Environmental problems of modern Russia. Essay on the topic: “Ecological problems

Ecology was formed by the middle of the 19th century, but became an independent science later, at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. But, according to scientists, the history of ecology began in the 4th century BC, when Aristotle, in his numerous works (“On the Parts of Animals”, “The Origin of Animals”, “Description of Animals”) was one of the first to consider animals in connection with their place a habitat. It was not yet ecology, but his work remained relevant until the Renaissance.

1. Hippocrates (c. 460 - c. 370 BC) puts forward ideas about the influence of environmental factors on human health.

2. Aristotle (384-322 BC), describing over 500 species of animals, talks about their behavior (migrations and hibernation of animals, migrations of birds) and classifies them according to their lifestyle and method of nutrition.

4. Leonardo da Vinci (Italy, 15th century). Renaissance Titan. Gave a description artificial ecosystems, built an analogy of the Earth - an organism.

5. A. Caesalpin (France, 16th century). Established the dependence of plant distribution on environmental conditions.

6. Robert Boyle (England, 17th century). Conducted the 1st environmental experiment on the effect of low atmospheric pressure on various animals.

7. C. Linnaeus (18th century). Laid the foundations of scientific taxonomy.

8. M.V. Lomonosov (Russia, 18th century, 1711 - 65) expressed the idea of ​​​​the influence of the environment on organisms.

9. E. Haeckel (Germany, 19th century) was the first to use the term ecology.

10. A. Humboldt (Germany), the founder of biogeography, represented the living world and its landscape environment as a single system, inseparable from climatic factors.

11. K. Moebius (Germany, 19th century) introduced the concept of biocenosis.

12. C. Darwin (England) The book “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” served as the foundation for the science of ecology.

13. V.I. Vernadsky (1863 -1945) doctrine of the biosphere.

14. Ch. Elton. Animal ecology, ecological niche and the rule of ecological pyramids.

15. Lotka and Voltaire, Gause. Models are paired. ? numbers of predator and prey.

16. Art. Tensley - ecosystem

17. Hutchinson - ecological niche

The rapid development of ecology is characteristic of the 20th century. 1909 Mitscherlich (Germany) proposed the concept of the combined effect of factors on biocenoses.

In the first half of the 20th century, extensive work began on the study of supraorganismal biological systems. Their basis was the formation of the concept of biocenoses as multi-species communities of living organisms, functionally connected to each other. This concept was mainly created by the works of K. Mobius (1877), S. Forbes (1887), etc. In 1916, F. Clements showed the dynamism of biocenoses and the adaptive meaning of this; in 1920 - G.F. Morozov created a major work, “The Doctrine of the Forest,” in which he demonstrated where the forest is defined as a “community” of plants and animals - an example of an ecological approach to natural ecosystems. D.N. worked in this direction. Kashkarov, who considered the role of the environment in the formation of a community of organisms (“Environment and Community”, “Fundamentals of Animal Ecology”).

A. Thienemann (1925) proposed the concept of “products”, and C. Elton (1927) published the first textbook-monograph on ecology, in which he clearly highlighted the uniqueness of biocenotic processes, defined the concept of a trophic niche and formulated the rule of ecological pyramids. In 1926, a book by V.I. Vernadsky's "Biosphere", in which the planetary role of the totality of all types of living organisms - "living matter" - was first shown.

In 1935, the Englishman Arthur Tansley developed the theory of ecosystems, and in 1942, the Russian botanist V.N. Sukachev – the concept of biogeocenosis as a single complex of organisms and their abiotic environment.

40s – 50s were marked by the expansion of research into ecosystems (biogeocenoses), considered as holistic entities. The trophodynamic direction of studying ecosystems has received particular development (Lindemann, 1942; Odum, 1957; Ivlev 1955). Quantitative methods for determining the functions of ecosystems and mathematical modeling of biological processes began to be widely used - a direction that later became known as theoretical ecology. Even earlier (1925 -1926), A. Lotka and V. Voltaire created mathematical models of population growth, competitive relations and interaction between predators and their prey. In Russia (30s) under the leadership of G.G. Vinberg conducted extensive quantitative research on the productivity of aquatic ecosystems. In 1934 G.F. Gause published the book “The Struggle for Existence,” in which he experimentally and using mathematical calculations showed the principle of competitive exclusion and studied predator-prey relationships. Ecosystem research remains one of the main directions in ecology in our time.

By the mid-60s. The 20th century saw the appearance of the first publications on mathematical modeling of the dynamics of ecosystems (biogeocenoses) in the USSR. Since that time, the use of system analysis in ecology has increasingly expanded, which was accompanied not only by the improvement of the model and modeling techniques, but also by the extremely fruitful reverse influence of modeling on the strategy and tactics of environmental research and even the methodological settings of ecologists.

Domestic scientists made a great contribution to the development of ecology: L.A. Zenkevich, S.A. Zernov, G.G. Vinberg, G.V. Nikolsky, V.I. Zhadin, B.G. Johanzen, M.S. Gilyarov, V.V. Dogel, V.N. Beklemishev, A.N. Formozov, S.S. Schwartz, L.G. Ramensky and others.

Timofeev-Resovsky (born in 1900) is one of the founders of biogeocenology and molecular biology.

In Belarus, certain areas of ecology have been developing since the 1920s. Problems of general ecology are being developed at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarusian and Gomel Universities, the Technological University, pedagogical universities, nature reserves, etc.

In our age we have to talk about the environment every day. Unfortunately, despite the fight against the problem, the number of problems is increasing. An essay on the topic “Ecology” will help anyone imagine what can be done. This article provides essay options. After all, they can ask such a topic on any subject that is related to the environment.

Ecology in the past

Back in the 18th century, when industry was just beginning to make serious progress, humanity thought little about the consequences. People rode horses, and later bicycles appeared. The horse-drawn railway began its existence. But the “locomotive” was horses. Naturally, everything was environmentally friendly. The only thing that could bother me was the noise.

School essays about ecology and man’s relationship to nature are very important. The state of the world around us in 20, 50, 100 years depends on the future generation. Before solving the current problem, it is better to plunge into the past. They will help classic literature, where the authors describe the environment of their time, the Menaions and the Bible.

In any of these books you can read that people enjoyed the beauty of nature, the singing of birds, clean water and air. Who among them would have thought that in a few centuries everything would be different?

Today's world

Over the course of a couple of centuries, the Earth has changed beyond recognition. The air became literally poisoned by emissions. Even ecologically clean areas and regions are no longer the same as they were several centuries ago. Impurities harmful substances will be present almost everywhere. Perhaps the only exception is in those places where cars cannot run and factories cannot operate: mountains, tundra, thickets. But with the help of wind, particles of harmful substances can end up in such areas.

Water is also a problem. The supply of clean water is almost exhausted. Many wells, springs and springs may be contaminated with pesticides, which also include vegetable gardens. Spilled oils from cars and large equipment are easily absorbed into the soil.

A dream about the future or its realization

High school students are already familiar with ecology and can imagine the problem. But why not include children's imagination? You need to be able to approach life simply and carefully. It will be boring to write just an essay on the topic “Ecology of Nature”. What is the point of talking endlessly about the scale of the disaster if you can already make plans for the future and implement them.

You need to start small. The biggest problem is caused by cars: gas exhaust, noise, dirt. Why not switch to a bicycle? It is relatively inexpensive compared to a car, takes up little space, and you don’t have to constantly pay for gas and taxes. But it will also help improve your health.

Another simple thing: don’t litter anywhere, don’t create a landfill. How to dispose of, for example, a broken refrigerator? If people wanted to, they would have long ago come up with a way to recycle any equipment instead of throwing it in the trash.

Love for nature

It all starts with love for the environment. A thrifty person would never dare to build a plant or factory in nature. You have to be completely callous to agree to this. The consequences will be sad. Why are there practically no clean water bodies? Because they are polluted not only by motor boats and catamarans, but also by enterprises located on the shore that collect clean water and then discharge waste.

As they said, ecological restoration begins with small things - the destruction of garbage, not nature. An essay on the topic “Ecology” should be written with a plan. What will we talk about? If only about that and you need to draw conclusions, for example: what will I do in this case.

