Examples of words of synonyms in Russian. What are synonymous words: specific examples

meaning that distinguishes it from other synonyms, for example: red - scarlet - crimson - crimson.

Classification of synonyms

Synonyms, indicating the same concept and having the same lexical meaning, differ in their expressive coloring, assignment to a certain style, and frequency of use.

Many synonyms differ from each other in both lexical meaning and expressive coloring.

Thus, synonyms can be differentiated:

  1. on the objects they designate [S. “buffoon - actor - comedian - actor - artist” reflect different moments in the development of theater and different attitude to the profession of an actor (cf. next paragraph)];
  2. according to the social assessment of the designated subject (S. “salary - wages” reflect different attitudes towards the remuneration received for work);
  3. according to applicability in a particular style of speech (S. “horse - horse” are not always stylistically reversible; in the verse “Where are you galloping, proud horse?” the substitution of S. “horse” will produce comic effect- “Where are you galloping, proud horse?”);
  4. by etymological meaning, which can give one of the S. a special coloring (S. “brave - fearless” is associated general concept courage in the first case with “daring”, “determination”, in the second - with “lack of fear”; therefore, these S. in a certain context can be used as words opposite in meaning, like antonyms);
  5. by the presence or absence of figurative meanings: for example, in the famous epigram Batyushkov K.N. Advice to the Epic Poet:

“Give me whatever name you want
Your half-wild poem
“Peter the Long”, “Peter the Great”, but only “Peter the Great”
Don’t call her.”

the absence of a figurative meaning in the first of the S. “big - great” is used.

"Grammar synonyms"

Further, we should not forget that any change in the forms of production, public relations, everyday life not only enriches the vocabulary of the language (see. "Vocabulary"), but thanks to the class and professional differentiation of speakers, it often receives several designations, sometimes fixed in the literary language as synonyms. Compare: "airplane - airplane"(the second synonym is from the military terminology of the early 20th century). What especially contributes to the multiplication of designations is the desire of speakers not only to name an object, but also to express their attitude towards it: cf. wealth S. around words denoting elementary, but everyday important facts; cf., on the other hand, the wealth of designations for political and public life serving as the subject of class struggle - "world eater", "fist"(in the mouths of the poor-middle peasantry), "strong man", "household man"(in the mouths of the rural bourgeoisie itself). Thus, the accumulation of synonyms in a language is inevitably accompanied by their differentiation: words included in a group of synonyms (the so-called nest of synonyms) retain differences in their shades, generated by their belonging different classes society, different social strata, different types speech communication, the differences described above and often leading to a complete loss of synonymy. Compare the fate of Slavicisms like "citizen"(at "city dweller"), and so on.

To clarify the differential shades of synonyms it is useful:

  1. compare each of them with the most abstract, non-emotionally colored designation of the object (identification method proposed by Bally);
  2. choose antonyms for them (for example, the antonym "sadness" will "joy", antonym "sorrow" - "jubilation");
  3. substitute one synonym for another in a certain context;
  4. establish the presence of other (figurative) meanings for each of the synonym nests (examples cf. above);
  5. take account grammatical structure each of the synonyms ( "carelessly - carelessly").

Synonyms in taxonomy

Only one of all synonyms can be the name by which a given taxon should be known. Usually this is the synonym that was published first.


  • Alexandrova Z. E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: Ok. 9000 synonymous series / Ed. L. A. Cheshko. - 5th ed., stereotype. - M.: Rus. lang., 1986. - 600 p.
  • Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: In 2 volumes / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of the Russian Language; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - L.: Science, 1970.

