What is positive resonance? Blog "home treatment"

What do the sounds of beautiful music, riding on a swing, a thunderstorm and prayer have in common? How are we connected to our Earth? And what happens when healers work? This phenomenon has a very simple definition - resonance.

Resonance as the basis of all phenomena in nature

With the transition to a new century, as usual, there was no shortage of predictions regarding trends in the development of science and technology. Statements about the future of humanity itself as a species were much less common. If we do not take into account global cataclysms such as flooding-glaciation or a collision with an asteroid, then perhaps the most important, pronounced large-scale phenomenon that can greatly affect a person is electromagnetic fields. Even for those whose invisible world is inhabited by angels, demons and other entities, it is actually permeated with electromagnetic vibrations, vibrations of various frequencies generated by both man and nature itself. However, we see less than one percent of all this splendor.

These vibrations propagate in the form of waves. It is remarkable that oscillations and waves of any nature are described by the same equations. And if we understand some concepts that are convenient for reasoning about oscillations and waves, then quite unexpectedly we will be able to come up with very different phenomena in life that we definitely thought about, but “had no one to ask.” Let's start with what is easier to feel.

Vibrations and fluctuations, waves, resonance in music

Here, for example, is a delightful phenomenon - resonance. Not only musicians know that if it were not for resonance, music would not exist. By plucking the string, hitting it with a hammer, or blowing air through the tube, the performer creates only a weak initial vibration. It would go unnoticed if it were not for the resonator or, more simply, the body of the instrument, which is capable of responding to every frequency, amplifying it, and imparting timbre.
This is possible because this resonator has its own resonant frequencies, that is, it is capable of amplifying, coloring and prolonging some of the vibrations of the string. But not any, but only those that are close to the so-called natural frequencies. And these latter depend, first of all, on the size and shape of the resonator body. And also on many subtleties, which include the type of wood, its moisture content, etc. This is where the craftsmanship of the instrument maker that we hear about so often comes into play. If successful, the instrument will sing in the hands of the performer in full accordance with the music that sounds in his soul.

It is interesting that, according to modern concepts, the organs and systems of the human body have their own vibration frequencies, which the sound wave enhances or suppresses, thereby affecting their functions.

There are resonances of another type. Mechanical resonance, for example. You can really feel the mechanical resonance while indulging in everyone's favorite fun activity - swinging on a swing. When entertaining ourselves or a child, we apply force in the desired direction at a strictly defined moment. The exact formula for determining this point is quite complex, oddly enough. But everyone easily identifies it instinctively. A person who is trying to swing a swing, pushing it at the wrong time, that is, not in resonance with his own frequency of oscillations, would look very strange. Here it is appropriate to say, finally, what oscillation frequency is. It shows how many times per second the swing will arrive at the same place in its trajectory. Well, let's say to be specific - to the place where they are being pushed. And if the frequency of the swing’s oscillations coincides with the frequency of the pushes, the phenomenon of resonance occurs - then the amplitude of the swing’s oscillations will increase. For our further considerations, it is important that during resonance, certain external influences are synchronized in time with the internal properties of the system, that is, the principle “at the right time in the right place” is maximally realized.

The phenomenon of mechanical resonance can cause terrible harm. There is a known case of the destruction of a bridge along which a company of soldiers was marching. The bridge was probably designed for very heavy loads. But resonance! Who could have imagined that the natural vibration frequency of the bridge would coincide with the rhythm of the company’s advance. The soldiers walked in step, synchronously checking their steps, like one big soldier. And precisely with the frequency that was resonant for this bridge! Since then, the charter states that when moving across the bridge it is necessary to slow down.

We became familiar with sound and mechanical resonances. And now it will be easier to deal with the most interesting resonances - electromagnetic ones.

Resonance of another level of interaction - electromagnetic

Schumann resonance

We live in a layer between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, the lower boundary of which is at a level of approximately 80 km and is called the Heaviside layer. If you imagine the Earth as an orange measuring 5 centimeters, then this layer will be at a height of 3 millimeters, that is, this layer is very close to the Earth. Long-wave radio communication is possible only thanks to the Heaviside layer, because it is from it that the radio waves that circle the Earth are reflected. The earth is a good conductor of electric current; in any case, there is enough water on it for this, and two-thirds of it is the salt water of the oceans. In the ionosphere, there is also something to provide conductivity - sunlight removes electrons from gas molecules in a rarefied atmosphere, creating plasma. In the space between these spheres there is air, a weak conductor. The result is a symmetrical spherical capacitor formed by two conducting spheres placed inside each other. At the same time, the Earth is negatively charged, and the ionosphere is positively charged. Such a system is called a waveguide; electromagnetic waves propagate well in it.

