Ivanushki International deceased Oleg Yakovlev. Ex-soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev: biography, personal life, cause of death

Today, June 29, at 07:05 Moscow time, the ex-lead singer of the group died in a capital clinic. Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev. As Life.ru reports with reference to the Mash Telegram channel, last days The artist was taken to intensive care. They say he had cirrhosis of the liver. Pneumonia also caused complications.


The condition of the former “Ivanushka” worsened sharply on Wednesday night. By this time, Yakovlev was already in the hospital with a diagnosis of double pneumonia. On the morning of June 28, it became known that he was transferred to intensive care and connected to a ventilator.

Oleg Yakovlev joined the trio "Ivanushki International" in 1998 after the death of Igor Sorin. He left the team in 2013 and, according to him, never regretted his decision. “For the first time in my life, I felt like such a big deal. I stopped dividing life into three parts. This is so cool and interesting! My eyes are burning,” the singer admitted.

On social networks, fans were seriously worried about the former lead singer of “Ivanushki International”. One fan drew a parallel between Yakovlev and Sorin, who died as a result of a fall from the sixth floor: “An enchanted group - this one goes into free swimming, that one can’t cope...”

The other day, the famous pop group "Ivanushki International", on whose songs more than one generation of fans has grown up, shot a new video with a new lead singer. Kirill Turichenko joined the group in April and replaced Oleg Yakovlev, who took over solo career.

At the end of July the permanent participant and artistic director team Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov gave an interview to the Moscow 24 channel. According to him, Oleg Yakovlev decided that it was better for him to pursue a solo career. “We weren’t against it. He already shot a video, which is already being played everywhere,” the singer noted.

"Ivanushki International" began performing in 1994. Since then, Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov have remained unchanged members of the group. The third member of the original lineup, Igor Sorin, decided to start solo career. But his fate was tragic: on September 1 he fell from a sixth-floor window, and on September 4 he died in the hospital.

Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov spoke for the first time about the unofficial version of Sorin’s death. “The version that Igor’s mother told me about and which made my hair stand on end is manslaughter. I myself found out about this only a year ago. During some kind of commotion in the apartment, his neck was broken, he was taken out into the street and laid down, then they called police and ambulance,” the performer said, “Those who did this paid for everything properly (after all, it was not a common person, and a superstar!) and retreated from the country."

Grigoriev-Apollonov clarified that he visited Sorin in the hospital - he was still conscious. “He had no bruises. Will you fall from the seventh floor without bruises?” continued “red-haired Ivanushka.” “Some karateka just broke his neck.”

According to Grigoriev-Apollonov, female fans still remember Igor Sorin - they write on Twitter and post his photographs. “We have some choirs included in the soundtrack - we kept the voice of Igor Sorin. That is, he still sings with us almost every time,” the singer noted.

As for the new lead singer of the group, he, like his predecessor, “Ivanushki,” was found by pure chance. “There were castings, but it wasn’t all that. There was an accident: both with Oleg and with the new soloist - Kirill Turichenko. We came with producer Igor Matvienko to Odessa for a couple of days, in the evening we went to karaoke. A boy came up to us and in an excited voice suggested we sing the song “Bullfinches” together,” recalls Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov. “I said: the part is high, I can’t sing it, Oleg sings it. And as he did, one week later! I called him, he came to Moscow for an audition, and became “Ivanushka”.

Now, as Grigoriev-Apollonov said, there are two Kirills in the group, so he can stand between them every day and make wishes. According to him, everything that is dreamed will certainly come true.

The love theme of the songs and the appearance of handsome men in the late nineties could not help but attract the attention of young people to the group “Ivanushki International”. However, the boy band's work is still popular. AiF.ru recalls the history of one of the most successful Russian pop groups.

"The Third International Danced"

One of the most popular Russian pop groups could be called “Soyuz-Apollo”, “Sunflowers”, “Don Hip-Hop and Sancho Dancer”, “Pencils” and even “Third Internatantseval”. “We couldn’t find a name for the band for a long time,” recalled the lead singer. Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov.“I still have a notebook somewhere, covered with hundreds of titles.”

