Lim Ji Wei, also known as Limzy, is an artist from Singapore. Artist Lim Ji Wei (Limzy) - watercolor and flowers Girls and flowers watercolor paintings

A talented girl was born in Malaysia, at the age of 16 she moved to Singapore, where a few years later she became a graduate of the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. After graduation, Limsey worked as an art teacher. When the working day ended, she hurried home to turn her creative ideas into reality. The artist did not have time to paint large paintings, so she had to be content with expressing her inspiration in creating small drawings decorated with various unusual elements, including flowers. Creative process gave her enormous pleasure, and the fruits of her labors aroused great interest among the audience. Today Lim devotes all his time to what he loves, creating more and more beautiful paintings.

The idea of ​​​​creating the last and, perhaps, most wonderful series photo illustrations – watercolor drawings with the addition of fresh flowers - came to the artist when she was thinking about a gift for her grandmother. Lim attached some rose petals to a bookmark, using them to make dresses for the painted girl. Then the flower story began, on which the talented craftswoman continues to actively work.

Artist Lim Ji Wei is confident that you can find art not only in expensive galleries.

Limsey draws inspiration from various sources - nature, the art world, cultural events and life ordinary people. Thus, one of the works was created after the Oscars in 2014 - using floral art, she depicted Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong'o, who appeared at the ceremony in a blue Prada dress. Another film is dedicated to the main character of the recently released film "Maleficent", played by Angelina Jolie.

The Malaysian artist’s works are so lively and light that there is a feeling of summer freshness, and thanks to the photographs, which, according to Limsey, are like capsules that stop time, her creations will live forever.

The girl calls her Instagram page (lovelimzy) a gallery, where she can convey a piece of happiness to each guest through art. To date, Lim's profile has more than 70,000 followers, who are captivated by her talent for creating delicate and original floral installations, combining watercolors and fresh flower petals. You can also get new pieces of inspiration from Limzy’s work on the artist’s blog or on her Facebook page.

