Dance quotes. Cool expressions and funny DJ phrases

Mazurka, tango, spin in a waltz.

Uncontrollably tap dancing -

Let this dance last forever!

I want to dance all the time!

To the sounds of flute, saxophone, violin.

Infect with your energy and passion.

Draw applause and smiles!

I want to dance all the time!

Throwing away worries and doubts,

Improvise, sometimes surprise

And always be captivated by inspiration

Quotes about dancing:

"The movement never lies." Martha Graham, quoting her father.

“Everything in the universe is rhythmic. Everyone is dancing". Maya Angelou.

“Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material.” Ted Shawn.

“Rather than stomp your feet out of anger, it’s better to learn step dance.” Fred Astaire.

“If you could explain something in words, there would be no point in dancing it.” Isadora Duncan.

“I don’t try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance for myself." Mikhail Baryshnikov.

“Dancing with your feet is one thing, but with your heart is another.” Proverb.

“Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word.” Mata Hari.

“They don’t stop dancing because they get old. They get old because they stop dancing.” Jessie New Bern.

“I dance because I am happy. I dance because I am free.” Tosha Brown.

“Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.” Jacques d'Amboise.

“Dance for yourself. If someone understands, good, if not, it doesn’t matter, keep doing what you love.” Louis Horst.

“If you can talk, you can sing! If you can walk, you can dance.”

“Dancers are instruments, like a piano played by a choreographer.” George Balanchine.

" IN good dance, there is not a single unnecessary movement.” Fred Astaire.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Statements by famous people about education

Great teachers, philosophers, scientists, poets still live, because we still use truly great phrases that they once said...

Statements by famous people about education.

1. Believe me, happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us! (M. Lermontov.) 2. Mother, remember: you are the main educator, the main teacher. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky.) 3. The main meaning and The purpose of family life is raising children...

If you start dancing with the devil, dance to the end...

Let's play deca... dance!

Last chance to dance!

We call this dance a song.

The mermaid sat down on the splits.

Throw it, otherwise you'll drop it.

One head is good, but one leg is bad.

Broke a leg? Don't lie there in vain, start doing push-ups!

Man is not made to sit.

Do you love dancing as much as I love watching her while dancing?...

We loved to dance
Barefoot on broken glass...

Anyone who is late for the disco will dance an explanation.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

Dance is the vertical expression of horizontal desire.

You can’t undermine someone who’s dancing.

There are so many single guys, and I love... modern choreography.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

In dance they bare their soul. Consider them dancing as if they were negligee.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

Dance for him is air, food and sex.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

Show who is the real owner of the dance floor and who is just renting space.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

You can dance about anything with him.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

Dancing is a disease for him.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

What have they learned from us!
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT
About girls' aggressive dance

The perpetrators will be arrested and put on the splits.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

Flexibility – that’s it, the main quality of modern women!
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

If I were Pavel Volya, I would already start to worry!
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

Born in sandals!
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

And may the handsome guy win!
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

As we say among strippers, whoever doesn’t dance doesn’t eat.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT

I'm falling too, friends!
From “Dancing Without Rules” on the TNT channel. Commentary on the bottom break

Imagine how she kisses!

It was one hell of a blast!


Dance battle! Go out and tear your opponent apart so they don’t get glued together!

I like it when people look at me when I dance.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on the TNT channel

She loves only her mother more than dancing.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on the TNT channel

Let's dance until our belly button comes undone!
From “Dancing Without Rules” on the TNT channel

If you ask a girl to dance and she agrees, don't be happy. First, you still have to dance.

Everyone dances, but quickly!

“Unfit,” they told NN at the military registration and enlistment office when they saw his dance.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on the TNT channel

If others adapt to the music, then in the case of NN the music adapts to him.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on the TNT channel

Now I know what it means to dance like a god. This is what NN does, only on the water.
From “Dancing Without Rules” on the TNT channel

A couple, two gifts.

Life is too short to dance with freaks.

What is a foxtrot?
- This is love standing up.
- What is love?
- This is a lying foxtrot.

Let's dance without compromise!

Everyone get out of the cramp!
From "The Best Movie"

Someone has to dance in this hall today. If not you, then me.

Stop the Earth, I'll get off.

Finish me off with a dance!

There is still gunpowder in the flasks, and berries in the buttocks!

A corpse doesn't play hockey!

No time for slow dancing!

It's better to be covered in sweat seven times than frost once.

You can't fall off the floor.
Law of gender

Test your sense of rhythm. What if it exists?

Fantasize with your body!

Don't stand there dead, make gestures!

Let your feet teach you!

The body cannot move where the music does not go.

...Use all the possibilities of the moving female body.

Those who are destined to die from dancing will not freeze!

The dance is as white as snow 15 kilometers from the city.

We don't care how much you can dance. We care how hard you can push yourself!

If you want, I’ll teach you.
Believe me, I'm not joking!

Honey, let's talk.
- I’m very tired, let’s dance instead.

This is no time for tango!

