The Scooter group played a concert in Crimea for the first time and promised to return. Kyiv threatens the Scooter group with prison for performing in Crimea Scooter group in Crimea

With the message: “Unfathomable: the band Scooter is going to perform in Balaklava, a small town on the Russian-annexed Crimean Peninsula.” We are talking about the planned performance of one of the most famous German bands at the ZBFest 2017 festival (“Golden Beam” - KR). As follows from the event program, Scooter is the only foreign performer at this music festival.

The article in the German tabloid caused a strong reaction not only from the group's fans, but also from ordinary citizens. After all, Scooter is one of the most successful musical groups in German history.

Organizer of a performance of musicians on the annexed peninsula Jens Telle explained to Bild: “We didn’t even know that we were getting involved in a political conflict. Our music is completely apolitical and we want to stay away from political issues. We have been traveling to Ukraine and Russia since 1995. We have a lot of fans there who are looking forward to Scooter."

We don't want to make the situation explosive

Jens Telle

On the group's official website, next to the date of the performance in Balaklava, the country is not indicated, only the city. The manager admitted that this was no coincidence: “We did this on purpose. We don’t want to make the situation explosive, we want to remain neutral,” Telle emphasized.

Vocalist Scooter HP Baxter was surprised by the public interest in the group’s performance in Balaklava: “We are going to Crimea not to engage in politics, but because our fans live there. We have something to show them."

Just music - no politics?

Scooter's tour plans for this year also include Ukraine - the band is considering the opportunity to play a concert in Kyiv. But by going to annexed Crimea, the musicians violate Ukrainian legislation - and subsequently they may be banned from entering Ukraine.

We play for our fans. We do not want and will not allow ourselves to be used politically

HP Baxter

However, the members of the group try to convince listeners that they are apolitical - they say, no politics, only music. “We see this as a purely musical event, we play for our fans. We do not want and will not allow ourselves to be used politically,” frontman HR Baxter said in a comment to the dpa news agency.

Meanwhile, a serious discussion has unfolded in Germany regarding Scooter’s Crimean tour.

A German politician, who represents the Green Party in the European Parliament and actively defends the rights of the Crimean Tatars, reacted to these group plans with indignation:

A difficult situation has developed in Crimea. I don't consider Scooter's performance neutral

“I don’t consider Scooter’s performance neutral. They come to a territory where human rights are constantly violated. Where, according to the Society for the Defense of Oppressed Peoples, Russification is taking place, where people are systematically resettled Russian citizens. And the militarization of this beautiful peninsula is taking place. Crimea could become one of the most important military bases Russian army", - she said Crimea.Realities.

“The group doesn’t seem to care that Crimea was illegally occupied Russian troops and that by speaking there she takes Putin’s side,” she told Bild.

The German politician recalled that human rights fighters in Crimea were sentenced to tens of years. She believes that the group’s performance will serve into the hands of the Russian authorities - to hide “all these terrible human rights violations in Crimea, to divert attention from them.”

Rebecca Harms also believes that if musicians wanted to take part in the festival, they could set their own conditions:

"We want to Crimean Tatars received their rights, could freely take part in elections, political prisoners were released, like Oleg Sentsov, who was sentenced to 20 years of labor in Siberian camps. But we didn’t hear all this from the group’s representatives. Therefore, they cannot claim that their speech is a contribution to understanding between peoples.”

Fans are outraged by Scooter's performance in Crimea

Rebecca Harms expressed her thoughts on this topic on her Facebook page. One of the commentators wrote under her post: “If we say that we are talking only about music, then this is not so. It's not just about the music - or the singer did not understand the entire political complexity of the situation in Crimea, the war in eastern Ukraine, which Russia is waging in the center of Europe. He didn’t understand or doesn’t want to understand...”

Think about who you are supporting with your performance and who is paying you for it.