Ecology has two environments: natural and urban. It is clear that in big cities it is impossible to control security. There is no need to talk about the fight against harmful substances. We need to preserve nature as much as possible.

From small to big

Scientists around the world say that it will recover Big city in no less than 50 years, if cars stop moving and factories stop functioning. After a nuclear power plant explosion, it takes about the same amount of time. Let's remember Chernobyl. 25 years have passed, but radiation contamination is still present, albeit not in such quantities as in 1986.

Ecology" can affect precisely man-made disasters, global and air, as well as what became the consequences: the greenhouse effect, weather anomalies, drainage of water bodies.

Unfortunately, it only gets worse over the years. Despite the fact that nature reserves are being created, nature continues to reduce its resources. You can notice how little precipitation has begun to fall in Europe. As you know, evaporation from the surface of the earth forms clouds, then rain falls. Currently, there is little water left, and there is almost nothing left to evaporate, so there is not enough water and precipitation. Can a person solve such a problem? An essay on the topic “Ecology” is a food for thought for the younger generation.

Unfortunately, the friendship between man and nature is not always successful. Nowadays, more than ever before, the problem associated with environmental protection has become more acute. And this is because nature really needs protection and protection more and more.

The classic formula given in many scientific and popular publications: ecology is the science of the relationship of organisms with their environment. The origin of the term seems to confirm this definition: “ekos” in Greek means dwelling, “logos” means science. The science of living in habitats. For almost two millennia, hundreds of scientists have collected data on the relationships between plants, animals and the environment. In the 19th century, the time came for the crystallization of ideas into a new science. Many scientists, Russian and foreign, in late XVIII and in the first half of the 19th century they were already engaged in ecology, without calling this science by name. There was a lack of a term, a formula, until in 1866 E. Haeckel, in his work “General Morphology of Organisms,” used the concept of “ecology” and gave it a definition: “By ecology we mean the general science of the relationship between the organism and the environment, where we include everything “conditions of existence” in the broad sense of the word. It is partly organic, partly inorganic in nature “1.

Modern research proves that the human impact on the environment was already very significant in ancient times, in the conditions of antiquity and the Middle Ages. However, in past centuries, only a few objects and means of labor directly given by nature were involved in the production process, which did not violate, at least on a planetary scale, the equilibrium nature of the “man-biosphere” relationship. But in the process of expanding industrial activity of society and population growth, human pressure on the environment has increased. In developed capitalist countries, a kind of “ecological boom” began: by the mid-70s of the twentieth century, the flow of relevant literature had no precedent. Nevertheless, in the entire difficult-to-see mass of publications that examined the most diverse (economic, technological, biological, philosophical, etc.) aspects of the relationship between man and the biosphere, two levels, or approaches, in the interpretation of environmental issues can be conventionally distinguished, namely: descriptive and quantitative.

The essence of works at the descriptive level is that they collect, generalize and classify facts of environmental degradation changes. Within this approach, effective forecasting is quite difficult. At the same time, works at the descriptive level collected a huge amount of factual material, on the basis of which it became possible to form a quantitative approach to environmental issues.

Since the beginning of the 70s, environmental issues have become a constant topic of numerous discussions and debates taking place at various levels throughout the USSR, the tone which was set by a meeting of philosophers, representatives of natural and technical sciences at a round table in the editorial office of the journal Questions of Philosophy. But what plunged the Western public into “environmental shock” in Russia only caused a malicious grin. “In socialist countries, the modern environmental situation does not have the crisis character that is inherent in developed capitalist states. A socialist society, focused on meeting the material and spiritual needs of the working people, directs significant resources to the rational use and protection of nature”2. But still, from this time on, a tendency towards a more attentive attitude to environmental problems began to be traced in the periodical press.

The first writers to raise this problem were S. Zalygin, V. Astafiev, N. Vorontsov, V. Chivilikhin, A. Yanshin, V. Rasputin. They began to advocate the prevention of large-scale enterprises to remake nature. This concerned, first of all, the project to transfer northern rivers to the south, the fight for the cleanliness of Baikal, against widespread clearing of the taiga. The baton was picked up by journalists who, through the regional press, brought this problem to the central newspapers. At the same time, coverage of economic problems occurred in an evolutionary manner: from individual cases to the state level. The struggle of the former Ministry of Land Reclamation showed how difficult it was. Each side appealed to its own sources of truth. The clash between necessity and morality was the core of the environmental problem in journalism. Since that time, the topic of ecology reached the state level and began to be discussed in the government, right up to the creation of ministries responsible for environmental protection. Over the past 20 years, the environmental problem has taken on not just a global character, but a universal, general philosophical aspect, since we are already talking about life and death on Earth.

Since the mid-70s, small materials on ecology have appeared in the press here and there; they are of a local nature. Environmental voluntarism in economics has given rise to such a phenomenon as the “ecological boomerang” - the negative impact of environmental factors on economic activities and human life. Journalism was faced with the task: to teach society environmental thinking, to understand the inevitability of the transition to new technologies, which, while increasing the socio-economic effect, would be at the same time environmentally rational.

Environmental issues began to develop more widely in the mid-1980s. Regular columns, major materials and investigative journalism appear in newspapers. So “Komsomolskaya Pravda” has long exaggerated the problem of the Sahara Desert: “Stop the Sahara”, “The colder it is in the North...”, “Complicated project”, “Was the Sahara a lake? ". Newspapers regularly publish statistics and opinion polls on environmental topics. So “Soviet Kuban” a permanent column “Ecology of the region” appears, in which a series of extensive materials by N. Avramenko and V. Smeyukha about the Sea of ​​Azov is published, which was called “TASS Expedition” and “Soviet Kuban” “Azov Sea”; environmental bulletins of the regional committee for nature protection. The magazine "Ogonyok" published a map - a scheme for nature conservation in the USSR, developed by the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The journal “Smena” published a problematic article by academician I.V. Petryakov - Sokolov, “Industrial waste: harm and benefit,” where he shifts all the problems onto the youth,” who are already taking care of our land, about everything that happens on it “The magazine “Young Guard” did not stand aside, publishing the rubric “Ecology and us”, which covered the problems of forests near Moscow.

Each publication addresses an environmental problem, taking into account its specifics. Thus, the magazine “Selskaya Nov” paid attention primarily to the reflection of the environmental crisis on agriculture and vice versa, publishing articles on the use of nitrates and pesticides in agriculture and the “contamination” of vegetables with them. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" tried to identify political background in environmental investigations. The weekly "Family" did not rise above the descriptive level. The journal Science and Life constantly involved academic scientists in solving environmental problems. The magazine “Rabotnitsa” did not directly advocate environmental protection; it followed a roundabout path: through articles about the health of children, women and the entire population of the country. That is, during this period (1979-1990), environmental journalism was only gaining strength. The press will begin to have a massive impact on the minds of readers a little later, when popular newspapers and magazines about nature and its role in human life appear.


In modern Russian periodicals, environmental topics occupy one of the leading places. At the turn of the millennium, this problem becomes more relevant than ever. Therefore, materials on ecology can be found in publications of various directions, ranging from political to humorous.

Today, among the registered magazines and newspapers there are not only public organizations, editorial offices, publishing houses, but also various associations, cooperatives, joint ventures, joint-stock companies, and individuals. The topic of environmental protection occupies a stable niche in the huge list of Russian publications. The type of such publications is primarily distinguished by the publishing body, i.e. these can be founders - individual people involved in environmental problems (N.N. Drozdov, A.S. Abolits - the magazine "In the Animal World"), or some kind of association promoting nature conservation (newspapers "Green World", published by the association "Rosexpress" ", Ministry of Environmental Protection and natural resources).

The readership group that this or that environmental publication is aimed at is divided into subgroups, i.e. these can be magazines and newspapers for children, schoolchildren, students, scientific supervisors, etc. This type of publication forms its own readership and all its materials are aimed specifically at it. As a rule, the covers indicate the reader group to which the publication is oriented ("Firefly". Literary and artistic magazine for children 7-12 years old. "Svirel". Children's environmental magazine. "Anthill". Magazine for family reading).

The environmental press, due to its inherent specificity, identifies its tasks and program, which will be fundamentally different from the tasks of any entertainment publication. The developed internal structure of the publication, a set of genres, style and language, and specific design help solve the assigned problems.

