Questionnaire on the quality of customer service in a commercial organization. Examples of good (and not so good) questions for surveying customers about service quality


The work determines the relevance of conducting surveys of the company’s clients aimed at assessing satisfaction with quality service. The results of a survey of clients of a company operating in the computer repair and maintenance market are presented. Based on the survey results, the level of satisfaction with the quality of service and customer loyalty was assessed, and directions for improving service were formulated.

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Modern socio-economic systems are characterized by an increasing role of services in general and customer service in particular. As a result of the development of the service sector, special markets are formed and/or significantly transformed in it. This, for example, happened with the market for computer repair and maintenance services, which has spontaneously developed in Russia over the past 20 years. There are no full-fledged studies describing the stages of formation, the specifics of this market, and the distribution of players in the public domain. At the same time, there is a need to reflect on the changes taking place. The crisis and the introduction of sanctions have had an impact on this market, but the impact is not clear-cut. In general, researchers note that in 2016, Russian market 4.47 million desktops and laptops were shipped to PCs, which is almost 8% less than a year ago. It can be assumed that in the face of declining sales volumes new technology, an increase in its cost and a decrease in the purchasing power of the consumer, interest in repairing existing equipment will grow, and with it the volume of services provided. In a situation of market growth, companies need to ensure high quality services, which guarantees the loyalty of new customers. Satisfaction with the quality of service is the key to the profitability of an organization operating in the computer repair and maintenance market.

A survey of consumers in the field of service allows us to identify the strengths and weak sides company, assess satisfaction with the services provided and develop effective program loyalty. This work presents the results of a survey of clients of a company operating in the computer repair and maintenance market.

Stages of the study:

Stage 1 - development of a questionnaire (January-April 2017);
Stage 2 - collection of information (April-May 2017);
Stage 3 - analysis of the obtained data (May 2017).

The main method of obtaining information is a questionnaire (telephone survey). The developed questionnaire contained 20 questions. The object of the study is the company’s clients living in the cities of Volgograd and Volzhsky, who contacted a stationary service center for computer equipment repair from November 2016 to April 2017. The total sample size is 200 people. Volume population 500 people Statistical error within ±5%.

The survey results made it possible to assess satisfaction with the quality of service. Let's look at the main results.

Figure 1 shows the distribution of answers to the question: “Are you satisfied with the procedure for placing an order and the range of services of PKP LLC?”

Figure 1. Satisfaction with the quality of ordering and the range of company services

The vast majority of customers indicated that they were satisfied with the procedure for placing an order and the range of services of the company. Almost half (45%) of respondents would like the range of services of PKP LLC to expand. When asked about their interest in receiving information on new services and ongoing promotions, 94% of respondents responded positively.

Figure 2. Satisfaction with repairs at the service center

As a result of analyzing the answers to these questions, the following shortcomings in the service center’s work were identified, affecting the quality of service provision:

28% of clients experienced a lack of comprehensive advice on repairs. After conducting an internal analysis of the enterprise, it was found that this situation occurred due to an insufficient number of service engineers who perform complex repairs and are competent to give explanations;
34% of clients experienced poor-quality or incomplete repairs. After conducting an internal analysis of the enterprise, it was found that this situation also occurred due to the complexity of repairs and the inability to identify faults due to the lack of necessary equipment;
45% of PKP LLC clients experienced a refusal to fulfill an order. After conducting an internal analysis of the enterprise, it was found that this situation occurred due to the complexity of repairs;
62% of respondents experienced a delay in order fulfillment at PKP LLC. After conducting an internal analysis of the enterprise, it was found that this situation occurred due to the complexity of supplying spare parts for repairs.

At the next stage, an assessment was made of the work of the organization’s employees with clients: 15% of clients responded that they had difficulty contacting the company’s employees by phone; 91% of clients were greeted with a friendly and positive attitude employees of the enterprise. It can be concluded that the organization’s personnel cope with their responsibilities efficiently.

When providing services, it is important to have feedback, if a controversial situation arises, the client should have the opportunity to file a claim to resolve the issue. The table examines the dependence of customer requests on compliance with repair deadlines and satisfaction with the quality of services provided.

