How to create magical New Year's bokeh in a photograph. Create a Gorgeous Christmas Tree in Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a flaming skull.
Below you can see the final result.

The author used an image from a paid resource. You can use images from here or choose your own.
So, let's begin.

Step 1. Create a new document (Ctrl+ N) , create a new layer and fill the background with black.

Step 2. Open the skull image and drag it into the main document.

Step 3. On a new layer using the tool Ellipse ( Ellipse) in shapes mode and color ( #4c0400), draw an oval that will surround the skull. Apply a filter to this layer Gaussian blur with a radius of 250 px. Place this layer below the skull layer.

Step 4. Now let's start preparing the skull itself. Let's go to the menu Selection(Select) - Color range(Color Range). Select white color, click “Yes” and on the layer with the skull fill the selection with color ( #f9ae31), except for teeth. In this way, color your teeth ( #e82b19).

Step 5. Let's go to the menu Selection(Select) - Color range(Color Range), select the red color on the teeth, click “Yes”. Then go to the menu Select - Modify - Compress and set the radius to about 4 px, press Delete. Only a red outline will remain on the teeth.

Step 6. By using Color range(Color Range) select yellow on the skull. Take the tool Brush(Brush) size 250-300 px. Hardness 0, Opacity 10-15%(Hardness of 0, Opacity at 10-15%). Set the color red d02207 and paint as shown in the picture, leaving the edges and near the eye sockets intact. This will give the skull a glowing effect.

Step 7 Now let's try to add volume to the skull. Use the Tool Eraser(Eraser) with a diameter of 200px, Rigidity(Hardness) 0 and Opacity(Opacity) 70% and erase some of the redness. This way we will show off the lighter and darker parts of the skull and can add some volume.

Step 8 Duplicate the skull layer and place a copy below. Go to the menu (Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) and set the radius to 8-10 pixels. This is necessary in order to create heat.
Select the area under the nose, including the teeth. Take a soft one Brush(Brush) size approximately 80 px. color d02207, with low opacity and paint along the teeth and cheekbones. To understand this process, see the screenshot below. Achieve the effect of depth and volume in these places.

Step 9 Now that the skull is already prepared, let's deal with the flame. Open images with fire.

Let's go to the menu Highlight - Color Range(Select > Color Range) and select dark background on the image with the flame, click Yes. Invert the selection Ctrl+ Shift+ I.

Now the menu Select - Modify - Shade(Select > Modify > Feather) and in the settings set the radius to about 20 px. Then drag the flame into the main skull document.

Set the blending mode for this layer Lightening(Screen)or Replacement with light(Lighten). Now you need to slightly adjust the color at the top of the flame. Let's use Color Balance. To do this, go to the menu Image - Correction - Color Balance(Image > Adjustments > Color Balance). Use the settings as in the screenshot.

Do these steps for each fire image you want to add.

Step 10 Using Free transformation(Ctrl+T), place the flame images on the skull as you like.

Step 11 Notice that in the area of ​​the teeth and lower jaw, the image appears darker. To fix this, take Brush(Brush Tool(B)), set the color d02207 and lighten some areas on the teeth to make them more consistent with the fiery skull.

Step 12 Using the tool Finger(Smudge Tool (R)), make the fire on the eyeballs realistic so that there is a smooth transition from the fire to the skull.

Step 13 Using the tool Finger(Smudge Tool (R)), mix the yellow areas on the skull with fire.

Step 14 Use the tool again Finger(Smudge Tool, R) and drag with the tool from the red areas to the shadow. See the screenshot to make this process more clear to you.

Step 15 Use the tool Clarifier - Dodge Tool(O) to increase the glowing effect on the edges of the skull.

Step 16 Using the tool Dimmer(Burn Tool), process the shadowed areas along the contour of the skull, this way you will even out the transitions from bright to dark areas.

Step 17 Now let's add smoke. To create the smoke, use the same flame images that you used for the skull and apply the same techniques to them that you did in Steps 10 and 11. The difference is that you will need to adjust these images and make smoke out of them . To do this, go to the menu Image-Correction-Hue\Saturation(Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation > Desaturate) and set the settings there as in the screenshot.