Formal presentation

see also


  • A. A. Gornfeld// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

The article uses text from the Literary Encyclopedia 1929-1939, which has passed into the public domain since the author, R. Sh., died in 1939.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Acts of the Holy Apostles
  • Antonyms

See what “Synonyms” are in other dictionaries:

    Synonyms- (Greek) words that differ in sound, but have the same meaning (“horse horse”; “brave brave brave courageous fearless”, etc.). The structure of the meaning of the word (see Semasiology) leads to the fact that the meaning in S. usually coincides... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Synonyms- SYNONYMS. words that are different in external form, but similar in meaning, i.e. defining different shades the same concept. Such are, for example, the words “brave” “courageous” “courageous” or “battle” “battle” “fight”, etc. How poetic deviceDictionary of literary terms

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Everyone, without exception, while studying at school studied a topic called “Synonyms”. However, not everyone can now answer what are synonyms in Russian?

What are synonyms in Russian?

As it was said in the rules of the Russian language of our school curriculum, synonyms are words that are pronounced differently, but at the same time have close value. The word “synonym” itself has Greek roots and is translated as “homogeneous.” In science it is commonly called various concepts Greek or Latin terms.

Despite the fact that synonyms are essentially the same concept, usually each of these words has its own connotations. It is precisely because there are synonyms in the Russian language that it is rightfully considered one of the richest and most expressive in the world.

As an example, you can compare the words "beautiful" and "wonderful". They are not only synonyms, but also words with the same root. However, one of them is a dry statement of fact, while the other has signs of admiration.

The connection that arises between different synonyms of the same word is called a synonymous connection.

Classification of synonyms in Russian

Having a similar meaning and pointing to the same concept, synonyms differ in coloration, frequency of use in speech and style. There are synonyms that differ from each other in both meaning and color. Synonyms are classified:

  1. By subject or designation. Example: actor - artist - performer. These words demonstrate different attitudes and different sides of the same profession.
  2. According to the social assessment of the described object. Example: salary - remuneration - salary. These words show different attitudes towards the remuneration due for certain work.
  3. According to applicability depending on speech style. Example: horse-horse.
  4. According to etymological meaning, which can give one of the words a special flavor. Example: brave - fearless. These words have a common meaning - brave, but in the first case it is associated with determination, and in the other - with the absence of a sense of fear.
  5. Based on the presence of figurative meanings. Example: big-great.

Examples of synonyms

It is not for nothing that the Russian language is called very rich. Here you can easily find at least one synonym for each word. Of course, this does not apply to scientific terms that are found only in a certain professional environment. Adjectives have the most synonymous connections.

For example, for the word cheerful you can choose the following synonyms: perky, joyful, amusing, festive, etc.

By the way, border is a line, limit, boundary, etc.

To be afraid - to be timid, frightened, tremble with fear, etc.

Stylistically neutral synonyms - what are they?

In the Russian language, philologists have identified several types of synonyms:

  1. Neutral– represent a certain group of words that are similar in meaning and carry a strong emotional load. Example: fast - swift - fast - high-speed.
  2. Stylistic– a group of words that influences the style of the phrase as a whole. Example: friend - comrade - buddy.
  3. Semantic- a group of words that is used to give a complete form to an expression. Example: white – snow-white.
  4. Semantic-stylistic– a group of words that is used to maximum display shades of meaning and express emotions. Such synonyms are used to indicate style of speech. Example: biography - fate, red - fiery.
  5. Contextual- words that do not have a general meaning and, in fact, are not synonyms, but in a single case, they are used to express one thought. Example: “It was a sultry, tediously boring week.”

These two concepts are sometimes confused. Synonyms are a group of words that have similar meaning, and antonyms are, on the contrary, a group of words that have the opposite meaning.


Synonyms: hospitably - cordially.

Antonyms: hospitable - unwelcoming.

Both of these concepts - synonyms and antonyms - are used by us in order to express our thoughts as accurately and comprehensively as possible.

Synonyms are words that are different in sound and spelling, but similar in meaning. As a rule, synonyms belong to the same part of speech.

The Russian language is rich in synonyms, which is probably why it is so bright and eloquent, conveys shades of feelings and colors and is so difficult for foreigners to study and understand. You can feel the broad Russian soul in this.