Those waves that are resonant for this giant natural waveguide can circle the Earth several times. Quite analogous to how sound resonates within the volume of a musical instrument. What frequencies are these? In 1949, Professor Winfried Otto Schumann of the Technical University of Munich set such a task for his students in electrophysics classes. If we approach the question approximately and simply, it is enough to know the dimensions of the Earth and its ionosphere to calculate these frequencies. It turned out that electromagnetic waves of a fairly low, even ultra-low frequency - 10 hertz - can propagate (resonate) in the Earth-ionosphere cavity. Soon Schumann experimentally discovered such waves and published an article about it in some physics journal. These waves came to be called Schumann resonances. Where did they even come from, these waves, in the cavity of the Earth - the ionosphere? Lightning! It turns out there are so many of them near the Earth - on average about a hundred discharges per minute. Lightning produces a whole spectrum of electromagnetic vibrations. But only those that coincide with the natural frequencies of the natural waveguide, that is, with a calculated frequency of about 10 hertz, can circle the Earth several times per second.

At first no one attached much importance to these discoveries, not even Schumann himself. Moreover, in fact, similar ideas have already roamed around the world before. Their author, the brilliant Serbian Nikola Tesla, created artificial lightning back at the end of the nineteenth century. He discovered that the discharge produced waves of very low frequency. And they can penetrate deep into the Earth without weakening because they resonate with the Earth's own vibrations. Moreover, a standing wave is formed, circling the Earth. These Tesla studies were not supported then - the time had not come. It came 50 years later - with the works of Schumann.

Resonance and a new look at vibration and frequency in science, Schumann resonance

Healthy curiosity sometimes forces researchers to look through books and journals in areas of science that are far from their specialty. Schumann's resonances would have been buried in the annals of the history of science if not for the curiosity of one remaining unknown psychologist who was looking through physical and technical periodicals. After reading Schumann's publication, he was dumbfounded. The main resonance frequency - about 10 hertz - coincided with the main rhythm of the human brain - the alpha rhythm! Why?! Of course, he immediately called Schumann. After all, it is extremely surprising that the rhythms of the Earth and the human brain coincide in a state of calm wakefulness. Schumann involved a graduate student, his future successor, Herbert König, in the work. This student was interested in something unusual. He investigated how those who can find water or minerals in the ground with the help of a willow rod work, that is, dowsers. Next we will see the remarkableness of this circumstance. In his doctoral dissertation, König reported more precise measurements of the fundamental frequency of the Schumann resonance, 7.83 Hz.

It was also possible to measure higher harmonics of the first frequency. They average 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 hertz. It turned out that these frequencies also have a correspondence in the spectrum of waves emitted by the human brain! In a word, the frequency band of changes in brain biocurrents lies within the limits of changes in the resonant frequencies of the Earth-ionosphere cavity under calm conditions. The oscillatory system “man - environment” is in a state of equilibrium. This can't be a coincidence! If we had consciously arranged everything for life on Earth, we could not have done it better.

To measure the Schumann resonance means for some place on Earth to record the intensity of the electric and magnetic fields separately depending on time or frequency. Despite their global importance, until recently there was little work on Schumann resonances. Maybe because the military is interested in this frequency range - for communication with submarines, because such waves penetrate deep into the water and into the ground. Or maybe because measuring Schumann resonances is a difficult task. They are too weak against the background of the Earth’s own electric and magnetic fields, which are 10 thousand, or even 100 thousand times greater. To measure Schumann resonances, you need standard electronics (amplifiers-preamps) and very unusual antennas. To measure the electric field, a conventional antenna would have to be 20 thousand kilometers long. Therefore, a special ball antenna is used together with an amplifier. Measuring magnetic fields also requires all sorts of tricks. The movement of people, animals, and the swaying of trees in the wind can undo the painstaking work of teams of geophysicists and radio electronics engineers.

Where are Schumann resonances measured? Yes, all over the Earth. In America and Australia, in Finland, Germany and Russia, in England and Iceland.
To better understand a phenomenon, it would be good to know what it depends on. The frequency and intensity of the Earth's natural pulsations are not constant, fixed values. As further research has shown, they change slightly under the influence of the following factors:

Geographical location. Schumann resonances are most noticeable near the world's thunderstorm centers. If you look at data from NASA satellites about where lightning occurs over many years, you will notice that lightning mainly occurs above the ground, and not above the surface of the water. Most of them are in Africa. So, according to modern views, man appeared there.

Times of Day. At night, the Sun does not ionize the atmosphere on the dark side of the Earth, and the Heaviside layer disappears here, and with it the Schumann waves. With dawn, the upper boundary of the near-Earth waveguide is restored and Schumann waves appear again. The earth rests and awakens with us. Or is it us - with her.

Clean air. An increase in frequency is observed if there is a lot of water vapor and gases in the air.

Environment. Electromagnetic smog from all electrical equipment covers hundreds of times the life-giving natural bursts of Schumann resonances. Some building materials also extinguish them. Maybe that’s why dogs and children want to go for walks, even if they’ve just returned from the street.