Step 18 Now we will apply a slight blur to the smoke so that it blends better with the fire in the image. To do this, go to the menu Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) and in the settings set the radius to 2 pixels.

Step 19 Now let's add something similar to sparks. Take Brush(Brush) size 3 px. Rigidity(Hardness) 100 and Opacity(Opacity) 100% and draw sparks flying off the skull. If desired, you can stretch them with a tool Finger(Smudge Tool R)

That's it, the burning skull is ready.
This is the option I got.

Today I will tell you how animation is done in Photoshop CS6, we will decorate a holiday tree with flickering lights. New Year's animation in Photoshop is very simple to do, you will definitely succeed.

First, we need a Christmas tree, I found a photo on the Internet, you can use my source, and if you have already put up a Christmas tree at home, it will be even more interesting for you to animate it!

So, open the photo - “Ctrl + O”, select the picture on the computer and click “Open”.

Go to the “Layers” layer palette by pressing the F7 key.

The palette initially contains only one layer with our image.

Create a new layer - press the hot keys Crtl+Shift+N, or click on the new layer icon in the layers palette.

On the tool palette on the left we find the brush tool - Brush Tool (B).

In the top panel, select the loaded brush with a spark, clicking on the small arrow to open the brushes panel, it will be the last one in the list. I made a brush impression in a separate document so you can see what brush I used. I chose 90 px brush diameter, if you want, you can choose a smaller diameter, then the lights will be smaller.

Now you need to choose a color for the lights. Click on the top square at the bottom of the toolbar to set the color. Choose any one you want, preferably brighter, we have a festive Christmas tree. I chose pink.

After choosing a color, we draw lights on our Christmas tree in random places. We click on one place several times to make the print brighter, then move on to another. We do not paint the lights all over the tree with one color, but leave room for a second color.

When you have placed all the lights, create a duplicate layer by pressing Ctrl+J (to make the lights even brighter), then merge the layers - select the top layer and press Ctrl+E (allows you to merge the layer with the bottom one). Immediately rename the layer by double-clicking on the layer name in the Layers palette. Give all the layers meaningful names to make working with them easier in the future. I named my layer “Pink Lights”.

Create a new layer -Crtl+Shift+N, or click on the new layer icon in the layers palette.

Change the color that will be used to draw by again clicking on the square at the bottom of the toolbar. Let's choose something else, I chose blue.

We draw the lights again in other places. Name the layer “Blue Lights”.

Now our Christmas tree lights up with lights of two colors.

Let's create another layer.

Reduce the brush diameter a little and select white.

Draw white luminous centers on top of the already created lights.

In this lesson we will draw and animate a Christmas tree.

Create a new document with dimensions 400x400 pixels and a resolution of 72 pixels/inch, the background color is white. Default Foreground and Background Colors (Black/White) Hard Round Brush with a diameter of 10 pixels, draw a “star”, reduce the brush size to 5 pixels and add “rays”.

We will use our “krakozyabra” to draw a Christmas tree. To do this, you need to define a brush. Let's go menu Edit-Define Brush Preset and call our brush “Needles”. You can save it later in the menu Edit-Preset Manager.Increase the canvas size to 500 pixels vertically: Image-Canvas Size and fill it with black Alt+Delete (Backspace).

Set the foreground color to #009573. Select a tool from the toolbar Oval area(Elliptical Marquee Too l) with feathering (feather) 50 px. And draw an oval like this, fill the selection with the main color.

Then select the tool Brush(Brush) and turn on the Brush Palette F5. For the “Needles” brush, make the following settings:

Create a new layer, call it “Christmas tree” and start drawing our Christmas tree with jerky strokes.

When the base is finished, change the blending mode for the brush to Multiplication and reduce the diameter to 25 pixels. Each subsequent stroke darkens the main color.

Again, reduce the brush size to 15 pixels and draw the outermost thin branches of the Christmas tree.

