Alexey Makarevich - rock musician, creator of the group “Lyceum. African passions of Valeria Makarevich Personal life of Nastya Makarevich

    - (Belarusian Makarevich) Belarusian surname; formed from the name Makar. Known media: Makarevich, Alexey Lazarevich (b. 1954) Russian producer, creator of the Lyceum group, musician, former member group "Resurrection".... ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Makarevich. Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Kapralov. Anastasia Makarevich ... Wikipedia

    Ivan Makarevich Ivan Andreevich Makarevich Date of birth: June 30, 1987 (1987 06 30) (25 years old) Place of birth: Moscow, USSR ... Wikipedia

    Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods, a form of encouragement to citizens of the USSR for significant services in the technical development of Soviet industry, the development of new technologies, modernization... ... Wikipedia

    Appendix to the article Medal “Defender of Free Russia” The article contains full list awarded the medal “Defender of a Free Russia” (on the date indicated in the main article as the last award) citizens of Russia and foreign citizens (in ... ... Wikipedia

    Knights of the Order of St. George, IV class, starting with the letter “M” The list is compiled in alphabetical order of personalities. Last name, first name, patronymic are given; title at the time of award; number according to the list of Grigorovich Stepanov (in brackets number according to the Sudravsky list);... ... Wikipedia

    This page is an informational list. Main articles: Stalin Prize, Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods ... Wikipedia

For lovers Soviet rock The surname Makarevich is well known. It's about not only about the permanent member of the “Time Machine” group, but also about the guitarist of the “Sunday” group. Alexey Makarevich was closely associated with the female pop-rock group Lyceum. It was he who created the immortal hit “Autumn” for the team.

Unfortunately, the musician died in 2014, but his brainchild still exists. Who is now the producer of the Lyceum group?

Brief biographical information

Alexey Makarevich was born on November 13, 1954 in Moscow. By birth his surname was Meerovich, but later he took maiden name mother.

Alexey received higher education at the Moscow Architectural Institute. But his whole life was connected with music.


Alexei Makarevich’s mother is Vera Grigorievna, a biologist. Father - Lazar Natanovich Meerovich, engineer, employee of the VNIEKIEMP Experimental Plant. He worked on electrical household machines and devices, and was the author of several inventions.

His mother had brother who is the father famous artist and producer Andrey Makarevich. That is, Alexey and Andrey are cousins.

Alexey Makarevich, biography and personal life which is associated with Russian show business, was married to a classmate, Valeria Vernaldovna Kapralova. From a previous relationship with a journalist, the woman had a daughter, Anastasia. Alexey has been raising her since she was eight years old. When the girl turned sixteen, she chose to take her stepfather’s last and patronymic names.

In 1987, his daughter Varvara was born. Today she works on television, sings.


Alexey Makarevich began his journey in music in the seventies of the twentieth century. He organized his own group, which was initially called the “Danger Zone”, and later became “Kuznetsky Most”.

Alexey Makarevich, whose photo can be found in the archives of the “Resurrection” group, was its member in different years. The group played in a rock style that was somewhere between art rock and blues with elements of rock and roll, psychedelia, and country. The team existed from 1979 to 1994. The leader was Alexey Romanov. The main composition consisted of several people, but different time There were about nine musicians participating.

In 2002, Makarevich was invited to the “Become a Star” project, which aired on the RTR channel. The musician was a judge in the selection of participants. This project was one of the first music programs, which supported young performers. The result of the project was the creation of the “Other Rules” group.

“Lyceum”: pop-rock performed by girls

In 1991, Makarevich attended a concert held at the children's pop theater. His daughter Anastasia performed there. After seeing her performance, he decided to create an all-female pop rock group. For the Lyceum, he became not only the creator, but also the songwriter. He also worked on images of girls and their stage costumes. In other words, he was a stylist and costume designer.

Over the years of its existence, the group included various performers. Anastasia Makarevich remains the permanent vocalist. The first lineup included, in addition to the producer’s daughter, Elena Perova and Izolda Ishkhanishvili. Later members of the group were:

  • Sveta Belyaeva.
  • Anya Pletneva.
  • Sophia Teich.
  • Lena Iksanova.
  • Anya Shchegoleva.
  • Nastya Berezovskaya.

