Movements for dance. Easy dance moves

There are times when there is a need to develop your own dance moves and combine them into one beautiful dance- for parties, talent shows or just for fun. At first, this task may seem quite difficult. But, as soon as you relax and surrender to the power of the music, your body itself will tell you how to move.

Type of dance. Dance directions

First, decide in which dance direction you are going to work. Each type of dance has its own specific movements, tempo, and music. If you are going to come up with a dance in a Latin American direction, remember that the movements should be provocative, sexy and playful. The main elements of Latin American dance are hip movements and smooth transitions. All movements are performed at a fast pace, the music should be catchy.

Breakdancing is an acrobatic dance that includes complex movements and rotations, including on the head. To perform breakdancing you must have excellent physical fitness and good endurance. Flamenco is a passionate dance that can first be heard by the characteristic rapid click of heels on the dance floor. Hand movements during flamenco performance should be smooth and easy.

After defining dance direction, it is necessary to study in detail the basic elements and the way of combining movements during the dance. The basic elements for each dance are characteristic steps, hand movements, landing, gestures. Only after studying the basic basis of the dance can you come up with your own movements.

Choice of musical accompaniment

Well-chosen music for the dance will successfully complement the dance, creating a unified picture. Every dance has its own musical accompaniment, rhythm, tempo. If it is salsa, the music should be in four-quarter time and have a fast tempo with a complex rhythm. In many countries around the world, salsa is called “tropical dance.” Having chosen the music, try to perform to it basic elements dance. If you cannot combine the movement pattern and the rhythm of the music into one, try moving at a faster or slower tempo. When the basic movements fit well with the chosen music, you can start composing your own dance. The main condition is improvisation. Relax, feel your body, turn on the music, and perform basic dance movements at intervals, between which insert your own movements, which the music itself will suggest.

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How to come up with a dance?
Composing a dance etude is a complex and capacious task, because it is creative. It requires inner freedom, awareness of body harmony, musical knowledge, and most importantly, subtle taste.
Just as the impression of a person is made up of a wide variety of factors and characteristics, for example, his speech, so it is assessed by his “vocabulary”. And it depends only on you whether it will be non-standard or colorful. Before you get up and start trying to put movements to music, you need to devote more than one or two evenings to studying the vocabulary of the dance direction that you have chosen. Fortunately, there are now many Internet resources for this.
- choose several, in your opinion, bright and strong numbers on the network. Watch them 3-4 times, more if necessary, depending on when the understanding of the individual movements of the performer comes to you.
-keep looking, looking, looking. After viewing a large number of diverse numbers, you will begin to notice their strengths and weak sides, you will begin to understand how dances are done, what their structure is. Plus, it's easier to remember choreography when you watch it.
-now start working with the music of the numbers you are viewing. If you have basic musical knowledge about sizes, rhythm, beats, your task will be much easier. Try to understand how the choreography reflects the mood prevailing in the music, how the strong beats are highlighted, how the accents are placed, what place the music occupies in the number.
-pay attention to how the movements are laid out in the music, how the performer transitions from one element to another. Only repeated observation will give you the opportunity to understand the smallest details and thus gain invaluable experience.
All of the above will take you on average a couple of weeks, for some more, since the volume of information received is large and requires assimilation. (provided you want to make a quality dance). Now your knowledge base has increased significantly. You know many individual elements, remember them and can depict them. You have begun to develop a taste: now you know exactly what you DO NOT want your dance to look like, but how it would be nice. There is confidence in how to do it right.
Now you have come to one of the most complex tasks in creating a dance - the choice of music. This is the most important step, because everything in your dance depends on the music. When choosing music you should keep the following in mind:
1. You shouldn’t choose the best one famous hit of all times. The very first and simplest thing you will want to do, since this music is your favorite. But tens of thousands of people also like it, and this puts a burden of responsibility on you: you cannot dance badly to such music. (of course, if you plan to show your dance to someone or post it online) Do you have enough knowledge and skills to match such a composition? If you decide to do this, great. But you have to work much more and more painstakingly.
2. Music should inspire not today or tomorrow, but for many days in a row. This is the most important criterion, music is the main assistant in the work of imagination. Search for music carefully, for a long time, until one of the compositions touches you. The search will be greatly facilitated by selections of compositions, of which there are a great many on the Internet. (they were compiled by those who have already walked the path in search of “their” music).
3. When you have settled on several compositions that you really like and inspire you, you should listen to them and choose one, no matter how difficult it may be. So, try to choose music with development: it should be interesting, changing, with a story, with a climax, with bright accents. Listen to the music and imagine the movements of your arms and legs that you can make to it. Of course, you can do a performance with monotonous music (a phenomenon that is quite fashionable and interesting), but then your choreography must be stunning in order to distract the viewer from the sound.
4. If you feel the slightest doubt about choosing music, keep looking! No time will be wasted, the music will give you a great dance.

