The series - medicinal properties and contraindications. Moving from the black stripe of life to the white one


It is best to collect raw materials during the period when the plant has gained color, but has not yet bloomed.

Tender leaves, stems and buds contain:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • a significant amount of trace elements and minerals;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarin.

In addition, the plant contains amines and mucus. Thanks to the rich composition, the benefits of the series become obvious.

Please study before use medicinal properties sequences and contraindications. Today, the plant is used to treat diseases of almost all body systems. It has the following effect:

  • for the circulatory system – blood purification, stopping bleeding;
  • for the skin – eliminates itching, manifestations of an allergic reaction, relieves irritation and redness, has a regenerating and bactericidal effect;
  • for the liver – promotes cleansing, has choleretic and diaphoretic properties;
  • for the gastrointestinal tract – helps normalize digestion, improves appetite;
  • for the nervous system – reduces excitability, helps normalize sleep.

The series is often used to treat gynecological diseases. Baths with a decoction of the plant help cure a number of inflammatory diseases.

Although the scope of application of the series is extensive, it is most often used in the treatment of skin diseases. It has been proven that with the help of the plant you can get rid of the manifestations of psoriasis for a long time.

The plant is taken in the form of teas and decoctions. But it is not recommended to make alcohol tinctures. Alcohol contributes to the destruction of many beneficial substances, thereby reducing the therapeutic effect.


Many people know that string is a useful plant. But quite often those who use it for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes are unaware of the contraindications.

The series is a poisonous plant, so it should be used internally with extreme caution. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 1/5 tbsp. spoons.

Experts identify the following side effects when taking the series:

  • increased nervous excitability, fatigue, sleep disturbances;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • digestive disorders, problems with stool.

There are also contraindications for taking the series:

  • children under 3 years of age;
  • second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

It should be noted that it is contraindicated for young children to be given an infusion of the series. But doctors allow and even recommend bathing babies in water with the addition of a decoction - it helps protect delicate skin. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations.

The medicinal properties of the string and contraindications to its use have been known for a long time. The plant is actively used in folk medicine for treatment big list various diseases: diathesis, rickets, urolithiasis, cholecystitis and even oncology.

The series is rich in medicinal substances that have a beneficial effect on human body. The herb helps get rid of diseases, maintains the immune system at the proper level, and also fights skin defects - prickly heat, rashes, dandruff.

Main components of the sequence:

  • vitamins A and C;
  • various microelements;
  • essential oils;
  • substances with a tanning effect;
  • coumarin.

The healing properties of the string

Thanks to its rich composition, the series has a long list of effects:

  • stimulates the secretion of juice in the stomach, thereby awakening and increasing appetite;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect;
  • has a positive effect on metabolism;
  • helps the liver and other digestive organs function properly;
  • stimulates the secretion of bile;
  • thins and removes mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract;
  • has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect;
  • has a positive effect on the entire body, improving its general condition.

Our ancestors used crushed fresh grass as an antidote when they were bitten by snakes or scorpions. The paste applied to the bite site relieved itching and swelling and reduced pain.

Succession in cosmetology

Medicines based on the series have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Regular use of the plant will help cope with dandruff, itching, brittle hair, oily skin, and rashes.

Fighting oily shine

Pour 2 large spoons of dried herbs into 250 ml of boiling water, then set aside for an hour. After the time has passed, clean napkins are dipped into the infusion, then wrung out and applied to problem areas for 20-30 minutes. This procedure should be carried out 1 to 3 times a week. It is important to prepare a new, fresh infusion each time. The remaining liquid after the procedure can be frozen, and then wipe your face with ice cubes after and before bedtime.

Anti-acne series

Pour a glass of boiling water into a thermos and add 20-30 g of string, close tightly and leave for 1 - 1.5 hours. Then also soak napkins in the infusion and apply to the skin affected by the rash for about 15 minutes. After a quarter of an hour, remove the napkins and rinse the skin warm water.

For acne, it is not advisable to use ice rubbing on the skin, as this can lead to worsening of the skin condition and the spread of the rash.

Nourishing mask for skin

This mask tones and whitens the skin and also has a calming effect.

