Nikolai Rastorguev: biography, personal life, songs, “Lube”. Nikolai Rastorguev biography Marital status of Nikolai Rastorguev

A real “folk” group with amazing energy, patriotic songs everyone loves, and always a positive attitude - this is, of course, “Lube”. Strong and courageous, with a bewitching voice and inexplicable charisma, the lead singer of the group immediately became “one of our own”, “native” for everyone. What path has Nikolai Rastorguev taken and what is he like in life?

Biography of a national star: childhood

Nikolai was born on February 21, 1957 in the Moscow region, Ramensky district, in the village of Bykovo. Was at school diligent child, although not an excellent student. He loved to draw, read books, listen to the legends of that time " The Beatles" According to him, it was their creativity that became the impetus for studying music. He was also interested in sports, like all the guys, and free time often picked up a guitar. After graduating from school, Nikolai studied at the Technological Institute of Light Industry in Moscow, but he failed to graduate and was expelled. Few people now know that they once worked as a simple mechanic talented singer, everyone’s favorite Rastorguev Nikolai.

Biography of the group "Lube"

In 1989, Igor Matvienko finally brought to life his idea, which had existed in his head for several years, to create musical group social-patriotic orientation with a courageous, serious main soloist. This is what Nikolai Rastorguev became. The biography of the group suggests that even the producer himself did not expect such rapid growth popularity. At the beginning of 1989 (namely January 14), the first songs “Old Man Makhno” and “Lyubertsy” were recorded, and at the end of the year the songs “Lyube” firmly occupied leading positions in the national charts. Nikolai Rastorguev and the Lyube group immediately fell in love with Russian listeners for the unusual theme of the lyrics, courageous performance, and bewitching energy. Over the three years of work, they gave more than 1000 concerts and attracted more than 5 million people.

Everyone remembers what the stage image of the group’s lead singer was like: a shrill voice, a serious face, military uniform old style, which Alla Pugacheva herself advised the artist to wear. So the singer-soldier Nikolai Rastorguev appeared before us. The artist’s biography contains the fact that he did not serve in the army for health reasons. The stage became his service.

Nikolai Rastorguev: biography - merits and titles

In 2002, the singer received the title "People's Artist Russian Federation"Earlier, in 1997, he was awarded the title of the Russian Federation." In 2006, Nikolai joined the United Russia party. Became a deputy of the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory in 2010. And during presidential elections In 2012, the artist was the official candidate, and now the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Personal life of the artist

Nikolai Rastorguev was married twice, has two sons and a granddaughter, Sonechka. They lived with their first wife (a cultural scientist by training) for 15 years. But one day, having met on tour, as Nikolai himself says, “his” Natalya (the costume designer for the Zodchie group), he fell madly in love and immediately married a second time. Rastorguev’s eldest son, Pavel, is a businessman, the youngest, Nikolai, is still in school, sings in a choir, but has not yet decided on a profession.

    Nikolai Rastorguev will celebrate his 59th birthday tomorrow, February 21, 2016, he was born in 1957. Almost a pensioner, but he looks great, younger than his age. Rastorguev was married 2 times. He lived with his first wife Elena for 15 years, she gave him a son, Pavel. Nikolai has been living with his second wife Natalya for almost 25 years, they have a son, Nikolai.

    He is 58 years old. He has 3 children. And wife Natalya

  • Rastorguev: interesting biography facts

    I’ll start right away with the fact that quite recently the popular and famous singer celebrated his anniversary, he turned 60 years old. Leader legendary group Lyube, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, member of the United Russia party (since 2006).

    • Date of birth - February 21, 2057
    • Place of birth - Lytkarino, Moscow region
    • Marital status: Married
    • Height - 168 cm. Very little.....

    Nikolai Rastorguev’s wife is much younger than him, she is only 30. In the marriage, the couple had a son and the boy was named after his father - Nikolai. But this is not the only child; there is also a son, Pavel, from his first marriage.

    The artist lived with his first wife for 15 years. Having married at the age of 19 and lived a long and happy life, he suddenly left the family. Since 2007, Nikolai Rastorguev has been very ill and in 2009 he underwent a kidney transplant (renal failure).