Dance helps to create a new multifaceted image, more sensual, emotional and passionate.

By dancing, we surpass ourselves, become stronger and more powerful, revealing our new facets and capabilities.

The movements of Indian dances are beautiful and ornate, but at the same time, not complicated: with one hand we seem to screw in a light bulb, and with the other we stroke the cat.

Dance is every time a new sensual story of two, where they merge into a single whole and give free rein to their dreams and desires.

A distinctive feature of a good dancer is natural ease of movement; this is not a beautiful handwriting that can be learned.

To dance means to show your superpowers, to leave the usual image and appear before the viewer more beautiful and powerful, succumbing to the energy and power of dance.

Dance is not only the art of moving easily and rhythmically, but also of withdrawing your foot in time to avoid being stepped on.

Dance is your vital pulse, your breath. It is an opportunity to express happiness and sadness, joy and sadness, love and hate in motion in a short period of time.

Read more quotes about dancing on the following pages:

Dance is the loneliness of people who do not need words.

What will you choose: dancing or a guy? – Dancing, they don’t act like idiots 😀

A partner can learn to dance, but she must be born beautiful.

Tell me what's your favorite dance and I'll tell you who you are!

Those who don't dance have complexes.

Those who don't dance have complexes.

If you want to learn to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

A partner can learn to dance, but she must be born beautiful.

Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word.

Anyone who is late for the disco will dance an explanation

Tell me what's your favorite dance and I'll tell you who you are!

I dance because I'm happy. I dance because I am free.

You could make a great dancer... if it weren't for the balls.

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

Girl, are you dancing? -Yes! -And I thought you were being electrocuted!

Dance until they tell you, “Well, you can dance some more.”

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

It is not the place that makes a dancer beautiful, but the dance.

Well, the neighbors have finally fallen asleep, now we can dance...

It's better to dance at a disco than in line for the toilet.

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

Tango is a bed on which you are not ashamed to bare your soul.

Anyone who cannot feel the music considers the dancers abnormal.

Dance is movement, and Movement is LIFE!

Yesterday I stood in a long line for the toilet... I learned to dance tectonics! 🙂

It is not the place that makes a dancer beautiful, but the dance.

Those who don't dance have complexes.

From the film “Real Boys” Igor Sergeevich: What kind of dances? Antokha: Well, there are sports and ballrooms! Vovan: Absolute, haha, improbable. 😀

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires (Bernard Shaw)

If you know the names of all the movements you dance, then you are either a beginner or an international dancer.

Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's physical education.

Girls! Darlings!!! How many times do you have to repeat this? Minuet IS A DANCE!

Dance is a verse in which every movement is a word.

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires (Bernard Shaw)

It is not the place that makes a dancer beautiful, but the dance.

If a girl dances poorly, she scolds the orchestra.

Tango is a bed on which you are not ashamed to bare your soul.

Yes, he can dance, but to the rhythm of a hose.

Dance is a verse in which every movement is a word.

It’s not enough to learn to dance: you also need to remember to do it.

It’s not enough to learn to dance: you also need to remember to do it.

You could make a great dancer... if it weren't for the balls.

Dancing is like making love, but you are not ashamed, but you get pleasure from people watching.

Tell me what's your favorite dance and I'll tell you who you are!

If you want to learn to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

Each dance is a unique story of feeling: He and She merge in soul and body, and a flight begins on the waves of tenderness and temptation.

A partner can learn to dance, but she must be born beautiful.

Beginner dancers walk from crooked leg to crooked leg, while experienced dancers move from bent to bent leg.

If you asked a girl to dance and she agreed... Don't be happy: first you still have to dance.

People who don't pump up their muscles rock the dance floor!

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

Beautiful handwriting is not given by birth - it needs to be learned; and ease of movement - distinguishing feature who knows how to dance.

Whoever doesn’t dance is Philip Kirkorov...!

The grasshopper's dancing is complete nonsense from the butterfly's point of view.

Beginner dancers walk from crooked leg to crooked leg, while experienced dancers move from bent to bent leg.

It’s not enough to learn to dance: you also need to remember to do it

Dance is movement, and Movement is LIFE!

Every tango is a farewell.

You could make a great dancer... if it weren't for the balls.

Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's physical education.

The grasshopper's dancing is complete nonsense from the butterfly's point of view.

Some learn to dance, others are born to dance.

The daughter comes home from the disco. The mother is indignant: “What do you wear to dances?” Get dressed quickly and go to bed!

Dancing is a vertical expression of horizontal desires.

Dancing is the art of moving your foot before your partner steps on it.

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

If you are invited to dance by two gentlemen at once, you can dance in circles with them.

When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy.

Men are like that. They seem to be going to watch a belly dance, but they still stare at the boobs.

If you want to learn to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and in movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.

No sweet slow-motions or passionate tangos! Dancing in splendid isolation, with my eyes closed, is my thing!

Anyone who cannot feel the music considers the dancers abnormal.

Beginner dancers walk from crooked leg to crooked leg, while experienced dancers move from bent to bent leg.

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