Methodological development of a script dedicated to the International Day of Dance "The Magical World of Dance". International Dance Day Concert script for the dance festival day

Scenario for celebrating International Dance Day

“In the dance kingdom, in the Elovsky state”

(initiation into dancers)

(DANCE “One Evening”)

There is a kingdom in the area

Elov state,

It is not narrow, not wide,

It is not close, not far.

It's not noticeable from the road,

And it’s not noticeable from the façade.

But as soon as it dawns

You will hear stomping in it

Children speed up

And they dance as hard as they can.

Who lives in the kingdom?

Who-who lives in the state?

Lots of different kids

And girls and boys,

And babies and tall ones,

Gray-eyed, brown-eyed.

They dance with all their hearts

Smart, beautiful, good!

Once a year it is instituted in that kingdom,

In the Elovsky state...

Accept children as dancers,

Dedicate to the art of dance!

(background Russian folk music plays, the king comes out. There is a throne and a chest on the stage; the music fades out, Vovka comes out)

IN - Hello, where is who here...

Tsar - (singing) I have group dancers,

And eat - what to eat, and eat - what to drink,

But I paint, I paint fences, so as not to be branded as a parasite/2p.

IN - Tsar! And the king... (calls)

Tsar - Oh, Lord!...oh, how I was scared...(The king, frightened, takes his place on the throne) I already thought the holiday had begun. And here I am like this...

IN - You are a king, you are supposed to do nothing!

Tsar - I know I know! My position is this: do nothing but do nothing. But you’ll die of boredom! I’m not a self-made king, but a fairy-tale one, let me think, before the guests have gathered, I’ll paint the fence, and it’s useful and warm-up... But I once could dance very royally... not only paint fences (adding ) (thinks, then gets up and performs several steps)

IN - (sitting on the throne and throwing up your leg) You don’t understand anything about royal life... - you want a cake, you want ice cream...

Tsar - So, so - it’s clear... (looking at Vovka) I would give up my place to the older one, or I wasn’t trained at school...

B - Please!

Tsar - Give me the crown! It's great for you!

B - Please!

Tsar - Hey, guards, (knocks on the crown) cut off his head - he’s a parasite... (explaining to the audience) he walks with a stoop, his legs are getting tired (stroking the throne) - all because he doesn’t strive for dance culture. Guards!

(The guards come out, Vovka first backs away from them and then runs away)

(continues to back away, finding himself in another fairy tale, emerges among dancing birches with scarves and Christmas trees)



Vas.1 - We'll do a good job

We calculate per lesson

How many guys should we supply?

So that the dance comes out on time. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.2- Children learn dancing

They already know a lot

They know the dance method -

How to bounce them slightly. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.3- Vika was getting ready to dance,

How the princess dressed up.

I put on clips and beads,

And I forgot my ballet shoes. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.1- Our Tanya and Karina -

They love the locker room very much,

Always before dancing

They beat each other hard there. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.2- The children just made a little noise -

The glass in the windows rattled,

We said: “Silence!”

The wall in the hall was cracked. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.3- Choreography is a science

Too complicated

Who hasn't eaten a lot of porridge -

Help is needed urgently! Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.2- We need to make a calculation

Time passes quickly,

What will we dance this time?

Congratulations to all dancers!!!

(Vovka comes out)

IN - This is great!

Who are you?

Vasilisa 2- Vasilisa the Wise.

Q – Who???

Vasilisa 1 - (together) Vasilisa the Wise!

- from different fairy tales Today we are having a meeting about initiating children into dancers, so that they can master choreographic knowledge!

IN - Choreo - what kind of knowledge? Why are you swearing all sorts of words here!

Vas.2 - Choreographic knowledge... about dancing (adds one of them, twirling her finger at her temple)

Vas.3 - Don’t grumble, it’s better to look and enlighten yourself...

(movie "History of the development of dance")

IN - I don’t want, I don’t want... At school they teach, they teach more, and here they piled in (dissatisfied).

Vas.1 - (whispering) Well then we know who you'll have more fun with.

Q - With whom?

Vas.2 - Two of the caskets are identical in appearance, you can’t tell - they do everything for you.

IN - Everything, everything, everything, but how to get there?

Vas.3 - Go straight, and so as not to get lost, here (spreads a path in front of him - Vovka leaves)

B - Ah, well, bye!

Vasilisa – (together) Good riddance!!!

(Vovka walks along the path to the auditorium)

Dance of the birches continues with handkerchiefs

Vasilisa 1 - You, my birches.

All the sisters are daring,

Give it to the guests

Everyone has painted handkerchiefs.

(Birches hand out handkerchiefs from their hands, inviting parents to the stage)

Vasilisa 1 - And now, honest people,

The Russian game is waiting for you.

Dear guests, now let’s play Russian with our birches. folk game "Carousel".

(The presenter holds all the ribbons in his hand by the middle, stands in the center of the circle, and the players take hold of the free ends, forming a “carousel.” To the music, the “carousel” begins to move, as soon as the music stops, the presenter unclenches her hand with the ribbons and gives the command: “ Kiss!” Each couple, holding the ribbon, kisses each other according to Russian tradition.) (The game is repeated several times.)


Vasilisa 1 - Thank you, dear guests, for the game...

(Berezki and Vasilisa, to the music, leave the stage)

(The light dims, B.Ya.’s house is on stage)


(V. finds himself in a dense forest, the stage darkens, on stage Baba Yaga is brewing a potion at her hut.) (Vovka comes out applauding)

IN - Hello grandma!

B.Ya. - Who decided to bother me here?
So who decided that it’s okay to make noise? If I’m doing serious business, no one dares to disturb me!

IN - What are you doing... (looking)

B.Ya. - In this dance kingdom, I decided to open courses on making magic witchcraft potions that give strength to dancers! (shows a jug)

And then all the chemicals, chips, all sorts of kirieshki, but here everything is natural, effective... do you want to try...(draws a jug from the vat, invites parents and presenters to drink from the jug).

IN - Grandma, can I try?

B.Ya. – Are you not strong enough to dance in choli?

IN - What are you, what are you! I don’t even want to dance...

B.Ya. - Just think, there are a lot of you lazy people like’ll come running to me in the forest for a magic potion! Why didn’t I understand, and why do we have so many guests in our kingdom-state? (addressing the hall)
Al fly agaric head
, covered in cobwebs, I completely forgot, we should congratulate the children today on their International Day dance and initiate the younger ones into dancers. See, how many guests have gathered? I myself love to dance, all the forest and swamp evil spirits always gather at discos.

DANCE “Shishka-Yolki”

(dance participants run into the hall)

IN - Do you even know who these guests are?

B.Ya. - I know, I know, now I’ll introduce you too:

Come on, Sasha, Olya, Sveta, take a bow,

And Misha, Vicky and Marina, smile!

Hey, Seryozhki, Tanya and Andryushki - show yourself.

Ira, Kolya and Vadim - scratch it.