Apply the effect to the Christmas tree layer Inner Glow:

Create another layer. Main color – white, brush size 25 px. Draw some “snowy” branches, and then change the layer blending mode to Soft Light. Merge with the previous layer Ctrl+E. If the tree looks more like a shaggy triangle, then it’s okay. Anyone interested can be told that this tree is a new “mountain-like” breed.

Now let's draw a snowball. Below the Christmas tree layer, create a new layer, call it “Snow”. Set the foreground color to #e9f3f5 and select the Spatter brush from standard setAssorted Brushes. Size – 55 pixels. Using single strokes (one click of the mouse) we will paint the snowdrift.

We have three layers: “Background”, “Snow” and “Christmas Tree”. Create another layer. We will draw beads on it. Let's draw beads with a hard round brush with a diameter of 8 pixels using colors as in the screenshot. (You can also use the tool Feather (Pen) in outline mode: draw outlines, and then stroke the outline with a brush, increasing the intervals of the latter).

Apply the following styles to the “Beads” layer:

Now let's hang it on the Christmas tree christmas balls. We won’t draw the “hangers” that hold the balls on the Christmas tree - small, but if desired... So, let’s create a new layer, call it “Balls”. For the main color we will choose #fce758, for the background color – #897805. Using a tool Oval area(Elliptical Marquee), holding Shift, draw a circle. Let's choose a tool Gradient(Gradient Tool) in Radial mode and fill the selection.

Let's multiply and "hang" our balls on the Christmas tree using the tool Move Tool and holding down the Alt key. You will get several layers with balls. Select them and combine them into one Ctrl+E. Apply the Noise filter to the layer with balls: Filter-Noise-Add Noise.

And then add layer effects:

Now let's draw a star. Set the foreground color to #d30000. To draw we will use the tool Free figureCustom Shape Tool) in shape layer mode. Hold Shift and evenly stretch out the following star:

Use a stiff brush to decorate the edges of the star (optional). Then using Polygonal lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool) “draw” the leg and fill the selection with the main color.

Place the star on the top and scale it. Then apply layer styles.

The result is almost “beauty”) You can even stop there. But we will go further and add lights. To paint, use a soft brush: hardness – 0%, diameter 20 px. Let's create a new layer and draw lights as in the picture, you can use any colors. I have #ffff00 and #ff008a.

Duplicate the layer with lights 6 times and rename it for convenience. The first layer is 1-8, the second is 2-9 and further: 3-10, 4-11, 5-12, 6-13, 7-14. The numbers are the frame numbers of the future animation.

To make the lights “blink” in different colors, use the Color Tone command: Image-Adjustments-Hue/Saturation– Ctrl+U

For layers 1-8, leave the colors as they are. For other layers, change the saturation (hue): 2-9 > -160, 3-10 > -110, 4-11 > -30, 5-12 > 20, 6-13 > 50, 7-14 > 130The background seems somewhat empty and dull, so I'll add stars on a new layer (above the "Background" layer). I won’t animate them, I’ll leave them static. For painting I use a round soft brush with a diameter of 5 pixels. In the brush settings I set Size Jitter 50%. I'll change the layer blending mode to Soft Light and add a layer style Outer Glow.

All that remains is to draw “sparkles” - glitters that will shimmer on the Christmas tree. I choose a Starburst-Small brush. The diameter is at your discretion, but within 30 pixels, otherwise it will be too large, but as you like). Size Jitter – 60%, Spacing – 120%. I create three layers above all the layers and on each one I draw “sparkles” on the tree.

To avoid confusion in the future, let’s name the layers “Sparkles” and number them “frame by frame”, as in the screenshot:

Now let's start animation.Open the animation palette: menu Window-Animation

For the first frame we have the following layers enabled: “Background”, “Stars”, “Snow”, “Christmas Tree”, “Beads”, “Balls” and “Star”. That is, all layers should be visible, as in the screenshot above. For the first frame we leave everything unchanged. Duplicate it by clicking on the corresponding icon in the palette Animation. The second frame should be highlighted in blue for editing. Changing layers: “Balls” and “Star”. “Balls”: open the layer effects in the layer palette, select Outer Glow and change the glow size to 12 pixels.

