Girls from the 95th block dancers. Actors of “Evening Quarter”: Vladimir Zelensky, Elena Kravets, Evgeny Koshevoy

Recently, in the career of a 28-year-old Kaveen player (team "V.I.P. Ternopil"), something happened sharp turn- she was offered to try her hand at being the main girl of the “Kvartal”! And she made her way onto the stage with Zelensky and company. Tatyana told how all this happened in an interview with KP in Ukraine.”

Tanya, tell us how you got into the “Kvartal” family - was there a casting or did Lena Kravets, the mentor of the “V.I.P. Ternopil” team in the “League of Laughter” personally approve your candidacy without any selection?

I don’t even know whether there was a casting or whether Elena Kravets immediately recommended my candidacy so that I could replace her during the “Kvartal” performance in Greece. But when they called me with such an offer, my first reaction was shock. I was speechless! After all, what Kvartal is doing inspired me to become a KVN girl at one time. I grew up with the humor of this team and looked up to them from an early age. I agreed without hesitation, without even specifying the details - you have to be so lucky for me to get such a chance!

- You only spoke about the “substitution” at the performance in Greece. We thought you would replace Lena for the entire time she was on maternity leave!

While I’m working with Kvartal on a concert-by-concert basis, I performed in Crete, in Kyiv, and I’ll go on tour with the guys. Let's not think too far ahead for now.

- What responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the new “Lena” of the Quarter?

I do everything female roles in family miniatures and Yulia Timoshenko. By the way, Lena and I parody YuVT in different ways. Each parodist who shows Yulia Tymoshenko on stage has his own presentation. My Julia is more formal, perhaps less flirtatious. By the way, Lena supported me very much: “Don’t worry about anything! And don’t let the boys hurt you!”

- Probably, the impressions from the first rehearsal with the “blockers” are off the charts?

They are so simple! This is discovery number 1 for me. And very spontaneous. So it’s simply impossible to feel like an “outsider” in a team! I will remember the maxi-stressful day of the first rehearsal forever (laughs). I was handed a Talmud with printed scripts, which I nervously leafed through, looking for my lines: “Well, where are my words?!” I won’t lie, it was a little scary - I didn’t know what to play, while the other Kvartal actors mastered the text. “I can’t keep up with you! Can you slow down?” - She looked at the guys with her eyes. They do everything incredibly quickly and emotionally, the process swallows them headlong, and I had to very quickly adapt to this frantic rhythm. I was so incredibly impressed by their professionalism that I even forgot the words! “Everything is fine, we understand! This is excitement, you will soon forget about it,” Vladimir reassured me. And you know, it worked - already at the third rehearsal I felt free.

- Vladimir Zelensky probably gave you advice like new! Is it easy to please the artistic director of Kvartal?

Vladimir became my mentor. He is very smart and so attractive that the work seems to be done by itself after a conversation with him. Explains everything clearly, clearly and calmly. There were no specific requirements, only small comments during the rehearsal process. It was nice that they trusted me and didn’t “remake” me.

“Your baptism of fire took place on the set.” Evening quarter" in Crete. How did your inner critic rate your debut performance?

You know, at this concert for the first time I felt not like a “substitute girl”, but a full-fledged member of the team. I never praise myself; it’s difficult for me to objectively evaluate my performance. On stage I work primarily for the audience. What I would like to improve is my command of the Russian language. I would like not to translate phrases in my mind from one language to another and speak Russian confidently on stage, because in life I speak Ukrainian. In the “Evening Quarter” concert itself, all my remarks are exclusively in Ukrainian. At the same time, I help the guys improve their Ukrainian skills. They had already picked up Western words from me and even adopted the word “squeak” into use, which at first made them very funny.

- Have you encountered any criticism from the audience yet?

Before the performance in Crete, I was very worried - Elena has a lot of fans (by the way, I am one of them!), I was worried about how my performance would be received. But when I came out to the audience in the guise of Lady Yu, the audience applauded unanimously, and all my worries disappeared. Frankly negative reviews I haven’t received it yet, but it will air on TV on May 21, when the whole of Ukraine will be able to watch the show and there will probably be people who will notice the flaws. My friends encourage me. Yes, I understand myself: this is a new level for me, because the Quarter is the main humor machine of our country!

- Can you sip a glass of cognac before going on stage with the guys - for courage?