Now you know everyone. (looks around) What can you do, an ill-mannered child prodigy... (V. shrugs) I see you don’t even know how to dance. (fussing)

(OWL signal)

Ah...the holiday has already begun, maybe you’ll stand instead of a hanger (rushes around, puts it like a hanger, hangs something on his hand, evaluates it), or wait, you’ll be a machine (bends it, swings his leg)

IN - (indignantly) I won’t!

(with a grin) What happens, are you going to teach children to dance or what?
(B.Ya. - Yes! In a crazy way!)
(B.Ya. - Yes! In a crazy way!)
Move your arms?
(B.Ya. - Yes! In a crazy way!) (fussing around and cleaning up)
V-Ha, nonsense! They all already know how to do this, come on, kids, and boys (addressing the audience) move your arms, stamp your feet, clap your hands... they can do it without any training!
B.I .- Come on, helpers, tag-tag-tag, geese come out

GEESE DANCE - “On the Pasture”

(V. sits down and watches the dance)

(Baba Yaga calls the geese, geese, doing exercises, saying)

1st - We have third grade - and yet,

We can already do a lot.

2nd - We'll show you the plie first,

Batman tandu et por de bras.

3rd - And the first steps of the dance -

Tan leve sote - jumping.

4th - And you repeat after us,

Study the art of dance.

B.Ya. - Is this what you can do?
B - Please! (makes a mistake, the children correct him).
B.Ya. - And like this ( pops with stomps).
B - Please! (he gets confused again, the children help).
B.Ya.- Can you at least dance something?
IN - Yes, it’s easy!, come on, curly haired girl, start your music.

B.Ya. - Disperse, people, Vovchik will start dancing now!!!


(Dance fragment, V. stumbles, twists, at the end V. becomes ill and he stops...).

B.Ya.- What, are you tired, killer whale?

IN - Oh, grandma (fanning herself) - how hard it is, maybe your magic potion will help, maybe you have some magic remedies, huh?
B.Ya.- Don’t rush around, son, sit down and calm down... But my potions only wake up our dancers, although... choreography is a magical remedy that helps everyone; heal, be beautiful, slim, resilient, and most importantly strong! (Vovka is backing away at this time, leaving) Look, our kids are so good... at least look at them first, and then run away. Just wait for the old one (runs away after V.)


(Grandma’s hut is carried away from the stage)

DANCE "East Lily"

DANCE "Farmer"


(A casket is brought onto the stage. Two people sit in the casket)

IN - And here I am... (looks at the sign) Finally found it!

Two – (jumping out of the chest, shouting) Hello!!! (smiling)

B - Hello.

B - And this Are you two from the casket identical in appearance?

Two - Yeah (smiling)

IN - You really will do everything for me.

Two - Yeah (smiling)

IN - Then I want some cake... ice cream... (they bend their fingers for it) Will you bend your fingers for me?

Two - Yeah (smiling)

B – Bend - I want cake... ice cream... sweets... and something else. (adding) After all, today is a holiday in your kingdom-state!

Two - Be done. (throws it into mouth)

IN - Stop, stop, and eat the cakes for me. Why, it’s “on purpose” for me to stay hungry at the holiday.

Two - Yeah (smiling)

IN - Do you know how to dance? – (shrug their shoulders, looking at each other)

So what can you do

Two - Give advice

B - Well, let's do it!

Two - Yeah (smiling)

« Bad advice" Two from the box

(read in a deep voice)

Don't do anything and don't teach dancing,

And if you were called to study on your day off,

Move aside silently, stand there modestly,

And stand quietly, without moving until your old age.

We guarantee you that never again

You won't be invited to perform on stage here.

If they didn't put you in the dance,

And they didn’t call me to the rehearsal,

You need to be offended by the teacher

And leave class into the cold night.

But it's not easy to wander the streets,

And in the dense dark forest go

A hungry wolf will meet there

And, of course, it quickly eats you up.

Then the teacher will understand

He will scream, cry and run...

When your teacher starts to stretch you,

Don't expect mercy from her

Don't shed unnecessary tears.

Just pinch her

Better yet, bite

So that she never again

I didn't approach you.

(at this time V. yawns, then shrugs it off, sits down on the stage and begins to tinker with something)

IN - They will tell me more...

I don’t like you and your advice, are you on purpose or something?

Two - Yeah! (laugh loudly)

IN - What are you, laughing at me? ...climb back into your casket!Are you on purpose or something...

Two - Aha!

IN - I got bored with these people who give advice but don’t know how to do anything! And I’m not a parasite, even though I don’t know how to dance, but I’ve already prepared gifts for our initiates... (sings a song) as soon as I can (shows a gift), I also want for your holiday (wipes under his nose with his sleeve), I I liked it with you.

Tsar - (going on stage)Our solemn ceremony is already beginning, but nothing is ready yet... Where is my throne? Guards! (V. hides behind the scenes, peeking out)


Listen to the command!

Prepare the room!

We can't waste time

Because on this holiday

Encourage children to become dancers.

(the guards are fussing, carrying the throne, hanging balls, etc.), but where are our semi-finished products? (the guards carry out the first-graders under their arms and place them, then they line up themselves)

(seeing Vovka, looking around) Ah... it’s you...

IN - I think you were talking about becoming a dancer?(embarrassed)

Tsar - (thinking) So be it, we also invite you to our holiday, come in, be a guest. (V. goes down into the hall and sits down)

Guard – (whispering in the king's ear)The situation here is alarming... (the second guard at this time straightens his clubbed legs)

Tsar - Well, what else...

Guard – They're all crooked, they're not supposed to dance like that.

Tsar - What a shame... but we’ll fix it over time, but now we’ll give them tests (examines the children, correcting their posture)


Test one ("Hairstyle")

As everyone knows, any dance requires a hairstyle, and if there are several dances, then during the break between them you need to quickly intertwine and help each other with this. Now we will check how friendly you are. While the music is playing, you must help your classmates by braiding each other.

Test two ("Blind Dancer")

The light of spotlights, lighting fixtures, is sometimes so bright that it blinds the dancer on stage, therefore, they must be able to dance with eyes closed. But since you are still a long way from dancing, we will first check whether you know the positions. I’ll give you this task - follow the tracks of an unprecedented beast along pos. I and II. And our guests will evaluate you and, of course, support you with applause.

Test three (“Situation”)

You receive cards with situations written on them. For example, a girl catches butterflies in a clearing, a climber climbs inaccessible rocks, etc. The task is to dance the situation while the music is playing so that the audience can guess it. After the music ends, the parents guess the situation their child is in, and the audience helps.

Tsar - Guys, you coped well with all the tests... But the parents of our baked semi-finished products also came to our holiday. And now they too should be checked. Are they ready to become real helpers for the guys? I will ask questions and offer you several answers. And you must choose the only correct answer. You are ready?

(There is a jokecompetition for parents).

Questions and answers:

1. What is the name of our holiday today?

  • Day of music.
  • African Independence Day.
  • Natalya Valerievna's birthday.
  • Initiation into dancers.

2. Name the fourth note of the staff.

3. What is the name of the object that a dancer holds onto during classical lessons?

  • Branch.
  • Stick.
  • Device.
  • Machine.

