Blow up all the cars in GTA San Andreas. GTA San Andreas. Walkthrough (8)

Some people can live without girls, some can’t. And in reality it’s difficult to live without girls. It's not just sex, but family, children, and generally having a person nearby who loves you. The developers did a great job, and throughout the entire game you will meet as many as 6 girls. Of course, each of the ladies has their own taste and preferences. Some like fat guys, others like muscular and pumped up guys. However, here the developers were too clever. Imagine that you have been working out for a long time and persistently, and because of the whim of some girl, you desperately need to become fat and clumsy.
In order to start a relationship with a girl, you, of course, need to find her, and also find her house (in the village). They may ask you to do something. Usually these are some small errands. Don't forget that you can have affairs with everyone at once. They won't mind.
What GTA is complete without statistics, here in SA there is a section “Achievements”, which appears as soon as you meet the first girl. All the values ​​are there, in percentages from 0 to 100% and starts to rise to 10 when you meet them for the first time, and as you meet...
You can give them gifts, ride in your car, which is hung (in tuning centers) in the most last word technology. Of course, take you to restaurants. Please note that relationships with your girlfriends may deteriorate, but this process is incredibly slow, so don’t worry... you can spend the night in the arms of your beloved, but not everyone gives.
As soon as you start dating someone else, there will be a red marker at her house. But girls are not always at home, when they are at home, their personal transport is at the house and the marker is lit with a bright red attractive light, and an icon with 2 players appears.

Courtship Methods:

Your friend will let you know what she wants to eat and doesn't mind eating at a fast food joint or restaurant. Don't worry, all restaurant locations will be marked on the map. There are four types of places where you can fill your belly: Bar, restaurant, Fast Food and cafe. Don’t forget that every girl has a favorite place where she likes to eat, and some of the ladies open up hitherto unknown restaurants for you, where, after eating the dishes, you won’t gain an ounce of fat. Naturally, in other types of eating establishments (such as cafes), the menu consists of various dishes that provide different percentages of fat. Have you eaten? Forward run and swing!!!


What self-respecting gentleman would not refuse to dance with a charming girlfriend. The girl will hint to you that she wants to warm up, go ahead to the nearest club, run onto the dance floor and play a mini-game, have you forgotten the Life's a Beach mission, there you also need to turn your ass and hook the girls. You must score a minimum of 4000 points, then you the girl will let you take her home, and who knows... If you are a loser and don’t get 4000, you will be refused...


What Russian doesn’t like to drive fast (sorry for a little sarcasm), but our Karl is not Russian, but it’s also natural for him to drive like that, even with his comrades in uniform (aka traffic police), the radars will go off scale. Your darling will cling to your shoulder and quietly whisper, take me for a ride, darling. You with fire in your eyes, oh yes, my love, of course, you get into the car, Karl, of course, presses the gas to the floor, but then the pleasure indicator appears. What is it for??? It’s simple, as soon as it’s full, hold on for a few seconds and the girl will ask you to take her home, it’s possible that you’ll stay there until the morning. But look carefully, not all girls like to fly and feel all the bumps at high speed with their butt. She will yell at you that you are driving too fast or too slow. Determine how she likes using the pleasure indicator.


Each of the previous types of courtship can end with an invitation to go home for a cup of “coffee.” This can only happen when you reach the required percentage for the "coffee". Of course, you can refuse, saying, “Darling, I have a headache.” Your refusal will pass without consequences!!!

Girls in the game are a very important element of the gameplay, depending on what percentage of success you have with the girl, you receive very useful bonuses.

Achieving a girl's complete favor (100% success) is quite a chore, well, just like in real life: you need to look after the girl, endure her whims, and maybe after quite a long time the girl will invite you for a glass of coffee at her home, and there you are... (guys, you understand me!).

So, you have decided to take the difficult path of a hero-lover, well, I’ll tell you what you have to do: first, you need to take the girl to a restaurant or bar several times, and you need to choose exactly the one that the girl likes, otherwise the date will be unsuccessful and the girl will get angry, and will throw food at CJ! Then she will ask you to dance an energetic dance with her in the club and will vigilantly ensure that you score at least 3000 points, and you will have to dance several times, and subsequent dances will be more difficult than the previous ones.

Your friend will then ask you to take her around her favorite places at her chosen speed. Riding girls is not a difficult task, but it requires high concentration, on the right side of the screen you will have a special pleasure scale, it is filled during your ride through the area that the girl likes and at the speed that the brat desires. The girl will constantly scream: too fast or too slow and she doesn’t care that there is a huge traffic jam ahead on the road, do as she says and everything will be fine. If you have a speedometer, keep the speed somewhere around 60 km/h - most girls are happy with this speed.

