Biography of Dina Rubina. Dina Rubina: “All my life, the most interesting thing for me was with my own husband Awards and prizes

The selection contains books by Dina Rubina - a list with a description. Here you will find new books of 2017, as well as her best collections.


Indian wind

The main character of the book is real woman, which is in at a young age was a parachutist. But after a personal tragedy, she had to leave not only her beloved profession, but also hometown. She now lives in New York and works as a cosmetologist. She encounters unusual and sometimes even fantastic events. Further

Have fun! (collection)

“At that time, my co-author Boris and I were thinking about how to put all this into one book, it’s reminiscent of how window frames are placed on the pages of a book, and the crossbar of the stretcher becomes the basis of the plot...” this is how Diana Rubina quoted her idea. This book contains best works"Windows of Fate" Further

This is Dina Rubina’s seventh book, which includes all the stories written between 2006 and 2010. Over the years, the writer’s style has changed a little, adding more facts, which were able to block fiction. For example, the touching story of Miriam and Adam, which is told by a witness, or fascinating story Limes and grandfathers, which is told by the granddaughter and others. This life stories thought-provoking. Further

This book includes stories by Dina Rubina, written in the 90s. At the same time, as the author’s life changes due to his move to Israel, his creativity also expands. Her works are published in various magazines, not only Russian, but also foreign. Dina Rubina encountered people whose destinies have two homelands. There is expressed attention to other people's speech, as well as an outsider's look at plots that do not resemble fiction. Further

At her next speech, Dina Rubina said that her move to Israel was not planned, but rather became a forced move. The only thing that helped was youth and the understanding that you need to be strong. Over time, it became easier, and the children also got used to the new home. Since 2000, the author has been actively working on new stories. In Russia, not only new books are being printed, but also old ones are being reprinted. Further


Comrade prose writer sings excellently! (collection)

From the age of 16, Dina Rubina became one of the best writers of Soviet prose. It was for real dizzying success! She herself treated her work rather ironically, considering it “garbage.” But in fact it was clear that such a young writer had enormous talent, and her stories were truly alive. Further

Always always? (collection)

IN currently For many, the 80s seem fantastic and unreal. But it’s worth thinking about life without the Internet and mobile communications, when the authors embodied all their imagination in stories. A slight naivety is present in every story, evoking happy memories. Some events may seem childish, but all of them only color Dina Rubina’s work. Further


Russian canary. Prodigal son

This is the last part of the book in the Russian Canary series. It tells the story of a hearing-impaired and homeless girl, Aya, and former intelligence agent Leon Etinger, and their joint journey across Europe. During this time, they will find their hope and rise above disappointments. But they don’t even realize that their fate is completely different. Further

Copper box (collection)

The book will tell stories human lives. They are written in easy, understandable language. And sometimes they are similar to the monologue of unfamiliar people. Pleasure and love, grief and disappointment, thoughts and dreams... Dina Rubina insists on the veracity of the stories she heard randomly, on the bus or on the plane. Further

Koksinel (collection)

IN this collection the reader will be able to find out completely different destinies, and at the same time similar friend on a friend. For example, in one of the stories, “The Fog,” the action will take place in the city of Safed, where a murder occurred in one of the Muslim families. A Russian repatriate undertakes to investigate the crime. He needs to find the criminal following Muslim customs. Further


Russian canary. Zheltukhin

This is the first book to describe amazing story two families. Actions take place in the twentieth century. The characters will be involved in many events, where they will experience joy and sorrow, success and disappointment. One family lives in a quiet place and breeds canaries. The other is an Odessa family. But one day their destinies will intersect. Further

This is Dina Rubina's second book. Love story, in which there will be not only love, but also music, art and spies. Young people Leon and Aya, without even noticing it, fall in love with each other. At that time, Leon was very tired of his work in the secret service, and he met a tramp who is interested in photographs. They are very different. Can love conquer all prejudices? Further

The author was involuntarily inspired to write a book good friend, who worked as an investigator. The girl saw how suspects were interrogated, visited prison with a friend and learned a lot about his work. Once the work of writing the book was completed, it was difficult to get it published. But soon the director called the author and offered to write a script, the girl happily agreed. Further

