is shown just below the fish’s chin). And behind her back is a large unpaired dorsal fin.

Stage 10. This is what your fish should look like.

Stage 11. Let's color our beautiful Goldfish.

None beautiful fish can't compare with gold. After all, she can make wishes come true! You can, for example, remember Pushkin’s Russian fairy tale, where the grandfather caught such a wonderful goldfish in his net. And now you will have your own golden wish granter if you draw her with colored pencils after today’s master class for beginning artists.

Necessary materials:

  • black marker;
  • a simple pencil;
  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • yellow and orange colored pencils.

Steps for drawing a goldfish:

  1. At the initial stage, we draw the body of the goldfish using simple lines and shapes. This is an oval, which will be the main figure. Add a fin to it in the upper part in the form of a triangle. We will also depict the tail and lower fins in the form of simple arched lines.

  1. Deform the contour of the body. Let's add a mouth and an eye.

  1. Then let's move on to the tail and define its outline. We will also do the same with the small lower fin. Finally, you can draw arcuate lines on the two elements of the tail pattern.

  1. We clarify the contour of the upper fin. Let's draw lines. Draw the gills near the eye.

  1. Now you can draw the scales of the goldfish in the form of small semicircles. Let’s also pay attention to the lower fins, which should be outlined and drawn small parts.

  1. Using a black marker, draw all the lines and small details in the goldfish drawing. The pupil on the eye can be completely decorated.

  1. Since our fish is golden, to color it we take a yellow pencil, which will give the desired shade.

A beautiful drawing is not only for experienced artists who have been creating real masterpieces since childhood. This can be learned independently at any age. Vivid drawings You can always please the kids. In addition, such creations quite claim to be very

stylish element of apartment decor. This time we will learn how to draw a goldfish step by step. The work will be done with a simple pencil. However, you can very well add color and brightness to the picture. This option considered the basis for more complex modifications.

Start of drawing

The landscape sheet must be placed horizontally in front of you. The head will initially be drawn as a small oval. He switches to a similar figure of a larger size. This will later turn out to be the body. Draw the tail symbolically: wide and forked at the end without any additional details. All this will appear later. With the help of such a blank you can easily draw a goldfish from a fairy tale. After all general outlines and their body structure is, in principle, similar. At this point, the preparatory stage can be considered complete.


Our fish should become less sketchy. Using separate segments

give it the required shape. At the same time, the head will become somewhat pointed at the end, and fairly wide solid fins will appear below and above. The body at the base of the tail will become very narrow. But that's not all. Our work as artists continues.

Create roundness

How to draw a goldfish more realistic? This is very easy to do. Using an eraser, remove the angularities of the individual strokes that we drew in the previous step. Add characteristic notches at the end to the tail. Another small long fin appears at the head. Mark the place where the eye should be located. As an addition to the picture, you can depict several air bubbles. This will add realism to the final result.

Final touches

How to draw a three-dimensional goldfish? Just shade it correctly. It is recommended to do this using a pencil with a hard lead. In this case, the sheet of paper will not get dirty, and the drawing will not be smeared or lose clarity. But don't choose too much hard pencils. They can even rip through paper. Strokes should be made without strong pressure, neatly and clearly. How to draw a goldfish and give it volume? Start shading from the head. Many professionals recommend doing it this way. However, you can easily start shading from any other part of your drawing. Identify the darker parts first. Start shading with them. This will be much more convenient. The dark areas should be the bottom of the abdomen, the base of the fins and tail, and the top of the head. Ready. As a result, you should get a charming goldfish that looks so much like a real one swimming in an aquarium. As you can see, everything turned out to be not at all as difficult as you might think at first. Now you know how to draw a goldfish with the most ordinary pencil.

So, I needed to draw a coin. The Internet turned out to be quite sparse for lessons on drawing gold. The only one that I found did not particularly impress me, and therefore I did not use the palette suggested there. Instead, I found a photograph of a gold coin on a white background, which was not influenced by reflexes, located nearby things, and used an eyedropper to remove the primary colors. Having carefully studied how light and shadow work on the surface of real coins, I began to draw my own. To start, I made a circle with a base color on top of the sketch on a new layer. I continued to draw the coin, merging layers all the time, and therefore, unfortunately, somewhere in the middle of the process I got carried away and forgot to save a couple of stages. =)

After that, I outlined the outline of the design on the coin. Since my girlfriend was a cheat, I decided to depict two dice. Also, do not forget that coins usually have a protruding outline (border). Without it, your money will look a little flat and not realistic.

Now I create a temporary layer underneath and make the circle a little larger dark color. Then I merge the layers. This dark outline will be needed to create the volume of the coin while maintaining its perfectly correct contours. On the coin itself, I draw the outline of the cube, marking the places of the deepest shadow. My cube will be convex.

And I repeat the same trick to create an inner “shadow”

Now I paint the cube in a lighter tone, thereby showing that it is slightly convex and mark the edges with bright yellow. At the junctions, the edges usually sparkle with light, thereby giving relief to the design. But so far, of course, everything looks very flat.

The next step is to intensify the light and add some with a soft brush. light color on the coin itself, making its surface seem non-monotonic. Yes, by the way, I paint everything with a simple hard brush, changing the opacity and pressure.

Deciding that everything looked too clear, I decided to blur everything with the Blur filter. Nothing complicated - just now the contours have become smoother and blurrier. This could also be done with a simple hard brush, but I had small size, and I didn’t want to particularly bother with this stage, since it was, well, not at all significant.