The trio made its debut on “Morning Star” in 1991. They performed one of ABBA's hits. My own song the girls performed in 1992. It was called "Saturday Night". The first songs were borrowed from the repertoire of the “Sunday” group. The debut album was released in 1993. It was called "House Arrest". The second album appeared in 1994 under the title “Girlfriend Night”.

The most famous hit The group's song was "Autumn". The words and music for it were written by Alexei Makarevich. The hit was included in the collection “Open Curtain”, which appeared in 1996.

Some albums of the group released in the nineties of the last century:

  • "Cloud Engine"
  • "For you".
  • "Sky".
  • “You have become different.”

As of 2017, the group continues to operate. Anastasia became its producer in 2014. In the spring of 2017, she presented a video for an updated version of the song “Autumn.” In the summer of the same year, a concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Lyceum took place.

Sudden death

The biography of Alexei Makarevich ended on August 28, 2014. He died suddenly in his home. Anastasia discovered him. The burial took place in September of the same year. The musician’s relatives and friends do not talk about the cause of death. He missed his sixtieth birthday by several months.

(2014-08-28 ) (59 years old) A place of death A country

Russia, Russia

Professions Genres Teams

“Danger Zone” → “Kuznetsky Most”, “Resurrection”,

Alexey Lazarevich Makarevich(November 13, Moscow - August 28) - Soviet and Russian musician, ex-guitarist of the group “Resurrection”, producer popular group"Lyceum" since the founding of the group in 1991, songwriter, artist.


Born on November 13, 1954 in the family of biologist Vera Grigorievna Makarevich, Andrei Makarevich’s paternal aunt, and engineer Lazar Natanovich Meerovich, who worked at the Experimental Plant of the All-Union Scientific Research Experimental Design Institute of Electrical Household Machines and Devices and was the author of a number of inventions. Alexey subsequently took his mother’s maiden name. Graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute with a degree in architecture.

In the 1970s, Alexei Makarevich had a group “Danger Zone”, which in 1976 he renamed “Kuznetsky Most”. From to 1980 he played in the group “Resurrection”. In 1994, he returned to the Resurrection group for a while. In 1991, after attending a concert at the children's pop theater, where his adopted daughter Anastasia Makarevich studied, he created the group “Lyceum”, in which he became a producer, songwriter, stylist, and costume designer. Alexey Makarevich is the author of many songs of the Lyceum group, as well as the author of the words and music of the group’s main hit, which was included in the author’s album “Open Curtain”, recorded by the Lyceum group in 1996.

Alexey has two daughters:

  • Cousin singer Andrei Makarevich and cousin nephew actor Ivan Makarevich.

Albums of the group "Lyceum"

author of words, music
  • 1993 - “House Arrest”
  • 1994 - “Girlfriend Night”
  • 1996 - “Open Curtain”
  • 1997 - “Cloud Engine”
  • 1997 - “For You”
  • 1998 - “Living Collection”
  • 1999 - “Sky”
  • 2000 - “You have become different”
  • 2005 - “44 minutes”
  • 2008 - “Grand-collection”

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  • - official website of the Lyceum group
  • on YouTube
  • on

