P 5.6 instructions for filling out work books. Filling out a work book by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity: a visual example







In accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 14, 1957 N 1104 State Committee The Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages decides:

Approve the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining labor books at enterprises, institutions and organizations.


State Committee of the Council

USSR Ministers for Labor Affairs

and wages





1. Labor books, in accordance with Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of December 20, 1938 N 1320, are kept for all workers and employees working in state and cooperative enterprises, institutions and organizations for more than 5 days, including seasonal and temporary workers.

Work books are also kept for non-staff workers, provided that they are subject to state social insurance.

For part-time workers, work books are kept only at the place of their main job.

2. The work book is the main document characterizing the labor activity of the worker and employee.

3. Workers and employees entering work are required to present their Work Book to the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization.

Hiring without a Work Book is not allowed.

Persons entering work as a worker or employee for the first time, including persons who were previously members of collective farms or fishing artels, are required to submit to the administration a certificate of last employment, issued at the place of residence by the house management, village or town council, street committee (certificate issued by the street committee must be certified by the District Executive Committee); demobilized from Soviet army soldiers are required to present their military ID to the administration.

4. For the illegal use of work books, transfer to other persons, falsification and erasure of them, the perpetrators bear criminal liability.


a) General instructions

5. Entries in the Work Book are made in the language in which office work is conducted in a given enterprise, institution or organization.

If paperwork is conducted in the language of a union or autonomous republic, the Labor Book is filled out simultaneously in Russian.

6. The work book is filled out in the presence of the employee no later than five days after he is hired.

In the future, the employee is given the right to familiarize himself with the maintenance of records in his Work Book.

7. The following information must be entered in the work books of workers and employees:

a) last name, first name and patronymic;

b) year of birth;

c) education;

d) profession;

e) information about work;

f) incentives and awards.

8. All entries in the Work Book must be accurate and are made by the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization upon issuance of an order or instruction on the hiring, transfer or dismissal of an employee. The owner of the Work Book must be familiar with the contents of the entry made.

Entries in the Work Book are made carefully, in ink.

9. Changes to entries in the Work Book about the last name, first name and patronymic, education and profession of the employee are made by the administration on the basis of documents and with reference to them (marriage certificate, registry office certificate, educational documents, etc.), and must be certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise, institution, organization or a person specially authorized by it and the seal of the enterprise, institution, organization or the seal of the personnel department.

Only the enterprise, institution or organization that made the incorrect or inaccurate entry can make corrections to records about the timing and nature of the work performed or position held, the reasons for dismissal and other information about the work. The specified corrections must fully comply with the original order or instruction, acceptance or dismissal note and are certified in the manner indicated above. Witness testimony cannot serve as a basis for correcting previously made entries.

10. Responsibility for organizing the correct maintenance of Work Books rests with the head of the enterprise, institution or organization.

The head of the personnel department or a special person appointed by order of the head of the enterprise, institution or organization is directly responsible for the timely and correct completion, storage, recording and issuance of Work Books to employees.

b) Entering general information about the employee

11. On the first page of the Work Book, write down general information about its owner.

Last name, first name and patronymic (in full, without abbreviation or replacement of first and middle names with initials) and year of birth are indicated on the basis of a passport or birth certificate.

Education - secondary and higher is indicated only on the basis of documents (certificate, certificate, diploma); Primary education can be indicated from the words of a worker or employee.

If the employee has an incomplete secondary or higher education, then in the “education” column the word “secondary” or “higher” is underlined and the word “incomplete” is added at the top. Record of incomplete secondary or higher education can also be carried out only on the basis of an appropriate document (student card, certificate, grade book, etc.).

The profession is indicated on the basis of educational documents or from the words of the worker or employee himself.

The Work Book must contain the personal signature of its owner and the date the book was first filled out.

c) Entering information about work

12. In column 3, the full name of the enterprise, institution or organization that creates the Work Book is written as a heading. If during the work of a worker or employee the name of this enterprise, institution or organization changes, then an entry is made about this in a separate line in column 3 of the Work Book: “The enterprise is such and such, from such and such a date was renamed to such and such,” and in the column 4, the basis for the renaming is indicated - order, instruction, its date and number.

Under this heading in column 1 the serial number of the entry being made is indicated;

Column 2 indicates the date of employment;

in column 3 it is written “accepted or appointed to such and such a workshop or department, to such and such a position or work, indicating the rank.” In this case, the name of the position or work for which the employee is hired is recorded in strict accordance with the current one in the enterprise, institution or organization staffing table or a tariff and qualification directory.

If a worker is assigned a new rank during a period of work, a corresponding entry is made about this.

Column 4 indicates the date and number of the order, instruction or acceptance note.

13. The same procedure is used to document movements and transfers of an employee from one job to another in the same enterprise, institution or organization.

14. If an employee, before joining this enterprise, institution or organization, was already working as a worker or employee, but for some reason a Work Book was not opened for him, then when filling out the Work Book in the section “Information about work” in column 3 first of all, a record is made of the total length of service as a worker and employee before entering the this enterprise, to this institution or organization.

