Evgenia Loza caravan of stories. Evgenia Loza: “Love can justify a lot! – How long was the shooting day for the actors of the series “East-West”

Actress who played main role in the series “East-West”, she spoke frankly about Turkish men, difficult roles and why she couldn’t get better.

– Filming of the series about Russian-Turkish love “East-West” took place in Kyiv and Turkey. Tell us in more detail how it was for you to work in the international project there.

– I’ll start with the fact that our entire film crew was international: Ukrainians, Russians, Turks... And sometimes incidents happened. For example, Adnan (the actor who played the doctor in the series whom Tatyana and Igor turn to for help) and I could only communicate in sign language, since he did not understand Russian, and I did not understand Turkish. However, we tried to structure all the dialogues in such a way that from the outside it seemed as if we were communicating well. And the film crew, at times, was surprised to see these sweet “conversations.” And then they even asked: “How do you understand each other?”

– Since we are immediately talking about men, tell me, are Russian guys different from Turks?

- Certainly! Firstly, in communication. Ours are more constrained and closed, and their young men, from the first minutes of communication, make every effort to win a girl, leave her with a pleasant impression of themselves, and even make her fall in love. Sometimes it feels like a real attack. I will say more, the Turks are from our film crew They even warned us not to fall for their spell (smiles).

– Could you yourself fall in love with a Turk?

- Probably not. To me closer mentality Slavic men.

– Were there any moments during filming in Turkey that surprised you?

– I’ve been to Turkey before, so I didn’t feel much surprise. Although... Perhaps, what was really striking was that in cafes and restaurants there were only men sitting there. There are no women. For us, accustomed to visiting any place at any time, this immediately catches our eye.

– How long did the filming day last for the actors of the series “East-West”?

– The usual duration is 12 hours. And only in Istanbul, where we only had a couple of days, we had to work in front of the camera for 12–18 hours.

– Was it difficult to get used to the role of Tatiana? After all, she has a simple fate and a difficult character... She seems to love her husband, and then turns out to be pregnant by someone else?

– I immediately justify my heroines. And I like Tatiana too. In the process of life, she goes through different stages of development. From a meek sheep, who is first under the influence of her mother and then her husband, she turns into a holistic and strong person, realizing that she has not lived her own life before. So, only by watching the series can you fully understand her motives and actions...

– You said that you have been to Turkey before, on vacation. Do you like all-inclusive?

– To be honest, this is not my favorite type of recreation. I prefer to walk rather than lie by the pool. That's why I prefer Europe. I come and go wander through small streets, go to museums... And I also really like to drive a car. Moreover, quickly and far. For example, one day on December 30th I decided to meet New Year in Kaliningrad, and waved there from Moscow. Made it just in time for the chimes!

– Which of your films do you consider the most difficult?

- Horror film. In order to reliably play there, you had to believe in what was happening around you.

The actress brings her boyfriends to tears

The actress brings her boyfriends to tears

It's like she stepped off the page classic novels, many call her “the girl from the past.” Becoming, grace, fragility - all this is inherent in the 27-year-old actress Evgenia LOZE. She films a lot, but she has enough time for both relaxation and her loved one. The REN channel begins showing the series “Vendetta in Russian,” where Evgenia played the desperate journalist Elena.

- In many paintings you show off in wedding dress. Have you really never thought about marriage in your life?

Apparently, my time had not come, and there was no person for me to decide: “This is him!” There were men with whom I fell deeply in love, but even then I did not see them next to me forever and the fathers of my children. Now I have a young man. He is a businessman. Everything is serious with us, but I’m not in a hurry to get married.

- From time to time information appears that you meet with one actor, then with another. Admit it, have you ever had an affair with your partner?

Never! It's taboo for me. I don’t want to offend the actors, but I can’t perceive them as men. Meryl Streep once said: “An actress is more than a woman, an actor is less than a man.” I completely agree with this!

- What then is your love story with the Bulgarian artist Niki Iliev? Or was there nothing either?

Nicky is a handsome, wonderful boy! I would be only glad if we had an affair. But he has a favorite - a Bulgarian athlete Ivet Lalova. And, unfortunately, I don’t speak Bulgarian, and he doesn’t speak Russian. How would we communicate?

- So, all your men are not actors, but entrepreneurs?

