Fortune telling for the name of: betrothed, boyfriend or future husband. The most truthful fortune telling for dreams - how to see your betrothed

The desire to learn to reveal the future is very inherent in humans. This is especially true for girls who are interested in how to recognize their betrothed thanks to time-tested fortune telling. There are special rituals performed on July 7 - Kupala Night. It is believed that they will provide all the necessary information about the future life partner. The methods of fortune telling are varied, but they have one thing in common: they are simple and safe for the fortune-telling young lady.

You can study fortune-telling practices throughout your life. Experienced sorcerers are automatically able to perform the most complex rituals. But for beginners, it is important to comply with the conditions in order to get more reliable results.

There are many questions regarding the best time to perform rituals. It is known that certain dates are best suited for performing rituals. During the period from Christmas to Epiphany (Christmas time), fortune telling for the betrothed is considered the most reliable. When the ritual is carried out correctly, the truth is revealed even to beginners.

You can find out the name of your betrothed on your birthday. It is generally accepted that before this date, the gates of the subtle world open slightly. Predictions can be obtained provided the family respects their deceased ancestors. On New or Old New Year's Eve it is easy to find out the name of your betrothed. Fortune telling is reminiscent of Christmas, so no difficulties should arise. You can tell fortunes on the most ordinary day. However, you will have to confirm the result by repeating it on “special” dates.

Basic Rules:

  1. It is forbidden to tell anyone about the “betrothed-mummer” fortune telling.
  2. You need to guess alone.
  3. You can't be afraid or show self-doubt. Fear will destroy energy, making the fortune teller vulnerable to magic. This is especially true for lovers of “love in the mirror” rituals.
  4. Be sure to believe in the ritual. The type of ceremony is chosen for yourself. If there is no rejection, the chance of success increases significantly.

You should remain calm and show a sense of humor. Even a successful prediction should not be taken too seriously, rejecting the possibility of error.

Internal senses are heightened to the limit, accurate answers are easy to obtain. And whether to believe or not is a fortune teller's choice. If the young lady decides not to follow the advice given to her, there is no guarantee that the prediction will come true.

Fortune telling in a dream

Prophetic dreams - a way to see your betrothed. It is important to go to bed in silence, without being distracted by extraneous noises and conversations.

For the greatest accuracy, the pillow is moved to the opposite side, where the legs were previously located, “face down.” The same actions are done with the sheet. Even night clothes are turned inside out. After reading the plot to attract your betrothed in a dream, you cannot talk to anyone until the morning. This is an important condition. Upon waking up, you should immediately write down the vision so that you can analyze it at your leisure without haste and correctly interpret it. For better interpretation there are dream books.

Some unpleasant events are interpreted exactly the opposite. We must not forget about this. If you dreamed of betrayal, in reality such a situation may be excluded. You should tell as many friends as possible about the unpleasant event you have seen in order to ward off trouble from yourself. If a dream predicts happiness, it is advisable to remain silent about it.

It is most effective to guess from Thursday to Friday or from Friday to Saturday during the waxing moon phase.

Rituals with a comb

One of the simplest - fortune telling with a comb. A mirror and a comb are hidden under the pillow. They pronounce a conspiracy: “Come, betrothed, come to me, comb my hair, desired one. Come see me and show yourself.” The one who combs a girl’s hair in a dream will become her husband in the future.

There is a second option on how to recognize your betrothed. It is forbidden to comb your hair before going to bed, as well as to braid locks of hair. A comb is placed under the pillow with the words: “The betrothed-mummer, come comb my hair.”

You can not limit yourself solely to a comb, but supplement it with soap and a belt, saying: “Betrothed-mummer, come quickly to wash me, comb my hair and belt me.”

There is a way in which in a dream the subject of fortune-telling should comb its hair itself.

  1. To carry out the ritual, purchase a wooden comb and place it at the head of the bed.
  2. They say the wish: “My betrothed, my darling. Come to me and comb your hair with my comb. Amen".

According to the ritual, the future life partner will not only appear in a dream, but will also leave his hair on the comb. The girl will find them the next morning.

You can sit in front of a large mirror in the evening and slowly comb your hair. At this time, they pronounce the words of invitation to the desired subject into their dream. The comb is then put away under the pillow and you go to bed.