The total work experience is recorded in total, that is, the total number of years, months, days of work is indicated without specifying in which enterprise, institution or organization, in what periods of time and in what positions the owner of the Work Book worked in the past.

In column 4, accordingly, it is written “the experience of so many years is confirmed by documents” and “the experience is recorded according to the words of so many years.”

Documents confirming work experience are returned to the owner of the Work Book.

15. The following entries are not indicated in the summarized total length of service, but are entered as a separate line:

a) a record of the time of service in the ranks of the Soviet Army and Navy, in the troops and bodies of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in the police, in all types of paramilitary fire and security guards, about the time spent in partisan detachments, indicating the date of conscription or enlistment, date of dismissal from service and number military ID orrelevant document;

b) a record of the time of study in schools and schools of the state labor reserve system (in vocational and railway schools, mining schools and colleges, factory training schools, schools of agricultural mechanization, technical schools, etc.) and in other schools, schools and courses for personnel training, advanced training and retraining of personnel;

c) a record of the time of study in higher education educational institutions, secondary specialized educational institutions (technical schools, pedagogical and medical schools, etc.), party schools, Soviet party schools, trade union schools, workers' faculties and the time spent in graduate school, doctoral studies and clinical residency;

d) a record of work as a member of a collective farm - in cases where the current legislation provides for the inclusion of this work in the general seniority workers and employees;

e) a record of work as a member of a cooperative fishing artel upon transition to work as a worker or employee in state enterprises, institutions and organizations.

d) Filling out the Work Book upon dismissal

16. The dismissal of an employee is recorded in compliance with the following rules:

Column 1 contains the serial number of the entry;

Column 2 indicates the date of dismissal;

Column 3 indicates the reason for dismissal.

Entries in the Work Books about the reasons for dismissal must be made either in strict accordance with the wording of the current legislation, or in the form of a link to the relevant article and paragraph of the law.

For example, upon dismissal in connection with admission to study, in connection with the birth of a child, in connection with illness or the transition to an old-age or disability pension, in connection with the move of one spouse to another and other valid reasons provided for by current legislation, in the column 3, a record of dismissal is made indicating these reasons.

When transferring from one enterprise, institution or organization to another by order of higher authorities or by agreement between the heads of enterprises, institutions or organizations, the reason for the transfer is recorded in column 3 (due to downtime or production necessity, by agreement between the heads of enterprises, etc.) or reference to the decision of the relevant party, Soviet, trade union economic and other bodies on the transfer.

Column 4 indicates the date and number of the order, instruction, dismissal or transfer note.

e) Entering information about incentives and awards

17. Only one-time individual incentives and awards related to work in an enterprise, institution or organization are recorded in this section of the Work Book.

Such individual incentives and awards include: awarding certificates of honor, badges and honorary titles, declarations of gratitude, and cash bonuses.

Bonuses provided for by the wage system are not recorded in the Work Book.

Here, records are made about the implemented inventions and technical improvements proposed by this employee, as well as the amount of remuneration received by the employee for these inventions and technical improvements.

Disciplinary sanctions are not recorded in the Work Book.

18. The procedure for entering information about incentives and awards is as follows:

in column 3 the name of the enterprise, institution or organization is written as a heading;

below in column 1 the serial number of the record is indicated (numbering increasing throughout the entire period of the employee’s work activity);

Column 2 contains the date of promotion or award;

in column 3 it is written down by whom the employee was bonused or awarded and for what;

Column 4 indicates the date and number of the order to encourage or reward the employee.


19. In cases where in the Labor Books of workers and employees all pages of the sections “Information about work” or “Information on incentives and awards” are filled out, the Labor Books are supplemented with an “Insert in the Labor Book”.

20. An insert in the Work Book is sewn, filled out and maintained by the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization at the place of work of the worker or employee in the same manner as the Work Book.


21. Upon dismissal of a worker or employee, all records of work, incentives and awards made during work at a given enterprise, institution or organization are certified by the signature of the manager or a person specially authorized by him and the seal of the enterprise, institution, organization or the seal of the personnel department.

When , if the work book is filled out in the language of a union or autonomous republic and at the same time in Russian, then both texts are certified.

22. On the day of dismissal, the administration is obliged to issue the worker or employee his Work Book with a note of dismissal included in it.

In the event of the death of a worker or employee, the Work Book is issued to his closest relatives against signature or sent by mail at their request.


23. Anyone who has lost his work book must immediately notify the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization at the place of his last work.

No later than 15 days after the application, the administration is obliged to issue a new Work Book with the inscription “Duplicate” in the upper right corner of the first page.

In case of loss of the Work Book by a worker or employee as a result of careless storage, the owner of the Work Book shall pay the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization 25 rubles.

24. A duplicate of the Work Book is filled out according to general rules. In the sections “Information about work” and “Information about incentives and awards”, when filling out a duplicate, records are made only about work and incentives and awards at the place of last work on the basis of previously issued orders and instructions, and a record about the total length of service before joining this enterprise , to this institution or organization is carried out in accordance with paragraph 14 of these Instructions.