These are stories in the biographical style of Dina Rubina. Each of them is connected by a trip to Israel, Italy, etc. Each trip is new story with bright and exciting events. In this book Special attention is given to Jewish communities; they exist in many cities and the culture and traditions of the people have been preserved in them. Further

  • Snow in Venice (short story)


  • Windows (collection)

Don't leave me alone (collection)

For some, this story will not be interesting. There will be an intelligent lover of women with whom three of them are in love at once. This seems trivial. But the way the author emotionally presents it is amazing. All the characters in the book are bright and interesting, with their own unusual fate. The reader learns about an incredible interweaving of destinies and meanings. Further


  • Travel stories (collection)


  • Parsley syndrome (audio play)

About love (collection)

Although the book is small, it contains the destinies of people, travel and love. When a person is possessed by love, he can no longer do anything, despite the desire to force it out of his heart. You plunge into this whirlpool and realize that you don’t want to get out of it. After this, people find happiness or, on the contrary, become disappointed. Further


White Dove of Cordoba

The book is very easy to read, the reader will worry about the fate of the main character Zakhar Cordovin. He is a passionate, respected and attractive expert. On the pages of the book you can learn about the youth and maturity of the hero. There are also descriptions of ancient cities with the atmosphere that reigns in them, many interesting adventures, mysteries and love. Further


Leonardo's handwriting

The main character Alla has the gift of clairvoyance. She writes down all her secrets in the hidden handwriting of Leonardo da Vinci. A girl can use mirrors to see various events. But Alla is sure that her gift is her curse. She sees sad and tragic events and there is nothing she can do to prevent it. Further

It only hurts when I laugh

Dina Rubina gave a huge number of interviews, and this was the reason for writing this book. Many moments from the writer’s life, her feelings, life in Israel, and childhood will be described here. In addition, the pages of the book contain sketches, funny anecdotes and stories. Further




Cold spring in Provence

One day, while traveling around Provence, the girl finds in her hands old letters that Van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo. After this incident, the heroine realizes that her fate is closely connected with the fate of the artists. Thoughts and memories form a bright picture and the image of Van Gogh, which becomes so real and alive. Further


The Syndicate is an organization that finds Jews around the world and resettles them in their homeland. But for most people this becomes a real horror, because they live almost their entire lives in Russia, study and work there. But if you think about it, this is an opportunity to see the best place on the ground. And many agreed to the trip, but soon returned back to Russia, since there is no work in Israel. Further


  • A Few Hasty Words of Love (collection)
  • Such a Long Life (Two Love Stories)

Dina Ilyinichna Rubina was born in 1953 in the city of Tashkent. Dina's father - Ilya Davidovich Rubin - immediately after demobilization 1945-1948. returned to his hometown with the rank of lieutenant. There he met Rita Alexandrovna, Dina’s future mother. The writer’s parents met at an art school, where a very young teacher, Rita, taught history.

It is known that Dina was named after American actress cinema, Hollywood stars, Deanna Durbin. The father and mother were quite demanding, strict, and also insisted on the cultural upbringing of their daughter. Therefore, from an early age, Dina attended a special music school for talented children. The writer hated this institution and called it “elite hard labor.” You can learn about the memories of those days from Dina Rubina’s story “Music Lessons.” In 1977, she graduated from the conservatory in Tashkent. Later she got a job at the Institute of Culture and began teaching there.

In parallel with this, Dina Rubina translated works of local writers into Russian. For introducing the Russian-speaking population to Uzbek fairy tales, she received her first prize - from the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan. The writer herself considered this work of hers to be of poor quality and even shoddy.

Creativity and career

Dina Rubina’s difficult writing journey began in 1971, when her very first work was published - short story“Restless Nature”, which was published in the magazine “Youth”. More stories followed, and until the 90s the writer was regularly published in the “Prose” section of the same magazine. It was with these works that first the Soviet and then the Russian public first became acquainted with Dina Rubina.