When a girl’s level of success reaches the coveted level, she will invite you for a cup of hot coffee, be careful not to get burned, as happened with the Rockstar company. Girls can be given flowers (can be found in different places) or a vibrator (there are 4 varieties of them and can be found in different police stations). To give a gift: select the item from the inventory and press the Tab key.

How much favor percentage is awarded to:

5% - successful date, successful sex (if you don’t use the “Hot Coffee” mod, then sex will always be successful).
-5% - bad date, bad sex.

1% - flowers or a vibrator as a gift, a successful kiss (you must kiss no earlier than 30%).

1% - unsuccessful kiss.

2% - long absence.

Well, finally we move on to the description of the girls themselves. There are a total of 6 girls in the game: you will meet two during story missions, and the rest you need to find on your own. Finding out the girl of your dreams is not difficult: there will be a blue arrow hanging above her, indicating: “Here she is!” Stop her right here! But there is no need to fuss, first talk to the girl, during the conversation she will either agree to meet with you, or ask you to dial or, on the contrary, drive excess weight or muscle mass. When you gain the attractiveness necessary for this girl, go to her and meet her. Her house will be marked with a red heart on the map.

Girls :

Denise Robinson (Denise Robinson)

The first girl will appear automatically after the mission "Burning Desire" and lives not far from your house. It is the simplest and most undemanding.

Requirements for Karl: No.
House: from 00:00 to 6:00 and 16:00 to 00:00. Denise lives near your starting house, next to the bridge.
Food: The easiest thing to do is take her to a bar that's close to her house, or take her to the Cluckin Bell just south of her house.
Dancing: Take her to the only club in Los Santos south of her house, it will be marked with a marker.
Driving: Denise loves to ride around her house. You can fill up your fun meter by riding up and down the street. Drive very slowly.
Sex: Will give about 40%.
Rewards: 50%: Keys to her Hustler car, 100%: Pimp costume.

Description: You will meet her during the mission: "Burning Desire", Denis's house is located not far from your first house. Denis is a very simple but militant girl; she will not demand attractiveness and expensive restaurants from you. Take her to any fast food joint and she will be happy, you can go with her to a bar located in the same area and drink a bottle of drink with the Rockstar logo. Denis is a funny girl: for some reason one of her trouser legs is always turned up a little, it’s fun to drive with her through areas controlled by other groups, as soon as you drive past the bandits, Denis will grab her Uzi and will mercilessly shoot enemies.

Michelee Cannes

Michelle is a mechanic and lives in San Fierro. You will meet her only after completing several missions. She will be in the Driving School in the room with TV, where you will receive driving lessons. Quite a pretty girl.

Requirements for Karl: 1. Very thick (more than 50% fat); 2. High attractiveness.
House: from 0:00 to 12:00. She lives in the northern part of San Fierro.
Food: Loves going to bars. The best place for her is a bar near the Driving School.
Dancing: Take her to the only club, in San Fierro.
Driving: Michelle loves speed, so get the most out of your cart. Try not to smash the car into the nearest pole =)
Features: This is the only girl who really blows her mind. She herself can “ask” to give her the steering wheel. Baba is a beast!!! For 2-3 hours of playing time, this beast will drive around the city, violating traffic rules at every step, you will drive so hard into turns that you will then ask her to stop.
Sex: Michelle will give you after 40%!
Rewards: 0%: Her garage as a free repaint, 50%: Keys to her Monster Truck, 100%: Racer costume.

Description: You can find Michelle at the San Fierro driving school by following the familiar blue arrow. Michelle loves cars and speed, I think you will quickly find it with her mutual language! True, you will have to gain weight first. Go to any diner and start consuming calories, just don't overdo it, otherwise CJ won't be able to stand it and will stain the floor with, you know what. It's better to come back later and repeat the procedure. When she gets to know you and likes her enough, she may ask you to let her drive herself, and she will drive at great speed, breaking a whole page of traffic rules at a time!

Here at the driving school you will meet Michelle.

Helena Wankstein (Elena Wankstein)

Elena is a lawyer, loves to shoot from different guns, lives on a farm. You can find her in Blueberry (Red County). She will shoot at targets on the roof of the Ammunition.

