Draw a rose in a bush with a pencil. How to draw a small rose with a pen

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Art strives to make us all better people. That’s why many artists, noticing the beauty of the world around them, try to stop the moment and transfer it to paper. This is how a floral motif is born, where the harmony of beauty reigns. So today we’ll talk about how to draw a rose.

Mastering this skill will be useful for both adults and children. After all, then we will be able to cook with our own hands original gift, decorate your room with ornaments, and in general, drawing a rose, according to psychologists, is great way make boring meetings more interesting, especially if you do it in your notebook, without others noticing). The last statement is, of course, a joke, but there is a drop of truth in it.

Therefore, due to the fact that drawing is a useful activity and satisfies one of the most important human needs, namely, it realizes creative potential every person, no matter how old he is, should learn how to draw beautiful rose. But first, a little about the flower itself.

What types of roses are there?

Everything, even Small child knows that this one can have completely different colors and shades. From the most delicate white to incredibly dark, almost black. But this is not the only difference in this huge family. Before you start the drawing lesson, it is worth saying that there is different types, for example, simple, terry and semi-double. And from here different quantities petals in a bud. There are also various varieties: miniature, climbing, large-flowered, border, park, etc.

And, if you look different photos with these luxurious flowers, it will become noticeable that most of these varieties are different bud shape: goblet, spherical, cupped, etc.

And, if you look at different photographs with these luxurious flowers, it will become noticeable that most of these varieties differ in the shape of the bud: goblet, spherical, cupped, etc. You can draw a rose without knowing all these details, but then the drawing will not be realistic, you will not get an image that looks like a natural plant.

What else do you need to know before moving on? step by step instructions? It turns out that there are varieties that are painted in 2, 3 or more colors.

Simple technique image of a flower

How to draw a rose step by step? Let's first try to draw roses with a pencil. At the same time, let’s see how this can be done correctly and easily, even for beginners, even for kids who are 5 years old. And then we’ll try to color the pictures.

In order to understand how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step, we will divide the work into small steps. This way we will easily and without problems overcome the path of mastering this technique.

Step 1. Preparation

Let's prepare everything that will help us draw and color the rose: paper, pencils, eraser. What else might you need to create an image in pencil? Photo. It is worth choosing suitable clear photographs, but you can also take drawn works on our website (see below).

Step 2. Blooming spherical climbing rose

We are learning to draw a rose that has fully opened and has a round, small bud shape. To do this, draw a circle.

We make several more smaller circles in the workpiece. We make them quickly, it doesn’t matter if they come out uneven.

The smallest circle is the inner petals of the flower. There are usually no more than 5 of them. They are rolled up and look like a small glass.

Completed with a simple pencil the preparation of the rose is already beginning to resemble our final goal. Therefore, we continue to make the remaining circles in the same style. We draw each petal beautifully. And we get a preparation very similar to our plant.

Step 3. Goblet bud

How to draw a rose with a pencil that has a goblet bud? We imagine the shape of the glass and transfer it to paper.

We make another “glass” inside it. These are the inner petals of a rose that are gathered together. And there are no more than 5 of them either.

We decorate the outer petals. How can you draw them? Like those that slightly on the sides hide the glass in their folds, like Cinderella’s dress, which she wore to her ball. A goblet rose made in pencil in stages, in just 3 steps, looks very believable.

Step 4. Cup-shaped large-flowered bud

Learning how to draw a cupped rosebud. To do this, we make an incomplete circle, where one side is a straight line.

How to draw a rose next? It's best to start with the lower petals. They are located exactly in a straight line. We can see only 5 of them: three of them are at the very bottom, the rest are on the sides.

We rise higher and draw the next “floor”.

This flower is a little “ruffled”, and its inner petals bear little resemblance to those arranged in a certain order. And yet, it is there. How to learn to draw them? It's like they're wrapping the core.

Step. 5. Coloring

First we erase all the auxiliary lines. Let's see what we got:

And this is what the drawing looks like, not fragmented:

We depict stems and leaves. We “lower” the roses into the vase. It turned out to be a good bouquet.

Let's start coloring. We paint each detail with our own color.

When we are about 5 years old, it is enough to simply fill the white space with the intended color.

But this is not enough if we have much more years. We are able to make a slight shadow on the petals.

Or, remember that the edging may be a different color.

That's all, the picture is ready. In less than a year of training, you and I will be able to boast of our skills, which will not be inferior even to Jan Brueghel himself.