So, you have chosen the music, now it’s time to move on to the most important thing - composing the dance. If a story comes to mind while listening, give it life! Dancing a story is always interesting, but inventing a dance becomes much easier.
Next, you should apply some knowledge of the musical part. You've almost memorized all the transitions and climaxes in music, so let's get straight to the point:
1. Turn on the music and listen to it until you hear a new musical phrase. You will hear this transition clearly. Listen again, find out how many “counts” this musical phrase takes: 16, 24 or 32? Now you know exactly how much time and “counts” you have for movements.
2. Now apply the knowledge gained while familiarizing yourself with the style and vocabulary of the dance. Depending on the tempo and accents, “arrange” the choreographic elements you like throughout the music.
3. If you remember well what you write, great. If not, then you can make a video or simply write down the order of movements on a piece of paper in words that only you can understand.
4. Calculate all the music. Pay attention to the accents in the music, highlight them with choreography.
Congratulations! The skeleton of the dance is ready. Ask: “Why a skeleton?” It's simple: creativity has no limits! In the process of learning your own dance, you will be surprised to find that you want to add one or another element that you like better, replace it with a more complex one. Creating a dance is about constant improvement. Develop, experiment, improvise. Live your dance!


Decide on the type of dance. Each direction has its own characteristic movements, be it flamenco, breakdancing, rock and roll or samba. For example, for Latin American dances, sexy and playful, the defining elements are hip swaying, rotation, and smooth movement in space. Movements and steps are performed at a high tempo under fast music. Breakdancing is based on acrobatic elements, rotations around your body, rotations on your arms and head. The dancer must have physical endurance and good coordination. Flamenco can be recognized by the performer's characteristic beating of the rhythm with his heels, and by the smooth free movements of the hands, like a fan opening and closing.

Study the basic elements of the chosen dance direction and performance technique. All compositions include basic elements of this style, poses, steps, gestures. To do this you can look dance clips, training programs. Your task to begin with is to study the basics of the dance. This will be the solid foundation for further steps.

Choose music. Each dance has its own characteristic sound, melody, rhythm. For example, time signature salsa - four quarters. The dance is performed at a fast pace with a complex rhythmic pattern. In some countries this style is known as "tropical music". You can easily find the songs you need by the name of the dance.

While listening to the melody, try to perform the basic elements of the dance. If the rhythm does not fit the chosen movement, do the combination slower or, conversely, faster. Change the basic elements. At first the dance will look like a set of basic movements replacing each other.

After studying the basic elements and grammar of dance, listen to music and try to improvise. At this stage, you can just add your own movements, show Creative skills. To make it easier to improvise, come up with a plot. For example, your hands are tied and you can only move your legs. In this case, the execution of basic movements will be slightly changed. Or the dancer portrays a hero who has just broken up with, and characteristic emotions are noticeable on his face, certain feelings are expressed through his body. At the same time, do not think, but simply show your inner state. Based on the plot, the steps can be either small or large. Add objects and accessories to the dance. Change your position in space. These techniques will somewhat “dilute” the memorized basic elements, but will retain the basis and characteristic movements by which the dance is recognized.


  • dance movement

Each girl I want to look like a queen compared to my peers - the most beautiful, the most graceful, attracting admiring glances. Therefore, many today are actively interested in dancing - after all, this is the most pleasant way to gain beautiful figure and grace of movement. There are many ways to learn to dance these days; all you have to do is choose the one you prefer and get started.


First you need to decide on the dance style that you want to study. Modern dance fashion is very democratic. It includes ceremonial, incendiary club, and erotic belly dancing with strip dancing. So the aspiring dancer can only choose what her heart is most drawn to. After all, you need to do what brings you pleasure, then any effort will be a joy.

Having decided on the dance direction, you can move on to the next stage, namely finding a place and method of training. Of course, the easiest and most obvious way to achieve what you want is to sign up for classes in your chosen dance at the nearest fitness club or dance studio. Unfortunately, this option is not always possible. Firstly, classes with a professional trainer are quite expensive and not everyone can afford such expenses, and secondly, the appropriate courses may simply not be available nearby. This problem is especially typical for small towns. In addition, being strictly tied to a specific schedule also does not contribute to increased convenience.