“Fans are outraged by the group’s planned performance in Crimea. Baxter defends the decision to perform, but the reaction of the fans is not neutral, they clearly express their displeasure and disappointment.” One of them writes: “Scooter, do you want to perform in annexed Crimea in August? And Baxter’s statement that music is above politics seems to be correct. But think about who you are supporting with your performance and who is paying you for it. Europe and the world are subjecting Russia to sanctions, and they are not doing it as a joke. Your upcoming performance is nonsense, a bad decision!”

Are you going to Crimea? Better you stay there

The Rolling Stones believe that, despite the indignation of fans, there will most likely not be a cancellation of the performance. After all, Scooter still defends his decision to perform in Crimea. To which the fans again responded with indignation: “It’s bad what some can do for money. Even performing in Crimea to cozy up to Putin. Disgusting. Even if not we're talking about about those killed in the conflict." One of those condemning the group advised: “Are you going to Crimea? It's better that you stay there. Yours better times have long passed, and Russia gladly accepts aging individuals.”

The online music portal also published the opinion of its participants: “The Technogroup is the only foreign participant at the festival in Balaklava. And her fans are announcing a boycott of the concert in Hamburg, which will take place soon.”

And on the Facebook page of vocalist Scooter, one of his admirers writes: “I consider a concert in Crimea impossible, so I offer my three tickets to the performance in Hamburg to others who wish.”

Musicians must realize that they are not helping either Ukrainians or people living in Crimea

Another adds: “If you're really not interested in politics, if you don't have politics and you want to please the fans, then don't go to Crimea. After all, it’s very likely that your Ukrainian fans won’t see you for a long time, and to please the Russian fans, you don’t have to go to Crimea.”

“Musicians should realize that in this way they are not helping either the Ukrainians or the people who live in Crimea,” writes another commentator.

Punish to the fullest extent of the law

The scandal continues in other German media over the upcoming visit of the German musical Scooter bands to Crimea. The Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany said that the embassy is trying to contact the group’s management to clarify the situation. But, according to him, this has not yet been done. To reach out to the artists, the embassy contacted BILD.

If they do go, we must deal with them to the fullest extent of the law.

“I hope that after such a media attack we will convince management to change plans and not violate the laws of Ukraine. If they do go, we must deal with them to the fullest extent of the law. So that they feel that it is their mistake to disregard our laws and consider their actions “just music, and no politics.” And to discourage other such “figures”. I hope that since the scandal has gained such great momentum, perhaps there will be some other solutions,” said Andrey Melnik Crimea.Realities.

But for the musicians themselves, as they say, the scale of the response in Germany to the Crimean tour came as a complete surprise. However, they continue to claim that they are going to Crimea “not to engage in politics, but because they have many fans there.” And that allegedly none of the organizers of the trip could have thought that it could lead them into a political conflict.

With "Brigade S". Scooter's set, which began around midnight, lasted about an hour and a half. The group performed all their obligatory hits, accompanying them with a spectacular multimedia show, reports.

Before the band members appeared, spotlights lit up on the stage, and an image of lightning appeared on the impressive screen. After this, the frontman appeared on stage amid fireworks and a welcoming ovation from festival guests. Scooter H P Baxter. The concert opened with the traditional “Ten Seconds Before Sunrise” - the band has started every concert with it for many years.

“Good evening, Balaklava! Are you ready? ( Good evening, Balakalava! Are you ready?)” - HP Baxter greeted the audience after performing the opening composition. The crowd responded with enthusiastic screams and whistles. "Thank you!" - Baxter replied in slightly broken Russian.

The hour and a half set list included all the hits that fans of Scooter loved - “Bora! Bora! Bora!", "Weekend!", "Mary Got No Lamb", "How Much Is the Fish?" and "Habanera".

At the climax of the show, fireworks were turned on on stage, which delighted the audience. The audience actively sang along with HR Baxter, danced and took memorable photos and videos. In between songs, the frontman addressed the #ZBFest guests with words of gratitude - again, in Russian. The audience responded to him with enthusiastic applause and cheers.

