The common-law wife of ex-“Ivanushka” Oleg Yakovlev does not know what the singer left her as an inheritance. Oleg Yakovlev Ivanushki passed away: what really happened to him, the real cause of death of Oleg Yakovlev, where they buried When Yakovlev left Ivanushki

In the summer of 2017, Oleg Yakovlev died completely unexpectedly for the public. He is survived by his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol and his niece Tatyana Yakovleva, who lives in Irkutsk. Now the fate of the artist’s inheritance is being decided, which, according to some experts, is estimated at 200 million rubles.


It is obvious that a fight is brewing between his loved ones over the singer’s property. As Tatyana Yakovleva told reporters, Oleg left a will, which Alexandra Kutsevol was dissatisfied with. “There is a will. Sasha Kutsevol is going to challenge Oleg’s will, since her name is not in this document,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the artist’s niece as saying.

Kutsevol, in a conversation with media representatives, insisted that she would not fight for the inheritance of her beloved man. However, Tatyana Yakovleva denied her words. “It’s not true. Judging by her actions, Alexandra is not going to give up her inheritance and is waging a very active fight in this direction,” Yakovleva said.

According to the woman, at first she and Kutsevol had a good relationship. “I communicated with Sasha very sincerely, we corresponded every day, became friends, I was sincerely happy, supported her in everything. We couldn’t stop talking, I was very happy with our communication and understanding. I even thought: Olezha is probably happy too. When my eldest son flew to Moscow for the burial, I ordered him to help and support Sasha in everything, but, unfortunately, she ruined everything. I did not have time to sign the agreement. creative heritage Oleg - Sasha yelled at me because of this. This is where our communication with Alexandra Kutsevol ended. As far as I know, Sasha Kutsevol recently approached the guys from “Ivanushki” for financial assistance..." - said a relative of Oleg Yakovlev.

Let us remind you that Oleg Yakovlev died on June 29 at the 47th year of his life. He had an advanced form of pneumonia (according to another version, cirrhosis of the liver). The farewell to the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki International” took place a few days later. The musician was cremated. Only at the beginning of August the urn with the artist’s ashes was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

The hit of 1998 was the song “ Poplar fluff" It was performed by a young musical group « Ivanushki International». Special attention fans called her new soloist Oleg Yakovlev. His biography ended unexpectedly in the summer of 2017. We will get acquainted with the details of the artist’s life, creativity and death in this article.

During four years of “free swimming”, Yakovlev recorded 14 songs and shot 6 video clips. The compositions “6th Floor”, “Dance” were especially successful eyes closed" and "New Year's". The last tracks were “Jeans” and “Don’t Cry”.


The soloist of “Ivanushki” Oleg Yakovlev, even during the period of active musical career I didn’t forget about acting. He starred in three films. In the films “One Hundred Days Before the Order” and “The First Ambulance” ( New Year's film) he played cameo roles. On “Election Day,” Yakovlev, along with other “Ivanushkas,” performed the song “Teacher.” True, in the film the team was renamed based on a play on words, calling it consonant with “Ivan and Ushki.”

Personal life

Soloists popular group always besieged by crowds of fans. Yakovlev was no exception. His exotic appearance, artistry and clear vocals, as if coming from the heart, attracted the attention of millions. However personal life Oleg Yakovlev was arranged. The musician’s love for several years was journalist Alexandra Kutsevol. The artist met her in St. Petersburg and lived in a civil marriage. At the time we met, Alexandra was studying journalism. For the sake of her beloved, she gave up her career and became his producer. According to the artist, only with Alexandra did he feel truly happy.

The couple had no children. But Yakovlev is survived by two great-nephews (Garik and Mark) and a niece Tatyana (from his older sister).


In parallel with early creativity Yakovlev led an active sports life. WITH young age He was involved in athletics and even became a candidate for master of sports. But due to sudden changes in his career, a busy schedule of tours and concerts, the artist left the sport.

There is one more fact in the biography of Oleg Yakovlev. He was a virtuoso billiard player and once successfully participated in the tournament.

