Famous Russian sayings. Proverbs and sayings: meaning and meaning

The earliest Russian proverbs and sayings discovered by scientific researchers date back to the twelfth century AD. Accurate, biting expressions, literally a few words long and containing all the salt folk wisdom have reached us, albeit in a slightly altered light.

Take, for example, the most famous sayings, like, “I ate the dogs in this matter” or “two boots are a pair.” This is only part of the phrase; initially these Russian proverbs sounded like this: “I ate the dog and choked on its tail”, "two boots in a pair, but both on left leg put on".

And immediately the proverbs of the Russian people take on a different meaning, don’t they? They always have a double meaning - direct and indirect, so sometimes you need to read Russian proverbs more than once to understand their meaning.

Of course, many of them are outdated, and the words used in them are also outdated, but nevertheless, most of them still live, carrying their worldly wisdom through the centuries.

Not all proverbs were created specifically Ancient Rus', some of them were borrowed from religious books, and much later - from the works of Russian writers.

As an example, we can cite the following popular proverbs, How "And nothing has changed", under the authorship of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, or, for example, “They don’t wear happy watches.”(from the play “Woe from Wit” by Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov).

Russian proverbs are often equipped with a fair amount of humor, forcing people to take a different look at this or that problem, and even, perhaps, find the right solution.

And although we will never know the authors of many such sayings, their names have been lost, erased in the merciless flow of centuries, erasing them into dust human destinies, but these proverbs of the Russian people still live and make us happy. And then it depends only on ourselves whether we will preserve this heritage left by our distant ancestors.

The Russian people composed sayings on the theme of love, friendship, life path a person, aptly noting certain details, immortalizing them on paper, and even earlier - on a thin birch bark sheet.

Now, in this century information technologies, just open the Yandex or Google search bar and enter the query “proverbs of the Russian people”, and many pages with various sayings will immediately appear, and will even be selected according to relevant topics. We don’t even appreciate the fact that today humanity has such powerful capabilities, but many centuries ago, wise sayings were diligently copied by hand and passed on from father to son, from grandfather to grandson.

An interesting fact: it turns out that proverbs and sayings are such a layer cultural heritage, found among all peoples of the Earth. And each huge layer of this folk wisdom is in its own way similar to all the others - after all, despite the different cultural traditions and customs, way of life, all people, without exception, value honest work, good relations- whether with neighbors or relatives, and they value hard work and a sharp mind.

This is exactly what popular sayings are about - they emphasize the importance of work in a person’s life, ridicule laziness, greed and other human vices, and joke about everyday troubles.

In essence, it is humor that helps a person survive troubles. Humor and hope for the best, it’s not for nothing that one of the sayings says: “In joy, know your limits, in trouble, do not lose faith”. And this is just one of hundreds of thousands of others!

It is also interesting that many sayings different nations the world are very consonant with each other, for example, the well-known phrase about the apple and the apple tree is very popular all over the world, only each nation has reshaped it in its own way.

A funny video about proverbs:

They are easily remembered, imprinted in the memory forever, and perhaps that is why they live for so many centuries. After all, books may be lost, Internet sites may stop working, but what you remember will be forever in your head. And you yourself will be able to pass on this wisdom of the Russian people, captured in apt phrases, to your children and grandchildren, and maybe great-grandchildren - who knows?

Some of those proverbs and sayings that have been known to us for many years were not quite the same in the original. Or they became not quite the same over time. Oral folk art was rarely written down before and, passing from one generation to another, it could lose some part and be transformed semantically. And sometimes their meaning was changed over the centuries by our contemporaries, adapting them to their mood or new realities.

This material contains 50 proverbs and sayings that were actually longer or became longer more recently.
Grandma was wondering and said in two ways: either it will rain or it will snow, either it will happen or not.

Poverty is not a vice, but much worse.

IN healthy body a healthy mind is a rare blessing.

You're as lucky as a drowned man on Saturday - you don't have to heat the bathhouse.

A raven will not peck out a crow's eye, but will peck it out and not pull it out.

It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines and walked along them.

Goal is like a falcon, and sharp as an axe.

Hunger is not an aunt, she won’t bring you a pie.

The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a shovel.

Two boots in a pair, both left.

Even if a fool likes a stake, he puts two of his own.

A girl's shame reaches the threshold, she crosses it and forgets.

