Business portal for success. How to open a private museum from scratch: a business plan with calculations Business plan for a museum of entertaining sciences

Not long ago I went to Yaroslavl, a city that is part of the “Golden Ring” of our country.
I was there, at the Museum of Music and Time. The director of this museum, D. Mostovsky, simply a magnificent circus artist, collected bells from a very young age. Everyone laughed at him, called him a fool, an idiot, etc. Nobody wanted to understand the person’s hobbies. Even his wife did not share his views. That’s what she said: “Don’t believe the people who laugh at you because of the bells, they just don’t know that you are a fool from birth.”
Time passed, the collection of bells grew - these were bells with the inscription “Take me, give me,” and bells with which the troikas traveled, etc.

Simultaneously with the collection of bells, a collection of watches gradually began to appear... The watches, I must say, are unusual. For example, the grandfather clock of the German company Sauer has 30 different melodies. The restoration of each specimen took from three to five years. Every watch is time, every time is a second, every second is a moment in history, and also the fate of the owner.

Some clocks were translated by A.P. Chekhov himself, others were translated by F.I. Chaliapin. The man, who remained retired after leaving the Circus, began to think about how to live further and the idea of ​​​​creating a private museum not subject to the state came into his head. He immediately grabbed onto it and began to implement it.

The first thing he did was to purchase a half-deserted house of a local merchant and place his collection on three floors.

Nobody believed him that he could get this house back on its feet, everyone said, “Why do you need it - don’t go there.” Despite all the shouting, he still bought it and restored it. And he makes a profit from it. But, like everywhere else, he has to sell all sorts of little things and souvenirs - this constitutes his main income.

But the most interesting thing he does is play the organ-organ before the group leaves, and people leave him as much as they can. His income is so great that this moment he bought an Organ in Germany and is restoring a separate building near his museum especially for it. In five years people will be walking in the park and listening to J. S. Bach.

One of the ways to earn income from the category “for the soul” can be called organizing your own museum , and on a wide variety of topics.

Let's say right away that private museum can become a commercial project only if certain conditions are met:

1. Unique, unconventional theme;

2. Location in tourist areas; The most profitable are private museums in tourist destinations; For example, in small villages on the Black Sea coast. This is explained by the fact that tourists are attracted to these places by the opportunity to relax at sea, but since the villages are small, the entertainment package for tourists is usually very modest. In fact, only on vacation are people ready to make full use of every minute and, accordingly, spend a lot of money on leisure; One disadvantage of this orientation of a private museum is seasonality.

3. A museum should be part of something else commercial project; For example, you are engaged in some kind of craft, making unusual souvenirs. In this case, you can organize a museum of your works, combined with a crafts store. Or you are the owner of a guest house on the sea coast. In order to attract guests specifically to you and provide them with quality leisure time, you can completely organize an original museum on the territory of your hotel. There can be many variations. A related revenue component of the museum, in addition to paying for visits, may be charging for photos with exhibits.

4. You can make the museum part of a commercial excursion program and charge payment to the organizers of the excursion route.

5. On certain days (for example, Friday, Saturday and Sunday) you can organize spectacular thematic performances (on your own or with the participation of invited actors). For example, a museum of medieval weapons and armor can organize impromptu knightly tournaments, etc. In a museum of ancient musical instruments Before visitors leave, you can play the barrel organ with a parrot on your shoulder, collecting “donations.” You can actively involve visitors in performances.

6. To attract visitors, you must create an online business card for it, otherwise no one will know about it, and residents in its location are unlikely to visit it regularly. The fact is that a museum is a specific entertainment facility, which is enough to visit just once, in some cases once a year. Thus, in order to generate income from museum activities, museum owners must take care of a constant influx of new visitors.

7. Ideally, to start such a project, you already own a suitable premises, since the business is not stable, and rent will need to be paid constantly.

Ideas for organizing private museums:

1. Fairy tale characters;

2. Museum of Folk Crafts;

3. A thematic museum of a particular era or people;

4. Product Museum: Museum of Chocolate, Soap self made etc.

5. Museum with exhibits from unusual materials(ice sculptures, museum wax figures etc.)

6. Museum of Inventions and Technical Innovations;

7. Museum of private collections (paintings, records, bells, shells, etc.)

If you seriously intend to engage in this business, your activities should be registered in the appropriate organizational and legal form.

