Russian lotto leading girls surnames. How to win at Russian Lotto? Advice from a hospitable family from Chuvashia

The approach of the New Year is felt more and more strongly. Stores sell fragrant tangerines and Christmas decorations, which means that the holiday is very soon, although I don’t really believe it due to the abnormally warm weather and the bright sun outside the window. Together with the main winter holiday the people of Russia are waiting for a grand New Year's edition"Russian Lotto", in which a billion rubles will be drawn. For anyone who wants to become the country's first lottery billionaire, the question is "How to win at" Russian lotto"is now more relevant than ever. Lottery winners can answer this question best of all. The Vasiliev family, who won 1,000,000 rubles in the Russian Lotto, Chuvash Republic believes that to win you do not need to read good luck spells, perform rituals for the waxing moon and calculate winning numbers. All you have to do is buy a ticket and believe that the winner is you.

“Your mother won a million in the Russian Lotto lottery!”

The Vasiliev family is large and very friendly. Peter and Irina have three beautiful daughters: Elena, Natalya, Maria. The couple live in a private house and grow vegetables and fruits on their plot. A special place is given to flowers - Irina and her daughters plant begonias, roses and dahlias. Irina’s husband Peter built a huge greenhouse for himself and now dreams of its winter version so that all year round fresh crops could be harvested.

Irina is a very active woman. She works as a teacher of Russian language and literature at school, loves communicating with children and rejoices at the success of her students. In addition to work, a woman manages to be active social life- she's the head girl native village. Happy ticket In the Vasiliev family, by the way, it was she who acquired it.

I went to Cheboksary for Parent meeting to the college where Maria studies. On the station square I saw the Stoloto kiosk. The seller said she only had one ticket left. At first I didn’t want to take it, but I bought it anyway. I got on the bus and forgot about this ticket for a week,” Irina recalls.

Having missed the TV broadcast of the draw, the woman decided to check the results on the Stoloto website. She had no premonitions of winning. When I saw the amount of a million, I couldn’t believe my eyes and counted the zeros several times. She even called her husband to make sure that there were really six of them. Later I called hotline"Stoloto", where she was confirmed that the purchased ticket contains the winning numbers.

The couple were so happy that they immediately shared the good news with their daughters.

Irina told Natalya, who now lives in Moscow, about the win and asked her to come to lottery center to claim your winnings. And at this time I called Elena and Maria. I tell the girls: “Your mother won a million rubles,” Peter said in his review.

This gift of fate was immediately put to use. The couple decided to buy an apartment for their beloved daughters in a new building in the city of Cheboksary. The living space has already been selected and very soon the dream of the Vasiliev family will become a reality.

We often visit Cheboksary, our youngest daughter studies there. An apartment in this city will be very useful for us. It seems to me that this win was sent as a reward for the good we do to people,” adds Irina.

Do people win at Russian Lotto? Review of the winners

Participation in the Russian Lotto lottery has long become a tradition in the Vasiliev family. None of the household members even wondered whether it was possible to win. Everyone was definitely convinced that everyone had a chance to win.

Initially, Peter began to participate in the lottery. On holidays, he bought tickets for all family members as gifts. Irina was skeptical about her husband’s idea, but Peter told her that everything would definitely come back. These words turned out to be prophetic.

The whole village knows the Vasilyev family as very hospitable people. They often invite friends and relatives to their place, set a huge four-meter table in the garden and treat the guests. Time is always spent having fun: with songs, dances and a cheerful accordion player.

IN New Year The Vasilievs will also host a big feast. They will celebrate the holiday together and participate in the drawing New Year's billion. An unprecedented draw of the "Russian Lotto" will take place in live one of federal TV channels, during which you can win a billion rubles in one hand!

A couple from Chuvashia already knows how to win a million rubles in the Russian Lotto, and now they dream of making history state lotteries as Russia's first billionaires. Whether they will be lucky will become known on January 1, 2019. After all, everyone who buys a ticket for the New Year's edition of the Russian Lotto has a chance to win.

When there is only a month and a half left before the New Year, Stoloto announces the “” draw with an increased prize fund of 1 billion rubles. As usual, the circulation will be made on 01/01/2019.

"Billion" - represents special edition"Russian Lotto". The Stoloto company will conduct circulation according to exactly the same rules as ordinary circulations, but prize fund will be increased.

Such a circulation was already carried out by the company last year and was called “Golden Billion”.

How was the Golden Billion held in 2018?

A special draw of the Golden Billion lottery was held live on the NTV channel on January 1, 2018. In the history of Russian Lotto, this was the 1212th draw. You can purchase a ticket until the evening of December 31, 2017 at ground-based sales points and until the morning of January 1, 2018 on the official Stoloto website.