Illness and death

At the end of June 2017, information about Yakovlev’s hospitalization spread in the media. He entered one of the Moscow clinics in serious condition. Based on the results of the examination, the artist was transferred to intensive care. The diagnosis sounded disappointing: bilateral pneumonia. Specialists took all necessary measures and connected the musician to a ventilator. But the next morning everyone received terrible news. Without regaining consciousness, the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki”, Yakovlev Oleg Zhamsarayevich, died at the 48th year of his life. The cause of death was cardiac arrest.

The farewell ceremony for the musician took place on July 1 in the Troekurovsky Necropolis house. His body was cremated. However official funeral Oleg Yakovlev were carried out only on the 40th day. The ceremony was attended by the artist’s relatives and friends.

Yakovlev's friends claim that alcohol is to blame for his death. After leaving Ivanushki, the musician lost his former popularity. And his solo career did not turn out to be as successful and dizzying as he expected. More and more often, acquaintances met Yakovlev drunk. Although earlier, during concerts and tours, he never missed the opportunity to treat himself to champagne or cognac. And with a weak liver, Yakovlev was categorically forbidden to drink strong drinks.

According to friends, it was alcohol, and not the desire to build solo career or conflicts with colleagues, became the reason for his departure from Ivanushki. Relatives do not comment on this situation. But experts are confident that pneumonia was only a consequence of cirrhosis of the liver, which has been developing for several years. It was he who became the real reason death of Oleg Yakovlev. The musician tried to overcome alcohol addiction. But could not.

Oleg Yakovlev’s grave is located at the Troekurovsky cemetery, on the 15th section, number 664.

  • Oleg Yakovlev's mother was a Buddhist, his father, an Uzbek by nationality, was a Muslim. The artist did not take one side, but chose the Orthodox faith.
  • In order to survive in expensive Moscow, Yakovlev got a job as a janitor. Later he was taken to the radio in the advertising recording department.
  • In 2001, he starred in Alla Pugacheva’s video “River Bus” together with Renata Litvinova.
  • In 2003, a serious change occurred in the Ivanushki International group. The team was on the verge of collapse. Producer Igor Matvienko, having gathered the participants, even agreed with this outcome of the matter. However, after some thought, he doubled the artists’ salaries, and the group continued their work.
  • According to rumors, the influence of his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol pushed Oleg Yakovlev to leave Ivanushki International and start a solo career. For this reason, the artist had a major conflict with the project participants - Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov.
  • According to unverified information, Yakovlev has a son in the northern capital. The boy's name and exact age are unknown.

  • Many were perplexed why the artist’s ashes were buried only 40 days later. This question was answered by Yakovlev’s actual wife. It turned out that the relatives wanted to bury the musician on Vagankovskoe cemetery. Therefore, they waited until the last minute for permission from the administration to hold the ceremony and one square meter land. However, the musician’s relatives did not receive all this. Therefore, Oleg Yakovlev’s grave is located at the Troekurovsky cemetery. And the date of the burial ceremony was not announced until recently.
  • Ex-colleague from the group “Ivanushki”, Kirill Andreev, did not come to Oleg Yakovlev’s funeral. But Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov and Igor Matvienko, the man who drew attention to this event, devoted time to young artist and made him famous.

Died in one of the Moscow hospitals former soloist group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev. The artist was 47 years old. A few days ago he was admitted to the clinic with double pneumonia. The star was in intensive care in serious condition. The day before, the man was connected to a ventilator. The tragic news of the singer’s death was reported by his chosen one Alexandra Kutsevol.

“He died in intensive care. Yesterday evening we went to see him, and in the morning, at 7 am, I received a call from the hospital. Doctors reported that the lungs had failed. So far they have not announced the exact cause of death. Maybe it was the heart. We will definitely organize a farewell to Oleg for his friends and fans. We don’t understand anything yet,” Alexandra shared with StarHit.

