Eurovision participant from Russia Yulia Samoilova: “I was uncomfortable taking money from Alla Pugacheva. The SBU announced that the singer violated Ukrainian legislation Eurovision participant Yulia

While we were wondering who would go to Eurovision from Russia to Kyiv - Alexander Panayotov or Elena Temnikova, a 26-year-old singer, traveling in wheelchair, Yulia Samoilova.

We first learned about Samoilova in 2013, when she took part in the third season of the show “Factor A” and became Alla Pugacheva’s favorite. And, despite the fact that the girl did not receive first place then, she did not give up music: she continued to write songs for our performers, and recently recorded a video with Gosha Kutsenko. The victory in the Eurovision qualifying round was not easy for her, but now her happiness knows no bounds!

“This is just what I’ve been pursuing all my life, since childhood, sitting in front of the TV with my parents,” Yulia admitted in an interview with reporters. Read more

We know that Samoilova will perform the song “Flame Is Burning” at the competition and we are sure that she will sing for her beloved. Alexey has been next to Yulia for eight years now.

“You can’t imagine how he looks after her, how he looks at her, what kind of relationship they have! And this is exactly what the song is about. The song is about the fact that a person is always looking for his love, that, in general, the meaning of life is in the search for love,” said Channel One director Yuri Aksyuta.

Yulia Samoilova with her husband Alexey

Yulia Samoilova and Alexey met in 2009 on social networks. Moreover, Alexey immediately fell in love with the aspiring singer, but Yulia treated him as a friend. But the young man did not give up, showed care and attention. And, it seems, this is what bribed the future star.

“Actually, at first I didn’t like him, and I thought that we would be nothing more than just friends! Due to its bad character I began to be capricious, but, despite all my quirks, Lesha acted very honorably and wisely. I liked it,” Samoilova told reporters, as the StarHit website writes.

The girl also admitted that their friendship developed into a romantic relationship by itself.

“We just found each other, we got along in character, although we have different views on life,” admitted Yulia.

She also said that two years ago she and Alexei officially became husband and wife. True, a magnificent wedding has not yet been arranged. The lovers decided to hold the celebration after the wedding, which will take place very soon.

Currently, Alexey is not only Yulia’s husband, but also her administrator and tour manager. There is a possibility that he will help producers and directors stage a number for his beloved at Eurovision.

We would like to remind you that the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 will be held in Kyiv on May 9, 11 and 13. The semi-finals will take place on the first dates, and the finals on the last dates.

Last year, at a competition in Sweden, our country was represented by Sergey Lazarev. He had every chance of taking first place if the organizers had not summed up the jury's points from different countries. Eventually Russian performer took third place, second went to Demi Im from Australia, and first went to Ukrainian performer Jamala. Read more

That Russia will go to Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv, Yulia Samoilova, who has been traveling on the wheelchair. The girl openly told reporters about her illness and recent surgery.

As the 27-year-old singer from the city of Ukhta said, she was born completely healthy child, but later a tragic incident happened to her. The girl stopped walking after she was vaccinated.

“Nothing hurt, sensitivity was normal (as it still is). Mom sounded the alarm, and doctors started treating me for everything. There were a bunch of diagnoses, they generally said that I would die at three years old, then at five years old, etc. .d. In general, my mother constantly woke up and listened to whether I was breathing,” Samoilova said. Rossiyskaya newspaper"Since the doctors could not help her, her parents began to turn to dubious healers.

“They treated me, they treated me, and I just began to melt before our eyes (it got worse, but of course the doctors said that it was because of the disease). Then my mother wrote a refusal from all injections and treatment and the deterioration stopped. My parents took me to all sorts of healers -healers, both world-famous and unknown. There were also charlatans, in general, my parents just didn’t see enough. In the end, they simply stopped visiting me on the subject of my treatment. They simply supported my condition with massages and manual therapy,” said Samoilova. .

The singer has been preparing for Eurovision for a long time, but recently her studies had to be interrupted due to a serious operation. “I had an operation in the fall, and I lost a lot of time. It was questionable whether I would be able to participate in the competition at all. I did everything to undergo rehabilitation as quickly and successfully as possible, because I really wanted to, and as soon as I went to correction, confidently said that I could. Of course, they looked at me with suspicion - like, can I really? But with my work I showed that I was quite diligent, persistent, and they relied on me, they believed me, and again everything became fine. we're working!" - the singer told Moskovsky Komsomolets.

According to Samoilova, whom Russian viewers could previously see at the opening of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, since childhood she dreamed of performing at Eurovision after seeing the number Russian singer Alsou on international competition. “Basically, since 2014, when I performed at the Paralympics and was finally noticed, I was already told - keep in mind, you will be one of the candidates (for Eurovision), when exactly, we don’t know, but get ready. I’ve been preparing all this time!” - said the artist.

