Photos of men under 30 years old. Wardrobe of a man over thirty

Wardrobe of a man over thirty

A man at thirty years old passes a certain psychological milestone. On the one hand, he is no longer a guy who carelessly lives his life at noisy parties, but on the other, he is still young and full of strength. As a rule, it is at this age that a man has his first tangible career and material achievements, which, of course, should be reflected in his image. If you started to wonder - how to dress for a man after thirty, then you will probably find our simple tips on creating your basic wardrobe useful.

Wardrobe of a man over thirty - business suit

A business suit is a kind of sign of a man’s success. If you have not yet acquired this wardrobe item, then 30 years is the most suitable age. Moreover, if a black suit can age you, then a dark gray suit will emphasize your youth and add expressiveness to your image. Just remember that the suit and trousers must fit perfectly.

Wardrobe of a man over thirty - tuxedo

You have reached an age when, instead of informal gatherings with friends, you are increasingly invited to formal social events, where you want to look like a real English dandy. Nothing does the job better than a classic, quality tuxedo. However, to prevent your look from seeming too pretentious, choose a single-breasted tuxedo with one button made of thin, dense fabric.

The wardrobe of a man over thirty - a high-quality coat, expensive shoes, a respectable watch

Every impressive man's wardrobe must include a high-quality coat made of expensive fabric that fits his figure perfectly. When choosing a coat, please note that its color and design should match the suits.

When meeting a man, many women first pay attention to his shoes. If you are wearing cheap, worn-out, and, moreover, unpolished shoes, it is unlikely that anyone will want to continue getting to know you. While high-quality and expensive shoes will immediately increase your status in the eyes of others.

Checking the time on a mobile phone is the lot of young people. At your age, it’s time to get a solid and stylish wristwatch.

If you have to carry documents and other important papers, buy yourself a quality briefcase made of genuine leather. Just choose a product with minimal finishing that will help you look more impressive.

What else should a man over 30 have in his wardrobe?

Your life consists of more than just work and attending official events. Surely free time You like to spend time outdoors, long walks or sports, so you can’t do without sneakers. Just remember that good sports shoes must be of high quality.

Certainly, mobile phone is not a wardrobe item, but it also gives some idea of ​​your achievements and lifestyle. It is not necessary to buy fancy iPhones and smartphones, but still, your mobile phone should look representative and respectable.

Ideally, you should have at least two pairs of sunglasses. For casual and business looks, choose classic glasses with laconic thin frames. If you are going to an informal party or relaxing outdoors, you can easily afford to wear trendy sunglasses. But again, keep in mind that this accessory must be expensive.

Moreover, in answer to the question - what to wear for a 30 year old man, stylists unanimously emphasize that the wardrobe should be selected taking into account personal preferences and tastes. To feel comfortable it is very important that your appearance matched your individual inner world, so never wear things that cause you psychological discomfort.

Typically, women prefer to consult with their friends, mothers, etc. on issues related to love. in general, with other women.

But today we will look at a question that is best answered by men. So girls, here are 20 reasons why you don't want 30 year old men:

1. We, thirty-year-olds, do not trust people and especially women, therefore we are reluctant to let new people into our formed world.

2. We are used to achieving everything ourselves, so getting to know us first is a lost cause.

3. We have established views, and therefore are often boring.

4. We are in a crisis of rethinking life, which means we are even more boring.

5. We understand very well what we want, so our requirements for “our woman” are very high. Those simply don't exist.

6. We are far from fairy-tale ideals, so we know that democracy is happy couple impossible. We only accept patriarchy. Do you need it?

7. We are rational, we do not believe in love, therefore we are not capable of rash actions under the influence of feelings.

8. We understand people very well, so we will figure you out in the very first hour of communication, no matter how you pretend. Although we will remain friendly and nice.

9. We are mostly misogynists, we know how you can turn your head, so we keep the path to your heart in reliable defense. O-o-very reliable.

