The most popular foreign singers. The most famous singers in the world

Several performers received the greatest recognition and fame, but still the greatest, the real king of pop music was Michael Jackson. His compositions have been listened to for decades, they will probably sound forever. Even as a performer, he still has a large number of loyal fans.

Not very good for mine long life, Michael Jackson won the most prestigious Grammy Award in the music world 15 times, sold approximately 1 billion copies of his albums and was mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records 13 times. He deservedly received the title of the best of all times.

On June 25, 2009, the pop idol left the stage forever. He died from an overdose of the drug propofol. After this, his albums began to be sold out with even greater fanaticism.

The best singers of all time

Michael Jackson became the most popular singer world and the best pop performer. But, as far as rock is concerned, one of the greatest musicians This direction is Freddie Mercury.

The lead singer of Queen had a rare gift - a unique voice that was in perfect harmony with his appearance. He was irresistible on stage, so the group quickly became famous throughout the world.

Freddie Mercury passed away on November 24, 1991. He died in London from bronchial pneumonia, which he developed due to AIDS. In 1992, a grand concert featuring many rock stars.

Has forever won the love and calling of a huge number of people as well British singer, musician, and producer Sir James Paul McCartney. He is one of the founders of The Beatles. Paul McCartney has been awarded a Grammy Award 16 times and has been included in the Guinness Book of Records more than once. His duet with John Lennon - another greatest singer of all times and peoples, became one of the most successful copyright unions of music.

The Italian singer, composer, and comedian Adriano Celentano has become a legend of world music. He has his own unique style, special facial expressions and gait. His albums have always sold out in huge numbers. Now Adriano is near Milan and repairs watches.

Joe Cocker is considered one of the best performers blues and rock. His blues ballads are sung in a low, hoarse baritone, making them unique in their own way. Joe Cocker is also an Officer of the Order of the British Empire.

Sir Elton John became one of the most successful singers, pianists and composers of British pop, rock, rock and glam rock. During his 40-year career as a musician, Elton John has sold more than 550 million copies of his albums. On the list of the 100 greatest musicians in history, he ranks 49th.

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Almost everything music critics divide modern musical styles into three main categories: rock, pop and rap. Each of them is divided into many substyles.

Popular music

Pop is music. An extremely broad term that covers many genres and subgenres. It includes such styles as disco (music with an abundance of effects, a clearly defined rhythm section, the addition of winds and strings), trance (electronic music with an abundance of cosmic melodies), house (fully electronic music, the only instrument of which is a synthesizer, a characteristic feature is repeating musical phrases), (big music, metallic sound, cold vocals, a huge number of effects), funk (a dance genre with leading drummers, a broken rhythm and low melody). This musical direction is especially popular among domestic musicians.

Rock music

Rock as a genre is rooted in the old, foreign, black blues, which appeared in America back in the twenties of the twentieth century. Any blues consists of twelve measures or sections of the composition, each of the measures consists of several notes, and the emphasis is always on the first. In the traditional instrumental set of blues music, bass or double bass, drums, horns, keyboards and, of course, . Rock grew out of "guitar" blues, which does not have as many horns and keyboards as traditional blues.
Rock and roll became popular among young people in the fifties of the twentieth century; it was a simplified variation on the blues theme. Over time, rock grew out of it, which became an art influenced by the Beatles.
The Beatles actually became the founders of half the subgenres of rock.

In essence, rock is the blues, but with a different semantic content. Rock is, first of all, protextual music. There are many subgenres in rock. For example, hard rock is a style with a heavy, hard sound; the rhythm section occupies a dominant position in this style; it is in hard rock that you can hear the most interesting, “free” vocals. Pop rock is soft, rhythmic music with light arrangements, designed for a wide audience. Folk rock is now a trend trying to combine rock and folk music. Psychedelic rock - unconventional, complex music with an abundance of effects, usually has a serious impact on listeners. Heavy metal is harsh, heavy, inharmonious music, it is very far from the usual standards.

Very often in modern world There is a mixture of genres when it is quite difficult to determine exactly which style a particular composition belongs to.

Rap music

Rap most likely originated from dance style reggae in Jamaica. These styles have a lot in common - uneven rhythm, repetitive musical fragments, complex work of the rhythm section. In fact, rap lacks vocals as such. The text here is spoken in recitative. The main instruments are bass and drums; additional effects are often used.