You need to collect fresh string grass and grind it thoroughly with a mixer. Mix the resulting mass in equal proportions with fresh cottage cheese and liquid honey, mix well. Apply the mixture to the skin and hold for 20-30 minutes, then carefully remove it without damaging the skin. After the procedure, rinse the skin area with warm water without using any products (soap, shampoo, conditioner).

Bath using a series

If acne affects a large area of ​​the body, and making masks is inconvenient, then medicinal baths can be performed. They also help fight excess weight and eliminate cellulite.

To prepare one bath, you will need a package of string (50 g), which can be purchased at a pharmacy, and a liter of boiling water. Place a container of water in a water bath, add the herbs, and steam for about half an hour. During this time, fill the bath with water, and when the broth is ready, strain it and pour it into a container.

Bathing should not be too long, no more than 15 minutes. After water procedures, rinse your body with cool water. You need to take medicinal baths no more often than once every 7 days.

Treatment of gynecological diseases

Beneficial features sequences are actively used in complex therapy of inflammatory gynecological diseases.

Baths or douching are used for pathologies such as:

  • vulvitis;
  • colpitis;
  • bartholinitis;
  • cervicitis.

Procedures with a series fight inflammation, thereby reducing the intensity of unpleasant symptoms - itching, burning, pain, discharge.

For douching, you need to prepare a decoction in a water bath at the rate of: 2 tbsp. spoons of string per half liter of water. Then strain the resulting mixture, it is important that the liquid is clean and transparent, and let cool to 33-34 degrees. After cooling, you can begin douching itself.

The procedure can be performed 1-2 times during the day, preferably in the morning and evening or only in the evening. The course of therapy should not exceed 5 days, otherwise harmful influence on the vaginal mucosa.

Series against colds and coughs

When you have a cold, it is important to get it out of your body as soon as possible. toxic substances. To do this, the patient needs to be given a lot of fluid and stimulate the secretion of urine and sweat. The herb has both diaphoretic and diuretic effects, so for colds it is recommended to drink tea with this herb.

For half a liter of boiling water you need to take 2-3 small spoons of dry string, cover with a lid and let it brew for 15-20 minutes, then strain. You cannot drink all the tea at once; 500 ml is the daily dose of the medicine. Also, drinking tea every day helps reduce the strength and frequency of the body’s allergic responses in allergy sufferers, of course only if there is no increase in individual sensitivity to the herb itself.

It is important not to increase the concentration of the active ingredient, as this will lead to negative influence on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of cold cough

In order to facilitate the passage of mucus and speed up recovery, a decoction of the string is used.

For 200 ml of boiling water, take 15 g of dried herb, simmer in a water bath for 30-40 minutes, without letting the mixture boil. Turn off the gas, but leave the product in the water bath for about another hour, then strain. If the amount of liquid has decreased significantly, then add boiled water so that 200 ml comes out again. Take 1 tablespoon 2-4 times a day.

Treatment of allergic cough

To relieve the symptoms of an allergic cough, during periods of exacerbation (autumn, spring) you need to take an infusion based on a mixture of string (50%), violet (20%), thyme (20%) and anise (10%) every day for two months.

Take a large spoonful of herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for up to 20 minutes, without covering or wrapping it. Drink warm immediately after brewing; cooled infusion is less effective.

Series and joint diseases

The series contains components that improve blood flow in the periarticular tissues, promote the removal of excess salts, relieve inflammation and nourish the joints. Therefore, the herb is actively used to treat osteochondrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases.

Stir 10-15 g of dry string in a glass of boiling water, close the lid and wrap in a warm scarf, wait 40-60 minutes, strain the infusion. Drink during the day. Treatment should be carried out until the symptoms disappear, but it should be remembered that therapy should be comprehensive, using medications.

You can also squeeze juice out of fresh string grass and rub it into the affected joints 1-2 times a day.

The influence of the sequence on the nervous system

The series has a calming effect, so people who have sleep problems or increased irritability are advised to:

  • take a bath with a series at night 1-2 times a week;
  • drink tea based on a series;
  • take a decoction of soothing herbs, including a series.

After regularly taking the series, a person becomes calmer, falls asleep faster and does not wake up in the middle of the night.

Diseases of the urinary system

Thanks to its diuretic effect, the series becomes an excellent assistant in the complex treatment of diseases such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, and urolithiasis.