The ritual with the comb is carried out on Kupala night.

  • before going to bed, the young lady asks her betrothed to comb her hair;
  • puts the comb under the pillow;
  • In the morning he looks at the comb.

A comb left unchanged means postponing marriage for next year. An inverted or missing comb means an upcoming wedding.

Before going to bed, they also perform a ritual with branches or matches.

Rituals with water

A small bridge is made from twigs. They put it at the head of the bed. They say the words: “Who is my mummer, who is my betrothed, he will take me across the bridge.”

There is another option. A glass of water is placed near the bed and twigs are laid out on it to resemble a bridge. They say to induce a dream: “My betrothed, come to me and help me cross the bridge.”

Another way. You should take the rod out of the new broom and put it under the bed. They put a horse's shoe under the pillow and say a curse: “My betrothed, sir, come to my home. Shoe the horse. Put me on it. Take the rod, urge the horse, kiss me.”

Another option is with rods from a brand new broom. Take several twigs. They are made into something like a bridge and placed under the pillow. They say: “Who will lead me along the aspen bridge, who will lead me along the rye straw into my future?”

In a dream, the groom will lead a fortune teller along one of the named bridges. The forecast for family happiness depends on what the bridge seen in the dream was made of:

  • aspen - marriage will bring both joy and sadness;
  • birch - happiness in marriage;
  • straw - the union will be short-lived.

But it’s much worse when a guy throws a young lady off a bridge in his sleep. Such a vision warns that it is better to refuse this betrothed, otherwise there will be trouble.

You can build a kind of well out of matches at night, saying: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”

Royal fortune telling on cards

They tell fortunes about kings. They hide kings of all stripes from a new playing deck under the pillow. They say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about me.”

The king who dreamed in the night will be the answer. Peak? This means that the husband will be old. Clubs promise a divorced or widowed man, hearts - a spouse will be wealthy, and diamonds - marriage with a loved one.

There is an option for Kupala night. The kings are placed under the pillow at the same level, next to each other. The next morning they look at which card went down the lowest.

King of the cross - the husband will be rich, spades - the spouse will be much older than the wife, diamonds - the beloved as a husband, and hearts promise a young and attractive spouse.

Flowers, water and herbs

How to find out who your betrothed is - herbs and water can help with this. The magical ritual is performed in the summer in complete solitude:

  1. On the night of June 21, they go to the meadow or forest.
  2. They tear without looking the first flowers and herbs they come across, collecting three bunches.
  3. They quickly return home.
  4. Place a large container of clean water on the fire. Plants are thrown into it and brought to a boil.
  5. After boiling for another third of an hour, stirring counterclockwise with a wooden spoon, think about what you want.
  6. They say out loud the wish to find out the whole truth in a dream and take a sip of the decoction.
  7. Going to bed, they say: “Kupala Kupala, son of Yarilov, cast away your thoughts, come help me, give me a white answer, don’t hide anything.”

In dreams, the fortune teller will see what she is looking for. If you can’t fall asleep, it’s too early to find out everything.

Fortune telling Mirror Corridor

Fortune telling on mirrors is not for the faint of heart. You will need a couple of large mirrors and candles. A fortune teller comes into a small dark room at midnight.

A pair of mirrors are installed opposite each other to form a corridor of reflections. They peer at him intently until they see a face.

After looking at the future groom for a short time, they pronounce the spell: “Get out of here.” After uttering such words, everything seen will disappear.

Fortune telling on bulbs

The night of the generous Vasilyev evening, that is, the old New Year, from January 13 to 14, is considered the most favorable for performing a ceremony for the betrothed:

  • Exactly seven days before this night, several bulbs are bought;
  • On each one they write the name of the intended groom, dip the onions in containers of water;
  • on the night of fortune telling they say: “Oh, onion, whisper who the groom will be”;
  • the next morning measure the length of the feathers with a ruler.

The betrothed is the one whose name is carved on the onion with the longest arrows.

Ritual with paper and ring

To find out the future, take a lot of pieces of paper, a ring on a thread or chain, and a pen:

  1. Various men's names are written on pieces of paper, and the paper is turned over so as not to see what is written.
  2. They hang a ring on a chain or thread and say: “Ring, ring, tell me who to reveal the heart to.”
  3. They carry out a kind of home pendulum over each piece of paper.