Table 1. Customer requests regarding compliance with repair deadlines and satisfaction with the quality of services provided

Based on the obtained distributions of answers, it can be seen that:

  • 26% of clients addressed the company management with complaints, the main reasons for the complaint were poor-quality repairs (26%) and failure to meet repair deadlines (20%);
  • It is important to note that of the 74% of respondents who did not file complaints, many (42%) experienced failure to meet repair deadlines and some (8%) were dissatisfied with the quality of the repairs performed. Perhaps the organization needs to reconsider the repair scheduling system.

The last questions of the questionnaire revealed the level of loyalty of the organization’s clients (Table 2-3).

Table 2. Dependence of clients’ planning for subsequent contact with the company on the number of requests at the moment

Table 3. Dependence of clients’ planning for subsequent contact with the company on the number of requests at the moment

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that more than half (68%) of clients plan to seek services from PKP LLC again, which indicates high level customer satisfaction. A third of clients (30.5%) can be classified as regular. A third of clients do not plan to contact again, which is consistent with the share of complaints. The management of the organization needs to pay attention to this; perhaps controversial situations are being resolved unconstructively; it is necessary to analyze the practice of filing complaints.

Assessments of customer loyalty on the issue of repeatedly seeking help from the organization and recommending the organization to friends are the same: 64% of respondents answered that they would recommend the chosen organization to their acquaintances and friends, almost half of them contacted the company more than once. Customers' willingness to make recommendations further validates them.

An assessment of the level of customer satisfaction with repairs at the service center and an internal audit of the company revealed:

  • the lack of full consultation on repairs was due to an insufficient number of service engineers who perform complex repairs and are competent to provide explanations;
  • poor-quality or incomplete repairs occurred due to the complexity of repairs and the inability to identify faults due to the lack of necessary equipment;
  • refusals to complete an order are due to the complexity of repairs;
  • Delays in order fulfillment are caused by unstable supplies of spare parts for repairs.

Thus, conducting surveys aimed at identifying the degree of satisfaction with the quality of service allows us to identify real problems in the company’s work and develop recommendations for increasing the level of customer loyalty and profitability of the organization.


  1. Computers (Russian market) – Electronic resource– URL:, access date 05/10/2017.

When a crisis occurs, the market is filtered. Weak companies leave, strong ones remain.

Pre-assembled customer base– one of the tools that makes the company more resistant to changes in financial weather.

Because you already know by sight the clients who have already bought something from you or who were at least once interested in your products, and you can quickly and effectively restore contact with them.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you have wholesale, services or a store - a customer profile and the formation of a database through it is necessary for everyone.

formation of the base. Why is this?

Just don’t immediately say that it is impossible for you to conduct customer surveys. At one time, we collected contacts and customer reviews even in a butcher shop.

Where people most often go after work, tired and with a great desire to quickly get home, and not do their writing, and for an ordinary counter.

You can collect contacts anywhere and anytime. And first of all, you must decide what information you will collect.

You need to think and decide what information about the client will be useful for you and will bring practical benefits, and what is just for show.

The questionnaire is just a stepping stone before your further actions in which you will use this information.

If we take the minimum marketing package as a basis: calls, mailings, birthday greetings. Then you must collect the following items:

  1. Company name (B2B only);
  2. Birthday;
  3. Cellular telephone;
  4. Email.

You take further points from your needs. For example, in a store you can also find out the birthdays of loved ones.

This is necessary in order to make special offers for your buyer. sentences with the text: “Your wife/friend/mother’s birthday is coming up.

You can buy a gift for them from us with a 30% discount.” By the way, we successfully practiced this in a flower salon.

In the B2B segment you will need to work a little harder, since the more information you collect, the better.

Examples of questionnaires in action

There is a big difference in data collection in trading floor and over the phone, now I’ll tell you more.

In the case of a telephone, you can say that you fill out the questionnaire yourself and most often weave in additional questions to identify the client’s needs during the conversation.

Based on the results of the communication, the information is also entered not on a printed sheet of paper, but directly into it, in order to simplify further work with the data.

Therefore, this section will be most interesting for stores or companies where the client fills out the questionnaire himself.

In addition to the fact that you only need to collect useful information, You also need to know that the fewer fields there are in the questionnaire, the more willing they will be to fill it out.

Do not think that additional fields make the questionnaire look more solid. No, they only irritate the client. Therefore, the “colder” the client, the shorter the client questionnaire should be.