25. In case of loss of the Work Book by an enterprise, institution or organization for reasons natural disaster or for other reasons, its owner is given a duplicate of the Work Book without charging its cost.

In this case, the administration is obliged to assist the employee in obtaining documents confirming his work experience prior to entering the given enterprise, institution or organization.

26. If the Work Book is not completely destroyed, but has become unusable (burnt, torn, smeared, etc.) due to the fault of the owner, then the book is not destroyed, and at the end of the entries “Information about work” and “Information about incentives and awards” is entered the entry “continuation of entries in another Work Book”, in this case the employee is issued a second Work Book in which subsequent entries are made. For the issuance of a second Labor Book, 25 rubles are charged. Both Work Books are kept by the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization, and upon dismissal they are issued to their owner.

When entering a new place of work, a worker or employee is required to present both Work Books.


27. When filling out Work Book forms for persons entering work for the first time, as well as when issuing a duplicate Work Book, the administration of an enterprise, institution or organization charges the owners of Work Books a fee of 50 kopecks, and when filling out an insert in the Work Book - in the amount of 30 cop.

In case of incorrect filling out of the Work Book or its insert, as well as in the event of damage to the Labor Book forms and inserts due to careless storage, the cost of the damaged forms is paid by the enterprise, institution or organization.



28. Labor books in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 14, 1957 N 1104 are produced by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages according to a uniform model for the entire USSR.

Those Kst labor books are printed in Russian and in the language of the union or autonomous republic.

29. Inserts in Labor Books are prepared by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Labor and Wages in the same manner as Labor Books.

30. The Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics, ministries and departments of the USSR represent the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages justified requests for the required number of Work Book forms and inserts for them, drawn up taking into account the current need and planned receipt work force for the next year.

31. Forms of Labor books and inserts for them are received by:

Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics, Union and Union-Republican ministries and departments of the USSR - in the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages;

economic councils and republican ministries for enterprises, institutions and organizations subordinate to them - in the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the corresponding union republic;

regional and city (cities of republican subordination) executive committees of Soviets of Working People's Deputies for enterprises, institutions and organizations subordinate to local Soviets - in the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the corresponding union republic;

enterprises, institutions and organizations - in the relevant economic councils, ministries, departments, executive committees of the Councils of Working People's Deputies, depending on subordination or jurisdiction.

32. The administration of enterprises, institutions and organizations is obliged to periodically check the availability of forms of Labor Books and inserts for them.


33. The administration of an enterprise, institution or organization is obliged to organize the storage of work books in conditions that exclude the possibility of damage, theft or destruction in the event of a fire or other reasons.

34. Work books not received by workers and employees upon dismissal are stored for 2 years in the personnel department, separately from the work books of workers and employees who are employed. After this, they are handed over for 3-year storage to the archive of an enterprise, institution or organization, and after this period they are handed over to the state archive of the October Revolution and Socialist Construction of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for permanent storage.


35. At enterprises, institutions and organizations, the following documentation is maintained for recording forms of Labor Books and completed Labor Books:

a) a receipt and expenditure book for recording forms of Labor Books and inserts for them;

b) a book for recording the movement of Labor books and inserts for them.

All transactions related to the receipt and expenditure of Labor Book forms and their inserts are entered into the income and expenditure book. The book is maintained by the accounting department of an enterprise, institution or organization.

The book of accounting for the movement of Labor books and their inserts is maintained by the personnel department or other division of the enterprise, institution or organization that processes the hiring and dismissal of workers and employees.

This book records all work books accepted from workers and employees who entered work, as well as work books and inserts for them issued to workers and employees again.

When a worker or employee is dismissed from an enterprise, institution or organization, a work book is issued to him; The employee must sign in the accounting book when receiving the book.

The receipt and expenditure book and the book of accounting for the movement of Labor books must be numbered, laced and sealed with the signature of the head of the enterprise, institution, organization and a wax seal.

(Forms of the receipt and expenditure book for accounting of forms of Labor books and inserts for them and the book of accounting for the movement of Labor books and inserts are attached to them.)

36. Forms of Labor Books are stored in the accounting department of an enterprise, institution or organization along with strict reporting documents and are issued upon application to the account of the person responsible for maintaining Labor Books.

37. At the end of each month, the accounting department requires from the person responsible for maintaining Labor Books a report on the availability of forms of Labor Books and inserts thereto and on the amounts received for completed Labor Books and inserts thereto, attaching a receipt order to the cash desk of the enterprise, institution or organization. An act is drawn up for the forms of Labor Books and their inserts that are damaged when filling out ( approximate form act is attached).

38. Amounts received from workers and employees for completed Work Books and inserts for them, amounts collected from workers and employees for the loss of Work Books, as well as the cost of damaged forms are paid monthly by the accounting department of the enterprise, institution or organization to the State Bank for crediting to the income of the Union budget according to Instructions of the USSR Ministry of Finance of March 5, 1947 N 132.