Solar flares. Researchers claim that during magnetic storms or in conditions of electromagnetic fields of man-made origin, when the frequency of natural Schumann resonances changes, the condition of older people and children worsens, hypertensive crises, epileptic seizures and suicides occur more often.

How do magnetic storms influence humans? Perhaps this is the case. During solar flares, the properties of the Heaviside layer, the upper boundary of our natural resonator, change. This leads to changes in the frequency of the Schumann resonance. Back in 1665, Christiaan Huygens noticed that if two pendulums begin to oscillate not far from each other with close, but still different frequencies, then after some time their oscillation frequencies will become the same. And this is a universal law. It is “easier” for each oscillatory system to oscillate in time than at random. This means that the Schumann resonances are like a pacemaker for us.

For some reason, the Schumann frequency has changed - this leads to a change in the frequency of electromagnetic oscillations of the brain and a deterioration in the person’s condition. Thus, it is through Schumann resonances that human health is connected with the geophysical state of the Earth. Moreover, it turned out that not only physical health, but also mental health, and simply the ability to think. After all, the brain works in alpha rhythm mode (at a frequency of about 8 hertz) in cases where a person, being in a state of muscle relaxation, solves creative problems. Most people with a clearly defined alpha rhythm have a predominant ability for abstract thinking. Occasionally there are people who exhibit a complete absence of alpha rhythms. They think freely in visual images, but have difficulty solving problems of an abstract nature.

Those who are inclined to research activities can themselves trace the connection between their own well-being (changes in blood pressure, for example) with changes in the spectrum of Schumann waves. This can be done by visiting, for example, the website of Tomsk State University http://sosrff.tsu.ru/. Data is updated every two hours. In addition, it is interesting to see for yourself whether the frequency of Schumann waves really increases, as is sometimes reported. After all, this would mean, no more or less, that the human brain is evolving.

It turned out that the Earth’s own magnetic field pulsates in the same frequency range as Schumann resonances and brain rhythms. This even led to some confusion. You may sometimes hear that Schumann resonances are simply fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field. And not waves generated by lightning and encircling the Earth in a natural waveguide.
Now the number of publications on Schumann resonances has increased greatly - to about a thousand per year. Let's discuss two main reasons for this.

Firstly, it was discovered that it was possible to determine temperature and thunderstorm activity on a planetary scale using Schumann resonances. It is now known for sure that the higher the air temperature in the lower layers of the atmosphere, the more thunderstorms, lightning and precipitation. This means that Schumann resonances are more powerful. By simple logic, by measuring the intensity of resonances in different places on the Earth, one can judge its average temperature. That is, the Schumann resonance is a thermometer for Mother Earth. The “Earth average” temperature is now a sore point for all people in general, and not just for scientists. The debate continues whether global warming has already begun or is this a problem for our descendants.

With Schumann resonances, or more precisely, with the activity of the human brain at the frequencies of these resonances, some researchers associate various effects of far vision, healing, hypnosis, searching for water and minerals using a vine or frame. Dr. John Zimmerman, founder and president of the Institute of Bioelectromagnetism in Reno, Nevada, has studied extensive literature on the work of healers. He found that at the beginning of the session the healer established a connection with the Schumann waves. His right and left brain hemispheres are in sync when normally they are slightly out of balance. Both hemispheres begin to work in the alpha rhythm with a frequency of about 8 hertz. Then the patient’s brain waves enter the alpha rhythm. These waves are synchronized with the healer's waves. During the session, patients also experience frequency balance between the hemispheres of the brain. Figuratively speaking, the healer connects his patient to the electromagnetic field of Schumann waves and to the pulsations of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Resonance of human rhythms during meditation and prayer

There are studies showing that during meditation and prayer, the human brain also works at a frequency of about 8 hertz, in rhythm with Schumann waves and the Earth's magnetic field.

Until now, we have been thinking mainly about the natural component of the human-environment system. But the concept of “electromagnetic smog” already exists. This is chaotic radiation from various household and industrial electrical appliances. Its power is already hundreds of times higher than the natural background. Of course, waves with an alpha frequency are very weak, their swing, or amplitude, is only about 30 millionths of a volt. It would seem that this is negligible compared to the Earth’s own magnetic field and man-made fields. But the frequencies coincide with the rhythms of the brain! Think about resonance effects! From this point of view, devices operating in the same frequency range as weak but essential natural fields are dangerous for humans. For example, cell phones. All studies of their “harmfulness” were carried out taking into account only their thermal effects. But the information impact is also very important, which no one takes into account. After all, one of the frequencies of cell phone radiation - the same 8 Hz - is associated with our individual mental activity. Consequently, from the outside, and from the immediate vicinity, signals enter the human brain that are capable of resonantly interacting with the brain’s own bioelectrical activity and thereby disrupting its functions. Such changes are noticeable on the electroencephalogram and do not disappear for a long time after the end of the conversation.