A spoon is on its way to dinner, and then at least for a bench.

For a beaten person they give two unbeaten ones, but they don’t take much.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch a single wild boar.

The hare's legs are worn. The wolf's teeth are fed, the fox's tail is protected.

It’s time for business and time for fun.

The mosquito will not knock down the horse until the bear helps.

Whoever remembers the old is out of sight, and whoever forgets is both.

The hen pecks every grain, and the whole yard is covered in droppings.

Bad luck is the beginning - there is a hole, there will be a gap.

Young people scold and are amused, and old people scold and get angry.

Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf, get up early and start your own.

It's not all Maslenitsa, there will be Lent.

The woodpecker is not sad that he cannot sing; the whole forest can already hear him.

Neither fish, nor meat, nor caftan, nor cassock.

A new broom sweeps in a new way, but when it breaks, it lies under the bench.

Alone in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler.

Horses die from work, but people grow stronger.

It's a double-edged sword, it hits here and there.

Repetition is the mother of learning, the consolation of fools.

For a drunk, the sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to his ears.

The dust is a column, the smoke is a rocker, but the hut is not heated, not swept.

Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest, that’s why it must be done, damn it.

Grow big, but don't be a noodle, stretch a mile, but don't be simple.

The hand washes the hand, but both itch.

The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar, so he avoids them.

If you get along with a bee, you’ll get some honey; if you get along with a beetle, you’ll end up in manure.

The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give it to the cattle.

They ate the dog and choked on its tail.

An old horse will not spoil the furrows, and it will not plow deep.

Fear has big eyes, but they see nothing.

The ward is crazy, but the key is lost.

Bread on the table - and the table is a throne, but not a piece of bread - and the table is a board.

Miracles in a sieve - there are many holes, but nowhere to jump out.

All right, but the knot is here.

My tongue is my enemy, it prowls before the mind, looking for trouble.

Based on materials from adme.ru

The master's work is afraid.

Water wears away stones.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

The forest is being cut down and the chips are flying.

Alone in the field is not a warrior.

They do not seek good from good.

Seven times measure cut once.

The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.

Fight fire with fire.

Live and learn.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Debt good turn deserves another.

There is no smoke without fire.

They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.

Time for business, time for fun.

Strike while the iron is hot.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

Not caught, not a thief.

A vegetable garden is income for a family.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Patience and a little effort.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

If you don't know the ford, don't poke your nose into the water.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

For a big ship, a long voyage.

Every day is not Sunday.

All that glitters is not gold.

Take it with you so you don’t fall when walking.

After a fight they don’t wave their fists.

The road is a spoon for dinner.

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place.

Don't sit in your own sleigh.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

The thief's hat is on fire.

They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.

The world is not without good people.

A bad peace is better than a “good” quarrel.

Whoever is in pain talks about it.


Sheep are not invited to barbecue. Run while it lasts. Shirtless, closer to the body. God is not a fool, he loves a nickel! God is not a beggar, he loves a thousand! God is not a Japanese who loves chervonets. Large cabinets are loud and fall. There is a genius sleeping within each of us. And every day it gets stronger: They don’t get into someone else’s car with their own cassette. Got it

We are not proud people: there is no bread, give us some pies. The paper endures, the pen writes. The hair is long, but the mind is short. The goose is no friend to the pig. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Look for your wife not in a round dance, but in the garden. Such hay that I could eat it myself, but I need money. To whom is war, and to whom mother is dear. A full belly is deaf to learning. Neighbour

Business before pleasure. The master's work is afraid. If you love to ride, you will also love to carry a sled. Patience and a little effort. A rolling stone gathers no moss. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Business before pleasure. Labor will feed a person, but laziness will spoil him. Everyone is bored until the evening, if

Appetite comes with eating. The deeper you delve into something, the more you understand and recognize it. A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare. About the departure of an unnecessary person who is not so useful to anything. Trouble doesn’t walk through the forest, but through people. It is with people that misfortunes are the real misfortune, and not with the fact that they

Aiutati che il Dio ti aiuta - water does not flow under a lying stone Assai sa chi sa che nlla sa - He knows a lot who knows that he knows nothing Buono studio rompe rea fortuna - patience and work will grind everything down Carta canta e villan dorme - What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax Chi ben comincia e a meta

*** Water and time are two powerful solvents: one sharpens the stone, the other undermines self-esteem. *** In this world, only fools are bored and look for entertainment in the next world.