The betrothed is the one over the piece of paper with whose name the ring begins to vibrate the most.

Fortune telling will even help you find out the name of the groom. To do this, at exactly midnight they go out into the street and ask the name of the first man they meet.

True, such fortune telling is allowed only on Christmas Eve. But, according to experienced fortune tellers, the veracity of the ritual does not depend on the time of year and date.

Shell, peel and seeds

To find out the name of a future spouse or young man, use walnut shells:

Some rituals seem to be designed to encourage the fortune tellers to have a sense of humor. Fortune telling by company:

  • stock up on a lot of cherry pits;
  • each participant in the ritual is given a whole zhmenka;
  • the ritual is conducted by a young lady alone, who is given a list of men's names;
  • when pronouncing them, the participants throw one bone at a time.

Fortune telling for each young lady ends when a single bone remains in her hand. Whatever name the ceremony ended with, that’s what the husband’s name will be.

There is a rather original ritual of finding out the name by hand. It is independent of the season and time. However, it is impossible to carry out such an event alone. You should ask your friend to twist the fortune teller’s hand, as if squeezing out laundry, and make a “nettle.”

There should be a distance of at least ten centimeters between the two hands. The hand is then squeezed on each side. Among the folds that appear with streaks, a letter will appear. This is the initial letter of the name of the future spouse.

Fortune telling on apple peels is interesting. Carefully remove the skin from the fruit in a spiral using a knife. They throw it over their left shoulder and watch how it falls. It is believed that in this position you can see the first letter of the betrothed's name.

All rituals are quite simple. But we should not forget that they are all more of an entertaining nature. There is no point in taking them as an axiom. This is understandable: there is always the opportunity to change your own destiny for the better on your own. If you couldn’t see anything, there’s no reason to despair either. The time just hasn't come yet. It might be worth trying again later.

Attention, TODAY only!

Oh, these girls - at all times they have only one thing on their mind: to lift the curtain of the mystery of their fate and take at least one look at the one who is destined for them by fate. The experience accumulated over centuries allows one to perform fortune telling in the name of the betrothed in many ways: girls comb their hair, look in the mirror, light a candle and launch boats to find out the name of their beloved.

How to find out the name of your future betrothed or husband?

Option 1

This fortune telling for a guy's name is one of the simplest.

It requires:

  • small pieces of paper with the names of men,
  • wedding ring (if not, then a needle);
  • silk (cotton) thread.

Distribute the leaves on the table. It is most convenient if they form a circle. Thread the thread into the ring (needle) and begin the ritual. Place the ring next to each card and observe its behavior. The name you are looking for can be considered found if the behavior of the ring above it has become restless. You can watch it move like a pendulum or spin.

Option 2

Here you need to pick the leaves yourself. Sign each piece of paper with a man's name. Collect all the name tags, place them carefully at the head of the bed, and cover with a pillow. Go to rest. In the morning, before you say the first word, take out a piece of paper with your name on it. The owner of this name will be your faithful one.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Option 3

Prepare small nameplates, a basin filled with water, half a walnut shell, and a small candle. Attach the plaques to the inside of the basin. Place the candle in the shell, lower it into the water, into the very middle of the basin. Wait for the candle to “moor” to the side of the pelvis. Don't be alarmed if the candle lights up your betrothed's name, this is a good sign. You will be happy in your marriage.

Fortune telling by the name of a passerby

On New Year's or Christmas morning, don't say a word to anyone. Go outside the gate and ask the young man you see first to tell him what his name is. It will be the one you were so eager to know. Take a closer look at this man, maybe this is your destiny?

In ancient times there were many variants of this fortune telling. In some, the girl went out into the street with a piece of bread in her mouth, in another, she was required to put a pancake on her head. Some asked not the name of the passer-by, but the name of the betrothed; in this case, the passer-by named any name. This is probably even more interesting. By the way, even guys used this type of fortune telling.