39. General control over the provision of forms of Labor Books and inserts for them to enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as compliance with the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining Labor Books is carried out by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Labor and Wages.

40. Systematic instruction and control over compliance with the established procedure for maintaining Labor books at enterprises, institutions and organizations is carried out by the Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics, ministries and departments of the USSR, as well as the National Economy Councils of economic administrative regions.

Public control over the correct maintenance of labor books at enterprises, institutions and organizations is carried out by trade union bodies.




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Head of the enterprise

(institutions, organizations)

(M.P.) "__" __________ 195_

"__" ________ 195_ City ____________

Us ______________________________________________________________

(indicate position, surname, first name and patronymic)

This act has been drawn up in that for the period from "__" ______________

195_ to "__" _____________ 195_ ____________________________


spoiled ______________________________________________________________




(specify in detail the reason for damage)

"____" things (____________________________________)

(indicate in words)

forms of Labor books (or inserts for them) on _________________

(language name)

Languages ​​that "__" ___________ 195_

destroyed by burning.

The act was drawn up to write off damaged work book forms

(or inserts for them) from the report ________________________________


(full name of the enterprise, institution or organization)

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Between workers and employers there are labor Relations. Cooperation between both parties is regulated by law. Partnership relations, rights and responsibilities in the sphere of labor, character work activity are documented.

Work book - what is it and what is it for?

A work book is a personal document that reflects the length of service, quality, duration of work at each place of employment, and information about the nature of a person’s activity.

Valid samples are from 1938, 1973, 2003, 2004; they fully participate in working circulation and do not need to be replaced.

The document is required for:

  • actual display labor activity;
  • informing the employer about the reasons for the employee’s dismissal, the length of his service, awards, reprimands, etc.;
  • realization of rights to pension provision in the future.

Review of legislation

Legislative acts regulate the norms and rules in accordance with which the work book is drawn up, these include:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation clarify the concept of “work book”, define the employer’s responsibilities for maintaining and storing personal documents, and regulate the procedure and principles for their preparation. The Labor Code is a reference book for a good personnel officer.
  • Code of the Russian Federation ( Code of Administrative Offenses) about administrative offenses. The document contains standards that make it possible to determine the level of responsibility for non-compliance with the rules for handling work books. The inspector of the personnel department or personnel service is guided by latest version Law of December 30. 2001 No. 195-FZ, as amended. dated June 23, 2014.
  • Government decree " About work books» dated 04/16/2003 No. 225 as amended. dated March 25, 2013. Approves the form and sample of a personal labor document, insert, regulates maintenance and appropriate storage.
  • The Ministry of Labor initiated the development of the following document. Resolution " On approval of instructions for filling out the TC» dated 10.10.2003 No. 69 defines a strict procedure for filling out sections of work books and an algorithm for correcting errors.

Rules for storing and maintaining work books



  • All dates are recorded strictly Arabic numerals. Format XX – month, day; in format XXXX - year. If a person was hired for a position on July 10, 1990, the entry will be corresponding - “07/10/1990”;

Ink colors

  • Records are made carefully by the HR inspector using a fountain pen, ballpoint pen, rollerball pen, with ink that is resistant to light and humidity, purple, blue or black. Ink must be presented exclusively in paste form. The opinion about the permissibility of using gel pens is wrong;

Abbreviations are not allowed

  • Abbreviations in the work book are unacceptable. Records are entered accurately, correctly and in full;

Composition of information

The standards are regulated by the Labor Code:

  • information about the employee;
  • the nature of the work performed;
  • transfer to another place of permanent activity;
  • dismissal;
  • grounds for termination of action employment contract;
  • information about remunerations and incentives.

According to Article IV Labor Code, penalties are not included in the document, with the exception of precedents when the main disciplinary action becomes dismissal.


  • state language of the Russian Federation;
  • state the language of the republic within the Russian Federation, if this language is officially established.

Compliance with the order

Based on the employer’s order, the following information is entered into the document:

  • about the activities performed;
  • about transfer to another type of activity/job;
  • about the employee’s qualifications;
  • about dismissal;
  • about the award.

Deadlines for depositing

  • the document must be completed and maintained for each employee employed in the organization for more than five days (with the exception of employers who are individuals), if this place of employment is the main one;
  • all data is entered no later than seven days, in case of dismissal - on the same day;

The responsible person - the HR department inspector - is obliged to meet the deadlines established by law.

Serial number

  • all entries are without abbreviations, within one section they have their own serial number;


  • when renaming an organization, columns ӀӀӀ and IV of the document must be filled out. In the section under the heading “Information about work”, in column III, the following entry is made: “Organization X has been renamed X since the date of XX.” The fourth column contains the grounds for renaming - an order, indicating the date and number;
  • entry about continuous experience is not numbered when filling out a duplicate. According to the law, when working with a duplicate document, information about the employee’s continuous experience before entering the current place of work is entered in the section under the heading “Information about work” in Column III. This is true if the person has already worked before joining this employer. This employment record is not numbered;
  • The names of employers are not subject to numbering (in the columns “Information about work books”, “Information about work”).

