How to draw a hedgehog with a pencil step by step. Drawing a hedgehog Sketchy drawing of a hedgehog

Master class on drawing for children 4-5 years old "Hedgehog"

Target: performing a drawing using an unconventional drawing technique - painting with a hard semi-dry brush using the “poke” method.
Tasks:- introduce children to non-traditional techniques drawing;
- develop Creative skills children;
- teach accuracy when working with gouache.
Purpose: This master class will be useful for kindergarten teachers working with middle and older children preschool age, and also to everyone creative people for those interested in drawing.
Materials: paper, brushes No. 3 and No. 5 - squirrel, brush No. 5 bristles, fabric napkin, water in a glass.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator:"We cannot live in the world without miracles,
They meet us everywhere.
Magic, autumn and fairytale forest
He invites us to visit him.
The wind will spin to the song of the rain,
He will throw leaves at our feet.
It's such a beautiful time:
Miracle Autumn has come to us again."

Guys, what wonderful lines M. Sidorova wrote... Autumn is truly a wonderful time, but unfortunately not everyone has time to admire its beauty. For example, animals have no time to enjoy the beauty of autumn; they simply need to stock up on food. The squirrel sews mushrooms and collects nuts,

And the hedgehog?
Listen to Tatyana Kazyrina's poem:
Autumn has played out
Whirling in the wind,
Covered with leaves
Gray hedgehog.
The hedgehog is unhappy
Snorts and grumbles:
-The mushroom hid
Silent under the leaves!
How to find a path?
How to find fungus?
Leaves stick
On the prickly side!"
Educator: Guys, what does the Hedgehog eat?
Children's answers.
Educator: That's right, guys. Hedgehogs also eat apples.

They prepare them in their burrows and collect them under apple trees.

And mushrooms.

The hedgehog's prickly coat helps to collect mushrooms and transfer them to the hole.

Look what beautiful hedgehog drawn by the artist:

So I suggest you draw a hedgehog with an apple.
We will do this with gouache and a hard brush. To get started, we need to get acquainted with an interesting drawing method - the “poke” method with a hard semi-dry brush.
Place a piece of paper in front of you, place a glass of water, and prepare a cloth napkin. Your main weapon is a hard bristle brush No. 5. Dip the brush into the gouache and make the first “poke”, placing the brush vertically to the sheet. Give it a few pokes. Now let’s change the color, rinse the brush, and dry it dry with a cloth. Let's put paint on the brush again and continue painting using the "poke" method. Have you tried it? Now you can start drawing a hedgehog.
1. For work we will need the following materials: a fabric napkin, a glass of water, gouache, a bristle brush No. 5, soft brushes No. 2, No. 5, a sheet of paper.

2. Tint a sheet of paper: wet a sheet of paper with a soft brush, then apply paint, trying to distribute it evenly. Let it dry and the background is ready.
3. Let's start drawing a hedgehog. Place the sheet horizontally. We will paint using the “poke” technique with a hard, semi-dry brush. You are already familiar with it and have even tried it, and now let’s draw, or rather “poke”! We use black and white gouache. First, dip the brush in white gouache, and then in black. This is done so that the color is applied to the sheet not in an even color, but in small spots, this will create a more vivid effect of needles on the hedgehog’s back. First, let's draw an outline.

Now let's fill the outline. “Poke”, “poke”, “poke”!

4. Now with a soft thin brush, with the very tip of it, draw the muzzle, just the outline.

We fill it with color, small stripes, and begin to draw a line from the nose to the head.

5. Now let’s draw the nose, legs and tail.

6. In order to draw the hedgehog’s eye, use a thin brush to draw a small white circle, let it dry and use black gouache to draw a small circle in the middle of the white one. Now our hedgehog is looking at us!

7. Draw an apple. We need red gouache. Draw a small circle on the back of the hedgehog. We also draw using the “poke” method.

8. Now let's draw green gouache a leaf and a black one - a twig.

The hedgehog is ready!

Look at the hedgehogs the children drew:
Egor got the biggest apple

Nastya has this hedgehog

And Katyusha drew the hedgehog entirely herself

These are our hedgehogs!

Which hedgehog did you like the most?
I suggest you draw your own hedgehog! Try it! Your hedgehog will be completely different from any other! Go for it.

If the kid suddenly asks how to draw a hedgehog, the best option will show him a master class that gives step-by-step instructions for this process. The main thing at this moment is to choose the option that is suitable for the beginning artist by age.

Master class “How to draw a hedgehog” for children 3-4 years old

Drawing with shadow overlay

And the most difficult option is to depict a hedgehog not schematically, but with shadows applied - realistically, as close as possible to the natural image of the animal. Although if you look closely, you can conclude that, following step by step instructions from the previous master class “How to draw a hedgehog” (step by step for younger schoolchildren and older preschoolers), you can depict this animal, and then simply apply shadows correctly - instead of schematically drawing lines and needles. It should be noted that to depict a prickly fur coat, you do not need to draw needles at all, but, on the contrary, leave some of them unpainted.