4. What is the name of the Goddess of Dance?

  • Verka Serdiuchka.
  • Terpsichore.
  • Maya Plisetskaya.
  • Olga Vladimirovna.

5. What are the shoes of a ballerina called?

  • High boots.
  • Shubenki.
  • Ballet shoes.
  • Slippers.
  • Pointe shoes.

What about the shoes your child wears?

Your first-graders will grow up and take part in concerts. And we all know that our treasury is empty, and for performances we need suits. We'll have to give away the last shirt off our shoulder... Now let's test the generosity of our parents. Let's ask them to go on stage.

Game "Who is more generous"

Now I am issuing a decree-

Present the children for the show,

If they completed the tasks,

“Young Dancers” deserve the title.

I hasten to congratulate everyone,

May success come to you.

To learn to dance,

We studied without interference.

And I also want to say,

I will take an oath from you.

Repeat everything after me

I'll teach you now.

We need to move to love,

Everyone goes to class.

Attend all concerts

Invite friends and acquaintances.

Be neat, be neat,

And come with a hairstyle.

Respect yourself and others -

Don't miss rehearsals.

Maintain discipline

And help each other;

Don't be naughty and don't litter,

Wear shoes and dance uniform.

By the month of May exactly,

Are you committed to doing the splits?

To pronounce the solemn oath, get ready and line up in dance poses.


I solemnly swear!

I will achieve success in dancing,

I will pass any test.

I swear, I swear, I swear!

I swear to become a strong dancer,

Learn the art of dance

Love partners, respect,

I swear, I swear, I swear!

I swear to defend the honor of the club,

Dance at festivals

Shine on stage like a star

And always be the first in dancing!

I swear, I swear, I swear!

I swear even after many years

Leave a trace in the heart of dance

And remember the path to the pedestal,

Whatever my life becomes.

I swear, I swear, I swear!

Anointing with makeupWe are committing, we are dedicating you to dancers.

I ask everyone to stand up!

Give gifts for those dedicated to me!

We will hand them over, and it will be great!

They are dancers and that's the main thing!

(Gifts are presented. Fanfare sounds.)

Guard - Fanfare sounds! Fanfare sounds!

Violins play and drums beat!

We will remember this event forever,

Like a bright, colorful, big firework! (fireworks projection)

Pupil - start dancing,

We have a lot of fun

Everyone is having fun now.


Tsar - Well, it's time to part ways.

Let's end our holiday with a dance,

Finally we all stand up,

And we will close a huge circle.



Tsar - Now the time has come for us all to say goodbye,

We are “goodbye!” we talk.

For good laughter and for participation

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

1st. Good evening, Friends!
2nd. Hello. Today we are not having an ordinary concert, but a dance celebration. We present a dance ensemble... (names), who is ready to please us with his art.

Choreographic number.

1st. Tell me, what program do you like to watch on TV?
2nd. KVN, for example, "". In general, I spend more time on the Internet, you know. Why did you ask?

1st. They say that girlfriends always have the same tastes. This may be true, but I like dance shows. I watch competitions ballroom dancing with great pleasure! This is such beauty! You know, there is a cartoon about Barbie when she becomes a princess. And in it she dances with the prince. As a child, I watched this cartoon the same way I watch dance couples perform now. Super!
2nd. I think that the soloists of the ensemble will perform the waltz no worse than Barbie and the Prince.

Choreographic number.

1st. You know, there is an expression: “If you want to learn to dance, learn to look into each other’s eyes!”
2nd. Here the opposite often happens: the partner looks at his partner with all his eyes and... forgets about the dance. Then the girl has to remove her foot before her partner steps on it.
1st. We hope that our guys do not have such omissions!
2nd. After all, everyone treats dancing with love!

Choreographic numbers.

When there are only girls in the team - and for some reason this happens more often - everything somehow turns out faster and easier. Or am I not right?
1st. I agree with you. You look at the guys at school - they are all so clumsy, awkward, their legs can barely drag on the floor. This irritates me so much!
2nd. But when they come to dance classes, they dance with pleasure with the girls.
1st. They gladly do everything to get attention. This irritates me so much!
2nd. In general, I think that the problem with many guys is that when you want to dance with him, he thinks that you are in love with him!
1st. Exactly! This irritates me so much!
2nd. Yes, nothing irritates a girl more than everything.
1st. Did you come up with this yourself or did you find it on the Internet?
2nd. IN in social networks. Shall we escape from irritation by dancing?
1st. If this is the only remedy, then I agree!

Choreographic numbers.

2nd. Dance is joy and pleasure. If not, then this is physical education.
1st. Physical training? Agree. Who is your physical education teacher?
2nd (after thinking, but not daring to name it). Whoever it is... All the physical education teachers are shouting: “Faster! Move your hands! Why are you crawling from crooked leg to crooked one?”
1st. That's it... Choreographers also call on their students to pay attention: “Legs! Ears! Ears! Legs!"
2nd. Legs are understandable. What do the ears have to do with it?
1st. And this, as the dancers themselves say, is one and the same. After all, a dancer’s ears are in his toes! He hears music and... on his toes, on his heels, on his toes, on his heels. This is how the dance begins...

Choreographic numbers.

So much new in Lately happening!
2nd. Some ten years ago they appeared Cell Phones with long antennas. Nowadays there are no such things, there are smartphones.
1st. What about computers? At first there were large monitors that took up half the table, but now there are small and flat laptops and tablets. Rejoice, use it!
2nd. And in art everything changes at an even greater speed. For example, in dance: quite recently we danced freestyle, then we learned hip-hop, but now flash mobs have become popular.
1st. For the uninitiated, let's explain. This is a surprise appearance strangers at a pre-agreed location.
2nd. Translated from English, “flash mob” is “instant crowd.” Mobbers come out and start dancing, and more and more people join them. more people. A breathtaking sight!
1st. Why did young people come up with this?
2nd. Firstly, it’s great, a kind of mass “fun”, and then it’s entertainment!
1st. A! Emotional recharge!
2nd. And, of course, these are new acquaintances and new friends.
1st. This probably happens in England or America?
2nd. And so do we! Let's see!

Choreographic numbers.

1st. Yeah, you can’t keep up with them...
2nd. Street dancing is becoming more and more fashionable. It’s interesting to initiate everyone into your art right on the street.
1st. Waving!
2nd. Popping!
1st. Locking!
2nd. Wacking!
1st. And all this...
Together. Funk!

Choreographic numbers.

2nd. We sometimes have to attend rehearsals of both vocalists and dancers.
1st. What you won’t see and hear! Fun, I tell you!
2nd. Especially when one choreographer educates a gang of unreasonable, restless and cheerful students.
1st. From our records. What do choreographers say when they run out of patience...
2nd. Who dropped their elbows?
1st. You need to stand on your own two feet!
2nd. Olya, turn your knee the other way!
1st. And I will call you Mr. Dead Hips!
2nd. We won't do this pose! I don't need corpses!
1st. Partners! Don't ride on your partners!
2nd. Yes, guys, dancing is not like cracking grandma’s pies!
1st. And no matter what, we dance!