Taking into account all of the above, the composition of the authors is formed. As a rule, these are scientists, doctors of biological sciences, writers - naturalists and travelers - all those to whom this topic is close (magazine "Anthill": V. Peskov, I.P. Shpilenok, G. Kotelnikov).

The internal structure, genres and design are the specifics of each individual environmental publication. This is greatly influenced by the factor for which audience this or that publication is intended. If this children's magazine about nature (“Svirelka”), then, naturally, the presentation of materials, design and general structure of the magazine will be radically different from a highly specialized publication, such as “Forest and Man” - a popular scientific yearbook about the forest and its role in our lives.

The frequency of publications does not depend on its direction. There are monthly newspapers, newsletters, magazines, yearbooks and almanacs.

If we take purely environmental newspapers and nature magazines, the volume of one issue will depend on the frequency, first of all, and the audience group. The standard for a children's monthly nature magazine is 20-30 pages (“Pipe”, “Anthill”). The publication should proceed from the fact that a child cannot absorb a large amount of information, so it makes no sense to print thick volumes. Another thing is magazines for family reading, such as “In the Animal World”, the average volume of each issue is 50 pages. This is a flow of information maintained within certain limits. It is of higher quality, as it is aimed at an adult audience.

Almanacs have always been large in volume. They contain articles for the year. They never sparkle with sensations and “hot” materials like weeklies (the annual “Forest and Man”).

Circulation cannot be stable; it directly depends on social group, which the publication is aimed at; the number of people who share the views of the magazine or newspaper; and the ability to stay at a high level.

Often in environmental publications, photographs can be first-class propaganda material in their own right, even illustrating the text. Not all genres of illustration are used equally often. In the magazine “Svirel”, for example, reportage and photographic information predominate, while in the magazine “Young Naturalist” there is an illustrative series.

Readiness to perceive the information products of environmental publications is expressed in a clear orientation towards a certain content and the form of its presentation, and in some cases, towards a specific author. Articles and stories by V.M. Peskov is loved by both adults and children. This is one of the most readable authors and his materials can be found both in children's and socio-political publications.

A distinctive feature of environmental publications is that they intensively vary the shape and size of photographs, since non-standard solutions serve to attract human attention. The increased size and the use of non-standard image formats are combined with complex methods of making cliches (line, grid, reversal and clipping).

Poster-style style is one of the hallmarks of environmental publications ("In the Animal World", "Svirel", "Svirelka", "Young Naturalist"). An important role is given to photo illustrations - posters, large photographs in combination with a “header”, “inset”, typed in capital or even heading font with color accents and catchy rulers.

Design plays a huge role in the conditions of the information boom, since it occupies an important place in attracting the reader’s attention. At the same time, the need for non-standard, bright presentation of large-volume materials stimulates the search for designers in composition and graphics.

This typology is working, but it helps to better see the specifics of environmental publications and better understand its structure.

One form of environmental press is magazines and newspapers that are entirely devoted to environmental issues. They publish information about the state of the environment, speeches by leading scientists - ecologists, publicists, writers. Let's consider the most significant and serious publications.

"Ecos". The international illustrated environmental magazine has been published since 1990. The founders are RIA "NOVOSTI", Social and Ecological Union, Russian Peace Foundation, Russian National Bank. Published quarterly. Editor-in-Chief V.B. Rudenko.

The magazine is dedicated to the problems of protecting human life and nature conservation. Publishes environmental assessment data for goods and services. Contains extensive information on legal issues of ecology, summarizes the experience of reasonable environmental management in the regions of the country and abroad.

"Ekos - Inform". Supplement to the magazine "Ekos", published since 1992. This is a serious informational and analytical publication, designed primarily for heads of departments, government officials and wide circle readers.

» Ecos – Inform « prints laws, government regulations, presidential orders, government reports on the state of the environment, official documents, scientific forecasts, and field reports. On its pages, problems of the environmental consequences of underground nuclear explosions, the fate of the Caspian Sea, the development of tourism on Lake Baikal, the status of territories contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, and the depletion of marine resources are discussed.

"Green World". Russian scientific and journalistic information and methodological environmental newspaper with applications “ZM-document” “ZM-open university”. Published since 1990. Published by the Rosexpress Association, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, the Federal Environmental Fund and other organizations. Published 3 times a month. Editor-in-Chief M.L. Borodin.

"Green World" publishes legal, organizational, technical materials on nature conservation, analyzes the priority and directions of environmental activities in Russia. Among the problems raised by the newspaper are the future of nuclear energy, the concept of general environmental education, experience in researching and solving environmental problems abroad and in Russia. A special feature of “Green World” is the publication of letters from readers from “hot” environmental spots, signals about situations that require urgent intervention and change.

The long-term basis for working with readers is the articles of the famous environmental scientist N.N. Moiseev "Modern anthropogenesis and civilizational fault lines." Ecological and political analysis of academician N.P. Laverov “Russia in the context of global changes in the natural environment and climate” and V. Kotov “Sustainable development: in search of a concept for Russia.”

The newspaper submits materials under the headings: “Air”, “Forest”, “Climate”, “Earth”, “Waste”, “Ecology and Law”, “Problem”, “Opinion”. A significant part of newspaper pages is devoted to chronicles of seminars, expeditions, press conferences, competitions, and sanctions against violators. There is also a “Read to Children” section.

"Stop Disasters". Bulletin of the UN Secretariat for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, Ministry Russian Federation for emergency situations. Published since 1991. Published 6 times a year. Program director V.P. Korzhenko.

The Bulletin highlights the decisions of the UN General Assembly, which calls for concerted action to prevent disasters in all areas and emphasizes the need to prevent natural disasters.

Among the topics discussed in the bulletin are public health protection and experience in disaster prevention. The editors publish lists of organizations dealing with disaster issues and plans for conferences.

"Eurasia-monitoring". An environmental magazine published with the participation of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Russia. Published since 1993. Editor-in-Chief V.A. Yaroshenko.

The magazine publishes all major international and Russian documents on environmental issues, constantly publishes materials about the “green” movement in Russia and in foreign countries. The publication is intended for environmental specialists and is accessible to readers of any level of training. Thorough research of problems is combined with an acute, political form of materials.

Bright journalistic headlines attract attention, for example: “Missile silos in the steppes of Ukraine. Chronicle of one madness”, “Peaceful conversation between an amateur and a nuclear scientist”, “Position of the nuclear lobby”, “Ecological alcoholism” “North: self-restraint or self-destruction”.

The magazine reflects different points of view of foreign and domestic experts on various “hot issues”: the threat from the sunken boat “Komsomolets”, the problems of Lake Baikal and the Caspian Sea.

The editors defend the point of view of many scientists who believe that the existing “Concept for the Development of Nuclear Energy” should be revised, and that the reserves for the use of organic fuel have not been exhausted.

"Green Cross". Bulletin, printed organ of the international Green Cross, an international non-governmental charitable organization (Geneva). Members of its Council are academicians E. Velikhov, A. Yakovlev. Published since 1990. Published with the participation of NPO Radon. Editor-in-Chief N.A. Kharitonenko.

The task of the Green Cross is to inform the Russian and world public about the social and environmental situation in Russia and the most important aspects of environmental activities, and to ensure safe life. A number of environmental movements and associations actively cooperate with the newsletter.

The editors took the initiative to introduce mandatory environmental training for management and production.

"Energy". Monthly popular science and socio-political illustrated magazine of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Published since 1984

One of the most famous magazines among environmental publications, most focused on the youth readership. It is at the same time useful both for studying ecology in school subjects and for educational reading. The entertainment part is represented by a series fantasy stories and crossword puzzles published on the cover of each issue.

The main advantage of the magazine is that any, even the most scientific, article is presented to the reader in an interesting, entertaining form.

"ASECO Bulletin". Information and methodological bulletin of the association “Environmental Education”. Published once a quarter. Published since 1994. Editor-in-Chief V.B. Kalinin.

Published with the assistance of the International Foundation “Cultural Initiative” and a number of other non-governmental organizations. “Vestnik” strives to create a unified information and methodological space in the field of environmental education. "Vestnik" is the only specialized publication on environmental education.

