Programs for creating photo albums in Russian. How to create a music photo album

Photo albums on your computer or in social networks This The best way not only capture memories, but also share your positive emotions with friends. The operation of how to create a photo album on a computer with music is performed in several simple steps:

Step 1: Download Windows Movie Maker

Install the utility on your computer and run it from the desktop shortcut. Go to the main menu. Through the “Photos and Videos” tab, add photos to your work feed to create a photo album.

Step 2. Add music to your photo album

Click the “Music” tab, then the utility offers two options for music accompaniment: add a music file from the collection on your PC (for example, your favorite song) or add voice comments. Synchronize the duration of music and photo sequence.

Step 3. Create a photo album for viewing on your computer

Click the “Create” tab and select the appropriate item in the menu that opens. Save the project in the psks working format, click “Create AVI video file”. The program will automatically set the necessary settings, click “Convert” and wait until this process is completed

How to create a photo album on VKontakte

Go to your VKontakte page. On the left side of your profile, click on “My Photos”. Next, click on “Create Album”.

In the drop-down window, enter a name for the new album and write its description in the appropriate field.

Configure the access parameters for the new album, or leave the default values: who can view my photo album - all users, and who can comment on photos - all users.

Important! To upload a photo album with music to VK, created earlier in new version Windows Movie Maker, select "My Videos" in your profile and click "Add Video."

How to create a photo album in Odnoklassniki

Go to your profile on Odnoklassniki. Select the Photos tab at the top. Next, click “Create” new album».

Write the name of the album, enter a new description. Check the box next to the item that matches your privacy settings (who can see the photo). Click "Save".

In an empty photo album, click Add Photos. To add several images at once, select them using the Ctrl button held down.

Wait until the download completes. In the finished photo album you can put tags for your friends.

Important! To upload a photo album with music to Odnoklassniki, click the “Video” icon and then “Add video”. To avoid playback problems, be sure to convert your photo album in Windows Movie Maker first.

Creating photo albums

This section discusses programs for creating photo albums exclusively for local use. They are somewhat reminiscent of small encyclopedias of users’ lives, allowing them to store memories in beautiful “boxes,” each of which is individual and unique.

Photo Album 2005

The concept behind the program is based on the systematization of the user's photographs and offers a tree-like organization of digital photo albums. The program’s pleasant and convenient interface (Fig. 8.7), seemingly devoid of all design frills, offers an ordered catalog of digital photographs. Initially, you need to create thematic sections into which you can subsequently add an unlimited number of albums themselves.

Rice. 8.7. Photo Album 2005 window

The program supports a large number of graphic formats, and files that do not have the JPG extension are automatically converted to the required format with the ability to select compression compression. For each photo, you can add a title and comment, search for a photo in the album and arrange the image in any order, and view the EXIF ​​information of the file. You can also quickly move pictures from one album to another using Drag-and-Drop.

The program works both with photos on the hard drive and with images from scanners and cameras.

You can view the created album in full screen mode or as a slide show with the addition of more than 100 transition effects from one photo to another. Playback is diluted by adding background music for any of the created albums in MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG formats.

By creating sections and organizing photos in nested albums, you can easily burn them to a CD, since the physical organization of albums is also tree-like, and the program itself is a cataloger and viewer at the same time.

Additional features of the program: printing selected images, supporting text-to-speech technology, launching the program with various parameters and creating an archive of albums for moving to another computer.

Schematically, the PicturePlayer program is somewhat similar to the previous utility because it also does not create an independent photo album, but generates INI files containing user-specified parameters. In fact, the utility is two-component: Show Creator(The creator of the show) acts as an idea generator with the goal of creating a beautiful photo album, a PicturePlayer(Image Viewer) presents the created creation.

There are two ways to create a new album: use step by step wizard or set the album settings on the options tabs.

Program features:

Selecting playback window sizes and design:

Setting playback options for each photo and the entire album as a whole;

Add background music (one track only) and select image transition effects.

The program works with files in BMP, GIF, JPEG, WMF, EMF formats; when adding a new album, pictures can be viewed as thumbnails or select one photo to display in full screen. By setting the album settings, you have essentially created it, saving all the parameters in an INI file.

This program may be chosen by the user because he does not want to compress the original images and change their location. However, using the utility, you can prepare the album for burning to a CD, for which it is better to use the wizard, which will automatically create an autorun file and copy it to the photo folder.