Fortune telling on the skin of the hand

You cannot do this fortune telling for your future husband on your own. Call a friend for the ceremony and ask her to twist your hand in the forearm area. There should be enough distance between her hands for the lines to be visible. Carefully examine the resulting patterns on the inside of your hand, try to distinguish the letter in them. Your husband's name will begin with this very letter.

Fortune telling by name by subject

On cherry pits

This delicious fortune telling requires a handful of cherries.
Eat a berry each and list the names of the men; whichever name the seeds end on, that’s what your husband will be called.

In the same way, you can find out your spouse’s profession, his level of well-being, and the qualities that he will possess. You should not get carried away with cherries; remember that a large amount can set your teeth on edge, and if you are prone to allergies, then you need to be extremely careful.

On an apple

You can do another fortune telling for the guy, this time you will need an apple. Focus on getting your family name, peel the apple in a spiral. Throw the clearings over your left shoulder, decipher the results. If the skin has taken the shape of a letter, then the ritual can be considered successfully completed. Your betrothed's name will start with this letter.

By bulb

Take a few onions and scratch on them the names of those whom you would like to see as your husband. Place the onions in the water and wait. Whichever one shoots first, that’s the kind of spouse you’ll have.

With frying pan and straw

Take a frying pan and straw. Set fire to the straw, cover it with a frying pan and stand on top, ask a question about the name of your betrothed and listen to the crackling of the fire. In its noise you will hear the name of the groom.

By keys

For this fortune telling, hang the keys on the gate. When someone moves those keys, catch him by the hand and ask him the name of the man who is destined to become your husband. He must say the name. Our ancestors believed that a demon or goblin comes for the keys.

Fortune telling in the bath

Ancient fortune-telling in the bathhouse with a modern twist - we call the image of the future husband

Such fortune telling in the name of the future husband is suitable only for the bravest girls. It is carried out in a bathhouse or any other room. Our great-grandmothers preferred to tell fortunes in the bathhouse, because this place was considered an excellent guide to the world of evil spirits.

Lay a fresh tablecloth on the table and set it up for two place settings. There should be no sharp objects in the room, so knives and forks should be removed. Place a light treat on the utensils. These can be both fruit delights and sweets. There is no need to add anything fried, baked or boiled. Sit down at the table and say the spell:

“Mummer, betrothed!

Come have dinner"

Then unexpected things may happen outside: wind or thunder may start, footsteps may be heard or jingling noises may be heard. The betrothed will enter the hallway and sit down at the table. You need to carefully examine the image of the young man and ask what his name is. He will say a name and take an item out of his pocket. At this very moment you need to quickly say:

"Cheer, my place"

“Church, my riddle.”

The evil spirits that have taken on the image of your chosen one must disappear. And the object will remain on the table. They say that this is the object of the person whom the fortuneteller is destined to marry, and it actually disappears from him. It is important to keep it until marriage.

Fortune telling about the image of a sweetheart

The power of fortune telling is great. There are many ways to find out not only the name of your loved one, but also to see his image. Often, not only girls of marriageable age were curious, but also their mothers. They invited future sons-in-law for a treat, asking them to rescue their dear one from captivity.

On the skin

Come to the ice hole with a cow or mare skin, draw a circle around you and sit on the skin. After a while, the devils will come ashore, pick you up and take you to the groom’s house. Look around carefully, but don't yawn. Soon the evil spirits will turn their skin and rush as fast as they can towards the ice hole. At the water's edge, you need to have time to say “Keep my place aside” so that the vision dissipates. Otherwise, you risk falling to the bottom of the hole along with the devils who want to take possession of you.

In a frying pan

Take the frying pan and hide it under your mother's bed. Make sure she doesn't notice anything. Say in a whisper:

“My betrothed betrothed,

Come to your mother-in-law for pancakes.”

And go to rest. In the morning, ask your mother if she treated anyone to pancakes in a dream. If yes, find out the details. Does she know him, did she see him, did she recognize his name, if she is not familiar with him.

Fortune telling with a map

Before going to bed, hide it under your pillow and say:

“My betrothed, mummer, dream about me.”

Don’t forget to comb your hair and wash with running water to appear before your lover in all its glory.