A survey of Russians on the popularity of TV presenters is conducted by leading entertainment publications every year. The ranking of the most popular stars hosting television programs includes well-known people who are famous for their wit and charm. Who are these people?

Tip 4: What are the most famous films with Adriano Celentano

Adriano Celentano is known to many fans of Italian cinema. This man has starred in several dozen films. Several of them have become real masterpieces of world cinema and are still of interest among film lovers from all over the world.

The comedy film “Bluff” provided the viewer with an acquaintance with one of the best cinematic duets: Quinn and Celentano. Two swindlers, having met while escaping from the train carrying them, joined forces. Having decided to deceive the owner and part-time head of the mafia, the beautiful Belle Duc, the heroes come up with a grandiose scam that resembles a game of poker (one of the terms is “bluff”). Against the backdrop of all this, a struggle for the right to be “the best” was visible. The red line is “trust,” which once again gives the viewer pause to think about human relationships.

In the film The Taming of the Shrew, Celentano appears to us as a rude man who does not respect women and is quite happy with his life as a lonely bachelor. The companion who appeared in his life tried to change not only his views on the world, but also him. Seeing that our hero (Ilia) is indifferent, she tries to “touch” his heart. The film is filled with many comedic situations, which gives the two characters the opportunity to bond. Both of them are from different “”: he is a farmer, she is a socialite. And at the moment when the heroine is tired of fighting, the climax comes: the rapprochement of two loving hearts.

"The Grumpy" is one of Celentano's works, where main character lawyer Tito is a “victim” of a fifteen billion fraud. Out of concern for the “neighbor”, giving up the ticket to a waitress who was flying on the same flight into unpredictable situations. Plus everything with treasures found by Mary’s husband (the waitress).

Also known are the films “Ace” (Celentano plays a gambler who dies at the beginning of the film, but returns as a ghost to his ex-wife), “Madly in Love” (a wonderful comedy, the plot of which is the duet Celentano - Mutti in “The Taming of the Shrew”).

Famous are the paintings in which Adriano together with his wife Claudia Mori. For example, “Rugantino” and “Emigrant”.

A short excursion into the comedic “elite” films of Celentano. In the film about two swindlers, his desire for the game is visible. He took on any role, with any “shade”. In addition, he is interested in photography, chess, tennis, and plays billiards, and all this contributes to a better perception of his personal roles.

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In principle, there cannot be a clear answer to this question. The point is that in different eras Different people were popular. At one time they were Vladimir Vysotsky and Viktor Tsoi, at another - Napoleon, at the third - Peter the Great. However, not only these outstanding figures were at the zenith of fame.

Who is the most popular person in the world at all times?

As mentioned above, each era honors some a certain person, but sometimes there are exceptions: some people pass through years, centuries, eras with some invisible thread. Such personalities, of course, include Michael Jackson. This man showed the world the amazing depth of his own voice, combined with incredible virtuosity and flexible choreography.

Michael Jackson came from an African-American working-class family. After Jackson and his brothers moved to Los Angeles, he began working on music and choreography with a professional manager. As they say, the well-deserved fame did not take long to arrive: within a few months, Michael Jackson began giving record-breaking concert tours around the world, collecting sold-out audiences!

Unfortunately, Michael Jackson did not live to this day, but many people remember him as a man with an incredible and impressive ability to convey very complex and deep emotions to a large audience!

Other Most Popular People in the World

In 2013, Vladimir Putin topped the ranking of the most influential people in the world, conducted by Forbes magazine. The President of the Russian Federation displaced his American colleague, Barack Obama, from the first line of the rating.
According to an international survey conducted at the beginning of 2014 by You Gov for the Times newspaper, the most popular person in the world was the founder of the American company Microsoft, Bill Gates. He took first place in the popularity ranking. The world community gave second place to American President Barack Obama, and third place to President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. By the way, Vladimir Putin is ahead of Pope Francis himself in this rating.

Moreover, Bill Gates, according to the above survey, topped the ranking of the most popular people in China! It is curious that his rating in China turned out to be twice as high as that of the General Secretary of the Communist Party Central Committee, Xi Jinping. It is worth noting that about 14 thousand people from 13 countries took part in the above survey.