“Star”: changing the size Outer Glow by 50 pixels.

We create intermediate frames (Tweens Animation Frames) in the amount of 6 pieces)

Being on the eighth frame, we make changes to the layer effects “Balls” and “Stars”: we return Outer Glow in the original position. “Balls”: size 6 pixels, “Star”: size 5 pixels. Again add intermediate frames, 6 pieces. So, we have a fourteen-frame animation

Now we will “light” the lights. In principle, all actions can be carried out in parallel, but for those who are just starting to work with animation (and for me too), it is more convenient to do it step by step.

Go to the first frame of the animation and turn on layer 1-8. Next, go to the second frame of the animation and turn on layer 2-9 (disable 1-8). And so on until the 14th frame:

  • Frame 1 – layer 1-8
  • Frame 2 – layer 2-9
  • Frame 3 - layer 3-10
  • Frame 4 – layer 4-11
  • Frame 5 – layer 5-12
  • Frame 6 – layer 6-13
  • Frame 7 – layer 7-14
  • Frame 8 – layer 1-8
  • Frame 9 – layer 2-9
  • Frame 10 – layer 3-10
  • Frame 11 – layer 4-11
  • Frame 12 – layer 5-12
  • Frame 13 – layer 6-13
  • Frame 14 – layer 7-14

Now let's turn on the sparkles. Let's go back to the first frame of the animation. Based on the names of the glitter layers, it’s easy to guess where they should be included.

  • Frame 1 – layer “Sequins 1, 2, 10”
  • Frame 2 - layer “Glitter 1, 2, 10”
  • Frame 3 - EMPTY
  • Frame 4 – layer “Glitter 4, 5, 12”
  • Frame 5 – layer “Glitter 4, 5, 12”
  • Frame 6 – EMPTY
  • Frame 7 – layer “Glitter 7, 8, 14”
  • Frame 8 – layer “Glitter 7, 8, 14”
  • Frame 9 – EMPTY
  • Frame 10 – layer “Glitter 1, 2, 10”
  • Frame 11 – EMPTY
  • Frame 12 – layer “Glitter 4, 5, 12”
  • Frame 13 – EMPTY
  • Frame 14 – layer “Glitter 7, 8, 14”

Select all frames of the animation: with the Shift key held down, click LMB first on the first and then on the last frame and set the delay to 0.1 seconds.

Click on play (plays animation) and enjoy our animation :) Above all the layers, I also added a thin white frame of 2 pixels. This is the picture we got:

And here's the animation:

Saving the animation through the menu File-Safe for Web & Devices in gif format 256 colors. If necessary, reduce the physical dimensions of the image. I reduced my image to 220 pixels in width. This animation can be easily downloaded to your phone and gifted to your family and friends. New Year, if another gift in this moment not available)) Yes, and don’t forget to add a dedicatory inscription) Happy upcoming holiday!

I wish you success!

Always for you: website

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New Year holidays are very close! This tutorial shows you how, in just a few steps, using simple techniques, create an elegant and shining image against a rich background christmas tree. The techniques outlined here will help you create great greeting cards and desktop wallpaper.

Here's an example New Year's cards in another color:

1 Step

Create a new document with dimensions 1000x1000px.

2 Step

After that, create a new layer on top of the others (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N) and using a soft Brush Tool with black color, paint over the lower area of ​​the layer so that it looks approximately like in the picture (Note per.: although this layer looks like another gradient from black to transparent).

Change the Opacity of this layer to 50%

3 Step

Now I will use my star brush set. You can download anything suitable online at your discretion. Load a set of brushes into your Photoshop.

Here in the brush selection window you will need to click on the small arrow and select the Load Brushes menu item. Find the brush set you downloaded from the Web and attach it to Photoshop.

4 Step

After that, create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N) and apply several large bright cross-shaped stars to the document.