It is reported that in America, every NASA employee carries with him a device - an individual source of “useful” electromagnetic waves in the Schumann wave range, to improve well-being while “adjusting” to natural rhythms.
But the bees... The bees are dying out. According to the conclusion of scientists from the German University of Koblenz-Landau, up to 70% of bee colonies have died in the United States and some European countries. Their death is associated with loss of orientation under the influence of man-made electromagnetic fields generated by powerful cellular antennas.

Humanity as a species has extraordinary potential that has only just begun to be explored. The gift of creativity, intuition, talent - without these qualities a person would not be able to create the wonderful world in which he lives. What if, shrouded in man-made electromagnetic smog that destroys the fine-tuning of relationships in this changing, fluctuating world, we lose our priceless gifts?

…Dawn. On the precarious border between sleep and wakefulness, the Earth sends us its morning greetings at a frequency of 7.8 hertz - the frequency of the alpha rhythm of our brain. No matter what happens, we are in resonance with our Earth and with all life on it.


The most outstanding of all known inventions of Tesla are related to the concept of resonance. Tesla considered resonance the key to understanding and controlling any system, natural or man-made. Each system, in his opinion, has a certain “natural frequency of vibration.” There may be several such frequencies; they are a kind of “passport”, “identity card” of any system. Any systems can interact if they are tuned to each other. This is very easy to explain using the example of human relationships: two people who want to understand each other (that is, “tuned into resonance” with each other) will spend much less time and effort on solving a problem than the same two people who do not want to understand or simply indifferent. Thus, a person’s task is not to “take by force” from Nature its wealth, but to be able to tune his technology in resonance with natural phenomena so that the interaction is as natural and effective as possible. Tesla himself followed this path, amazing his contemporaries with the results.

Resonance is one of the most interesting physical phenomena. And the deeper our knowledge about the world around us becomes, the more clearly the role of this phenomenon can be seen in various areas of our lives - in music, medicine, radio engineering and even on the playground.

What is the meaning of this concept, the conditions for its emergence and manifestation?

Natural and forced vibrations. Resonance

Let's remember a simple and pleasant entertainment - swinging on a hanging swing.

By applying very little force at the right moment, a child can rock an adult. But for this, the frequency of the influence of the external force must coincide with the natural frequency of the swing. Only in this case will the amplitude of their oscillations increase noticeably.

So, resonance is the phenomenon of a sharp increase in the amplitude of vibrations of a body, when the frequency of its own vibrations coincides with the frequency of the action of an external force.

First of all, let's understand the concepts - natural and forced vibrations. Proper - inherent in all bodies - stars, strings, springs, nuclei, gases, liquids... They usually depend on the coefficient of elasticity, mass of the body and its other parameters. Such oscillations arise under the influence of a primary push carried out by an external force. So, in order to vibrate a load suspended on a spring, it is enough to pull it a certain distance. The resulting natural oscillations will be damped, since the oscillation energy is spent on overcoming the resistance of the oscillatory system itself and the environment.

Forced vibrations occur when a body is exposed to a third-party (external) force with a certain frequency. This external force is also called a coercive force. It is very important that this external force acts on the body at the right moment and in the right place. It is she who replenishes energy losses and increases it during the body’s own vibrations.

Mechanical resonance

A very striking example of the manifestation of resonance is several cases of bridge collapses when a company of soldiers walked across them in formation.

The chiseled step of the soldiers' boots coincided with the natural frequency of vibration of the bridge. It began to vibrate with such an amplitude for which its strength was not designed and... fell apart. Then a new military team was born "…out of step". It sounds when a company of soldiers on foot or on horseback crosses the bridge.

If you have ever traveled by train, then the most attentive of you have noticed the noticeable swaying of the carriages when its wheels hit the rail joints. This is how the car responds, that is, it resonates with the vibrations that arise when overcoming these gaps.

Ship instruments are equipped with massive stands or suspended on soft springs to avoid resonance of these ship parts with vibrations of the ship hull. When the ship's engines are started, the ship can resonate with their operation so much that this threatens its strength.

The examples given are sufficient to demonstrate the need to take resonance into account. But we sometimes use mechanical resonance without noticing it. When pushing out a car stuck in the road mud, the driver and his volunteer assistants first rock it and then unanimously push it forward in the direction of travel.

When swinging a heavy bell, bell ringers also unconsciously use this phenomenon.

They rhythmically, in time with the bell's own vibrations, pull the cord attached to it, increasing the amplitude of the vibrations.

There are devices that measure the frequency of electric current. Their action is based on the use of resonance.

Acoustic resonance

On the pages of our website we... Let's continue our conversation, supplementing it with examples of the manifestation of acoustic or sound resonance.

Why do musical instruments, especially the guitar and violin, have such beautiful bodies? Is it really just to look beautiful? It turns out not. It is needed for the correct sound of the entire sound palette produced by the instrument. The sound produced by the guitar string itself is quite quiet. To strengthen it, the strings are placed on top of a body that has a certain shape and size. The sound entering the guitar resonates with different parts of the body and intensifies.