Now a child of any age can easily draw this prickly animal after reading the master classes presented here.

Complexity:(2 out of 5).

Age: from three years old.

Materials: a sheet of thick paper, wax crayons, a simple pencil (just in case), an eraser, watercolors, a palette with indentations for water, a large brush.

Purpose of the lesson: we go through or consolidate knowledge about the shape - oval (hedgehog body), definition (horizon line).

Progress: the child draws a large oval (future hedgehog), draws needles, and tints the leaf blue (sky) and green (grass).

We take a brown wax crayon and draw an oval in the middle of the sheet until we get a beautiful and more or less even figure. If the child is not confident in his abilities, let him draw with a simple pencil, the eraser will help correct mistakes.

We finish drawing the face with an eye and nose, and paws. You can immediately color them with crayons. Next, the baby must choose the color of future needles. Our hedgehog will have needles in the form of dashes.

In this task we will use paint earlier than usual. Let's take it Brown color paints and dilute it in the palette big amount water. Let's use a large brush and apply paint to the body of the hedgehog. Due to the fact that we painted the needles with wax crayons, watercolor diluted in a large amount of water will roll off them and form water balls, which can be easily removed with a napkin. But don’t rub too hard, just apply a napkin so that the water is absorbed by itself.

While our hedgehog is drying, draw a horizon line. The horizon line is the line connecting the sky and earth. The more often a child hears definitions, the faster he remembers them. Place this line so that it appears that the hedgehog is walking on the grass.

We dilute blue (for the sky) and green (for grass) in a liter with plenty of water. And we begin to apply paint with a large brush from left to right and from top to bottom. We take a short break while finishing painting the sky to let the paint dry. Then we finish painting and green grass in the same way.

Before you start drawing a hedgehog with colored pencils, it’s better to start sketching. This way you will succeed Nice picture animal. And for originality and beauty, think through the whole plot and add other characters or nature around the hedgehog.

How to draw a hedgehog with pencils

Necessary materials:

  • black marker;
  • one white piece of paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • pencils in yellow, orange and brown.

Stages of drawing a prickly hedgehog:

1. First, let's draw the body of the hedgehog. Pay attention to the figure that we drew and try to draw the same one on your piece of paper.

Drawing the body of a hedgehog

2. Draw a small circle on the sharp tip of the body. This will be the hedgehog's nose. Then we will add a couple of small ears.

Draw the nose and ears of a hedgehog

3. Use a pencil to draw an eye and a smile.

Draw the eyes and mouth of a hedgehog

4. Now you can draw a lot of sharp needles for the hedgehog. Draw them in the form of thin lines. For convenience and beauty of lines, take a ruler.

Drawing needles on a hedgehog

5. At the bottom of the body, draw the legs.

Drawing the paws of a hedgehog

6. Now let's take colored pencils and start decorating our drawing with them. Let's start with a yellow pencil, then move on to shading with orange and ending with brown.

Coloring our hedgehog

We use several colors

7. For clarity, use a black marker. Let's draw a path or vegetation near the paws.

Use a black marker for clarity

On autumn theme you can depict a hedgehog with fruits using step by step drawing and coloring with colored pencils. We all start with a simple oval, which gradually turns into a beautiful pencil drawing cute forest animal.

Materials for the image of a hedgehog with fruit:

  • free sheet;
  • pencils;
  • black liner;
  • eraser.

Drawing a hedgehog with autumn gifts in stages:

We draw a large oval in the center of the sheet, which will soon turn into a hedgehog.

WITH right side there will be a hedgehog's face. Therefore, we draw two lines to obtain an oblong muzzle with a spout at the end. On the oval itself we draw a line that borders the muzzle from the prickly “fur coat”.

We draw a small ear near the outline, and in the middle of the muzzle we draw the outline of the eye. We also draw a nose and short antennae at the end of the elongated muzzle. We remove the auxiliary lines.

The legs of forest and ornamental hedgehogs are short, so in the drawing they will also be like that. We draw two pairs of legs and immediately draw a horizontal line to obtain the surface on which the hedgehog stands.

We turn the outline of the “fur coat” into solid spines, which we depict in the form of pencil strokes. We detail the paws and muzzle.

We place the hedgehog on the prickly “fur coat” autumn gifts nature - for example, an apple with a leaf and a small pear.

Draw the contours of the hedgehog with fruit with a black marker.

We paint over the side parts of the fruit, small fragments of the legs and face with a yellow pencil.

We complement the remaining white areas of the hedgehog’s body and head with a light brown tone.

Using a brown pencil with a red tint, we create areas of fur on the paws and muzzle. We paint the middle of the ear with a pink pencil, and the fruits and fur coat with a dark pink pencil.

Green pencil We paint the pear and the leaf on the apple, as well as the foliage near the hedgehog’s feet. Darkening the animal’s “fur coat” burgundy color pencil.

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