“Vestnik” publishes developments for seminars, competitions, literary and artistic scripts, original programs for additional environmental education, and publishes stories, poems, and children’s drawings.

"Firefly". A literary and artistic magazine for children aged 7-12, revived since 1995. Publishes new products from domestic and foreign literature, reprints interesting materials from old magazines, offers games, quizzes, and invites you to make crafts. "Firefly" gives its readers knowledge of literature, geography, history, biology, ecology.

"Call". Newspaper. Organ of the Russian Society for the Protection of Animals, published weekly. Editor-in-Chief O.B. Dun.

"The Call" addresses the history and current state of the animal protection movement.

Published since 1868. Briefly, we can say that there is probably no living creature that would not be talked about on the pages of newspapers. How much touching stories about human friendship with a variety of inhabitants of land, air, and water! Lots of advice on how to keep pets, how to help with their illnesses, where you can place homeless and abandoned little brothers of ours

Entire pages are occupied by the poetic creativity of readers, “Vernissage” with photographs and correspondence.

"Pipe". Children's environmental magazine, published with the assistance of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Environmental Fund of the Russian Federation, and the Moscow Environmental Fund. Editor-in-Chief G.P. Turchin. The magazine is recommended for reading with the family. “Svirel” is a magazine about nature, about animals, about the place of man in the world of nature and nature in the human heart. It is addressed to everyone: “What each of us can and should do to save and make the world in which we live comfortable.”

These magazines indicate the sustainable preservation of the environmental press at a good scientific and popular level. This literature avoids boulevard, vulgarity, and simplified presentation of complex environmental problems. The authors of articles and works are authoritative experts in this field, who cover the problems of nature conservation in good popular scientific language.

The weak point of such publications is their small circulation, and therefore their inaccessibility to the general public. But despite some shortcomings (low printing quality of some publications, narrow subject matter, etc.). These newspapers and magazines play the role of supporting environmental problems at the state level.

Typology and topics of the magazine “In the Animal World”

When I started writing my work, I did not suspect that there would be so many environmental periodicals. Actually, everything I knew about publications in this direction was limited to 15-20 titles of magazines and newspapers. Only by digging deeper did I discover literally entire deposits of environmental magazines, both central and regional. I was confused, didn’t know what to choose and, as a result, got completely confused in these “green worlds”, “anthills”, “eco-reports”, “rainbows” and so on. The selection in this case had to be tough. I coped with this task by throwing “overboard” (with more or less a feeling of regret) the paper representatives of environmentalism. But she immediately faced a dilemma: “Young naturalist” is old, good friend children and their grandmothers or the new, still rather shapeless “In the World of Animals”? I settled on the last one.

“In the Animal World” is one of my favorite magazines; its design and presentation of materials meet even the most demanding tastes. It is not purely environmental, but it constantly contains problematic articles about environmental protection. The materials contained in it are intended for teenagers and adults.

“In the Animal World” is a monthly, which allows him to examine some problems in more depth and not chase sensations. In my work I want to consider in detail its structures and development.

"Invitation to the Animal World"

It all started in 1997, when subscribers of the “Young Naturalist” found in their mailboxes, along with the expected magazine, a thin bright brochure - “An Invitation to the World of Animals” and, as if to confirm what was written, on the cover there was a cute squirrel with outstretched paws.

From that moment on, the history of the most colorful, in my opinion, nature magazine “In the Animal World” began. Its founders were the well-known host of the TV show of the same name N.N. Drozdov and A.S. Abolits. The public editorial council consisted of no less famous and beloved people - M. Case, Yu. Kuklachev, V. Spitsin, V. Flint, M. Shirvindt and A. Yablokov. Chairman of this the magnificent seven became the same Nikolai Drozdov.

The publication promised to become the most interesting, accessible and most unusual of all known nature magazines. This was already evident from N. Drozdov’s program article on the first page of the “Invitation”: “All of us - authors, editors, photographers, publishers - have exerted our strength and skill so that our meetings on the pages of the magazine bring you and your dear friends new knowledge, the joy of communicating with nature... We hope that you love the program “In the Animal World”, but it is impossible to leaf through it again... And in the magazine you will find a lot of interesting things that were not included in the program, there will be a place for the best letters from our viewers and, of course, there will be answers here to questions that are so many in our mail" 3.

And indeed, the invitation issue looked tempting: excellent printing, great photos, illustrations, design – in a word, happiness for “An inquisitive and caring friend of animals” 4.

The section “Passenger of the Ark” (by the ark we mean the Earth) was supposed to tell, at the prompting of the reader, about some animal, which became the hero of the issue.

The “topics of the issue” were again offered to the reader to choose. Such topics in 1998 will be the recently sensational cloning, the recent discovery of a new species of a fairly large mammal and the existence of “undiscovered species” 5, etc. and so on.

The “Order of the Dolphin” section includes stories about people who demonstrate their love for nature through their actions. And again, proof of the publishers’ democratic approach to their audience: “You, our readers, yourself will be able to recommend people worthy of initiation into this unwritten brotherhood” 6.

"Saving Captivity." Her theme is nurseries, zoological gardens and parks.

“The Rock of Council” - this section invites everyone to gather and discuss “eternal” topics: “Are the patterns of human society, the development of civilization, comparable to the processes occurring in living nature?” 7

"The Little Prince" is all about pets.

“Nest” - poems, fairy tales, interesting stories about little animals. The invitation to this section began with an affectionate “Hello, my friend!” and ended with a call to come up with games, riddles and poems yourself.

Below, against the backdrop of hippopotamuses lying in the water, the “friend” could discover D. Bisset’s little fairy tale “About the tiger cub Binky, whose stripes disappeared.”

“By the fire” is a promise to give the floor not only to famous writers, but “to anyone, as long as his story is not boring” 8. As practice has shown, “anyone” was treated widely famous writers and naturalists such as J. Darell, L. Baskin, B. Grzyma, F. M-G. Mowat, J.O. Curwood, A. Formozov.

“The Laughing Seagull” is a witty name for a humorous section.

In addition to all this, there are many other, no less interesting sections.

And in order to finally and irrevocably win over readers to its side, the magazine is announcing a win-win lottery for those who subscribe to this publication. “But the main thing is that all participants, without exception, will receive one book from those listed.” 9

Thus, this magazine is both entertaining and educational and can serve as an example for other publications.

Magazine "In the Animal World"

The first issue was published in January 1998. On the cover of “World of Animals” a deer was depicted, and in the upper right corner in the form of the emblem of the magazine N.N. Drozdov with an owl. However, already the third issue came out with a new emblem, which remains to this day, in my opinion, the most appropriate.

On the spread in the center there was a kind of globe, consisting of new photographs of the issue, and this became a tradition. The contents and output of the log are scattered quite chaotically. It seemed as if the issue was typed up in a hurry and they gave up on such a “trifle” as a spread, saying that with time everything would settle down and find its face. And so it happened: the first issue of 2000 pleased with its consistency in design and the orderliness of all the necessary information.

On the second and third pages, members of the magazine's public editorial board congratulated readers on a magnificent acquisition, that is, “In the Animal World,” where each of the speakers promised interesting materials and other “goodies.”

The passenger of the ark was a reindeer, which was described by A. Abolits and A. Baskin.

The topic of the first issue of the magazine was A. Minin’s extensive article “What the coming year has in store for us...”, with a strikingly murky photograph of the author himself.

“Nikolai Drozdov’s column” told “ dear friends” about the 30th anniversary of the program “In the Animal World”, touched on the history of its creation and looked into the future.

“Zoo-zoom” is a section consisting entirely of photographs with a minimum of text. The lens shows a squirrel living in the park. Judging by the photographs, the squirrel is an eternally hungry representative of mammals.

“Listen: far, far ...” is the original title of the section in which V. Sharov’s story about the mountains of Turkmenistan “the lost world of Kugintangtau” was placed. Subsequently, this section will be interrupted, and sometimes even resemble “Zoo-zoom” in the number of illustrations in relation to the test.