The strength and purity of sound depends on the quality of the wood, and even on the varnish with which the instrument is coated.

Available resonators in our vocal apparatus. Their role is played by a variety of air cavities surrounding the vocal cords. They amplify the sound, shape its timbre, enhancing precisely those vibrations whose frequency is close to their own. The ability to use the resonators of one’s vocal apparatus is one of the aspects of a singer’s talent. F.I. mastered it perfectly. Chaliapin.

They say that when this great artist sang at the top of his lungs, candles went out, chandeliers shook and cut glasses cracked.

Those. The phenomenon of sound resonance plays a huge role in the delightful world of sounds.

Electrical resonance

Electric circuits did not escape this phenomenon either. If the frequency of change in external voltage will coincide with the frequency of natural oscillations of the circuit, then electrical resonance may occur. As always, it manifests itself in a sharp increase in both current and voltage in the circuit. This is fraught with a short circuit and failure of devices included in the circuit.

However, it is resonance that allows us to tune in to the frequency of a specific radio station. Typically, the antenna receives many frequencies from different radio stations. By rotating the tuning knob, we change the frequency of the receiving circuit of the radio receiver.

When one of the frequencies arriving at the antenna coincides with this frequency, then we will hear this radio station.

Schumann waves

Between the Earth's surface and its ionosphere there is a layer in which electromagnetic waves propagate very well. This celestial corridor is called a waveguide. The waves generated here can circle the Earth several times. But where do they come from? It turned out that they occur during lightning strikes.

Professor Schumann of the Technical University of Munich calculated their frequency. It turned out that it is equal to 10 Hz. But it is precisely with this rhythm that the human brain oscillates! This amazing fact could not be a mere coincidence. We live inside a giant waveguide, which controls our body with its rhythm. Further research confirmed this assumption. It turned out that distortion of Schumann waves, for example, during magnetic storms, worsens people's health.

Those. For normal human well-being, the rhythm of the most important vibrations of the human body must resonate with the frequency of Schumann waves.

Electromagnetic smog from the operation of household and industrial electrical appliances distorts the natural waves of the Earth, and destroys our subtle relationships with our planet.

All objects in the Universe are subject to the laws of resonance. Even human relationships are subject to these laws. So, when choosing friends for ourselves, we look for people like ourselves, with whom we are interested, with whom we are “on the same wavelength.”

If this message was useful to you, I would be glad to see you

Resonance is the phenomenon of a sharp increase in the amplitude of forced oscillations, which occurs when the frequency of the external influence approaches certain values ​​(resonance frequencies) determined by the properties of the system. An increase in amplitude is only a consequence of resonance, and the reason is the coincidence of the external (exciting) frequency with the internal (natural) frequency of the oscillatory system. Using the phenomenon of resonance, even very weak periodic oscillations can be isolated and/or amplified. Resonance is a phenomenon that at a certain frequency of the driving force the oscillatory system is especially responsive to the action of this force.

Every mechanical elastic system has its own vibration frequency. If any force throws this system out of equilibrium and then ceases to act, the system will oscillate around its equilibrium position for some time. The frequency of these oscillations is called the natural frequency of the system. The rate of its attenuation depends on elastic properties and mass, on friction forces and does not depend on the force that caused the vibrations.

If the force that brings the mechanical system out of balance changes with a frequency equal to the frequency of the natural frequency of oscillations, then the deformation of one period will be superimposed by the deformation of the next period and the system will sway with an ever-increasing amplitude, theoretically ad infinitum. Naturally, the structure will not be able to withstand such an ever-increasing deformation and will collapse.

The coincidence of the frequency of natural oscillations with the frequency of change of the electrodynamic force is called mechanical resonance.

Full resonance is observed when the frequency of force oscillations exactly coincides with the frequency of natural vibrations of the structure and equal positive and negative amplitudes, partial resonance - when the frequencies do not completely coincide and unequal amplitudes.

To avoid fur resonance it is necessary that the frequency of natural vibrations of the structure differs from the frequency of change of the electrodynamic force. It is better when the frequency of natural vibrations lies below the frequency of change in force. The selection of the required frequency of natural oscillations can be done in various ways. For tires, for example, by changing the free span length

When, when the frequency of the variable component of the electric force is close to the natural frequency of mechanical vibrations, even with relatively small forces, destruction of the apparatus due to resonance phenomena is possible.

Tires under the influence of EDF perform forced vibrations in the form of standing waves. If the frequency of free vibrations is above 200 Hz, then the forces are calculated for the static mode without taking into account resonance.

If the frequency of free vibrations of the tire during design, they strive to exclude the possibility of resonance by choosing the length of the free span of the tire.

