Fortune telling with a ring and water. The most effective fortune telling on the ring

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their fate, dreamed of lifting the veil of secrecy and looking into their future. Fortune telling became a favorite way to do this. There are a huge number of fortune telling and this sacrament involves various items and magical instruments. The most popular and truthful ones are on wax, on mirrors and on rings.

Great importance There is also a time for fortune telling. It is believed that the most true fortune telling obtained on the night of Ivan Kupala, Christmastide, Friday the 13th, and also on birthdays.

However, it is worth noting that the church does not welcome such activities and considers fortune telling a great sin.

One of the popular and truthful ways to get answers to your questions is fortune telling with a wedding ring. There are several options, but before talking about them, we should mention the preparation for this action.

Fortune telling is recommended in the evening. The day of the week must also be chosen correctly. You can’t guess on Monday - this day is deceptive, and Friday is considered the most favorable day. When starting fortune telling, you need to take off your crosses, rings and let your hair down.

It is advisable to light candles, as the energy of fire helps to tune in and concentrate.

An engagement ring doesn't have to be personal. Unmarried girls can borrow a ring for fortune telling from friends or sisters. It is advisable to use smooth gold decoration, without carvings or engravings.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring. Option 1.

For this fortune telling you will need wedding ring, pieces of cloth and four deep plates. You need to guess together. The fortune telling girl leaves the room, and her assistant puts a ring in one of the plates and covers all the plates with a cloth. Then the fortuneteller enters the room and chooses one plate. If there is a ring in it, then you can expect a wedding this year. If she guessed right the second time, she will get married next time. If a girl matches the plate with the ring the third time, she will get married in two years. If the ring was not found after three attempts, then the fortuneteller will not become married in the coming years.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring. Option 2.

This fortune telling should be done at midnight on holy days. In preparation for the action, the girl fills it halfway, it should be without edges and with a flat bottom. There should be no chips on it and it should be absolutely clean. Then the girl must place the glass in front of the burning candle and lower the ring to its bottom. Now she must peer into the water through the ring. Those who tried to tell fortunes in this way claim that they were able to see the face of their betrothed.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring. Option 3.

The most popular fortune telling using a ring is fortune telling on a ring with a thread. This method is used by girls who want to get answers to questions that are somehow related to time or numbers. This fortune telling will help you find out in how many years the girl will get married, how many children she will have, or in how many months this or that event will happen.

You will need a glass a quarter filled with water, a 20cm long black thread and a wedding ring. The girl must mentally ask the question that interests her and carefully lower the ring into the glass without touching the water. The ring should swing like a pendulum and touch the walls of the glass, making a ringing sound. It is necessary to carefully count each impact of the ring on the walls. The number of touches will be the answer to the fortuneteller’s question.

Fortune telling on the ring is one of the most reliable, but none of them will tell the truth if a person doubts them. Therefore, those who do not believe in the veracity of this action and are skeptical about this kind of ways to find out their future should not guess.

Fortune telling with a ring will help you find the answer to your question. This fortune telling is universal. With its help, you can find out both about love affairs and a specific situation and about your future in general.

For this fortune telling you will need your ring, which you constantly wear. If you are wearing a wedding ring, this will do. The fortune telling ring must be made of silver or gold. You cannot tell fortunes on someone else's ring, since there will be no energetic connection between you and them. You will also need a transparent glass with clean cold water.

How to tell fortunes on a ring

It is recommended to tell fortunes in the evening, after sunset. Tie your ring to a thin thread and hold it in your left hand for a few seconds. At the same time, you need to think about the problem of interest.

Slowly lower the ring on a string into the water so that the ring does not reach the bottom of the glass by about 2-3 cm. After this, ask your question out loud and begin to observe the movement of the ring. Try not to move your hand.

If the answer to your question involves any numbers, then count how many times the ring hits the wall of the glass. This will be your answer.

If the answer to your question is “yes” or “no,” then watch how the ring moves in the water:

  • In fortune telling, the ring moves in a circle - the answer is positive.
  • If it goes back and forth, then the answer is no.
  • If it stands still and does not move, then your fate will not change in the near future and the thing you have planned will not budge for a long time.

If your question is abstract, for example, you just want to tell fortunes for the near future, then the prediction should also be read from the movement of the ring. Standing still is a bad sign. Walking in circles - success awaits you. Moving back and forth - there will be many obstacles and problems along the way.