Having played the main part of the program, the musicians left the #ZBFest stage, but the audience immediately began to demand an encore from them. Finally, the members of Scooter appeared on stage again, H.P. Baxter took up the guitar, after which the group performed one of their most famous compositions, “Fire.” As a farewell, the band played another equally popular song - “Move Your Ass”.

“Thank you, Crimea! See you next time! (See you next time!),” Baxter shouted at the finale to the final volleys of fireworks and applause from the audience. He introduced the band members, after which the musicians left the stage - this time for good.

The group performed at #ZBFest despite “threats” from Kyiv. In June, the German publication Bild reported attacks against Scooter in connection with a planned performance in Crimea. As the newspaper noted, German politicians and Ukrainian media criticized the musicians for their decision to “give a concert in occupied territory.”

It also became known yesterday that all members of Scooter were blacklisted by the notorious Ukrainian website “Peacemaker”. The reason for their inclusion in the database was their visit to Crimea.

“All four German violators have been identified and taken to purgatory,” says a message on the portal’s Facebook page.

Today information has emerged that the Scooter group, according to the laws of Ukraine, faces up to eight years in prison.

Tatyana Tikhonchik, press secretary of the prosecutor's office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which is located in Kyiv, spoke about this, Crimea.Realii reports.

According to her statement, the members of the team were included in Single register pre-trial investigations at the request of Rada deputy Dmitry Belotserkovets.

Tihonchik explained that the Scooter group violated the requirements Ukrainian legislation.

As the press secretary emphasized, the musicians are charged with Art. 332-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation by foreigners of the procedure for entering and exiting the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine).

According to the representative of the department, it will send requests to the competent authorities of Germany for the provision of international legal assistance in order to interrogate the group members.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that Scooter has a concert scheduled for October 15 in Kyiv. Scooter vocalist H.P. Baxter and band manager Jens Tele expressed bewilderment at this situation.

“We are going to Crimea not to engage in politics, but because our fans live there. We have something to show them,” said the musician.

“We didn’t even know that we were getting involved in a political conflict. Our music is completely apolitical, and we want to stay away from political issues,” said band manager Jens Tele. “We’ve been going to Ukraine and Russia since 1995, and we have a lot of fans there who are looking forward to Scooter.”

Scooter is one of the most famous German bands; the band was formed in 1993. Scooter's work is characterized by a diverse palette of electronic music genres: compositions in the style of happy hardcore, techno and disco interspersed with electro, drum and bass and trance. The band's latest album, “Ace,” was released in 2016.

#ZBFest was established by the Zolotaya Balka company in honor of International Champagne Day. The festival will be held in Crimea for the second time; last year its audience was about 15 thousand people. This time the festival is two-day, the organizers expect about 40 thousand visitors.

The press service of Simferopol International Airport posted a message about this on its Facebook page, accompanied by photographs of the musicians.

HR Group Leader Baxter, speaking to reporters in the VIP lounge of the airport, he did not hide good mood. As the musician said, the flight from France, where the band had previously performed, went well.

Instead of bread and salt, Baxter was offered to try red mullet. The offering in the form of fish amused the artist, but he refused to try it.

“How Much Is the Fish?”: Legends from Germany will “light up” in Balaklava

Scooter will perform at the ZBfest festival, which will take place on August 4-5 in Balaclava. In addition to the German group, the festival will also feature: Garik Sukachev, groups “SerGa” and “Degrees”, Dima Bilan, and Sergei Shnurov with his group "Leningrad".

Scooter band, working in the electronic genre dance music, was founded in 1993.

Scooter is one of the most successful musical groups in German history. Total sales of the group's albums and singles exceed 30 million copies. The group has been awarded more than 80 gold and platinum records (albums and singles). According to MTV-Russia viewers in 1998, they were recognized as “ best group world", and the composition How Much Is the Fish? to this day is business card team.

In 2010, the group's composition Stuck On Replay became the official anthem of the Ice Hockey World Championship, which was held in Germany.