In 1977, the story “When Will It Snow?” appeared in print. This difficult, poignant story became the basis first of a play staged at the Youth Theater, and then of its television version, shown on screens in 1980. Thanks to the film adaptation, Dina Rubina’s work gained popularity. Subsequently, many more films were made based on the writer’s works, although not all were successful.

The film “Our Grandson Works in the Police,” based on Dina’s story “Tomorrow, as usual,” was frankly unsuccessful. However, thanks to the author’s direct participation in the filming of the film, the story “Camera Rolls In” was eventually born, which was well received by readers.

The year 1977 became significant for Dina Rubina also because she was admitted to the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan. Three years later, she already became part of the USSR Writers' Union, which entailed a move from Tashkent to Moscow. From that moment on, Dina began writing for radio shows, although she never gave up novels and short stories.

In 1990, the writer moved to live in Israel. There she found a job in the Russian-language newspaper “Our Country”. This period in creative life Dina can be called a crisis. Although it was published in such magazines as:

  1. New world.
  2. Banner.
  3. Friendship of Peoples.

But the next voluminous work was published only in 1996. She became the now widely known novel “Here Comes the Messiah!”, in which the author described the life and everyday life of Russian emigrants in Israel, as well as their difficulties in getting used to the local color

In 2008, one of the most famous books Dina - "Leonardo's Handwriting". In 2009, the work “ White dove Cordoba." And in 2014, the successful detective trilogy “Russian Canary” was released, which included the following works:

  1. "Zheltukhin."
  2. "Voice".
  3. "Prodigal son".

The novels “Leonardo's Handwriting” and “On the Sunny Side of the Street” are still considered the best books written by Dina Rubina. It was these two works that quickly sold out in thousands of copies, causing a wave heated discussion online. The first book is about a girl who can see the future, but all her predictions are extremely negative. The second work tells the story of the lives of several heroes from low strata of society. Their life threads are intertwined in an amazing way, creating a new and beautiful pattern. This work is closely related to the images of Tashkent from the forties to the sixties.

Dina Rubina's books are stunning with their amazingly beautifully written characters, the intricacies of the plot, and the rich, vivid language. However, there are those who do not like the writer’s work. And they often have big and heated arguments with Dina’s fans, discussing this or that published book or its film adaptation.

Personal life of the writer

Talking in various interviews about personal life, Dina Rubina has admitted more than once that her first marriage was frankly unsuccessful. After some years, she left her husband and returned to her parents. The writer took her son Dmitry with her.

With the not too large fee for the play “Wonderful Doira,” Dina purchased a small one-room apartment, in which she and her son lived before moving to Moscow. This period of the writer’s life was spent in constant tedious work. She had almost no free time, she had to survive.

On the set of the film “Our Grandson Works in the Police,” Dina met her second husband, artist Boris Karafelov, with whom they managed to create a successful and happy family. The couple had a daughter, Eva. Immediately after the wedding (in 1984) they moved to Moscow. And in 1990 - to Israel.

Creativity and life events are closely intertwined in Dina’s works. She has autobiographical works, and the story "Gypsy" is entirely based on family history. Often the writer’s husband complements her works with his paintings, and they create a beautiful, harmonious tandem. The work “Cold Spring in Provence” is just like that. In the book you can find 16 works by Boris, made by the most different materials(watercolor, gouache, oil, etc.). In an interview with Eksmo, Dina admitted that she never wanted to create with her husband and never persuaded him to illustrate her works. On the contrary, she always found inspiration in his paintings, helping her create more and more new books.


  • Dina Rubina
  • Dina Rubina

Rubina Dina Ilyinichna is a famous Russian writer, editor and screenwriter. She was born in Tashkent and is a member of the Writers' Union of the Uzbek SSR. She is also a Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR since 1979, the international PEN Club and the Union of Russian-Speaking Writers of Israel since 1990.


Dina Rubina was born on September 19, 1953. Her father is the artist Ilya Davidovich Rubin, and her mother is history teacher Rita Aleksandrovna. Dina's parents are from Kharkov and Poltava. Rita Rubina was evacuated to Tashkent, and Ilya Rubin settled there after the war. The future writer was named after US actress Deanna Durbin. Rubina was educated at the music school named after. Uspensky, then at the Tashkent Conservatory.