Fortune telling with a mirror

At the crossroads

We carry out fortune telling with a mirror at the crossroads and at home to see our husband

Take a small mirror with you and go to the intersection. Stand with your back to the moon and make sure it is reflected in the mirror, say:

“My costumed one, betrothed,

Show yourself in the mirror."

Expect the appearance of a mirror image of your spouse.

In the bathroom

Perhaps the most powerful and popular ritual to determine your future husband is with a mirror. Since ancient times, this ritual was performed in the dressing room, but now it is allowed to be performed in the bathroom. Strip naked, wash yourself and stand in front of the mirror.

Install another one at the back so that both elements are on the same level. Place candles on the sides, take another one in your hands. You should have a long corridor lit with candles. Say several times:

“Betrothed, mummer, appear”

And wait. After a while, a silhouette will appear in the corridor. Ask him about everything that interests you and, before the young man gets too close, say: “Cheer, me.” The vision will disappear.

Mother-in-law's fortune telling for son-in-law

With a loaf

When the mother of the bride is interested in what kind of family her daughter will live in after marriage, she bakes a loaf of bread. In one of the pieces the loaf hides a coin, in the second - coal, in the next - a button. Whispers:

“Mummer, betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for a loaf of bread.”

Goes to rest. The next morning he looks at what happened:

  1. A piece of loaf with a coin disappeared - to be wealthy young people.
  2. Don't have a piece of coal? The betrothed loves to work, but is not very wealthy.
  3. There is a missing piece with a button - to receive her boyfriend at home, since he will not be able to provide his own for the bride.
  4. Are two or three pieces missing? Having a daughter married several times.
  5. The whole pie is in place - my daughter will remain a girl for a long time.

On things

During this fortune telling, the girl should not be at home. She is taken to a friend or relatives. Before going to bed, the mother locks one of the bride’s personal items, takes the key to her headboard, whispering:

“Betrothed, mummer, come

Unlock the bride

To save from trouble."

Whoever the mother sees that night will become her daughter’s lover.

Fortune telling is an old way to lift the veil of secrecy over the future and find out your destiny. More than one generation of rural girls has done fortune-telling for their betrothed, so that the time of girlhood would fly by faster. Many methods of divination have survived to this day, having been adapted to urban conditions.

On my future husband in a dream

With a comb

It is necessary not to comb your hair at night, but to put your comb under your pillow, go to bed and say, as you fall asleep, the words of fortune-telling: “Betrothed-mummer, come and comb my hair.” If everything is done correctly, you can see your future husband in a dream.

With salt and water

You need to take some salt and water, mix and drink the liquid. From this moment until you wake up, you can no longer drink, although thirst may overtake you. When falling asleep, you must say: “Let my betrothed come and give me something to drink.” Your true love will appear in a dream, a man who will try to get you drunk. Fortune telling on water requires a test of thirst, but the result is worth it.

With cards

This card fortune telling requires only four card kings from the entire deck. You need to put them under the pillow and ask your betrothed to come in a dream. This fortune telling will not allow you to see the image of the groom in a dream, but it will tell you what he will be like. If you dream about the king of spades, the husband will be much older and very jealous. Seeing a crusading king in a dream means expecting a military man or businessman as your husband. The king of hearts is a young and rich betrothed, and the king of diamonds in a dream is the desired betrothed.

With mirrors and candles

Fortune telling for love is often directly related to the image of the betrothed. After all, everyone wants to believe that it is with the person they love that they will have to live their lives. This fortune telling is mystical and requires preparation. Fortune telling on the betrothed mummer using mirrors should be carried out at midnight alone. It is necessary to wash and put on a clean nightgown without a belt, let down your hair and remove all jewelry.

Now we need to prepare the fortune telling itself, which will be carried out by candlelight. Take a large mirror and a smaller one. Place them so that they reflect each other. In this case, the small mirror should be closer to the girl. Place two candles between the mirrors. Now you need to look through the top of the small mirror. First, a long corridor will be visible, which will begin to darken in the depths. This is where you need to look closely to see the image of your betrothed. In order for the vision to disappear and fortune telling not to bring any negativity into real life, but only long-awaited love, you must say: “Forget me.” Fortune telling on the mirror can end in disaster if the girl, as soon as she sees the vision, does not utter this phrase! Fortune telling by candlelight is quite scary, but the most important thing is to say the phrase on time.

