Nikolai Nosov fairy tales. Nikolai Nosov: an entertaining biography of a children's writer in stories and pictures

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov(November 10, 1908 - July 26, 1976) - Soviet children's writer, playwright. Nosov's greatest popularity came from his works about the adventures of Dunno.

Nosov's sphere of interests was very extensive. He never thought about writing. IN different years he was interested in photography, music, chemistry, radio engineering, and cinema. He worked as a director of animated and popular science films.

Nikolai Nikolaevich became a children's writer completely by accident. He discovered his talent for writing by telling stories to his son and his friends.

Nosov really knows how to attract the attention of a young reader, understands what is interesting to him, and knows how to speak the language of children.

Nosov's stories are based on some funny incident, an interesting situation. This clarity of description, the cheerful disposition of the children, and the truthfulness of the narration made Nosov’s stories classics of children’s literature.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov(1908 - 1976) - Soviet children's writer, film scriptwriter, the most famous was the trilogy of works about Dunno. Stories for children written by a talented author are very exciting, so they will appeal to both boys and girls. Entertaining stories telling about the adventures of their peers are distinguished by easy and lively language. Intriguing events take place on the street, at home and at school. Storylines will be interesting to the reader regardless of his age.
The Soviet writer introduces children to the concepts of friendship, honesty, mutual assistance and fidelity. Thanks to the creativity of N. Nosov, the child learns what situations can cause problems, as well as what to do to avoid such troubles. Through entertaining works, the child will gain indirect experience, which will be useful to him in later life.

Read Nosov's stories online

Nosov's fairy tales are no less fascinating than his realistic stories. Their heroes will conquer children's hearts immediately after reading fantastic tales. Most famous character is short Dunno, with whom various adventures occur. Small works Nikolai Nosov are the most suitable option for a child to start reading independently. The works of the Soviet writer are collected on the site and are available to visitors. They will be great entertainment for kids and their parents.

Born on November 10 (November 23), 1908 in Kyiv, in the family of a pop artist who, depending on the circumstances, also worked as a railway worker. He spent his childhood in the small town of Irpen, not far from Kyiv, where the boy began studying at the gymnasium.

Nikolai was the second son in the family. The family also had an older brother, Peter, and a younger brother and sister. Little Nikolai loved to attend his father’s performances, watch concerts and performances. The parents even thought that the boy also wanted to become an actor. IN school years he wanted to become a musician and for a long time dreamed of being bought a violin. After buying the violin, Nikolai realized that learning music was not easy, and the violin was abandoned. Nikolai Nosov's childhood and school years fell on the most difficult period in Russian history: The First World War and the Civil War. Lack of food, lack of heat and electricity cold winter, illnesses were common at the time. The whole family suffered from typhus. Fortunately, no one died. Nikolai recalled that when he recovered (he was sick the longest), his mother cried with joy because everyone remained alive. “So I learned that you can cry not only from grief.”

Since his high school years, Nosov has been interested in music, theater, chess, photography, electrical engineering and even amateur radio. To support his family, Nikolai was forced to work from the age of 14: he was a newspaper merchant, a digger, a mower, etc. After 1917, the gymnasium was reorganized into a seven-year school. After finishing it in 1924, he worked as a laborer at a concrete plant in Irpen, then at a private brick factory in the city of Bucha.

After Civil War Nikolai became interested in chemistry. Together with a school friend, he organized a chemical laboratory in the attic of his house, where friends conducted various experiments. Nosov recalled: “After graduating from school, I was sure that I should become a chemist and nothing else! Chemistry seemed to me to be the science of sciences.” Nikolai wanted to enter the chemistry department of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, but could not, since he did not graduate from a vocational school that provides a completed secondary education. Nikolai began studying at an evening vocational school, preparing to enter a polytechnic university. At the same time, he went to work at the Irpen brick factory. But before entering, Nikolai suddenly changed his mind and at the age of 19 he entered the Kiev Art Institute. Nikolai then became seriously interested in photography, and then cinema. This influenced his choice. After 2 years, in 1929, Nikolai Nosov transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. He graduated from it in 1932 and until 1951 worked as a producer and director of animated, scientific and educational films. Autobiography childhood partially reflected in the book “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well” (see, for example, Iz-vo “Children’s Literature”, 1982) collected works of N. Nosov in 4 volumes, vol. 4 During the Great Patriotic War Nosov was involved in directing educational military-technical films for the Red Army.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov; USSR, Kyiv; 11/10/1908 – 07/26/1976

Nikolay Nosov famous Soviet writer. His works about Dunno became a model of children's literature in our country for many years. More than one generation in our country has grown up on N. Nosov’s “Dunno” books, and now Nikolai Nosov’s stories are chosen by many parents throughout the country. After all, simple and good fairy tales Soviet era are an excellent alternative modern children's books. Perhaps this is why Nikolai Nosov is still included, and his books occupy high places among the most read books.

Biography of Nikolai Nosov

Nikolai Nosov was born in the suburbs of Kyiv in the city of Irpen. He was the second child in a family of four children. Since childhood, he loved to attend concerts and performances in which his father played. He was professional actor. Everyone predicted his future as an artist, but the difficult situation in the country and living conditions made their own adjustments. So the whole family of Nikolai Nosov suffered from typhus, and only after serendipity no one died. Then little Nikolai realized for the first time that tears can come not only from grief, but also from joy. This understanding came along with the tears of the mother, who spent a lot of time over the bed of the future writer.