But here I got carried away and missed the stage. But there is nothing complicated here. First, I darkened the coin a little around the cubes, thereby bringing them forward and indicating the place of the highlight where the main light source falls. I cut out a hole that I forgot about initially, because it was a medallion. Next, everything was done with a simple dotting brush. I took a brush from the set, which is called Texture (essentially curved points). In general, I really liked this brush and added it to my set of brushes, which also includes a couple more from Marta Dalig. I applied the dark and light dots on a new layer with a very low opacity, erased them in the shadows and merged the layers. Then I went over the entire coin again with the Brighten Tool and the same texture brush.

This stage was very small, but also very important. Gold tends to be red and this should be taken into account. Plus, I painted the coin on the skin, which means it should take on its color a little. Therefore, I applied a thin layer on top of the coin with a soft brush in Soft Light mode with a very low opacity, which made it more harmonious. In my opinion of course

In general, the process is coming to an end, because a small coin does not require much detail and it is only important for me that it looks like a real one. I go over the areas that are closer to us (that is, the convex areas) with the brightener tool at a very low intensity, and then with a simple thin hard brush I make many long chaotic stripes of white color across the coin, trying to convey its scratchiness. This is not particularly noticeable, but still it seemed to me that the coin looks more natural.

How to draw a fish step by step: for the little ones

Even younger preschoolers can create a cute fish: even a three-year-old child can draw it. It is important to explain correctly, and then a new “masterpiece” will appear in your collection of your beloved child’s crafts.

As you can see, the fish is very easy to make.

How to draw a beautiful fish?

Even a 4-5 year old child who already has some drawing skills can portray an exotic fish.

Agree, the fish is simple, but it turned out beautiful! If you show how to draw a fish with a pencil step by step, the child will be delighted, because he was able to draw such a wonderful drawing with his own hands under your strict guidance!

How to draw a goldfish?

Darling fairy tale character Children - a goldfish - is not so easy to depict, but it is quite realistic.

All that remains is to decorate our goldfish with felt-tip pens or colored pencils. If desired, you can decorate it with a crown.

How to draw an aquarium with fish?

How to draw a goldfish:: goldfish pencil drawing:: Drawing

How to draw a goldfish

Goldfish are charming and mesmerizing creatures, magical and beautiful. If we look at history, we will find out that the ancestor of the goldfish known to us was the silver carp, which was bred in medieval China about 1000 years ago. Then they “sailed” to Portugal, and they arrived in Russia only 300 years ago. Since then, goldfish have become the most popular inhabitants of aquariums and ponds. Let's draw gold together today fish.

You will need

  • We will need pencils, an eraser and several pencils of different shades of yellow.


1. Draw the body of the fish. Its body is almost a regular oval shape, let's draw an oval and outline the gills.

2. Draw the fins and tail using smooth lines. If you don’t have a real goldfish in front of your eyes, look at the drawing and, first, try to copy it.

3. Shade the fins and tail. Carefully and diligently draw the scales. It is the iridescent scales that give the goldfish its charm and beauty. Please note that in the center of the body the scales are larger, towards the sides they become smaller.

4. Color the gold fish different shades yellow color.


Start learning to draw with a simple pencil and an eraser - such a drawing is always easy to correct and bring to perfection.

Helpful advice

Feel free to copy designs that you like at first. Over time, you will get used to using a pencil more freely - and will begin to create your own original drawings.

Drawings! How to draw a GOLDFISH! Let's draw a GOLDFISH step by step! GOLDFISH pencil poet

How to draw a "Goldfish".

Drawing fish

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Drawing lesson. We draw fish.

Learn to draw different fish

How to draw a goldfish

The goldfish has luxurious fins and a tail. And the body is almost regular oval in shape. First, let's draw the body and outline the gills. Let's finish drawing the fins and tail, they are quite wide.

Shade the fins and tail. Special attention Let's focus on drawing the scales. They are what give the fish such a mysterious shine. In the center of the body the scales are larger, closer to the sides - smaller. For coloring we select various shades yellow color.

The ancestor of the goldfish was the silver carp. This new breed of aquarium and pond fish was developed in China almost a thousand years ago. In 1611, goldfish were brought to Portugal. These beauties were brought to Russia only three hundred years ago. Since then, goldfish have been one of the most popular aquarium and pond inhabitants.

How to draw a goldfish with a pencil step by step

Goldfish – picture for coloring

How to draw a sword fish

How to draw a shark

Hammerhead fish (shark) – how to draw

How to draw a catfish

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Learn to draw a clown fish

How to draw an angelfish fish

The angelfish has an almost square body. Therefore, the basis for the drawing is a circle, and the axes intersect in the center of the circle. We draw the body of the fish in relation to them. We draw the fins of the angelfish, they look like wings. The tail of the angelfish is also unusual.

Let's finish the details - the eye, mouth, add volume to the fins. When coloring the fish, pay attention to which unusual shape stripes on her body.

The angelfish is a very beautiful and elegant fish. She settled in aquariums almost a hundred years ago. Angelfish are peaceful - they easily get along with other inhabitants of “glass houses”. Scientists believe that angelfish have quite developed intelligence.

Draw an angelfish fish with a pencil step by step

While coloring the picture of this drawn aquarium fish, pay attention to the unusual shape of the stripes on its body.

Picture of a drawn aquarium fish angelfish for coloring

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