In the name of the betrothed

Fortune telling by candlelight has its own romantic atmosphere and mysticism, but this fortune telling requires culinary skills. You need to bake a pancake and go outside around midnight in complete silence. Just go in any direction and bite the pancake. Ask the first man you meet for his name. This is what your future husband will be called. If along the way a woman meets first, it means that marriage is not expected soon.

If you don’t want to go out, there is another way to find out the name of your betrothed. You need to take 12 small pieces of paper and, by candlelight, write men’s names on 11 sheets of paper, and leave the 12th sheet empty. Place the pieces of paper under your pillow. In the morning, immediately after waking up, you should not look and pull out one piece of paper from under your pillow. The name written on it will belong to your betrothed. If an empty piece of paper comes up, it means that the name you need is simply not on the list.

On the character of the future husband

This way to find out about the future groom is good because girls in a large group can guess. They must get together and bring different rings with them. Now you need to take a sieve, pour the millet into it and put the prepared rings. One by one, you need to scoop up a handful of grain and see if you get a ring and what kind. A copper ring predicts a poor married life. A silver ring means that the girl will marry a simple guy from a good family. If someone pulled out a ring with a stone, then the husband will be a gentleman, and a gold ring symbolizes that the husband will be a merchant. If there is no ring in a handful of millet, this means that love and a groom are not worth waiting for in the near future.

Note! If it turns out that someone pulls out her own ring, this symbolizes the speedy fulfillment of her cherished desire.

The arrival of a betrothed is not necessary, it all depends on the girl’s specific dream.

Guessing if you will be together This fortune telling for the betrothed should presuppose the presence of a man of heart. You can use matches to determine whether you are destined to be together. You need to take a matchbox and insert two matches on the sides. At the same time, set them on fire, and at the same time, determine which match symbolizes you and which symbolizes your love. If the burnt matches are connected together, you will be together.

Fortune telling with water and fire has always been considered one of the most powerful, because from time immemorial these natural elements have been endowed with magical qualities.

Fortune telling by cards for the king

Fortune telling begins. A pair of cards is selected for which you will guess and the corresponding cards. For an unmarried girl and a guy, the queen and the king of hearts are taken. If a person is burdened with marriage, it is better to choose the suit of clubs. Mix two cards (queen and king) and place them face down on the table in front of you. Mix the remaining cards well, remove the deck with your left hand several times and draw out one card. Place it between the queen and king face down.

Now you need to take cards from the top of the deck one by one and lay them out in turn on the king and on the queen, lay them out face down. If there are cards of the same value in one pile, put them aside next to the corresponding line. Having put it aside, you need to take the last card from the adjacent line and transfer it to this one. So you need to pass the entire deck through the steam three times.

It's time to figure out what the results of divination mean. Laid out between the couple are obstacles on the way. Paired cards next to the king and queen are indicators of how strong the love is and what events lie ahead.

  • 6 – solving problems requires a long separation;
  • 7 – a long-awaited tender meeting is coming soon;
  • 8 – heart-to-heart conversation with a friend;
  • 9 – problems are not a reason to give up romance;
  • Jacks - you need to find time to relax together, despite the circumstances;
  • A lady is a rival (for a girl) or a new passion (for a guy);
  • The king is a rival (for a guy), a new passion (for a girl);
  • Ace - look around, perhaps the person you pay least attention to is the greatest love of your life;

Young people and girls of every generation are interested in ways to tell fortunes for the future. But remember that predictions should not be taken too seriously. If you don't get the result you wanted, you can always try to change your destiny.

In this article:

The betrothed is the one about whom girls dream since girlhood. As soon as the fair sex grows up, they become interested in their future, and in particular, in their chosen one. Who is he? What's his name? When will the moment of the long-awaited meeting come? These and many other questions are of interest to young maidens, who, in order to at least slightly lift the veil of secrecy about the future, use fortune telling for their betrothed.

These fortune tellings are varied and are done with a mirror or on cards. You can also see the betrothed mummer in a dream.