Michael Jackson takes an honorable seventh place in the top twenty search queries according to Google.
The Google search engine recently published a ranking of the twenty most popular - relative to certain ones. Oddly enough, but this one is headed by an American of Canadian origin - Justin Bieber. Other celebrities included in this top twenty are actor Robert Patison, singer Kesha, Megan Fox, country singer Taylor Swift, singer and friend of Justin Bieber - Selena Gomez, Cristiano Ronaldo, singer Katy Perry, US Barack Obama and others.

Whether you are an absurd fat man with small, swollen eyes or a skinny brunette with a cigarette in his mouth, it doesn’t matter at all if you have a unique voice. Singing is partly reminiscent of a passionate kiss, because the same organs are involved here - lips and tongue, and appearance is no longer important - the voice can deceive the appearance given by nature. The voice is a sound postcard that depicts a portrait of your soul, no matter how ugly or beautiful it may seem to you. One way or another, here is a list of fifteen female names, which includes owners of unique voices of all times music business according to the magazine Rolling Stone.

Ronnie Spector (eng. Veronica Yvette Spector)

Popular tracks: Be My Baby, Baby I Love You,Walking in the Rain

Influences: Joey Ramone, Patti Smith, Billy Joel

Ronnie is a member of a girl band The Ronettes, her voice defined the early sixties and her music was the most innovative in the field of rock and roll. Magical, with a touch of romance, the songs performed by Ronnie inspired Patti Smith, Joan Jett and many other singers, but they had the strongest impact on the guitarist The E Street Band Steven Van Zandt.

Björk (isl. Björk Guðmundsdóttir)

Popular tracks: Army of Me, It's Oh So Quiet, Human Behavior

Influenced by: Thom Yorke and Jonsi

Her voice is like a non-existent shade in color scheme, which sooner or later had to be invented. True, many have already forgotten how unexpected the effect of her appearance in the world of show business was. She's so unique that she can sing ridiculous songs from TV shows and still have the whole world talking about her. You can fully appreciate Björk's greatness by listening to her 1997 album Homogenic is the Bible for the vocalist of our time. In a minute, Björk can accelerate to the speed of an express train and in a second reset her drive to zero. She is brilliant and one of a kind.

Christina Aguilera (eng. Christina Aguilera)

Popular tracks: Genie in a Bottle, Beautiful, Ain't No Other Man

Influences: Danity Kane and Kelly Clarkson

I knew she could sing, says Herbie Hancock, referring to his duet with Aguilera four years ago. - N oh to sing so hard! Honestly, Christina just knocked me out. Aguilera has a strong voice and enough good school in order to lay claim to the laurels of a modern blues queen, starting at the age of 11 (it was then that she first appeared on the television show Star Search). Already in her first hit single Genie In A Bottle it was noticeable that the technique of this young girl refers to the standard examples of the genre.

01 Step Into the LightMavis Staples 4:47

Mavis Staples (eng. Mavis Staples)

Influences: Prince, the Pointer Sisters and Amy Winehouse

At a time when songs The Staple Singers occupied the rhythm and blues charts, the high contralto of the band's lead vocalist Mavis Staples was something of a symbol of freedom for women who fought for their rights. We won't drag people into churches who like to waste their lives in clubs,- said Mavis Roebuck's father Pops Staples. - So we have to get into the clubs and start preaching there. When I heard Mavis sing, I realized: evolution has not yet ended, admits Bob Dylan.

Gladys Knight (eng. Gladys Maria Knight)

Popular tracks: I Heard It Through The Grapevine, Neither One Of Us, Midnight Train To Georgia

Influences: Mariah Carey and Jill Scott

Gladys Knight - American soul singer, achieved widespread popularity in the 60s and 70s as the vocalist of a group Gladys Knight & the Pips. She likes to give advice to her colleagues, such as: Just sing the song and say the words clearly. Gladys always approached the performance of songs extremely seriously and left no room for improvisation. Gladys reminds me of a textbook- Mariah Carey said at the ceremony of Knight's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. - Take it and learn.

Bonnie Wright (eng. Bonnie Lynn Raitt

Popular tracks: Nick Of Time, I Can't Make You Love Me, Love Me Like A Man

Influenced by: Norah Jones, Sheryl Crow and The Dixie Chicks.

