Roman Ryabtsev personal life. Roman Ryabtsev: “I survived a painful divorce

The singer, musician and composer will turn 45 in January. Shortly before the New Year, Roman married for the second time. TV Program magazine met with Ryabtsev to find out what he is doing now and what is happening in his life


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2015 begins for me with filming in a television series, where I once again play myself,” says Roman. - Quite a funny role.

- And this despite the fact that you basically don’t watch TV. At least talk about it often.

At some point, I reviewed it so much that I realized that it couldn’t give me anything new. For example, I can’t watch films on TV because they are constantly interrupted by advertisements. I’d rather go to the cinema or buy a CD. If I want to watch a specific program, I download it from the Internet.

- For example, political fights?

No, I'm not interested in them. This probably came with age; I became calmer. I don't think there's anything about them that will grab me. Besides, I know the television kitchen: people who are ready to punch each other in the face on air then have a nice conversation in the smoking room. All this big show... This year I was often called to appear in television projects, from Alexander Gordon’s program to funny quizzes in which you need to perform a song while suspended from the ceiling. The essence is generally the same: the viewer should like the show.

- And you agree: hang from the ceiling in the show “Stars without Pathos” on the “U” channel. Are we talking about the same program?

I am participating, yes. It was very funny, I would even say hilarious. I looked at myself in the recording and roared with laughter.

- ...realizing that all this is for the amusement of the public.

Excuse me, where do I work? In show business. IN Lately I radically changed my attitude towards all these programs. Let’s say, about ten years ago, maximalism still played in me: “Yes, I’m a serious person, I won’t go on these entertainment programs!” And now I’m thinking: why not? If I'm fooling around in the company of my friends, then why shouldn't I do the same in public? If formerly group“Technology” tried to maintain a brutal image - we tried not to smile, we were serious - but now, in general, we don’t give a damn about anything. We can allow ourselves to be ourselves.

"I was brought up in the right communist spirit»

- You were born in Voronezh, then returned there after living with your parents in Syria. Does anything connect you with this city now?

There is a certain nostalgia... After all, it was in Voronezh that I entered college and even studied one course there. At this time, many events happened that turned my life upside down... This year in the summer something came over me, and I realized: I definitely need to go to Voronezh! Just like that, not on tour. I think the notorious midlife crisis has finally caught up with me. The summer was generally very chaotic and crazy. I tried to understand myself, my life, including my personal life. Thank God, everything has settled down now. But then I was tormented by mental tossing, I suddenly felt acutely that I needed to go to Voronezh - to come and just wander around the city for a couple of days, go to the village where my grandparents lived. I don’t like pretentious words, but I wanted to get down to the roots.

- By the way, regarding the Voronezh Institute... Why did you suddenly decide to enter a pedagogical university?

At the insistence of my parents. They, diplomats, were planning another business trip abroad. I was at that age when I could no longer go out with them. In embassy schools in the Middle East, children usually study until the fourth or fifth grade. As a rule, ten years only exist in large capitalist countries: the States, France, Germany... Therefore, my brother and I graduated from school in a special boarding school for children of foreign workers. Going to another country, my parents thought: what should I do? They were quite rightly afraid to leave me at home. 16-year-old teenager, free life, alone in an apartment. What will happen? Now I understand them very well. And then I was terribly angry. However, mom and dad insisted that I enter Voronezh pedagogical institute, which they themselves graduated from. In addition, the deputy dean is their classmate. Grandmother and grandfather are nearby. In general, in their opinion, I was under supervision. My parents hoped that I would enter the Voronezh Institute, and the next year I would transfer to Moscow. That’s exactly what happened.

- Did you realize that Moscow is a city of great prospects?

For me, Moscow was just the capital of our Motherland. That's all. Understand, I was brought up in the correct communist spirit. And how else could a teenager who lived for five years in the embassy be raised? Immoral people were not allowed abroad. I took everything at face value. The word “careerist” for me was as dirty as “bureaucrat” or “bribe taker.” I sincerely despised people who strive to make a career and get out somewhere. I thought it was very dirty, ugly and bad. That is, I was an absolutely communist-raised child. It was only later that an envious and contemptuous attitude appeared towards me, a Muscovite who came to Voronezh, which depressed me very much, and I tried by all means to show: I am absolutely the same as everyone else, no different.