Familiarization of employees with records

  • the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee working in the organization with each record that relates to the nature of the activity performed, transfer to another position with permanent employment, layoffs. The owner of the document must sign his personal card, where the entry made in the Labor Code is repeated;
  • when the employment contract has expired, all entries made in the document during the work activity in this organization are certified. The employer himself or the person responsible for office work and personnel can act as a witness. The document is stamped, signed by the manager, and signed by the employee;
  • After filling out the title, the employee signs on it corresponding line, thereby assuring the correctness of the information entered. Similarly, the signature is affixed to the title of the duplicate, insert.

Persons responsible for maintaining the document

  • The employer bears the full range of responsibility. An order or instruction from the employer provides grounds for the appointment of an authorized person to whom all powers and responsibilities for storage, maintenance, accounting and issuance of technical documentation are delegated. This person's signature authority allows all records to be certified;
  • these persons bear liability regulated by law;
  • When carrying out inspections, orders and instructions for the appointment of a responsible person are always checked by the State Labor Inspectorate.


The storage of work records must be organized in a specially designated place, inaccessible to third parties. In almost any organization it is a safe or an iron cabinet with a lock. A special tray or box should be provided for the books themselves.

If documents are damaged during storage, the organization may be subject to penalties. The storage period and accounting of work books is regulated by the following standard documents:

  • unclaimed TC – 75 years;
  • TC traffic record book – 75 years old. The book is filled out in the personnel department, personnel department, depending on the procedure established in the company. It contains data on TCs accepted for storage and issued;
  • receipt and expenditure book for accounting of TC forms – 5 years. The document takes into account the number of TCs and inserts for them. The book is issued by the accounting department and displays the consumption of these document forms with the number and series of each. To date standard document loses its relevance, since employees have the right to purchase work books with their own hands.

Books must be presented in a single, state-approved form. Upon receipt of the technical documentation, the employee leaves a signature on the personal card and logbook. Books are strict reporting forms; they are numbered and endorsed with the signature and seal of the employer.

Video - how to certify the work record book:

How to fill out a work book correctly

Title page

  • According to the passport data, the employee’s full name is entered without abbreviations. If a change in surname occurs during work, the authorized person makes the correction on the basis of a passport and a certificate of change of surname. The previous data is crossed out with one line, the new data is added. The personnel officer writes on the cover a link to the document that served as the basis for the change, certifies the entry with a signature and seal. IN in some cases Instead of a passport, the personnel officer may be guided by another identification document.
  • Date of birth – the value is written according to the formula day.month.year.
  • Education. Data is entered based on the document provided by the employee, without abbreviations. If the employee has increased the level of education or received additional education, the data is replenished without crossing out.
  • The specialty is written strictly in the nominative case, on the basis of an education document - for example, “salesman”. If an employee enters a place of employment that requires special knowledge or special training, additional documents confirming this knowledge must be present.
  • Date of completion. After hiring, completion must be completed within five days.
  • Signature and transcript of the responsible person and employee.
  • Seal of the organization.

A video that describes how to fill out the cover page of a work book:

Information about hiring

  • Seal of the organization, details in words. If there is one, its abbreviated name is indicated.
  • I column. Serial number of the entry. If this is the first entry, put the number “1”, etc.
  • II column. The date the employee was hired.
  • Recruited/accepted into “department name” for position “X”. Information is entered in accordance with the staffing schedule. Fits on the same level as the date of admission in column III.
  • Column IV contains the number and date of the document that became the basis for hiring, usually an order.

Video - how to make notes about work in a work book:

This section displays information about the establishment of an additional profession, assignment of a new category, rank, change of name by the employing organization during reorganization, and part-time work.

Transfer records

  • If a person is transferred from an external organization, records of dismissal are made in column III “Information about work”, indicating information about the employee’s initiative (if any). Next is a record of admission to a new place of employment, with a note about the implementation of the transfer procedure.
  • For an internal transfer, it is sufficient to indicate the new place of employment and the basis for the transfer.

Algorithm for making transfer entries

  • Column I - entry number - the serial number is entered;
  • II column. The calendar date is indicated in Arabic numerals;
  • Column III – record of transfer;
  • Column IV – number and date of the document that served as the basis for the transfer.


Algorithm for making records of dismissal:

  • Column I is indicated by the serial number of the entry;
  • Column II – the calendar date of dismissal is indicated in Arabic numerals;
  • Column III – record of dismissal with reference to Art. Labor Code (in full accordance with the wording of the law);
  • Column IV - No. and date of the document that served as the basis for dismissal.
  • seal and signature of the manager or authorized person. Employee signature.

Exceptions: if the employee does not appear to receive the document in hand, the employer sends him a notice of the need to appear and receive the technical documentation or provide consent to its sending by post. Starting from the date of filing the notice, the employer is relieved of responsibility for storing the document.