And below are a few more options for drawing a rose:

How to draw a rose with a pencil? Lesson for children

How to draw a rose with a pencil lesson for children? Rose is a classic flower that is given not only to women, but also to men. She has different types and colors. The most popular roses are white, yellow and red. Our drawing will be created using a simple pencil, so we will rely on shades, and not on color scheme. The rose will have a slightly open bud, petals and a small stem. The illustration is simple, so not only adults, but also children can draw it.

Tools and materials:

  1. A sheet of white paper.
  2. A hard pencil.
  3. Soft simple pencil.
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Step 1. First we draw a figure in which we will build a flower bud. We draw a square, but its height will be slightly greater than its width. We have outlined the height and width of the future bud, beyond which we must not go:

Step 2. Inside the square we will draw a figure that looks like an inverted egg. Its edges from above should be in contact with the contours of the square. We drew general shape bud:

Step 3. Let's move on to drawing the rose petals. The bud will be half open, so the petals fit tightly at the base, and separate towards the edge and curl a little. Let's start with the two petals that are on the surface of the bud. They intersect in the center. Let's add two straight lines from them up, from which we will draw the rest of the petals:

Step 4. Let's draw curves in front along the edge of the petals. We round the petals on the top sides, which extend behind the bud from behind:

Step 5. Let's add more petals inside the flower. Towards the center they become smaller and fit closer to each other:

Step 6. Let's add a couple more petals in the center, which curl into a tube. We make the edges of the petals a little sharper, and their outline wavy:

Step 7 We won't need the square anymore, so we can remove it with the eraser. We leave only the flower kennels:

Step 8 Under the bud we will draw several long leaves that curl at the ends, like petals. Add a stem in the center:

Step 9 Now we apply the shadow on the bud. Let's start with the outer petals of the rose. At the bends we make the strokes denser, so the shadow there will be larger than on a flat surface:

Step 10 We apply strokes on the petals according to their growth and bends. The shadow will be larger at the base than at the edges:

Step 11 The front petal will be the lightest in the entire drawing. Let's add a shadow only along the edge and draw an outline:

Step 12 Let's draw the petals that are on background. Only their tops are visible, so we add a shadow only near the edge of the petal, which is in front of them:

Creative people are always looking for ideas and try their hand at different areas. Someone sculpts from clay, someone or felts toys from wool, and these are not always people who received a special art education. Often these people try to draw, but don’t know which way to approach this process. For example, how to draw roses correctly. The flower is beautiful, but has many petals, and the task seems simply overwhelming.

In this lesson we will tell you how to draw a rose easily. Let's try to lay out each petal on paper step by step, and if you cope with this task, any other flower will no longer be a problem for you.

I would like to immediately clarify what the colored lines in the diagrams mean. Red, blue and grey colour- these are contours to make steps easier to perceive. The blue color will indicate the outline that has already been drawn, and the red color will indicate your next step that you will need to take. And gray, already the color of your creativity, with a simple pencil you will model the petals using light and shadow.

Let's figure out how to draw roses correctly and what we need for this

  1. Paper - the thicker the better.
  2. Simple pencils of different hardness.
  3. Eraser.
  4. Knife or sharpener for sharpening pencils. In the process, you will need a pencil with a sharp, thin lead.
  5. Living nature - rose. This is for those who like to overcome difficulties.

Rose, before your eyes.

Step 1

Start your drawing with a sketch of the bud, it should resemble a cocoon. Each next step will be adding petals. You must “dress” this bud with petals.

Step 2

Now draw the middle of the flower and start drawing the next petals. Of course, you can simply copy the drawing, or you can use your imagination, make the petals larger or smaller.

Step 3

When you finish drawing, move on to the leaves underneath. The leaves should be characteristic of roses, sharp and slightly prickly at the tips.

Step 4

And now it's time for something spicy and soft pencil. Light movements start modeling the petals and leaves, casting a shadow. This should be done starting from the middle, and gradually move from leaf to leaf. You need to draw everything very carefully and slowly.

How to draw roses correctly? This question is very creative, everyone draws as they see and as they understand. And if you take it seriously, and you plan to do it, then you will need to study the basics of drawing, human anatomy, or at least leaf through biology textbooks and encyclopedias more than once. Only then will your drawing become conscious. And on entry level you are doing your own copying. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and do something wrong, you have an eraser with which you can fix everything. Every great artist I started by copying paintings and from the most basic basics.

Rose. How beautiful is this flower, personifying love and devotion! The floral symbolism of the rose goes deep into history. After all, even in ancient times, people made different ones and gave them to each other as a sign of love and respect. Thus, one given rose was equivalent to heartfelt recognition. While twelve roses, according to biblical traditions, symbolized a strong life.