“Technology” has become bronzed. And I reconsidered my views on life and creativity."

- Did you start thinking about a career as a musician while still in school?

No, I didn’t even think about a musical career. The fact is that in the 9th and 10th grades, my friend and I, while serving “exile” in that same boarding school, tried to compose songs. I played the piano, and my friend had three instruments at once: a drum machine, a synthesizer and an electric organ. His parents, working in Italy, gave them to him for his good studies. As a result, we recorded three magnetic albums, absolutely disgusting in quality, but very funny, sincerely naive in content. Although, I admit, I recently started recording one of these songs, slightly reworking the text and leaving unchanged the melody, composed at the age of 16!.. Then, during the times of the USSR, it was impossible to even dream of a career as a musician without having music education and appropriate certification. Already in my first year of college, my parents bought me a Casio electric organ. With him I was the first guy in the village! (Smiles.) Without talking, they took me to the institute’s international VIA “Sunny Circle”. In 1987, I managed to get to the first Voronezh rock festival as a guest, out of competition. They allowed me to sing three songs, after first forcing me to go through the hell of the literary councils. I took my texts either to the district committee or to the city committee of the Komsomol, they were approved there, they looked for sedition, they weren’t found and they stamped them. Everything was so gloomy... In general, I myself was going to follow in my father’s footsteps and build a diplomatic career. Music was just my hobby, but there were people around me all the time with whom I was interested in playing and who were interested in playing with me. And when I already arrived in Moscow, I joined the group. Now I don’t remember how or to which one. Then there was another group. Little by little it started going, followed by the first tour to Smolensk...

- At one time, you managed to collaborate with Kristina Orbakaite, and with the group t.A.T.u., and with Vlad Stashevsky. Do you continue to work with other artists?

I haven’t done anything like this for 10 years. “Technology” took up too much time. But now I’m restoring my previous skills, starting to work for other performers, I don’t want to advertise their names yet. In one case, I act as the author of music based on the poetry of another person, in the second, I produce songs.

- What about new album Technology group? You said that he was about to come out.

I reconsidered my plans for life and creativity. In my opinion (although not everyone agrees with me), the “Technology” group has finally turned into, as they say on the posters, “ legendary group“Technology”, that is, has become bronzed, completely moved into the category of retro. From touring practice I see: no one needs anything new from us. Concert organizers keep telling us: “But, for God’s sake, don’t sing new songs!” Therefore, I consider it inappropriate to do something new under the brand name of the Technology group. In 2009 we recorded the album “Bearer of Ideas”. But we don’t play even half of the songs from it at concerts. I already had a similar situation in 1993. I wrote songs that did not suit the group at all, it was never “Technology” - Celtic-Irish melodies... In general, as then, I now decided to release my solo album. And for “Technology” for the upcoming anniversary (in March 2015 we turn 25, we plan to celebrate on a grand scale - big concerts) record several new singles.

- Is there anything that surprises or pleases you in modern music?

The surprising thing is that nothing new or interesting happens in it. Continuous chewing of the old. Previously, let’s say, there was a fashion for some branch dance music. Take, for example, Goa trance, tribal house or drum and bass, which lasted for several years and then were replaced by some other general hobby. Now, thanks to the Internet and flash mobs, everything happens hastily, within a few months, and is quickly forgotten. Music TV channels are practically dead and have no influence.

- But thanks to the same Internet, Igor Rasteryaev, Pyotr Nalich were “born”...

Rasteryaev interested me: he started well, but then, in my opinion, everything became dull. I didn’t like the cash right away, I wasn’t hooked. It’s much more fun to listen to another song by Semyon Slepakov. Here he is, in my opinion, beautiful. Especially the song “The best sex is sex with your wife.” How many years has this hit been, and I listen to it with delight every time.

- On your Facebook page you admired the composition Gangnam Style.