Part-time job

If the employee shows initiative, a record of part-time work is entered into a document in the personnel department of the main place of employment. The employee must bring the following documents to the HR department:

  • a copy of the employment agreement certified by the director of the part-time company;
  • request to make an entry in writing.

How to properly certify a copy

  • the authorized person makes copies of all pages of the document that contain entries;
  • the copy sheets are stamped with a stamp, the current date, a resolution “the copy is correct”, and the signature of the HR department inspector or other authorized person. The document must contain a note stating that the employee works at this place in currently.

A copy of the work book is accepted at the place of request as a document confirming the person’s employment.


In the event that a document is lost due to the fault of an employee, he must notify the employer about this by filing a statement “about the loss of a work book.” Within 15 working days from the date of submission of the application, the employer provides a duplicate.

Information contained in the duplicate

  • the total length of service of the employee before entering this place of employment. The length of service must be indicated in summary, without specification;
  • specific information about activities in this organization.

Grounds for issuing a duplicate

  • TC is unsuitable for use;
  • loss of TC;
  • a court decision declaring an entry in the Labor Code invalid. The employer provides the employee with a duplicate containing all records except the unusable one.


An insert is required when it is not possible to make new entries in a document. This is a legal continuation of the Labor Code, which is issued and subject to registration in general procedure. The insert without labor is invalid. The book itself must contain a note indicating the attachment of an additional document.


  • On the title page, erroneous information is crossed out with one line, and the correct information is entered. On back side The cover must contain a link to the relevant document confirming the correctness of the new data.
  • Section corrections do not allow strikethroughs. The new entry is considered invalid, which must be registered. Then the specialist enters the correct information.
  • Errors are corrected only by the actual employer. If adjustments are made to a new place of work, there must be a basis in the form of a document from previous employer who made an inaccuracy.
Algorithm for recording errors
  • Column I - serial number of the entry;
  • Column II - the date on which the entry was declared invalid, that is, the actual date of the corrections;
  • Column III verbatim: “The entry under No. X is invalid”;
  • Column II – the date of the new correct entry is indicated;
  • Column III – a new entry is made;
  • Column IV – number and date of the document that became the basis for entering the correct data.

Filling out a work book by an individual entrepreneur

Carries out personnel records according to the same scheme as all employers, but can use a simplified scheme.

Algorithm for recording employment records for individual entrepreneurs

  • Column III - indicate the name of the employer - “Individual entrepreneur XXX”;
  • Column I – serial number of the entry;
  • Column II – date of admission to the staff;
  • Column III - at the same level as the date - information about hiring, indicating the position;
  • Column IV – number and date of the order, which is the basis for enrolling the employee on the staff.

Sample of filling out a work book individual entrepreneur:

If the employer is an individual

In this case, the employer does not have the legal right to make entries in the labor code of employees. Individual, acting as an employer, does not have the right to issue a document to those employees who are starting work for the first time.

Additional instructions

  • Records of the appointment/election of the general director of the company: in the wording on the employment of a director of the company, you can use the word “elected” instead of “appointed” if the director is elected by the general meeting. Column IV must indicate the protocol general meeting, order, with corresponding numbers and dates.
  • Recruitment to a branch. If an employee is hired by a branch, in practice it is legal to use two options for indicating the branch: in the entry for the position itself and in the header, after indicating the name of the organization - both entries are kept in Column III.

If the employer treats his employees with respect, the accounting and maintenance of work books will be carried out correctly and in accordance with the law. This is one of the foundations of a successful and prosperous business.

In legislation Russian Federation There are several legal acts containing instructions for filling out work books (hereinafter referred to as Labor Books), their maintenance and storage. The maintenance rules include, first of all, requirements for the preparation of records in this document. Let's look at these requirements.

At the moment, there are three types of labor codes in office circulation. These are books from 2004, 1973 and 1938. Regardless of the year of issue, the legal status of these documents has not changed, so there is no need to change them to a new type of book.

Russian legislation, through legal acts, imposes certain requirements for maintaining, filling out and citizens.

Rules for making entries:

  • According to the filling rules, all information is written down in neat handwriting with a ballpoint or gel pen containing lightfast and waterproof ink in black, blue or purple. This protects the written information from damage. The need for this measure is due to the fact that the period of use of the work book is quite long (up to 75 years), and the information reflected in it is valuable.
  • Also, according to the Instructions for correct filling and maintenance, abbreviations of words are unacceptable in this document. Words such as “order”, “direction”, “point”, etc. are entered in full, regardless of the desire and capabilities of the specialist. HR department specialists sometimes neglect this requirement, thereby violating the rules for filling out work books.
  • One of the conditions for correctly filling out is the need to number each entry. Specialist filling out work book, must indicate the serial number of each entry in a specific column intended for this purpose.

Instructions for keeping records in the work book

Despite the multinational nature of our homeland, the instructions for maintaining work records oblige you to fill out the document in Russian.
The republics that are part of the Russian Federation have the right to duplicate records in their own language, if it is recognized as official for the given territory.