10. The path through the stomach is also closed; we are excellent at cooking for ourselves.

11. Sexual relationships are not a problem for us either. For 30 years, we have managed to enrich our lives with those who also need only this from us.

12. Sex, due to its high availability, has ceased to be just entertainment for us. We perceive it rather as higher form communication between a man and a woman. Do you need such eccentricities?

13. We, of course, are talking about the fact that it’s time to start a family, life, children and blah blah blah. Certainly! But in reality we don't really need this. Otherwise they would have started it a long time ago.

14. We are not afraid of loneliness, we are interested in being alone with ourselves. Therefore, you are probably interested in joining us.

15. We can just sit at home all weekend, so you don’t see us.

16. We smile condescendingly at the phrase “a man should.” We ourselves know who we owe and for what. Certainly not for you.

17. We forgot about conscience and guilt. We are not affected by tears, flattery, promises, insults, flirtatiousness, your ostentatious helplessness and feigned stupidity. We can figure out any manipulation right away. Mini won't help either.

18. We respond to the phrase “you are an insensitive goat” with calm agreement.

19. Even your “you’re not a man” doesn’t hurt us anymore.

20. We have grown thick skin and learned to ignore everything. Even for life itself.

So, wouldn't it be easier to find and tame more flexible 20-year-olds and just try to live with them until their thirties?

30-year-old men are quite an interesting subgroup.

Find me a group of 30-year-old men, and I will show you an overgrown member of a teenage gang living with his parents, or a guy who married his two children in the first years of college. There are few who have succeeded in their careers... And this is sad. Some, after reading the article, will say that they recognized themselves, and some, moreover, will say that they feel despair, realizing where they are now in their 30s. And this pure truth.

“30-year-old single men” - this one is very numerous modern group. Let's look at the most common types:

1. All inclusive

“All inclusive” is smart - he studied at a university. This type is an athlete, musician and passionate traveler. He is quite handsome and always takes care of himself.

“All Inclusive” is doing well with her career – it is going uphill. But you shouldn’t create the idea of ​​him that he’s an inveterate workaholic. In fact, he is a good family man.

The only problem that really is a Problem for him is finding a worthy companion.

Of course, a slender girl will be chocolate icing on his sponge cake. He imagines her always too gorgeous: an explosion of charm and charisma, a light that illuminates the room as soon as she enters, rising star at his work and the secret object of intimate fantasies of all his friends - it’s all about her. And this is just her secular image. At home she is a goddess in bed, a chef in the kitchen, and loving and devoted in a relationship. She also speaks French well, plays tennis, sings beautifully, reads voraciously and loves history. She is the embodiment of Juliet.

And it’s no wonder why such a guy is lonely. He is simply caught between two fires: his superhuman standards and his horror of being included in an article about “40-year-old single men.” The latter is definitely not included in the all-inclusive plans.

2. The owner of a “ticket to a new life.”

Unlike the previous one, this representative has been dating his girlfriend for a long time. He never seems happy in his relationship with her, but everyone is sure that they will eventually get married. But after a long and difficult breakup, our “traveler” again appeared on stage with firecrackers and light shows, and behaves as if he was invited to a popular talk show. He's still not sure how a lonely guy should act, but he's happy and he's going to rock tonight!!!

“The Traveler” is a vivid embodiment of the image that is envied exemplary husbands who are not happy with the relationships that reign in their families, and who are simply unable to resist the flow of life. Unhappy husbands are the ones who definitely don’t want to hear about the new exploits of the “travelers.” And they, in turn, want to be married at least for a day.

3. A guy who is forced to marry a girl of a similar ethnicity to him, or, otherwise, his parents will not talk to him.

It's very difficult to find a worthy life partner, and this guy's parents are doing everything they can to complicate this task. He tries to resist, but after his previous girlfriend, who was not allowed into the house, and who shed quite a few tears because of this, he gave up.