For treatment you need to drink tea, decoctions and infusions from the series. But before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor, since uncontrolled use of diuretics can lead to dehydration.

Oncology treatment

Cancer is serious illness which often leads to death. You cannot manage with herbal treatment alone; you should definitely contact an oncologist. But in complex therapy, after consultation with a doctor, you can resort to traditional methods.

A collection of herbs such as chamomile, string, yarrow, motherwort, sage, immortelle and nettle helps renew the body's cells. All these herbs can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can collect and dry them yourself.

All herbs need to be mixed in equal proportions, then add 6 tablespoons of the mixture to 3 liters of boiling water and put on low heat. Cook without a lid, without letting it boil, for about 3 hours. Then strain, let the broth cool and put in the refrigerator.

You need to consume the collection three times a day, 40-50 ml half an hour before meals for 70 days, then be sure to take a break for 3-4 months. Then, if necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Contraindications for taking in succession

Despite all the medicinal properties of the string, some groups of people are undesirable to take products with this herb:

  • hypotensive people (people with stable low blood pressure) – a series can lower blood pressure, but in hypotensive people it is already low. His fall can lead to loss of consciousness and the development of collapse;
  • pregnant women – pregnant women are not recommended to take medications and herbs at all;
  • children under three years of age;
  • people with individual intolerance to the sequence.

In addition, the sequence inhibits the activity of the nervous system, so you should not use it before driving a car or doing work that requires increased attention and quick reaction.

An overdose can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, diarrhea, low blood pressure, and allergic reactions.

For many centuries, the series has been the main means for home treatment. But the main purpose of the miracle herb was and remains today - bathing babies. Due to its unique properties, this unpretentious plant, which is popularly known as “scrofulous grass” or “goat’s horns,” was used in ancient times for skin diseases, for fever, and to stop bleeding. Therefore, it may well be considered a universal natural remedy. Although there are more than 200 varieties of the plant, only the tripartite series has become widespread. This species is valued more than others and is the main component in many folk recipes.

Healing composition

The series is notable for the fact that despite the presence of a whole range of beneficial properties, it has a minimum of contraindications. The chemical composition of the plant is simply amazing with its range of rare components. It contains:

  • carotene;
  • polysaccharides;
  • essential oils;
  • coumarin;
  • tanning components;
  • pigmenting substances;
  • vitamin group (B and C);
  • minerals;
  • mucus and bitterness;
  • flavonoids (heterocyclic compounds) and many other substances.

The maximum concentration of beneficial ingredients accumulates in the leaves and upper part of the stem. Of course, such a rich set of useful components provides a number of outstanding medicinal characteristics:

  1. Choleretic properties help improve the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.
  2. The diuretic effect is used in the treatment of genitourinary problems.
  3. The aseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make the series indispensable in the treatment of skin problems: diathesis, seborrhea, open wounds, acne.
  4. The calming effect helps get rid of the effects of neuroses and stress, and reduces blood pressure.
  5. When treating wounds, their rapid healing is ensured by the regenerative capabilities of the plant.
  6. Even relatively massive bleeding is stopped with the help of a series.
  7. Essential oils destroy pathogenic microflora, as well as fungus.
  8. Tanning agents relieve excessive sweating.
  9. Vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in the herb, activates the hormonal system, improves metabolism, and strengthens immune resources.
  10. Zinc stimulates appetite, and manganese prevents the development of thrombosis.

If you compose full list advantages of the series, you get a very impressive list. But the characteristics indicated here are quite enough to convince yourself of the usefulness of this plant. Of course, the medicinal herb has not yet been fully studied, but it is known for certain that residents of Asian countries use the herb as an antidote after snake bites.

Useful qualities of the string

Thanks to its reserves of vitamins and other components important for the normal functioning of the body, this useful herb is indispensable in many situations. For example, it perfectly relieves fatigue, improves breathing, quickly copes with fever and has a beneficial effect on nervous system. A series is always useful for heart problems: medications based on it reduce blood pressure and stimulate the contractile activity of the heart. There is no equal to the miracle plant when you need to get rid of the consequences of allergies. For this purpose, it is recommended to use only fresh plants.