With flexible tire mounting, the natural frequency of mechanical vibrations is reduced. The EDF energy is partially spent on deformation of current-carrying parts, and partially on moving them and the associated flexible fasteners. At the same time fur. The stresses in the tire material are reduced

The phenomenon of resonance is understood as an instantaneous increase in the amplitude of vibrations of an object under the influence of an external energy source of a periodic nature of influence with a similar frequency value.

In the article we will consider the nature of the occurrence of resonance using the example of a mechanical (mathematical) pendulum, an electric oscillatory circuit and a nuclear magnetic resonator. In order to more easily present physical processes, the article is accompanied by numerous inserts in the form of practical examples. The purpose of the article is to explain at a primitive level the phenomenon of resonance in different areas of its occurrence without mathematical formulas.

The simplest model that can clearly show oscillations is the simplest pendulum, or rather a mathematical pendulum. Oscillations are divided into free and forced. Initially, the energy acting on the pendulum provides free oscillations in the body without the presence of an external source of variable impact energy. This energy can be either kinetic or potential.

Here it does not matter how strongly or not the pendulum itself swings - the time spent on traveling its path in the forward and reverse directions remains unchanged. To avoid misunderstandings with the damping of oscillations due to friction with air, it is worth highlighting that for free oscillations the conditions for the pendulum to return to the point of equilibrium and the absence of friction must be met.

But the frequency, in turn, directly depends on the length of the pendulum thread. The shorter the thread, the higher the frequency and vice versa.

The natural frequency of a body that occurs under the influence of an initially applied force is called the resonant frequency.

All bodies that are characterized by vibrations perform them with a given frequency. To maintain undamped vibrations in the body, it is necessary to provide constant periodic energy “feeding”. This is achieved by exposure to a simultaneous vibration of the body of a constant force with a certain period. Thus, the vibrations that arise in the body under the influence of a periodic force from the outside are called forced.

At some point in the external influences, a sharp jump in amplitude occurs. This effect occurs if the periods of internal vibrations of the body coincide with the periods of external force and is called resonance. For resonance to occur, very small values ​​of external sources of influence are sufficient, but with the obligatory condition of repetition in time. Naturally, when making actual calculations under terrestrial conditions, one should not forget about the action of friction forces and air resistance on the surface of the body.

Simple examples of resonance from life

Let's start with an example of the occurrence of resonance that each of us has encountered - this is an ordinary swing on a playground.

Resonance of the swing

In the situation with a children's swing, at the moment the hand applies force while passing one of the two symmetrical highest points, a jump in amplitude occurs with a corresponding increase in the vibration energy. In everyday life, the phenomenon of resonance could be observed in the bathroom by vocal lovers.

Sound acoustic resonance when singing in the bathroom

Anyone who sings in a tiled bathroom has probably noticed how the sound changes. Sound waves reflected on the tiles in the enclosed space of the bathroom become louder and longer lasting. But not all notes of the vocalist’s song are affected by this effect, but only those that resonate in one beat with the sound resonant frequency of the air.

For each of the above cases of resonance occurrence, there is external exciting energy: in the case of a swing, an elementary push by hand, coinciding with the vibration phase of the swing, and in the case of an acoustic effect in the bathroom, the voice of a person, the individual frequencies of which coincided with certain frequencies of the air.

Sound resonance of a glass - experience at home

This experiment can be done at home. It requires a crystal glass and a closed room without extraneous noise for a sensitive perception of the acoustic effect. We move the finger moistened with water along the edge of the glass with “ragged” periodic accelerations. During such movements, you can observe the occurrence of a ringing sound. This effect occurs due to the transfer of motion energy, the vibration frequency of which coincides with the natural vibration frequency of the glass.

Bridge failure due to resonance - the case of the Tacoma Bridge

Everyone who served in the army remembers how, when passing in formation across a bridge, the command was heard from the commander: “Keep in step!” Why was it impossible to march in formation across the bridge “in step”? It turns out that when passing in formation across a bridge and simultaneously raising their straightened leg to knee level, servicemen lower the plane of the sole in one beat with an effort that is accompanied by a characteristic slap.

The step of the military personnel merges into one single beat, creating an abrupt external applied energy for the bridge with a certain amount of vibration. If the natural frequency of the bridge’s vibrations coincides with the vibration of the soldiers’ step “in step,” a resonance will occur, the energy of which can lead to destructive effects on the bridge structure.

Although cases of complete destruction of the bridge have not been recorded when soldiers passed in lockstep, the most famous case is the destruction of the Tacoma Bridge over the Tacoma Narrows in Washington State, USA in 1940.

One of the probable reasons for the destruction is mechanical resonance, which arose due to the coincidence of the frequency of the wind flow with the internal natural frequency of the bridge.

Current resonance in electrical circuits

If in mechanics the phenomenon of resonance can be explained relatively simply, then in electricity everything cannot be explained with one’s fingers. To understand, basic knowledge of the physics of electricity is required. Resonance created in an electrical circuit can occur if there is an oscillating circuit. What elements are needed to create an oscillatory circuit in an electrical network? First of all, the circuit must be connected to a source of electrical energy.