Oh no! I would be tongue-tied! (laughs) I don’t drink alcohol.

- You live in Ternopil, but most of your work projects are connected with the capital. Are the thoughts of moving still bothering you?

Ternopil is very cozy, I wouldn’t want to part with it. But I don’t exclude the possibility that someday I will move to the capital. For now they rent an apartment for me here and I’m quite happy with it!


Assess acting abilities new girl"Kvartal" will be available this Saturday, May 21 on channel "1+1" at 21-15

The other day, the actors of the Kvartal 95 studio returned from a successful tour of Israel. Over the course of several days, the guys performed in three cities - Haifa, Ashkelon and Tel Aviv, where more than five thousand spectators gathered. All the concerts were sold out, and the audience did not want to let the artists leave the stage for a long time. According to Alexander Pikalov, the most surprising thing was to receive from Israeli fans... a Ukrainian flag. “It was very unexpected, but incredibly pleasant,” says Alexander. The guys stayed in the capital of Israel - Tel Aviv, from where every day they went to other cities for concerts and excursions.

According to all participants of the Kvartal 95 studio, the most vivid memory from the trip was their meeting with Patriarch Theophilus III of Jerusalem. “We talked a lot about Ukraine, about the world that we are all waiting for,” says the studio leader. - The Patriarch presented icons to our team, and we also did not remain in debt. They also organized it very well for us interesting program, and not to popular tourist places, but to caves, where not everyone is allowed.” According to Zelensky, he was used to being recognized everywhere with his boys, but for people to take pictures with him in holy places was very unexpected. “This time I felt like some kind of selfie pilgrim - they asked me to take pictures with me in all the churches, and of different denominations. It was especially funny when the nuns in robes asked for selfies. The only place, where mine could no longer withstand the attention of fans and asked them to wait, was at the Holy Sepulcher,” says Zelensky.

Evgeny Koshevoy is also proud of the fact that he saw Jerusalem from the inside. “Imagine, we visited inside the Western Wall and even on the other side. Of course, we made not only personal wishes, but also global ones, for the whole country,” says Evgeniy, who also managed to highly appreciate the dishes of Israeli cuisine. “What I remember most is the salmon sashimi with strawberries and the tuna tartare.”

From the trip, the guys brought their friends red strings against the evil eye, key chains, scrubs from the Dead Sea and, of course, hummus.

According to Stepan Kazanin, what he remembered most from the trip was the excursion to the wine farm. “Rose wine from local cellars is something, I brought a couple of bottles home,” says Styopa. By the way, many participants took on tour not only

It is difficult to meet a person who is unfamiliar with the work of the Kvartal-95 studio. The talent and charisma of the recognized stars of the show long years delight TV viewers. And, probably, the most famous and beloved project of the team is entertainment"Evening Quarter". Its main topic is public life countries. The actors of “Evening Quarter” gracefully joke about famous politicians, athletes and musicians, depicting the events taking place around them through the prism of irony and satire.

Show “Evening Quarter”: how it all began

“Evening Quarter” dates back to 2005, when the first broadcast of the show went on air. Then the authors of the project, while still members of the KVN “95th Quarter” team, decided to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the team and move from Krivoy Rog to the capital. Together with the Inter TV channel, the artists came up with the idea of ​​a new show and brought it to life. The performance was a success - and thus a new popular television program was born, called “Evening Quarter”.

"Evening Quarter" today

Today, as at the beginning of its existence, the show is rightfully considered business card studio "Kvartal-95". Although the authors of the group are in constant creative search and are always happy to pamper fans with new interesting projects, this program remains one of the most beloved and popular.

The project positions its work as intellectual humor, and critics call it a “political cabaret.” Every week the actors of “Evening Quarter” attract millions of viewers to the screens. Over the past years, the program has won many prestigious awards and prizes, and today the most eminent politicians, stars of big-time sports and show business consider it an honor to be guests of the artists. The filming process takes place in the largest concert hall Kyiv in front of four thousand invited spectators.

The participants of the show perform not only on their own stage, they are constantly invited to other channels, they take part in various concerts and festive events.

"Evening Quarter" team

The cohesion of the “Evening Quarter” team can be the envy of any team. The actors have been performing together for many years, since the days of KVN, and during this time they managed to truly become friends. Over the years of filming, many of the artists started families and raised children, but personal life does not prevent them from remaining friends not only on stage, but also in life.