How to correctly fill out a work book or composition of records:

  • Recording employee information. The document reflects the following personal data of the owner: full name, date of birth, information about his education, profession, specialty.
  • Recording information about experience. This is the most voluminous information in the document; it contains data on the employee’s responsibilities, transfer to another job or position, dismissal, assignment of a new rank, and advanced training. In addition, information about the time of study, service in the ranks is reflected Russian army, about serving a sentence. This information is placed in the appropriate column, as shown in the example at the end of the article.

How do I fill out the employee awards records section? A special section has been highlighted to reflect this information: “ Information about the award" The whole history of workers' valor is reflected on the pages of this document: state awards, awarding honorary titles, certificates of honor, awarding badges, diplomas, and other types of encouragement.

  • The information entered into the document must be as complete as possible and include: serial number, date of entry, link to the document - grounds
  • The information included in the document must reflect the true state of affairs.
  • The employee’s personal data (full name), according to the Instructions for correct filling, is entered in the nominative case. It is not allowed to shorten this information or replace it with initials.
  • Dates are written in full, in Arabic numerals, while using a two-digit designation of days and months (09, not 9) and a four-digit designation of the year (2003, not 03).
  • A legible signature of the responsible person is placed on it and certified by a seal.
  • When issuing a duplicate, from above title page appropriate entries are made. They can be handwritten or stamped.

Rules for maintaining work books

  • Making entries in the employee's Labor Code is mandatory only for those employees for whom this enterprise is their main place of work.
  • The head of the enterprise is obliged to employ the employee and, accordingly, make an entry in the Labor Code if his work experience is more than five days.
  • When formalizing relations with an employer through an agreement, there is no need to make entries in the employee’s Labor Code.


  1. Correct completion requires that this document is created for the employee by the employer at the enterprise that is his first place of work. The document is completed in the presence of its future owner no later than seven days from the date of employment. Regardless of the person who prepared this document, the responsibility for correct completion and maintenance lies with the head of the enterprise.
  2. Forms from previous years of issue have the same legal force as the new one and cannot be exchanged. However, they must be filled out in accordance with the new requirements.
  3. During the working period, the form is kept by the employer as a document of strict accountability. The head of the enterprise bears full responsibility for storing and maintaining the document.
  4. If the relationship with the employee is terminated, a record of dismissal is made and the document is issued on the same day. If there is a delay in issuance due to the fault of the employer, then the date of dismissal changes.

The work book is legal document, reflecting the entire career path of the owner. In some way, it is the face of the employee, so the rules for drawing up a work book should be strictly observed.

The rules of conduct are discussed in detail in the following documents:

    The procedure for providing employers with work book forms and an insert in the work book, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2003 No. 117n.

How is storage and accounting carried out?

According to the Rules, responsibility for the safety of employee forms rests with the employer. He also appoints an employee responsible for maintaining the forms of the company’s employees. Such a decision is formalized by order.

Order on maintaining work records, sample

Each organization for its own purposes must purchase clean documents. They are stored in the personnel department and are issued when registering employees who are employed for the first time, as well as if it is necessary to issue a duplicate. All forms are subject to strict accounting and are stored according to the rules.

To record TC, you need to keep two books:

    a receipt and expenditure book for accounting for TCs and inserts in them (maintained by the company’s accounting department. Information regarding the use of forms is entered into it, indicating the series and number of each document);

    When issuing a TC to an employee, the manager charges him a fee equal to the cost of its acquisition. The production time for a new TC is 1 week (clause 8 of the Rules).

    What information is indicated in the work book?

    What information is included in the work book? During the initial registration of the Labor Code, the following information about the employee is entered on the title page:

    • Date of Birth;
    • education information;
    • profession;
    • speciality.

    After completing the title page, the employee certifies with his signature the correctness of the information entered (paragraph 1, clause 2.2 of the Instructions). Personnel worker The person responsible for filling out the form puts his signature and the organization’s seal in the required line.

    The following pages contain information about hiring, promotion, and dismissal. There is also a section on rewarding and encouraging employees for good work. All information in the document is entered on the basis of the employer’s order. Its details are also required to be indicated in the appropriate column.

    The employer is obliged to familiarize each entry made about work activity, transfer and dismissal to its owner against signature in his personal card.

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What is a work book?

A work book is a document that records information about a person’s work experience. This is the main document for employment, and therefore during the period of employment it must be stored in the personnel department of the organization. After dismissal, regardless of the reasons, it is returned to the owner.

In Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that this document is the main confirmation of length of service and work activity.

Resolution “On Work Books” No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 approved a standard form, which came into force on January 1, 2004. Old samples of this document cannot be exchanged and are recognized as valid. They are manufactured at the Gosznak enterprise and have the appropriate degree of protection.

The work book is included in the list of mandatory documents presented when concluding an employment contract (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The only exception is the case when such an agreement with a person is signed for the first time, i.e. the employee has not worked anywhere before. In this case, the work book is provided to him by the administration free of charge. In this case, the personnel officer must fill out the information indicated on the first page and indicate information about the person responsible for its initial completion. The owner’s signature is also placed on the first sheet.