In addition to the listed capabilities, the series also has a whole arsenal of excellent qualities. The healing herb has the following effects on the body:

  • normalizes digestive processes;
  • stimulates wound healing;
  • has diuretic properties;
  • ensures normal outflow of bile;
  • strengthens immune forces;
  • has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promotes normal heat exchange;
  • regulates sweating.

IN medicinal purposes Dried raw materials are more often used, but if you want to achieve a greater effect from treatment, it is better to take a freshly picked plant for preparing medicinal compositions.

The sequence acts so gently in the right direction that it has virtually no contraindications. This herb is widely used along with traditional medicine to treat a huge number of diseases. It is used internally in the form of decoctions and infusions, as well as externally. The sequence gives excellent results in the treatment of:

  • skin diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • arthritis;
  • various pathologies of the female genital area;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • nervous disorders;
  • anemia;
  • vascular dysfunctions;
  • liver diseases.

Exist different ways preparation of dosage forms involving a sequence and each of them is aimed at solving a specific problem. For example, since the string contains bitterness, the extract from the herb has a healing effect on the skin and liver. The presence of a vitamin complex provides a good result in the treatment of anemia.

List of contraindications

The list of contraindications is small; it includes only a few items. You cannot use a sequence in any form if:

  1. A person previously had an intolerance to this plant.
  2. It is not recommended to give medicinal solutions to children in the first three years of life.
  3. Expectant mothers are also prohibited from taking medications internally in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, as well as during breastfeeding.

It should be noted that pregnant women can easily use products for external use if they are not allergic to this type of plant.

Side effects

With long-term use of healing solutions, there is a risk of developing side effects, which are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • drop in blood pressure;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent bouts of irritability;
  • digestive disorders;
  • panic attacks;
  • depressive states;
  • insomnia.

In order for the treatment to be beneficial and not result in additional problems, it is necessary to agree with the doctor on the method of treatment, its duration and safe dosage.

The pharmaceutical industry has long established the production of finished raw materials. The succession for these purposes is grown in environmentally friendly areas using special technology. The procurement of medicinal raw materials is also carried out in accordance with current quality standards. In pharmacies you can purchase a ready-made tincture or a dry component. Those who are familiar with this useful herb, are engaged in collecting it independently in a strictly allotted time. It is necessary to comply with all requirements regarding the cultivation, collection and storage of the workpiece. If this is not done, the herb will lose its medicinal qualities.

In the piggy bank traditional medicine stored big number recipes using a sequence. We present only the most popular of them, used in different areas medicine.


  1. Therapeutic baths. Perhaps the most famous recipe is an infusion for bathing babies. Modern mothers, just like their great-grandmothers once did, always add an infusion of string to the water when bathing newborns and infants. The product is prepared as follows: pour boiling water (0.6 l) over 15 g of dry raw material, wrap it up and leave to steep for 12 hours. Before bathing, the solution must be filtered. The volume obtained from this recipe is enough for a baby bath. If the baby loves space and is used to bathing in a large bath, the quantitative composition of the ingredients should be doubled. Healing baths help get rid of diathesis and manifestations of atopic dermatitis. Pediatricians recommend decoctions as a preventative against prickly heat.
  2. With chickenpox. This disease is often accompanied by profuse rashes, which are initially painful and then burst, causing unbearable itching. To relieve this symptom, which usually coincides with the cessation of new rashes, it is recommended to give the sick child warm baths with string and chamomile. Both components are taken in equal proportions – 30.0 each. The dry mixture is poured with boiling water (1 liter) and infused for 2 hours. Before bathing the baby, the entire volume is poured into the bath, the water temperature in which should not be higher than 38 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes. Therapeutic baths are done until the crusts on the pustules fall off.

Important point: After bathing the child, you cannot dry it with a towel; you need to let the skin dry.

In gynecology
For female problems of an inflammatory nature, sitz baths in succession quickly eliminate signs of inflammation. You can use a douching solution prepared for external use. Cooking sequence: a string (20g) is poured into a glass of boiling water. After two hours of infusion, it is filtered. The prepared product can be drunk to normalize hormonal levels in case of menstrual irregularities. You can add yarrow and motherwort to the composition in the same ratio as succession grass.

