Autobiography of Amy Winehouse. Amy Winehouse: biography and obituary

Amy Winehouse - British singer in the genre of jazz, soul and reggae. She is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the first and only British singer to win five Grammy awards.

Childhood and youth

Amy Jade Winehouse was born in 1983 in London into a Jewish family of Russian origin. His father worked as a taxi driver, and his mother was a pharmacist. Amy has a brother, Alex, who is three years older than her sister. In 1993, Winehouse's parents divorced.

The whole family lived by music, in particular jazz. My mother's brothers were professional jazz musicians, and Amy's paternal grandmother dated the legendary Ronnie Scott and was a jazz singer herself. Amy loved her very much and even got her grandmother's name tattooed on her arm (Cynthia).

Amy Winehouse attended Ashmole School, where her classmates included Dan Gillespie Sells (The Feeling) and Rachel Stevens (S Club 7). And already at the age of 10, the girl organized a rap group called “Sweet “n” Sour” with her friend Juliette Ashby.

In 1995, the schoolgirl entered the theater studio Sylvia Young, but after a couple of years she was expelled for bad behavior. At school, along with other students, Amy managed to get into an episode of “The Fast Show” in 1997.

In the same year, the young artist already wrote her first songs, but success was not cloudless: at the age of 14, Amy tried drugs for the first time. A year later she began working in a jazz group. Her boyfriend at the time, soul singer Tyler James, helped her sign her first contract with EMI. The singer spent her first check on The group Dap-Kings, which accompanied her in the studio, then the same group went on tour with the artist.

Music career

Amy Winehouse's first album, Frank, was released in the fall of 2003. Produced by Salaam Remi. Critics greeted the album warmly and even compared Amy to Macy Gray, Sera Voyn and Billie Holiday. The debut received a triple platinum album certification from the British Phonographic Industry Association. However, the artist herself was dissatisfied with the result, saying that she considered only 80% of the album to be her own and the label included songs that the artist did not like.

Amy Winehouse - Stronger Than Me (from debut album Frank)

Amy continued to evolve, and in her second album, Back to Black, released in 2006, she added jazz motifs that were inspired by women's music. pop music groups 50-60s. The producers were Salaam Remi and Mark Ronson, who helped promote the tracks on the East Village Radio show. “Back to Black” took seventh place on the Billboard chart, and in the singer’s homeland the album was certified five times platinum and declared the best-selling album of 2007.

The first single “Rehab” received the Ivor Novello award in the spring of 2007: it was recognized as the best contemporary song.

Amy Winehouse - "Rehab"

However, success was again accompanied by drugs: in the summer of the same year, Amy canceled concerts in the USA and Britain, citing deteriorating health. Photos appeared in the media showing that the singer was taking illegal psychoactive substances. Also, photographs of Amy fighting with her husband Blake often appeared in the press.

Amy’s father said that “now the tragic outcome is not far away,” and the singer’s representatives said that the paparazzi are to blame for everything, Amy's life unbearable. In the fall of 2007, Winehouse’s relatives called on fans to abandon the artist’s work until she and her husband gave up “doping.”

Amy (documentary)

In November, a DVD entitled “I Told You I Was Trouble” appeared with a recording of a concert in London and documentary film about the performer.

At the same time, Amy was already working on recording vocals for the song “Valerie” from solo album"Version" by Mark Ronson. The singer recorded a joint composition with Mutya Buena, a former member of the Sugababes. At the end of 2007, Winehouse was ranked 2nd on the list of “worst dressed women”, behind Victoria Beckham.

Amy Winehouse - "Valerie" (Live)

Island Records stated that it was ready to terminate the contract with the singer if she did not sort out her problems. And at the beginning of 2008, Amy Winehouse began undergoing rehabilitation - at Bryan Adams' Caribbean villa. At this time, the popularity of the album “Back to Black” was gaining momentum. The album brought Amy 5 Grammys in 2008.

Amy Winehouse - "Back To Black"

In April, the singer announced the start of work on theme song for the James Bond film "Quantum of Solace" with Daniel Craig in leading role. But a little later, the producer announced that work on the composition had been stopped because Amy had “other plans.”

On June 12, 2008, Amy Winehouse gave her only concert in Russia - she opened the Center modern culture"Garage". Some time after this, the singer was hospitalized with a diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema.

Amy Winehouse at the awards ceremony music award"Grammy"

In June 2011, the artist canceled her European tour after a scandal in Belgrade. Then Amy went on stage to 20 thousand spectators, stayed there for more than an hour, but did not sing. The girl greeted the audience, spoke with the musicians, stumbled, but when she started singing, she forgot the words, and eventually left under the whistling of the audience.