However, the lack of dance classes or courses at hand is not yet a reason to give up your favorite dance completely. It is quite possible to practice successfully at home. Today, a huge number of training programs, DVDs and literature on all dance styles are produced. With a little persistence you can find any educational materials.

Don't look at your feet, no matter how difficult steps you have to take. If there is a mirror in the practice room, control yourself by looking into the reflection. The habit of moving your legs under the control of your gaze will only lead to the fact that you will not be able to do this while looking at your partner or at the audience. Although the head and legs should memorize the dance in concert, they should not try to help each other.

Mastery of any movement only comes with repeated repetition. Therefore, train not only in class, but also at home. If you have a video recording of the lesson, be sure to watch it before practicing on your own. Remember how the teacher performed the movement and try to do it the same way as him.

One way to look at yourself from the outside is to help someone who is doing worse. If you notice that one of your comrades is not given this or that movement, do not hesitate to offer help and do not refuse if they ask for it. By telling and showing, you can understand something that previously eluded you, and by looking at mistakes, you will learn to avoid such mistakes.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Don't be afraid of difficulties. Remember that dance, no matter how difficult it may seem to you, was designed to be learned and performed beautifully. This means that everything will definitely work out for you.


  • Yuris dance school - how to remember the dance

The ability to move beautifully means gait. You've probably noticed that it's different for everyone. To learn to walk gracefully, you need to follow some principles of gait setting and perform special exercises.

You will need

  • - Comfortable shoes;
  • - handkerchief / piece of cloth;
  • - book;
  • - stand.


Place your foot straight, trying not to turn your toes out. This is necessary to form a beautiful and correct gait. First, touch your heel to the ground and lift your toes slightly as you do so. Walk at an average pace, not fast and not Gulliverian, but the one that your height allows you to do. The entire load of movement is borne by the thighs, which ensure immobility and lightness of the lower leg. While walking, they move up and down slightly. Raise your hip as you pass your supporting leg and touch your heel to the ground.

Let your arms hang freely when walking, but do not follow your step in any way, otherwise it will be something like a soldier’s step along the parade ground on Victory Day. Also, do not wave your arms widely, as this looks rather ugly from the outside.

Do a series of exercises. The first is as follows. Take a chair and stand up straight. Point your toes forward while gripping the back of the chair. Slowly rise on your toes and freeze for 1-2 minutes. Then transfer the entire weight of the body to the outside of the leg. Lower yourself and repeat this movement a few more times.

Take a handkerchief or any other piece of material. Sit on the floor and prop your feet up. Try to grab your handkerchief or other fabric with your toes. Move it, trying to keep your heels on the floor, until your toes touch each other. Do this exercise 6 times.

Take a thick book and place it on the floor. Place your feet so that inner part the foot rested on the book, and the outer foot remained on the floor. Smoothly rise and fall in the same way. Do 6 reps too.

Decide if you need a dance partner. In some types of dance, a partner is required (waltz, boogie-woogie, tango). It is better if you manage to find a partner before the start of classes, because it will be more difficult to do this in a dance class. If among your friends and acquaintances there are no people who want to make friends with you dancing couple, try to find a partner via the Internet - on dance forums or in specialized groups social networks.

You can practice not only at a dance school, but also at home. It's ideal if you have time for both. During the dance courses, an instructor will work with you. He will teach you the basic elements, and most importantly, he will control the correct execution of the movements. At home you can improvise and dance for your own pleasure. Study at home using video lessons - this is also very effective. You can also find classes from foreign masters on the Internet. They often have a completely different approach to learning, which you may benefit from learning from.

In dancing, just like in dancing, regularity of practice is very important. This required condition if you want to achieve success. Don't try to learn as many new moves as possible. It’s better to repeat the material you’ve covered more often to bring the basic movements to automaticity.

Visit themed dance parties. They are also carried out as part of classes. dance schools, and on independent platforms where everyone can come. In the warm season, such evenings are held under open air, in urban and gardens. This is a great opportunity to dance in a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere, repeat everything you know, and just have fun.

Try to at least occasionally attend concerts and performances of professional dancers. This will be a source of inspiration for you, an example to follow. Read, watch, study as much as possible about everything related to your type of dance in order to fall in love with your chosen style deeply and for a long time. This is the only way - through - you can achieve success in this beautiful art form.

Video on the topic


Learning to dance beautifully is the dream of many people, and it is quite feasible, you just need to want to do it. A good dancer or a beautiful dancer attracts hundreds of glances and wins many hearts. How to learn the magic of dance?