In an electrical network, the simplest oscillatory circuit consists of a capacitor and an inductor.

A capacitor, consisting inside of two metal plates separated by dielectric insulators, is capable of storing electrical energy. An inductance coil made in the form of spiral-shaped turns of an electrical conductor has a similar property.

The mutual connection of a capacitor and an inductor in an electrical network, forming an oscillatory circuit, can be either parallel or series. In the following video tutorial, an example of a sequential switching method is given to demonstrate resonance.

Fluctuations in the electric current inside the circuit occur under the influence of electricity. However, not all incoming signals, or rather their frequencies, serve as a source of resonance, but only those whose frequency coincides with the resonant frequency of the circuit. The rest, not participating in the process, are suppressed in the general signal flow. It is possible to regulate the resonant frequency by changing the values ​​of the capacitor capacitance and the inductance of the coil.

Returning to the physics of resonance in mechanical vibrations, it is especially pronounced at minimal values ​​of friction forces. The friction indicator is compared in an electrical circuit to resistance, an increase in which leads to heating of the conductor due to the conversion of electrical energy into the internal energy of the conductor. Therefore, as in the case of mechanics, in an oscillatory electrical circuit the resonance is clearly expressed at low active resistance.

An example of electrical resonance during tuning of TV and radio receivers

Unlike resonance in mechanics, which can negatively affect structural materials up to the point of destruction, for electrical purposes it is widely used for useful functional purposes. One example of application is tuning TV and radio programs in receivers.

Radio waves of the appropriate frequency reach the receiving antennas and cause small electrical fluctuations. Next, the signal, including the entire pool of broadcast programs, enters the amplifier. Tuned to a specific frequency in accordance with the value of the adjustable capacitance of the capacitor, the oscillatory circuit receives only that signal whose frequency coincides with its own.

An oscillating circuit is installed in the radio receiver. To tune to a station, rotate the handle of the variable capacitor, changing the position of its plates and accordingly changing the resonant frequency of the circuit.

Remember the analog radio receiver “Ocean” from the times of the USSR, the channel tuning knob in which is nothing more than a regulator for changing the capacitance of a capacitor, the position of which changes the resonant frequency of the circuit.

Nuclear magnetic resonance

Certain types of atoms contain nuclei that can be compared to miniature magnets. Under the influence of a powerful external magnetic field, the nuclei of atoms change their orientation in accordance with the relative position of their own magnetic field in relation to the external one. An external strong electromagnetic pulse is absorbed by the atom, resulting in its reorientation. As soon as the source of the impulse ceases its action, the nuclei return to their original positions.

Nuclei, depending on their belonging to a particular atom, are capable of receiving energy in a certain frequency range. The change in the position of the nucleus occurs in one step with external oscillations of the electromagnetic field, which is the reason for the occurrence of the so-called nuclear magnetic resonance (abbreviated NMR). In the scientific world, this type of resonance is used to study atomic bonds within complex molecules. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method used in medicine allows the results of scanning of internal human organs to be displayed on a display for diagnosis and treatment.

The magnetic field of the OMR scanner, formed using inductance coils, creates high-frequency radiation under the influence of which hydrogen changes its orientation, provided that its own frequencies coincide with the external one. As a result of the data received from the sensors, a graphic image is formed on the monitor.

If we compare the NMR and OMR methods with respect to radiation, then scanning with a nuclear magnetic resonator is less harmful than OMR. Also, in the study of soft tissues, NMR technology has shown greater efficiency in reflecting the detail of the tissue area under study.

What is spectrography

The mutual bond between atoms in a molecule is not strictly rigid; when it changes, the molecule goes into a state of vibration. The vibrational frequency of the mutual bonds of atoms changes the resonant frequency of the molecules accordingly. Using the radiation of electromagnetic waves in the IR spectrum, the above vibrations of atomic bonds can be caused. This method, called infrared spectrography, is used in scientific laboratories to study the composition of the material under study.

March 02 2016

Resonance is a sharp increase in the amplitude of forced oscillations, which occurs when the frequency of the external influence approaches certain values ​​(resonance frequencies) determined by the properties of the oscillatory system. An increase in amplitude occurs when the external (exciting) frequency coincides with the internal (natural) frequency of the oscillatory system. With the help of resonant phenomena, even very weak harmonic vibrations can be isolated and/or amplified. Resonance is a phenomenon in which the oscillatory system is particularly responsive to the influence of a certain frequency of the driving force.

There are quite a few situations in our lives in which resonance manifests itself. For example, if you bring a ringing tuning fork to a stringed musical instrument, the acoustic wave emanating from the tuning fork will cause vibration of the string tuned to the frequency of the tuning fork, and it will sound itself.