Personal life of Amy Winehouse

In 2007, Amy married Blake Fielder-Civil. The relationship between them was difficult: the spouses drank alcohol and drugs together, often leading to physical assault even in public.

In 2008, Blake received a seven-month sentence for assaulting a passerby. At this time, divorce proceedings began between Amy and Blake, and in 2009 the couple divorced.


On July 23, 2011, Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London apartment. Until the end of 2011, they could not find out the cause of death. Preliminary versions include a drug overdose and suicide, but the police did not find any illegal drugs in the house. Amy's father stated that death could have been due to a heart attack caused by alcohol detoxification.


In July 2011, one of the leading British performers of the early 20th century suddenly passed away. What are the reasons Amy's death Winehouse?


Amy Jade Winehouse was born on September 14, 1983 in London Jewish family. Her ancestors were emigrants from Russia. His father worked in a taxi service, and his mother was a pharmacist.

The whole family literally lived for music. The girl's paternal grandmother was a jazz singer and even had an affair with Ronnie Scott at one time. Mother's brothers are professional jazz musicians. The father sang for his daughter, choosing songs from Frank Sinatra's repertoire.

In 1993, the parents of the future singer broke off their relationship, but continued to take care of their children in the same way.

At the age of 10, Amy, together with her friend Juliette Ashby, organized the group “Sweet ‘n’ Sour” and performed rap. At the age of 12, she began studying at the Sylvia Young Theater School, from where she was soon expelled for behavior.


Her first songs were written at the age of 14. At the same time, she tries drugs. A year later, the singer begins working at the World Entertainment News Network, sings in a jazz band and dates soul singer Tyler James. It was he who helped her get a contract with EMI.

She invested the first fee from the lucrative contract into creativity, hiring the group The Dap-Kings to accompany her in the studio. Subsequently, the same group accompanied her on tour.

In the fall of 2003, Amy Winehouse and producer Salaam Remi released her first album, “Frank,” which received two Brit nominations and went platinum. An unprecedented success for a debut. In the same year, the young singer already sang from the stage of the Glastonbury festival.

The singer’s second album “Back to Black” broke records: it became five times platinum in the UK, was declared the best-selling album of 2007 and took first place in the popularity rating among iTunes users. This record would later bring her 6 Grammys.

The first song from the album Rehab (#7, UK) received the Ivor Novello award for “best contemporary song” in May 2007.

In the summer of 2007, the general public became aware that Amy Winehouse was suffering from severe drug addiction and was using hard drugs. Relatives talked about the singer’s possible suicide, asked her to ignore her work until she “slipped off,” but the girl’s official representatives blamed the paparazzi for everything, who bothered her too much.

At the beginning of 2008, Amy goes to rehabilitation, which takes place in the Caribbean at a villa owned by Bryan Adams. At the same time record company Island Records announces its readiness to terminate the contract with her if she does not get rid of her addiction.

In April, information appeared that she would be recording the soundtrack for the James Bond film Quantum of Solace, but the agreement was later canceled due to a change in the singer’s plans.

Amy Winehouse's first and only concert in Russia took place on June 12, 2008 at the opening of the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture.

In 2011, the artist canceled an entire tour after she was booed in Belgrade for going on stage, where she spent two hours without starting to sing, talking to the musicians and greeting the audience every now and then.

How did Amy Winehouse die?

On July 23, 2011, the singer's lifeless body was discovered in her London apartment. It was never possible to reliably find out why Amy Winehouse died. The first versions put forward were suicide and overdose, however, no drugs or other illegal substances were found in the apartment. The father of the deceased suggested that the girl died of a heart attack, which could have been caused by alcohol poisoning.

On July 26, Amy's body was cremated and buried next to her beloved grandmother in the Jewish cemetery.


On May 18, 2007, Amy Winehouse married Blake Fielder-Civil. They both suffered from drug addiction and their relatives said that it was possible that they would commit suicide together. The couple separated in 2009, and after Amy's death, Blake was not allowed to attend the funeral.

Only after Amy passed away did information emerge that she wanted to adopt the girl Dannika Augustina and was even collecting the necessary documents for this.

The sudden death of Amy Winehouse was a big blow not only for her family, but also for millions of fans around the world. Musical world I lost a unique, original singer with a unique image and an unforgettable voice.

But, since the number of sections on the site is limited, it will be so.