In addition, Yakovlev’s common-law wife left her post in social network, in which she said a touching goodbye to her lover.

“Today at 7:05, the main man in my life, my angel, my happiness, passed away. How can I live without you now? Fly, Oleg! “I’m always with you,” Sasha wrote on her personal Instagram page.

As Kutsevol explained, Oleg was treated at home for a long time, as his cough did not go away. The artist did not think that he was seriously ill. According to Alexandra, everything happened suddenly. In addition, according to a number of publications, the star was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. Doctors later determined that the cause of death was pulmonary edema. Friends and fans cannot believe what happened and leave words of condolences to the artist’s loved ones.

StarHit contacted Oleg’s former colleague from the Ivanushki International team, Kirill Andreev. The artist said that he learned the tragic news at seven in the morning while he was at a church service.

“Olezhka passed away at seven in the morning. I contacted Sasha, and she told me. I saw him last time a month and a half ago, there was a very warm meeting. We discussed it new song and a clip. The news that he was in intensive care for about a week came as a real shock to me. We had 15 years life together on the road. A family member has died. Our big one, creative family", Kirill told StarHit.

Later, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov left a post of condolences on the social network. “Oleg Yakovlev died. My Yasha... Our “little” Olezhka... Fly, little bullfinch, your voice and songs are in our hearts forever,” wrote Yakovlev’s colleague.

Some relatives and friends of Oleg believe that the cause of his deteriorating health was bad habits artist. Yakovlev smoked from the age of 20, and in Lately he visited doctors more and more often.

As it became known, the artist will be cremated. Alexandra promised to announce the farewell date separately.

“We won’t forget you, Olezhka. Kind and bright, everything is so fast and so little,” wrote Ksenia Novikova.

Oleg Yakovlev was a public figure for many years, but few of his fans knew the real him. We have selected 12 interesting and touching facts from his biography.

Oleg's parents met in Mongolia. Mom was then about forty years old (she gave birth to a son at 42), and father was only eighteen. The woman flatly refused to get married, and soon Oleg’s father left for his homeland, Uzbekistan. Yakovlev never saw Papa. Later family moved to Buryatia.

As a child, my mother affectionately called her son “hoorhen”, which means “darling” in Buryat.

At school Oleg played the piano beautifully. His music teacher liked to repeat that if the guy continued his career as a pianist, he would have a great future. By the way, even after becoming a star, Yakovlev did not forget his teachers and, when coming to Ulan-Ude, he enjoyed meeting them and giving them gifts.

After school Oleg graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School as a puppet theater actor.. But he didn’t like being behind a screen, so he moved to Moscow and entered GITIS in the acting department.

Few people remember that Yakovlev, already being the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International”, together with Renata Litvinova starred in Alla Pugacheva’s video “River Bus”.

All life he was a little superstitious. For example, according to him, before a long journey, he made salamat (a traditional Buryat dish) and sat on the path, saying “Burkhan, Burkhan, Burkhan.” That's what his mother once taught him.

The singer's chosen one, Alexandra Kutsevol, has been his fan since she was 11 years old.. By the way, it was she who persuaded Oleg to leave “Ivanushki” and start a solo career.

After the start of his solo career, ex-“Ivanushka” changed not only his repertoire, but also his image. He changed his color from blond to brunette.

WITH former colleagues Oleg maintained good relations with the group. Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov always came to the presentations of his videos.

Oleg Yakovlev always dressed fashionably and well, but few people knew that He chooses his own clothes, without the help of stylists. At the same time, the singer preferred to buy things abroad (in particular in London, where he regularly flew), believing that prices in Moscow were unreasonably high.

Oleg Yakovlev did not celebrate his birthday for fifteen years, and only decided to celebrate the 45th anniversary on a grand scale. Moreover, the guests did not immediately understand why the birthday cake was decorated with a figure of Santa Claus, and why a huge Mickey Mouse walked around the hall. Only later did the singer explain with a laugh: they just celebrate their birthdays on the same day with him main character New Year and cartoon mouse.