*** Get ready to travel one more day. Work, patience will help you, throw away laziness and doubts. Make all decisions according to the call of your heart. Look there again, the door to life is not closed. There is no place for self-interest, where a cry for help is heard. Even if everything is not the way we all wanted, but remember: It’s not better to vegetate

Water and time are two powerful solvents: one wears away stone, the other undermines self-esteem. *** In this world, only fools are bored and look for entertainment in the next world.

It's scary for the eyes, but your hands will do it. Seven things cannot be handled by one person. Handle every task skillfully. The ant is not big, but it digs mountains. As long as the flail is in your hands, the bread is in your teeth. Don’t take on many things, but excel in one. Don't say what you did, but say what you did. One bee will not produce enough honey. Eats for the ox

The destiny of life is patience, for there are more enemies than friends. There is patience for wanting. A hurried person does the same thing twice. Soup is not eaten as hot as it is cooked. Strength is not everywhere: where is skill, and where is patience. Strength grows in the garden of patience. A zealous mouse will chew through the board. He who eats sweets must endure and

I've made some porridge - clear it up. The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying. The bear is in the forest, and the skin is sold. Add fuel to the fire. There is no fire without smoke, there is no man without mistakes. The cheese caught fire from a spark. Don’t spit in the well, you’ll need to drink some water. Call yourself a milk mushroom, climb into the back. You can't make leather out of matting. How

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either. Appetite comes with eating. The more you eat, the more you want. The rich man can’t sleep, he’s afraid of the thief. Be happy with little, you’ll get more. God has given a lot, but you want even more. Give from the nail, he will ask from the elbow. Contentment is the best wealth. Eat

The calm water washes away the shore. A bright word listens to the heart. Each other, and the enemy is the enemy. Without trouble you will not recognize a friend. He who boasts repents. Filya was strong - all his friends flocked to him, but trouble came - everyone left the yard. Mistrust kills friendship. Hold on to Mother Earth - she alone will not give you away. Love

Where there is sorrow, there is joy. After a thunderstorm - a bucket, after grief - joy. And the mountain is steep, but forgetful, and trouble is dashing, but unforgettable. There would have been no luck, but misfortune helped. To be afraid of misfortune is to see no happiness. You will live for an hour in goodness, you will forget all your grief. They do not seek good from good. There will be no bread, pancakes

The woman is driving the cart - it’s easier for the mare. (The meaning of the proverb is that if you get rid of unnecessary people or situations, then everything will only get better.)

Grandma said in two. (The meaning of the saying is that a person explained the essence of what was happening in two ways and incomprehensibly, or stated the situation incomprehensibly.)

The master's request is a strict order. (The meaning of the proverb is that if you depend on a person, then it is impossible not to fulfill his request, since you depend on him.)

There is trouble in the village if there is quinoa on the table. (Russian folk proverb. It means that if there is quinoa on the table (this is a type of grass), it means there is a bad harvest in the villages and there is nothing to eat except grass.)

Poor Kuzenka - a poor song. (Previously, in Rus', a song with praise was sung to grooms in order to present all his virtues to the bride. If the groom was greedy, then at the wedding they sang a song to him not with all the praise, in response to his greed.)

The poor man just needs to get ready to gird himself. (Russian proverb means that it is very easy for a poor person to get ready for a trip, because there is nothing to take.)

Troubles torment, but teach intelligence. (Russian folk proverb. It means that when trouble comes, it is of course very bad, but conclusions must be drawn from each such situation in order to prevent the misfortune from happening again in the future. Troubles teach a person to draw conclusions, analyze each of his actions, so as not to have more troubles.)

He ran from the smoke and fell into the fire. (Russian proverb. It means that if you rush thoughtlessly and rush into difficult situation, then you can only worsen the situation.)

He runs as if the earth beneath him is on fire. (Proverb. Means that a person runs very quickly specifically in this moment time, or simply runs very fast in life, like an Olympic champion.) at the request of Alice.

Without letters and grammar one cannot learn mathematics. (The proverb means that if you do not know the letters, then it is almost impossible to learn mathematics, since letters are an integral part of mathematics, and without them mathematics would not exist.)