The charismatic British singer Amy Winehouse has everything to become a real star: a gorgeous voice, good acting skills, and composing talent. But when you become closely acquainted with her work and biography, you understand that not everything is so simple. Amy constantly turns out to be different from what the laws of the genre require. An Englishwoman of Jewish blood, she sings like an African-American. Looks very sexy, but doesn't play it off. She's in her early 20s, but she has the vocals of a mature woman. She feels music so subtly - and is so defiantly rude in communication. She writes gentle melodies and harsh, obscene lyrics. And, perhaps, the strangest thing: she is not interested in fame or money. “For me, music has always come first. I would agree to live in a dirty hole if they promised me that I would meet Ray Charles,” says Amy Winehouse, the new scandalous sensation of Great Britain, awarded as a composer for her first single, alone one of the most promising young artists, according to Rolling Stone magazine. Without any reverence, bearing the title of “the new Billie Holiday,” she assures that in ten years she will forget about the stage and will immerse herself in caring for her husband and her seven children.

Amy Jade Winehouse was born in a suburb of London on September 14, 1983 into a Jewish-English family. Her father worked as a taxi driver, and her mother as a pharmacist. Although they had nothing to do with music, among Amy’s relatives, especially on her mother’s side, there were many professional jazz musicians, and her paternal grandmother loved to reminisce about her youthful romance with British jazz legend Ronnie Scott. Her parents also contributed to the development of her musical tastes, collecting a collection of records by Dinah Washington, Ella Fitzgerald, and Frank Sinatra. Frank Sinatra) and other great artists.

The period of passion for pop music (Madonna, Kylie Minogue and so on) ended for Amy at the age of ten, when she discovered Salt "n" Pepa, TLC и другие бунтарские хип-хоп и R&B-группы. В 11 лет гиперактивная Эми уже стояла во главе собственной рэп-команды, которую назвала Sweet "n" Sour и описывала как еврейский вариант Salt"n"Pepa. В 12 лет !} young talent received in drama school Sylvia Young Theater School, but a year later she was expelled - due to the fact that she, they say, “did not prove herself.” From the age of 13, Amy Winehouse played the guitar and rapidly expanded her musical horizons, listening to a wide variety of music, mainly modern jazz and hip-hop, and soon began writing and recording her own songs.

Big show business discovered Amy Winehouse in 2000, when she was only 16 years old. Through the efforts of her friend, pop singer Tyler James, her demo tapes ended up in the hands of Island/Universal managers who were looking for young jazz vocalists. She immediately signed a contract and began performing as a professional singer.

But the debut album was still far away. More than three years passed before, at the end of 2003, Amy Winehouse presented her first studio disc, “Frank,” for which she wrote most of the material. As Felix Howard, Amy's main collaborator during the work on her debut, recalled, when he first heard her recordings, he was speechless. “It was like nothing else, I’ve never heard anything like it,” he admitted. “She managed to scare even seasoned jazz musicians. Very serious performers participated in the sessions. And when she started singing, all they could say was: “Oh my God.” Jesus!"

What shocked her colleagues most of all were Amy’s very frank texts, dedicated mainly to her boyfriend, with whom she had recently broken up. But not only him. Let's say the track "Fuck Me Pumps" is a story about 20-year-old girls who hang around crappy clubs, dreaming of hooking up with a rich groom. And in the song "What is it About Men?" Amy tries to understand her father's character and the reasons for his inconstancy in life. family life(at one time she was very worried about her parents’ divorce).

The recording fell on the shoulders of keyboardist and hip-hop producer Sallam Remi. Jazz harmonies fused with elements of soul, pop music, rhythm and blues and hip-hop, sensual and ironic performance, magnificent vocals in which critics heard similarities with Nina Simone and Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan and Macy Gray - all this immediately attracted the attention of the music industry to Amy Winehouse. Ordinary music lovers rocked longer. The sales curve began to climb only after Winehouse's name was among the nominees for the Brit Awards and the Mercury Music Prize, and at the Ivor Novello Awards, the British Composers' Awards, she was awarded the award for the author of the best contemporary song - for the first single "Stronger Than Me" , written by her and Salaam Remi. In the summer of 2004, Amy Winehouse was generously applauded by audiences at the Glastonbury, Jazzworld and V Festival festivals. By this time, the album "Frank" had managed to reach the top of the British charts and was certified platinum.