Choreographic number.

2nd. Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing.
1st. Africans say: “If you can talk, you can sing, if you can walk, you can dance!” And the inhabitants of Africa, as you know, are very musical and dancing people!
2nd. The task of any choreographer who is in love with his profession is to teach his students to dance not only with their feet, but also with their hearts.
1st. The entire Universe is rhythmic. This means you can dance to the music of the stars.

Choreographic numbers.

2nd. Without jumping and flying there is no dance!
1st. But there is gravity!
2nd. Our dancers are ready to take on gravity as...
Together. The final!

Choreographic number.

1st. Dear friends! The time for dancing has come to an end.
2nd. The most cheerful, energetic, musical artists and their teacher, the choreographer, take the stage... (is).

Concert participants fill the stage.

1st And 2nd. If you want to dance...
Concert participants. Come to us!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • The tradition of dancing wedding dances did not always exist. In ancient times, newlyweds...

Fanfare, the presenters exit. One of the presenters is always loud and a little stupid, the other always pulls him back and makes fun of him.
1- Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!
2- Hello, we are pleased to welcome you on this wonderful day, in this beautiful hall, to celebrate this amazing holiday, filled with the intoxicating fragrance of batmans and rondas.
1- In general, we hope to give you a good mood, because today is International Dance Day...
2- Yes, I have a wonderful poem for this occasion, listen to me. You are beautiful in your wonderful dance,
The movements are perfect and easy!
And I just want to admire,
And dedicate the best poems to you.
I want to sincerely congratulate you today
All those who give time to dance,
I wish you happiness and I want to add -
Let the soul dance and sing.
1 – Great, of course, but let’s move on to concert program, the guys are already waving to me (points to the backstage)
2-Let them wave, Dance is not just waving...
1- (interrupting him) As one great man says - That's two! Oh no, but there is a lot of text! Today is dance day. So let's finally enjoy the dance, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome!
Lindy Hop
2- As Nietzsche said, the day was in vain if I did not dance, but of course pure technique is not enough, so I am reminded of another famous aphorism: Perfect dance technique is not enough. Without the soul of a dancer, it is an orphan. (Sylvia Guillem).
1- And I remember the expression Dance is the mother of all languages ​​and if you talked less...
2- I can dance, no problem
1 – Oh no, perhaps it’s not worth it, because I remembered Jerry Less about this.
2 – I don’t remember something, remind me
1 - Well, he said that the way people move is their biography in motion, so I wouldn’t want anyone to know the details of your biography.
2-I just can’t understand, did you just hint that I’m a bad dancer?
1- No, I wanted to say that dancing with your feet is one thing, but with your heart is another, and I would like to demonstrate to you how to do it
2- I don’t mind in principle
1- What are you saying, well, okay, let’s go, and we continue, ladies and gentlemen.
2- Enjoying this impulse, this fiery revelation of the soul, the words came to my mind Further fate dance depends on all subsequent generations. We remember that our wonderful song is followed by an equally wonderful dance. When we love our sister, the song, we must also love our brother, the dance, who is somewhere walking among people and looking for shelter.
1- Who hired you as the host, remind me? Although it's not that important, keep quiet. Dear friends, on stage for you...
2-Today there is music.
Today there are songs and fun.
Let the dance celebration end
April week.
Today we will dance
And have fun until you drop
We will light up the stars
I invite everyone to the stage.
1- Well, in general it will do, meet Disco
1- As we all know, partnering in dance is a very difficult thing
2- Someone finds a life partner, someone celebrates the fact that the partnership is finally over.
1- Someone has been dancing for 10 years without scandals
2- Until it gets into a couple ahahah.
1- If a partner tells her partner that he is the smartest, then she understands that she will not find another such fool
2- The best tool for holding a partner is your hands
1- Someone flirts with someone until he realizes that they are actually trying to dance with him.
2- Talented dancing couple- this is a capricious cactus that blooms once a year, and God forbid you mix up anything in the soil composition or watering regime during the remaining 364 days - it will die. A successful dance partnership is similar to the relationship of good relatives - a lot of patience and a mountain of work .
1- In general, we understood that this is difficult, thank you, but it’s strange when there are only men in a duet... but let’s see.
2- The whole sphere of dance has now expanded so much that it is the diversity that is of interest, and not any specific phenomenon that someone calls dance. Merce Cunningham!
1- And I remembered another chorograph, Nikolai Sergeevich Zakharov and his luxurious phrase - You will talk a lot, you will sell pies at the station!
2- Oh yes, Mr. Nicolas! You can dance about anything with him.
1- I will never do anything with you again.
2- Don’t despair my friend, I’m simply overwhelmed by the sparkling feelings of movement and rhythm, how wonderful the dance is! (Starts jumping)
1- (Addressing backstage) Forgive me guys, I didn’t mean to say what’s next (Some of the girls Next in the script there’s a joke that there are only girls in jazz and our number) Thank you dear, but in our program..
2- Let me introduce
1- (Waves and leaves the stage)
1- Listen, remember last year Zhigarkov walked with a broken neck
2- Well, I remember, he not only walked, but also danced.
1- So, do you know why his neck was actually broken?
2- Well, he seemed to fall while doing tricks.
1- No, it’s not true, it turns out, do you remember she and Ira Kholodova danced together, So one day they were rehearsing at home and during the rehearsal Ira’s father came in and In general, that’s why Zhiga had a tire on her neck-
2- Yes, because Dance is a vertical reflection of horizontal desires!
1- Oh my God go announce the number.
2- Ladies and gentlemen….
2-International Dance Day has been celebrated since 1982 by decision of UNESCO. On this day in 1727, the French choreographer Jean-Georges Nover, a reformer and theorist of choreographic art, was born. He went down in history as the “father of modern ballet.”
Nover was a student of choreographer L. Dupre. He performed as a dancer and led ballet troupe at the Drury-Le theater... (Guys in suits come out and take the 2nd presenter)
1- Here he is, please take him away, he even annoyed me, who took him in the first place, talk so much on the day of the dance. (Exhales with relief) Ladies and gentlemen, and now.. (2nd presenter runs out)
1- Now I’ll show you the fun! Oh yes Ladies and Gentlemen - Odessa! (Run away)
1- In fact, dance is the most universal means of conveying feelings and emotions. Dance is feelings and pain.
2- The soldier’s dance, tired and heavy, is also a dance.
1- No matter what troubles befall a person, no matter what happens around us, we, each of us, have a dance.
2- When we are happy, we dance, when we dance, we are happy, we dance sometimes. Learn to enjoy the flight of your soul every minute.
1- When we give ourselves completely to the spirit of dance, it becomes PRAYER.
You survived, Soldier
1- Our holiday is coming to an end, I would like to summarize everything we saw
2- If you can talk, you can sing, if you can walk, you can dance.
1- Yes, it’s true, each of us can dance, and most likely the one who thinks that he can’t dances secretly when he thinks that no one can see him.
2- So, dance, fill yourself with feelings and love. You can forget the movements, but you cannot forget the mood. Geniuses dance with their hearts.
(Almost leaving)
1-(looks at him, wants to quarrel, but changes his mind and says)
A normal joke, because even among choreographers there is a mafia (winks, leaves)
1- Well then Dear friends, the ball is over and the evening is over
2- Next time we will meet the goddess Terpsichore dance, and her wonderful helpers next year.
1- KUKIIT students were with you, we sincerely congratulate you on the International Dance Day and wish you to dance until you are a hundred years old, and your soul will dance with you.
2- We say thank you to our teachers and masters and congratulate every person dancing.
1- See you again and remember - Any problem can be solved
(Together) -Dancing!!