“Trail, ski track, fairway” is one of the few permanent sections. It opens with “Phenological Observations on Nature” by A. Minin. The section is unwisely interrupted by the “Order of the Dolphin”, dedicated to Yu. Nikulin, and continues with V. Gudov’s article “Corvids in Winter” and the author’s wonderful illustrations, which the editors advise to make into mini-definitions “for use on a hike” 10. This will continue for another six rooms.

"The Little Prince" with the help of K.N. Blagosklonova is trying to tame magpies, crows and jackdaws.

"Saving Captivity." It would seem that this section would live and live, write and write about zoos and safari parks, but no. Having told us about giant tortoises in the first issue, the column “gave up the ghost” after the publication of S. Pereshkolnik’s article “Sudarushka, Megaera and others” about tigers in the next issue. Probably the publishers rightly decided that there was nothing to write about the tattered and hungry inhabitants of zoos, it would not make them feel any better.

Unlike the previous one, the column “Dewdrops in a Spider’s Web” regularly appears on the pages of the magazine. In the first issue it opens with “Reflections of Yuri Kuklachev” and all sorts of interesting things from the life of animals, photos and funny illustrations...

“By the Fire” by J. Darell with an excerpt from the book “Donkey Stealers”, which is published in Russian for the first time.

Finally, on page 45 you can find an advertisement about an upcoming exhibition of goods from leading manufacturers specializing in the production and sale of animal products. “In the Animal World” in this case acts as an information sponsor. But then advertising will firmly establish itself in the magazine. As N.S. said Leskov: “Habit comes as a wanderer, remains as a guest and then becomes a master.” I think that in this quote, in relation to “In the Animal World,” you can safely replace the word “habit” with “advertising.”.

The “nest” sheltered a cormorant and a partridge from D. Bisset’s fairy tale “Fish with fried potatoes"and kind poems by A. Karaginsky.

"Golden Fund of Animalistics". At first glance, a solid column appeared on the pages of the magazine - there are hundreds of sculptors and animal painters in the world. No, it wasn’t here. This, in my opinion, simply priceless section existed intermittently for 8 issues, gradually the priceless section existed intermittently for 8 issues, gradually being replaced by the “zoo gallery,” which was also a rather rare guest. In the meantime, the “golden fund of animal art” spoke about creativity great artist Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov.

“The Laughing Seagull” is a humorous section “In the Animal World.” Here we placed the story “Hunter” by M. Mamonov and oddities from the diaries of reserve employees. “The Laughing Seagull,” if you follow it in the following issues, is more intended for an adult audience than for children. The “Pigeon Mail” section is devoted to the creativity of the latter - drawings, photographs, letters about animals.

On the last pages, as you would expect, there are various crosswords and riddles. This entire entertaining section is not titled. Although later the title will appear: “The Mysteries of Khrushka-Khintryushka.”

The second issue was marked by colorful advertising. Over the course of eight more issues, readers will look at various parts of a dog's body and convince themselves that Pedigree is the best food in the world.

“Nikolai Drozdov’s Column” lasted only four issues. Nikolai Nikolaevich only managed to talk about the benefits of pets, the arrival of spring and the TV show “In the Animal World.”

"The Order of the Dolphin" periodically disappeared from the view of readers. But, again, in my subjective opinion, this is one of the most successful sections of the magazine. It told about such famous people as Yu.D. Kuklachev, Joy Adomson, B. Grzhima, I. Zatevakhin, R. Kipling, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, F. Mowat, A. Formozov, E. Seton-Thompson and others. All of them - writers, artists, natural scientists - helped bring society and nature closer together, proved that man and the living world around him are one whole.

“The Little Prince,” designed to make communication with pets interesting and rich, appeared with enviable inconstancy. But what appeared was of the highest standard... So in issue No. 2 for 1998, there was a wonderful article by biolinguist O.L. Silaeva about very intelligent creatures - parrots, it was called “Is the ass a fool?” In subsequent issues this section does not shine with originality, but pleases with an abundance of illustrations and in easy language such materials as “All dogs are good - all dogs from the heart!”, “Forest Lodgers” by E. Anashkina, “Little Ears” and “About Guinea Pigs” by E. Kotenkova.

“Zoo-zoom” is perhaps the most colorful section of the magazine. You can’t call it regular, but, nevertheless, unlike other sections, it appears very often. Huge, skillfully executed photographs and not much text at all made this section one of the most popular and beloved among readers. Each issue of “Zoo-zoom” is dedicated to some animal or insect. His heroes were a timid ferret - a forest thief, and hard-working ants, and motley-winged butterflies, and a predatory vulture... You can’t list them all. These colorful issues are prepared by N. Shpilenok, S. Podolsiy, N. Ruchkin, A. Pribytkov, A. Mishustin.

“Nest” as a permanent column exists until No. 3 of 1999 inclusive. It is being replaced by the “Bookshelf”, where stories by both famous naturalist writers and not so famous ones are published. An interesting fact is that in No. 3 of 1999 the chief headings were placed. How they differ from each other is still not known, but, nevertheless, only one of them survived.

Since No. 2 of 1998, the optimal design option for the “Contents” of the magazine was found, and it continues to this day, but experiments with fonts are carried out in each issue.

Theme No. 3 of 1998 turned out to be very opportune in connection with the XVIII Winter Olympic Games held in Nagano in February. The topic of the issue is sports. A. Vazhsky, M. Zalessky, E. Soldatkin and R. Khabibulin have prepared a number of exciting materials about dog racers, the sprinting qualities of a crocodile, animal divers and much more.

An interesting column “Interview with a breeder” has appeared (No. 3, 1998), where dog lovers talk about their pets and praise Pedigree food. It appears that this section is used for advertising purposes. Since No. 4 of 1998, “Restaurant “Four Paws”” has been added to it - a more useful section that provides recommendations on feeding animals.

No. 3 of 1998, was replenished with a new section - the one-day “Spring”, which talked about “About our most common and familiar birds” 11 in the material by K. Mikhailov “The beginning of spring in the Moscow region” and A. Lavrov “Do you know tits?”

No. 4 of 1998 presented its readers with a new, I believe, extremely necessary section “Alarming Zoon News”, which was full of such headlines: “Wolf packs are terrorizing”, “About three thousand sea lions washed ashore”, “More than 2/3 of coral reefs , according to scientists, destroyed..." and others. What could be more relevant than this section? The editors didn’t think so, or maybe all the alarming zoo news had exhausted itself, only this section existed for three issues with long breaks, disappeared without a trace and, probably, forever.

In general, edition No. 4 was a great success. An amateur or simply an inattentive person would probably not immediately notice the unusual nature of this issue. Who was satisfied with the cover, which depicts a striped bear cub, that this April issue consists of practical jokes, and who doubted the seriousness of the issue only after reading about the mulberry and “mulberry silkworm” 312, Michael Jackson’s extra finger and an interview with Afanasy Suslikovich Ambarov.

Nevertheless, on the penultimate page the editors allowed themselves to note: “... this joke covered the entire magazine. Many articles and illustrations are designed for the knowledge and attention of animal lovers. In the next issue we will reveal these little secrets, but for now - who will be able to discover them without a hint?..." 13

K. Mikhailov’s article “Blue Birds” in No. 5 of 1998 became one of the true pearls of the publication. The colorful language of the narrative is accompanied by amazingly high-quality photographs about the life of blue birds. Unfortunately, “In the World of Animals” is not replete with such masterpieces.

A reputable publication, for which “In the World of Animals” has established itself, should not make mistakes - spelling, stylistic or simply mislead readers. No one is immune from this, but still frequent typos, extra letters or rearranged syllables, confusion in the names of animals and their biological characteristics can be very upsetting. The editors managed to confuse the middle name of the animal artist Vatagin. It turned out very funny when on the raster background there was “Vasily Alekseevich Vatagin” and below the heading “Vasily Aleksandrovich Vatagin”.

The July issue of “In the Animal World” was published at exactly half its usual thickness, i.e. 32 pages. The editors did not say what the reason was. Maybe there weren’t enough materials, the layout failed (by this time the publication had an official typesetter, N. Cherlova), or funding. Immediately something unimaginable happened to the magazine. Not only did the emaciated No. 7 contain only 9 columns with the tenacious “Laughing Seagull”, the pages were not included everywhere and typos slipped through. In addition to all this, a huge moose looked from the cover and the three most striking materials of the issue: a newly appointed member of the public editorial board of the magazine, Ivan Zatevakhin, “Monologue about “Dialogues”; "The Lazy Giant" and "Parade of Frogs". Having scrolled to the end of “In the Animal World”, to my surprise, these three above-mentioned articles could not be found. Instead, it was all about bison, mushrooms eaten by voles, and slippery boa constrictors. And in the output data there was a strange figure “No. 8 / 1998.”