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If you want the ring to be honest with you, tell your fortune the night before Christmas, Epiphany or during the Holy Week. Those who do not want to wait for these holidays to approach can try to find out their fate on other days. It is better to do this on Friday; you should not guess with the ring on Monday. Perform the ritual after sunset - in the evening or at night.

The ring should not have stones, designs or engravings. Ideal for an engagement ring. If you don’t have yours yet, you can ask a friend or relative for a while. If this fails, take a regular silver or gold one that meets the above requirements.

The girl herself must prepare for the sacrament. You need to let your hair down, take off your belt or belt, other rings, jewelry, cross, watch. Turn off your phone, get some privacy (if you are guessing without a friend). Nothing should distract you.

Put out the lights, light a candle, concentrate on the question you want to ask. After this, you can start fortune telling on the ring.

How to find out the numbers you are interested in

If you want the ring to tell you how many years later you will get married, tell the number and answer other “digital” questions, use this method of divination.

Cut 20 cm from the black thread and tie a ring to it. Ideally, it should be tied to your cut hair. This is exactly how they used to guess in the old days. If the fortuneteller has curls, she can do this, but hair extensions, of course, will not work.

Grab this pendulum by its tip right hand. With your left hand, hold a glass one-quarter full of water. It would be great if it was holy water. If you don’t have it, regular unboiled one will do.

Raise your hand above the vessel, lower the lower part of the pendulum into it so that the ring does not touch the surface of the water. Ask a question out loud that interests you. The ring will begin to swing and hit the walls of the glass. Count how many times it does this. The number of touches will be the answer to the secret question.

Fortune telling for marriage

For the next divination you will need an assistant, 4 pieces of dark fabric and the same number of deep plates. You need to leave the room, and during this time let your friend put the ring in one of the bowls and cover it with a cloth. Now you can go in and try to guess where she hid the jewelry. If you managed to do this on the first try, it means that you will get married in the near future. The second attempt will slightly delay this pleasant event. The third will tell you that marriage is not expected in the foreseeable future, and may not happen at all. But that doesn't mean you won't meet worthy person. And you can simply not believe in the sad results of fortune telling on the ring.

Since ancient times, fortune telling by ring was considered one of the most objective and effective. It perfectly reflects the future love destiny, which is why many women around the world use it.

Many women around the world have been tempted to find out the truth about what lies ahead. It is important to do everything correctly, since it is advisable to carry out such fortune-telling once every six months. This can be done before Christmas, or on a new or full moon. An ordinary day won't bring something like this accurate information, which one is needed.


For the fortune telling ritual you will need the ring itself, a thread or your long hair, as well as a photograph. The photo should show the man you are in love with. It's better if you're together in the photo.

Use for you mobile phone or a tablet is not worth it for this, since the devices have a weak magnetic field, which can interfere with fortune telling. The photo must be printed.

The ring must be a wedding ring. It may belong to your mother, sister or grandmother - fortunately, there are no restrictions. To cleanse it of the energy of the real owner, immerse the ring in ice water for 5-10 seconds, and then immediately slowly begin fortune telling - you have about 5 minutes, which is quite enough.

Fortune telling by ring

Fortune telling for love begins with the fact that you need to decide whether you know your betrothed or not. If you don’t know, then you need to guess over a glass of cold water - the ring should be at the level of the upper edges of the glass. If you know your betrothed, then they tell fortunes right above the photograph lying on a horizontal surface.

So, if you have long hair, then take one hair, thread it into the ring and hold it with your index and thumb. It is necessary that the fingers look down along with the ring, and not to the side - this is very important. You also need to take a thin thread.

There should be complete silence around, the lights should be dimmed. It is advisable to start guessing at about 12 o'clock at night. You put a glass of cold water or a photo. Next, take a thread or hair, thread it through the ring and hold it as close as possible above the photo or directly above the glass.

Say it out loud: “Ring, ring, tell me what awaits me. Will I be happy?

  • If the ring moves from side to side like a pendulum, then the answer is no. is not waiting for you great love or marriage in the near future. If you were guessing over the photo, then the answer is the same, but only for this man.
  • If the ring moved in a circle, then the answer is yes. You will soon get married or find your soulmate. In the case of photos, you have every chance, because to this man I like you.
  • If the ring stands or spins in place, then everything will depend only on you. There is no clear answer to your question.

This ancient fortune telling is very effective and revealing. A huge number of women resort to it, especially in moments of despair or uncertainty. It is important that your mind is clear and your thoughts are concentrated on fortune telling. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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from Christmas Eve (from the evening of January 6) to Epiphany (January 19).