Only six months later the final name of the group appeared: “Ivanushki International”. Songwriter Hermann Witke suggested calling the guys “Ivanushki”, and producer Igor Matvienko added "International", which reflected creative task collective (the musicians tried to combine the best traditions Russian folk music, Soviet stage and popular foreign dance styles).

Initially, Matvienko planned to produce not a boy trio, but a group of five people: three guys and two girls in the images of a “hooligan” and “Cinderella”. “Cinderella” was also searched for modeling agencies and clubs, but were not found, and the “hooligan” ran away two days after the casting. They didn’t take any more risks, so they settled on a participant in the musical “Metro” Igor Sorine, star of the Sochi Fashion Theater Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov and model house model Vyacheslav Zaitsev Kirill Andreev.

The first composition of the group “Ivanushki International”: Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov, Igor Sorin, Kirill Andreev. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

For a long time the children were prepared for big stage: studied vocals, solfeggio, dance, recorded songs at the Mosfilm studio. Only towards the end of 1995 did they begin solo performances in Moscow clubs and the first video for the song “Universe” was shot.

The first video did not bring success, so Matvienko even thought about disbanding the team, but decided to give the guys last chance. The ticket to a happy future turned out to be a video for the song “Clouds”: the simple composition immediately topped the music charts, and the guys became wildly popular.

Grigoriev-Appolonov later recalled the group’s triumph like this: “Sochi, I wake up, turn on the TV - the Hot Ten program. And there: “And in first place we have an unknown young group with the original name “Ivanushki International”. And they play “Clouds” - and I haven’t seen the video yet. Then I go out to the beach and people start jumping on me. I really woke up famous, just in one second.”

Success dot ru

The guys were attracted by their spontaneity, relaxedness and good dance training, so very soon they were included in the number of youth idols. And the repertoire of the group did not disappoint: “Doll”, “Ring”, “Alyoshkina Love”, “ Younger sister", "Clouds" - hits began to come out one after another.

By the end of the nineties, thousands of fans were already making “pilgrimages” to the musicians’ houses, which caused problems for the guys. “We had quite a tough relationship with our neighbors because of the fans who covered our entire entrance with love messages addressed to Igor,” said the mother of one of the soloists Svetlana Sorina.“All the floors and elevators were full of tearful appeals to him. We were tired of this, and I brought a bucket of powder to these abnormal girls and told them that if they respect Igor, they should wash all the floors. Washed."

The first serious changes occurred in the group at the beginning of 1998, when the girls’ favorite Igor Sorin said: “I’m tired of singing the same thing every day.” Popular artist, despite the persuasion of his bandmates, he decided to pursue a solo career.

Unfortunately, Igor never succeeded in realizing his dreams: ex-“Ivanushka” died while recording a solo record. There is still no consensus about what happened during a smoke break in the recording studio on September 1, 1998. Official version consequences are prolonged depression and suicide. But the pop star’s relatives and fans do not believe in suicide, believing that it was a planned murder.

Meanwhile, the life of Ivanushki International continued: Sorin’s place was replaced by Oleg Yakovlev, having previously starred in the “Doll” video as one of the actors. The group's fans did not immediately accept the replacement: the short blond did not fit the role of a macho man, but over time the singer managed to win over even Sorin's most devoted fans.

A year after Yakovlev’s team appeared in Ivanushki International, they released the album “Fragments of Life.” The participants decided to dedicate this record to the memory of Sorin, especially since some of its songs were written based on his poems. Then the famous albums “I’ll scream about this all night”, “Wait for me”, “Oleg, Andrey, Kirill” were released with the songs “Bullfinches”, “Revi”, “Boat”, “Beznadega tochka ru” and a dozen more pop songs. hits of its time.

Every year the group gained momentum, and videos for the songs “Ivanushki” were shot not by just anyone, but by the most famous directors: Philip Yankovsky(“Hopelessness dot ru”), Fedor Bondarchuk(“Ticket to the Cinema”).

22 years for five

Only in the second half of the 2000s did the popularity of Ivanushki International begin to decline. Some attributed the group’s failure to Matvienko’s creative crisis, who stopped writing hits, but the decline in interest in the boy band is a completely natural phenomenon. The soloists themselves are not shy about saying that fans for the most part fell in love not with their music, but with their bodies: with charming young men.