Decide what type of dance you want to learn: modern, Latin American, oriental, ballroom or maybe folk; how you want to dance: solo or in pairs.

Prepare suitable clothes for a particular type of dance. It should be comfortable and match the chosen dance style.

Decide how you will learn a particular type of dance: on your own or in a studio. Of course, it is much more difficult to master anything on your own than under the guidance of an experienced mentor. But, if you have strong confidence in your abilities and a room with sufficient space for free, unhindered movements (with large mirrors, if possible), then buy a self-instruction manual on a video disc and begin systematic training. If you do not have such an opportunity and an instructor is more attractive in your opinion, you should think about choosing a dance school-studio.

Choose dance studio taking into account your own wishes, but evaluate not only the proximity of the location to your home and the cost of study. Other important indicators are the number of students in the group (the fewer the better), the possibility of organizing individual lessons with the coach, the professional reputation of the teacher.

During classes, try not so much to mechanically repeat all the movements after the instructor, but to feel the rhythm of the music, find the right psychological and emotional mood, in other words, relax and try to enjoy the process of learning the art of dance. Your body should adapt to the music and live harmoniously in it. If something doesn’t work out for you the first time, don’t focus your attention on it, try again and again.

Occasionally, for a party, a performance, or for your own pleasure, you need to come up with a dance. At first it seems like an impossible task; there are no ideas in my head. But over time, the body surrenders to the tempo and melody, begins to dance, and in the process a beautiful composition is born. How to come up with dance moves?


1. Decide on the type of dance. The whole movement has its own characteristic movements, be it flamenco, breakdancing, rock and roll or samba. For example, for Latin American dances, sexy and playful, the defining elements are hip swaying, rotation, and smooth movement in space. Movements and steps are performed at a high tempo to fast-paced music. Breakdancing is based on acrobatic elements, cycles around your body, rotations on your arms and head. The dancer must have physical endurance and excellent coordination. Flamenco can be recognized by the performer’s characteristic beating of the tempo with heels, and by the smooth free movements of the hands, like a fan opening and closing.

2. Study the basic elements of the chosen dance direction and performance technique. All compositions include the basic elements of this genre, poses, steps, gestures. To do this, you can watch dance clips, videos, and training programs. Your task to begin with is to explore the base of the dance. This will be the strong foundation for further steps.

3. Choose music. All dances have their own characteristic sound, melody, and tempo. Let's say the salsa time signature is four quarters. The dance is performed at a fast pace with a difficult rhythmic pattern. In some countries this genre We call it “music of the tropics.” You can easily find the necessary songs by the name of the dance.

4. While listening to the melody, try to perform the basic elements of the dance. If the pace does not fit the chosen movement, do the combination more leisurely or, on the contrary, more quickly. Change the basic elements. At first, the dance will look like a set of basic movements replacing each other.

5. After studying the basic elements and grammar of dance, listen to music and try to improvise. At this stage you are allowed to add your own movements and show creativity. To make it easier to improvise, come up with a plot. Let's say your hands are tied and you can only move your legs. In this case, the execution of basic movements will be slightly changed. Or the dancer portrays a hero, one who has just broken up with his girlfriend, and characteristic emotions are invisible on his face; certain feelings are expressed through his body. At the same time, do not think, but simply express your inner state. Based on the plot, the steps can be either small or huge. Add objects and accessories to the dance. Change your location in space. These techniques will somewhat “dilute” the memorized basic elements, but will retain the basis and characteristic movements by which the dance is recognized.

Very often, disastrous performances are the result of shoddy preparation, and not of innate terror of the audience. Therefore, if you have to give a report at a conference or give a speech at a friend’s wedding, stop worrying and get down to business.

You will need

  • paper and pen (or computer), sources of information, video camera


1. Decide on a topic if you haven't been asked one. If possible, choose one in which you are well versed.

2. Answer yourself the question: “What do I want to convey to my listeners?” If you don't set any goal for yourself, performance obviously failed. Options could be: let the commission know that you are a wonderful expert who has prepared a class plan, you need to give the highest mark; inform the guests that the groom is the right friend, the one who will never let you down; talk about the sparkling prospects of your business plan, so that you will be given money to implement it.

3. Analyze your potential audience. How to communicate with them and what to talk about? Factory workers will be attracted by some words and examples, while big businessmen will be attracted by others. Students have their own interests, and housewives have theirs. It is also necessary to consider the specifics of the event. There are different atmospheres at a birthday party and at a student seminar. Consider that in any audience there may be a person more competent than you, so you should not abuse the facts and put yourself above others.