  • On February 21, 2017, Nikolai Rastorguev celebrated his Anniversary; he turned 60 years. Nikolai Rastorguev was born on February 21, 1957.

Not every artist manages to win the hearts of entire generations, but today’s hero is precisely what distinguishes him from the majority national stage. Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Rastorguev is a legend of the national stage, the one and only vocalist of the Lyube group, which was founded during the Soviet era, and subsequently moved to the post-Soviet stage.

Nikolay has two titles, People's Artist of Russia and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2010, Rastorguev became a deputy of the State Duma of Russia with a term of service for one year in this government body.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Rastorguev

Rastorguev's songs have been among the most recognizable for many years. Accordingly, he has a huge number of fans inspired by him musical works and concerts. A large number of admirers of his talent are interested in his height, weight, and age. How old is Nikolai Rastorguev? this moment time, an equally interesting question that we can easily answer. Now the artist is 61 years old, and his physical characteristics are as follows: 174 centimeters in height and 85 kilograms in weight. In addition, the singer’s zodiac sign is Pisces. And for the most inquisitive fans of Nikolai’s work, it would be nice to mention the sign eastern horoscope- Rooster!

He also has a fan audience that did not see what young Nikolai Rastorguev was like. Photos from his youth and now, without much effort, can be found on the World Wide Web, because materials of this nature are in the public domain.

Biography of Nikolai Rastorguev

The future singer was born in one of the villages of the Moscow region. The biography of Nikolai Rastorguev began on the 21st, last month winter, in 1957. Father: Rastorguev Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, worked as a driver. Mother: Rastorgueva Maria Aleksandrovna was engaged in sewing at a factory. After Nikolai had a sister, who was named Larisa, their mother was forced to leave the factory and do sewing orders right at home, in order to devote more time to her children, we're talking about both about education and attention. As a child, Kolya was a completely ordinary child who grew up in the USSR. This includes a school of yard football, and forays into forest plantations and construction sites in the surrounding area.

The future singer repeatedly received scoldings from his father, both for his poor academic performance and for his adventurous forays. Already at that time, little Kolya began to master playing the guitar, devoted a lot of time to reading, and also drew.

Very important event in the life of the future artist, was a trip to the cinema with his friend, whose mother held the position of that very cinema. It had the loud name “Illusion”. There Nikolai first saw a cinematic picture of the history of the rock group The Beatles. This had a very strong influence on the guy, and inspired by the success story, the future legend decides to take up the guitar seriously. At the same time, he was well aware that he did not have a keen ear, and his musical skills left much to be desired.

After graduating from school, Kolya enters the Technological University in Moscow. But he had no time for studying, and he was often absent and studying music, and he was expelled after an incident with the headman of his group; Nikolai beat his headman for informing on the guy.

After this, Rastorguev begins his journey as a musician and vocalist. And in 1989 the group “Lube” was born and exists to this day.

At the beginning of the two thousandth, the President of the Russian Federation awarded Rastorguev the title People's Artist RF. And subsequently, the singer became the official confidant of the current Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Last year, the vocalist suffered a heart attack before a concert. After this, a storm arose and everyone was discussing whether Nikolai Rastorguev had died at all. The cause of death was related to the heart. But these are just rumors and speculation, but in fact, doctors confirmed that the artist’s life is not in danger.

Personal life of Nikolai Rastorguev

The personal life of Nikolai Rastorguev is not as eventful as that of most modern artists with their scandals, dramas and ongoing romances, but at the same time the singer was not known as a monogamist. The artist divorced his first wife just as he found his adult love, Natalya. At the moment, Nikolai is in his second marriage and is very happy.

Both his first and second wives gave him wonderful children. By the way, the artist’s current wife is several years younger than her chosen one, but this did not become an obstacle to their strong family relationships. The couple supports each other, as well as their children, and the children reciprocate.

Family of Nikolai Rastorguev

Speaking about family relationships, we can say that the artist was incredibly lucky in this regard. Nikolai Rastorguev’s family is strong and united, and the singer himself, in this regard, can boast of an idyll.

Nikolai's current family consists of his magnificent wife, two loving sons and beloved granddaughter. Ten years ago, the artist and his entire family suffered quite a shock; as it turned out, the singer was diagnosed with kidney failure. The solution to the problem was a kidney transplant, and the operation was waited for two whole years, and all this time his family was by his side. Now he feels strong and confident, and all thanks to his family and its support.