The rules for filling out a work book are approved by law and are mandatory for all enterprises.

Rules for maintaining and storing work books in the Russian Federation

The execution of this document is carried out on the basis of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers (approved by Resolution No. 225 of April 16, 2003, including the procedure for filling out work books, storage, accounting, issuance and production of forms).

The rules for maintaining labor books regulate the period during which the employer is obliged to record information. This period is 1 week from the date of issuance of the appropriate order, and in case of dismissal, information is entered on the last working day (clause 10 of the Rules).

The information in the work book is recorded without abbreviations and in official language RF - Russian.

At the request of the employee, data on part-time work can be entered (clause 20).

In addition, information about the awards received: honorary titles, certificates is entered. However, information about bonuses established by the remuneration system is not subject to entry.

A record of the reasons for the dismissal of employees must be recorded in strict accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Upon written request from the employee, the employer's administration must provide a copy of the employment record or an extract from it within 3 days.

In accordance with the rules for storing work books, this is a document of strict accountability that must be stored in the organization during the entire period of the citizen’s work.

In this regard, the company must fill out:

  1. Receipt and expense book for accounting of work book forms.
  2. Book of accounting and movement of work books and their inserts.

Work books left by employees upon dismissal or after death are subject to storage at the enterprise until they are claimed in accordance with the legislation on archival affairs RF.

How to fill out a work book correctly (2018 - 2019)

The rules for maintaining a work book for 2018 - 2019 indicate that the administration can appoint a person responsible for storing, filling out and issuing these documents at the enterprise.

According to the rules for filling out work books for 2018 - 2019, all entries on employment, dismissal, and qualifications are made on the basis of an order from the administration.

Moreover, all information from the work book is duplicated in a personal card, which the employee subsequently familiarizes himself with with a signature.

The specified document is assigned a registration number; in addition, it contains information regarding the employee, such as personal data, education, work experience, awards, etc.

You can enter information using a ballpoint or gel pen with blue, black or purple ink.

The use of abbreviations, including the abbreviation “RF”, is expressly prohibited; “Russian Federation” should be written instead.

The first page of the work book bears the signature of the person responsible for maintaining it (filling it out for the first time), the seal of the organization (if available and indicated in the charter), as well as the signature of the owner.

For any changes that occur during the employee’s activity, be it a change in the name of the organization, position, rank, etc., the specified information must be reflected in the work book.

You cannot correct entries in which an error was made by crossing out or making amendments, much less delete them using a proofreader. In this case, you need to indicate that the record contains errors, and then provide the correct data.

Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books and a document on its approval

Instructions for maintaining work records were approved on October 10, 2003 by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 and adopted on November 11, 2003, reg. number in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 5219.

Instructions for filling out a work book for 2018-2019 cover information about proper management this document and contains the following:

  1. General provisions. For example, in accordance with its requirements, all dates are written in Arabic numerals (11/15/2016).
  2. Information about the employee (indicated on the basis of passport data). If you change your last name or other information, you should enter the data, crossing out the previous data based on the submitted documents. Information about such documents is reflected on the cover of the work book (inside).
  3. Information about the employee's work. In column 3, you must enter the full name of the organization and its abbreviated name, if available. Column 1 contains the serial number of the entry being made, column 2 indicates the date the employee was hired. The 3rd column includes the name of the organization’s division, as well as the position of the hired employee. The 4th column specifies the attributes of the order on the basis of which the citizen is employed. At the request of the employee, information about part-time work can be entered.
  4. Awards. Fill in information about awards, certificates, etc. received in the course of work. The name of the enterprise, the serial number of the record, when, by whom and for what the employee was awarded are required.
  5. Procedure for filling out when dismissing an employee.
  6. Rules for entering information about dismissal in connection with a transfer, as well as when moving to another position.
  7. Sequence when registering a duplicate.

Responsibility for violation of the rules for maintaining and storing work books

Art. 45 of the Rules states that responsibility for preparing work records lies with the employer. In addition, it is possible to hold accountable the person appointed by order to maintain these documents. As a rule, this person is an employee of the human resources department or a human resources manager. But in enterprises with a small number of employees, the responsible person may also be an accountant. Nevertheless, regardless of the position, this person must be familiar with the Rules for filling out work books.

Art. 2.4. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that an official is held accountable if an offense is committed due to improper performance of his duties. For non-compliance with standards labor law responsibility is spelled out in Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • for officials - a warning or a fine from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for organizations - a fine from 30,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles.

Accordingly, for violation of the procedure for filling out a work book, an official may be held liable under this article. 5.27.

For violating the rules for storing a work book, you can impose a fine under Art. 13.20 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 100 rubles to 300 rubles;
  • for officials - from 300 rubles to 500 rubles.

A work book is an official document on the basis of which a citizen can confirm his work experience. How to fill this out important document, as well as its maintenance, storage and accounting are enshrined at the legislative level. The instructions for work books 2018 - 2019 are the basis regulating the basic rules for filling out this important document. For incorrect maintenance, completion and storage of work books, the employer may be held liable.

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