The most guarded state secret of today's Russia is the question of how many of us are left alive. Official statistics state that the population of Russia is about 147 million people. Do so many people really live in Russia? It is quite easy to check the official figure for the population of Russia. This problem can be solved in three ways, and by comparing the results, the figure closest to the truth can be identified. The first way is to select information from open sources. The second way is to analyze bread consumption per capita. And the third way is to independently count the population, relying on basic mathematical skills. To solve the problem of determining the population of Russia using the first method, you need to turn to the means mass media. Back in 2011, the alarm sounded the information issued by the Public Committee to Overcome the Genocide of the Russian People. This information has never been refuted by anyone over the subsequent years. According to the Central Department of the Civil Registry Office of Russia, as of June 1, 2010, there were 89 million 654 thousand 325 people. But there is no more accurate accounting than in the registry office. A person is born, his birth certificate is issued. And if he died, then a death certificate is issued. In 2011, a huge scandal broke out. A young girl, Ekaterina Ulitina, who was then an employee of the Central Analytical Center of the Civil Registry Office department, told the whole world that, according to the Civil Registry Office data, as of June 1, 2010, Russian Federation According to documents, the living population was 89 million 654 thousand 325 people. The government knows about this because it records the CAC reports every quarter, but in reality it publishes completely different figures. After Ekaterina Ulitina revealed these scary facts about the real number of living Russians, she was immediately fired from the Central Analytical Center of the Civil Registry Office department. After her dismissal, FSB officers had a conversation with Ekaterina, who advised her to keep her mouth shut in the future. Yandex.Direct Book of the CIA. True story The famous historian Andrei Fursov said back in 2012: “In reality, we do not know how much of our population we have. Serious demographers say that there are actually 90 million of us. I had two female students who were doing the population census in different areas of Moscow. One counted 6.5 thousand people in her area, and the other - 8.5 thousand. Where there were 6.5 thousand they said to register 10 thousand people, and where there were 8.5 thousand they said to register 12 thousand. Thus, in these areas the population was attributed to 30%. It seems that this situation existed throughout Russia. We really don’t know the population of our country. One thing I know for sure. In order for our population to maintain its territory, 70 million people is a critical figure. If it’s less, then we won’t be able to hold the territory.” Fursov said this five years ago. Now the demographic situation is much more catastrophic. For example, many researchers argue that the real population of Russia is 52 million people, and the appearance of a larger population is achieved due to migrants from Muslim countries, of whom there are about 20 million people in Russia, according to unofficial data. You may not agree with this statement. However, in any case, in many major cities the number of the population from Muslim countries is approaching the 50% mark, and in Moscow this mark has long been passed. The US Central Intelligence Agency completely rejects Russian official statistics. According to published data, the mortality rate of the Russian population is more than 15 times higher than the data from official reports Russian service statistics. The CIA annually publishes the so-called World Fact Book ( The World Factbook) - an almanac of the countries of the world. Its pages contain basic information about each country: population, geography, political system, armed forces and economy. Thus, according to the American “Book of Facts,” in mid-2011 the population of Russia was 88 million people. This contradicts data from Rosstat, whose website states: “As of August 2011, the number of permanent residents of the Russian Federation is 142.8 million people.” The difference with the CIA data is huge. The fact that the official figure for the population of Russia does not correspond to reality was also stated by the Think Tank at Russian President“Strategy 2020”, which came to the conclusion that the population of Russia is actually 133-134 million people. And this takes into account migrants who temporarily reside in Russia. Yes, the Think Tank, as a permanent organization under the President of the Russian Federation, apparently also overestimated the population of Russia, but still we are no longer talking about the mythical 146 million people. The “Think Tank” under the President of Russia has no plans to increase the birth rate of the indigenous population, just as there are no ways out to reduce its mortality. This “Think Tank” has only plans to replace Russians with guest workers, consisting mostly of illiterate Central Asian shepherds. Thanks to the real patriots who still work at Rosstat, in particular, it became known that the real data on the latest census in Russia were not made public, as they serve as evidence of an impending disaster. According to this information, the real population of Russia is now less than 80 million people. And there are even fewer Russians (a little more than 50 million people). In part, these data are confirmed by the process of complete extinction of the majority settlements in the regions of Central Russia. Thus, various information sources show approximately the same figure Russia's population is 88 - 89 million people. But these are data from 2010-2011, when there were still many of us. At that time, the Siberian expanses were relatively populated. And on the European side of the Urals, not all villages have yet been destroyed, and not all small towns have yet degraded. Since then the situation has deteriorated significantly. Thus, many small towns in Russia now look more like landscapes after Battle of Stalingrad. If in 2010 there were indeed 89 million of us left, now, given the obvious process of degradation of the country, there are much fewer of us. The second way to determine the real population size is to analyze per capita grain consumption. There are certain factors that are indicators independent of statistical tricks. And such an independent factor in determining the population size is the level of bread consumption. This indicator can be safely used, since the level of bread consumption is a very conservative indicator that depends on mentality, habits and national characteristics every people. In Russia, people have always traditionally consumed a lot of bread. Through grains, the average Russian provides himself with approximately a third of the nutrition he needs at the level of 1090-1100 kcal per day. In 2017, 134 million tons of grain were harvested in Russia. Of this, 25% of grain was spent on crop reproduction, livestock feed and natural loss during storage, which amounts to 33 million tons. In the 2016/17 agricultural year, 35 million tons of grain were exported. Consequently, 66 million tons of grain remain for domestic consumption. For normal life a person requires 173 kg of bread and bakery products per year (of which only 110 kg of bread), which is 1004 kg (one ton) of grain. Thus, 66 million people in Russia consume bread, provided they eat normally. According to a similar calculation, 84 million people consumed bread in Russia in 2010. The third way to determine the real population size is to count the population using basic mathematics. According to Soviet official data, at the time of the collapse of the USSR, 142 million people lived in Russia. According to official Russian data from 1992 to 2010. 35 million people have left the country forever, and the exodus continues. The rest quickly died out (800 thousand per year since 1992), and continue to die out. Thus, in 2010, the population decline already amounted to 1.1 million people per year, and continues to grow rapidly. Thus, the average annual population decline in Russia is 900 thousand people. That is, every year Russia loses the population of an entire region. Now let's do the math. 142 million in 1991 minus 35 million who emigrated equals 107 million people. This is how many Russians there would be now if the people did not die out, but only fled abroad. But as already noted, the people died out over the years at an average rate of about 900 thousand per year. Let’s multiply the average annual decline of 900 thousand per year by 19 years (1992-2010) and we get about 17 million population decline due to, as Kremlin leaders cynically put it, “natural” decline Russian population. Now let’s subtract from the previously received 107 million people 17 million “naturally reduced” and we get 90 million people, which coincides with high accuracy with the number of living people given by the Central Analytical Center Russian citizens 89,654,325 as of June 1, 2010. What we have? Leak of information from the Central Analytical Center of the Civil Registry Office department about the real population of Russia, which as of June 1, 2010 was 89 million people. According to historian Andrei Fursov, his students who conducted the population census in 2010 were instructed to attribute the population in their areas to 30%. If such registrations were carried out throughout Russia, then real figure the population was not supposed to be 142 million people, but, at most, 99 million. In addition, the US Central Intelligence Agency, citing its sources, published information in the American “Book of Facts” that as of mid-2011, the population of Russia was 88 million people. In addition, according to calculations for 2010, there were only 84 million bread consumers in Russia. And finally, the number of residents of Russia, due to emigration abroad (35 million) and the extinction of the population by 900 thousand annually (and a total of 17 million), decreased from 142 million people in 1991 to 90 million in 2010. Thus, we have figures for the actual population in 2010 ranging from 84 to 90 million people. How many of us are left today? If in 2010 there were 84 million people consuming bread in Russia, then in 2017, as mentioned above, there were 66 million of them. If we take the average annual population decline for seven years from 2011 to 2017 and the number of people emigrating from Russia (more than 400 thousand citizens left Russia in 2017 alone), then the population loss will amount to at least another 9 million people. Russia's current population appears to be less than 80 million. Apparently we are already approaching the point of 70 million people, when it will no longer be possible to retain our territory. In terms of depopulation rates, our country is an absolute record holder - 222nd place among 230 countries. If this continues, then in 10 - 15 years Russia will become a predominantly Muslim country with a degraded, low-intellectual population, as a result of which the country in all directions will be thrown back to the level feudal system, with a population completely dependent on shovels and Western electronic gadgets, incapable of any new cultural, scientific and technological breakthroughs.