Below you can see a survey questionnaire template (unformatted version). This is the most minimal version of a new client profile that you can create.

It’s not difficult to supplement it, but we first need to implement this fundamental part according to the rules and laws of marketing, and only then move on.

Example of a questionnaire

  1. Name. We specifically emphasize that this questionnaire is only for special people.

    This flatters the client and eliminates the reluctance to fill it out, because everyone wants to be classified as a VIP client.

  2. Purpose of collection. Under the title you must write why you are collecting contacts.

    In our example, it is no coincidence that “Closed sales” is at the beginning; this once again emphasizes the client’s status and shows his future benefit, that this is a questionnaire for receiving various bonuses.

  3. FULL NAME. This item combines three components - first name, last name and patronymic.

    You also don’t need to split it into several parts, because each answer is an additional field that visually makes the questionnaire more massive.

  4. Birthday, phone number and e-mail. We help the client understand in what format to enter his data so that he has a minimum of thoughts and a maximum of actions.

The printed form must contain consent to receive mailings and process data (below).

This is very important point! Without it, don’t even launch the profile “to the people.” The fines are now huge, and people who take advantage of your omission are just waiting for it.

Therefore, we received a signature on the form and put it in a distant box (do not throw it away).

Important. The database needs to be constantly updated. People leave, lose their phones, change their email, and if you don’t track this, then you can make hasty conclusions about efficiency and generally work in vain.


Additional feature

Remember what I said about collecting birthday dates for friends and family? This is a very useful feature.

But I have an even more advanced mechanic for you, where the client leaves, instead of dates (after all, they are not so easy to remember), contact information of your potential clients who may be interested in your product.

The mechanics are very simple. You promise to give a gift to three people whom he indicates in the questionnaire.

To do this, you just need to write their names and contact numbers/emails. Moreover, you can also give him an additional gift for leaving these contact details. This will be the second motivation.

Another example of a questionnaire

And then attention. After receiving the completed form from contacts of three friends, you need to contact them with the words: “Your friend Ivan Ivanovich has prepared a gift for you s_____, you can pick it up at the store s_____ at the address: s_____.”

The phrase is not literal, but just an idea to think about, that you need to refer to the recommender and do it as if he was great, and not just handed over your contacts.

5 motivations for filling out a questionnaire

It’s not enough to just do it and place the form near the cash register. It will just lie there and no one will fill it.

You also need to motivate people to fill it out. Moreover, you must come up with additional motivation even for those who have at least some contact with you, and not just buy from you.

To do this, I have prepared for you 5 of our most popular methods of collecting and forming a database.

Database collection methods
  1. Proposal to inform customers about new products. This method is especially relevant in wholesale.

    Almost all wholesalers love to receive SMS about new arrivals of goods and, accordingly, to be among the first to purchase them, because they think that new items on their shelves are the key to a chest of money.

  2. Questionnaire for receiving a bonus card. In Russia, people still love discounts and will willingly fill out a form if you offer a discount or bonus card in return.

    And there is one more little trick. You don’t have to give the cards right away, but take the completed form from the client and call him after 2-3 days and invite him to pick up the card. T

    Thus, the client will appear at least 2 times, and even better, he will leave with a purchase.

  3. A small gift in exchange for filling. Everything is simple here, the client fills out a form and receives a gift in exchange.

    The gift must be valuable (note, not expensive, but valuable). In each niche, valuable gifts can be different products, but as a rule, this is what you always need, but it’s a pity to buy it yourself.

  4. Lottery. You are launching a win-win lottery, where to participate you just need to fill out a form (even those who haven’t purchased).

    The lottery can be instant and the person will immediately receive the prize, or you can schedule it for a specific day and time if the gift is significant and you are sure that people will come for it.

  5. Competition for staff. An effective method if you launch it simultaneously with the lottery.

    The idea is simple - the seller/manager who brings the most completed questionnaires within a certain time will receive a reward.

    As a reward, trips to a camp site or trips to a beauty salon for women sell well.

In order for a potential client’s questionnaire to be filled out well and the database to be collected, there must be some kind of pretext.

And this excuse should be valuable to your customers. Don’t just put the forms next to the salesperson/sales manager, but hang up the corresponding information signs.