Children of Nikolai Rastorguev

Support for the strong family relations– this is something that not every family has. The children of Nikolai Rastorguev are very close to their father.

The eldest son, named Pavel, already has his own family and a daughter, who is the singer’s granddaughter. The girl was named Sophia and she continuously lives with her grandfather, whom she loves with all her heart.

The youngest son, from his second marriage, is also his father’s namesake, as they named him Nikolai. Today, the young man has chosen the art of acting. More from school years, the guy surprised everyone around with his talents.

Son of Nikolai Rastorguev - Pavel

Forty-one years ago, the son of Nikolai Rastorguev, Pavel Rastorguev, was born. His life is already in full swing. He has a gorgeous daughter, whom he raises without missing a chance to enjoy fatherly moments.

Pavel received a diploma in cultural studies. It often happens that children inherit the genes of their star parents, but in the case of Pavel, nothing like that happened. He has grown up quite an ordinary person. The eldest son maintains a very warm relationship with his father and often turns to the legendary singer for fatherly advice.

Son of Nikolai Rastorguev - Nikolai

The second son of Nikolai Rastorguev, Nikolai, was born in his second marriage. The boy was named after his father, and apparently for good reason. Since school age the guy showed all the people around him his talent. Until recently, the young man lived with his parents.

Nikolai Rastorguev Jr. has already succeeded in a kind of theatrical skill. Kolya voiced one of the roles in a full-length cartoon called “Three Heroes.” And everyone who follows latest news families legendary singer hope that the debut of Rastorguev Jr. was not the final stage in his work.

The ex-wife of Nikolai Rastorguev - Elena

As has been mentioned many times before, Nikolai Rastorguev’s ex-wife, Elena, gave life to the singer’s eldest son. And Elena and Nikolai met when they were still very young, this was Nikolai’s first love. The wedding took place when the singer turned 19 years old, and they lived in perfect harmony for fifteen years. But unfortunately, the couple divorced after a long and strong relationship, as it seemed.

Elena never put pressure on her husband, even when the family’s financial situation was deplorable. She believed in Nikolai to the end, that his work would be recognized, and so it happened, the singer gained fame, but continued his life path already with another lady of the heart.

Nikolai Rastorguev's wife - Natalya

The reason for the dissolution of the singer's first marriage was new love. At the very beginning of the nineties of the twentieth century, while on tour, Nikolai met a magnificent woman who worked as a costume designer for a group called “Zodchie”.

For a long time they met secretly, and after that the couple entered into a marriage. The current wife of Nikolai Rastorguev, Natalya, is still close to the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. She gave her husband a second son, who was named Kolya. Some believe that the singer still has enormous popularity thanks to Natalia.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nikolai Rastorguev

The artist is a representative of the so-called “old school” and has no need for services such as Instagram and Wikipedia. Nikolai Rastorguev cares only about his family, and he can’t find much time for anything else.

However, the singer has Official page in the free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia" where you can find all the reliable information about the singer's life in chronological order. There you can also find a list of his works, as well as tours in which he participated. But an account on a social service for sharing photos and videos called Instagram. Article found on

Every day new singers and artists appear, but there are also those who have already won our recognition for many years of unforgettable concerts and soulful songs.

One of these popular and talented musicians is Nikolai Rastorguev, who for many years has been giving his fans real hits and unforgettable songs, and the whole country is still humming them. Moreover, the words from his songs are familiar to any age. He is best known for his participation in the Lyube group.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Rastorguev?

Nicholas personifies the simplicity of our people. He is the representative of a real man. At the age of 60, he has achieved heights in his career and shows all Russian men an example of how to live and not worry about his age.

With a height of 174, he weighs 85 kg, which is quite excellent for a man. Height, weight, age, how old is Nikolai Rastorguev, often worries the public, and now you know the answer. Nikolai does not worry about his age, and believes that age is not an obstacle to happiness, you can always enjoy life.

Biography of Nikolai Rastorguev. He died? What is the date of death?