Requirements for Karl: 1. Slightly pumped up (at least 25%); 2. Not greasy; 3. Highly attractive.
House: from 00:00 to 2:00 | from 08:00 to 12:00 | from 14:00 to 00:00. She lives on a farm in Flint County.
Food: Elena likes to go to the nearest restaurant, which is in Rodeo (Los Santos).
Dancing: Spending an evening with Elena on the dance floor of some club is a complete headache. Since the closest club is in Los Santos, but you can take her to the San Fierro club.
Driving: This girl prefers to drive very slowly. She enjoys riding most of all in the countryside.
Sex: This girl is the most modest, and will not invite you to relax unless you have more than 70%, and therefore please do not be too nervous...
Rewards: 0% - At her house the following appear: Chainsaw, Molotov Cocktails, Flamethrower and Pistol, and her Bandito car also immediately becomes available to you; 100% - Farmer costume.

Description: You can find it in the town of Blueberry, not far from the weapons store there is a shooting range located on the roof of some building. As soon as you hear gunfire nearby, climb into this shooting range and meet the girl. Helena loves to shoot, despite the fact that she is a lawyer and not a policewoman. Most likely, she will tell you that you are very drugged and she doesn't like you. This means that we will lose our hard-trained muscles.

To begin with, in the gym we completely lose fat (if any) and completely refuse food. Then we begin to run, climb fences, ride a bike, swim, until you slowly begin to decrease from exhaustion and hunger. muscle mass. Okay, we flexed our muscles and met a girl, her house, by the way, is located in the town of Flint County. Now new trouble: Helena says you're unattractive and she won't go out with you! To solve this problem, buy decent clothes, get a few tattoos, get a stylish hairstyle, but most importantly, go to Helena for a visit. expensive car, and not on a combine. As soon as you get out of the car, immediately stand on the red marker and call the girl for a meeting.

Katie Zhan (Katie Zhan)

She is a nurse and lives in San Fierro.

Requirements for Karl: 1. Muscular guys (at least 75%); 2. High attractiveness.
Home: from 12:00 to 0:00. Katie lives in Paradise (San Fierro).
Food: She loves to have dinner at her home.
Dancing: Shake your butts and flex your bones. All of the above can only be done in a single club, which is the only one in the whole of San Fierro.
Driving: The nurse turned out to be capricious. She doesn't like it when you drive her around her area, give her something exotic. So take her to Chinatown, she absolutely loves this area of ​​the city. Just don’t circle in circles, change your direction all the time!!!
Sex: You can have sex with her when you overcome the 50% bar.
Rewards: 0% - Katie will heal you for free and your weapon will be fully preserved when you are killed; 50% - Katie will give you the keys to her white Romero; 100% - This lady will give you a medical worker's uniform.

Description: Katie works as a nurse and getting to know her is beneficial because when you are killed, you will keep the entire arsenal of weapons and if you died in San Fierro, you will be restored near her house. You can find her in San Fierro Park not far from the driving school, she will do exercises there. Once you get to know her, you can visit her at her home in the Paradise area.

Barbara works as a police officer. Despite the fact that she is a cop, she will not do anything if you commit crimes. El Quebrados is the town where she works. You will find her in the police station parking lot.

Requirements for Karl: 1. Very thick (more than 50%); 2. High attractiveness.
House: from 00:00 to 6:00 and from 16:00 to 00:00.
Food: What a score! Barbara likes to eat near her place of work.
Dancing: To dance with her, you have to take her to either San Fierro or Las Venturas.
Driving: Barbara loves the slow pace around El Quebrados. Turn into the far right lane, turn on your emergency lights and slowly drag along until the madam asks you to take her home.
Sex: Enough beautiful girl will not refuse you if you have at least 60%.
Rewards: 0% - You will receive your weapon after arrest; 50% - keys to her Ranger car; 100% - Policeman costume.

Description:. Getting to know her is also very beneficial, because now after the cops grab you and keep you in the police station for the allotted time, all your weapons will be returned to you! You can find Barbara near the police station of the above-mentioned town.


She will appear automatically after the mission: "Key To Her Heart" in Las Venturas.

Requirements for Karl: No.
Home: from 12:00 to 22:00. Millie lives in Prickle Pine (Las Venturas).
Food: The girl loves to go to restaurants. Luckily for you, there is one not far from her house.
Dancing: Take her to Camel's Toe which is located in Las Venturas.
Driving: Quite indifferent to where you ride it. The main thing is to keep the average speed and not change lanes to the far left, in combination with putting the gas to the floor. But she's happier riding around her neighborhood.
Sex: If everything works out for you, then about 40%...
Rewards: 0% - Loafer costume.; 35% - Millie will call and say that you can take her house keys; 50% - She unquestioningly gives you her keys to the Club car.