Without water, the land is a wasteland. (Everything is clear here without decoding.))) Without water, nothing can grow and survive.)

A week without a year. (The saying is said when very little time has passed, or the age is very small.)

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky. (The proverb says that every person in life should do what he does best. If a person does nothing in life, then such a life is devoid of much meaning.)

Sleep better without money. (Russian proverb. It means that it is difficult for a rich person to keep his money; there will always be people who want to take it away. And if they are not there, then there is nothing to take away.)

I got married without me . (The proverb is said when a person was absent from some action or event, and others decided everything for him.)

Without science it’s like without hands. (A simple but very wise proverb. It means that if a person does not study, does not try to gain new knowledge, then he will achieve little good in life.)

Without trousers, but in a hat . (A saying about a person who puts on a new beautiful thing, along with old ugly pants, shoes, or other bad old clothes.)

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Russian proverbs and sayings are apt expressions, the so-called “ catchphrases", invented and used by Russians. And also these are borrowed phrases from written sources And literary works, briefly and succinctly expressing wise and deep thoughts. Most Russian proverbs and sayings consist of two or more rhyming and proportional parts. Proverbs almost always have a direct and a figurative. There are often several versions of proverbs with similar morals. This is called a moral invariant:

Business before pleasure.

You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

The master's work is afraid.

What are their differences?

A saying is a figurative and apt expression that reflects some life phenomenon. As a rule, they make no sense, and they are limited to various allegorical expressions. This is their main difference between sayings and proverbs.

Prove that you are not a camel.

Don't keep a fig in your pocket.

Wind in my head.

Keep your nose to the wind.

Proverbs differ from sayings in a more meaningful meaning. The ancient proverbs that have survived to this day date back to the 12th century.

A proverb is a genre of folklore that is of interest to people, is the most mysterious, and also the most incomprehensible. They clearly express the accumulated experience and intelligence of an entire people over the years. Proverbs can be used to judge the values ​​of a people; they reflect the most diverse aspects of people's lives.

Proverbs arose during the primitive communal system; they were passed on from mouth to mouth. Their main feature is the brevity and precision conveyed. Proverbs usually consist of two parts. In the first there is a description of the object, and in the second there is an expressive assessment of the oral object or phenomenon.

Thus, proverbs are not only the most ancient genre of oral folk art, but also modern, of interest to scientists and people.

On the left is a saying, on the right is a proverb

Working on them

For the sounds A-Z, I-Y, E

Dv A waiting for wives A nice A formerly A yes: like in a hut at entered at yea, how did you get it? at T.

Sun I who cares A its I parties A.

This is n A her gender I I of the year.

Com A r p A Ryu n O gu having given it away And l.

Com at it's not a year yet And hey, he's not even a year old And tsya.

Crazy heads A- legs A m p A lip.

B A ba drunk A- all strangers A.

Two br A the one with Arb A ta, O ba hump A You.

Apt e until it arrives A vit in e ka.

B A ba on bases A r three g O yes serch A la, a base A r then O and didn't notice A l: collected A got ready and got ready A l.s.

Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.

Poverty is not a vice, but a misfortune.

Oatmeal porridge itself xv A lit, a gr e chnevyu people xv A lyat.

Welcome, and grab your hat.

Don't swing a stick and the dog won't bark.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Make a mistake, but admit it.

A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar A.

And the quiet water shore A washes away.

A blunder and a blunder - the ship will not leave.

Proverbs on the sounds I-Y

And where is the cabbage soup, there I look And.

Water with him And It seems like there are nettles in the garden And to be.

Where are the lies And in - there Mr. And lo.

Pasha is not lazy, you will live happily.

Dashingly does not lie quietly.

Antipas didn't And na, and, having torn off the bast, one cannot cover oneself.

It would be desirable A nie, the rest is adj. O lives.

Not estimated I With And ly, I won’t pick it up A th in And ly.

Don't fight with the strong, don't sue the rich.

Don't be proud of your title, but be proud of your knowledge.

Thunderstorm And the mouse to the cat, and out of the hole.

TO And he jumped up and threw himself over.

He boasted and boasted, but fell downhill.

There would be bread, and teeth with s are felt.

As is Martyn, so is his altyn.

To whom is rank, to whom is damn, and to whom is wedge.

Look And wow - a picture, but a look And sh - brute.