She's gorgeous. This is a superbly constructed song that contains absolutely all the pop cliches: sounds, structure, arrangement. The perfect cocktail!

- For some time, the Technology group collaborated with Yuri Aizenshpis. Which producer would you be happy to work with now?

With Max Fadeev. This is the only one who can be called a producer in correct understanding the meaning of this word. Of all our producers, he is the most interesting and close to me. I think he does everything very cool.

- Maybe it's time to try your hand abroad again?

No, because none of our people succeeded. No examples! And to think that I will succeed is stupid and naive.

- But you didn’t think so when you left for France in the early 90s?

I didn’t go there - I lived in Paris only during the recording of the album. I went to France solely with the hope that my album would sell in the future. However, I had no illusions, remembering the experience of releasing Radio Silence by Boris Grebenshchikov - with much larger budgets and producers like Dave Stewart. So what? As a result, his album failed. Therefore, I regarded my trip only as an interesting experience of working “differently”, not like ours.

- What is the cardinal difference?

Mentality! We recently played at a rehearsal facility consisting of several rooms. There, various young groups rehearsed non-stop from morning to night. And 90 percent of them played hard heavy metal: adrenaline, teenage energy... But no matter how funny it may sound, they play fashionable and quite relevant music. Young people don’t go through an amateur song club and play guitars in the yard, they don’t sing Soviet songs at singing lessons. These musicians were brought up by the Internet and radio on the right music. And in 20 years, when our generation and the scoop remaining in our brains die out, there is a chance that such groups will break through.

- In principle, could you move abroad?

For what? If only for recording an album. But I have my own studio here, and I physically cannot move it abroad. You can, of course, go with a mobile keyboard and one synthesizer, but it won’t be the same. Of course, if the situation in 1993 were repeated and some French people offered me to sign a contract and record an album, I would agree. But so far no one is offering anything...

- Do you like to talk about corruption in the domestic music business. Do you encounter this yourself?

Certainly. It seems like you have a good relationship with "radio people". You offer them a song to broadcast. “Yes, yes, let’s listen,” they answer. And nothing. Silence. And only then you find out through other people - and this is the most disgusting thing - that the song does not fit the format. They hint that you need to bring money. They are even embarrassed to talk about it directly. You can’t just come to the commercial department and pay for the song to be played on air. Everything happens at the level of half-hints.

"Unnecessary hysterical love I don't need"

- Which best qualities did you take it from your father?

Despite the fact that my dad is a diplomat, it was he who taught me to do everything with my own hands. I thought about this just the other day while screwing on another shelf. In principle, I can do everything at home that does not require gas welding: put together a table, paint it, hang a shelf... I love it. It’s easier to drill and nail it yourself than to call a professional. Dad was always doing something at home, nailing, picking. And I watched and learned to be independent.

- You once said that a musician has three constant expenses: a studio, a car and a spouse. The situation has not changed?

Pah-pah, I don’t spend money on medicine yet (smiles). Number one on this list is, of course, the wife. Fortunately, the studio no longer needs any expenses. Only in rent for the premises. 28 synthesizers is more than enough. I want to get rid of at least a couple. I don’t play on them, but they take up space... A car? Yes!

- Although lately you prefer the metro.

I try to take the metro more often because it’s fast. You won't be able to park in Moscow. I have two more meetings and a rehearsal planned for today. I would spend half a day in the car, and on the subway - whack-whack, back and forth... I have absolutely no complexes about this. And when it’s warm and dry outside, I also ride a scooter or bicycle.

- We talked about the three main expense items... Does alcohol interfere with this “coordinate system”?

Only non-alcoholic beer, and even then without fanaticism. For more than four years now.

- How did you come to this?

There were a lot of calls. Naturally, admonitions from loved ones. Yes, I myself felt how quickly I get tired - an eternally broken state, bad feeling. Volodya Nechitailo dragged me to the clinic to check my body. That's when I realized how terrible everything was. I decided: it’s time to call it quits if I want to live happily ever after. An elementary fear for my health appeared. As a result - a half-hour session, a bunch of electrodes connected to the head - and the very next day I calmly looked at the alcohol, no emotions!