Despite the fact that the group is approaching its twenty-fifth anniversary, and the composition of the team has changed several times, Scooter remains operational. 19 is scheduled for release on August 25, 2017 studio album a band called Scooter Forever.

Ukraine threatened Scooter with prison

The musicians' performance at a festival in Crimea attracted additional attention due to threats against the artists from the Ukrainian authorities.

Mid June 2017 Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Evgeniy Enin in an interview with the German publication Bild, he threatened the members of the Scooter group with eight years in prison for performing in Crimea.

The prosecutor said that such punishment could be applied to artists if they perform on the peninsula without permission from Ukraine and enter there from a place other than Ukrainian territory.

Secretary of the Committee on National Security and Defense of the Verkhovna Rada Ivan Vinnik was less harsh. “The Scooter group, if it enters Crimea, for example, through Moscow, the territory of Russia, and not through Ukraine, will no longer be allowed into the territory of Ukraine. They will be prohibited from entry,” he said in an interview with the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

At the same time, Vinnik proposed a compromise: the musicians receive permission and enter the peninsula from the territory of Ukraine.

“We have been traveling to Ukraine and Russia since 1995”

Then I joined the process Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany Andrey Melnyk. On June 27, he wrote on his Twitter page: “Today is a particularly delicate diplomatic mission in Hamburg: a meeting with the manager of the Scooter group to dissuade them from the adventure in Crimea.”

Musicians were also under pressure in Germany. Rebecca Harms, Green Party representative in the European Parliament, stated: “The Scooter group does not seem to care that Crimea was illegally occupied by Russian troops, and that by performing there they are taking sides Putin».

HP Baxter did not hide his surprise at the fuss: “We are going to Crimea not to engage in politics, but because our fans live there. We have something to show them."

Band producer Jens Tele explained Bild: “We didn’t even know that we were getting involved in a political conflict. Our music is completely apolitical and we want to stay away from political issues. We have been traveling to Ukraine and Russia since 1995. We have a lot of fans there who are looking forward to Scooter."

The musicians followed the principle

The question of whether the group will perform in Crimea is up in the air. This topic split even the Germans. Scooter fans. In addition, the band has a concert planned in Kyiv in October. The likelihood of it happening after the performance in Crimea tends to zero.

Many believed that under such powerful pressure the musicians would prefer not to further inflame passions and cancel their performance at the festival in Balaklava.

But the Scooter musicians followed the principle, and thousands of fans will see the concert in Crimea. Among them, by the way, there will be many Ukrainians who came to Balaklava for the sake of their pets.

And politicians sometimes need to slow down and relax. For example, to the fiery tracks of Scooter.

MOSCOW, June 16. /TASS/. German musical group Scooter intends to perform at the #ZBFest festival in Sevastopol on August 4, despite criticism from politicians in Germany and threats from the Ukrainian authorities. The attacks on the musicians were reported on Thursday by the German newspaper Bild.

At the end of May, the festival organizer announced that Scooter would come to #ZBFest, which was timed to coincide with International Day champagne. Garik Sukachev and “Brigade S”, Sergei Galanin and the group “SerGa”, Sergei Shnurov and the group “Leningrad”, Dima Bilan, the group “Degrees” and other artists will also perform at the festival site in Balaklava on August 4 and 5. In the summer of 2016, a festival whose goal is to popularize Crimea as a fashionable tourist destination, a center of cultural, gastronomic and social life, brought together 15 thousand guests.

Criticism at home

The appearance of Scooter at this year's festival was opposed by some European politicians. In particular, Member of the European Parliament from the German Union 90/Greens party Rebecca Harms, who took an active part in the events on the Kiev Maidan in 2014, sharply criticized the musicians’ plans in an interview with the newspaper.