As they say, during the holy days souls of the dead visit the world of the living to see what you have and how it’s going. During this period, you can more easily get in touch with them and ask a question that interests you: about your betrothed, about the wedding date, about your financial situation.
Of course, fortune telling can be treated as a game, but who knows... They say that Christmas fortune telling comes true.

The best time for Christmas fortune-telling is evening and night. The room should not be noisy or crowded. Natural lighting is recommended - candles are perfect for this.

Every girl/woman, at least once in her life, was tempted by the thought of finding out what kind of man was destined for her. What is his name, what does he look like when he meets him. Since time immemorial, fortune telling has been used to answer these questions. And the most common way to predict a betrothed was using a ring.

The ring must definitely be an engagement ring. Ideally, if it is a wedding ceremony, that is, it will take place in a church wedding ceremony. But do not forget to take off your cross before fortune telling, if you are wearing one.

You can borrow such a ring from your mother, grandmother or married sister.
If close relatives do not have a treasured item, ask a friend or acquaintance. In this case, the ring cleansing process is simply necessary. Place it in a container with ice-cold running water - the alien energy will leave the thing, and the ring will become suitable for fortune telling.

Before you begin, prepare everything you need in advance so as not to be distracted and not create unnecessary fuss. Silence and concentration are important for error-free predictions.

What to wish for when telling fortunes with rings? Using the rings you can find out when you will get married, what your financial situation is in the near future, how many children you will have and answers to many questions that interest you. Before any fortune telling: mentally ask yourself a question to which you want to receive an answer.

Fortune telling by ring and thread

Pour about 2/3 of running water into a glass. Thread a thread (preferably black and wool) or a chain that you often wear around your neck into the hole of the ring, the ends of which are held in two fingers (index and thumb) so that they do not show out. Having hung it in this way, bring the ring to a container of water. At the same time, your elbow should rest against the table, and your hand should freely fall down.
Before starting fortune telling, dip the ring in water for a few seconds so that the ring does not touch the walls of the vessel, but touches the bottom, then lift it to the level of the sides of the glass. Now you can ask about your betrothed (“Will I get married this year?”, “Do I know my future groom?”, “In how many months (years) will I get married?” and so on).

In the same way, the fortuneteller asks any question that concerns him. The pendulum gives answers to specific questions: “yes” or “no”.

If the ring swings like a pendulum, back and forth or side to side, the answer to your question is “No.” If it goes in a circle - “Yes.” Hangs motionless - “There is no answer to your question yet.” When the ring is made about the numbers, it will hit the walls of the glass - count how many hits there will be. By how many times the ring hits the walls of the glass, you can determine the numerical value of your desire, for example, in how many years will you get married.
After each question and answer, you should dip the ring in water. Fortune telling must be completed if the tip of the thread slips out of your pinch. In addition, it is not forbidden to complete the predictions on your own initiative.

Fortune telling with a wish ring - (whether it will come true or not)

For this fortune telling, you need any ring you have without a stone. Prepare black thread and a glass. Tie a thread to the ring and make your wish. Lower the ring into the glass, holding it by the string.
Constantly think about desire. The ring begins to sway involuntarily. If it touches the left wall of your glass, then your wish will not come true; if the ring touches the right wall of the glass, your wish will come true soon!

Fortune telling about the financial situation of the betrothed - 1

A wedding ring is placed on the table, a piece white bread and a straw bent into a squiggle (a twig or twig from a broom). Cover everything with a scarf and mix.
The girls turn around themselves 7 times and immediately put their hand under the scarf, grabbing the first one they come across. Wheat bread in fortune-telling it promises a wealthy husband, with whom you will not recognize need and hunger; a crooked straw promises a poor man, bent over from overwork. The ring promises a spouse after your heart. He will love and have mercy on his wife.

Divination by rings on financial situation - 2

To do this, you need to take 4 rings of different values ​​(gold, silver, copper and with a stone (not precious)) and put them on the table. Then ask a friend or someone else to blindfold you, spin you around, and push you slightly towards the direction of the table.
You need to take one ring from the table. If you choose gold - wealth awaits you, silver - to a small income, copper - your position will remain the same, a ring with a stone - to losses and losses.