As Samoilova said, the composition Flame Is Burning, which she will present at Eurovision, talks about the need to have kind heart and always go to cherished dream. "I like this song. It is very organic to me, to some extent about me. Not even to some extent, but just about me. As soon as they showed it to me, I immediately said that I like it. There was no doubt that it’s not mine. And during the recording everything was very easy for me. English language. Of course, I have a big problem with this,” the singer admitted.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) banned a representative from Russia from entering the country for three years. music competition"Eurovision" by Yulia Samoilova. The European Broadcasting Union, which hosts Eurovision, told Kommersant that it is aware of the SBU’s decision due to “Yulia Samoilova’s violation of Ukrainian legislation in connection with her visit to Crimea” and “respects the laws of the country hosting the competition.”

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has banned the Russian representative at the Eurovision music contest, Yulia Samoilova, from entering the country for three years, department spokeswoman Elena Gitlyanskaya said in Facebook. The competition should take place in Kyiv from May 11 to 13.

As an interlocutor close to the Ukrainian government explained to Kommersant, “first, the head of the SBU announced the intelligence service’s intention to ban entry for the Russian participant and checked how society would react to this.” “The Ukrainians, including on social networks, approved this decision, and the intelligence service accepted it,” added the Kommersant interlocutor. At the same time, Kommersant’s source in the Petro Poroshenko Bloc calls the SBU’s decision “predictable.” “The European Broadcasting Union will understand us. He previously made it clear that the issue of entry of the Russian participant remains exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian authorities,” he said.

The European Broadcasting Union, which hosts Eurovision, told Kommersant that it is aware of the SBU’s decision due to “Yulia Samoilova’s violation of Ukrainian legislation in connection with her visit to Crimea.” “We respect the laws of the country hosting the competition, although we are deeply disappointed by this decision. We feel it goes against the spirit of the competition and its inclusiveness, which is at the core of our values. We will continue our dialogue with the Ukrainian authorities to ensure that all performers will be able to take part in the May competition in Kyiv,” the European Broadcasting Union said.

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin called the decision of the SBU “an outrageous, cynical and inhuman act of the Kyiv authorities,” and the special representative of the Russian President for international cultural cooperation, Mikhail Shvydkoy, called it a mistake and stupidity.

Channel One and VGTRK announced that Yulia Samoilova will represent Russia at Eurovision in 2018: “In the event that Ukraine does not allow Yulia Samoilova to participate in Eurovision, next year“, regardless of the location of the competition, Russia will be represented by Yulia Samoilova.” The Rossiya-1 TV channel added that Eurovision will not be broadcast in the country this year.

Kommersant FM columnist Stanislav Kucher:“Personally, I have no doubt: the loudest participants in the dispute, deep down in their souls, did not care about tolerance, and about human rights, and about the real interests of two once truly fraternal peoples. Perhaps my hearing is bad, or I simply haven’t come across the right publications, but I have not yet heard or seen a single proposal anywhere on the topic of how we - Russians and Ukrainians - can do it so that we can at least try to use Eurovision. in Kyiv in order to forget about politics.”

The document on the entry ban for the Eurovision participant from Russia was prepared by the SBU on March 20. The department explained that this decision is related to the singer’s visit to Crimea. “She not only visited Crimea, she also left traces in in social networks, where she speaks out about Ukraine and power and Euro-Atlantic integration,” noted the head of the SBU Vasily Gritsak.

Laura Keffer, Elena Chernenko; Yanina Sokolovskaya, Kyiv

For the last few days, the whole country has been discussing Yulia Samoilova. A girl goes to Kyiv for an international singing competition. The singer has to rehearse a lot and even study English in order to adequately perform the number. She is currently in Finland for a routine medical examination. In this regard, Yulia remembered how the surgical intervention took place a year ago.

“Faster than planned. Six hours instead of nine. They made a cut along my entire spine - from my head to my tailbone. If there had been no operation, there would have been complications in the internal organs. It was already difficult for me: the muscles did not support my back, it was difficult to sit, my stomach was being squeezed, I could not eat normally. There were problems with breathing."

Now the doctors are carefully examining Yulia, checking that everything is going according to plan and taking tests. The operation was not only very difficult, but also expensive. Fans raised 50 thousand euros for the singer. The artist admitted that she now feels much better.

“If it weren’t for the many people who responded and helped me collect a large sum, then I don’t know what I did! I received the money in a couple of weeks. Now I don’t have to fear self-suffocation, which would come in three to five years as a result of the progression of my illness. On this moment I’m doing great, my rehabilitation is going according to plan. I don't need financial assistance, but I need viewers and listeners. I hope that my songs will find their fans and sink into someone’s soul. I am grateful to all the people who helped me with the operation and would like to return this goodness to the world,” the girl shared with StarHit.

The girl admitted that she did not immediately decide to go under the doctors’ knife. Intuition and faith helped her take this step. “The operation was dangerous, they tried to dissuade me. The family was shocked because everyone was afraid. But I listened to my inner voice, and God helped. I even had dreams about it,” said Samoilova "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

In addition to her colleagues and fans, Yulia was also supported by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, who took her under her wing on the show “Factor A”. The prima donna said that Eurovision is a big dream for her ward. She also added that the only joy for the young composer is her husband and creativity. Pugacheva is sure that there is no provocation in connection with the choice of an artist with disabilities No.