- Don’t you have a feeling of nostalgia for the times when your entrance was covered with declarations of love, when fans overwhelmed you both night and day?

No! It was terrible and unpleasant. Honestly speaking, without coquetry, because it made my life terribly difficult. Vanity is such an interesting thing: it’s good when it’s monetized, when fans shout “Roma, Roma!” and at the same time buy tickets to the concert. But separately, it’s not interesting. By the way, now there are no fewer fans, they just flowed from the entrances to the same Facebook and became more civilized. And now they don’t interfere with life (laughs).

- You once said: “I plan my life for the day ahead and for what will happen in three years, and in between - freestyle.” Where did you get these frames from? Why exactly three years?

Three - good number, magical. But not everything in my life can be divided into such segments. The notorious midlife crisis that I experienced this summer has led to the fact that I now try to plan with great caution. Moreover, in the current economic situation, it is generally unrealistic to plan anything. What will happen in three years? The goblin knows him! Of course, I have Napoleonic plans - in next year finally release my album. At least on the Internet... But I feel that planning and I are incompatible things. This is very bad, of course, wrong, but this is me - Roman Ryabtsev.

Makeup and hairstyles: Kristina KOVALEVA.

We would like to thank The Box bar for their help in organizing the shooting.

Private bussiness

Roman RYABTSEV was born on January 25, 1970 in Voronezh. He grew up in a family of diplomats and lived in Damascus (Syria) for five years. Professional musical career began in 1988 as part of the duet “Farewell to Youth”. In 1990, he became a keyboard player for the Bioconstructor group, which then transformed into Tekhnologiya. In 1993, Ryabtsev went to France to record solo album under contract with Radio France Internationale. Returning to Russia, he soon left the team and officially announced the start solo career. Over 10 years, Ryabtsev released four albums, while simultaneously working on remixes and arrangements for various artists. In 2003, he recreated the group “Technology”, in which he still performs together with Vladimir Nechitailo and Matvey Yudov. His wife is journalist Marina Chancellor (Ryabtseva).

Many remember and honor the “Technology” group from the 90s. But few people know how the fate of one of its soloists, Roman Ryabtsev, began to develop in the future.

“Technology” has been gone for a long time, but Roman is very purposefully rising up the steps of its popularity.

What was the reason for your leaving “Technology”?

I was going to perform different music. On last album"Technology" "Sooner or later" the difference between my songs and the things of Leonid Velichkovsky was very clearly expressed. Secondly, two equal soloists in the group looked very stupid, this was especially noticeable at concerts, when part of the audience was a fan of me, and the other part was Nechitailo. It seemed like two completely different groups were performing on stage. Thirdly, finances were involved; I believed that I was not paid extra for my work.

Is your album “If I Become Different” autobiographical?

It has a certain concept: from the first to the last song the thread of the story of one love can be traced. At first hope is born, but it ends up being doomed. Of course, all my songs are a reflection of real life. I would not wish anyone to experience what befell me. Over time, I realized that, having gone through all this, I became more resistant to the effects of aggressive treachery on the part of women. This is important - after all, they are the main culprits of all misfortunes in their personal lives.

Roma, let's look into the past. When did your serious passion for music begin?

When I met my first love. This happened in ninth grade. I fell in love with a girl a year younger than me. Her name was Oksana. Because of her, I started composing music. Together with my classmate, we organized an electronic music duet; we were even played on the school radio during recess. In three years we recorded three albums. Then, already at the institute, I played in the ensemble "Sunny Circle", then was alternately invited to two groups without a name, and already in 1988 - 1989 I began to work professionally in the group "Farewell to Youth", which is now being reborn with my help. In 1990, I joined the Bioconstructor team, from the ruins of which Tekhnologiya was formed that same year.

A singer like you probably has a lot of fans. Doesn't their excessive attention annoy you?

My entire entrance is simply spoiled with all sorts of inscriptions with offers to surrender at any time and in any place, declarations of love, etc. But there are also normal fans who call and ask how my affairs are going, where the concerts are taking place... But, alas, I cannot communicate with everyone who craves my attention. And then I hate it when people offer themselves, especially girls.