Dina met her second husband on the set of a film based on the story “Tomorrow, as usual.” Rubina moved to Moscow. In 1990 she immigrated to Israel. Dina’s husband, Boris Benyaminovich Karafelov, became a regular illustrator of her works. He was born in 1946 near Tashkent. In 1969, Boris graduated from Simferopol art school. Then she taught painting in Vinnitsa and Moscow. Rubina's husband worked on sets and costumes for the Taganka Theater, as well as for theaters in Novocherkassk and Budapest. The works of Boris Karafelov can be seen in State Museum Fine Arts them. Pushkin, the State Museum of Oriental Art, as well as in many museums in Europe and the USA and private collections.

From her first marriage, Dina Rubina has a son, Dmitry. He was born in 1976. From Boris Karafelov, Dina gave birth to a daughter, Eva Gassner, in 1986. The writer has a sister, Vera. She plays the violin and teaches in Boston.


Dina Rubina’s works reflect her impressions of her youth, for example in the collection “Music Lessons” and the novel “On the Sunny Side of the Street.” Her first publications could be found in the magazine “Youth”. In 1971, her story “Restless Nature” was published. Rubina became famous for her 1977 story “When Will It Snow?..”. The work was filmed. Later, a play was written based on it, which was staged on the stage of the Youth Theater.

After emigrating, Dina edited the supplement to the Russian-language newspaper “Our Country”. In Russia, many magazines publish her works. In the period from 2001 to 2003, the writer got a job in Moscow. She directed the cultural programs of the Jewish Agency. Rubina lived for a long time in Maale Adumim, then in Mevaseret Zion.

Selected bibliography

In 1998, Rubina wrote the novel The Last Boar of the Woods of Pontevedra. This is a story of truly Spanish passion in an Israeli setting. Critics and readers noted the abundance of interesting details, the author's humor and romance. In 2004, the comic book “Syndicate” was published, the characters of which were drawn figures and sketches. In 2008, a new, emotional, bright novel with an unusual plot - “Leonardo's Handwriting”.

Among Rubina's works there are many short stories. In 1980, the collection “When Will It Snow...?” was published, in which, in addition to story of the same name, included the works “The House Behind the Green Gate”, “Astral Flight of the Soul in a Physics Lesson”, “On Saturdays”, “This Wonderful Altukhov”, “Still the Same Dream!..” and “Concert on the Book Society Tour”. In 1990 they released the collection “ Double surname”, which includes the monologues “So, let’s continue!”, “Sign”, “Big-eyed Emperor, a family of sea crucians”.

The 1994 collection “One Intellectual Sat Down on the Road,” in addition to the story of the same name, includes the stories “Apples from Schlitzbuter’s Orchard” and “Lyubka.” In 1999 the book “High Water of the Venetians” was published. In addition to the title story, it includes the works “Villa “Consolation” and “The Surface of the Lake in a Cloudy Mist.”

In the 2000s, several collections by Dina Rubina were published: “The Hero’s Eyes Close-Up”, “Sunday Mass in Toledo”, “At Your Gates”, “A Few Hasty Words of Love”, “Our Chinese business", "Tarabuca Master", "Old Stories of Love", "Other People's Entrances", "Cold Spring in Provence". In subsequent years, readers could purchase the books “The Hidden Myth...”, “It Hurts Only When I Laugh,” “Adam and Miriam,” “Porcelain Undertakings,” “The Murderer,” “Windows,” and “Koxinel.”


Together with Rudolf Barinsky, Dina Rubina wrote the play “Wonderful Doira” and received an award from the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan for it. The work uses Uzbek motifs folk tales. For the book “One Intellectual Sat Down on the Road,” Dina received the Israeli Prize. Arie Dulcina.

The novel “Here comes the Messiah!” brought the famous writer a prize from the Israel Writers' Union, and "On the Sunny Side of the Street" - a Russian prize " Big Book" Also on the list of Dina’s awards is the Charitable Foundation Oleg Tabakov and the Portal Prize.

