How to draw a rat with a pencil step by step. How to draw a rat with a pencil step by step Rat wearing a New Year's hat pencil drawing

It runs in everyone's blood irresistible desire spoil your neighbor, while remaining incognito. Those who are more successful in this matter develop and introduce this skill to themselves at the genetic level, when their hands themselves reach out to break wood and add oil. British scientists call such frags symbolically a rat. As you may have guessed, in this lesson we will find out. From a narrow biological point of view, a rat is an ordinary creature that joins the human community and, trying to remain unnoticed, shits further than it sees. It spoils non-GMO products, and is also attracted to cheese like flies to eider ducks. A specific skill is meter-long jumps exclusively from the toilet, causing panic in the enemy with a sudden attack, and hiding behind pipes. They are socially active, live in herds and often organize bacchanalia in the basements of houses.

In society, it is customary to call a rat a person who informs unnecessary information to the right people(synonym - snitch). The human rat is noticeably different from homo sapiens in its extremely polite character and cunning.

What to do if you are a rat:

  • Make sure that the owner of the information is slow and stupid, which means he won’t have time to understand that you have ripped him off. You treat them calmly, make excuses like “Oh, I’m okay, I’m okay,” and leave in English, without a good bye.
  • If the target is cunning and smart, the idea is bad, the chance of getting away is 102%, and you will only be able to deliver your sinful body to intensive care. But since the brain doesn't process possible outcomes, the ranks of rats are decreasing exponentially in developed societies.
  • If you are an animal, I advise you to find yourself a modest toilet and live there, intimidating passing women and not disdaining free food. Then find the nearest mousetrap with cheese, give in to the impulse and die in splendid isolation. Shovel.

How to draw a rat with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let us mark on paper the location of the rat using a polygon, in which we will place a huge rat.
Step two. We will use circles to create the body of a mammal, use them to highlight the paws, ears, and only draw the tail with curved parallel lines.
Step three. Carefully outline all the outer lines, sketch out small paws with claws and a muzzle with a mustache.
Step four. Using light shading, we will draw lines that will create the effect of fur, sketch out the tail a little and remove all the lines inside and outside the drawing that you no longer need.
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IN Lately rats are increasingly being kept as pets. And it’s not surprising: these are very smart animals, very devoted to their owner. Some, however, are afraid of them and consider them aggressive. And it’s completely in vain, because most rats are funny and smart. So, let's figure out how to draw a rat.

Let's start with general forms. You need to draw two circles, one large and the other smaller. We immediately divide the smaller circle into four equal parts.

Let's add an elongated front part of the muzzle and two small semicircles - ears.

Let's connect the head and body to each other.

Now we need to outline the paws and the long curved tail. For now these will just be lines.

Let's work with the muzzle: we need to draw a round eye, nostrils and antennae.

You also need to slightly adjust the shape of your ears.

Let's get back to the paws. The rat's fingers are short, neat, and have small “fingers.” Almost to the very soles of the paws are covered with hair - this also needs to be drawn.

Now the tail. It will be smooth, hairless, and not very thick.

Once the contours are outlined, you can remove the auxiliary shapes and lines. This must be done carefully - the main outline must remain in place.

Let's move on to shading. First, let's draw our own shadows - very easily, without pressure.

Then we will lay out the main tone. It’s good if the shading is not very neat - this way the structure of the coat will be better visible. We also need to depict a falling shadow.

Done, our drawing is completely done. To better understand the lesson, you can watch this video.

The common rat amazes with its extraordinary intellectual abilities. This animal has accompanied humanity since ancient times, not always coexisting peacefully with people. Their inherent intelligence and resourcefulness made it possible to avoid the traps that were used to control the numbers of these animals. However, no one will deny that the rat’s thinking is quite developed. Most people have a deep dislike for them, and the long tail is often the object of their phobia. There are connoisseurs who are capable of warm feelings for these rodents.

Let's consider how to draw a rat so that the paper reflects a cute, cute creature that evokes only positive emotions.


It is necessary to carefully prepare before the start of the process. You need to decide what technique the drawing will be made in. IN children's drawing The ways of expressing emotions are very important; the overall impression of creativity depends on this. Let's look at how to draw a rat with a pencil step by step - in this case we will need an eraser, a sheet of paper and a pencil. It is also necessary to prepare work surface. The table should be free of foreign objects that distract attention. A high-quality sketch can serve as an outline for a future painting.

Stages of drawing outlines

Let's take a closer look at how to draw a rat with a pencil step by step. For children, this sketch can be colored as desired with paints or colored pencils.

  1. Let's designate on paper a frame in the form of a polygon, in which we will draw an oval for the head and muzzle. Next, create a shape in the form of a large drop - this will be the body.
  2. Once the basic shapes are drawn, let's add outlines for the tail and paws.
  3. Carefully draw the contours of the head and muzzle, mark the eyes.
  4. After the main lines of the head are completed, let's move on to detailed drawing of the shapes of the chest, front legs, belly and hind legs.
  5. The next stage is the graceful lines of the ear.
  6. Then we will draw the small paws in detail, adding fur and claws.
  7. The most important step is drawing the detail that terrifies most people. This is a long, bare tail that curves smoothly in our sketch.
  8. Detailing - remove all unnecessary lines. Let's add a mustache to the rat with a few strokes, form an uneven line on the back, using light shading to imitate the effect of fur.