We came uninvited, we leave uninvited.

With a wolf A We live - howl like a wolf.

St. A st. A they walked away, and everything was trampled I lurked.

Chalk And, Emelya, your week.

Time for business, time for fun.

Stand boldly for the right.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Not used O negative case, m A you won't be an eraser.

Young heart e full of annoyance O.

Know how to work, know how to have fun.

Check first, then believe.

It's a bad honor to have nothing to eat.

Eat while the bread is fresh.

Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth takes pity on him.

M O lodo - z e Leno, take a walk in e leno.

First in advice, first in response.

Lost - don't tell, found - don't show.

Honor is honor, but business is business.

Grandfather, don’t rely on someone else’s lunch.

went prov e let me stay for dinner.

Skill will always find use e Nye.

Patience gives skill.

A person is recognized A eat when there is cabbage soup from seven ovens with it A eat.

Proverbs on the sounds O-Yo, Z-S, U-Yu, P-B

Lots of n O that, but not enough O ku.

Slothless and the sun is not in the p O ru rises.

It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's presence.

The cat sees milk, yes s lo k O rotko.

A living word is more valuable than a dead letter.

He lives - he does not reap, but chews bread.

Who in the afternoon before O that slave O melts, that insomnia at night And does not know.

Work until n O That's it, go ahead and eat it.

Strong as he can, as much as he can O zhet.

What O tree, so is the fruit.

Krasn O the field is millet, and speech is the mind.

Sov O k, yes no l O wok

Whoever wants, can.

How you live is how you will be known.

Your hint is unknown to me.

Bel says O, and makes black O.

Without truth there is no living, but howling.

What's wrong A lo, then prop A lo.

Badly O vtsam, where the wolf is the governor.

This is a hedgehog, you can’t pick it up with your hands.

Clear above, dirty below.

All that glitters is not gold.

Flattery has no teeth, but will eat you with bones.

When the owner is close, the cat can handle the dog.

V l And hosty yes A no matter what O ku no, no p A reach.

Clear above, dirty below.

Oatmeal porridge And I felt like I was born with cow butter And las.

You can say it right off the bat O k, and they’ll retell it from the elbow O To.

You can't keep up with your tongue even barefoot.

Zn A If only the neighbor would recognize us too e dka.

I don’t fight myself, but I’m not afraid of seven.

Tale A l - what is the node O m stuck A l.

He sings himself, listens himself, and praises himself.

Pound, fight, and still hope.

Don't sit in your own sleigh.

Sun I no, but the month is only St. e tit.

Everything I who cares O vka.

Strength by strength - os And only, but strength is beyond our strength - os I you're talking.

It’s good to live and grow And, and evil, out of the way And sweep away.

Youth is not a sin, and old age is not laughter.

To the sounds of U-Yu

You won't be smart with someone else's mind.

Tr at Let's celebrate the holiday and at days.

Science is not flour.

And he doesn’t blow in his mustache, and he doesn’t lead with his ear.

For a friend - everything is wrong at th.

Friend for now s- the same n e Friend.

Stupid wasp at dit, and smart race at dit.

You will learn from the smart, and you will unlearn from the stupid.

White hands are someone else's work s love.

I don’t sleep, I don’t doze Yu, and that's it at Mayu doom at.

Himself at bit who doesn't like people.

Feels the heart and friend and e friend.

If there was a friend, there would be a friend at G.

Friendship and unfriendship live close.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

People think and come up with something, but we think and never get out of our thoughts.

Live wisely - t e to worry, to live madly - to suffer.

One is grieving, and art e he is fighting.

Called himself gr. at here - climb into the back.

A bad friend's service is elastic.

Beloruchka is not an employee.

Pobal at eat - spoiled at eating.

Trouble will come and knock you off your feet.

There would be a bull, but there would be meat.

Beware of troubles while they're gone.

Misfortune is not misfortune, misfortune drives you.

Inactivity is the sister of illness.

You are greeted by your dress, you are escorted by your intelligence.

Srobel - disappeared.

Bestolkov, yes p A restless.

Hurry, don't rush, but hurry up.

Live life And t - not a field to cross.

People have an awl to shave, but we don’t even need a razor.

If it weren’t for this, mushrooms would grow, and all white mushrooms would grow.

Good memory - good memory.

The deeper you plow, you get more grain.