Patsy Cline (eng. Virginia Patterson Hensley)

Popular tracks: I Fall To Pieces, Walkin" After Midnight, Crazy

Influenced by: Loretta Lynn, Linda Ronstadt and KD Lang

Patsy, the owner of a low, erotic voice, was perhaps the first country singer to break through to pop radio and paved the way for Dolly Parton, Faith Hill and other artists whose ambitions went beyond the musicians of that time. Even when Patsy sings country, she's still a pop singer- says Lucinda Williams. - Sometimes it even seems that she has classical vocals.

Joni Mitchell (eng. Roberta Joan Anderso)

Popular tracks: Both Sides Now, Help Me, Raised On Robbery

Influenced by: Robert Plant and Fiona Apple.

Mitchell inherited the role of the archetypal bard girl from Joan Baez, but Joni went much further - her songs contained plenty of references to both jazz and blues. Joni heard Billie Holiday sing Solitude at the age of nine, and from that moment she was never the same.- says Herbie Hancock. She has a strange sense of rhythm, - Bob Dylan said in an interview with RS. - It is a rhythm in itself.

Dusty Springfield (eng. Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O"Brien)

Popular tracks : I Only Want To Be With You and Son Of A Preacher Man

Influences: Duffy and Amy Winehouse

An English folk singer whose career spanned four decades, reaching her greatest popularity in the 1960s and late 1980s. You become a great vocalist when you expose yourself internally on stage. Dusty was never afraid to look fragile and unprotected. You will recognize this voice by the first notes- Darlene Love.

Whitney Houston (eng. Whitney Houston)

Popular tracks : The Greatest Love Of All, I Wanna Dance With Somebody, I Will Always Love You

Influences: Beyoncé, Mariah Carey and Mary J. Blige

The daughter of gospel singer Cissy Houston, Whitney grew up under the supervision of her mother's friends Aretha Franklin and Gladys Knight. When I started singing, Houston remembers , - for me it was as natural as starting to speak. By the time Whitney was twenty-two years old, she was already considered the leading vocalist of her generation: her debut album had three powerful hits: Saving All My Love For You, How Will I Know And The Greatest Love Of All.

Nina Simone (eng. Eunice Kathleen Waymon)

Popular tracks: Feeling Good, Mississippi Goddam, Four Women, I Wish Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free

Influences: Jeff Buckley, Rufus Wainwright, Erykah Badu

American jazz singer, pianist, arranger and composer. Nina Simone had a pathologically enlarged pharyngeal tonsil, which gave her a deep, mesmerizing voice. She used it in a variety of ways musical directions, be it jazz, soul, pop, gospel or blues. Her voice is called the voice of the black revolution - in the 60s, she gained the love of the inexperienced public and the respect of professionals. Thanks to her popularity, she got the opportunity to speak and be heard. With the help of creativity, Nina conveyed her ideas and political thoughts to people. The leitmotif was the theme of discrimination against African Americans in the United States, because the singer knew firsthand how difficult it can sometimes be if your skin color is darker than necessary.

But it’s impossible to say for sure who Nina Simone was more: a singer, composer or pianist. Also, her music cannot be defined by a certain style or manner, because the peculiarity of her work is musical cosmopolitanism: in her performances, using blues melodies, she found a place for both Bach counterpoint and African rhythms.

Janis Lyn Joplin

Popular tracks: Piece of My Heart, Cry Baby and Me and Bobby McGee

Influences: Bonnie Raitt, Sheryl Crow, Lucinda Williams

Considered the best white blues singer and one of the greatest vocalists in the history of rock music.

In 1995, Janis Joplin was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Joplin was literally pounding on stage, and she screamed so furiously that I remembered it for the rest of my life.,” singer Melissa Etheridge recalls Janice’s performance. - Sometimes it seemed to me that the voice did not belong to Joplin at all, but to some elderly black woman. Joplin's powerful vocals, equally at home in the psychedelic blues numbers and country soul of her later albums, still sound as if its half-crazed owner had calculated all the parts in advance, down to the notes.