Although the word SYNONYM itself comes from the Greek synonymos - which in translation means the same name, homogeneous.

There are synonyms: linguistic and contextual

  • Linguistic - the similarity of meanings appears in isolation.

Language synonyms, in turn, are:

  1. Complete (doublet or absolute) - they are completely combined in meaning and application. For example: hippopotamus - hippopotamus, crocodile - alligator, alphabet - alphabet, linguistics - linguistics.
  2. Partial - those synonyms that partially coincide in meaning and application.

Partial synonyms, in turn, are:

  • Semantic - express a general concept, but have some differences in use and differ in some elements of their meanings.

For example:

Narrow (small in width);

Cramped (small in space);

Thin (small in thickness).

  • Stylistic - differ in style and are used by different social groups.

For example:

Eyes - eyes, zenki.

To run away - to run away, to scuttle, to reel in, to get away.

  • Semantic-stylistic - differ in shades of meaning and stylistic coloring.

For example:

Quarrel - squabble, squabble, altercation.

  • Contextual - the similarity of meanings appears only in a given context. Used in fiction and often in the usual understanding, such words are not even synonymous.

For example:

Cheerful, friendly smile.

There is such a thing as a synonymous series - this is when synonyms are arranged in ascending or descending order based on a characteristic. The main one is always the Dominant, who does not carry any emotional overtones and is always neutral.

Example of a synonymous series:

Future - upcoming, next, upcoming, upcoming.

There is such a thing as Euphemisms - substitute words. They are used when you need to smooth out the address or give a more appropriate form to your words for the occasion. Therefore, they resort to words as substitutes.

For example:

Full instead of thick.

Stay late instead of being late.

The role of synonyms in our lives is very great; this allows us to diversify our speech, find the versatility of images, and more accurately express our thoughts.

Synonyms are words belonging to the same part of speech, different in spelling and pronunciation, but similar in lexical name (cheerful - joyful).

Antonyms are words belonging to the same part of speech, different in spelling and pronunciation, having directly opposite lexical meanings. (cheerful - sad).

Synonymous nouns: fun - joy, moon - month, doctor - doctor.

Antonymous nouns: minus - plus, evil - good, heat - cold.

Nouns are a group of words that give names to people, objects, abstract concepts, natural phenomena, etc. Nouns answer the questions who? or what? Among nouns, various subgroups are distinguished according to the meaning of words. Among these subgroups are synonyms and antonyms.

What are synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms are words whose meaning is very similar. The words sound and are written differently and have nothing in common. For example, trouble and sadness, doctor and doctor. These words are completely same values and can be used in the same situations. Such synonyms are called absolute.

In addition to absolute synonyms, there are partial synonyms. For example, hot and hot. When describing the weather we can say both “hot weather” and “hot weather”, but with the word “tea” we can only say “hot tea”. “Hot” in this case will sound stupid.

A word and a phrase can also be synonyms. For example, morning is the beginning of the day. In this case, one word “morning” can be replaced by two words without loss of meaning.

Synonyms are used when it is necessary to avoid the constant use of the same words in the text.

Antonyms - words with opposite meaning. Unlike synonyms, antonyms can have absolutely different spelling, but can also be words with the same root. The first include the words “black” and “white”. The second example is “true” and “false”.

It is also worth mentioning that synonyms form a synonymous series, which can contain an unlimited number of words. For example, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense... Antonyms only form pairs: heavy - light, good - evil, strong - weak.

Examples of synonyms and antonyms

To better understand the difference between synonyms and antonyms, let's look at a few examples:

  • day - night - the words could be considered synonyms, because they denote a part of the day, but these are antonyms, since day is the light part, night is the dark part;
  • lake - pond - synonyms. There is a difference between a lake and a pond, but these bodies of water are very similar and the words are synonymous;
  • space - Universe - synonyms;
  • noise - silence - antonyms.