Launch sweepstakes and staff competitions at the same time. Believe me, the client base is not something you should skimp on.

Important. You don't need a customer satisfaction survey right away. First, collect a database, and only then use it to conduct a quality survey of clients.

Your gifts from partners

Briefly about the main thing

Every day people are less willing to leave their data. I am proof of this myself. Therefore, do not expect 100% completion and collection in the “as it goes” format.

You need to approach this systematically and a little creatively, especially if you have a lot of competition.

But I assure you, when you gather a base of your clients and it helps you out at the right time, you will never underestimate this process again.

Just don't rejoice too early. Collecting the database is only half the battle. What is more important is not the quantity of questionnaires, but the quality.

And this indicator is measured by how positively your base reacts to promotions and offers.

This is not easy to achieve and will require other work from you. But no one said it would be easy.

Modern marketing involves close interaction with the client: communication, receiving feedback, studying needs. You communicate when you sell a product or provide a service. You receive feedback when a customer leaves a grateful review or complaint. You estimate needs when you analyze sales volumes for individual products or services over a period. However, sometimes you need to obtain specific information from clients on your initiative, answers to those questions that interest you. Then you remember about customer surveys and questionnaires.

In general terms, everyone has an idea of ​​what questionnaires are. We encounter them when, for example, we register with government agencies, receive discount cards in stores, at the request of a company we evaluate the quality of its services, and answer comic and serious surveys on the Internet.

Do you use surveys? Do you feel that this method of obtaining information from clients is too complicated for you? I assure you, this is only at first glance.

What is the usefulness of surveys in business?

Using the questionnaire you can:

  • collect information about customers (personal data, consumption patterns, preferences);
  • research customer satisfaction (whether they like your product or not);
  • study customer opinions about new products/services, changes in service, payment methods, etc.;
  • study customer needs.

The list goes on, including all those cases when you need to collect specific, the same data for all clients so that they can be summarized and analyzed later.

Features of the client questionnaire

  • The questionnaire allows you, first of all, to answer questions "What?" And "How many?". In order to find out "How?" And "Why?", there are more effective methods, for example, in-depth interviews. Of course, you can also insert questions like “Why did you turn to me for a service?”, but you need to analyze the results with caution, the answer is not always on the surface, and a person cannot quickly and clearly formulate it.
  • Ask “your people” only what is relevant to “your people.” Most likely, you only have contacts of your consumers at your disposal. It is difficult to independently survey people who do not know you and do not yet buy from you, and for this it is better to turn to professional researchers. When you survey your customers, you don't take into account the opinions of everyone else. target audience, which may not be as favorable for you. The result is a bias towards clearly loyal customers who are ready to answer your questions. Therefore, based on such surveys, it is impossible to draw conclusions about demand in general, the needs of all consumers, assessing the quality of your goods/services in comparison with competitors, and so on.

A questionnaire is a universal way of collecting information about a consumer, put into a specific form that allows information to be collected and processed (to make calculations). It is clear that you do not need a stack of questionnaires as an output, you need a database and conclusions. And in order to draw the right conclusions, you first need to create the questionnaire correctly.

1. Introduction- please take part in the survey.

Example: “We invite you to take part in a survey on the topic... Your opinion is very important to us. It will allow us to improve the quality of our work and better meet your needs.”

2. Screener- a block of questions that allows you to weed out unsuitable respondents if you are interviewing a specific target audience.

Example: “Have you purchased our products in the last 3 months?” If not - "Thank you bye".

If you have several groups of consumers that differ in gender, age, field of activity, interests, be sure to include relevant questions in the screener so that you can then separate the data and analyze these segments separately.

3. Main content- questions grouped by meaning, from general to specific. The questionnaire should have an internal logic, not confuse the respondent and not force him to return to previous topics. Place the most necessary and important questions for you at the beginning, details at the end (a person may get tired and not answer the last questions).

4. Passport- block of personal data (full name, contacts, place of work and position, Family status, income level). Always ask permission to collect such data and do not insist if the client refuses.

Example request: “The next set of questions is very important for us. We would like to know our customers better. But if you are not ready to answer some questions, you can skip them.”

5. Gratitude. Always thank the client for their time. If the questionnaire is voluminous, a lot of time has been spent, a simple “thank you” may not be enough, offer a gift, a coupon for the next purchase, a bonus.