4. Gather materials for your presentation. The topic must be covered from at least 2 points of view. Then yours performance will become more voluminous and exciting. But don't forget about the goal you are pursuing. You should really use 3-4 sources of information. And analyze all data religiously. Otherwise, there will be a list of facts that are not supported by personal understanding.

5. Make a plan for your speech and write it down. It should consist of 3 parts. In the introduction, you must interest the audience and tell them what you will talk about. The main part should lead listeners to the solution you need. Facts, statistical data, and excerpts from the media (if any) must appear here. At the end, you provide a summary, make recommendations, and again push the listeners to a decision.

6. Rehearse performance. Your task is to find out how much you master the topic, whether you are capable of improvisation, whether there are objections in the speech, whether there are any difficulties with time (everything is told too briefly or too long). Film yourself. Looking at performance from the outside, you will find many unforeseen prophetic ones.

7. Take a break for a day or two. Appreciate with fresh eyes performance and make its final version, removing all that is unnecessary and, perhaps, adding what is necessary.

Helpful advice
In a speech, facts and figures should be alternated with striking examples, jokes or stories from personal skills (or the skills of friends). This way, you give the audience a chance to relax and at the same time make the performance memorable. There should be no rush in selecting stories. Every example must be chosen very carefully.

It's no secret that when you get up in the morning, you'll spend the whole day with this attitude. There are many ways to wake up with good mood, and one of them is dancing. Having selected certain dance moves, It’s quite possible to replace exercise or running. Not only are dance movements useful, they also have a positive effect on a person’s mood.

There are even many cases where people started their day with simple dance moves, and then fell into the popular one.

Basic dance movements for physical health

Adding to your life physical activity, it should be noted that slimness is acquired, self-esteem and mood increase. Besides, this good activity for people at risk of cardiovascular disease. However, do not forget about the load. Perhaps at first you need to do easy dance moves, but even then you can feel positive results in the form of a surge of energy. Scientific studies even report this.

Italian scientists observed a group of people who danced every week. As a result, not only their physical condition improved, but they also became more energetic.

At first, when learning movements for beginners, you should not overdo it. Only by gradually increasing the load does the body gain flexibility, endurance and strength. Most classes begin with flexibility and stretching exercises. When performing the dance movements themselves, all muscle groups will be involved. Styles such as ballet or jazz, and not only, include jumping, which develops strength and endurance.

Dancing: movements for beginners

It's no secret that even the most simple dance moves not just good for the body, but also healing for the psyche. These include:

  • “Square” is performed with feet along an imaginary square. In this case, the hands are on the belt, and the body protrudes slightly forward. This dance move is also called the “Box Step”. It is often used in music videos and in fitness.

The next movement comes from the previous one. Only it is performed cross to cross. In this case, the step becomes more difficult: the right leg is brought forward and placed in the upper left corner, and left leg because of right leg placed in the upper right corner of an imaginary square. From this position they step back.

  • The “slide” is another simple movement in which one leg stands to the side and is slightly bent, and the other is “pulled” as if on a slippery surface, straightening the supporting leg. Repeat in the same way in the other direction. Such slides can be found in “Hip-Hop”
  • The figure eight can be performed with the hips, knees and even shoulders, moving along the trajectory of infinity (8s).

Even in the most simple movements In dance, a person will feel himself and establish contact with himself. Thanks to such activities, people get rid of suppressed emotions. By doing different dance moves, there is a release of feelings. This is typical for most areas, but you can especially remember. Even the term itself speaks of the spontaneous manifestation of moods, feelings, and emotions, which are of secondary importance to the audience. In Rus', ancestors used ritual rhythmic dances to express overwhelming feelings, emotions, hopes and expectations. Everyone took part in them, including children and old people. Movements for children's dance were not particularly different. They tried to teach Russian dance from a very young age. Over time, dance culture has improved, but people can still get rid of sadness through dance.

New and unusual dance movements, which are not used in everyday life, help to destroy the usual scenarios of life, break out of a vicious circle and let in long-awaited changes. In the end, dance moves, give joy, make a person happy. This is also confirmed by scientists. It turned out that dance movement therapy regulates the level of dopamine and serotonin in the body.

Unfortunately, everyone suffers from depression these days. more people. And dance, from ancient times, was considered a healing art. Shamans used it as a way to enter a trance and expand their consciousness. They believed that dance movements are a connection between Heaven and Earth. So, they can also be used, like meditation. It will help you find yourself and activate your dormant abilities. A state of harmony, internal integrity and freedom will successfully become a pleasant result of daily exercise!

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