The registered version of the program limits the illegal distribution of photographs from the created album by installing protection on the pictures, allowing them to be viewed only using PicturePlayer. The unregistered counterpart has a limit of 20 images per album, the installation of a developer logo, and the inability to create a CD with photos.

The program is extremely simple and intuitive, has a beautiful and clear Russified interface. Thanks to the available wizard, creating an album turns into an exciting process that takes a minimum of time.

Creating a new album in step-by-step mode involves specifying its name and selecting the screen resolution to view in full screen or windowed mode. In the prepared album you need to place photos added from a folder, from a scanner or camera in JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, etc. formats. The program can edit images slightly - change brightness, contrast, rotate the image and add various graphic filters.

Selected images are displayed in the main program window. View photos (supported random order display and display time of each image) can be launched followed by continuous repetition against the background of a solid or gradient fill or a user-selected image.

To eliminate the static display of photos on the screen, you can activate various video effects, as well as add background music in WAV, WMA, MP3, MOD, OGG formats.

Displaying photos on the screen can be customized with various captions and comments. using also a synthesized voice engine based on text-to-speech technology.

When creating an exclusive photo album, you can apply to it various restrictions to copy/print/save photos and send by email.

The only limitation when working in the program without registration is a line added at the bottom of each photo, indicating that the album was created in an unregistered version.

Cyclone Photo Album

The small size of the Cyclone Photo Album distribution kit and the intuitive, logical interface of the program allows you to create photo albums quickly and easily.

The construction of the new album is based on work New Project Wizards, which prompts you to specify the name of the project and the album itself (the same or different), the location where the program will save it, add background music if desired, and specify the interval for displaying pictures when starting the slide show (in seconds). Additional tabs allow you to add photos themselves (as files or entire folders), configure album page settings, and select transition effects between pages from 35 options.

After setting the preliminary settings, the main program window opens, a large area of ​​which displays the current photo, and on the right side there are thumbnail images of the selected images.

Some additional options for image processing:

Changing the brightness/contrast/orientation and size of the image;

Adding a block of text to a photo;

Framing drawings with various frames.

As you work, you can change the order in which pictures are presented, add new photos, and delete existing ones. You can save the created album in various ways:

As an EXE file that combines images and background music;

Create a screensaver that is essentially the same set of images with transition effects, but without music;

Export to an AVI file with the ability to select the degree of compression and screen resolution size.

An unregistered copy of the program is limited to five pages of images.

This utility will be of interest to readers who study documentation on the screen using various utilities that present the text as a book. The program will create a beautiful photo album in the form of a book, flipping through the pages of which you can view photos - this is exactly the form in which FlipAlbum Pro creates its photo albums.

The program has several versions of different functional levels. The professional version of the program costs $140, but this section is the one that is discussed, since only this version has maximum amount functions. After installing and launching the program, you can open an existing album project or create a new one: import all content - graphics, background music, videos - from one folder or create an empty album.

The program interface is beautiful and functional, but not always clear. Thus, photos are added to a new album not by selecting them from a folder and automatically adding them, but exclusively by the Drag-and-Drop method to the album content panel. When creating an album of 100–200 photos, this method becomes tiring.

Each added file is placed on its own album page, and their thumbnails are displayed at the beginning of the album. By clicking on an image, you can expand the photo to full screen, get information about the file, delete a page, change the order of presentation in the album, change the image size and its orientation.

If the added photos need a little editing, then the built-in editor has a large number of image processing capabilities.

By default, the album contents page includes a list of files with the names of the files themselves. Rename image for more precise definition its contents can be accessed using the context menu. Having arranged and changed the parameters described above, you can begin configuring and working with the album. You can add your own comment to any page containing a photo, and several types of frames for the images themselves, make a bookmark on the page, or add a marker that allows you to quickly go to the page with the photo. Another option for quickly jumping to multiple pages is to move the mouse pointer to the edge of the album page, after which the number of the page to which the transition will occur will be displayed. However, with a large number of pages, getting to the right one is quite difficult.

In addition to images on individual pages, it is possible to have audio and video fragments; for the entire album, you can also add background music in MID, WAV, MP3 format. You can design the interface using background images or choose themes (the trial version contains only one theme).

You can view the album in slide show mode or by activating the option AutoFlip, which allows you to automatically turn pages after a user-specified period of time.

The program has the ability to export created albums to a CD (and you can burn one or more to each CD). Since albums can be used in professional purposes In addition to the basic settings, there are security settings: protecting the disk with a password, setting the final end date for access to the album, encrypting all or a specific album with adding a label. The utility itself does not burn discs, only indicating the path to the folder whose contents need to be burned to CD. Additionally, it is possible to create CDs with photos for viewing on a TV screen.