Yes, they are very wealthy men. If a guy earns less than me, it's uncomfortable. And first of all to him.

- Probably, gifts from rich fans are not transferred to you?

I received different presents. A friend gave me a plane ride with an instructor for my birthday a few years ago. When I was filming “Vendetta...”, where my heroine controls an aircraft, those skills came in very handy. They gave a star in the sky and armfuls of flowers. Once I received a car as a gift - a luxurious Lexus convertible.

Mom scolded

- Is the age difference between a man and a woman important?

It's better when they are the same age. True, I had a man who turned out to be 15 years older. An adult, an accomplished person, a personality from whom I could learn something.

- Who initiated the breakup more often?

It happens, and a man - I have a difficult profession, they could not stand it. I often cried because of gentlemen. Yes, and they are because of me too. They made desperate attempts to bring me back.

- Singer and composer Yuri Loza, who is your relationship?

We are just namesakes. This question is often asked by traffic cops when they stop you and see your passport. I’ll say more: I’ve never even met Yuri Loza!

- How do you spend your free time?

I love to travel. Recently I went with my beloved to Croatia, on a cruise along the Mediterranean Sea: Sicily, Malta, Mallorca... For the New Year, we are going to a ski resort in Italy or Austria.

- How do you feel about shopping? They say it is an excellent treatment for stress.

I'm not a fan, but if I like something, I'll definitely buy it, regardless of the price. My latest purchase is incredibly beautiful boots from Galliano from ostrich skin. Yes, they are extremely expensive, but I think that I work hard and can afford it - I deserve it. Mom, of course, scolded me for this purchase, but admitted that she also really liked them.


* Evgeniya LOZA born in 1984 in the city of Antratsit, Lugansk region.

* Studied at the Moscow Art Theater School.

* She starred in the films and TV series “9 Months”, “Club”, “Bet”, “Two Colors of Passion”, “Trace of the Salamander”, “Sakura Jam”, “Garages”, “Fate’s Mysterious Tomorrow”.

You won't believe it, but I don't remember when you came to me last time came up to meet. Previously, I couldn’t drive even five meters from the house when they shouted from a neighboring car: “Girl, what’s your name?” Now this does not happen either on the road, or in a cafe, or on the street - nowhere. Am I looking worse? No! This means that men have ceased to be conquerors and hunters.

Interviewed by Marina Pork

I love novelty, I’m not afraid to perform dangerous stunts on camera, to overcome myself, to learn. The only thing I refuse is to act naked. The director who wants to undress me must convincingly explain why this is necessary. If I understand that the result will be worthy, I will not feel ashamed, I will agree. So far, however, this has not happened. Directors care about their ideas, but I care about my principles.

- Did your mom and dad raise you this way? They don't seem to have anything to do with cinema?

Indeed, parents Lyudmila Konstantinovna and Fyodor Nikolaevich are civil engineers. We met and got married while we were studying. As assigned, we went to St. Petersburg, and then to Murmansk, where my older sister was born. She is a non-public person, absolutely far from art. It’s not that our relationship didn’t work out, but there were few points of contact. She found her destiny in Krasnodar region: married, lives in the village, works.

Evgeniya is wearing: Motivi top and trousers, Marc Cain hat, Unode50 bracelet

I was born in the city of Anthracite, Lugansk region, where my parents later moved. I remember being terribly eager to go to school, kindergarten went to school uniform, from which my sister had already outgrown, and with an old briefcase, it was difficult to persuade me to wear something else. As a child, I grew up independent and was offended that, as a little girl, I had to sit and wait for my mother to pick me up from kindergarten. I learned to read early, and already in childhood I began to write poetry. She loved stealing her sister’s textbooks and sitting there leafing through them. Even as a child, she didn’t like to ask her parents questions; she preferred to dig out the answers herself, finding them in books. Dad then worked as the first deputy head of the city administration, and there was a wonderful library in his office. When I came to his work, I went to the bookcase, took out the encyclopedia and delved into reading. I wanted so badly to become an adult.

Photo: from the archive of E. Loza

I turned ten when I learned from a classmate that her mother, who runs a theater studio, was recruiting new children to teach acting. How could I have missed this?! She began performing plays at the age of six with her grandmother in a village in the Krasnodar Territory: she gathered spectators, performed, and even drew programs, just like in a real theater.