For the treatment of colds and coughs
The ability of the series to reduce temperature and improve sweating is used in the treatment of bronchitis, runny nose, other viral diseases and the common cold. In such a situation, both an infusion and a decoction prepared in a 1:1 ratio (a tablespoon of dry herb to 1 glass of water) helps. The mixture poured with boiling water is put on fire, boils for 10 minutes, and after cooling, filtered. The only difference in preparing the infusion is that the solution is infused rather than boiled. The dosage of the main components is the same as in the first preparation. The healing composition removes phlegm well and reduces the intensity of cough. It is recommended to drink it before meals.

For cystitis
In case of exacerbation of cystitis, you can prepare a medicinal composition according to the following recipe: first, pour a glass of boiling water into the dry herb prepared in a container (dose -3 liters), the mixture is placed in a water bath, and simmered in it for 20 minutes. After straining, it is recommended to drink the healing drink three times, drinking a third of a glass at one time.

To strengthen the nervous system
Sedative decoctions and infusions made from the herb improve sleep, relieve irritability, and are very calming. For these purposes, both an infusion and a decoction prepared using the above methods are suitable. But you can brew medicinal tea. For this, just 1 spoon of tea herb is enough. After half an hour of infusion, the drink is ready to drink. The glass is drunk completely in one go. You should not get too carried away with this type of treatment, so as not to get the opposite effect, as has already been mentioned.

Skin and hair care product
At home, the string can be successfully used as a cosmetic product. Moreover, in terms of effectiveness, compositions prepared according to folk recipes in the home kitchen, are in no way inferior to products from famous brands. To get rid of acne, and this skin manifestation often makes teenagers suffer, you need to regularly treat your facial skin with an infusion of the series. Masks with a series and lotions improve the condition of the skin. You can wash your face with the solution in the morning, or you can pour it into molds and freeze it. Cosmetic ice cubes quickly refresh appearance facial skin, strengthen blood vessels.

The series is capable of fighting hair loss. For this, an infusion prepared in a water bath is best suited. They just need to rinse their hair after washing. The result will be noticeable within a month. This product also combats dandruff, relieves rashes and irritation.

There are a lot of recipes with a series, but you must always remember that any herbal remedy is also a medicine that requires careful attention. The patient must understand that the most miraculous herb cannot be a panacea for all diseases. Therefore, one cannot expect from herbal treatment a result that it is not able to provide. We must appreciate the usefulness of natural healers and their magnificent properties.

Video: healing properties of string

The string is popularly known under several names: swamp arrow, scrofulous grass, bident and even goat's horns - as this plant is called... Latin The tripartite series is called Bídens tripartíta.

In total, there are over two hundred varieties, but for therapeutic purposes only the tripartite variety is used, the healing qualities and contraindications of the leaves and inflorescences of which were known back in Ancient China.

Let's find out why the herb is useful, and what diseases and health problems it can relieve.


Trifid bident is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family - it is an annual herb. Where does the string grow? It can be found in the central regions of our country, in Belarus, Ukraine. It grows in western Siberia, in the Trans-Baikal Territory and Transcaucasia, on the North American continent, and in South Asian latitudes.

When and how to collect? Inflorescences, stems, foliage and rhizomes are used for therapeutic purposes. The string is collected during its flowering - in mid-summer, and the rhizomes are dug up after the fruits ripen, around October. In order to preserve its healing qualities, the plant should be dried in the shade in a draft. The grass needs to be stirred periodically to ensure even drying.

For drying, special units can be used in which they install temperature regime within forty degrees. Dried raw materials are stored in darkened rooms with access to fresh air.


Despite the fact that scrofulous grass has medicinal qualities, and the list of contraindications for its use is minimal, its appearance is inconspicuous, the taste is slightly bitter, and the chemical composition and content of microelements is unique.

Important! Maximum amount useful components are found in the foliage and upper part of the stem.

Let's list the elements that make up the sequence and bring health benefits:

  • micro- and macroelements (potassium, boron, calcium, iron, manganese);
  • flavonoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • polysaccharide acids;
  • vitamins A, C, and B.

Healing qualities

This plant can be classified as a herb that has a universal healing effect, has a positive effect on digestion, normalizes metabolism and improves appetite. The series relieves inflammation well and accelerates the healing of skin lesions, including purulent ones.

IN Asian countries it is used as an antitoxic agent for bites of poisonous insects and reptiles. Swamp arrow also has a diuretic effect; it normalizes the functions of the liver and spleen.