“I believe that art can be found not only in expensive galleries,” says Lim Ji Wei, an artist from Singapore. One of her series of photo illustrations is watercolor drawings decorated with flower petals.

Lim Ji Wei, also known as Limzy, is an artist from Singapore. The style of her work is very unusual. Thanks to her style, which, perhaps, no one had used before her, she became famous not only in her country, but also far beyond its borders. The artist’s paintings are made in watercolors. The peculiarity of her original creativity is one detail. She complements her drawings with flower petals. She does this very talentedly, and the colorful and delicate petals give the drawings completeness and greater expressiveness. The idea for such unusual drawings came to the artist while she was inventing original gift for your grandmother. Then for the first time she made a dress for a painted girl from rose petals.

Watercolor with flowers turns out delicate and even airy. Limzy recently worked as an art teacher, and is now a fairly well-known creative artist. In addition to working with flowers, she also works on other projects. Her works include unusual food art works, watercolors with stones, with leaves and much more. Since most elements of her paintings have a relatively short lifespan, Lim Ji Wei's works remain only in photographs.

Limzy says: "The beauty of photography is that it's like a capsule that stops time."

The artist recalls that the “flower” project began spontaneously: one day she prepared a gift for her grandmother’s birthday in the form of a bookmark, on which she drew a girl in watercolors, and instead of a dress she used dried rose petals. The idea turned out to be so successful that the craftswoman soon created a whole series of charming miniatures. By the way, more work Lim Zhi Wei can be seen on her personal page on the Internet.

Her works retain all the freshness of flowers. The composition turns out beautiful, delicate, light and so lively that you seem to feel the breath of spring itself in them:

source artist's website

Have you ever come across paintings that are created not only with paints, but also... with fresh flowers? For example, the original artist Lim Ji Wei, who is also known as Limzy, creates incredible things. She sees the world differently than ordinary people. It would seem that from an ordinary drawing of a girl in a dress, she creates a real living composition, complementing it with a living flower.

Limzy was born in Malaysia and then went to study in Singapore when she was just 16. She graduated from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. After successful training, Lim began working as an art teacher. Every time after work, coming home, she began to create her unusual drawings.

After a difficult work shift, she had no time to write large paintings like Van Gogh or Da Vinci, so she expressed herself with small appliques and added a twist to them in the form of flowers. As Lim admits, she received great pleasure from the process and without even noticing how, she received recognition from the general public.

The idea of ​​creating the latest and, perhaps, the most beautiful series of photo illustrations - watercolor drawings with the addition of fresh flowers - came to the artist when she was thinking about a gift for her grandmother. Lim attached some rose petals to a bookmark, using them to make dresses for the painted girl. Then the flower story began, on which the talented craftswoman continues to actively work.

Artist Lim Ji Wei is confident that you can find art not only in expensive galleries.

Limzy draws inspiration from various sources - nature, the art world, cultural events and the lives of ordinary people. Thus, one of the works was created after the Oscars in 2014 - using floral art, she depicted Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong'o, who appeared at the ceremony in a blue Prada dress. Another film is dedicated to the main character of the recently released film “Maleficent”, played by Angelina Jolie.

The Malaysian artist’s works are so lively and light that there is a feeling of summer freshness, and thanks to the photographs, which, according to Limsey, are like capsules that stop time, her creations will live forever.

The girl calls her Instagram page (lovelimzy) a gallery, where she can convey a piece of happiness to each guest through art. To date, Lim's profile has more than 70,000 followers, who are captivated by her talent for creating delicate and original floral installations, combining watercolors and fresh flower petals. You can also get new pieces of inspiration from Limzy’s work on the artist’s blog or on her Facebook page.

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