The artistic director of the studio and the leader of the “Evening Quarter” is its ideologist Vladimir Zelensky. There were other actors with him from the first days of the show. Thus, the co-authors of not only “Evening Quarter”, but also the famous KVN team were Alexander Pikalov and It is noteworthy that most of the show’s actors have been performing on stage from the very first days to this day. This once again emphasizes the friendly and cheerful atmosphere within the team. And over the years of work in the team, new stars have also sparkled, thanks to which the performances of the “Evening Quarter” are becoming more interesting and popular every time.

A little about Vladimir Zelensky

As already mentioned, the undisputed leader of the “Evening Quarter” since the premiere has been the bright and charismatic Vladimir Zelensky. He became interested in KVN while still a student. It was then that Vladimir created his first “brainchild” - the Besprizorniki theater, then the famous team “95 quarter”. In it, he became not only a captain and an actor, but also the author of a large number of numbers. However, in 2003, there was a conflict between the team and the AMiK company. Then Zelensky decided to leave the club and created the Kvartal-95 studio.

The result was the birth of new projects, the most striking of which is “Evening Quarter”. In addition, Vladimir actively participates in other shows, musicals and series produced by the studio.

The charm of the beautiful Elena

Elena Kravets is the only representative of the fairer sex in the acting team of “Kvartal”, CEO team. After the show aired, she became everyone's favorite and probably the most charming and charismatic newscaster. All the actors in “Evening Quarter” love and protect Elena, although they are always ready to make a kind joke.

Her creative career, like that of many other project participants, began in KVN. Elena began performing with the 95th Quarter seventeen years ago, and five years later she and the entire team moved to the capital. The actress participates in several popular projects, including morning show“Ukraine, get up!”, entertainment program “Evening Kyiv”, etc.

Elena is married to one of the project participants, her husband is Sergei Kravets. In 2003, their daughter Maria was born.

The soul of the company and the ironic Sergei Kazanin

Evgeny Koshevoy is the youngest actor in the team. He began performing in the Evening Quarter in 2005 and immediately won the love of the public. Creative career Evgenia started in the KVN team “Va-Bank” (Lugansk).

Today, the artist not only performs in the “Evening Quarter”, but also participates in several other projects, for example, as a co-host in the show “Ukraine, get up!”, in the new humorous program"Make the comedian laugh."

He is married to Ksenia, one of the dancers in Elena Kolyadenko’s ballet Freedom. He has two daughters: Varvara and Seraphima.

Sergei (Stepan) Kazanin is a participant in “Evening Quarter” and several other studio projects, including the show “Evening Kyiv” and the musical “The Three Musketeers”. He himself came from the Tyumen region, and joined the team when he performed in the Kyiv KVN League as captain of the “Tapkiny Children” team.

Married, raising two sons.

Interesting facts about the “Evening Quarter” and its participants

  • One of the most beloved and famous shows(“Evening Quarter”) appeared on the screens completely by accident and grew out of anniversary concert team and a holiday on the occasion of its move from Krivoy Rog to the capital.
  • Actress “Evening Quarter” Elena Kravets in 2010 was recognized as one of the popular magazine Viva.
  • The 95th Quarter studio was parodied three times in the Big Difference program.
  • Alexander Pikalov worked as a janitor at the House of Pioneers in order to have access to the rehearsal hall for “Besprizornika”.
  • Evgeniy Koshevoy is the only one professional actor in the creative team.

The secret of the huge success of “Evening Quarter”

All the actors in “Evening Quarter” are interesting in their own way. Each of the project participants brings their own spark of talent and humor to it. It should be noted that most of the stars of the show have been performing on its stage from the very first days. For example, one of the founders of the studio, Yuri Krapov, who is a co-author not only of “Evening Quarter”, but also of several other projects.

Perhaps it is in this cohesion that the secret of the band’s incredible popularity lies. Or maybe the show is so loved because it knows how to find an approach to everyone, offering exactly the witty and ironic humor that the viewer so needs. It’s not without reason that many people prefer to learn about latest events not from the news, but from episodes of the beloved “Evening Quarter”.

Laughter is the best medicine you can think of. The most pleasant, accessible, not having side effects and non-addictive. And the talented, cheerful and charming actors of “Evening Quarter” give us the opportunity to laugh more often and from the heart!

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