Due to the abundance of useful substances and minimum quantity restrictions and contraindications for use, the series effectively combats chronic fatigue, improves the functioning of the respiratory system. This plant also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and helps with bradycardia. The sequence is also used for allergies, skin rashes, and diathesis in newborn small children.

Advice: if you want to get rid of allergies, itchy skin and body rashes, use freshly cut grass.

Scope of use and indications for use

Marsh arrow is also used as a vitamin supplement: it is added to drinks, used to create creams, and it is recommended to rinse your hair with a decoction of the string when washing your hair.

What is treated with a series and what does it help with? The beneficial properties of scrofulous herb are manifested in a number of health problems. Indications for use for adults and children - for:

  • cold;
  • headaches;
  • skin diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • back pain;
  • joint diseases;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • baldness;
  • scrofula and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • diseases of the liver, spleen and urinary system;
  • rickets;
  • high blood pressure;
  • frequent urination;
  • disruptions in metabolism;
  • gynecological inflammations, thrush;
  • low hemoglobin.

Seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, acne, pimples, purulent rashes - with all these troubles it can help and be beneficial medicinal herb series.

For skin problems

Since ancient times, the string has been used when bathing small children. The healing plant is effective in the fight against diaper rash, improves the condition of the skin, and helps with diathesis. It can also be used for skin problems in adults.

To get rid of skin rashes, you need to wipe your face twice a day with a cotton pad soaked in the infusion of the string. Excessive work of the sebaceous glands can be neutralized by washing with a cold infusion of swamp arrow. This plant is used in the manufacture of masks and medicinal lotions.

The series has no restrictions for making tinctures intended for washing. Frozen herbal infusion in cubes will bring benefits; it is used as a cosmetic product.

Decoctions based on scrofulous herb also have a positive effect on the scalp - this is an excellent remedy for dandruff, which also helps strengthen the hair follicles.

In the treatment of psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis, ointments containing marsh arrow extract or alcohol infusion are often used.

For skin diseases, both infants and adults benefit greatly from baths. The sequence reduces skin irritation, eliminates rashes and redness. A number of manufacturers use the extract of this plant in making soap.

For gynecological diseases

The sequence is also recommended to be used in gynecology for women’s health problems. The components of the plant reduce internal inflammation; baths and douching are made based on this plant. To normalize the menstrual cycle, the fairer sex is advised to drink tinctures containing string and other medicinal herbs (yarrow and motherwort).

There are practically no restrictions or contraindications to the use of such an infusion; it helps normalize hormonal levels.

Contraindications and side effects

There is an opinion that everyone can take the series for therapeutic purposes. However, even those who have nothing to do with medicine understand: any herbal remedy can bring not only benefit to a person, but also harm. In addition, you need to take into account the presence of a number of contraindications.

The main restrictions concern the internal consumption of infusions based on swamp arrow - alcoholic (vodka or moonshine) and regular (water).

Attention! The main contraindication for taking the series orally is age under three years.

The herbal decoction should not be used in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and lactation.

The restriction also applies in case of individual intolerance to the components present in the series.

Among other contraindications, diseases such as epilepsy and schizophrenic disorders should be emphasized.

In addition, it is not advisable for young children to make compresses from a decoction of the string: much more benefit the newborn baby will be given baths containing herbal infusions of string with chamomile, or a ready-made extract.

Even if the listed contraindications do not concern you, this does not mean that you can uncontrollably use products based on a series (ointments, tinctures, teas). Excessive consumption and improper use may cause side effects:

  • For therapeutic purposes, only the three-part variety should be used; other types can cause severe intoxication.
  • When treating with traditional medicine recipes, you should choose the optimal dosage, since excessive consumption can cause digestive disorders and diarrhea.
  • There is a probability panic attacks, increased nervous excitability and insomnia are possible.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the elements contained in the series, a rash may appear on the skin.

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word. Write this word down.

And even when, due to a series of failures that occurred in the last few months, Larisa left for a company where a vacancy suddenly appeared, the girl continued to be on duty at the clinic for some time.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's give the correct spelling.

And even when, due to a series of failures that occurred in the last few months, Larisa left for a company where a vacancy suddenly appeared, the girl continued to be on duty at the clinic for some time.