Dream about future husband

To see your betrothed in a dream, place a comb under your pillow and say:

“My betrothed mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my head”

You can also take a thimble of salt, a thimble of water, mix them and eat before bed, and when going to bed, say:

“Whoever is my betrothed-mummer will give me water to drink”

Another option is to place four card kings under your pillow and say:

“Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will appear in a dream”

The king of spades is an aged or jealous groom, the king of hearts is young and rich, the king of the cross is for matchmakers from a military man or businessman, the king of diamonds denotes a desired groom.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

How to find out the name of your betrothed? Simply and easily! To do this, you need to take a couple of sheets of paper, write one male name on each and put it in some kind of container or recess, for example, a hat. Shake the papers and pull one out. The name that is written on the elongated sheet is what your future spouse will bear.

Fortune telling on rice grains

Place a jar of rice in front of you, hold your left hand above it, palm down, concentrate, ask a question out loud, after which you take a handful of rice out of the jar and pour it onto a previously spread napkin. The grains of rice are counted. An odd number of grains means a negative answer to your question, and an even number means a positive answer.

Fortune telling with bulbs

Take the bulbs, and on each write the male name of one of the supposed candidates for your hand and heart. Place all the bulbs in water and wait for one of them to sprout. The first onion to sprout and become the winner, or rather the one whose name is written on it, will be the first to propose marriage to you.

Fortune telling for married women

Pour water into a glass and write the name of the beloved’s lover and his own name on a previously prepared sheet of paper. Also prepare a spoonful of salt and light a candle in advance. Throw salt into a glass and light a sheet of paper with names written on it from a candle. While the leaf is burning, quickly stir the salt in the glass and say:

“If the salt melts faster, my husband will not leave me, but the paper will burn out and their love will burn out.”

Such methods of fortune telling perfectly develop intuition.

If the salt melts before the paper burns and decays, the husband will remain in the family, but if the paper burns faster, then sooner or later the spouse will leave you anyway.

New Year's fortune telling by an armful of firewood

On New Year's Eve, you need to take an armful of firewood and take it into the house to count it. An even number of firewood indicates marriage this year, an odd number indicates no changes in this state of affairs.

Spoon fortune telling

On New Year's Eve, all family members should take a spoonful of water and take it out into the cold. If the water begins to freeze into a depression, it means death this year. Tubercle – prosperity and happy life.

Fortune telling by the window

This fortune telling for the betrothed is done at the window. Wait until everyone in the house is asleep, sit by the window, turn off the fire and quietly whisper:

“Betrothed-mummer, drive past the window”

If in the near future a noisy crowd passes by the window or someone shouts or whistles loudly, it means the groom will be rich, silence means the groom will be poor.

Fortune telling for the groom with a ring

Results are achieved only by girls who know how to discard extraneous thoughts and concentrate

Take a simple glass with a flat bottom. There should be no patterns or edges on the glass. Pour water into a third of the glass and lower the ring there, after cleaning it. Now try long and persistently to see the face of your future husband through the water in the middle of the ring.

Fortune telling for Christmas for your betrothed

This fortune telling is most effective during Christmas or Holy Week. Before 24.00, prepare a mirror and a couple of spruce branches. Before going to bed, write the name of the person you want or your cherished wish on the mirror. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is look at the mirror.

If what is written has disappeared, then the wish will definitely come true or you will get married soon. If what is written has not changed in any way, then you, as before, will remain in your interests. By the way, this is a very bad sign for the one whose name you wrote on the mirror, so before you do this, think carefully, because the name can always be replaced with a desire, without specifying this or that person.

Fortune telling by candle

On Intercession (October 14), the power of the marriage union is at its greatest, so on this day, girls ran to church early in the morning to light a candle, which could be used to tell fortunes. Moreover, the girl who lights the candle first will get married before the rest.

And it’s easy to guess by candle. A quiet flame is a quiet, even life without any special events or failures.

  • A bright flame means an interesting life.
  • A crackling flame means a cheerful and stormy life.
  • A dim flame means sadness and fragility.
  • The red color of the flame is grief, yellow is joy, soot is unlucky.

Surely, the most common fortune telling, which all representatives of the fair sex resort to, is fortune telling for the betrothed. All single girls are very interested in finding out what kind of prince fate has in store for them, so this method has been actively used for many centuries.