“The Scooter group doesn’t care that Crimea is illegally occupied by Russian troops,” she believes. Kharms is sure that the musicians should be ashamed of their irresponsibility, since the Russian authorities “made Crimea the largest military base on the Black Sea.” “Speaking only in the interests of your own fans is completely unsuitable,” the deputy added.

Threats from Kyiv

Commenting on the plans of German artists, Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yevgeny Enin told the publication that for visiting Crimea, which Kyiv continues to consider its territory, without special permission the group faces prison term. “Violation of the law is punishable by up to eight years in prison,” he said. The deputy head of the department added that similar cases have already been initiated “against several foreigners.”

According to the newspaper, another Ukrainian law suggests that concert activities Only Ukrainian companies can operate in Crimea. Thus, Scooter risks violating several norms of Ukrainian legislation at once, the newspaper notes.

At the same time, the musicians themselves confirmed to the publication that they intend to get to Sevastopol through Moscow.

Group response

The Scooter group is one of the most successful musical groups Germany. Her recordings have sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. Most of the band's songs are created in the genre of electronic dance music in English.

SIMFEROPOL, August 5 – RIA Novosti, Maxim Groznov. The German band Scooter flew to Crimea for the first time and performed in front of an audience of thousands at the #ZBFest festival in Balaklava.

The musicians presented a spectacular multimedia show on the festival stage, performed all their famous hits and promised the Crimeans “to see you next time.”

Double scale

The #ZBFest festival has been taking place in the vineyards of the Zolotaya Balka agricultural company for the second year in a row, and this time on a double scale. Last year, the one-day festival attracted, according to organizers, 15 thousand spectators. This time the festival program stretched over two days, and the organizers expected up to 30 thousand visitors on the first day. One day admission ticket cost from 1 to 3.5 thousand rubles. A free transfer from Sevastopol was organized to the festival site, and at 21.00 spectators were still arriving at the site.

The Scooter group became the headliner of the first day of the festival, along with them on Friday in Balaklava there were Sergey Galanin and the group “SerGa” and Garik Sukachev with “Brigade S”.

Technical problems

"Brigade S" encountered technical difficulties at the end of its performance - in the middle of the song "Give me some water," the sound on stage disappeared. The musicians did not interrupt the performance and sang to the end with the support of the audience.

The next song also began without sound - the audience sang “Grandma Smoking a Pipe” in chorus along with the band members. In the middle of the song the sound was restored. The musicians finished their performance and left the stage to applause from the audience.

Hits and fireworks

Finally, closer to midnight, the performance of the Scooter group began. The stage was illuminated by spotlights, an image of lightning appeared on the screen, and lead singer H.P. Baxter entered the stage amid fireworks and screams and applause from the audience. The band began the performance with the traditional Ten Seconds Before Sunrise, after which the vocalist greeted the audience.

“Good evening, Balaklava! Are you ready? (Good evening, Balaklava! Are you ready?),” HP Baxter addressed the audience. They reacted with shouts, whistles and applause. "Thank you!" - Baxter replied in Russian.

In an hour and a half, the group performed all the hits that are well known in Russia - Bora! Bora! Bora!, Weekend!, Mary Got No Lamb, How Much Is The Fish? and Habanera.

On the screen behind the stage, the group's performance was accompanied by a multimedia show. Fireworks were set off at the climax. This delighted the audience, who sang along with the group, danced and took photos and videos. Between songs, Baxter thanked the audience in Russian, and the audience responded with shouts and applause.

Promised to return

After the end of the performance, the musicians left the stage, but the audience immediately began calling them for an encore. Finally, the band returned, H.P. Baxter picked up his guitar, and they performed one of their most famous songs, Fire. The musicians finished with another dance hit of theirs - Move Your Ass.

"Thank you, Crimea! See you next time (See you)," Baxter shouted at the end to volleys of fireworks and a standing ovation from the audience. He introduced the band members, and the musicians left the stage.

The festival in Balaklava will continue on Saturday, with Dima Bilan, the group "Gradusy", L"ONE and "Leningrad" performing for the Crimeans.

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