Who guessed what happened? Well, of course, thoughts of the editorial staff's summer holidays probably overshadowed everything else and that's why the covers got mixed up. It's simple.

The next 32-page No. 8 came out with a shaggy bison on the cover and a listing of already familiar materials: “Who Ate My Mushroom?”, “The Bright Future of the Bison” and “The Mystery of Boa Constrictor Reproduction.”

"In the World of Animals" in No. 9 of 1998 again assumed its plump proportions. But the design has changed dramatically, one might say it has moved from Romanticism to the Modern era. In my opinion, this is a bad step. And the already familiar Natalya Cherlova, who has now taken the position of designer, is to blame for everything. Thanks to her light hand, the headings are no longer conspicuous, and under the title of the publication there is now a dry delimiter: “Magazine about nature for children and adults.”

The crisis has not escaped our magazine, and now in issue No. 9 of 1998, the publication throws out a cry that begins with: “Dear friend! Thank you for your attention to our magazine.” Then you can guess for yourself: “We are sure that you have quite a few friends, children and adults, who, just like you, love nature and animals. You can introduce them to our magazine and thereby help us... You and your friends can subscribe to our magazine together!” 14. Next, “nature lovers” reveal a secret: “At the request of inquisitive readers, we are already starting to publish two more magazines - “In the World of Plants” and “Aquarium-Terrarium” 15.

A bright advertisement for “In the World of Plants” appeared on the first pages of issue No. 9 of 1998 of the long-suffering “In the World of Animals”; more detailed information was advised to be read on page 24. “Aquarium-Terrarium” turned out to be a Russian-language edition of the famous German magazine “Ti-Magazin”. “In the World of Plants,” despite the tempting advertising text, came out a little better than the old “Gardener” and “Vegetable Garden.”

Topic No. 10 sounded more than global: “Long live the animals!” This is a discussion in which the President of the Russian Bird Conservation Union, Professor V.E. Fling, physicist I.P. took part. Nalimov, dog handler V.I. Petrov, Director of Nature Conservation of the Russian Representative Office of the WWF - WWF E. Shvarts and many others, continued for three issues. Among the philosophizing of scientists, the whining of pensioners and the squeaking of cabinetmakers to the question “Is it necessary to protect nature?” Only ninth-grader Tanya Pleshkovskaya answered briefly and convincingly: “It is necessary that one should not be ashamed to live on earth, and one could show it to aliens.” 316. Isn’t it true, the answer is worthy of a native earthling.

Municipal educational institution "Gritsovsky Central District named after D.S. Sidorov"

Regional competition of educational and research works dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant“We are for radioecological safety”


“Chernobyl disaster: know and remember!”


Essay on the lives of people exposed to radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl accident in 1986

A chain reaction of good deeds.

04/30/2002. the year of birth. 7th grade.

Supervisor: physics teacher Provorova Valentina Ivanovna

The village of Gritsovsky, Tula region, Venevsky district.

Pos. Gritsovsky. March 20016.

A chain reaction of good deeds.

Our heroes.

Miners are liquidators.

In 1986, the worst man-made disaster in the history of mankind occurred. A “radioactive volcano” exploded in Chernobyl - the fourth block of a nuclear power plant.

Our miners were the first to face this tragedy. The town's main enterprises were mines; most of the population worked in coal mining. At this time, the most experienced miners of the Belkovskaya, Podmoskovnaya, and ShPPK No. 1 mines were sent to the Nikulinskaya mine, which is located in the Aleksinsky district of the Tula region, to develop the resources of this mine. In these tragic days, the mine management turned to the miners: “The miners of Ukraine need help.” It was not customary to ask unnecessary questions; it was necessary, therefore it was necessary. There was little information about the terrible radioactive accident; the population was not informed about its threatening consequences. Relatives did not even know where exactly the sent miners were sent, especially since helping colleagues from other mines was commonplace. 38 people from our village arrived at the Nikulinskaya mine, then they were sent by bus to Moscow, then by plane to Ukraine. Nobody knew exactly what they would have to do. May 13 minersMosbassshakhtstroy arrivedto the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They worked in the immediate vicinity of the fourth reactor, punched a tunnel under the emergency reactor to further install sensors with which they wanted to monitor the state of the reactor. Scientists assumed that a large amount of radioactive fuel still remained at the bottom of the reactor; when the uranium fuel nuclei fissioned, further heat was released, which could lead to a second explosion of even greater power. Changing each other every three hours, the miners dug the drift under the bottom of the radioactive reactor around the clock. As the temperature increased, cooling reagents had to be pumped into the bottom of the reactor. Our miners had extensive experience in various underground works, and therefore were indispensable among the liquidators at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They didn’t think about the danger of radiation at all then, but carried out their work as usual. The only protective equipment they had was the simplest respirators; the temperature under the reactor was over 30 degrees. All actions were carried out very quickly, the body overheated, it was difficult to breathe, respirators were in the way, they were often simply torn off. They manually selected the soil, manually pushed the trolleys, faster and faster. Three hours of continuous, deadly work. After work there was a thorough shower, and each shift was given a new set of clothes for work. The liquidators lived in a boarding school in the town where all the personnel servicing the nuclear plant lived.

Returning from a business trip, the miners continued working at their mine. 30 years have passed since that tragic event; many liquidators, having received maximum permissible doses of radiation, have already passed away. Those who are still alive are terse. They say: “We don’t regret volunteering. Someone had to do this dangerous job!”

Civil responsibility - saved water!

"Water! You are not just necessary for life, you are life. You are the greatest wealth in the world, but also the most fragile. You can die near a source if it contains magnesium. You can die two steps away from a salt marsh lake. You can die, even though there are two liters of dew, if some salts get into it. You do not tolerate impurities, you cannot stand anything foreign, you are a deity who is so easily frightened... »

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The residents of the village have gone through a lot since the nuclear disaster, but they did not give up, continuing to believe in a better life. The mines closed, miners began to look for work in Moscow on the construction of the metro. When enterprises did not pay wages at all, people survived at the expense of their summer cottages, growing their own vegetables, fruits, berries, trying to monitor the gamma background of the earth, and taking measures to disinfect it. We did not suffer from radiophobia. And now a new environmental disaster looms over the village, which survived radiation contamination. Large entrepreneurs with a lack of conscience noticed the quarries of the Gryzlovsky open-pit mine to place waste of unknown origin in them. In 2011, NPO EKBS LLC tried to dispose of industrial waste on the territory of the former Gryzlovsky open-pit mine. Local residents organized raids on the territory of “underground works” and demanded to see documents for waste disposal and to find out the chemical composition of the foul-smelling substance. Village activists appealed torepresentatives of the local administration Golodaeva L.N. and Komissarov S.N. for help. With their support, a request was sent to the Tula Environmental Prosecutor's Office, which stated the following.

“Our village Voeykovo is located on the banks of the Shatets river and we use water from this river all year round. The Shatets River flows past our village, skirting the mountain dumps of the Gryzlovsky open-pit mine in the Venevsky district, fed from reservoirs formed as a result of mining operations.

The collective gardening partnerships “Grushenka” and “Romantika” are located along the Shatets River and use water to irrigate their plots. In this river we swim and fish in the summer. Since 2011, some organization has been bringing waste with a strong chemical smell and dumping it in trenches left after coal mining. There are no fences or signs anywhere. The waste is clearly not household or food waste. This worries us very much. After all, these quarry workings are overgrown with undergrowth, greenery all around and clear blue lakes into which fish fry have been brought. We have been picking berries and mushrooms in these places for several years now. There are already many animals living here: beavers, foxes, roe deer, hares, moose, etc. We turned to the heads of the local administration for clarification, and they, accordingly, further. We were sent a response that LLC “Research and Production Association for Environmental Safety” is carrying out work on the territory of the coal mine - CEO V.D. Korneev Tula, Turgenevskaya 50. What a beautiful name and nothing more. Everything they write is a lie. Firstly, they simply destroy the growing undergrowth, they do not install any screens, there has been no dust at the quarry site for a long time, the overburden is overgrown with grass and trees. The people responsible for this did not provide us with the results of the waste analysis. That means no one makes them. We ask you to check whether the activities of the organization storing and storing waste in the specified area comply with environmental requirements. We hope that your intervention will stop this chaos.”