Description: You will have to hook up with this girl on Vusi’s instructions in the mission “Key To Her Heart” and your relationship will begin after depraved sex! What can you do, Millie is a pervert! Maybe the environment had an impact, maybe she ate a poisoned tomato as a child, I don’t know, but the collection of sex toys in her house is amazing.

, , , , , WITH- , .
2. Wasteland : , , TT , , , TT2.
3. San Fierro : , , , , , , , .
4. Desert : , , , .
5. Las Venturas : , , , , , , .
6. Final : , , , , CJ2.

  • Girls.
  • Secrets, Easter eggs.
  • Cheat codes. Modifications.
  • Girls

    Appeared in GTA: San Andreas the new kind additional missions - relationships with girls. These missions are not required for 100% completion, but they provide very useful bonuses. There are 6 girls in total. We will meet two in the story, 4 more will have to be found on our own.

    First you need to find and meet a girl. Romantic missions with girls are marked on the map with a “red heart” symbol, but only after we have already found them.

    After meeting, you need to periodically visit the girl and invite her on dates, of which there are four types (dinner, dancing, trip, special meeting). A successful date will increase our relationship with the girl. So we gradually develop the relationship further and further.

    List of actions to improve / worsen relationships:

    Successful date +5%.

    Date failure -5%.

    Successful kiss +1%.

    Failure during a kiss -1%.

    Gift (flowers, dildo, vibrator) +1%.

    Joint “coffee” +5%.

    Long absence -2%.

    Sooner or later (50-75% of relationships) the girl will invite us to her home in bed. IN regular version games we just watch and listen to the date from outside the house. And if the “Hot Coffee” add-on is activated in the game, then we can directly participate.

    Girls have different tastes, and in order to get them to like you faster, you need to figure out their preferences: where to take her to dinner, at what speed to take her for rides, what clothes to wear when visiting her. All the characteristics of the girls are described below in their personal files.

    Girl's choice:

    Denise Robinson is a black girl who lives near Grove Street. He is a member of our gang and actively participates in the destruction of enemy gangs. A typical girl from the ghetto, that’s why her tastes are appropriate – bars, gang violence.

    We first find her in the story in the mission “Burning Desire”, rescuing her from a burning building. She lives not far from our home. You can visit her from 16:00 to 06:00.

    Girl's passions:

    Dinner: Ten Green Bottles bar next to the house.

    Dancing: the only dance in Los Santos.

    Trip: near your home.

    Special: a trip to foreign areas, while Denise will shoot at enemy bandits.

    Relationship bonuses:

    40-45% - invitation to the house.

    50% - keys to her Hustler car.

    100% - pimp costume.

    Helena Wankstein (weapon)

    Helena Vanstein is a heavily armed village girl. She is something between a farmer and a cowboy. She can obviously stand up for herself, so it will take longer than others to achieve her. Doesn't like over-pumped athletes. (It’s better to get to know her as early as possible, before you pump up your muscles in the gym, then you’ll have to lose them for a long time).

    Where to find, terms of acquaintance:

    In Blueberry village, on the roof of the weapons store.

    Weight: less than 20%. Muscles: less than 20%. Attractiveness: 75%.

    After the first acquaintance, this girl can be found on her farm only from 08:00 to 12:00.

    Girl's passions:

    Dinner: World of Coq restaurant in Rodeo (Los Santos).

    Dancing: dance floor in Los Santos or San Fierro.

    Trip: average speed, favorite places - near your farm.

    Relationship bonuses:

    After getting acquainted, we can take a flamethrower, Molotov cocktails, a pistol, and a chainsaw from her farm.

    50% - keys to her buggy car.

    70% - invitation to the house.

    100% - farmer costume.

    Michelle Cannes (car)
    GTA San Andreas. Walkthrough

    Michelle Cannes is an auto mechanic whose whole life is connected with cars. Having become acquainted with her, we receive bonuses associated with cars. In order to make friends with Michelle, you will have to get fat. At the same time, you need to remain sexually attractive.

    Where to find, terms of acquaintance:

    In San Fierro inside the driving school, from 00:00 to 12:00.

    Weight: more than 50%. Attractiveness: more than 50%.

    Girl's passions:

    Dinner: bar at Garcia.

    Dancing: the only dance floor in San Fierro.

    Ride: Fast driving, favorite places - Downtown and the Beltway.