Excerpt characterizing Makarevich, Alexey Lazarevich

And the regimental commander, reflected as in a mirror, invisible to himself, in a hussar officer, shuddered, came forward and answered:
- I am very pleased, Your Excellency.
“We are all not without weaknesses,” said Kutuzov, smiling and moving away from him. “He had a devotion to Bacchus.
The regimental commander was afraid that he was to blame for this, and did not answer anything. The officer at that moment noticed the captain's face with a red nose and toned belly and imitated his face and pose so closely that Nesvitsky could not stop laughing.
Kutuzov turned around. It was clear that the officer could control his face as he wanted: the minute Kutuzov turned around, the officer managed to make a grimace, and after that take on the most serious, respectful and innocent expression.
The third company was the last, and Kutuzov thought about it, apparently remembering something. Prince Andrei stepped out from his retinue and said quietly in French:
– You ordered a reminder about Dolokhov, who was demoted, in this regiment.
-Where is Dolokhov? – asked Kutuzov.
Dolokhov, already dressed in a soldier’s gray overcoat, did not wait to be called. A slim body A blond soldier with clear blue eyes stepped out from the front. He approached the commander-in-chief and put him on guard.
- Claim? – Kutuzov asked, frowning slightly.
“This is Dolokhov,” said Prince Andrei.
- A! - said Kutuzov. “I hope this lesson will correct you, serve well.” The Lord is merciful. And I will not forget you if you deserve it.
Blue, clear eyes looked at the commander-in-chief as defiantly as at the regimental commander, as if with their expression they were tearing apart the veil of convention that so far separated the commander-in-chief from the soldier.
“I ask one thing, Your Excellency,” he said in his sonorous, firm, unhurried voice. “Please give me a chance to make amends for my guilt and prove my devotion to the Emperor and Russia.”
Kutuzov turned away. The same smile in his eyes flashed across his face as when he turned away from Captain Timokhin. He turned away and winced, as if he wanted to express that everything that Dolokhov told him, and everything that he could tell him, he had known for a long, long time, that all this had already bored him and that all this was not at all what he needed . He turned away and headed towards the stroller.
The regiment disbanded in companies and headed to assigned quarters not far from Braunau, where they hoped to put on shoes, dress and rest after difficult marches.
– You don’t lay claim to me, Prokhor Ignatyich? - said the regimental commander, driving around the 3rd company moving towards the place and approaching Captain Timokhin, who was walking in front of it. The regimental commander’s face expressed uncontrollable joy after a happily completed review. - The royal service... it’s impossible... another time you’ll end it at the front... I’ll apologize first, you know me... I thanked you very much! - And he extended his hand to the company commander.
- For mercy's sake, general, do I dare! - answered the captain, turning red with his nose, smiling and revealing with a smile the lack of two front teeth, knocked out by the butt under Ishmael.
- Yes, tell Mr. Dolokhov that I will not forget him, so that he can be calm. Yes, please tell me, I kept wanting to ask how he is, how he is behaving? And that's all...
“He’s very serviceable in his service, Your Excellency... but the charterer...” said Timokhin.
- What, what character? – asked the regimental commander.
“Your Excellency finds, for days,” said the captain, “that he is smart, and learned, and kind.” It's a beast. He killed a Jew in Poland, if you please...
“Well, yes, well,” said the regimental commander, “everything must be regretted.” young man in misfortune. After all, great connections... So you...
“I’m listening, Your Excellency,” Timokhin said, smiling, making it feel like he understood the boss’s wishes.
- Yes Yes.
The regimental commander found Dolokhov in the ranks and reined in his horse.
“Before the first task, epaulets,” he told him.
Dolokhov looked around, said nothing and did not change the expression of his mockingly smiling mouth.
“Well, that’s good,” continued the regimental commander. “The people each have a glass of vodka from me,” he added so that the soldiers could hear. – Thank you everyone! God bless! - And he, overtaking the company, drove up to another.
- Well, he really good man; “You can serve with him,” said subaltern Timokhin to the officer walking next to him.
“One word, the king of hearts!... (the regimental commander was nicknamed the king of hearts),” the subaltern officer said, laughing.
The happy mood of the authorities after the review spread to the soldiers. The company walked cheerfully. Soldiers' voices were talking from all sides.
- What did they say, crooked Kutuzov, about one eye?
- Otherwise, no! Totally crooked.
- No... brother, he has bigger eyes than you. Boots and tucks - I looked at everything...
- How can he, my brother, look at my feet... well! Think…
- And the other Austrian, with him, was as if smeared with chalk. Like flour, white. I tea, how they clean ammunition!
- What, Fedeshow!... did he say that when the fighting began, you stood closer? They all said that Bunaparte himself stands in Brunovo.
- Bunaparte is worth it! he's lying, you fool! What he doesn’t know! Now the Prussian is rebelling. The Austrian, therefore, pacifies him. As soon as he makes peace, then war will open with Bunaparte. Otherwise, he says, Bunaparte is standing in Brunovo! That's what shows that he's a fool. Listen more.
- Look, damn the lodgers! The fifth company, look, is already turning into the village, they will cook porridge, and we still won’t reach the place.
- Give me a cracker, damn it.
- Did you give me tobacco yesterday? That's it, brother. Well, here we go, God be with you.
“At least they made a stop, otherwise we won’t eat for another five miles.”
– It was nice how the Germans gave us strollers. When you go, know: it’s important!

The place of birth of Alexei Lazarevich Meerovich was Moscow, the date was November 13, 1954. The surname Makarevich, taken by the boy later, was borne by his mother as a girl. Vera Grigorievna's life was connected with biology. The family had anything to do with creativity only through the father’s side, and even then it was of a technical nature. Lazar Natanovich Meerovich, working as a factory engineer at a scientific institute, patented several inventions. In addition to Lesha, his sister Lena grew up in the family; she was older.