This guy will really appreciate his mother's action if she stops controlling his dates.

4. Misogynist.

A misogynist hates women, and they hate him. He knows nothing about the opposite sex, but he can name the exact number of girls he slept with - 214.

He brought a lot of pleasure to the girls. At the same time, he is not the owner of the most attractive appearance, and 214 this is greatly exaggerated, and those girls who have been in his bed are far from beauties. They agreed only because there was no choice. Though a freak, even a misogynist, but a man...

"Misogynist" close relative some public figure, they are different, but they understand each other.

5. The guy who achieved success too early.

His past contained everything a 17-year-old girl could dream of. His overconfidence carried him smoothly and smoothly through student years, and no one was surprised when he graduated from the university together with his smart, beautiful, young and hot girlfriend. But the guy who succeeded too early was just getting started. There were too many things left in life to try, and he left his girlfriend about a year after graduating from university.

But after 7 years, he long hair everyone is bored and out of fashion, and his image of a handsome student no longer impresses anyone, and he looks too shabby. He notices that girls like his ex-girlfriends no longer fall for him. Realizing all this 5 years later than his peers, he lowers the bar of all his standards lower than he ever could have imagined.

His opposite is the guy who finally made it big. Having lost weight, dressed up, and built a strong foundation for his career, such a guy attracts more and more attention with each new week. He displays photos of his dates with attractive girls to make sure that all his classmates are from high school see the current state of affairs.

6. A normal guy who just hasn't met the right girl yet and who wants people not to look at him with regret about this.

This guy is happy with his life. He loves his job, he has Good friends, and he likes being alone. He has no subversive desire to be in a relationship with someone, and he is completely and completely confident in his guidelines: when he meets the one, he will propose to her.

He also won't understand why everyone he knows asks him the same question: "What's the problem?" His parents worry about him, never missing a chance to ask if he has met anyone. Friends sincerely want to help - I make dates for him at every opportunity. This “normal” type appreciates all the help that is given to him, and which he does not ask for. But he believes that if people stop thinking that there is something wrong with him, then that will be just great!

7. A guy who insists on making dates on social media. network, but still can’t believe that he’s not married yet.

This type is the opposite of the previous one. All his life: in school, college and his 20s, he was always with a girl. He happily spent his years hanging out with single friends, only to wake up one day and find himself 30 and single.

He has 4 accounts, but when people ask him if he's seeing anyone, he explains it because he's busy at work.

8. A guy close to the opposite sex.

This guy has achieved success - he is good-looking, well dressed and has great job. He's fun to be around, articulate, and has charm. True, there is one BUT - this type is unattractive to the opposite sex.

Opposite to him is the type of normal guy (6), who simply has not yet met the right girl and who wants people not to look at him with regret about this. Some people think he's gay, but no, he's completely normal. It’s just that for the hundredth time he can’t meet the one and only, but that suits him quite well. this moment.

9. Lonely Chinese guy.

This guy appreciated the government's attempts to control population growth by allowing only one child to be born. But he has a great idea of ​​how to lose his virginity, despite the fact that among his peers there are 18% more men than women.

And that's only because most potential girlfriends were killed by their parents 2 hours after birth.

The Chinese single guy doesn't know what the plan is for this 18 percent surplus that simply won't get a wife, but he is confident that the authorities will not allow the rapid development of homosexuality.

10. The guy taking the path of least resistance

This guy never made any effort, he just pretended. He doesn't like going to bars and refuses online dating. Well, the X-Box, after its short stay in the closet, returned back to the hall. Well, he got there thanks to the instructions of a friend one good day 4 months ago.

Deep down in his soul, a “lazy person” is afraid of many things, but his fears are manifested by refusals, and of course, passivity in life, like free bonus. There is only one way to radically change the course of things: find a girl who will stubbornly pursue him, take on him... Well, the second mommy...

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