The appeal was signed by 20 people who care about nature native land people and defended their right to beautiful and clean recreation areas. The prosecutor's office banned the illegal activities of greedy entrepreneurs.

Ifrepresentatives of the local administration Golodayev L.N. and Komissarov S.N. did not respond to the problem raised by the village residents, thenA “cemetery” of waste of unknown origin could lead to a chain of frightening problems. Firstly, it could causegroundwater pollution.And this is already deadly for our residents. After all, not far from the mine there are wells from which drinking water is supplied to the houses of the village, and they are located on the territory of the Voeikovsky water intake.Any schoolchild knows that water, passing through untreated waste, forms a toxic filtrate, which includes the remains of decaying organic matter, various dyes, detergents, salts of heavy metals: iron, mercury, lead.Water,which the residents of the village drink, and without harmful interference of disgusting quality, it contains both iron and lime, tens of times higher than the norm. The population constantly demands that the administration resolve the issue of water purification. And on the fourteenth of February we read in the district newspaper: “To improve the quality of drinking water in the village An action plan has been developed in the Venevsky district, according to which work has been carried out to replace quartz sand at the deferrization station. The cleaning and flushing of drinking water reservoirs was completed, and a television inspection of the trunk of the Voeikovsky artesian well was carried outwater intake: cleaning the wellbore from silt and iron oxides, pumping water and determining the hydrogeological characteristics of the well. Administration municipality Venevsky district, in the first quarter of 2016, it is planned to carry out design and survey work for the reconstruction of water supply networks in the village of Gritsovsky, Venevsky district."(newspaper “Red Banner” dated February 14, 2016).

Our fellow countrymen, who suffered the anxiety of an unexpected explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, are persistently and consistently fighting those who are trying to harm our fragile ecology. Our residents love to relax on the Shatets River, about which the people of the village were so concerned, with their children. An amazingly kind-hearted resident of the village, Sergei Nikolaevich Komissarov, made a bridge by the river with his own hands, the kids liked it, it’s great to dive into the water from it in the hot summer.

If people had not shown their civic position, then the favorite vacation spot of the residents of our village - the reservoirs formed on the site of the overburden work of the Gryzlovsky open-pit mine - would have turned into a lifeless and smelly garbage dump. But artificial reservoirs have always attracted not only local residents, but also city residents. Muscovites also love these places and come to us for underwater fishing. The water here is clean, odorless, and the depth in some places reaches forty meters.

Nature and man are allies in the struggle for survival.

Residents of the village continue to be concerned about the state of the radiation situation in the region. Everyone would like to live on clean land, breathe clean air, drink clean water, and have beautiful and safe recreational areas nearby. Not everyone believes official sources that, ten years later, our lands were naturally cleared of radiation. We, school students, in order to reassure the residents, examined the territory of the former open-pit mine using a household dosimeter, tested the water and vegetation for gamma radiation activity. Instrument readings were normal. We studied the composition of the rocks that make up the mine's dumps. As a result, they came to the conclusion that they were composed of a heterogeneous mixture of overburden rocks and cover loams. The relief of the section is hilly with a height difference of up to two meters, the “age” of the dumps is up to forty years. Reservoirs formed in places where coal was mined.Reclamation was not carried out on the banks of reservoirs. And then, without waiting for help from humans, nature itself took on the functions of biological reclamation. There is natural regeneration of vegetation on the mine dumps. Without human intervention, natural settlement of tree and shrub species occurs everywhere. Birch trees were the first to settle on the slopes of the cut, then aspens, willows, and rowan trees. Bird cherry, viburnum, and currants appeared in low damp places. On dumps composed of loose cover loams, self-seeding of these species occurred four years after the rock was dumped. On dumps of deep rocks, represented by stony fractions of sandstones, the appearance of self-seeding of tree and shrub species occurred after partial decomposition of stones and the formation of fine earth: this process dragged on for five to seven years. On the steep slopes of the dumps, the emergence of self-seeding was also difficult due to soil shedding and erosive washout. And yet, despite the unfavorable soil conditions, even on steep slopes, 30 years after their filling, young birch and aspen forests of varying densities with shrub undergrowth formed.

In these small forests located on the banks of reservoirs, to our surprise, new inhabitants appeared - beavers. The reservoirs of the section are of great length, and in some places they are connected to each other, forming channels. Beavers settle in the channels of reservoirs, in which theybuild dams. From small channels, thanks to their hard work, appearlakes filled with life. Dams and dams located in beaver habitats bring enormous benefits to the environment, normalizing its internal processes. The dams warm up well in the sun, which becomes the basis for the development of vibrant underwater life. Those trees that beavers fell attract the attention of ungulates and small rodents, and this, in turn, attracts predatory animals. The construction of dams helped improve conditions for fish spawning, as the water level became constantly at the same level. Through dams, water flows more slowly, small particles of humus and sand form at the bottom, and floodplain soils are formed. Beaver dams began to hold back rain and melt water, and this contributed to the development and restoration of stream and spring systems. Rodents now protect the reservoir from “eutrophication” - the accumulation of nutrients in water, sincethey clean the bottom of reservoirs, pushing excess underwater vegetation onto the shore, and thanks to their very intense mobility, they enrich the water with oxygen. A relatively clean stream leaves the reservoir where beavers live. fresh water, which is newly suitable for fish and other aquatic creatures to live there. Beavers, having settled in our area, built a very important and long chain of self-restoration of nature, because they began to help the self-purification of the reservoir, the waters of which communicate with the waters of the small river Shatets - a tributary of the Shat, and the Shat is already connected with the Don with its waters, thereby helping in the purification of the whole river system of the country.

Where the beavers live, there - intensive growth biological diversity, so we now have stable water-coastal complexes, which are now home to all kinds of fish and animals. Here you can often find wild boars, hares, foxes and even roe deer. The world of birds has become much more extensive: quails in large numbers, quails, wood grouse. This summer the guys saw a heron. Birds are seed distributors of most berry bushes. Sea buckthorn appeared in the quarry only thanks to birds. Sea buckthorn bushes “sown” by birds are found on dumps of the fine-earth fraction of rocks that retain moisture reserves. Near each bush, abundant root growth grows, occupying an area of ​​up to twenty square meters. As a result, the area under sea buckthorn grows more and more. Visitors from cities are amazed by the availability of this berry; guests come to these reservoirs even in the cold season, not only for fishing, but also to admire the sunny bushes against the backdrop of white snow.

The natural restoration of nature pleases us and gives us hope that its life-giving help to man will be returned in full. If only man does not harm nature again.

Incision. Spear fishing Shatets River

Reservoirs of the Gryzlovsky section

The rock dumps are overgrown with undergrowth

Bridge on the Shatets River

Built one, everyone is happy.