We bring to your attention time-tested fortune telling methods that will tell you the appearance, name and other signs of your future spouse.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a ring

You will need to find a very ordinary glass with a flat bottom. It is unacceptable that there are drawings or edges on it.

The glass must be filled one-third full with water and a ring must be placed in it, having cleaned the latter in advance. Then you must carefully peer into the surface of the water to notice on it the outlines of the face of your future spouse. In this case, his face should appear in the center of the ring.

Fortune telling is performed in a calm environment so that no one disturbs you or distracts you from what is happening.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

This method of fortune-telling shows the highest results at Christmas and during the week of Christmastide.

Before 12 o'clock at night, you should prepare a mirror and bring several Christmas tree branches. Before you go to bed, write down on the mirror the name of the person you are interested in or your secret wish. The next morning, as soon as they wake up, they look at the mirror.

If the entry disappears, this means the obligatory fulfillment of what you want, and also portends your imminent marriage. And if no changes have occurred, everything in your life will remain the same as it was.

But know that this will be a bad omen for the person whose name is inscribed on the mirror. For this reason, before you begin to perform fortune telling, it would be a good idea to think carefully. In addition, you can always use your wish instead of a name.

Find out other interesting methods of fortune telling from this video

Herbal divination

If you are interested in collecting herbs and like to make herbal preparations for the winter, you can use this effective fortune telling.

You will need to stock up on twelve varieties of different herbs. For each of them, come up with a specific desire, what you expect in the field of personal relationships in the near future.

To do this, take pieces of paper and write on them everything that you dream about or what you fear.

For example, “This year I will meet my soulmate,” “I will be alone throughout the year,” “I am marrying my lover,” and so on.

Then you will need to carefully attach each strip to the flower. Then, when this manipulation is completed, you blindfold yourself with a ribbon and randomly pull out a flower with a note. What is written in it will definitely come true during the current year.

Fortune telling by the name of the future spouse

This method is very simple and easy to implement in real life. You will need to stock up on several sheets of paper, each with any name of the man written on it. Place the leaves in any container (you can use a hat for this purpose).

Then you need to shake the leaves and pull out one of them to choose from. The name you pull out will be the name of your future spouse.

Fortune telling by rice grains

Take a jar of rice and place it in front of you. You need to hold your left hand over it so that your palm faces down. Mentally concentrate on your request, and then ask it out loud.

Then take a handful of rice out of the container and scatter it on a napkin. Count the fallen rice grains.

If the number of them is odd, it means that you are receiving a negative answer to your question from the Higher Powers, and if it is an even number, the answer is positive.

Fortune telling by bulbs

You need to take the bulbs and put the name of the potential groom on each of them with a felt-tip pen or paint. Then all the bulbs are placed in jars with water, and we wait until one of them begins to sprout.

The bulb that sprouts first represents the winner of the tournament. This means that your spouse will be called exactly as indicated on it.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

There are very interesting variations of telling fortunes about your future spouse using night dreams.

Fortune telling with a comb

When you are about to go to bed, you need to place a comb with a mirror under your pillow and say the following words at this moment:

“My betrothed, my mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my hair.”

The main condition of the described method is to go to bed with uncombed curls.

Fortune telling with a castle

Only those girls who have long hair can use this method. The fortune telling is that before going to bed you will need to braid your hair. And when you are already falling asleep, put a new lock into the braid, lock it with the key and say the following:

“My betrothed, the mummer, come to me in a dream, ask for the key and open the lock.”

After this, the key goes under the mattress, and you wait until your betrothed comes to you in a night dream.

Fortune telling with water

There is another interesting way to tell fortunes about your future husband using water. Before going to bed, you will need to place a jug of water and a mug at the head of the bed. And before you fall asleep, say the following words out loud:

“You will get tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have fresh water, come to me, I’ll give you a drink of it.”

Then you are baptized three times and can go to bed peacefully. After this, your future spouse should appear to you in a dream and ask you for a drink of water.

There are many different fortune telling for your future spouse. The main thing in this process is sincere belief in a positive result and compliance with all the rules of fortune telling. Also, the highest results are obtained from fortune-telling performed during the holidays, since at this time our world is in close contact with the otherworldly, and it becomes possible to obtain hidden information.

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