After completing training at secondary school Alyosha decides to connect his life with architecture and continues his studies at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Within the walls of the university, the young man is seriously interested in music, and connects his entire subsequent life with it. Together with Alexey Romanov, a colleague in several musical projects, they, being successful students, went through expulsion from the institute according to the delusional Soviet instructions “on cleansing students from hairy evil spirits” and subsequent reinstatement.

Back in the last century, the mid-70s, a young man created his first team, calling it “Danger Zone”, later, in ’76, changing the name to “Kuznetsky Most”, in honor of a famous street in the center of Moscow. Even then, he wrote several songs that later became famous when performed by “Resurrection.”


The history of the group, which celebrated its fortieth anniversary in 1919, begins in the spring of 1979. The musically gifted architect becomes the band's lead guitarist.

Young, ambitious musicians without proper equipment or any repertoire gathered for rehearsals in Makarevich’s apartment. In 2-3 weeks, about 10 songs were created that were included in the first album “Resurrection”. The author of several of them was Alexey. The genres of the works were very different: ballads, beat, rock and roll, funk, psychedelia.

The recording of the album took place at night in the recording studio of GITIS; a total of 16 singles were recorded. The last six songs belong to Konstantin Nikolsky.

The recordings were handed over to a friend of the editor of the Moscow World Servise radio station, which broadcast on Western world during the preparation for the Olympics - 80. It so happened that during this period censorship weakened somewhat, and the songs of the Resurrection group instantly became popular.

After a short rest, the team began preparing concert activities. Due to the popularity of the repertoire, the audience received the artists with delight. The song “Who is to Blame” became popular for many years business card"Resurrection" and deeply philosophical work“Musician” corresponded to the worldview of the most serious public.

Having existed for a year and a half, having soared to the very pinnacle of fame, the project falls apart. Everyone had their own reasons. Makarevich, in particular, did not receive sufficient self-realization from his activities.

Fifteen years later, in 1994, the guitarist returned to the famous band, but not for long.


The idea to engage in producing activities came to the musician by accident. His adopted daughter Nastya invited him to reporting concert V children's theater stage where he and his friends sang. Alexey, who was working as a theater designer at that time, looked at the girls from a professional point of view.

They were fundamentally different, each had a unique timbre, but all together it looked and sounded beautiful. In addition, 1991 was the year of graduation in the amateur group, there were no further prospects. And Makarevich promised to create a girls’ alliance out of them.

At the very beginning of its activities, the producer of the newly formed group “Lyceum” was responsible for every little detail: what the girls would wear, how they enter and leave and look on stage, how they cut their hair, what kind of gestures and facial expressions the singers had. I had to learn a lot again.

Alexey Lazarevich was a demanding person, sometimes to the point of being boring, and Nastya and her friends worked a lot.

In the same year, the group’s first performance took place in the program “ morning Star"with the hit group ABBA. Charismatic girls were noticed. The first independent songs were the producer’s works from the “Resurrection” repertoire. Subsequently, Makarevich wrote many songs for the Lyceum. The most famous and beloved was, of course, “Autumn”. During the life of the producer, the Lyceum group released 10 albums.

Over the 28 years of the group’s existence, the composition has changed more than once, but the soloist and face has always been daughter Nastya, who became a producer after the death of her adoptive father and brought to life his order - to grow and move forward.

The year 2002 was marked for the accomplished producer by participating in television program“Become a Star”, where his task was to select applicants for participation. As a result of the project, the young group “Other Rules” was born.

Personal life

The famous rock guitarist and permanent leader of the Time Machine, Andrei Makarevich, is Alexei’s cousin on his mother’s side.

Wife then theater artist became classmate Valeria Vernaldovna Kapralova (last name after her first husband). When receiving a passport, the adopted daughter Anastasia took the surname and patronymic of her stepfather, who became for her not only a father, but also a leader in life. In 1987 he appeared in the family common child- daughter of Varvara. Now she works as a TV presenter and is the lead singer of the group “Granny Sugar”.

The end of the biography of guitarist and producer Alexei Makarevich, famous in musical circles, was sudden death from heart failure on August 28, 2014.

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