(DANCE “One Evening”)

There is a kingdom in the area

Elov state,

It is not narrow, not wide,

It is not close, not far.

It's not noticeable from the road,

And it’s not noticeable from the façade.

But as soon as it dawns

You will hear stomping in it

Children speed up

And they dance as hard as they can.

Who lives in the kingdom?

Who-who lives in the state?

Lots of different kids

And girls and boys,

And babies and tall ones,

Gray-eyed, brown-eyed.

They dance with all their hearts

Smart, beautiful, good!

Once a year it is instituted in that kingdom,

In the Elovsky state...

Accept children as dancers,

Dedicate to the art of dance!

(background Russian folk music plays, the king comes out. There is a throne and a chest on the stage; the music fades out, Vovka comes out)

B - Hello, where is who here...

King - (singing) I have a group of dancers,

And eat - what to eat, and eat - what to drink,

But I paint, I paint fences, so as not to be branded as a parasite/2p.

B - King! And the king... (calls)

Tsar - Oh, Lord!...oh, how I was scared... (The Tsar, frightened, takes his place on the throne) I already thought the holiday had begun. And here I am in this form...

Q - You are a king, you are supposed to do nothing!

King - I know, I know! My position is this: do nothing but do nothing. But you’ll die of boredom! I’m not a self-made king, but a fairy tale one, let me think, before the guests have gathered, I’ll paint the fence, and it’s useful and warm-up... But I once could dance very royally... not only paint fences (adding) (thinks, then gets up and performs several steps)

Q - (sitting on the throne and throwing up your leg) You don’t understand anything about royal life... - you want a cake, you want ice cream...

Tsar - Yes, yes - it’s clear... (looking at Vovka) I would give up my place to the eldest, or I wasn’t trained at school...

B - Please!

Tsar - Give me the crown! It's great for you!

B - Please!

Tsar - Hey, guards, (knocks on the crown) cut off his head - a parasite... (explaining to the audience) he walks with a stoop, his legs are tired (stroking the throne) - all because he does not strive for dance culture. Guards!

(The guards come out, Vovka first backs away from them and then runs away)

(continues to back away, finding himself in another fairy tale, emerges among dancing birches with scarves and Christmas trees)



Vas.1 - We’ll work well,

We calculate per lesson

How many guys should we supply?

So that the dance comes out on time. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.2- Children learn dances,

They already know a lot

They know the dance method -

How to bounce them slightly. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.3- Vika was getting ready to dance,

How the princess dressed up.

I put on clips and beads,

And I forgot my ballet shoes. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.1- Our Tanya and Karina –

They love the locker room very much,

Always before dancing

They beat each other hard there. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.2 - The children just made a little noise -

The glass in the windows rattled,

We said: “Silence!”

The wall in the hall was cracked. Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.3- Choreography is a science

Too complicated

Who hasn't eaten a lot of porridge -

Help is needed urgently! Uh, oh - uh, oh

Vas.2- We need to make a calculation,

Time passes quickly,

What will we dance this time?

Congratulations to all dancers!!!

(Vovka comes out)

B - This is great!

Who are you?

Vasilisa 2- Vasilisa the Wise.

Q – Who???

Vasilisa 1 - (together) Vasilisa the Wise!

- from various fairy tales, today we are holding a meeting about the initiation of children into dancers, so that they can master choreographic knowledge!

Q - Choreo - what kind of knowledge? Why are you swearing all sorts of words here!

Vas.2 - Choreographic knowledge... about dancing (adds one of them, twirling her finger at her temple)

Vas.3 - Don’t grumble, it’s better to look and enlighten yourself...

(film “The History of Dance Development”)

B - I don’t want, I don’t want... They teach at school, they teach more and then they piled in (dissatisfied).

Vas.1 - (whispering) Well then we know with whom you will have more fun.

Q - With whom?

Vas.2 - Two of the caskets are identical in appearance, whatever you order, they do everything for you.

Q - Everything, everything, everything, but how to get there?

Vas.3 - Go straight, and so as not to get lost, here (spreads a path in front of him - Vovka leaves)

B - Ah, well, bye!

Vasilisa - (together) Good riddance!!!

(Vovka walks along the path to the auditorium)

The dance of birch trees with handkerchiefs continues

Vasilisa 1 - You, my birches.

All the sisters are daring,

Give it to the guests

Everyone has painted handkerchiefs.

(Birches hand out handkerchiefs from their hands, inviting parents to the stage)

Vasilisa 1 - And now, honest people,

The Russian game is waiting for you.

Dear guests, now let’s play Russian with our birches. folk game "Carousel".

(The presenter holds all the ribbons in his hand by the middle, stands in the center of the circle, and the players take hold of the free ends, forming a “carousel.” To the music, the “carousel” begins to move, as soon as the music stops, the presenter unclenches her hand with the ribbons and gives the command: “ Kiss!” Each couple, holding the ribbon, kisses each other according to Russian tradition.) (The game is repeated several times.)


Vasilisa 1 - Thank you, dear guests, for the game...

(Berezki and Vasilisa, to the music, leave the stage)

(The light dims, B.Ya.’s house is on stage)


(V. finds himself in a dense forest, the stage darkens, on stage Baba Yaga is brewing a potion at her hut.) (Vovka comes out applauding)

Q - Hello Grandma!

B.Ya. - Who decided to bother me here?
So who decided that it’s okay to make noise? If I’m doing serious business, no one dares to disturb me!

Q – What are you doing... (looking)

B.Ya. - In this dance kingdom, I decided to open courses on making magic witchcraft potions that give strength to dancers! (shows a jug)

Otherwise, all the chemicals, chips, all sorts of kirieshki, but here everything is natural, effective... do you want to try... (he scoops it out of the vat with a jug, invites the parents and presenters to drink from the jug).

Q - Grandma, can I try it?

B.Ya. -Are you not strong enough to dance?

B - What are you, what are you! I don’t even want to dance...

B.Ya. - Just think, there are a lot of you lazy people like that... you’ll come running to me in the forest for a magic potion! Why didn’t I understand, and why do we have so many guests in our kingdom-state? (addressing the hall)
Al is a fly agaric head, covered in cobwebs, I completely forgot, today we should congratulate the children on International Dance Day and initiate the younger ones into dancers. See, how many guests have gathered? I myself love to dance, all the forest and swamp evil spirits always gather at discos.

DANCE “Shishka-Yolki”

(dance participants run into the hall)

Q - Do you even know who these guests are?