What does your leisure time consist of?

I love reading books, and a wide variety of them, from science fiction to historical novels. Already in the first grade I read such a large work as “Spartacus”. I like going to discos and night clubs. But I love communicating with my friends more. We even formed our own club called K.P.N. ("Club sent to..."), uniting people who were abandoned by their beloved girls.

Are you a good owner?

Judge for yourself. I prefer that all my things are thrown upstairs, on the shelves - it will be easier for me to find them later. I have wires from various equipment scattered all over the floor. I think it’s easy to imagine what’s going on in my room. As for cooking, I think that I am simply irreplaceable, because I really love and know how to cook.

Ryabtsev Roman

added date: 14.02.2008

Full name - Ryabtsev Roman Nikolaevich. Born in Voronezh, January 25, 1970. He became interested in music in his youth, at the age of eighteen he became part of the duet “Farewell to Youth”.

And he landed on the big stage a little later, in 1990. As a keyboard player, he got a job in the Bioconstructor team. And at the same time, the group changed its name. So Roman ended up in famous team"Technology".

At the same time, he handed over the keyboard to his colleague Leonid Velichkovsky. And he took up the guitar and began to sing. In addition to them, vocalist Vladimir Nechitailo and Andrey Kakhaev, who took responsibility for percussion, were also registered in “Technology”.

In addition to everything, Roman also writes songs. Many of them bring fame to the group. The public responds well to “Press the Button”, “Half an Hour”. And the composition "Strange Dances" more than a year occupied the first line of the “Soundtrack” hit parade. In 1993, Ryabtsev’s success as a composer was strengthened by the track “Sooner or Later,” which, according to TASS, became the song of the year.

Feeling confident in his own abilities, he agrees to take part in the Radio France Internationale competition. The result of this event was a contract with one of the Parisian studios, where he was given the opportunity to record an album called “Strange Dances”...

After this work, Roman leaves Tekhnologiya to pursue solo career. In 1995, he released his debut disc “If I Become Different.” In his new songs, techno-pop ceases to dominate, giving way to guitars. At the same time, he begins to collaborate as a composer and lyricist with such performers as Yu-La, Vlad Stashevsky, Svetlana Razina, the group “Brilliant” and many others...

In 1997 he returned to dance style and records the album “Red Day of the Calendar”. With his participation, the work “Songs of Adult Boys” also appears, made by the duet “Farewell to Youth” and dedicated to the old and new hits of the group.

His works also appear on the new collection “Technologies,” which the group calls “Best Songs.” More former colleagues Romana is trying to put together an album of remixes, and is thinking about releasing another album.

A kind of result creative path What makes the novel so famous is that the most famous part of his recordings in 2001 was included in the “Star Collection” music series.

In the early 1990s. the songs “Strange Dances” and “Press the Button” were megahits, group "Technology" gave 4 concerts a day, and her soloist Romana Ryabtseva fans were overwhelmed. In 1993, he unexpectedly decided to leave the group and went to Paris to record an album. There were rumors that women were actually to blame for the breakup of the group...

The techno-pop group "Technology" was founded in 1990 by musicians of the Bioconstructor group after the lead singer left them. The first line-up included Leonid Velichkovsky, Andrey Kokhaev and Roman Ryabtsev, and later Vladimir Nechitailo joined them. Ryabtsev became the soloist - as he put it, “out of necessity, and then out of inertia, and for some reason everyone liked it.” That same year, Tekhnologiya began work on its debut album and released its first videos. These performers were not like anyone else (they were compared only to Depeche Mode, although the similarity was only external), so the group immediately attracted attention and won thousands of fans.

In 1991, Yuri Aizenshpis began working with Technology as a producer. He helped the group release the album "Everything You Want." With his arrival, the group became recognizable and popular throughout the country. For 14 months, the song “Strange Dances” held a leading position in the “Soundtrack” hit parade of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. “Before, everything was somehow simpler, we brought our video to the music channel and they played it. At that time, it was generally possible to break through without any special PR. Everything was decided by personal connections,” the group’s lead singer Roman Ryabtsev later admitted.