At that time, 42.5 million coupons took part in the lottery. The prize fund up for grabs amounted to 2.125 billion rubles. The presenter took out 88 barrels during the draw, which means that the probability of winning ranged from 1 in 2.25 to 1 in 2.37, which is much higher than in ordinary draws.

The most big winnings that tirade began:

  • 250 million rubles - to the winner;
  • 161 thousand - 62 winners;
  • 40 winners received 1 country house, which can be exchanged for 1 million rubles;
  • 181 thousand - 55 winners.

The remaining participants who were lucky enough to win received amounts from 101 to 131 rubles, their number exceeded 17 million people.

What are the prizes in 2019?

This year, in the 1264th edition, several types of incentives will also be offered:

  • 100 prizes of 1 million rubles each;
  • Grand Prize– 1 billion rubles;
  • other monetary incentives.

Those players who won the first two rounds continue to play until the very end of the draw. The lucky ones who won in the third and remaining rounds end the game here.

Where to buy tickets?

You can purchase coupons in different ways:

  • at the Stoloto office or lottery machines;
  • on the official Stoloto portal;
  • at ground-based points of sale;
  • via SMS;
  • at points of sale of partner stores: Pyaterochka, Russian Post, Rostelecom, etc.

Ticket price is 100 rubles. Its price does not change regardless of the point of purchase. Often you can only purchase a ticket for the next draw, but in this case, as an exception, the Stoloto company allows you to purchase a coupon in advance, in mobile application or on the website. To do this, when purchasing a coupon, you must select circulation 1264.

How to play?

The coupon has 2 fields, each of which has 15 numbers.

If you purchase a ticket at ground-based points of sale, then in this case the numbers will already be stamped. When purchasing a coupon online, you can choose the numbers yourself.

What are the chances of winning?

There are several options:

  • in 2018, 42,500,003 coupons were sold, and only one player took the main prize, this indicates a chance of winning ratio of 0.000002%;
  • winners that won Vacation home there were 40 players, so the chance of winning is 0.00009%;
  • 55 people received 181,000 rubles each, the chance is 0.0001%;
  • the chances of 62 players receiving 161,000 rubles each were 0.00012%;
  • the chances of winning other prizes in the game are 40%, but in this case the winnings will be small, in the region of 101-131 rubles. If you subtract the cost of the ticket, then net profit will be a very small amount.

It is worth noting that in the draw on January 1, 2019, the chances of winning will be different - more or less, since in this case the coupons will be purchased different quantities players.


This is the only New Year's draw of Russian Lotto when the main prize will be drawn in any case, which means one or more players will be able to receive a large sum.

The circulation is carried out live on one of federal channels, so you can monitor it yourself and celebrate the New Year.

All players who become winners will be able to receive their prizes within 6 months. To do this, you need to contact the Stoloto office. If the winnings are more than 100,000 rubles, then you will need to send your bank account details to the company’s central office and the winnings will be transferred there.

For twenty-two years now, Honored Artist Russian Federation, actor, director Mikhail Borisov hosts on television (first on the Rossiya channel and then on NTV) the weekly television lottery “Russian Lotto”. An engineer by training, he graduated from the Shchukin School in 1983, and since then his life has been connected with the theater.

As a student at the Moscow Mining Institute, he became an active participant in the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful,” and this hobby can be considered his first step towards theater stage. He became acquainted with television at the age of 11, when he first took part in television filming.

In 1994, Borisov became the host of the TV show “Russian Lotto”, according to him, finding himself in this role completely by accident. The creators of the program urgently needed to replace the previous presenter and the choice fell on the actor of the Ermolova Theater - Mikhail Borisov. At the same time, he was engaged in professorship at the school, which he himself had once graduated from.

Mikhail Borisovich continues to play on stage, stage plays, act in films and teach at the Shchukin School, where he heads the department of directing. But it was the TV show “Russian Lotto” that brought him national recognition, thanks to which he became a TV star.

There is a little more than a month left until the new year. New Year's gifts are already appearing on store shelves, and shopping centers They are decorated with all their might with garlands and Christmas trees. At this time, everyone, young and old, is waiting for something magical. The fact is that New Year's miracle exists and can happen to anyone, the winners of the “Russian Lotto”, who were lucky enough to win in past New Year’s draws, are confident large sums. Many of them were happy to share their reviews about Russian Lotto.

Winning the Russian Lotto is a gift of fate

Alexey Tishkov from the city of Zadonsk, Lipetsk region, believes that his lottery win is a real New Year's miracle. The man had never bought before lottery tickets and before the New Year I decided to do it for the first time. Apparently, he believed in his luck, and it did not let him down: one of the purchased tickets brought the lucky winner 1,000,000 rubles.