B.Ya. - I know, I know, now I’ll introduce you too:

Come on, Sasha, Olya, Sveta, take a bow,

And Misha, Vicky and Marina, smile!

Hey, Seryozhki, Tanya and Andryushki - show yourself.

Ira, Kolya and Vadim - scratch it.

Now you know everyone. (looks around) What can you do, an ill-mannered child prodigy... (V. shrugs) I see you don’t even know how to dance. (fussing)

(OWL signal)

Oh... the holiday has already begun, maybe you’ll stand instead of a hanger (rushes around, puts it like a hanger, hangs something on his hand, evaluates it), or wait, you’ll be a machine (bends it, swings his leg)

B - (indignantly) I won’t!

(with a grin) What happens, are you going to teach children to dance or what? (B.Ya. - Yes! In a crazy way!)
Clap? (B.Ya. - Yes! In a crazy way!)
Stomp? (B.Ya. - Yes! In a crazy way!)
Move your arms? (B.Ya. - Yes! In a crazy way!) (fussing around and cleaning up)
B - Ha, nonsense! They all already know how to do this, come on, kids, and boys (addressing the audience) move your arms, stamp your feet, clap your hands... they can do it without any training!
B.Ya. - Come on, helpers, tag-tag-tag, the geese are coming out

GEESE DANCE – “On the Pasture”

(V. sits down and watches the dance)

(Baba Yaga calls the geese, geese, doing exercises, saying)

1st - We have third grade - and yet,

We can already do a lot.

2nd - We'll show you the plie first,

Batman tandu et por de bras.

3rd - And the first steps of the dance -

Tan leve sote - jumping.

4th - And you repeat after us,

Study the art of dance.

B.Ya. - Can you do this?
B - Please! (makes a mistake, the children correct him).
B.Ya. - And like this (claps with stomps).
B - Please! (he gets confused again, the children help).
B.Ya. - Can you dance at least something?
B - Yes, it’s easy!, come on, curly haired one, start your music.

B.Ya. - Disperse - come on people, Vovchik will start dancing now!!!


(Dance fragment, V. stumbles, twists, at the end V. becomes ill and he stops...).

B.Ya. - What, are you tired, killer whale?

Q - Oh, grandma (fanning herself) - how hard it is, maybe your magic potion will help, maybe you have some magic remedies, huh?
B.Ya. - Don’t rush around, son, sit down and calm down... But my potions only wake up our dancers, although... choreography is a magical remedy that helps everyone; heal, be beautiful, slim, resilient, and most importantly strong! (Vovka is backing away at this time, leaving) Look, our kids are so good... at least look at them first, and then run away. Just wait for the old one (runs away after V.)


(Grandma’s hut is carried away from the stage)

DANCE "East Lily"

DANCE "Farmer"


(A casket is brought onto the stage. Two people sit in the casket)

B - And here I am... (looks at the sign) Finally found it!

Two - (jumping out of the chest, shouting) Hello!!! (smiling)

B - Hello.

Q - Are you two from the casket identical in appearance?

Two - Yeah (smiling)

Q - You really will do everything for me.

Two - Yeah (smiling)

Q - Then I want some cake... ice cream... (they bend their fingers for it) Are you going to bend your fingers for me?

Two - Yeah (smiling)

B - Fold it - I want cake... ice cream... sweets... and something else. (adding) After all, today is a holiday in your kingdom-state!

Two - Be done. (throws it into mouth)

B - Stop, stop, and eat the cakes for me. Why, it’s “on purpose” for me to stay hungry at the holiday.

Two - Yeah (smiling)

Q - Do you know how to dance? – (shrug their shoulders, looking at each other)

So what can you do

Two - Give advice

B - Well, let's do it!

Two - Yeah (smiling)

“Bad advice” Two from the casket

(read in a deep voice)

Don't do anything and don't teach dancing,

And if you were called to study on your day off,

Move aside silently, stand there modestly,

And stand quietly, without moving until your old age.

We guarantee you that never again

You won't be invited to perform on stage here.

If they didn't put you in the dance,

And they didn’t call me to the rehearsal,

You need to be offended by the teacher

And leave class into the cold night.

But it's not easy to wander the streets,

And go into the dense, dark forest

A hungry wolf will meet there

And, of course, it quickly eats you up.

Then the teacher will understand

He will scream, cry and run...

When your teacher starts to stretch you,

Don't expect mercy from her

Don't shed unnecessary tears.

Just pinch her

Better yet, bite

So that she never again

I didn't approach you.

(at this time V. yawns, then shrugs it off, sits down on the stage and begins to tinker with something)

B - They will tell me more...

I don’t like you and your advice, are you on purpose or something?

Two - Aha! (laugh loudly)

Q - What are you, laughing at me? ...get back into your chest! Are you on purpose or something...

Two - Aha!

Q – I got bored with these people who give advice but don’t know how to do anything! And I’m not a parasite, even though I don’t know how to dance, I’ve already prepared gifts for our initiates... (sings a song) as best I can (shows a gift), I also want it for your holiday (wipes under his nose with his sleeve), I liked it you.

Tsar - (going on stage) Our ceremony is already beginning, but nothing is ready yet... Where is my throne? Guards! (V. hides behind the scenes, peeking out)

Listen to the command!

Prepare the room!

We can't waste time

Because on this holiday

Encourage children to become dancers.

(the guards are fussing, carrying the throne, hanging balls, etc.), but where are our semi-finished products? (the guards carry out the first-graders under their arms and place them, then they line up themselves)

(seeing Vovka, looking around) Ah... it’s you...

Q - I think you were talking about initiation into dancers? (embarrassed)

Tsar - (thinking) So be it, we also invite you to our holiday, come in, be a guest. (V. goes down into the hall and sits down)

Guard - (whispering in the king’s ear) the situation here is alarming... (the second guard at this time straightens his clubbed legs)

King - Well, what else...

Guard - They're all crooked, they're not supposed to dance like that.

Tsar - What a shame... but we’ll fix it over time, but now we’ll give them tests (examines the children, correcting their posture)


Test one ("Hairstyle")

— As everyone knows, any dance requires a hairstyle, and if there are several dances, then during the break between them you need to quickly intertwine and help each other with this. Now we will check how friendly you are. While the music is playing, you must help your classmates by braiding each other.

Test two ("Blind Dancer")

The light of spotlights, lighting fixtures, is sometimes so bright that it blinds the dancer on stage, therefore, they must be able to dance with their eyes closed. But since you are still a long way from dancing, we will first check whether you know the positions. I’ll give you this task - follow the tracks of an unprecedented beast along pos. I and II. And our guests will evaluate you and, of course, support you with applause.

Test three (“Situation”)

You receive cards with situations written on them. For example, a girl catches butterflies in a clearing, a climber climbs inaccessible rocks, etc. The task is to dance the situation while the music is playing so that the audience can guess it. After the music ends, the parents guess the situation their child is in, and the audience helps.

Tsar - Guys, you coped well with all the tests... But the parents of our baked semi-finished products also came to our holiday. And now they too should be checked. Are they ready to become real helpers for the guys? I will ask questions and offer you several answers. And you must choose the only correct answer. You are ready?