A simple diagram that details how to draw a rat will be useful not only for children. This great way drawing that any beginning artist can use.

Advantages of step-by-step drawing

Having examined step by step how to draw a rat, you can understand that the task is not at all difficult. The process of creating an image on paper will be easy and fast, with the greatest realism. Now the question of how to draw a rat will not lead to confusion. The image will definitely turn out beautiful and original. After detailed consideration Even a child will understand the sketch of drawing this cute rodent.

How to draw a rat step by step.

In the topic “Drawing Rodents” you can’t do without a rat - the animal is popular and charismatic.

How to draw a rat? And it’s also a matter of what kind of rat. In the strict sense, there are two types of rats - the larger and meaner ones - the pasyuk, or gray rat, and the black rat. First we will draw a heat-loving resident of the southern regions, a black rat.

Some people are afraid of rats, others are disgusted. But there are rats, there’s no escape from this – let’s depict a black rat, and that will be enough for today.

Since I think everyone represents who these rats are, let’s immediately move on to describing the most important thing in our business: appearance. Let's take our picture as an example, which we drew based on a photograph, although we turned the animal in the opposite direction. The rat sits on the plane and listens with a wary look. Surely now, having heard our conversations with you, she will headlong, as they say in the books, rush to the nearest shelter. This, of course, is how I imagine the course of events; in fact, all this is very doubtful.

And this is a gray rat - its build is approximately the same as that of a black one. It differs in size, fur color, significantly greater energy and the fact that it is distributed EVERYWHERE.

Let's move on to the description and immediately draw. Sketch first with a simple pencil, then we clarify it step by step.

As I understand it, a rat differs from a mouse, except for its size, in its proportions.

In general, the rat, like all rodents, has a dense build, a short and strong neck, and a fairly large head. The rear part of the body predominates, the hips are strong and strong, the rat is known to be able to jump well. The withers, like the beaver we drew yesterday, are significantly lower than the croup. The limbs will probably be proportionally longer than those of a mouse. The tail is long (even longer than the body with the head) and hairless, just like that of a beaver - it is covered with scales, but has a somewhat pitiful appearance - a sort of cord tapering towards one end. Now the details.

Let's draw the muzzle larger. Here is a picture from the Internet. But, although it is clear, it is difficult to understand the structure of the head. What to do? But let’s compare it with the skull of a rat and everything will fall into place. The rat's eyes are large, dark, protruding and expressive. The skull is flat, from the level of the eyes the nose tapers towards the end of the muzzle. The muzzle itself is blunt.

The shoulders are hidden by fur, they are not wide, and the front legs are rather weak. This is such a rat. Like other rodents, she can and apparently loves to sit on her hind legs. Remember the squirrel, the beaver - everyone’s favorite position is to squat.

So you and I learned how to draw rats. Where can you apply this skill? For example, to illustrate a parable about rats, or to draw the Pied Piper of Hammel, or to illustrate the Nutcracker.

So far I only have the painting “The Rat King”. Remember this fantastic creature - seven rat bodies fused together?

You see: the ability to draw rats came in handy.

Marina Novikova told you how to draw a rat.

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Now we will draw the baby rat. To do this we will need pencils of varying softness, I use 4H, 2B and 6B. You can draw with one pencil, you just need to adjust the pressure on it. I had a white rat with red eyes, I loved her very much. She lived for about 3 years, then she developed a tumor and after six months she set off to travel through the eternal circle of samsara. They say that rats are smart, I won’t say that she was smart, but she was very grateful and loved to play, and more than anything else she loved to eat and eat. It’s a pity that they live so little, it’s so painful to part with your beloved “person.” Now let's start drawing a rat with a pencil step by step.

Step 1. I draw the outline hard pencil, I don’t press too hard so that the lines can be erased, otherwise when you press hard the stripes remain. We draw the outline of the head, muzzle, nose and eyes of the rat. Then we draw a stick that the rat will hold onto with its hands. Click on the picture to enlarge the image.

Step 2. We draw the lines in more detail, draw lines for the direction of the rat’s fur around the eyes, on the forehead. We draw the rat's fingers.

Step 3. Now I took soft pencil 2B and where the outline was, erase it with an eraser and draw parallel lines- hairs, look at the picture.

Step 4. Now we draw the fur on the rat’s head. How to do it. Let's start with the forehead. Lightly paint over the entire forehead (option 1), then I smeared it with my finger (you don’t need to smear it for a long time, just once or twice and you’re done (option 2)). Then we draw lines on top (option 3), and a liquefied example below. Just do everything in the direction of the fur, click on the next picture, there is already a rat there. Let's do it.

Step 5. Now we draw the other part of the rat’s face in the same way. We barely paint the muzzle and the nose a little, leaving the area around the nose and on top of the nose untouched.

Step 6. Next we modify the rat’s head using the same method. And since my finger was already covered in pencil, I just made a base for the body - rubbed it. We draw the fingers of the rat. We also begin to draw a stick, making dark strokes from the edges, then a little lighter (to see how to draw a trunk in detail -).

Step 7. We make strokes in the direction of the fur, a lot of strokes, smearing a little for uniformity, so that the background is gray.

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