Dina Ilyinichna Rubina was born in the family of artist Ilya Davidovich Rubin and a history teacher. She graduated from the music school at the conservatory, and in 1977 from the Tashkent conservatory.

Rubina’s first story, “Restless Nature,” was published in 1971 in the magazine "Youth". In 1977–78 taught at the Tashkent Institute of Culture, 1978–84. led the literary association at the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, translated Uzbek writers into Russian. Her stories and novellas were published in the magazine “Youth”, and her plays “Wonderful Doira” and “When Will It Snow?” were staged in several theaters Soviet Union. In the 1980s Three books of Rubina’s prose were published in Tashkent: “When will it snow..?” (1980), “The House Behind the Green Gate” (1982), “Open the Window!” (1987), in 1990 a collection of stories and stories “Double Surname” was published in Moscow.

In 1990, Rubina repatriated with her family to Israel. After moving, she worked as a literary editor in the weekly literary supplement “Friday” for the Russian-language newspaper “Our Country”.

The author's stories and stories were published in the magazines "Youth", "New world", "Ogonyok", “Continent”, “Soviet literature abroad”, "The Art of Cinema", "Friendship of Peoples", "22", "Time and us", "Banner", “Observer”, “Jerusalem Magazine”, as well as in many literary almanacs and collections. Since 2003, Dina Rubina begins to collaborate with the Eksmo publishing house, which actively publishes and republishes the entire corpus of her prose. Over the years of cooperation with the publishing house total circulation books by D. Rubina exceeded two and a half million copies. D. Rubina's books have been translated into 22 languages. Her novels, novels and short stories have been published as separate books in Hebrew, as well as in English, Bulgarian, French, Czech and Estonian.

Rubina's prose is distinguished by a pronounced author's intonation, attention to everyday details, accurate depiction of characters, irony and lyricism. A special place in Rubina’s work is occupied by the Jewish theme: the historical past of the people, as well as modern life Jews in Israel and in the Diaspora.

Since 2000, Rubina has worked as a representative of the Jewish Agency for work with communities in Moscow. Her husband is artist Boris Karafelov, a regular illustrator of her works. Dina Rubina has a son, Dmitry, from her first marriage and a daughter, Eva, from her second. Lives in the city of Ma'ale Adummim.

Fantasy in the author's work. The author’s specialized works include the conventional cycle of novels “People of the Air,” written in the genre of modern magical realism. The most famous novel cycle is “Leonardo’s Handwriting”, which in 2009 was nominated for many major science fiction awards in Russia and Ukraine. The novel tells the story of a girl who has paranormal abilities and writes in a “mirror handwriting” similar to the handwriting of Leonardo da Vinci.

Others literary awards and bonuses:

  • Laureate of the Ministry of Culture of the Uzbek SSR (for the musical play “Wonderful Doira”, 1982).
  • Winner of the award named after. Arie Dulchina (1992) (for the book “One intellectual sat down on the road”, 1990).
  • Laureate of the Israel Writers' Union Prize (for the novel “Here Comes the Messiah!”, 1996).
  • Laureate of the Russian Prize for the novel “The White Dove of Cordoba” (2010)
  • Laureate of the Foundation Prize. Yuri Stern and the Israeli Ministry of Culture (2009)
  • Winner of the Oleg Tabakov Foundation Prize for the story “Adam and Miriam” (2008)
  • Winner of the " Best book literary season" (France, 1996) for the story "Double Surname".
  • Dina Ilyinichna Rubina(born September 19, 1953, Tashkent, Uzbek SSR) - Russian writer living in Israel, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1979), the international PEN Club, the Union of Russian-language Writers of Israel (1990).


    Born on September 19, 1953 in Tashkent in the family of artist Ilya Davidovich Rubin and a history teacher.

    She graduated from a specialized music school at the Tashkent Conservatory. Impressions from the “musical play” were included in the collection of stories and short stories “Music Lessons”.

    In 1977, Rubina graduated from the Tashkent Conservatory and taught at the Institute of Culture in Tashkent.