IN theater studio We mainly participated in fairy tale productions. They were in great demand during New Year holidays. Sometimes they performed two or even three times a day. Unfortunately, the roles she played were not the main ones; the palm here always went to the daughter of the artistic director. Nevertheless, I was involved in all productions. In “The Cat’s House” she played a Goat, in “Twelve Months” she played a capricious princess, in “ To the Snow Queen"The role was even smaller: one of the students main character, who, among others, sat on the floor and formed words from pieces of ice.

From the age of ten she studied in a theater studio. We took part in fabulous productions. Here I am as a princess (in the center)
Photo: from the archive of E. Loza

In the studio I started receiving my first royalties. The small money was paid regularly, and I brought it to my parents honestly. They knew that I dreamed of roller skates. As soon as I noticed a shooting star, I always wished for them to appear. And how happy I was when mom and dad added money to my earnings and finally bought them for me!

From the age of five I pestered my dad: “Teach me to drive!” He got tired of it, and finally he got behind the wheel, put me on his lap, and we drove off. By the age of twelve, I drove myself, and what’s more, I had a decent understanding of car mechanics. But I already received my license in Moscow. When I turned fifteen, my dad was offered a job in the capital. His construction specialty turned out to be in great demand; many Moscow residential buildings are the work of his hands. When he got comfortable in the capital, he moved us too.

- Did your parents support you when they announced that you were entering the theater?

They talked me out of it. They cared about my future, wanted me to continue the family business, to become either an architect or an engineer, because they had no illusions about acting, they understood better than me that only a few would fall into the category and there was very little hope that I would be among the lucky ones . In my senior year I went to the bottom open doors in many universities. The University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics was located next to the house. I’ve almost settled on it: it’s not far to walk, and I can sleep longer in the morning. I almost submitted my documents there. I almost said goodbye to my dream, because in life I am a person who is insecure and doubtful.

But my godparents, friends of my parents, advised me to take a risk: “Try it!” Don’t bury your talent and regret it later! At least go to the audition." I dreamed of acting in films and at first I went to VGIK. The acting workshop was recruited by director Vladimir Grammatikov. I successfully passed the first round, which gave me confidence. Having cheered up, I decided to try to enter the Moscow Art Theater School under Konstantin Raikin. I read Yunna Moritz’s poem “After the War,” an excerpt from “The Young Peasant Lady.” When asked to sing, I performed Ukrainian folk song. Raikin was impressed, although he spoke rather harshly about my speech. Even before entering the institute, I took lessons from a teacher in stage speech, but the dialect still turned out to be very sticky: at home everyone spoke a dialect - Surzhik, so it was not so easy for me to get rid of it. Konstantin Arkadyevich took it on the condition that I would sort out this problem within six months.

My classmates turned out to be Glafira Tarkhanova, Lesha Bardukov, Artem Osipov. Everyone right after school, perky, cheerful, friendly, with sparkling eyes. Wonderful course! It's a pity that I didn't stay with the guys for long. Konstantin Arkadyevich selected students to suit himself, to suit his sparkling temperament. I was a little different from others, because by nature I am a calm person. I couldn’t always give out a bright stage presentation of an excerpt right away. The master was often dissatisfied with me. Of course, this upset me.

To be honest, I entered acting with the goal of acting in films. And this was categorically forbidden to us. At the end of the first course, I was oh so happy! - was invited to a small role in the TV series “Turkish March”. I didn’t inform Raikin: the filming took place in the summer and didn’t interfere in any way educational process. I didn’t know yet that filming is an unpredictable business, the deadlines are constantly changing, everything can drag on. In the end, this is what happened.

In “Turkish March” I played a teenage girl who committed a terrible act: she stole money from... a corpse. The role was insignificant, but there was a shared scene with Alexander Domogarov himself. In it, my heroine emotionally explained why she did this. I got carried away, and suddenly Ukrainian pronunciation slipped into my fiery speech. Alexander Yuryevich immediately responded and mimicked it right on camera. I was confused, I didn’t know where to go from embarrassment. “Well, that’s it,” I think, “I’m a useless actress, now director Mikhail Tumanishvili will come up and say that he’s not going to work with me anymore!” But nothing like that happened, they just filmed another take.