Live the spring

Underground mining has left our lands with problems in the form of soil subsidence. This affected the water supply of the village. Some wells, before the closure of the Podmoskovnaya mine, were completely filled with clean, drinking water. Now they are empty. Village last years regularly lacks clean water. Often the water supply is stopped unexpectedly. And then the spring helps out the residents. Near the village there is a village on the site of the former 2nd Gryzlovskaya mine, which has already exhausted its resource, and our spring is registered in this village. Caring people made steps to descend to the spring, strengthened the wooden platform, and made hooks for hanging canisters. On Christmas night, a long human stream stretches to the spring for holy water, candles are burning all around, the atmosphere is fabulous. Students took water samples from the spring and examined them for purity, content of heavy metals, iron, and microorganisms. The results of their research were compared with the results of the Venev Sanitary Station, and the answer was reassuring - drinking water. These springs are very dear to us, they not only give us water, but also feed the Shat River with their water. Until recently, it was impossible to stand next to the river; it gave off a poisonous smell. In the 70-80s, the river was used to receive polluted Wastewater. By the mid-80s, the content of harmful substances, includingradioactive, in the water exceeded the permissible limit, which made it uninhabitable.The Shat River is a small river. It is small rivers that form the total water resources of the country, the water and hydrochemical regimes of medium and large rivers, determine their ecological specificity, and create unique natural landscapes. It is these small rivers that are most easily depleted and polluted, so quantitative and qualitative changes in water resources begin with them. With the development of the chemical plant, our little Shat became not only a source of water consumption, but also a place for discharging wastewater from the chemical plant. But back in the 70s, along the banks of this river, apple orchards bloomed magnificently in the spring, but under the influence economic activity this river prematurely entered the final stage of its development - the extinction phase. Its water content has sharply decreased, the riverbed has silted up, and the river has degraded.Since 1995, work has been carried out in the region on the creation and use of an automated data processing system (ADS) "VODA", into which integral part A computer model of the Shatsky reservoir was included.Now partially purified water is poured into the river and a positive process has begun.An almost extinct river, flowing 500 meters from the outskirts of the village, is coming back to life; residents have released carp into it.Nature itselftryinghelp yourself. Now there are clean backwaters on the river, the children of our school began to choose its banks as a resting place during excursions into nature. Crayfish appeared at the bottom of the river.

Pure water saves, dirty - kills

We invite you to visit us.

We guarantee hospitality and good weather, because “nature has no bad weather”

Essays on ecology and global problems of humanity

(Material prepared by Yulia Svich)

Essays on ecology and global problems of humanity


Man is a relatively new element of the Earth’s ecosystem, and he has not yet found a place for himself in this world. Constantly interfering with natural processes, he introduces many changes into Nature. Sometimes catastrophic.

One such disaster occurred in Sidoarjo, one of the Indonesian regions on the island of Java in May 2006. There was a powerful eruption of a mud volcano caused by drilling a well while searching for a gas field.

At the beginning, a 180-meter fountain of mud hit the sky, and the smell of hydrogen sulfide began to spread throughout the area. In the first days, the fountain threw out 5 - 7 thousand cubic meters of mud every day. By the end of summer, the count was already tens of cubic meters, and now this value reaches 170 thousand cubic meters per day. As a result, an area of ​​25 square kilometers became uninhabitable. The number of evacuated people reached 13 thousand. Some of the buildings are completely, above the roofs, filled with mud, the layer of which reaches 12 meters.

The question of the causes of the eruption remained open for a long time until Richard Davis, a professor at the University of Durham, examined the basic conditions in which the drilling took place and noticed that the well made did not have a casing - a special structure for strengthening the walls. And, according to him, in those conditions - at a depth of 2830 meters, where porous limestone is located, and the pressure is enormous - the walls needed to be strengthened. But they didn’t do this.

When drilling, layers of volcanic rocks were successively passed through, then a Pleistocene layer consisting of a mixture of mud and sand, and then the drill reached the aquifer of limestone. Under water pressure, deformation occurred in the last layer along the drill, which led to the appearance of a crack in the rock, propagating towards the surface. Water from the aquifer began to move in this direction, passing through all the drilled layers, mixing with their rock.

The volcano called Lusi began to erupt. And neither people nor nature itself can stop this process.

There is hope though. Indonesian scientists from the Bandung Institute of Technology plan to throw a thousand specially prepared chains into the crater of a volcano. Each is 1.5 meters long, and they are reinforced with four cement balls - two with a diameter of 20 centimeters and two with a diameter of 40 centimeters. The total weight of such an equipped chain is 300 kilograms.

The scheme of use is as follows: on the first day they plan to throw five chains into the mouth, ten on the next, gradually increasing this number to 50, using them until the entire supply is used up.

Scientists hope that, once in the crater, the chains will descend to a depth of at least one hundred meters. They will partially clog the mouth and impede the movement of dirt. There is no hope for a complete shutdown of the volcano, but, according to geophysicists, the flow will have to decrease by at least three quarters, which will significantly ease the situation. It is difficult to predict the effectiveness of such a method, because nothing like this has been used before.

Prepared by A. Kosov

Popular scientific publication "DISCOVERIES AND HYPOTHESES"3, 2007.

(Copy of article from magazine).


Animals are evolving to keep up with global warming. Global warming is already affecting the evolution of some animals, according to scientists who link genetic changes to rising temperatures.

Canadian red squirrels breed earlier, which allows them to get to the fir cones on which they feed earlier.

Black-headed Warblers from central Europe are increasingly migrating to Britain rather than the Iberian Peninsula for the winter, and the genetically distinct subpopulation using this strategy is growing larger.

European great tits are under selective pressure as the caterpillars that feed their chicks mature earlier. Tits that can lay eggs earlier - a genetic trait - have an advantage because their chicks can still eat these caterpillars.

Fruit flies, whose genetic characteristics are typical of southern insects, have become more common in northern latitudes.

Mosquitoes that live on the leaves of carnivorous water lilies in North America have changed the time their larvae hibernate in anticipation of winter.

Global warming could make the world the same as it was 4 million years ago, when sea levels were 25 meters higher than today.

(Copy of article from magazine).


Surprisingly few residents of our country know that there is a desert in Ukraine. Yes, not just any, but the largest in Europe. Moreover, the desert was not formed as a result of natural disasters or other natural processes, but due to human fault.

It’s hard to believe that there are places in the country where you can walk for days on end and not see a person or any traces of civilization at all. But, nevertheless, such places exist. And one of these places is Oleshkovsky Sands, which got its name from the old name of the city of Tsyurupinsk (Oleshki). These are the same Oleshki, where from 1711 - 1728. Oleshkovskaya Sich was located. In 1925 the city was renamed Tsyurupinsk.

Oleshkovsky Sands is the largest desert on the European continent. It stretches for 150 km from north to south and 30 km from west to east. A total of 161.2 thousand hectares - from Kakhovka to the Kimburg Spit, and with adjacent lands - 210 thousand. But it was not always so.

Despite the fact that the lower reaches of the Dnieper are rich in sand, their advance was previously made impossible by the cover of steppe vegetation. The grass was as tall as a man, the bushes+ But in the 19th century, sheep began to be brought here. In particular, large herds were owned by Baron Falz-Fein, the founder of the Askania-Nova reserve. The herds were numerous, and it was they who eventually destroyed the vegetation. It was partially eaten, and mostly trampled under the sharp hooves of animals. As a result, sand appeared from under a thin cover of fertile soil, and erosion continued the process.

Oleshya sand is very fine and light; if you throw it into the air, it will take some time before it settles. The climatic conditions are difficult: in summer the sand heats up to 75 degrees. Hot rising currents coming from the sands disperse the rain clouds, so there is little rain here. There are also “dry rains”, i.e. when lightning strikes, thunder booms, and not a drop of rain. The fact is that raindrops dry out before reaching the ground. Previously, there were frequent dry winds, when dry winds obscured the sun and threatened the death of unwary travelers. Sometimes you can observe relatively high tornadoes.

The Ukrainian desert also has an obligatory attribute of the desert: an oasis. Real, with a small lake and a pine grove. By the way, in the desert, here and there you can see lonely trees. They can grow here due to the relatively shallow location of groundwater, which rose after the opening of the North Crimean Canal.

But, wandering along the dull sandy surface, you don’t notice this, there is only a monotonous landscape around and it’s very easy to get lost without a compass and without the skills to navigate the terrain.

Strictly speaking, the Oleshkovsky Sands were considered a desert only until 1960. Then they began to be actively planted with forests and turned into semi-desert. Now they are stopped at the edges by the largest artificial forests in the world - an area of ​​​​about 100 thousand hectares. This is how it turns out - first a person, with his thoughtless behavior in a matter of decades, creates a headache in the form of a desert, and then with heroic efforts he tries to overcome the problems he himself created. And overcoming them is much more difficult than creating them.

(The article has been shortened).

Popular scientific publication "DISCOVERIES AND HYPOTHESES" No. 7, 2006.

The materials were prepared by an employee of the Center “Christian Integrative Psychotherapy named after Father Alexander Men” (Educational and Preaching Section) – Yulia Svich.

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