In interviews of this period, Winehouse constantly emphasized that her debut album was only 80% her work, because at the insistence of the label, some songs and mixes were included on the disc that she absolutely did not like. She was not entirely happy with the arrangements, so later, after the release of the second album, she admitted: “I can’t even listen to “Frank” now, and, in general, I didn’t like it before. I’ve never I listened to it from start to finish. I only like to perform songs at concerts, but it’s not at all like listening to the studio version.”

Amy Winehouse is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. yellow press. Of course, it’s not her music, or even the provocative lyrics, that is to blame. Alcohol and drugs, scandalous antics during the tour, obscene jokes, inappropriate behavior, insulting fans - the journalists had a lot to profit from. The Independent newspaper assured readers that Amy was susceptible to manic depression but did not want to take medication. The artist herself admitted that she had problems with appetite - “a little anorexia, a little bulimia,” she called herself “ more of a man, than a woman, but not a lesbian", claimed that all her managers were idiots, her marketing was no good, and the promotion of her debut album was terrible.

The more actively the artist played tricks in real life, the worse creative things went, that is, they actually didn’t go at all. The record bosses waited a long time for new songs from Amy, until they finally invited her to undergo treatment for alcoholism and get to work. Amy Winehouse categorically refused the rehabilitation clinic, and instead of receiving treatment, she sat down to write songs. Her new composition “Rehab”, the first sign on the eve of the next one, spoke about why she so does not want to give herself into the hands of doctors. studio album. Amy always said that once she started writing, there was no stopping her. You just had to be patient and wait for this moment. At this time, DJ and multi-instrumentalist Mark Ronson, known for his production work with Robbie Williams and Christina Aguilera, very opportunely appeared in her life. Amy called him the main inspiration for the second album.

Six months later, the recording was ready, and in October 2006 the public became acquainted with the first promotional single “Rehab”, which immediately catapulted into the British Top 10. The new long-play “Back to Black”, released next, was received with a bang and by the beginning of 2007 topped the English charts. Even in the history of the American music industry, the record managed to “inherit”: in the US pop chart from the very first week it started at number seven - this was the second result of the British singer after Dido, whose album “Life For Rent” immediately reached number 4 line in the American rating.

The second album, unlike the debut, permeated with jazz harmonies, returned to the era of the 50s and 60s, drawing inspiration from the then soul, rhythm and blues, rock and roll and the work of female pop groups, in particular the ensemble Shangri-Las. Producing duties were shared between Salaam Remi and Mark Ronson. The tandem, or rather the trio Winehouse-Remy-Ronson, turned out to be extremely successful, both commercially and creatively. The singer received the Brit Award as the best solo artist, and the disc "Back to Black" itself was nominated for the title of best British album. At the end of 2006, readers of Elle magazine named Winehouse the best British artist.

A lot of time has passed since then, and our Amy only changes men and rehabs. We wish her health and are waiting for her return. She will succeed!

On July 23, 2011, the singer died suddenly.
The cause of death has not yet been officially announced.

Amy Winehouse discography

Lioness: Hidden Treasures (2011)
Back to Black (2007)
Frank (2003)

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I have a cat. His name is Amy.

(PHOTO)“The voice of a generation,” the controversial British singer Amy Winehouse died of a drug overdose. This is a working version of the Greater London Police, which is investigating the circumstances of the death of the soul diva.

“This version is being used by the police as a working theory, but it will only be possible to say for sure after an autopsy and toxicology tests have been carried out,” Mark White, a crime correspondent for the British television channel Sky News, told the outlet.

So far, the police officially classify the death of the 27-year-old singer as “unexplained,” RIA Novosti reports.

As reported foreign media, the police already have a suspect - a close friend of Amy Winehouse, whose name has not been disclosed.

According to Scotland Yard, it was he who gave the star a fatal dose of cocaine and crack while taking drugs together.

However, the police do not specify whether he did it consciously or not.

Amy Winehouse previously had multiple problems with drugs and alcohol, and underwent rehabilitation therapy courses. Her health was weakened by pulmonary emphysema and cardiac dysfunction.

The overdose version became the most popular on British music forums. However, a number of media outlets, citing police sources, claim that the girl could have committed suicide using pills. It is not yet known whether the singer's suicide note was discovered.

Meanwhile, the singer’s fans are building their own versions. Thus, residents of neighboring houses told reporters that on the night of July 23 they heard screams from Winehouse’s house, which gives the singer’s fans a reason for the theory of murder.

Famous British singer Amy Winehouse was found dead in her apartment in London. One of the most talented soul and rhythm and blues performers, winner of five Grammy awards, she brightly declared herself in 2003, but in Lately I practically didn’t perform. Winehouse experienced serious problems health problems due to drug and alcohol abuse.