I looked at Domogarov as if he were a celestial being. I was amazed at how easily and naturally he worked. Everything comes out naturally for him, the text just flies off his teeth! It seems to me that the frame shows the admiration with which I look at him. Not at all relevant!

I just finished working in “March...” and received a new offer from director Yuri Moroz, who shot “Kamenskaya”. Here the role was more interesting. I was already eighteen, and I played chained to wheelchair a girl of about thirteen, a math prodigy. According to the plot, she developed love story with the character of Lesha Makarov. And my heroine’s older sister was played by Oksana Akinshina. And of course, Elena Yakovleva, Dmitry Nagiyev, Sergey Garmash and Stas Duzhnikov starred with us. I felt as if I were sitting at the same table with Audrey Hepburn or Jack Nicholson. Being in such company, I froze with open mouth, caught every gesture, couldn’t believe my luck: am I really also a member of this star team?!

By signing a contract to work in a film, the artists agree that they do not have the right to change their appearance during this period - for example, to cut their hair. But the breaks between filming were long, sometimes up to a month, and I forgot about it. Once I returned to Moscow from Minsk, where we were filming, and decided to tint my hair to make it look brighter. When I got to the set again, the operator noticed this with a keen eye and complained to the director.

I’m sitting in makeup, and suddenly the soft, delicate Yura Moroz comes up to me with a huge Talmud script and how he’ll hit them right on the head!

How could you?!

I forgot!

Change your color immediately!

I had never dyed my hair before and didn’t know that I was allergic to dye. My head withstood light toning, but then I had to return my color, and this is serious. The next day I woke up with a terrible allergy, my skin itched terribly and bled. I had to sleep in a wet hat and mittens so as not to comb my head. It was terrible! But I remembered for the rest of my life: nothing in appearance can be changed during filming.

I mastered the profession in practice, and Elena Yakovleva helped a lot on the set. She treated me kindly and gave me practical advice. Many years later we met at the project “I’ll come myself,” Elena Alekseevna immediately remembered me. It was amazing how radically she could transform herself. I’m used to perceiving her as the positive heroine Kamenskaya. And here Yakovleva masterfully played a swindler, a vile woman who has sunk to the bottom, who shamelessly deceives unfortunate people. Sometimes I looked at her, and I became truly scared, honestly.

For the first time Elena Alekseevna and I met in the TV series “Kamenskaya”
Photo: Persona Stars

- How did Raikin react to the fact that you were acting in films?

At the end of the first year my problems began. And not only with studies, something else happened love drama. I had enough worries and felt exhausted. Terrible health problems began, I was admitted to the hospital with a stomach ulcer. And also on nervous soil the muscle responsible for the functioning of the lower jaw has failed. It just stopped opening! For a long time I was fed liquid food through a tube. At “Kamenskaya” they filmed a scene where I, or rather my heroine, staged poisoning, depicted convulsions, and another actress ran up and brought me to my senses. But she grabbed her chin so poorly that she had to stop filming. I barely put my jaw back in. When I overcame the stress, everything went away by itself.

The actress says that she cannot remember the last time someone approached her to meet her.

Evgenia Loza played the main role in the melodrama “Beauty Salon,” which is shown today on the Rossiya 1 channel. Her grandmother is played by Tamara Semina. They made a wonderful duet. “It’s an honor for me to film with such an actress! I came home and started watching her films. “I called my mother, grandmother, and bragged to everyone,” the actress said.

Evgenia Loza loves novelty, is not afraid to perform dangerous stunts on camera, overcome herself, and learn. The only thing she refuses is to appear nude. " The director who wants to undress me must convincingly explain why this is necessary. If I understand that the result will be worthy, I will not feel ashamed, I will agree. So far, however, this has not happened. Directors care about their ideas, but I care about my principles", admits Evgenia.

Loza’s classmates were Glafira Tarkhanova, Alexey Bardukov, Artem Osipov. But Evgenia did not stay with them for long. According to the actress, she enrolled in acting with the goal of acting in films. And they were categorically forbidden to do this. After completing her first year, Evgenia was invited to play a small role in the TV series “Turkish March”. Konstantin Raikin, whose course she studied, was against combining study and filming. Loza dropped out of school and began acting in films.