5 Step

6 Step

After that, switch to the Pen Tool (P) and start drawing a path with this pen, as shown in my picture. Try to create exactly the silhouette of the Christmas tree. Although there cannot be an ideal here - only creativity.

7 Step

8 Step

Check if you are on the right layer and if you have a working path selected. Go to the Paths palette and click on the Stroke Path With Brush button, which is located at the bottom of the palette.

I'm sure you liked my result, even if you noticed it with one eye in small window. Well, here it is full version Images:

9 Step

Find another star in your brush set and change the brush size to something more noticeable. Make sure you have both Shape Dynamics and Scattering settings turned off. Create a new layer and add several bright, large lights of different sizes to the tree.

10 Step

Place another star on the top of the Christmas tree - the largest one.

11 Step

After that, take the Pen Tool (P) again and create another path, as shown in mine.

12 Step

Then I switched to another brush (called Fuzzball - it's included in the standard Photoshop distribution). In the brush settings window I set the following parameters.

13 Step

Once again, I made sure that I had the current working path selected in the Layers palette and that I created a new layer for the next garland. Then click on the Stroke Path With Brsuh button at the bottom of the Paths palette.

14 Step

After this, duplicate the resulting layer several times and place the duplicates along the entire height of the tree. At the same time, I, of course, reduced them in size using Free Transform (Ctrl + T) and turned them a little counterclockwise.

What would New Year be without a beautiful Christmas tree! In this lesson we will draw a Christmas tree, all you need is a little patience, good command of a mouse or tablet and some drawing skills.

Step 1. Create a new document. Let's make a small sketch of our Christmas tree on a new layer

Step 2. Now let's set up the brush, open the "Brushes" palette, select the brush " Chalk"(chalk), settings below. Use olive color. What you have to remember - as soon as you change the color - create a new layer

Step 4. It's good to always have an image with real shades on hand to use as a color palette for our tree.

Step 5. Now we have everything ready, let's get started. Draw the needles for our branches, don't forget to create a new layer. Start with dark, then slowly move to light

Step 6. Below the branches and needles layers, create a new layer and draw the trunk and large branches, change the brush settings a little, let's start adding structure to the tree. The brush is the same, but slightly increase the size and dispersion on both axes. Remember to put each color on its own layer.

Step 7. Use the same brush, scattered on both axes, and just sketch, choosing colors from time to time. Mainly three colors are used.

Step 8 Now let's use the brush " Spray"(14 Spatter) and smear it. This was done to add a few more shades of green and fill in the gaps

Step 9 Now duplicate the layer with the smeared Christmas tree and flip it horizontally Edit\Transform\Flip Horizontally(Edit\Transform\Flip Horizontal), change the blending mode for the layer to Multiplication(Multiply), now there seem to be more branches and fewer empty spaces, but there is no chaos, like a real Christmas tree.

Step 10 Now we need to work on the mirror effect, go over the branches with a brush, create chaos. Continue adding shades of green, brush « Chalk"(chalk), helps create diffuse strokes

Step 11. That's it, we're done with the Christmas tree, let's decorate it, draw tinsel. Select a soft round brush, create a new layer, name it “tinsel”, draw tinsel, change the blending mode for the layer to Dissolution(Dissolve). Now create another layer above the “tinsel” layer and merge it with the “tinsel” layer. . Now you will find out what all this is for

Step 12 Now follow the menu Filter\Distortion\Wave(Filter\Distort\Wave), default parameters. Next apply a layer style External glow\ outer glow, default parameters, just set the glow color from light yellow to white

Step 13. Let's add some lights - this is a soft round brush. Create three layers for the lights and apply a layer style to each one. External glow\ outer glow, different settings. For the layer with white lights - set the blending mode (blending mode) Bright light ( Vivid light), for the blue layer - Hard light(hard light) and for red - Darkening the base(Color burn). To create a background, apply a gradient and in the menu Filter\Noise\Add Noise(Gaussian, monochromatic). Also create a halo of glow around the tree using the “ Clarifier"(Dodge tool), large round soft brush.

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