The following year, Tekhnologiya released an album of remixes, took part in the Rock-Summer festival in Tallinn, and gave several large-scale concerts in Moscow and Leningrad, gathering about 15 thousand spectators at each of them, and went on a tour of other cities of the country. The popularity was incredible, they often gave 4 concerts a day. A complete surprise for many was the news that in the fall of 1992 the group stopped collaborating with Aizenshpis, and soon Roman Ryabtsev announced his desire to pursue a solo career.

At the time, there were rumors that women were actually to blame for the group's breakup. Vladimir Nechitailo stated that “Roman Ryabtsev’s ambitions were given birth to by his beloved girlfriend, who worked at M-radio.” She convinced him that he was capable of making a solo career.” Later, he broke up with this girl and, as the musicians suggest, he regretted leaving the group. And soon after him Andrei Kokhaev left, and Leonid Velichkovsky began producing the singer Lada Dance. “Technology” disappeared for some time, and then appeared with an updated composition.

Roman Ryabtsev went to France in 1993 to record a solo album. He spoke about this period like this: “I signed a contract, then rehearsals with a French group in Paris, then recording... And then the curator of my project died... And since RFI is about the same as Gosteleradio in the USSR (i.e. - a state office, money - government), then this whole story came to naught. Pros? A lot of them. They bought me good instruments, I worked with a “live” group, recorded in the West, learned some things that we didn’t do here...”

After returning to Russia, Ryabtsev fell into depression, a creative crisis began, and problems with alcohol appeared. However, he was able to overcome all this, took up a solo career again and released 4 albums in 10 years. In 2003, the two main vocalists of Tekhnologiya, Roman Ryabtsev and Vladimir Nechitailo, reunited, and the group began performing concerts again. However, the public still demanded the songs “Press the Button” and “Strange Dances”.

Now they are not afraid of disagreements over women: “Since then we have matured, gained life experience and learned to separate flies from cutlets. Personal life and work should not interfere with each other.” They are also optimistic about their prospects in the music market: “We don’t want to remain a “band from the past.” We recently recorded a new album, “Bearer of Ideas,” which, on the one hand, retains the signature sound of “Technology,” and on the other, is addressed to modern youth and is in tune with their musical tastes.”

Yuri Aizenshpis was involved in producing and

Roman Nikolaevich Ryabtsev(January 25, 1970, Berezovsky village, Voronezh region) - composer and vocalist of the group "Technology".


Graduated from the Pedagogical Institute. He began his professional career in 1988 as part of the duet “Farewell to Youth”. In 1990, he became a keyboard player for the Bioconstructor group, after which he joined the Technology group.

The song “Strange Dances” performed by Roman Ryabtsev took leading places in the hit parade of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper for several months in 1991-1992. The song "Sooner or Later" was recognized best song 1993 according to the TASS hit parade.

In the fall of 1992, Roman Ryabtsev actually left the group, going to France to record a solo album under a contract with Radio France Internationale, and at the end of September 1993 he announced his final departure.

Over the 10 years of his solo career, Roman Ryabtsev released four discs: 2 compilations: “Strange Dances” - which included songs recorded in France, and “Golden Collection” + 2 albums: “If I become different” (Union) and “Red Day” calendar" (JAM). He devoted the rest of his time to working as an arranger and sound producer in his own studio, creating several albums (“Car-Man”, “Miami”, “Rise!”, etc.) and about 30 remixes for different artists.

In 2003, the Tekhnologiya group reunited, consisting of Roman Ryabtsev and Vladimir Nechitailo, with the participation of new musicians.


In an interview in 2013, he critically assessed the situation in modern Russia, noting high level corruption, the presence of censorship and “overwhelming hatred orchestrated by directives from above,” and also supported the right to freedom privacy, calling attacks on sexual minorities “disgusting.”


  • 1994 - Strange Dancing (reissued in 1997 and 2004)
  • 1995 - If I become different (reissued in 2001 and 2004)
  • 1997 - Red Calendar Day (reissued 2004)
  • 2001 - Star Collection (collection)
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