Nikolai was born in the Moscow region, the village of Bykovo, into an ordinary working-class family that had nothing to do with creative life. My mother worked as a seamstress in a factory, and my father was a driver. When was she born into the family? younger sister Nicholas, my mother decided to quit her job and start sewing at home in order to pay enough attention to raising her children.

At school, the boy was not an excellent student, on the contrary, he often earned C grades, but as he later proved, grades are not the main thing. As a child, he was a very sociable boy, but still the main place in his life was occupied by a small company of several friends. The mother of one of the boys worked in a cinema, so the children always had the opportunity to go to their favorite and interesting movies. At one of these screenings, they saw the film “Night After a Hard Day,” which featured the Beatles, who inspired the young Rastorguev. He realized who he should look up to and that he wanted to connect his life with the stage and performances.

After watching the film, the friends were inspired by the exploits of the great artists and decided to create their own group, strumming guitars in their free time. But this was just self-indulgence, because it seemed to Kolya that he had no musical talent, and his mother told him more than once that he had no voice.

After graduating from school, Nikolai went to a technological institute, his parents insisted on this. But since studying is for future star was not interesting, he missed classes very often, for which he was punished by deprivation of his scholarship. After which Rastorguev became very angry with the head of the group, who wrote reports on him, having sorted it out “with his fists.” For such behavior he was reprimanded and eventually failed the exams. Nikolai was kicked out and now has the opportunity to get higher education, was closed. He decided to go to work as a mechanic and not waste time on things that were unnecessary for him. In his opinion, education would not give him anything interesting or useful; it was better to go straight away to earn money.

The biography of Nikolai Rastorguev shows an example of how a man had a dream that no one believed in, not even himself. But despite this, his fate still turned around in an interesting way. In 1978, he became a member of the popular ensemble “Six Young”, once very famous in the early seventies. At that time, there was a serious change in composition in the group, and it was not difficult for Nikolai to make friends with the new members. They played at Vysotsky’s own concerts, which allowed Nikolai to learn by example famous person.

Later the group began to be recognized, noticed and invited to concerts. Nikolai became famous and was popular throughout the USSR. But still, some time later, the team broke up, and then Rastorguev decided to create his own group. Having met the composer Igor Matvienko, he still managed to carry out his plans, and his new acquaintance helped him. Actually, this is how the now famous group “Lube” began its existence. When the group already existed, Alla Pugacheva gave Rastorguev very practical advice about the appearance and image of the group as a whole, which is still their personal “trick”. The group has developed and now brings good fees to the artist. Besides musical career Nikolai also tried himself as an actor more than once and he succeeded quite well.

When Nikolai was diagnosed with a serious kidney disease in 2007, similar phrases even began to appear on the Internet: “Nikolai Rastorguev is the cause of death,” but curious journalists hoped early for sensational news, because the famous singer was able to overcome the disease and continue his life without illnesses and problems . Therefore, know that by asking your question in the form: “Rastorguev Nikolai passed away, date of death” - you are only bringing his death closer.

Personal life of Nikolai Rastorguev

Nikolai was married twice and from both marriages he has beautiful children. Rastorguev had his first marriage at the age of nineteen, when he fell in love with a girl from his yard. In their marriage, they had a son, Pasha, with whom the singer still supports a good relationship. After 15 years of marriage, the couple decided to separate. Things don’t always go as smoothly as we want, and Nikolai experienced this through his own example.

But personal life Nikolai Rastorguev’s life does not end there and he had a second marriage, which continues to this day. Nikolai married a girl 13 years younger than him, but this only played into the hands of both. And a little later, his wife gave him a son, whom the couple decided to name Kolya. At the moment, the singer lives with his family and their frequent guest is their granddaughter from their first son, Sophia, who is a full member of the Rastorguev family.

Family of Nikolai Rastorguev

It’s rare that any of us can boast of a real idyll in our family, but the famous singer is lucky and has two beautiful sons, good wife and beloved granddaughter. They live with the whole family in the Moscow region and enjoy the quiet family life. Let's hope that happiness awaits the Rastorguev family, because they deserve it.