Etta James (eng. Jamesetta Hawkins)

Popular tracks: At Last, A Sunday Kind Of Lov, Tell Mama and What's Love Got To Do With I

Influenced by: Beyoncé and Mick Jagger

I will never forget the moment when I first saw Tina on stage,- says Beyoncé. - To me, Turner is a symbol of strength.. Tina began touring almost half a century ago; her breakthrough was associated with a cover version Proud Mary at the Creedence Clearwater Revival, which in 1971 became a declaration of women's independence. Turner's energy reminded me of a tank,- John Fogerty recalls. Over time, Tina's emotions as a vocalist only intensified. Her voice defies classification, says Melissa Etheridge. - Tina Turner is passion in its purest form.

Aretha Franklin (eng. Aretha Louise Franklin)

Popular tracks: You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman, Respect, I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You), Think and Chain of Fools

Influences: Whitney Houston, Alicia Keys, Aaron Neville and Annie Lennox

When it comes to expressing your personality through song, Aretha Franklin excels here like no other. She's not just the greatest singer of R&B, soul and gospel - she's a gift from above. She has technique, insight, charisma, and incredible energy. Thanks to her exceptionally flexible and powerful vocals, she is often called the Queen of Soul and the greatest vocalist of the rock and roll era.

It is impossible to say for sure which of the musicians and singers is the most famous and a respected singer in the world. There were, are and will be talented musicians, however, only a few of them become truly world stars. They are loved, listened to and revered even after their death.

Many outstanding performers are already loved by the whole world, but among them there are those who are at the very top of popularity. One of them - the true king of the pop scene. Everyone who is even a little interested in music knows him. Numerous Jackson compositions are always heard and will continue to be heard for many years to come.

The King of Pop holds more than 13 Guinness World Records. He received the prestigious Grammy Award as many as 15 times and sold more than 1 billion copies of his popular albums.

But millions of hearts dimmed on June 25, 2009, when Jackson passed away. Death was caused by an overdose of propofol, which he used as a sedative. After Jackson's death, his album sales skyrocketed.

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Michael Jackson is the most popular pop artist, while Freddie Mercury is considered the brightest representative of rock culture. Queen group gained worldwide fame thanks to the unique voicesoloist.

Mercury died on the cold evening of November 24, 1991 in London. The cause of death was bronchial asthma, which developed against the background of AIDS and HIV. A year later, famous rock performers performed at a concert in memory of the deceased soloist Queen.

The melodious voice of Italian singer,composer, director and actor Adriano Celentano was familiar to many. Albums with his beautiful songs were sold in huge quantities. Now singer lives near Milan, in the province of Lecco, where he continues to actively engage in creativity.

The low and hoarse baritone that gives birth to blues legends belongs to Joe Cocker. Besides, singer bears the honorary status of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

To another British composer and singer Elton John holds the equally honorary title of Sir, which he received in 1995. Over the course of his 40-year career, he has sold more than half a million albums.

Paul McCartney

Another famoussinger, awarded the title of Sir and Knight - James Paul McCartney. The founder of the world-famous “beetles” The Beatles is ahead of Michael Jackson in terms of Grammy awards received. McCartney has received this award 16 times. It is worth mentioning the great singer John Lennon. Their duet can confidently be called one of the most successful.

Typically, in all countries, at the end of the year, best songs, which sounded from winter to winter. The Reuters website collected hits of the year according to Billboard and added best photos their performers. What songs were heard across America this year?

1. Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars

The song, which was only released at the end of 2014, has become more popular this year than ever. The YouTube clip alone has received a billion views. And it's worth it, because Bruno Mars knows how to rock. The song was one of the top 100 sales hits this year.

2. Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud

Briton Ed Sheeran attracted attention back in October with his video and magical dance. The clip justified itself, gaining 800 million views. By the way, it was after the release of this song that the singer announced a temporary suspension of his musical career and a desire to engage in charity work.

3. Wiz Khalifa - See You Again ft. Charlie Puth

The song became the soundtrack to the new film “Fast and Furious 7”, and therefore gained great popularity among fans of racing and extreme sports. A mixture of touching lyrics and rap, the song is performed in modern American style.

4. Fetty Wap - Trap Queen

People like Fitty are said to have “broken out of the ghetto.” A relatively cheaply filmed clip, the atmosphere of a gangster area - the clip is more reminiscent of a social network. At the same time, the rapper himself is trying to show himself satisfied with his life. Despite the budget of the video, it collected 336 million views on YouTube.