- I have happy date birth - I was born on the bright holiday of Christmas, so I was lucky,- Alexey reasons.

The winner works as a driver. He said that the win came at a very opportune time. The man has been building his house for a long time. There was still no money to complete the decoration. Now this problem is completely solved, and all you had to do to be happy was buy one ticket.

Andrey Mironov from St. Petersburg was given a ticket for a million by his mother-in-law. For her beloved son-in-law she prepared a whole gift set out of ten tickets.

- It so happened that I was not able to watch the TV broadcast of the drawing along with everyone else. Therefore, the result of the circulation was checked without me. But I'm not upset at all, because winning is great luck. I hope we'll be so lucky someday again,- the winner shares.

Andrei decided to consult with the whole family on how to dispose of the winnings. The last word will remain with the mother-in-law, because if not for her, the Mironov family would hardly ever feel like millionaires.

“Reviews of the Russian Lotto lottery do not deceive”

A lottery ticket for the New Year's draw helped the dream of Ksenia Gomozova from Moscow come true. The girl really wanted to have her own apartment. And now, having won 1,000,000 rubles in the Russian Lotto lottery, she will be able to move out of her parents’ house.

For the New Year's edition, Ksenia bought three tickets: for herself and her two brothers. They did not watch the TV broadcast of the drawing and decided to immediately check the result on the Stoloto website.

- As it turned out, my brothers’ tickets won 115 rubles each, but I was a little luckier. Of course, we immediately did not believe our eyes and for a long time could not imagine that we had actually become millionaires. We, of course, hoped to win, but it was more like a fairy tale, like a New Year's gift,- the girl recalls the happy moment with a smile.

Ksenia said that she has a big and Friendly family. She herself is studying to be a computer operator. Her older brother Andrey works as an assistant driver in the metro. The guy sees something mysterious and mystical in his profession, especially after reading all the Metro 2033 books. And the winner’s younger brother, Oleg, is still in school.

Evgeny Lukyanov from Sverdlovsk region I was always sure that it was possible to win. He read the reviews more than once real people about “Russian Lotto” on the “Stoloto” website and hoped someday to be among the lucky ones who give interviews after their big win. The New Year's edition also fulfilled his wish.

Evgeniy was serious about winning. He bought as many as 18 tickets. Everyone chose on their own, because all their household members are sure that the head of the family has a lucky hand.

- We had a lot of tickets, we didn’t have time to keep track of them all during the TV broadcast of the drawing, so we decided to write down the numbers of the kegs that Mikhail Borisov pulled out of the bag. And only after, in a calm atmosphere, they began to cross out the numbers. When we saw that we had won a whole million, we were so excited that we tore the edge of the ticket a little. Then we were worried that he wouldn’t be accepted and the winnings wouldn’t be given to us. But everything turned out without deception,- the winner says in his review of “Russian Lotto”.

The lucky winner has many plans for winning. The Lukyanov family is building a house. Most likely, the spouses will direct the million they won to him.

This year, the Russian Lotto lottery also prepared a grand New Year's gift for its participants. IN holiday circulation A billion rubles will be raffled off. Yes, yes, not a million, but a billion! This means that the country may have its first lottery billionaire. The unprecedented draw will be shown live on one of the federal channels.

According to Stoloto, the largest distributor of state lotteries in Russia, a whopping sum of 1 billion rubles will definitely be raffled off. It will go to the winner of the 1264th jackpot. And if no one wins the jackpot in the category - the winner of the second round. But the gifts from the lottery don’t end there. In addition to the billion, 100 prizes of 1 million rubles each will be drawn. We will find out who can take advantage of their luck on January 1st. Don't miss the truly historic draw of the popularly loved Russian Lotto lottery.

Russian actress and TV presenter. Known for the TV program “Russian Lotto”.

Inna Voronina. Biography and creative path

Inna Vladimirovna Voronina (Lepilova) born in Moscow on September 16, 1983. Graduated in 2009 Russian Institute theatrical arts, where she studied at the Faculty of Variety, on the course of Mikhail Borisovich Borisov - a famous director, actor, TV presenter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, professor and head of the department of directing Theater Institute named after B. Shchukin and the department pop art GITIS, artist of the Vakhtangov Theater.

IN student years Inna made her debut in theatrical productions. In 2009 - 2010, she worked on the STS TV channel as an actress in the musical and humorous show “ All in our opinion! ", which was hosted by Evelina Bledans. In 2011 - 2012 took part in entertainment project Channel One "Big Difference".

After receiving her diploma, in 2010, Inna came to work on the NTV channel in the Russian Lotto program with her institute mentor Mikhail Borisov for the position of co-host. Viewers saw Voronina in this capacity in November 2016, when the people’s favorite lottery began to appear as part of the Sunday show “

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