Suitable for registration of museum activities OKVED code 92.52“The activities of museums and the protection of historical sites and buildings.”

Most optimal system taxation for conducting museum activities will be simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% on income.

In order to start using it, when registering with the tax authorities, you must submit an application for the application of the simplified taxation system.

In addition to ensuring a minimum tax burden, the simplified taxation system is also attractive due to the absence of the obligation to maintain accounting records and submit financial statements on time (there is no need to prepare a balance sheet, profit and loss statement, etc.).

Moreover, museum activities are classified as preferential activities for application reduced rates insurance premiums in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Social Insurance Fund (not 34% as for other organizations, but 26%).

Reduced insurance premium rates for the period 2011-2012 included:

  • Pension Fund - 18%,
  • FFOMS - 3.1%,
  • TFOMS-2.0%,
  • Social Insurance Fund - 2.9%.

We remind you that insurance premiums are calculated from the salaries of museum employees.

Main conditions: application of the simplified tax system, income from museum activities must be more than 70%.

For many people, the concept of a museum is associated with empty halls, grandmotherly caretakers, paintings hanging on the walls and budget funding. These ideas are, to some extent, associated with old approaches to museums, when the state took over their maintenance entirely. However, these days, a small private museum can be an excellent example of a low-budget business for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Of course, the creation of a museum as a business will bring profit only in those cities where there are large flows of tourists and city guests. Creating a museum in such tourist centers is not a very difficult task, which can bring its creators not only good money, but also a lot of pleasure from participating in an interesting business.

For example, in many small towns located along the Golden Ring of Russia, there are a huge number of private museums that are actively visited not only Russian tourists, but also by foreign travelers. The very names of such museums serve as excellent advertising and attract visitors: the iron museum, the museum of cunning and ingenuity, the mouse museum, the chocolate museum, and so on.

What does it take to create a museum?

First of all, this is the room. It is advisable to locate the museum in its own premises, since rent, especially at first, will not be covered by income from ticket sales. Private museums do not have to be located in large spacious premises, as is common in large cities.

Specialized and ethnographic museums are of particular interest to visitors.

Therefore, placing a private museum is possible simply in village house or in several large rooms of a former private apartment. The exhibitions of private museums, as a rule, are not too large. Placing the exposition in a small space allows you to make the exhibition rich, and the excursions are quite short, which increases turnover and income.

Antiques, private collections of objects from various eras, photographs, and posters are of great interest among tourists.

Oddly enough, even museums dedicated to the very recent Soviet period, city history or local customs. It is enough to travel around the nearest villages, collecting old, often unnecessary things from the population, or purchase the collection of some collector to lay the basis for the exhibition.

For example, in the museum of cunning and ingenuity, various household items are collected that demonstrate the remarkable ingenuity of the Russian people, used in everyday life for a variety of reasons. Here there is a device for catching fish, and various kitchenware, and devices for agricultural work.

Wrappers may be on display at the chocolate museum various types chocolate and chocolates, vintage photographs, advertising samples. All this arouses interest from visitors and serves as excellent advertising during excursions.

The costs of creating a private museum can be minimal, especially if the owner of at least a small collection is engaged in this business. It is very important when creating an exhibition for a private museum to show a sense of humor in order to make the excursion lively and interesting.

The correct selection of caretakers and guides in the museum is also important.

At first, the museum owner himself can act as a guide, but, as a rule, in order to increase the duration of work, he has to hire staff.

Income from ticket sales can be supplemented by income from the sale of various souvenirs.

Therefore, in a private museum it is necessary to immediately provide a room where souvenirs will be sold. In small private museums, the sale of souvenirs can be organized at the entrance, where the souvenirs become part of the exhibition.

An important role for the profitability of a museum is played by its location.

The most profitable are museums located near the most visited places by tourists in the city center, near tourist bus stops.

Initial costs for the creation of a private museum may be limited by the cost of repairs and equipment of the premises. At the same time, for example, when placing an exhibition in a village hut, such costs can be minimized. However, the museum cannot avoid advertising costs. It is necessary to produce and place signs, banners, directional signs to the museum, brochures and colorful booklets about the exhibition.