The family of Nikolai Rastorguev recently suffered a serious experience, because in 2007 the singer and head of the family was diagnosed with kidney failure, which is why he almost needed a transplant, but the operation was performed only in 2009. All this time, the family was in excitement and, of course, provided tremendous support to their beloved father and husband. It is thanks to its loving family the actor always remains in good shape and knows that he is capable of much. Support is so important for each of us.

Children of Nikolai Rastorguev

The singer has two beautiful sons who maintain a warm relationship with their father. The first son from his first marriage, Pavel, is already quite an adult and even has his own family and a beautiful daughter, Sophia, who constantly lives with her beloved grandfather. The second son from his second marriage, Kolya, who is currently 23 years old, is trying to try his hand at acting career and he has already managed to voice the role of Guiard in the cartoon “Three Heroes”.

At school, the guy more than once convinced everyone of his talents, performing at school matinees and other concerts, now all that remains is to watch the development of his future. The children of Nikolai Rastorguev were raised by a real man, so they only took from their father best qualities.

Son of Nikolai Rastorguev - Pavel Rastorguev

In 1977, in his first marriage, Nikolai had a wonderful son, Pavel, who is now already developing his life, raising a beautiful daughter and enjoying his father’s popularity.

Trained as a cultural scientist. It often happens that children inherit the genes of their father or mother and what they do creative career, but in this case everything was wrong and Pavel is very far from star life. Despite the fact that Nikolai left the family, Nikolai Rastorguev’s son, Pavel Rastorguev, supports his father great relationship and often seeks fatherly advice. And Pavel’s daughter, Sofia, loves her grandfather very much and spends almost all her time in their house.

Son of Nikolai Rastorguev - Kolya

The second son Nikolai, who was apparently named after his father, apparently inherited more from him. Even from childhood, a theatrical streak began to be visible in the boy, and at school he more than once showed everyone around him what talent he had. At the moment, the guy is already 23 years old, but he still lives with his parents.

The son of Nikolai Rastorguev, Kolya Rastorguev, has already managed to prove himself and voice the role of Guiard in the cartoon “Three Heroes”, let’s hope that his acting career will not end there, we can only wait.

Ex-Wife of Nikolai Rastorguev - Elena Rastorgueva

Nikolai met his first wife when he was just a teenager. Then he fell in love with a sweet girl Lena from his yard. Their love began in adolescence, but they got married when Nikolai turned 19 years old. They had happy marriage within 15 for long years.

In his first marriage, the singer had a son, Pavel, with whom his father still maintains good relations. Ex-wife Nikolai Rastorgueva - Elena Rastorgueva and Nikolai himself always understood each other perfectly and were truly close people. But nevertheless, the reason for the breakup was Nikolai’s new love.

Nikolai Rastorguev's wife - Natalya Rastorgueva

In 1990, Nikolai realized what it was real love, having met Natalya, the costume designer of the Zodchie group, on tour. In their marriage they had a talented son, Nikolai. Nikolai Rastorguev’s wife, Natalya Rastorgueva, has been with her beloved for many years and is still his main support.

Despite the adversity and health problems of her husband, she always remains close and perhaps it is thanks to her support that he is a real star. She always approves and even helps in all his decisions, no matter how absurd they may be. This is an example of a real loving wife.

Such an understanding as plastic is alien to Nikolay. He always kept himself in shape with the help physical activity and nutrition. The singer is not afraid of old age and believes that a person should be able to enjoy life at any age.

Photos of Nikolai Rastorguev before and after plastic surgery often appear on the Internet, but true fans understand that these are all lies of journalists. And if you look at the photographs of Nikolai in his youth and now, then with the naked eye it is noticeable that the surgeons did not work on the singer’s appearance; the only one who worked on his appearance was time.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nikolai Rastorguev

U famous singer there is no time to spend posting photos and information on in social networks, only his managers can do this. Nikolai’s life is very busy, and since 2010 he has become a member of the United Russia party, which takes up his precious time doubly.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nikolai Rastorguev will not be filled colorful photographs singer's life, but will give many interesting information from Nikolai's biography to his fans. Now Rastorguev continues to delight us with his creativity and we hope that this will continue for a long time.