Microsoft also decided to develop its own program for creating photo albums. Moreover, releasing something individual, with a clear and beautiful interface, thoughtful functions and, most importantly, an excellent output result - this is precisely an indicator of the quality of the product.

Each time you start the program, you are prompted to select a field of work: creation new history, editing or viewing current stories. When you select editing, a window will open (Fig. 8.8), in which it is proposed to import photographs intended to become the basis of the story.

Rice. 8.8. Importing images in Photo Story 3

The number of files for import is limited to three hundred, which should be enough to create a full-fledged photo story. Files can be in BMP, DIB, HPS, GIF, JH1F, JPE, JPEG, PCD, PCX, PNG, PSD, RLE, TGA, TIF formats.

In the same window, you can remove dark borders in images (if any), re-sort pictures manually, and also slightly edit not-so-successful frames by automatically adjusting the contrast, color scheme, removing the red-eye effect. Additionally, you can apply one of 10 graphic effects to your photos, including the ability to select and apply one effect to all images at once.

Sometimes it can be very useful to add captions describing the place and time the frame was taken. The program also offers this option, and the text can be placed in any part of the image. Photo Story also has the ability to enter comments by voice for each of the photos in the album, for which you need to change the time it takes to change pictures on the screen (five seconds by default), and also manually change the movements Cameras as the main feature that makes the final result completely different from just a set of images.

The essence of the parameter Motion(Motion) is that static pictures in the created album do not just change sequentially on the screen, but are displayed as if they were additionally taken with a camera that moves closer and further away for each specific picture, highlighting small parts or, conversely, showing overall plan. At several stages of creating a photo album, it is possible to preview an unfinished creation.

Background music (one or several tracks, depending on the length of the album) is added to the project in WMA, MP3, WAV formats. You can adjust its volume. The available frame line allows you to clearly see total length project and the frame where the inserted background audio file will end. If it is impossible to decide on the choice of the appropriate musical fragment yourself, then you should use the parameter Create Music(Music Creation). Its task is to generate music of different genres with the ability to select style, instruments, different keys, manually select the tempo of track playback and the intensity of its sound.

There are several options for saving the project: for playing on a computer, Portable Media Center, Pocket PC or Smartphone with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile installed. You can also send your story by email.

For each option there are already preset settings for the quality of the output file saved in WMV format. For recording in another format, there are two profiles for creating VCD and DVI).

Having chosen the saving format, you need to last time press the button Next, which starts the process of saving photo history. Its duration depends on the number of photos, available effects, the presence of background music and the type of profile selected.

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Picasa- very popular free program, offered by Google, which allows youcreate, catalog and edit digital photo albums. It supports all major image file formats, allowing you to fix photo defects, adjust photo properties, set photo locations, and create original content such as slideshow DVDs and photo collages. It is completely in Russian and very easy to use even for less experienced users. It integrates seamlessly with the online services offered by Picasa Web Albums.

Windows Live Photo Gallery

As its name easily suggests,Windows Live Photo Galleryis a very interesting free program that allows you to view, create and edit digital photo albums. In addition to supporting all major graphics file formats, you caneasily create photos in albumsand categories, placing faces and other useful information by applying quick fixes to the most common digital photo defects (such as red-eye, brightness, colors, etc.) and publishing photos to online services andin social networks. The program is absolutely free and is part of the application packageWindows Live Essentials, developed by Microsoft for Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP.

Zoner Photo Studio Free

Zoner Photo Studio Freefree version one of best programs to organize, catalog and view digital photos available for Windows. It has a very simple and elegant interface (fully translated into Russian) and includes a very wide range of functions, includingautomatic correctionall the most common defects in digital photographs (eg red eye, contrast, etc.) andcreation of original content,such as 3D photos, calendars, Greeting Cards and much more. It also supports digital camera RAW formats and direct photo comparison.

Photo album of Fotola

This is one of the best freephoto album programs,with which you can scan the contents of your computer or manually select folders of photos and organize them into digital albums. It allows you to easily manage your photos (supports drag and drop), edit all image details (such as tags) and create slideshows to be recorded as videos or DVD presentations to be presented publicly (but you need software at extra charge). It supports all major graphic file formats: bmp, gif, jpg, jif, jiff, jpeg, exif, png, tif, tiff, psd, tga, pcx, jp2, wmf and others.