(Held comic competition for parents).

Questions and answers:

1. What is the name of our holiday today?
● Music Day.
● African Independence Day.
● Natalya Valerievna's birthday.
● Initiation into dancers.

2. Name the fourth note of the staff.
● Ha.
● Fa.
● Si.
● Zee.

3. What is the name of the object that a dancer holds onto during classical lessons?
● Branch.
● Stick.
● Device.
● Machine.

4. What is the name of the Goddess of Dance?
● Verka Serduchka.
● Terpsichore.
● Maya Plisetskaya.
● Olga Vladimirovna.

5. What are the shoes of a ballerina called?
● High boots.
● Fur coats.
● Ballet shoes.
● Slippers.
● Pointe shoes.

What about the shoes your child wears?

— Your first-graders will grow up and take part in concerts. And we all know that our treasury is empty, and for performances we need suits. The last shirt off my back will have to be given away... Now let’s test the generosity of our parents. Let's ask them to go on stage.

Game "Who is more generous"

Now I am issuing a decree-

Present the children for the show,

If they completed the tasks,

“Young Dancers” deserve the title.

I hasten to congratulate everyone,

May success come to you.

To learn to dance,

We studied without interference.

And I also want to say,

I will take an oath from you.

Repeat everything after me

I'll teach you now.

We need to move to love,

Everyone goes to class.

Attend all concerts

Invite friends and acquaintances.

Be neat, be neat,

And come with a hairstyle.

Respect yourself and others -

Don't miss rehearsals.

Maintain discipline

And help each other;

Don't be naughty and don't litter,

Wear shoes and dance uniform.

By the month of May exactly,

Are you committed to doing the splits?

- To pronounce the solemn oath, get ready and line up in dance poses.

I solemnly swear!

I will achieve success in dancing,

I will pass any test.

I swear, I swear, I swear!

I swear to become a strong dancer,

Learn the art of dance

Love partners, respect,

I swear, I swear, I swear!

I swear to defend the honor of the club,

Dance at festivals

Shine on stage like a star

And always be the first in dancing!

I swear, I swear, I swear!

I swear even after many years

Leave a trace in the heart of dance

And remember the path to the pedestal,

Whatever my life becomes.

I swear, I swear, I swear!

We are anointing you with makeup and dedicating you to dancers.

I ask everyone to stand up!

Give gifts for those dedicated to me!

We will hand them over, and it will be great!

They are dancers and that's the main thing!

(Gifts are presented. Fanfare sounds.)

Guard - Fanfare sounds! Fanfare sounds!

Violins play and drums beat!

We will remember this event forever,

Like a bright, colorful, big firework! (fireworks projection)

Student - - let's start dancing,

We have a lot of fun

Everyone is having fun now.


Tsar - Well, the time has come to part.

Let's end our holiday with a dance,

Finally we all stand up,

And we will close a huge circle.


Tsar - Now the time has come for us all to say goodbye,

We are “goodbye!” we talk.

For good laughter and for participation

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Municipal educational institution

Average comprehensive school №1

Unecha, Bryansk region



dedicated to International Dance Day

"The Magic World of Dance"

Developed by:

senior counselor

first qualification category

Melnikova Olga Nikolaevna

Unecha 2015


Celebrating Dance Day at the "Magic World of Dance" school"

Explanatory note

Dance Day was originally celebrated in London. Today, this holiday is celebrated in dance schools around the world.

Now every self-respecting school, which has choreography clubs and dance groups, uses in its everyday life such a concept as a dance festival - at which they perform with concert numbers in front of students, teachers, parents.

The scenario for this holiday is developed by the schools themselves. Here is one option for holding this holiday in a city school, which has three choreographic groups

    “Freckles” 1-4 grades,

    “Riddle” 5-8 grades.

    "Girls" 9-11 grades.

Location: the school assembly hall, decorated with the holiday emblem, balloons, flowers, ballerinas cut out of paper.

Props: projector, screen, video recording of dances.

Target: strive to interest children, teach them to love and understand the art of dance, which expands the scope of their interests and enriches them with new impressions. Acquiring correct and accurate dance skills, participating in dance performances, and a creative attitude towards creating an image in them. Develop aesthetic perception, educates emotional attitude to works of art, teaches correct judgment in the field of choreography.

As a result of active emotional acquaintance with choreography, children’s artistic taste is formed, they begin to notice and perceive beauty not only in art, but also in life.

Progress of the event

Presenter 1 Good afternoon dear friends!

Presenter 1 We are pleased to welcome you on this wonderful day, in this beautiful hall, to celebrate this amazing holiday, filled with the intoxicating fragrance of batmans and rondas

Presenter 2 We would like to invite you to Magic world dance

Presenter 1 In general, we hope to give you a good mood, because today is International Dance Day...

Presenter 2 At the end of April, like a full-flowing river,

International Dance Day sparkles.

It was created to different countries and styles

We united under the flag of art.

Presenter 2 One of the important features of any dance is its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

Presenter 1 On this day, the entire dancing world will celebrate its professional holiday - opera and ballet theaters, modern dance troupes, modern ballroom and folk dance ensembles and others, both professional and amateur artists,

Presenter 2 Such as our students who study in school choreographic groups “Girls”, “Riddle” and “Freckles”, as well as all those who love to dance

Presenter 1So let's finally enjoy the dance and greet the youngest dancers of our school with thunderous applause. Dance group "Vesnushki" with dance "Barbariki"

Presenter 1 The International Dance Day has been celebrated since 1982 by decision of the UNESCO organization on the birthday of the French choreographer Jean Georges Nover, a reformer and theorist of choreographic art, who went down in history as the “founder of modern ballet.”

Presenter 2 Dance Day was originally celebrated in London. Today this holiday is celebrated all over the world.

Presenter 1“International Dance Day is dedicated to the language that every person in the world can speak, it is the innate language of our bodies and our souls, our ancestors and our children. y." (message for International Dance Day 2009. Akram Khan (UK):

Presenter 1 And I remembered another aphorism: “Perfection of dance technique is not enough. Without the soul of a dancer, it is an orphan.” (Sylvia Guillem).

Presenter 1We meet the dance group “Girls”, dance “Hello, Sun!” Applause to our dancers.

Presenter 1 At all times, people dance on holidays and simply on free evenings, having fun or participating in solemn ceremony.

Presenter 2 Dance is the most ancient look artistic creativity. Originating in primitive society, accompanying human life for centuries, it has gone through a difficult path of development. Each era gave birth to its own dances.

Presenter 1 Now let’s hold an auction for the audience: what name of the dance do you know? The last one to name the dance wins a prize (play and reward the auction winner)

Presenter 2Accept a dance gift performed by the dance group “Riddle” dance “In the Land of Magnolias...”

Presenter 1 Why do people dance? -

Hoping and waiting

What if they suddenly become slimmer?

And will they gain flexibility?

What kind of brave dance is this?

Will anyone love it?

That the world will become kinder

And at least a little more beautiful?

Legs, arms flash,

Knees, stomachs!