5. Maroon 5 - Sugar

There is no need to even say anything about this group. In the 2000s, they blew up the charts with their song “This Love.” New clip collected almost a billion views. In the video, either in reality or pretending, they arrange a surprise for young couples at a wedding. Worth a look.

6. WALK THE MOON - Shut Up and Dance

American rock band from Cincinnati. In December 2014, their second studio album, Talking is Hard, was released. The album includes the group's most successful song to date, "Shut Up and Dance", which reached number four on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and topped the Billboard Alternative Songs and Billboard Rock Songs charts.

7-8. Taylor Swift - Blank Space; Bad Blood

Taylor Swift has been at the top of the charts for several years now. The singer stubbornly sticks to her style, and the song Blank Space has gained a billion views.

Taylor also shot a heroic video with Kendrick Lamar, who also won the world charts.

9. Silentó - Watch Me

Silento is a 17-year-old singer who, thanks to the launch of a flash mob, made a good video that gained 500 million views on YouTube. And how does he manage to do this? His song and dance captured the entire American segment of the Internet.

10-12. The Weeknd - Earned It; The Hills; Can't feel my face

The soundtrack to the acclaimed film “50 Shades of Grey” even on YouTube has age restrictions. The Weeknd itself has scored several hits this year.

The second video for the song “The Hills” received almost 500 million views on YouTube and became the basis for video toads on the Internet.

By the way, The Weeknd also boasts the hit “Can’t feel my face,” which this year also became a video meme in the American segment of the Internet. The chorus of this song will not leave you indifferent.

13. OMI - Cheerleader

The single "Cheerleader" was high on the American charts this year. OMI group noted joint work with Taylor Swift. Their summer, warm video collected 290 million views on YouTube.

14. Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do

It seems like all the 50 Shades of Gray soundtracks have become popular this year. Ellie’s tender song sounded on many charts around the world after the film’s release.

15. Hozier - Take Me To Church

Yes, this is another 50 Shades of Gray soundtrack. But the official Hoizer video is not related to the film, although it does have erotic scenes.

16. Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On

Either oriental motifs or a strange dance became popular on YouTube thanks to the video of Major Lazer and DJ Snake. On television, this clip was played on all music channels.

17. Jason Derulo - “Want To Want Me”

Jason is famous for his hit "Wiggle" with Snoop Dogg. Now the singer has released an energetically erotic video for the song “Want To Want Me,” which has collected more than 200 million views on YouTube.

18. Skrillex and Diplo - “Where Are Ü Now” with Justin Bieber

The trio wrote a song together that topped the charts for quite some time this year. And their video, shot in art style, received 360 million views. Today they can well be called representatives of modern music.

19. Fifth Harmony - Worth It ft. Kid Ink

These five girls and the simple tune of the song conquered the pop charts in America and Europe. Many remixes were played in clubs to their main tune. The composition of the pop group is so diverse that everyone can like at least one girl.

20. Sam Smith - I'm Not The Only One

Sam performs his songs in a very interesting style. This year his aspirations were appreciated high places in international charts. At the 57th Grammy Awards in 2015, he won in four categories: Record of the Year, Song of the Year, Best New Artist and Best Pop Vocal Album.

21. Selena Gomez - Good For You

Selena was famous even while starring in children's TV series in the 2000s. But today she is no longer a little girl: she allows herself to appear in erotic photo shoots and tries herself in films. Her serious video, which was released this summer, seems to show how much Selena has grown during this time.

22. David Guetta - Hey Mama (Official Video) ft Nicki Minaj

David Guetta today is one of the most popular DJs world, and his songs immediately become hits. Nicki Minaj became popular relatively recently, but their duet brought them 500 million views on YouTube and first lines in the world charts.

23. Flo Rida - GDFR ft. Sage The Gemini and Lookas

Unlike the video, in the Russian film “Dukhless 2” this song was more appropriate. Despite the simple video, the song was very popular not only in America, but also in Europe.

24. Adele - Hello

After a short pause, Adele released an incredible soundtrack for the new Agent 007, and the song immediately took first place in the English charts. Despite the fact that the video for the song was released only in October of this year, it has 700 million views. The singer's voice is simply mesmerizing.

25. Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney - FourFiveSeconds

The best trio of this year, which delighted fans of the singers back in early 2015. 300 million views for professional voices and excellent accompaniment by McCartney.

Nikita Nedaverkov

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