Price entrance ticket can range from 50 to 250 rubles. A visit to the museum, even with one bus excursion, can bring in an income of at least 10 thousand rubles.

However, it must be taken into account that current expenses for the maintenance and protection of the museum, wages personnel, constant advertising can reduce the profitability of a private museum to zero.

Therefore, it is extremely advisable, when creating a business on the basis of a private museum, to act pragmatically and systematically from the very beginning. How to do this will help you, which you can order on our website.

A museum is a special institution where monuments and objects that have their own unique story. Any museum begins with a collection, and the more original it is, the greater the interest in it. The main museum tasks involve constant monitoring and analysis of the work of a particular museum. Modern museum technologies include several components:

  • Museum exhibitions require a special approach because they must be properly organized and planned.
  • Equipment for storing exhibits.
  • Museum climate. When humidity is low or humidity is too high, exhibits become deformed and their value is lost. It is necessary to install all the necessary equipment to prevent this.
  • Museum showcases.
  • Equipment for restoration.
  • Guardians.
  • The concept is a document that will show the uniqueness of this institution in modern stage. It consists of three main points: modernization, innovation and preservation of one’s own traditions.

To create new museum, it is necessary, first of all, to specifically identify its goal, it will depend on it further development activities. You can combine several purposes, for example, telling the history of your city in a club of like-minded people. Then you need to choose a room where certain exhibitions will be held; it is better if it is a very crowded place, you can save on advertising. An important factor is the choice of working staff (for the good functioning of the museum, at least four workers are needed). It is necessary to organize excursions competently in order to interest large quantity people, and they started bringing their friends here. But excursions alone are not enough; interest in them quickly disappears; it is necessary to hold creative evenings, meetings of like-minded people and various cultural events.

No museum can exist without constant funding. Therefore, it is necessary to find a rich like-minded person to solve this problem. It is necessary to prove the importance of this institution for the benefit of society and then things will go up, increasing profits. To create a museum that will constantly have visitors, you need to have a lot of experience in this field, otherwise it will be a complete fiasco. This should be done by professionals who know how to organize everything correctly and beat the competition. Smart development trend modern museum– this is the creation of internal and near museum structures that create a single space. People who visit the establishment should receive general cultural development.

A museum is a special institution where monuments and objects that have their own unique history are stored. Any museum begins with a collection, and the more original it is, the greater the interest in it. The main museum tasks involve constant monitoring and analysis of the work of a particular museum. Modern museum technologies include several components:

  • Museum exhibitions require a special approach because they must be properly organized and planned.
  • Equipment for storing exhibits.
  • Museum climate. When humidity is low or humidity is too high, exhibits become deformed and their value is lost. It is necessary to install all the necessary equipment to prevent this.
  • Museum showcases.
  • Equipment for restoration.
  • Guardians.
  • The concept is a document that will show the uniqueness of this institution at the present stage. It consists of three main points: modernization, innovation and preservation of one’s own traditions.

To create a new museum, it is necessary, first of all, to specifically identify its goal; the further development of activities will depend on it. You can combine several purposes, for example, telling the history of your city in a club of like-minded people. Then you need to choose a room where certain exhibitions will be held; it is better if it is a very crowded place, you can save on advertising. An important factor is the choice of working staff (for the good functioning of the museum, at least four workers are needed). It is necessary to organize excursions competently in order to interest more people, and they begin to bring their friends here. But excursions alone are not enough; interest in them quickly disappears; it is necessary to hold creative evenings, meetings of like-minded people and various cultural events.

No museum can exist without constant funding. Therefore, it is necessary to find a rich like-minded person to solve this problem. It is necessary to prove the importance of this institution for the benefit of society and then things will go up, increasing profits. To create a museum that will constantly have visitors, you need to have a lot of experience in this field, otherwise it will be a complete fiasco. This should be done by professionals who know how to organize everything correctly and beat the competition. A smart trend in the development of a modern museum is the creation of internal and near museum structures that create a single space. People who visit the establishment should receive general cultural development.

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