    Dina Rubina’s first youthful works were published in the pages of the magazine “Youth”. Dina Rubina’s literary fame came from the publication in 1977 of the story “When Will It Snow?..”. In it, a girl meets her love on the eve of death dangerous operation. A film was made based on this work, a television and radio play was staged, and a play was written, which was performed on the stage of the Moscow Youth Theater for many years. That same year, at the age of 24, she became a member of the Writers' Union of the UzSSR - at that time the youngest member in the country similar organizations. In 1979 she became a member of the USSR SP.

    On the set of the film based on the story “Tomorrow, as usual,” the writer met her second husband and went with him to Moscow. The film turned out to be unsuccessful, but after it Dina Rubina wrote one of her best works, “The Camera Rolls In.” The writer lived and worked in Moscow before leaving for permanent place residence in Israel at the end of 1990.

    After moving to Israel, she worked as a literary editor in the weekly literary supplement “Friday” for the Russian-language newspaper “Our Country”.

    During these years, Russian magazines “New World”, “Znamya”, “Friendship of Peoples” began to publish Rubina’s works.

    In 2001-2003 she worked in Moscow as the head of cultural programs of the Jewish Agency (Sokhnut).

    Currently lives in the city of Ma'ale Adumim.


    Father - artist Ilya Rubin. Her husband is artist Boris Karafelov, a regular illustrator of her works.

    Dina Rubina has a son, Dmitry, from her first marriage and a daughter, Eva, from her second.

    Literary awards

    • Prize from the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan for the play “Wonderful Doira” for the musical comedy theater, written by her together with the poet Rudolf Barinsky in the late 70s of the 20th century in Tashkent, based on Uzbek folk tales.
    • Prize named after Arie Dulchina (Israel) for the book “One intellectual sat down on the road.”
    • Prize of the Union of Writers of Israel for the novel “Here Comes the Messiah!”
    • Russian Prize“Big Book” for 2007 for the novel “On the Sunny Side of the Street.”
    • March 2008 - prize from the Oleg Tabakov Charitable Foundation for the story “Adam and Miryam”, published in the magazine “Friendship of Peoples”, No. 7, 2007.
    • April 2009 - “Portal” award, best fantastic work(large form) for the novel “Leonardo’s Handwriting”
    • Dina Rubina was named after

    Full name: Dina Ilyinichna Rubina
    Date of Birth: 09/19/1953 (62 years old)
    Place of Birth: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
    Zodiac sign: Virgo
    News with the star: 1

    Born in Tashkent in the family of Ilya Davydovich and Rita Aleksandrovna Rubin. His father was an artist, his mother taught history. Eat younger sister Vera, violinist, lives in the USA. The parents named their daughter after the American film star Deanna Durbin. As a child I studied music a lot. She studied at a secondary specialized music school at the Tashkent State Conservatory, after graduating she entered the conservatory. In 1977 she graduated from the piano department of the Tashkent Conservatory. For some time she worked as a teacher at the Institute of Culture.
    She began publishing at the age of fifteen. WITH early years I wrote short stories. Once I sent my story to the magazine “Yunost” - and it was published. After that, she was published several times in Yunost. She became famous after the publication of the story “When Will It Snow?..”.
    In 1979 she was admitted to the USSR Writers' Union. She made money by translating the works of Uzbek writers. Then she moved to Moscow, where she lived for several years. She wrote scripts for radio plays.

    In 1990, she left for permanent residence in Israel. In the same year she became a member of the Union of Russian-Speaking Writers of Israel. At first she worked as a cleaner, then as an editor in a small Russian-language newspaper.
    Since 2001, for three years she was the head of cultural programs of the Jewish Agency in Moscow.
    She has been published in Russian literary magazines “New World”, “Friendship of Peoples”, “Znamya”, etc.