Don't suffer from boredom,

Hurry up and dance too!

Presenter 2 Dear friends! Do you want to dance? Then we dance “Dance while sitting A-O-U-A-A” ( a phonogram sounds, children sitting on seats in the hall repeat the movements of the presenters to the music)

Presenter 1 Well done boys! Judging by how beautifully you all dance, our 1st school can safely be called one of the most dancing schools Russia and you all deserve thunderous applause for this dance.

Presenter 1 Once again on stage the dance group “Riddle” dance “Rosinochka-Russia”

Presenter 2 Long live different dances -

Ballet and pop,

Folk and classical,

Athletic and majestic!

Fast and slow


Vintage, modern -

The art of dance is magical!

Presenter 1 Who came up with the first dance?

Presenter 2 The dance also appeared in primitive times. Imagine: a primitive hunter kills an animal. Screams, the delight of victory! A circular motion begins around the prey. Our distant ancestors they did not invent figures and poses for their dances. They took them from life.

Presenter 1 Ancient man believed in magical power dance. Dancing accompanied preparations for the hunt. The dance is supposed to appease the hostile forces of nature. The dance also accompanied ancient religious cults.

Presenter 2 The first dances are based on movements associated with labor primitive man: fishing, hunting, picking fruits, and even cooking

Presenter 1 Now let's imagine how the cooking process can be depicted in dance. We meet the dance group "Vesnushki" dance "Kashka". We see off with applause young talents schools.

Presenter 2 The ancient Slavs also believed in the magical power of dance. When dancing, they most often moved in a circle. The circle is a symbol of the sun. And all the pagans worshiped the sun. Their round dances are a naive worship, a joyful rite in honor of the shining deity

Presenter 1 ROUND DANCE One of the most basic and ancient types of Russian folk dance. Absolutely everyone can participate in Russian round dances: children, old people, girls, boys.

Presenter 2 The girls always carefully prepared for round dances, chose the best outfits, and bought beautiful ribbons and scarves at fairs in advance. Russian round dances were timed to coincide with events and holidays that were significant for people and were of a ritual and ceremonial nature.

Presenter 1Performed by the dance group "Girls", the winner regional competition“The magic heel round dance “I walk with the loach…”

Presenter 1 Each nation has its own interpretation of the round dance. Russian round dances are accompanied by a variety of songs. As a rule, these songs are sung about natural phenomena and are very rhythmic so that the dancers can easily unite in round dances. The variety of round dances speaks of the amazing breadth of the Russian soul and the Russian people’s love for holidays and fun!

Presenter 2 State Academic Choreographic Ensemble "Beryozka" named after. N. S. Nadezhdina, the calling card that round dances have become, is the standard in this choreographic direction.

The name of the ensemble is taken from the first production of the Russian maiden round dance “Beryozka” (1948) to the music of the Russian folk round dance song “There was a birch tree in the field...”. A little later N.S. Nadezhdina will say:

« At the center of any of our work, be it a lyrical round dance or a merry dance - poetic image Russian girl... We want to reflect as clearly as possible the purity and greatness of the Russian folk art. This is a source of inspiration for our ensemble" And the source of inspiration for our artists are such choreographic groups that our country is proud of, pay attention to the screen

(video postcard of famous choreographic groups Russia)

Presenter 1 Business card The choreographic group of the school “Girls” is also a round dance, names with which our team has more than once become the winner of the regional competition of choreographic groups “Magic Heel” and the laureate of the regional show of amateur performances “I am entering the world of arts!”

Presenter 2 The round dance “Alyonushka” is danced by our “Girls”

Presenter 1 It is difficult to determine how many folk dances exist in Russia. They are simply impossible to count. But in all these very different dances there is something in common, characteristic of Russian dance in general: this is breadth of movement, prowess, special cheerfulness, poetry, a combination of modesty and simplicity with a great sense of self-esteem.

Performed by the dance group "Girls" dance "Barynya"

Presenter 1 Loud applause for our girls.

Presenter 2 A special place belongs to dances in which the people’s observation skills are manifested: either about natural phenomena, or about any animals or birds, or about plants and flowers.

Presenter 1Dance "Romashka" performed by the Dance Group "Riddle"

Presenter 2Performed by the dance group “Vesnushki dance “Ring”

Presenter 1 Dancing is like a song: there is probably no person on earth who has not sung once in his life. It’s the same with dancing: not everyone can dance well, some move awkwardly, clumsily, but still, everyone wants to dance. Can there be a real holiday, real joy without dancing?

Presenter 2 How good are they? folk dances, many of them are recognizable, you just need to show one movement. For example, Lezginka, Sirtaki, lady, gypsy

Presenter 1 Let's meet our girls with the gypsy dance "Sing, Guitar""

Thank you girls for this fiery dance and our thunderous applause.

Presenter 2 In past centuries, many dances took years to learn, such as the minuet. But compared to his brothers today, he is a mere baby. Just think, bow smoothly, wave your hat, offer your hand to the lady!

Presenter 1 Dancing of our time requires a whole complex of qualities: beautiful developed sense rhythm, coordination of movements, balance and flexibility of the acrobat.

Presenter 2 What about the legs? They must have downright iron endurance. If you think about it, modern dancing is, first of all, a demonstration of an agile, well-trained body.

Presenter 1 Pop dance with hats “Nambe uvan”.

Presenter 1 For modern people dance is a form of active communication with art. When we watch a movie, listen to music, read a book, we cannot interfere with creative process. And in dance we can convey our feelings, reveal our understanding of music, and show creativity.

Presenter 2 Ved. 1 – A person who truly feels and understands beauty will never dance rudely and vulgarly. Anyone, the most modern dance he will be able to ennoble, fill with the richness of his spiritual world.

Presenter 1 Our whole life - beautiful dance.

Our whole life is a kaleidoscope.

Let's enjoy the dance

Without unnecessary phrases, without unnecessary words.

Presenter 1 Today the music is playing

Movements are smooth and easy

In our whirling they arise.

Our laughter carries far.

Presenter 2 Let this dance be long.

Let the flowers be bright,

that never fade

On a wonderful holiday of beauty!

(without announcing the hosts, final flash mob dance groups schools Good mood»)

Presenter 1 Happy International Dance Day, friends,

We warmly congratulate you,

Those who were born art, loving,

Those who captivate with divine dance.

Presenter 2 Dear friends, if you can talk, you can sing,

if you can walk, you can dance.

Presenter 1 Yes, it’s true, each of us knows how to dance, and most likely the one who thinks he can’t dances secretly when he thinks no one can see him.

Presenter 2 So, dance, dance, dance, fill yourself with feelings and love. You can forget the movements, but you cannot forget the mood. Geniuses dance with their hearts.

Presenter 1 Time passes, century after century...

Man has always lived in worries.

But on every holiday and at leisure time

Merry dance was best friend.

(music sounds, all the actors in costumes come out to bow)

Presenter 2 Time passes, century after century...

Let the snow melt between us...

And let on our big planet

1st and 2nd presenters (together).

People are dancing and the sun is shining!

Goodbye friends, see you again!

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