He is not stupid who is stingy with words, but he is stupid who is stupid in deeds.

Hit or miss.

If it weren't for baldness, there would be no head.

There will be rain, there will be fungi, and there will be fungi, there will be a box.

On T-D, V-F, K-G

Don't teach by idleness, teach by handicraft.

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

Not known is a friend, but known is two.

Art e they take the cities.

Literacy is a second language.

Fedot, but not the same one.

Whoever makes you laugh is what people talk about.

Fool's fool xv A lit.

Still waters run deep.

A quitter and a slacker - they have a holiday on Monday too.

Where two fools fight, a third one watches.

Those who have a lot of things ahead do not look back.

You are for the cause, and the cause is for you.

The master's work is afraid.

From good wood- good fruit.

And on a tree there are no leaves per leaf.

Friendship is strong A not by flattery, but by truth and honor.

They do not seek good from good.

Expect praise for a good deed s boldly.

Take care of the dress O wow, and honor from a young age.

Things went smoothly - I’m glad about that.

Not to the point, but to the point.

People are not judged by their words A m, and according to their affairs A m.

Sounds V-F

Live and learn.

No matter how you turn it, get the job done.

Every vegetable has its time.

From a sick head to a healthy one.

One for all and all for one.

If all the people breathe, there will be wind.

If you lie, you won’t die, but they won’t believe you ahead.

Curl your curls, but don’t forget about the matter.

Everything has its time.

Time doesn't wait.

It's not that the sheep A V O she ate it, but the thing is how she e la.

He flew high and landed in a chicken coop.

Time paints, no time e lesser st A rit.

VR e I'm not a fool O silence.

The truth does not burn in fire and does not drown in water.

In war, the army is strong by the commander.

One cannot live on yesterday's glory in war.

In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt. Autumn: a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

Apparently Arsenya has to wait until Sunday.

Who l Yu bit, that's the goal at bit.

There’s a point, but there’s no point.

The cat loves milk, but its stigma is short O.

The cat gets used to the house, and the dog gets used to the person.

Krasn A river banks.

Pebbles rolled down the hill and hit the block.

Not all I some s to in lines at.

The cat has toys, and the mouse has tears.

Where the needle goes, so does the thread.

Every bug gets into the bugs.

When it's hot in the oven, then it's cooked.

Who has what taste: some like melon, some like watermelon.

It's not a boot - you can't kick it off your foot.

Gork A work, and sweet bread.

As is the work, so is the pay.

TO O los from to O Losa is not heard A t and g O losa.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

It is bad for the tongue to shout when the hands are silent.

The sandpiper has taken a walk And: there is no bread or flour.

Without a letter, it’s like being in the dark.

Sounds R-R, L-L, M, N

Truth is the light of reason.

A good spinner wears woven shirts.

Aunt Arina spoke sweetly.

Good character, yes O no good for the ditch.

Hard work is learned for three years, laziness for three days.

Craft is not something s the layer will not pull off the shoulders.

Even a wolf won’t take a frisky foal.

Quiet in speech, but fierce in heart.

Joy is real And t, cool And on the cr Yu cheat

Not years old A ryat, but woe.

Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

I was happy about the crumbs, and the carpet And gu lost.

An old horse won't ruin the furrow.

Seven gates, all to the garden.

The hand washes the hand, but the rogue is a rogue A covers.

Old sparrow on the soft And you won't fail.

The old raven will not caw in vain.

The hands work, but the head feeds.

The early bird cleans its sock, and the late bird cleans its eyes.

Cut the tree by yourself.

Lyovka does everything cleverly.

The fox tribe only flatters and beckons.

Moths eat clothes, but sadness is a person.

An affectionate word and an affectionate look and a fierce one in the hands A nit.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage, a green branch is better.

It's easy to boast, but it's easy to fall down.

Youth is stronger with its shoulders, old age with its head.

They realized that they were left without bread.

The sun is shining on the spruce tree, but we haven’t eaten yet.

Great in body, but small in deed.

Once you lie, you become a liar forever.

The oil went out and the stove went out.

Caresses your eyes and shuts your eyes A Zew barks.

Fish looks for where it is deeper, and man looks for where it is better.

He was at Fili’s, he drank at Fili’s, and he beat Fili.

The wolf catches, but they catch in O lk.

The word is no arrow A, but it touches your heart.