The singer died at the age of 27, joining the ranks of such legends as Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin.

See other photos">

1. Amy Winehouse's body is carried into a private ambulance from her home in North London. The 27-year-old singer was found dead in her home on July 23. Police have cordoned off part of the street adjacent to the house in Camden where Amy Winehouse recently lived. Immediately after the news of her death appeared, crowds of people began to gather here to mourn the untimely death of the singer, who in Britain is called the “voice of a generation.”

2. British singer and director Reg Traviss, who, according to press reports, until recently dated Winehouse, watches as people pass by to lay flowers at the late singer's home.

3. Recently, there has been conflicting information about the condition and well-being of Amy Winehouse. Alcohol and drug addiction, with which the singer struggled throughout her dizzying but short career, has long become public knowledge. Suffering from anorexia and emphysema, Winehouse recently underwent another course of drug addiction treatment in London, which, according to her relatives, did not produce noticeable results. Pictured: Winehouse on stage at the Glastonbury Festival in Somerset on June 28, 2008.

4. Winehouse enters Milton Keynes Magistrates' Court north of London on Wednesday, January 20, 2010. The singer has been found guilty of assaulting a manager who asked her to leave the venue of a family Christmas show because she was too drunk.

5. Winehouse arrived at the Q Awards at Grosvenor House on October 26, 2009. Then the singer's father, Mitch Winehouse, told the press that his daughter had done plastic surgery for breast enlargement. While speaking on British TV show This Morning, he said Amy looked “absolutely gorgeous.”

6. Winehouse at Westminster Court in central London on July 23, 2009. The star then appeared in court on charges of assaulting a woman during a charity ball in September 2008.

7. Winehouse arrived at Snaresbrook Crown Court in London on June 2, 2009, for the hearing of her husband Blake Fielder-Civil, who was accused of perverting the course of justice and assault.

8. The other day, the singer was forced to cancel all her performances as part of her European tour after the first concert, which turned out to be a failure. According to eyewitnesses of the performance in Belgrade on June 18, Winehouse then appeared on stage in a very deplorable state, tried to communicate with the audience, but could not remember the name of the city in which the concert took place, or even the lyrics. Photo: Winehouse took a break from her performance to have a drink. The photo was taken on May 30, 2009 during a concert on the main rock stage of the Lisboa music festival in Bela Vista Park in Portugal, which was attended by 90 thousand spectators.

9. April 25, 2009, Winehouse enters Holborn police station in London, where she was invited for questioning. Scandalous singer was accused of assaulting a member of the public during an incident at a pub.

10. Amy Winehouse was born on September 14, 1983 in London into a Jewish family. Since childhood, she was fond of jazz, her natural voice allowed her to work wonders in this genre. Having made her mark at the age of 20 with the release of her first album, Frank, in 2003, she became a global star with the release of her second album, Back to Black, in 2006. Photo: Winehouse performing at the Brit Awards in London on February 20, 2008.

Amy hugs her mother Janice Winehouse after receiving a Grammy Award at London's Riverside Studios during the 50th Grammy Awards via video link on February 10, 2008 in London. Then Winehouse, nominated in six categories, received five Grammys, including awards in the categories – record of the year, best new artist, Song of the Year, Pop Vocal Album and Female Pop Vocal. Having received five Grammys at once, the singer set a record for women ever nominated for this prestigious music award.

12. Blonde at the time and without her famous "house" on her head, Amy leaves London's Snaresbrook Crown Court after her husband Blake Fielder-Civil's trial.

13. The name Amy Winehouse did not leave the front pages of music publications and the “yellow press”, but, unfortunately, the interest of journalists was often caused by numerous scandals associated with the singer’s penchant for drugs and alcohol, which relegated her outstanding talent to the background. Photo: Winehouse performing at the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago on August 5, 2007.

14. Winehouse performing at music festival Glastonbury June 22, 2007. "Rehab", a song from the British singer's second album "Back To Black" became a real hit.

15. Winehouse and her husband, musician Blake Fielder-Civil, arrived at the MTV Movie Awards, which took place on June 3, 2007 at the Gibson Amphitheater in Universal City, California.

16. Winehouse arriving at the Earls Court Arena in London for the Brit Awards on February 14, 2007. That day she received an award in the category “ Best Singer solo".

17. Looking much healthier, without her famous hairstyle and tattoos, Winehouse poses for a photograph on September 7, 2004 at the annual national Mercury Prize ceremony in London.

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