Name: Nikolay Rastorguev
Date of Birth: February 21, 1957
Zodiac sign: Fish
Age: 62 years old
Place of Birth: Lytkarino, Moscow region.
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 85 kg
Activity: singer, actor
Family status: married

Nikolai Rastorguev: biography

The Lyube group is inseparable from the name of its lead singer Nikolai Rastorguev, but few know that he acts in films and actively participates in political life countries.

Childhood, family of Nikolai Rastorguev

Nikolai was born near Moscow in the family of a driver and seamstress. There were no singers or artists in the family: father Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Rastorguev worked as a driver, grandfather was a blacksmith, one of his great-grandfathers was an accountant, and grandmother was from a family of clergy. But there were plenty of rich and prosperous people among the older generation. The boy did not like to study, but reading, drawing, music - these hobbies greatly occupied the younger Rastorguev.

Most beloved music group were the Beatles. The fact that the biography would be directly related to music and creativity was now no longer in doubt. The guy performed in an ensemble at the House of Culture in Lyubertsy and knew all the songs of the famous four by heart.

Music, songs by Nikolai Rastorguev

Nikolai, like many of his peers, was preparing to serve in the Airborne Forces. When the time came for the medical commission, the young man was very upset that the doctors declared him unfit for service. Study was never easy for the guy. The graduate entered the institute light industry, but did not receive a diploma - he was expelled. He got a job as a mechanic at the Institute of Aviation Construction. Passion for music played a role there too. Rastorguev played in ensembles, he became friends with Valery Kipelov, and for two years the friends were part of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Six Young”. This group sang and played in concerts with Vladimir Vysotsky.

This artist has become a role model for musical talent. It so happened that on the basis of this VIA the ensemble “Leisya, Song” was formed, in which Nikolai sang for 5 years.

Then an invitation comes from the Rondo group. Here he stayed for 1 year, playing bass guitar, then again became a vocalist when he was invited to join the band “Hello, Song!”

Nikolay Rastorguev: Group "Lube"

He already had participation in the festival behind him when Igor Matvienko decided to implement his project of creating a men’s group that would perform songs of patriotic content.

The name was not given for a long time, but then Nikolai found a word that defined the whole style musical performance. The meaning of the word “lube”, which became the name of the group, is different. The biography turned out well for a person who did not have a professional musical education.

WITH light hand Alla Pugacheva's gymnast took root on Nikolai and became business card soloist new group"Lyube." The touring period began very quickly with songs that revolutionized the stage. Ten years later, Nikolai Rastorguev received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. And after 5 years the performer received the title of People's Artist.

Personal life of Nikolai Rastorguev

Nikolai met his first love at the age of 15; the girl was a year younger than him. Nine years later, when my beloved turned 18, they got married, exactly a year later a boy was born and named Pavel. 15 years have passed since the legal registration, Rastorguev really liked another woman. He fell in love with costume designer Natalya when he was on another tour.

Nikolai was still married to his first wife, so from the second future wife the meetings were at first secret. After registering their second marriage and the birth of their son Rastorguev, the couple never separated again.

Health of Nikolai Rastorguev

Ten years ago, Rastorguev was examined and kidney failure was discovered. The tours were not cancelled, but the necessary hemodialysis procedures were constantly carried out. Only after two years of suffering, the musician underwent a kidney transplant. After 6 years there was a tour in Israel, it was very hot, the performer felt unwell and was hospitalized. Two years later, before the announced concert, Nikolai was hospitalized with a heart attack. The tough schedule of tours and concerts almost cut short the musician’s biography.

Nikolay Rastorguev: Hobbies

Nikolay does not limit himself only to vocals. The singer played in a play at the V. Mayakovsky Theater. He played the role of a television presenter and prepared a number of programs dedicated to the topic of war. Rastorguev is very talented, he is fluent in acoustic and electric guitar, plays the tambourine beautifully. Before the Lyube group, not a single band used a 6-string bass guitar in its arsenal.

Nikolai Vyacheslavovich does not miss the matches of his favorite team from Moscow “Torpedo”. The musician enjoys playing billiards. Another, most likely, whim that he can afford, and bad habit. Rastorguev smokes a pipe or very expensive cigarettes. No matter what kind of rock or pop they call the songs performed by the group, Nikolai’s favorites are still “The Beatles” and classical music Soviet composers.

The singer, in fact, is a true patriot of his Motherland, as he loves music

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