This tendency to express feelings and emotions with the help of flower arrangements has survived to this day: in Paris and Rome, in Moscow and Amsterdam, instead of a thousand words, people give each other these incredibly beautiful flowers.

There are many varieties of roses, and all of them, without exception, are liked by our children. Without being imbued with the symbolic meaning, kids draw roses on postcards, while older kids make crafts and appliqués. And all because even the smallest artists are convinced that such unearthly beauty a flower simply cannot fail to please a mother, grandmother or favorite teacher. Of course, children's first masterpieces touch with their simplicity and spontaneity, but we can help the child improve his skills and teach him how to draw roses correctly and beautifully.

Actually, this is what we will do. So, we present to your attention a master class on how to beautifully draw a rose step by step.

Option 1

First, let's look at how to easily and correctly draw such a beautiful rose with a pencil step by step.

First of all, let's prepare everything you need: Blank sheet paper, eraser, pencil.

So we figured out how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step, all that remains is to decorate it with paints or colored pencils.

Option 2

Painted flowers may be less beautiful than real ones, but not if they were drawn by children's hands. Such gifts are priceless and will never compare with even the most luxurious bouquet. So let's show the child how to draw such a beautiful rose with a pencil.

Let's prepare everything you need and get started.

Here, in fact, the sketch of our rose is ready, all that remains is to decorate it. As you can see, it turned out to be quite easy. And if you practice a little, you can easily and without any problems draw the same graceful rose step by step, both with a pencil and with paints.

Rose- This is the most popular flower among artists. After all, this extraordinary flower has a beautiful shape, different colors and shades. In most cases, a rose is painted in red, but sometimes other colors are also found, such as white, pink and yellow. You can also draw it with an ordinary pencil and add a few shadows. And it will also look no less impressive.

In this article we have selected for you the most simple ways drawing a rose with a pencil on paper.

A simple diagram of drawing a rose with a pencil

1. In order to draw a rose you will need a simple pencil and clean white paper. First draw a flat vertical line. It will be your guide and of course the center of the rose stem.

Advice: When drawing a line, do not rely on a pencil or use a ruler.


2. To draw the spikes, you first need to draw a line with a slight bend to the left to the left of the center line. Then draw the same ponytail in the form of a smile towards the stem. This will create the first spike.

3. Draw the rest of the rose thorns on both sides in the same way. They don't have to be the same size.

Adding leaves

4. For the leaf you will need to draw a horizontal line with two arcs for the top and bottom.

5. Next you need to add a line from the end of the leaf so that it connects it to the stem. Draw a few more leaves in a similar way. To make the leaves look varied, it is better to use different angles.

Add stripes to the leaves

Drawing a bud

6. On top of the stem, draw a couple of leaves that resemble a banana. They must be different sizes.

Drawing a bud on a rose

7. Then, on the same banana-shaped leaves, draw two large petals. There should be space between them.

Draw two large petals on the leaves

8. Draw a few more leaves, behind the petals. But it is worth remembering that they do not need to be completely drawn, since they are partially hidden.

Draw a few more leaves, behind the petals

10. Add shadow little by little to each petal. Look from which direction the light is coming.

11. Once the rose is ready, you can color it as you wish.

Draw a beautiful rose with a simple pencil step by step:

Drawing a bud

1. First you need to draw two branches. These will be two flexible lines going away from each other.

2. Then, around these lines, draw wavy lines that will be the edges of the future bending petals.

3. Draw the bottom of the bud.

4. Draw a couple more edges of the inner petals.

5. The next step is to draw a petal from the middle of the bud, which bends.

6. And a couple more petals, they will make up the top of the bud.

7. Add the inner petals.

8. Draw the final details of the inner petals.

Leaves and stem of a rose

9. It is best to start drawing the leaves under the bud. First add curved lines, which will be the edges of the leaves.

10. Then you need to finish drawing the leaves under the bud.

11. To make a stem, you need to draw two parallel lines emanating from the bud. For more realistic picture you need to change the angles of the stem several times.

13. Add the core and veins to the leaves.

Let's draw the core and veins of the leaves

14. After adding the spikes, you can erase the extra lines in the places where they appear.

15. Carefully trace the lines you drew in pencil with a felt-tip pen. Erase all the excess that was drawn in pencil.

As in the previous diagram, you can color the rose as desired.

There are many ways to draw roses with a pencil step by step. You can try these simple methods that even beginners are sure to succeed. And then move on to studying more complex elements. Good luck!

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