Evgenia admits that it’s not easy for her to get married new novel, since she is a rather conservative person, she is used to a man getting acquainted himself and courting her. The actress complains that she cannot remember the last time someone approached her to meet her.

« Previously, I couldn’t drive even five meters from the house when they shouted from a neighboring car: “Girl, what’s your name?” Now this does not happen either on the road, or in a cafe, or on the street - nowhere. Am I looking worse? No! This means that men have ceased to be conquerors and hunters. We relaxed in our time of social networks, when girls themselves come to their pages to get acquainted", admits Evgenia.

« And I won’t run after anyone! No, of course, a critical situation may arise when I realize that I’m forty-five, and I’m still alone. Joke! But I’d rather be alone than next to a man whom I sought for myself, and he allowed me to do it. I hope that real men haven’t died out yet. I do not rule out the possibility of meeting my destiny among colleagues who are capable of demonstrating masculine qualities, and not just admiring themselves", says the actress.

Evgenia Loza dreams of a family. “I never had an obsessive desire to put a stamp in my passport. But I definitely wouldn’t refuse to meet a person with whom I would like to have a common home, where children’s laughter sounds and everything breathes an atmosphere of love and mutual respect. I believe that one day this will happen,” hopes Evgenia Loza.

In the new television season on the Domashny channel, viewers will once again be able to meet the heroes of the beloved series East-West. Now filming is underway for the continuation of the project, which will dot all the i’s in the relationship between Tatiana (Evgenia Loza), her ex-husband Igor (Yakov Kucherevsky) and current husband Kemal (Adnan Koç).

We met at film set second season of the series with Evgenia Loza and talked with her not only about filming and the ups and downs that await her character in the second season of the series, but also about the actress’s attitude towards interethnic marriages, godchildren and beauty secrets. And they even found out if it was free this moment the heart of an unmarried beauty...

— Evgenia, the first season of the series terribly intrigued the audience: Tatyana and Kemal’s wedding had just taken place when a paternity test showed that the heroine gave birth to a son from her ex-husband. What can viewers expect in the new season?

— There will be even more in the second season storylines and new characters. I think this will be an even more exciting story. But the plot will continue to be based on two cultures - East and West.

— How do you yourself feel about interethnic marriages?

- I have nothing against. I have friends who have entered into such relationships. But for myself personally, I don’t see this possibility. Sometimes it is difficult for me to build a relationship with a person even of my nationality. ( Smiles.) At times, even a Russian man can be difficult to understand. And for a person with a different mentality, speaking a language that I don’t speak, it’s three times more difficult.

— Why do you think some Russian women dream of marrying a foreigner, including a Turk, like your heroine?

“Perhaps they are attracted by the exotic.” Maybe you are tired of everyday life, a certain dullness in life. And then the woman finds herself in a warmer and sunnier country, in a society of active and hot men. By the way, all the girls from our film crew, including me, were even warned before filming in Turkey to be careful with local men: they can attract with their charisma and charm, but as soon as they win the girl’s favor, their ardor immediately fades away...

“Didn’t they try to lure you in this way?”

— Surprisingly, no. Perhaps they like girls of a different build. (Smiles.)

— Don’t you think that the common formulation of divorce proceedings “they don’t get along” is connected precisely with the difference in mentalities?

- Quite possible. But I am sure that in any marriage, the first ten days of the relationship are built on emotions, and then people recognize some deep-seated traits in each other, the peculiarities of each person’s behavior in everyday life, and so on. What if these are people? different nationalities, then they have different upbringings, different perceptions and understandings of some important things. And here all the discrepancies are felt much more acutely...

- But it wasn’t easy for your Tatyana and Kemal either...

- Certainly. There were many disputes between the characters: how to raise a child, what faith to introduce him to? But they already had other problems, the families of Tatyana and Kemal also had a great influence on this marriage...

— The story in the series begins with the fact that your heroine cheated on her husband. Do you somehow justify Tatyana?

— It’s difficult for me to talk about this on my own behalf - I was not married. And it's hard for me to judge or justify married woman who became a hostage to her feelings, her passion. In general, I am a person who welcomes love. I believe that love is the main feeling that drives a person. This feeling can justify a lot...

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