    She published the books: “When will it snow?..”, “The house behind the green gate”, “Open the window!”, “Double surname”, “One intellectual sat down on the road”, “Music lessons”, “Here comes the Messiah!” “Escort angel”, “The last boar from the forests of Pontevedra” “High water of the Venetians”, “Astral flight of the soul in a physics lesson”, “Close-up of the hero’s eyes”, “Sunday mass in Toledo”, “At your gates”, “A few hasty words of love”, “Our Chinese business”, “Syndicate”, “On the sunny side of the street”, “So, let’s continue!..”, “Tarabuca master”, “Other people’s entrances”, “Cold spring in Provence”, “Handwriting Leonardo”, “Camera zooms in!..”, “Lyubka”, “White Dove of Cordoba”, “The Hidden Myth...”, “It only hurts when I laugh”, “Parsley Syndrome”, “Adam and Miriam”, “Porcelain Ideas”, "Soul Killer", "Windows".
    Films based on Rubina’s works: “Our grandson works in the police” (1984), “On Verkhnyaya Maslovka” (2004), “Double surname” (2006), “Lyubka” (2009), “On the sunny side of the street” (2011 ).
    Rubina's books have been translated into eighteen languages.
    In 2013, she created three versions of the “Total Dictation” as part of an annual educational event aimed at developing a culture of competent writing among Russian citizens.
    Lives with his family in the suburbs of Jerusalem - in the town of Maale Adumim.

    ▪ Prize from the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan (1982)
    ▪ Arie Dulchin Prize (1990)
    ▪ Israel Writers Union Prize (1995)
    ▪ Russian Big Book Prize (2007)
    ▪ Prize of the Oleg Tabakov Charitable Foundation (2008)
    ▪ Portal Award (2009)

    First marriage - got married in 1973, five years later she left her husband.
    Spouse – Boris Karafelov, artist (together since 1984)
    Son – Dmitry (1976), from his first marriage
    Daughter – Eva (1986), from her second marriage
    Granddaughter (Dmitry’s daughter) – Shaily (2012)

    Extract from Wikipedia:

    Dina Ilyinichna Rubina

    Tashkent, Uzbek SSR, USSR

    USSR USSR Israel Israel


    Third Big Book Prize (2007)

    Dina Ilyinichna Rubina(born September 19, 1953, Tashkent, Uzbek SSR) - Russian writer.

    Member of the Writers' Union of the UzSSR (1978), the USSR Writers' Union (1979), the international PEN Club, the Union of Russian-language Writers of Israel (1990).

    She was born on September 19, 1953 in Tashkent in the family of artist Ilya Davidovich Rubin (originally from Kharkov) and history teacher Rita Aleksandrovna Rubina (nee Zhukovskaya, originally from Poltava). My mother was evacuated to Tashkent at the age of seventeen during the war, my father settled with his parents in Tashkent, returning from the front after demobilization. Dina Rubina was named after Dina Durbin, an American film actress and Hollywood star of the 1940s.

    She graduated from a specialized music school at the Tashkent Conservatory. Impressions from the school were included in the collection of stories and short stories “Music Lessons”.

    In 1977, Rubina graduated from the Tashkent Conservatory and taught at the Institute of Culture in Tashkent. The plot and life of the heroes of her novel “On the Sunny Side of the Street” are closely connected with Tashkent of the 1940s - 1960s.

    Dina Rubina’s first youthful works were published in the pages of the magazine “Youth”. The first story of the sixteen-year-old writer, published in the magazine, was called “Restless Nature” and was published in 1971 in the “Green Briefcase” section of the magazine. Dina Rubina’s literary fame came from the publication in 1977 of the story “When Will It Snow?..”. In it, a girl meets her love on the eve of a deadly operation. A film was made based on this work, a television and radio play was staged, and a play was written, which was performed on the stage of the Moscow Youth Theater for many years. That same year, at the age of 24, she became a member of the Writers' Union of the UzSSR - at that time the youngest member of such organizations in the country. In 1979 she became a member of the USSR SP.

    On the set of the film “Our Grandson Works in the Police,” based on the story “Tomorrow, as usual,” the writer met her second husband and went with him to Moscow. The film turned out to be unsuccessful, but after it Dina Rubina wrote one of her best works, “The Camera Rolls In.” The writer lived and worked in Moscow before leaving for permanent residence in Israel at the end of 1990.

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