They say that Russian is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world to learn. Not surprising, because even native speakers of a language do not always thoroughly know all its aspects. But it seems difficult only the first time, let’s try to understand the rules of native speech little by little.

Synonyms: definition

Synonym (from Greek - identical) - words are the same or close in meaning, but different in spelling. For example: child, baby, child. One of the criteria for determining the richness of a language is the presence in it of such general values. Synonyms have properties such as helping us avoid repeating the same phrase in sentences and making our language more diverse.

Don't confuse them with homonyms and antonyms. – these are the same in sound and spelling, but different in meaning, for example:

  • Key – opens doors.
  • The key is birds.
  • The key is the spring.

And antonyms mean opposites, that is:

  • Day Night.
  • Black White.
  • Boy - girl.
  • Synonym - antonym.

But synonyms are more than just interchangeable words, they are divided into types and have many definitions in lexicology. Let's try to figure out how words that are similar in meaning are “sorted”.

Types of synonyms

In the Russian language, words with similar meanings have long been sorted into shelves; all we have to do is try to understand at least a little the principle of these layouts, which we will try to do now. So, these types of synonyms are defined:

With one root and different roots. Everything is simple here, cognates are not only close in meaning, but also have the same root. Such examples of synonyms in Russian are:

  • Water is water.
  • Forest - forest.
  • Bass - bassy.
  • Sour – sourish.

But words with different roots are those that are not even similar in sound:

  • Joy happiness.
  • Storm - bad weather.
  • Friend - comrade.
  • Calm - unperturbed.

Partial and full.

Complete words are words that are identical to each other in meaning, for example, linguistics and linguistics. But, based on other sources, we can say that the belonging of this group of words to synonyms is quite controversial.

Partial synonyms have a common designation, but they differ from each other in three ways. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Semantic - synonyms that differ in emotional coloring. For example, beautiful (a word that is not emotionally charged) and wonderful (tinged with a touch of admiration). The same with the examples of big and huge, small and tiny, liking and liking.
  • Stylistic - their difference in style. This can be a synonymous series of colloquial, literary and archaic words. For example - finger (colloquial) and finger (archaic), speak and rant, and so on.
  • And stylistic-semantic, that is, synonyms with a pronounced difference in emotional coloring and a difference in style. An example is secret and hidden. The first is a neutrally colored colloquial word, the second is a rich literary one.

Variation of synonyms

In order to determine the properties of a synonym and how one differs from the other you need to check it in several steps. It happens this way:

  1. Let's take a synonymous series.
  2. We match each link with the most neutral, emotionally uncolored word.
  3. We select words with opposite meanings - antonyms.
  4. Replace one word in a sentence with another.
  5. Find two figurative meanings for each link in the chain.
  6. Consider the grammatical structure of each link.

This is how you can define for yourself an expression with a neutral coloring and the properties and designations of all the words that follow it.

Why are synonyms needed in Russian?

It would seem, why complicate everything so much and come up with some tricks with words that have the same meaning and different spellings, and so on. But everything is not as simple as it seems, in fact, they play an important role in our speech. This is not only the criterion by which the richness, beauty and diversity of the language is determined, but also important functional unit in language.

They play a semantic role, helping to construct sentences in such a way as to avoid repetition of even the most necessary words, without losing the thread of the conversation. This makes the text or dialogue more interesting and pleasing to the ear.

And also a stylistic role. The same meaning can be embodied in several styles, and the color of the sentence will change. Here's an example:

The cold outside the window has been bothering me for days now. ( Literary style)

I got tired of the cold outside after a few days. (Conversational style)


So, it's time to draw conclusions from all of the above. Synonyms are words that are close or identical in meaning but differ in spelling. They are used in speech to avoid tautologies (repetitions) and use the same meaning in different styles. They are divided into several types according to emotional coloring, style and proximity of meaning.

Now you probably won’t have any questions about what phrases with the same meaning are and what they are eaten with.

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