    Special: Michelle sits in the driver's seat and takes us for a ride.

    Gifts: bouquets of flowers.

    Relationship bonuses:

    After meeting - free Pay "N" Spray in Michelle's garage.

    40% - invitation to the house.

    50% - keys to her Monster car.

    100% elegant racing suit.

    Katie Zhan (medic)
    GTA San Andreas. Walkthrough

    Katie Zahn is a nurse who practices yoga in a city park. Loves it oriental culture, but at the same time prefers muscular, athletic guys.

    Where to find, terms of acquaintance:

    In San Fierro south park Avispa Country Club.

    Muscles: more than 75%. Attractiveness: more than 50%.

    Girl's passions:

    Dinner: a diner near her house.

    Dancing: dance floor in San Fierro.

    Ride: Medium speed, Chinatown.

    Relationship bonuses:

    After meeting, when we get to the hospital, all the weapons remain with us, treatment is free.

    50% - invitation to the house, keys to her Romero car.

    100% - nurse costume.

    Barbara Schternvart (cop)
    GTA San Andreas. Walkthrough

    Barbara Strenvat is a girl who works in the police. More precisely, she is the sheriff of the small desert town of El Quebrados. Loves men who are thickly built but attractive.

    Where to find, terms of acquaintance:

    In the desert in the north in the town of El Quebrados.

    After meeting her, you can pick her up there from 16:00 to 06:00.

    Weight: more than 50%. Attractiveness: 75%.

    Girl's passions:

    Dinner: diner nearby.

    Dancing: dance floor in San Fierro or Las Venturas.

    Ride: Slow speed, near El Quebrados.

    Relationship bonuses:

    After getting to know each other - when the police catch us, we appear in front of the police station, keeping all the weapons with us, and do not pay a fine for being caught.

    50% - invitation to the house, keys to her Ranger car.

    100% police uniform.

    Millie Perkins (debauchery)
    GTA San Andreas. Walkthrough

    Millie Perkins is a dealer at the Caligula Casino. She has perverted fantasies, which she is not at all shy about. To develop a relationship with her, you will have to play along with her in her role-playing games.

    Additional missions at 100%.
    Girls. Secrets, Easter eggs. Cheat codes. Modifications.

    Girls in this game are an integral part of the gameplay. As in real world, every young lady needs to be taken to a restaurant, go to a disco with her, or just go for a ride. However, you should not hope that the relationship is limited to only this. To meet almost every girl you need to find your own “key”. In addition, you need to understand what the lady likes and what she doesn’t like. This article will talk about...

    By the way, in addition to guides, we also have interesting mods on our site:

    With proper courtship, Karl will receive various “goodies”. In addition, when a lady invites you to come to her place, you can play an interesting mini-game (if you have the HotCoffe mod). So don’t neglect getting to know these lovely personalities.

    List of girls in San Andreas

    It's not possible to sleep with every girl in the state. You can only start relationships with some ladies:
    • Denis Robinson. She will be rescued by Carl from a burning building during the Burning Desire mission. She makes no demands on Karl.
    • Helena Wankstein. Shooting on the roof of a gun store in the town of Blubbery. To get acquainted, the GG must be a little pumped up, thin and also attractive.
    • Katie Jean. He does gymnastics in San Fierro Park (next to the driving school). The protagonist must be strong (at least 75%) and at the same time attractive in appearance.
    • Barbara Sternwart. Works at the El Quebrados police station. Dating requires maximum muscularity and endurance, and, of course, high level attractiveness.
    • Michelle Kann. Teaches driving at a driving school in San Fierro. This girl loves thick and attractive donuts.
    • Millie Perkins. You can meet her during the “Key to the Heart” quest. Like Denis, he makes no demands.

    How to care for a girl?

    One thing - get a girl in GTA San Andreas, it’s quite another to look after her. Every woman requires attention. Therefore, to develop relationships you need to behave correctly:
    • Denis enjoys eating at eateries, drinking at bars, and driving around the Grove Street area.
    • Helena prefers expensive restaurants and riding around the Rodeo area.
    • Katie likes the cafe and enjoys riding around San Fierro.
    • Barbara also likes the cafe, but she needs to be driven at a low speed.
    • Michelle loves bars and great speed.
    • Millie prefers a restaurant near her home and an average driving speed.

    In addition, it is recommended to give girls flowers and, if possible, kiss them. You can figure out the rest of the nuances yourself, the main thing is that now you know how to get a girl in GTA San Andreas, and what to do with it next - everyone will decide for themselves!

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