By 2012, the boy band had already released 13 music albums, and Oleg Yakovlev thought about a solo career. “You know, I’m probably more worried about Ivanushki than about myself. I'm not afraid at all. I'm confident. I have wonderful material that any artist would envy. I think that on my solo creative path there will be no barriers,” the singer said in an interview.

Oleg was replaced former employee Odessa Theater comedy Kirill Turichenko, who fit perfectly into the team. On November 27, 2015, he spoke at anniversary concert"Ivanushek International", dedicated to the twentieth anniversary creative activity groups. That evening there was a presentation of the video for new song“Dance while they dance!” To date, this is the last hit of “Ivanushki International”.

The singer, who became popular among the group "Ivanushki International", passed away early in the morning of June 29th. Oleg Yakovlev - it seemed that he was always so kind and smiling, fair-haired, with always disheveled hair and surprisingly warm eyes, extremely sincere and vulnerable - passed away somehow very quickly, the way it seems he always lived... On his Wednesday was taken to the hospital with pneumonia. And on Thursday, at 7:05, the artist was gone. The cause of death is, as reported by the Igor Matvienko Production Center...

It was Igor Matvienko who in many ways opened Oleg Yakovlev to a wide audience. We can say that he was his student. And although Oleg left Ivanushki International three years ago, friendly ties remained. And the musician again appeared on stage as part of the group at an anniversary concert in honor of the band’s 20th anniversary two years ago... And Matvienko still did not forbid him to sing “Ivanushki” songs in his solo career (as is usually done with departed soloists in many groups of other production centers).

There is some special tragedy in the fact that Oleg Yakovlev came to the group in 1998 as a new “little one”, instead of Igor Sorin, who left the team (who also suddenly passed away, and his poems remained with this bright and talented person, still not published, alas...).

He came and restored the image of the group familiar to fans - “two big ones,” respectively Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov, and “one small one” (meaning by height, although Oleg was a little older than everyone else). Fans did not immediately accept Yakovlev: many of them loved Igor Sorin very much and therefore would have reacted belligerently to the arrival of any newcomer. And although it was probably not easy for Oleg, he endured everything. He didn’t get angry, he didn’t lose his temper. I endured it. And he also gradually became family and friends for his fans...

Oleg Yakovlev made his debut in the 1999 album “I’ll Scream About This All Night.” Perhaps the best in the history of "Ivanushki" so far. The newcomer sang in the first voice such iconic hits as “Bullfinches” and “ Poplar fluff", - high, bright, perky and at the same time dramatic and in a way that immediately touched the soul. Evoked a response of warmth and empathy from everyone who listened...

A little over three years ago, Oleg Yakovlev left the group to pursue a solo career. Having consulted with others before this and personally made this decision... Since then, he has written his songs, filmed solo videos with directors... The most famous among them are “Dance with eyes closed", "In Rapid" and "The Blue Sea". And a year ago I sang on Russia Day at a concert in Arkhangelsk. I spoke with the audience, tried to make people feel good mood, even despite the rainy day. And he didn’t even interrupt the concert, although it’s dangerous to sing in the rain - electricity, which is abundant on stage, is known to attract lightning. Others would have apologized and left. And he continued to sing: his new songs, and, of course, “Bullfinches” and “A Drop of Light”...

How am I now without you?

Alexandra Kutsevol, who previously reported that Oleg was in the hospital in intensive care and connected to a ventilator, today, June 29, reported the sad news. Yakovlev died in the hospital. She did this through a post on Instagram:

“Today at 7:05 the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness, passed away... How can I live without you now?.. Fly, Oleg! I am always with you." (Spelling and paragraphs of the author have been preserved, editor's note).

Later, Super contacted Sasha, and she said what was the cause of Yakovlev’s death. Moreover, the woman noted that no one imagined that everything would happen so quickly and no one raised a panic:

“The cause of death was double pneumonia, so he was connected to the machine all this time. During this time, he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home himself. We didn't call an ambulance before, you know, coughing and coughing. Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses.”

The 47-year-old singer passed away as a result of pulmonary edema. Complications arose against the background of liver cirrhosis.

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