DVD Slideshow GUI

This is a free program, very easy to use, which allows you tocreate videos with photo slideshowsand videos in various formats. The perfect way to turn your digital photo albums into videos and show them to friends and family. Includes many animations, transition effects and allows you to add captions and background music to your slideshow, customizing every little detail. It is not in Russian, but it is extremely easy to use even for less experienced users, the results obtained can be mastered directly by clicking on the program icon.

Free Facebook Downloader

Slideshows are increasingly in demand. And if you also want to learn how to make a photo album on a computer, and then try your hand at this, then it’s time to move on to active actions! From the text you will learn about the PhotoSHOW PRO application, in which you can very quickly turn your favorite photos into a beautiful movie.

Step 1. Download the program

First of all, you need to download it to your computer. Performing this task with good connection It will take you literally a couple of minutes to connect to the network. After the download is complete, run the distribution and tell the installer the location where you want to place all the program files.

Start menu of the program

Step 2: Select Photos

Making a photo album on your computer is very simple if you have the PhotoSHOW PRO program installed. Immediately after launching the application, you will be prompted to add photos that will become the basis of your project. Using the convenient built-in explorer, find a folder on your computer, then grab the desired photo with your mouse and drag it to the timeline at the bottom of the screen. You can also add the entire folder at once, to do this you need to click on the corresponding button (see screenshot).

Immediately after launch you can add everything necessary photos

Step 3: Add Animation to Your Slideshow

The second most important thing in a slideshow after photos is animated effects and transitions, which in a matter of moments can turn the usual change of photos on the screen into spectacular show. You can find all available elements in the program in the tabs of the same name. As a rule, they are added in the same way: you just need to grab the appropriate option with your mouse cursor and move it to the slide that you want to add animation to.

Use colorful effects and transitions and then the slideshow will sparkle with new colors

Step 4. Voice over the show

If we make a photo album on a PC, then voice acting becomes of great importance. Go to the "Music" tab. Here you can upload an audio recording to the project, which will serve as a worthy addition to your idea. “PHOTOSHOW PRO” allows you to synchronize the slide changes with the selected melody, as well as adjust the volume and special effects.

Voice your project using any melody from your computer

Step 5. Save the video

So you learned about it in a special program. All that remains is to save the video. This can be done in the “Create” tab. The software offers a choice of three options for saving the project. The most basic way is to save the video on your computer in one of many formats. The second option is to record the video to disk. In this case, you can take the created “electronic album” with you, for example, during a trip. The third and final option is to upload videos to the World Wide Web. What to choose? It's up to you to decide.

Save your slideshow in any format that suits you!


Congratulations! Now you can easily and simply prepare a slide show yourself. Just install “PhotoSHOW PRO” on your computer - a multifunctional program for creating bright films from photos and videos with music and within half an hour you will have at your disposal a high-quality project that you can show to your relatives and friends.

Download and install the program on your computer Proshow Producer. For your convenience, place the application shortcut on your desktop.

Step 2: Get started

Launch the program and select the operating mode. You can create " New project”, independently selecting all the settings, or use the automatic “Slide show in 5 minutes” mode, which allows you to make a photo album using ready-made thematic templates. The second method is faster, but it limits your participation in the creation of the project, whereas when working on a new project with clean slate, you will be able to fully express your creative abilities.

Step 3: Upload Photos

Now you need to upload photos to the editor for the future album. When creating a new project, you need to find the snapshots folder by browsing the contents of your computer. If you decide to use the automatic mode, click the "Add Photos" button and drag all the images to the bottom slide bar.

Step 4: Set up transitions

After this, you need to set up transitions between slides. The program for the photo album Proshow Producer includes many ready-made options, which allows you to design your presentation very effectively. Open the “Transitions” catalog, it is divided into categories: standard, gradient, double and 3D transitions. Check them out in the player for a preview, then move the ones you like to the special cell between the slides.

Step 5: Add Music

Your interactive photo album will be much more interesting if you add musical accompaniment. In the “Music” tab, find the “Add music file” item and select any audio recording from your computer. In Proshow Producer you can also record your comments on the slides. In the “Voice Comments” tab, click “Record from a microphone” and tell us about each photo!

Step 6. Don't forget about effects!

Another way to decorate a video from photos is to add original effects, which you will find in a special module. There are many templates here, divided into categories, choose those that correspond to the theme of your project and transfer them to slides with photos. In the "Edit Slide" menu, set the desired effect settings.

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