General requirements for questions

  • Questions should be clear and clearly understandable to all respondents. Avoid complex sentences and special terms. Re-read the question, if you can ask it simpler and more clearly, reformulate it.
  • The easiest way to understand what you can and cannot ask is by putting yourself in the respondent’s shoes. Do not ask questions that may cause a feeling of embarrassment, invasion of personal space, or require disclosure of commercial information.
  • Avoid asking too detailed questions that the respondent may not remember the answers to, for example, for consumer goods instead of a question “How many times have you purchased this item during the past year?” better to ask: “How often do you usually purchase this product?” (answer options: ponce a week and more often, once every 2-3 weeks and so on).
  • Don’t ask about something that doesn’t yet exist in nature: “How would you feel if this product was sold in such and such packaging?” Make changes first, give people a chance to try, then ask. Or at least demonstrate innovations.

Types of questions

By general rule, there are questions closed(with answer options) and open(when the answer must be indicated in any form).

Closed questions- This:

  • questions with answers like Not really;
  • questions with lists of answers from which you must choose one or more;
  • questions with answer options in the form of scales.
Examples of scales
  • General scale (suitable for various issues):yes/rather yes/rather no/no/difficult to answer;
  • Grading scale: o very good/good/rather bad/bad/difficult to answer;
  • Agreement scale: absolutely agree/rather agree/rather disagree/absolutely disagree/difficult to answer;
  • Satisfaction scale: a absolutely satisfied/rather satisfied/rather dissatisfied/absolutely not satisfied/difficult to answer.

Such questions can be formulated in series, for example: “Please rate your agreement with the following statements regarding this service.”. Next come statements, each of which is rated on a scale.

Each answer option during calculations is assigned a score of +1, +0.5, -0.5 and -1, option “I find it difficult to answer” equals zero. As a result, you can calculate an index from -1 to +1, which will reflect the general opinion of respondents. Such indices are convenient for measuring opinion different groups respondents or indicators of different surveys over time.

  • There are also interval scales, for example, to estimate age: up to 18 years old/18-25 years old/26-30 years old and so on. Note that extreme values ​​are not repeated (if a person is 17 years old, he will choose option 1, if he is 18, he will choose option 2). When calculating, not points are used, but numbers indicating the middle of the interval, for example, in the interval "18-25 years old" - 21,5.
  • It is better to measure the regularity of actions in specific periods: once a week or more often/once every 2-3 weeks/once a month and so on. Avoid abstract options ( often, quite often, rarely), since they can be interpreted differently by respondents.

For questions like Not really and questions with scales there should be one answer. And for questions with a list of answers, you can select several or all of them. Be sure to indicate this after the wording of the question, for example: "Choose only one answer" or "Select all that apply".

In conditions of fierce competition and surplus in the market for your company’s goods and services it is necessary to “keep up the brand” , because dissatisfied customers won’t need much time to find you a worthy replacement. Customer surveys will help you monitor the level of satisfaction of your customers, take the necessary measures in a timely manner if a problem arises, and take into account the wishes of consumers. Online customer surveys are one of the simplest and most effective methods of feedback, and they can be used in many ways.

Online customer surveys

Customer satisfaction. You can ask the client to evaluate your product, service or company as a whole. Is he satisfied with the quality of the purchased products? What did he like about the service provided and what did he not? How did the client feel when visiting your company? The answers to these and similar questions will allow you not only to instantly correct shortcomings in your work, but also to understand in which area you have the potential for improvement.

Determination of the Loyalty Index. Effective way The definition of customer satisfaction is (NPS – Net Promoter Score). With its help, you will understand how “loyal” the client is to your company.

Customer satisfaction with service. Employees who are in direct contact with the customer and represent the entire company have a huge influence on the customer’s attitude towards your company. Ask the client if he is satisfied with the service? Was the person serving him polite? Did he provide comprehensive information about the product/service? Did it help solve the problem? Make sure that your company representatives are competent enough to make a good impression on customers.

Surveys of corporate clients. Sometimes corporate clients need more attention from your company, because each of them has unique needs, and the loss of a corporate client is always painful. Ask your corporate clients about their satisfaction with the level of service and the professionalism of the employee working with them.

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