Fortune telling with rings and grains

Grains (millet, rice) are poured into a deep bowl, about half the container. Then take the rings indicated in the previous fortune telling, put the rings in a cup with millet, and mix.
Close your eyes. Then put your hand into the cup of millet and see what you take. After which they take a handful of grains, and if a ring falls into the fist, you will be married this year.
If the ring is gold - this is for a rich groom, silver - for a man with good income, copper - for a man of yours financial condition, a ring with a stone - to a poor man.
If you didn’t pull anything out at all, you can forget about marriage in the coming year.

Fortune telling by rings

Write all the letters of the alphabet and arrange them around the circumference of the plate. Take a thread with a ring tied to it and make a wish. Now look carefully in which directions the ring swings and which letters it points to. You can read your destiny by letters.

Relationship fortune telling

If you already know the names of those you are going to guess at, then you should pay attention to the next option, for which you will need a pendulum (a wedding ring suspended on a thread) and pieces of paper, according to the number of gentlemen.

On pieces of paper, write the names of the candidates for your hand and heart, lay them out in a circle upside down. Point the pendulum at everyone's name.

Where the pendulum is motionless, relationships will not work out. Where the pendulum moves, relationships can begin. The name that will be on the piece of paper, over which the pendulum moves most of all, will become your destiny.

Fortune telling to see your betrothed

Probably the most interesting and intriguing fortune telling on a wedding ring is predicting the appearance of your future husband. The most suitable time for this is midnight. Pour 3/4 of running water into a clean, smooth glass (without drawings, inscriptions or edges), and lower the wedding ring to the bottom (there should also be no inscriptions or stones on it). Place 2 candles on the sides. Light the candles and turn off the lights. Make a wish to see the image of your Betrothed, think about the person who will be destined to meet you to create a family relationship.
They whisper over the water “The betrothed-mummer, appear!” and peer intently through the water into the middle of the ring.

This fortune telling may take a long time long time, since the betrothed does not always appear at the first call.
If it doesn’t work, put out one of the candles and try to look at the image of the Betrothed. If you still can’t do it, open the window curtains and put out the second candle. Look as carefully as possible.
If it doesn’t work again, light one candle and hold it above your head with your right hand, continue to look at the center of the ring.

Those female representatives who are destined to get married soon are first shown slightly cloudy contours, which gradually begin to emerge into more distinguishable features.
Some people see a face, some see a figure, and for some, their betrotheds move and give a hint of their profession, financial situation, etc.

If someone else wants to see their betrothed, then for the next fortune-telling it is necessary to change the water.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

Fortune telling for old New Year on a betrothed-mummer for a girl using a wedding ring is possible without water. Having asked someone for this decoration, you need to throw it on the floor without adjusting. The ring rolled in the direction of the exit - the girl will soon leave the house after getting married. If in any other direction, then the wedding will have to wait. It is important not to let the ring get lost or out of sight: as you have to search every nook and cranny, the search for your betrothed will also drag on.

Fortune telling with rings and ice

At night, pour water into a mug, put a ring in it and leave it outside. It's good if you have frost. And if not? Then a freezer will help you. When you go to bed, don’t forget to pour a glass of water and put the ring in it. Then place the glass in the freezer or any cold place.
The next morning, take out the glass and look at the pattern of ice in the glass. If the ice surface is smooth, success and good luck await you. And if tubercles and pits appear, then this can be interpreted as obstacles on the way to the goal.

And they also say that if the ice formed in the mug is smooth, without depressions or bumps, the fortuneteller can live without children. If tubercles have formed on the ice, there will be sons; if depressions, there will be daughters. Be sure to count the number of depressions and tubercles - as many as there are, there will be as many children.

This version of fortune telling can be used when telling fortunes for the fulfillment of any desire. Just after doing everything, take out the frozen water with the ring the next morning, wait until the water melts, put the ring on your finger and make a wish.

Fortune telling the gender of a child using a ring

In order to determine the gender of the child, you will need a wedding ring and wool thread. We make a pendulum and place it above the palm or belly of a pregnant woman. First, the ring must be held between tightly clenched palms by the woman being told fortunes.
If the ring draws circles - wait for your son, if it starts to oscillate from side to side - wait for a girl.

These Christmas fortune-telling and rituals can easily be carried out at home even by a person completely far from mysticism. If you decide to find out your future in these unusual days, use the magic of ancient, folk fortune telling.
We associate Christmas fortune-telling with a feeling of some kind of reverence and expectation of a miracle. On holy days we can touch the sacrament of fortune telling and lift the veil of our future. Of course, from time immemorial, fortune-telling was considered a sin, but the only holidays when fortune-telling was allowed were those for Christmas and Christmastide.
Based on materials

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