He didn’t eat, but sat at the table.

Small spool but precious.

Boastful word Mr. And lo.

Tree look into fruit A x, a man in business.

Proverbs starting with the sound M

Small small less.

Lots of good ones, but no sweet ones.

You want a lot, but you can do little.

I call a lot, but it's of little use.

It's like muddy water under a mill.

Don't believe me A lomu, yes onion A vom.

A hundred cowardly people cannot replace one courageous one.

The miller is not afraid of noise, they O rushes.

Soap gray O, yes it washes white O.

Like a fly to honey.

Traded the awl for soap.

There is no post in the darling s logo, and in the post s crowbar no dear.

Know how to say, know how to remain silent.

Lots of smoke, but little heat.

Young in years, but old in deeds.

Let's rest and see if we're sitting well.

You can’t get past the peas and the girl like that.

Many summers, but many are gone.

I remember a lot, but never return.

My home is my castle.

No matter how you throw it, it’s all a wedge.

There is no snow and no trace.

Every day is not Sunday.

Seven Fridays a week.

It's thick at first, but empty at the end.

Dinner is not needed, it would be lunch.

Our fidget is neither at home nor at a neighbor's.

A pig can't look at the sky.

Where the tail is the beginning, there the head is the bast.

An elephant does not chase a mouse.

Sleepy and lazy - two brothers.

Not everything is bad weather, the sun will shine through.

Put a pig on the table, and it will put its feet on the table.

The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.

If you're awake, you'll mistake the stump for a wolf.

Don't sniff lemons with a pig's snout.

They fight not by force, but by skill.

Don't rejoice if you find it, don't cry if you lose it.

The bear was wrong for eating the cow; The cow that entered the forest is also wrong.

It is not according to an old man to give alms.

Sayings in C, Zh-Sh, Ch-Shch

Bowing forward will come in handy.

Takes care of the sheep like a wolf.

You can't destroy a hut by shouting, and noise won't help matters...

Doesn't get carried away like a chicken and an egg.

Happiness does not float in the air, but is taken with your hands.

You tell the chicken, and she tells the whole street.

The pig follows its mother and father and is a great young man.

Every fellow is a good example.

Give me a request A hangs around, and we will be cool A bother.

Your foot will stumble and your head will get hurt.

Whoever fights for happiness is where it tends.

He who is proud is no good.

Not everything happens that is said.

As it comes back, so will it respond.

Day is a ring, night is well done.

Well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself.

A flatterer is like a snake under flowers.

He bows, he bows, he comes home and stretches out.

The horse also stumbles, but gets better.

Cares like a wolf O vtsakh.

Sounds Zh-Sh

Hurry up, don't make people laugh.

Murder will out.

What goes around comes around.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

As you go to bed, so will you sleep.

He who trembles runs.

Whatever you go for, you will find.

The sooner you start, the sooner you get there.

Whose to at shano, this and that at shano.

IZZH And l n at I'm waiting, I forgot, etc. at zbu.

To a miser, a soul is worth less than a penny.

Good fame lies under the bench, but bad fame runs far.

good to A shka, yes small A h A shka.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Fear has eyes like bowls, but they don’t see a crumb.

We’ll eat and dance, we’ll just plow the arable land.

Living with someone else's mind means no good.

It's not good to eat lying down.

If you feel sorry for the bag, you won’t see your friend.

What you reap is what you grind.

Proverbs in Ch-Shch

I cry and cry, but I hide my grief.

We will count the hour that strikes.

Wait from h A for an hour.

Happiness is on a horse, unhappiness is under a horse.

Cabbage soup - at least rinse your head.

R s ba r s fight with s ta.

Honor is honor, but business is business.

A scientist without work is like a cloud without rain.

Clean as a chimney sweep.

From a pure heart, eyes see purely.

Even though it's a sheep's coat, it's a human soul.

Where there is good cabbage soup, don’t look for other food.

A boot made from a flea, an ax made from a match.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

Even if it’s for an hour, let’s jump.

Pulled out the nose - the tail got stuck, pulled out the tail - the nose got stuck.

Don't look at the name, look at the bird.

There would have been no luck, but misfortune helped.

Quickly - in a lump and in a heap.

Water does not flow under a lying stone.

A wonderful miracle, a marvelous wonder: from a black cow and white milk.

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