At the end of the first month of summer, the whole country was rocked by terrible news - singer Oleg Yakovlev was taken to the hospital, and his condition was critical. Soon, after unsuccessful attempts by doctors to save him, the artist’s heart stopped beating. Oleg Yakovlev passed away, and the cause of death is quite ambiguous. Why did Oleg Yakovlev die?

The singer's life and work

Oleg Yakovlev was born in Mongolia, where his parents were sent on a business trip. They went with two daughters, and after a while they returned with five of them. Subsequently, after returning to the USSR, the singer converted to Orthodoxy, although his parents were committed to Buddhism and Islam. After the birth of their son, they lived in Mongolia for 7 years, and after Oleg graduated from first grade, they returned to their homeland, to the city of Irkutsk. The boy was interested in music since childhood and was a student music school choral class, but graduated from it. After graduation secondary school, Oleg Yakovlev entered the city theater school and graduated with honors.

Afterwards, the young resident of Irkutsk went to conquer Moscow, where he entered the Russian Institute theatrical arts GITIS, and chose Lyudmila Kasatkina as a mentor, and later became part of the theater, under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. There wasn’t enough money, and Oleg was looking for some kind of part-time job, working as a janitor and recording voiceovers for the radio.

The beginning of his career can be considered participation in the group Ivanushka International, where, according to Oleg’s stories, he ended up by accident, sending a recording of songs performed by him. The producers liked the voice young singer, and they decided to accept him into the group in place former member Ivanushek - Igor Sorin, who tragically died. It was not easy, as the fans flatly refused to accept the newcomer and missed Igor, who had left them. But after the group recorded and released several songs, including the famous “Poplar Pooh,” he was accepted with open arms.

After a while, when the guys stopped lighting a fire in the hearts of their fans, there were few concerts, and the fees were getting lower, the group decided to break up. After much deliberation, they abandoned this decision, but Oleg had already made his own. Without hesitation, Oleg Yakovlev began a solo career, recording songs, and after a while he began traveling around cities on tours. His career continued, if not at the same level as during his participation in Ivanushki International, then still successfully. He was well known, and in 2013 he released an entire album, and later videos for songs from it.

In his place, young Kirill Turichenko came to Ivanushka’s group, but the popularity that he and Oleg enjoyed could not be returned.

The singer's personal life

Successful participant in the popular youth group surrounded by a crowd of fans who would all give a drop of the artist’s attention, he did not do this. Expectation true love gave him strength, and he waited for it. Oleg Yakovlev’s chosen one was a young journalist, Alexandra Kutsevol, whom he met in St. Petersburg. But despite the fact that the couple has already for a long time lived together, they were in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. Regarding this, Yakovlev said that a stamp in a passport and a ring on a finger are absolutely not needed in order to be happy.

After some time, the singer’s chosen one decided to leave her career as a journalist and began producing creative work. common-law husband. They said that Alexandra insisted that Oleg leave the team, and he listened to her, leaving and breaking off relations with Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov.

Death of a famous artist

The cause of death of lead singer Ivanushek International Oleg Yakovleva according to primary data, available means mass media, there was cardiac arrest due to complications from pneumonia. But later everyone found out that the singer was sick AIDS, and the cause of death of Yakovlev Oleg Zhamsarayevich was a complication of the immunodeficiency virus. The family of the deceased does not comment on the current situation, but it is clear that common-law wife was aware of health problems. Oleg Yakovlev died in 2017, at the age of 47. Fans can't get over it death of Oleg Yakovlev from Ivanushki , because he was young, successful and happy. The artist’s common-law wife knew about the illness, but it was a shock for relatives, friends and colleagues, as well as for the public and Russian stage. Sudden death of Oleg Yakovlev left a mark on the history of music. For family, friends and fans of creativity, the former soloist of Ivanushek International will remain as cheerful, sweet, kind and mischievous. He loved life and will be just as great eternal love his admirers. There, where Oleg Yakovlev is buried , hundreds of people came to say goodbye to him.

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