It’s interesting that before Samoilov’s collapsed popularity for a long time I couldn’t believe in myself, I doubted a lot, I didn’t understand where to move next. It was Pugacheva who helped her decide on a path, who appreciated her talent.

"I'm just in Last year I realized that since 2013 I had been waiting for someone to sign me, tell me that I needed to sing, and I would do it. At the same time, the songs we wrote were simply accumulated in the form of demos and neatly placed on the table. The turning point It was for me a meeting with Alla Borisovna Pugacheva in March 2016. I came to ask for advice and showed my compositions. And suddenly she likes one of my songs and wants to buy it! If a Diva wants to buy your creation, then your material is not that bad! Alla Borisovna instilled in me then confidence in my strengths, gave me a certain vector and understanding of the path,” Yulia told StarHit.

Millions of fans of the Eurovision Song Contest were waiting for this event - they wondered, argued, and finally, the main musical intrigue was resolved. Conquer musical Olympus Yulia Samoilova will leave our country for Kyiv. Russian viewers are already familiar with this incredible performer - Yulia has won the hearts of people from different countries with her brilliant performance at the opening of the Paralympics in Sochi. And now she has conquered the jury of the Eurovision qualifying competition. The story of this extraordinary young woman is not just about talent, it is about overcoming oneself, about a long and difficult path to a dream, about love that inspires and instills faith that there is nothing impossible at all. The audience will applaud her. She will drown in the spotlight. All cameras are pointed at her. The atmosphere on the site couldn't be more mysterious. Only a few people know who is now preparing to go on stage. The intrigue remained until the end: who will represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv this year, and what song will millions hear? Main secret hiding behind this door. It’s time to open it... “This is just what I’ve been going for all my life, since childhood, sitting in front of the TV with my parents,” says the girl in the dressing room. Fragile and strong, charming and deep. A singer with a unique voice and incredibly talented. Yulia Samoilova - she is the one who will go to conquer the European musical Olympus. “It’s not that I’m happy, I’m actually in shock! I still don’t understand that this is true,” she says. She is not seen on screen very often. But she always gets a standing ovation. Not because I’m in a wheelchair, but because every performance is like a sung destiny. “You will now sing for a specific person, right?” - the journalist asks Yulia. “You could say that - for Alexey, of course!” - says Yulia. Alexey and Yulia have been together for many years. Their love story is worthy not even of a song, but of an entire novel. “You can’t imagine how he looks after her, how he looks at her, what kind of relationship they have! And that’s exactly what the song is about. The song is about the fact that a person is always looking for his love, that, in general, the meaning of life is finding love,” says Yuri Aksyuta, director of the Music Broadcasting Directorate of Channel One. Yulia starts singing even before filming the official video for Eurovision. And the song “The Fire Is Burning” seems to flow from her heart. She sings about her love and her destiny, about how long it took her to achieve her dream through pain and resentment. “Everywhere they said: yes, you are a very interesting and talented girl, but we are afraid that you are not for big stage. They won’t accept you because of the stroller...” says Yulia Samoilova. Until she was one year old, she was an ordinary child, but after a doctor’s mistake - an incorrect vaccination - she could no longer walk. Julia did not become embittered or give up, but began to inspire others and even save them. “A man just came up to me. He fell to his knees in front of me and said: “You saved my life!” Thank you!” He says: “I tried to commit suicide, I wanted to hang myself... But they showed you on TV,” says Yulia. After performing at music project Alla Pugacheva Yulia Samoilova was recognized and loved by all of Russia. With her talent and work, she conquered even those who did not believe in her at first. At the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games in Sochi, she became a symbol of overcoming adversity and fortitude for the whole world. She just sang, and everyone cried with her. “I don’t know why I burst into tears. This is some kind of euphoria, I was overwhelmed with such emotions... I experienced happiness that brought tears to my eyes,” says the singer. Just two years ago, Poland was represented at Eurovision by a singer who survived a car accident, and no one even thought of judging her on anything other than her talent. So Yulia Samoilova turned out to be simply the best. “We were looking for a singer with a certain history, we were looking for a singer, maybe not very popular... Not some big star in our show business. We tried to find a personality,” says Yuri Aksyuta. The song for Yulia was written by an international team of authors. Musician and producer Leonid Gutkin - he was also a co-author of songs for Dina Garipova and Polina Gagarina. And two authors from Israel - Netta Nimrodi and Aryeh Burshtein. Yulia Samoilova will tell her story to all of Europe. “When there is light in the soul, then everything works out!” There is no need to extinguish this fire in yourself!“ - Yulia is sure. There are still two months of rehearsals ahead. Need to find exact image and come up with a bright number.

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