Another example, the well-known experiment with a thin-walled glass. If you measure the frequency of sound at which a glass rings, and apply sound with the same frequency from a frequency generator, but with a larger amplitude, through an amplifier and speaker back to the glass, its walls resonate with the frequency of the sound coming from the speaker and begin to vibrate. Increasing the amplitude of this sound to a certain level leads to the destruction of the glass.

Bioresonance: from Ancient Rus' to the present day

Our Orthodox ancestors, tens of thousands of years before the arrival of Christianity in Rus', knew well about the power of bell ringing and tried to install a bell tower in every village! Due to this, in the Middle Ages, Rus', rich in church bells, avoided the devastating plague epidemics, unlike Europe (Gaul), in which holy inquisitors burned at the stake not only all scientists and knowledgeable people, but also all the ancient “heretical” books written in the Glagolitic alphabet that kept unique knowledge of our ancestors, including the power of resonance!

Thus, all Orthodox knowledge accumulated over centuries was prohibited, destroyed and replaced by the new Christian faith. However, to this day, data on bioresonance are prohibited. Even after centuries, any information about treatment methods that do not bring profit to the pharmaceutical industry is kept silent. While the annual multi-billion dollar turnover of pharmaceuticals is growing every year.

A striking example of the use of resonant frequencies in Rus', and this is a fact that cannot be avoided. When a plague epidemic broke out in Moscow in 1771 (1771), Catherine II sent Count Orlov from St. Petersburg with four Life Guards and a huge staff of doctors. All life in Moscow was paralyzed. In order to ward off the “pestilence”, the laity fumigated their homes, lit huge fires in the streets, and all of Moscow was shrouded in black smoke, since it was then believed that the plague spread through the air, but this did not help much. They also rang the alarm (the largest bell) and all the smaller bells with all their might for 3 days in a row, as they firmly believed that the ringing of the bells would ward off terrible misfortune from the city. A few days later the epidemic began to recede. "What's the secret?" - you ask. In fact, the answer lies on the surface.

Now let’s look at a well-known example of the use of bioresonance in our time. In order to maintain the purity of the experiment, doctors placed metal plates in the ward with cancer patients, similar to those used in ancient monasteries, so that the patients could not associate the bells with the church, and self-hypnosis, born involuntarily, could not significantly affect the results of the research. When selecting individual frequencies for each patient, many titanium plates of various sizes were used. The result exceeded all expectations!

After exposure to acoustic waves of a certain frequency on the biologically active points of the patients, 30% of the patients stopped having pain and were able to fall asleep, and another 30% of the patients stopped having pain that was not relieved by the strongest narcotic anesthetics!

Currently, to achieve the resonance effect, there is no need to use huge bells, but there is a unique opportunity to use the achievements of science and technology, created electronic devices based on frequency resonance, in other words, Smart Life bioresonance therapy devices.

The resonance effect in biological structures can be caused by:

Acoustic waves

Mechanical impact

Electromagnetic waves in the visible and radio frequency ranges

Magnetic field pulses

Pulses of weak electric current

Pulsed thermal effects

That is, the resonance effect in biological structures can be caused by external influences and any physical phenomena that arise during biochemical reactions inside a living cell. Moreover, each biological structure has its own unique frequency spectrum that accompanies biochemical processes and responds to external influences, both the main resonant frequency and higher or lower harmonics from the main frequency, with an amplitude as many times greater as these harmonics are distant from the frequency of the main resonance .

How can you use the power of resonance in everyday life, and what method of influence should you choose?

Acoustic waves

Guess what happens to tartar when it is removed, using ultrasound in the dentist's office or when breaking up kidney stones? The answer is obvious. And without a doubt, acoustic exposure is an excellent opportunity for healing the body, if not for one “but”. Bells weigh a lot, are expensive, create a lot of noise, and can only be used permanently.

A magnetic field

To cause at least any noticeable effect from the influence of a pulsating magnetic field on the entire body, it is necessary to make an electromagnet of enormous size and weighing a couple of tons; it will occupy half the room and consume a lot of electricity. The inertia of the system will not allow its use at high frequencies. Small electromagnets can only be used locally due to their short range. You also need to know exactly the areas on the body and the frequency of exposure. The conclusion is disappointing: using a magnetic field to treat diseases is not economically feasible at home.

Electricity Electromagnetic waves
For the frequency resonance method, you can use radio waves with a carrier frequency from 10 kHz to 300 MHz, since this range has the lowest absorption coefficient of electromagnetic waves by our body and it is transparent to them, as well as electromagnetic waves in the visible and infrared spectrum. Visible red light with a wavelength from 630 nm to 700 nm penetrates tissue to a depth of 10 mm, and infrared light from 800 nm to 1000 nm penetrates to a depth of 40 mm and deeper, also causing some thermal effects when braking in tissue. To influence biologically active zones on the surface of the skin, you can use radio waves with a carrier frequency of up to ~ 50 GHz

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