Even in the gymnasium, Nikolai Nosov was interested in photography, theater, electrical engineering and many other things. But from the age of fourteen he worked as a merchant, mower and digger to help his family. And after graduating from school, at the age of 16, he went to work as a laborer at a concrete plant. At this time, he and his friends became interested in chemistry. He tried to enter the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, but since he did not have completed secondary education, he could not. Therefore, so that training did not interfere with work, Nikolai Nosov entered an evening vocational school.

In 1927, unexpectedly for his parents, the future writer Nikolai Nosov changed his plans and entered the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. He graduated from it in 1932, and for almost 20 years he worked as a director and producer of scientific, educational and animated films.

The first stories by Nikolai Nosov became possible to read in 1938. While telling fairy tales to his son, he realized that he was good at it and decided to write some of them down. They were published in the magazine "Murzilka", and then were combined into the collection "Knock - Knock - Knock". But this collection was published after the end of the war, and was followed by another one - “Steps”.

In 1953, N. Nosov’s first story “Dunno” appeared. Gradually this literary hero becomes very popular, and brings Nosov the same fame children's writer, like him. By the way, last book cycle about Dunno - “Dunno on the Moon”, many economists call best work for children on political economy. In addition, you can read Nikolai Nosov’s stories “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn”, “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home”, which also gained wide popularity. Nikolai Nosov wrote his stories until his death, which occurred in 1976 from natural causes.

Books by Nikolai Nosov on the Top books website

The series of books by N. Nosov “Dunno” was included in the ratings of our site. Except enough high place in the ranking, the book was included in the . And given that interest in books about Dunno, stories about Kolya Sinitsyn and Vita Maleev has not diminished over the years, this author will be included in the rating of our site more than once. And Nikolai Nosov’s stories will be presented more than once among the best children’s literature.

Nikolay Nosov list of books

  1. Secret at the bottom of the well
  2. We and the children
  3. The story of my friend Igor
  4. Small literary encyclopedia
  5. Grandma Dina
  6. Quanta of laughter
  7. Vitya Maleev at school and at home
  8. Cheerful family
  9. Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn

Cycle about the adventures of Dunno:

  • Dunno in Sunny City
  • Dunno on the Moon
  • Dunno is studying
  • Dunno-traveler

Since childhood, he believed: miracles are always somewhere nearby. To notice them, you just need to take a closer look. This sincere faith of the writer was transmitted to everyone who read his books - kind, witty and surprisingly deep.

In appearance he was a gloomy, silent, unsmiling man. But at heart he remained a dreamer all his life. The writer's dreamy nature was revealed only by his eyes: lively, penetrating, with a hidden chuckle. He loved and understood children with all his heart. And he knew how to see the world the way boys and girls see it. And all because he remembered his own childhood very well.

As a child, he played robbers, built boats from boxes, rushed across the rooftops, imagining himself as a pilot. The summer day seemed endlessly long to him, the world around him seemed amazing, and all the people around him were beautiful.

The main ones were a kind and strong giant, whose name is dad, and the most caring and affectionate person in the world - mom. Dad often went somewhere. But how joyful it was to run towards him when in the evening Kolya heard the gate slam! Mom was always there, it was impossible to imagine my existence without her. When one day his mother went somewhere for the whole day, it seemed to the boy that the sun had darkened. Hiding in the tall grass near the house, Kolya cried all day. When his mother returned, cloudless happiness reigned in his childhood universe again.

Listening to his father study with his brother, Kolya learned his letters at the age of five. But how words are made from them remained a mystery to him. He figured it out completely on his own. The boy, with the ardor of a real researcher, sat over the newspaper all evening. He tried to understand why the letters “en”, “o”, “ve”, “o”, “es”, “te” and “i” were read as “news”. And I understood! You just had to read without dropping the “e” sound.

The father, delighted with his son’s success, gave him the book “Miracle Tales.” Kolya’s idea of ​​the world was completely turned upside down. In the world, it turns out, besides people and animals, there are fairies and sorcerers, elves and gnomes, running boots, magic wands and many other wonders that he had no idea about!

When Kolya got older, they explained to him that all this was fiction. But he didn’t want to believe it at all. Deep down in his soul, he was always convinced that fairy tales are the most truthful and wise books.

He studied from 1927 to 1929 at the Kiev Art Institute, but without graduating, he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. After graduating in 1932, he got a job as a director of animated, popular science and educational films, which he worked in until 1951.

Nikolai Nosov had absolutely no plans to become a children's writer; it happened by accident. When Nikolai Nosov's son was born, he read fairy tales to his baby. One day the child became very capricious, and the young father began to tell his own stories. The little son immediately forgot about all his troubles and began to listen to his dad, not taking his surprised eyes off him.

The future writer came up with more and more stories for his son. At some point he decided to write them down. This is how the first stories and stories about life were born inquisitive schoolchildren. When Nikolai Nosov brought his works to the Murzilka magazine, they were, as they say, torn away. The editors of the children's publications with which Nosov began to collaborate asked with one voice: “Write more!” And he wrote with enthusiasm, realizing that he had found the profession of his dreams.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov left an indelible mark on children's literature; he began to write about children, restless children who cannot sit still and get into all sorts of stories. Nosov's books are close and understandable to young readers, which is especially valuable in children's literature.

On July 26, 1976, before reaching the age of seventy, Nikolai Nikolaevich died. On his tombstone is depicted Dunno - a character who, like Nosov’s other heroes, will never grow old and will live forever in wonderful world, invented by the writer.

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