The word “free” was superfluous in the sentence, because... it referred to the word “vacancy.” This is a tautology.

Answer: free

Answer: free

Rule: Task 6 (OGE). Lexical meaning of the word. Groups of words by origin and use.

Task formulation:

replace the colloquial word with a stylistically neutral synonym in a sentence, write down this word;

replace the bookish word with a stylistically neutral synonym in the sentence, write down this word;

replace the colloquial phrase with a stylistically neutral one, write down this phrase.

1. What do you need to know when completing this task?

Synonyms are words, most often of the same part of speech, different in sound, but identical or similar in lexical meaning, often differing in stylistic coloring: here - here, look - look think - think, cruel - merciless, neighborhood - districts etc.

A group of words consisting of several synonyms is called synonymous row: sleep - rest - snooze.

First word sleep- is stylistically neutral, because the most common, can be used in any style of speech, has minimal expression; in the dictionary it is the first in the synonymous row. Word rest mainly used in book style, gives the speech an archaic character (as they said in the old days). Sleep- this synonym sounds rude (such words are called colloquial) and is used in colloquial speech.

2. What do you need to understand when completing this task? That colloquial words are words allowed in casual oral speech. And that they can only be used under certain conditions. In order not to replace one spoken word with another, the help of dictionaries is needed. They help us explanatory dictionaries famous authors Ozhegov, Efremova, as well as Alexandrov’s dictionary of synonyms.

When searching for a word, pay attention to the notes: colloquial, simple And Under no circumstances should we choose words with such marks as an answer.

Let's look at an example. We hesitated on the way, so we arrived at the appointed place in the dark

In Ozhegov’s dictionary: TO DELAY, I think, I think; Sovereign (colloquial). To linger, to stay longer than necessary somewhere; slow down Z. at a friend's place. Z. with the answer.

As can be seen from the article, this word does not have a neutral meaning, so you need to look for other words. As a rule, this word is already present in the interpretation, here it is - “to linger.” It will help us find more synonymous words practical dictionary Alexandrov's synonyms. While searching for the word “hesitate,” we come across an article with the word

HOLD and its meanings:

1. get stuck (colloquial)

/ about a person: delay;

sit down, get stuck, hesitate, linger, linger, bury, get lost (colloquial)

// visiting or at work: stay late (colloquial)

// visiting, staying (colloquial)

/ about business: slow down, drag out;

slow down, stall (colloquial)

2. see be late

Notice how many words are marked decomposition! Thus, we see that the word “hesitate” needs to be replaced with the neutral word DELAYED, and this is the most accurate, most correct answer. Neither “hesitate”, nor “slow down”, nor “linger” will suit us, because our word in a sentence has a certain meaning.

So, the algorithm for completing the task will be as follows:

1. Read the sentence and determine lexical meaning the word specified in the task.

2. Select possible synonyms for this word.

3. Determine which of these synonyms

− most commonly used;

− does not have a connotation of bookishness or conversationality;

− has minimal expression (that is, there are practically no emotions in it);

− stands first in the synonymous row, opening it.

4. Insert the word into the sentence; it must be suitable both in terms of grammatical characteristics and meaning.

3. Consider the specifics of entering an answer in the “answer” field

1) Enter the answer to ONE selected word (or phrase) in the answer field.

2) Check if the form of gender, number, tense, aspect is correct. Remember that we are replacing one word with another, so we cannot use perfect instead of imperfect, past tense instead of present, etc. Put the word in the SAME form as in the sentence.

3) Particles NOT, WOULD not need to be written in response.

4) Sometimes there are tasks in which the specified form in the task does not coincide with the form in the sentence. For example, in the condition “Replace the word the sentence..”, and in the sentence “they threw it.” In this case, you need to write the form in the condition. If you come across such a task during the exam, be sure to draw the attention of your assistants to this fact, right up to writing an application.

5) Due to the fact that the number of synonyms can reach 5-6 words, the editor enters NO MORE THAN THREE words in the “answer” field.

The rest - possible, acceptable or impossible - are written in the explanation of the task. We strongly recommend that you do not suggest new words, but stick to the rule: the most correct word is FIRST in a series of synonyms. And then you will certainly receive a point for this task.

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