Summary of chapter 1 Eugene. The novel Eugene Onegin: read a brief retelling

Here is a brief summary of the imperishable work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. Summary given by chapter. We did not shorten the most important lines so that you do not miss the point. Such a summary will allow you to prepare for the lesson EXCELLENTLY.

Evgeny Onegin: summary in detail.

Chapter 1 – contents.

The main character of the novel is Eugene Onegin, a young noble intellectual and a prominent metropolitan aristocrat. He was born in St. Petersburg on the banks of the Neva.

Having served excellently and nobly,

His father lived in debt

Gave three balls annually

And finally squandered it.

Eugene was raised by a French tutor, who taught him everything “jokingly”, without bothering him in any way.

And here is the result of such education:

He's completely French

He could express himself and wrote;

I danced the mazurka easily

And he bowed casually;

What do you want more? The light has decided

That he is smart and very nice.

When the time of youth came, Eugene, having never felt love, perfectly comprehended the “science of tender passion”, learned the best techniques of secular ladies' men:

How early could he be a hypocrite?

To harbor hope, to be jealous,

To dissuade, to make believe,

Seem gloomy, languish,

Be proud and obedient

Attentive or indifferent.

Evgeny Onegin early realized the worthlessness of secular society. He felt like a stranger here and extra person. He was fed up with high society living rooms. It was hard for him and...

It's unbearable to see in front of you

There's a long row of dinners alone,

Look at life as a ritual

And after the decorous crowd

Go without sharing with her

No common opinions, no passions.

Onegin is very smart and noble, he is capable of feeling deeply and strongly. But nothing can occupy his bored mind. Receptions, theater, beauties - only these filled Onegin's days. He even tries to write - but “he was sick of the persistent work”; he tries to read - and does not find joy in books, the books were not in tune with his thoughts and feelings. Evgeny goes to the theater only because it is part of the daily activities of a socialite.

Days are similar to one another (“...and tomorrow is the same as yesterday”) and this gives rise to indifference, a fashionable disease of that century, the so-called “Russian blues.”

Gloomy, languid

He appeared in living rooms;

Neither the gossip of the world, nor Boston,

Not a sweet look

Not an immodest sigh,

Nothing touched him

He didn't notice anything.

Onegin did not think at all about his responsibilities towards the people around him and the world. He is sure that he has the right to selfishly pick flowers of pleasure:

Sometimes he was still in bed:

They bring notes to him.

What? Invitations? Indeed,

Three houses for the evening call:

There will be a ball, there will be a children's party.

Where will my prankster ride?

Who will he start with? Doesn't matter:

It’s no wonder it’s easy to keep up everywhere.

This went on for eight years, until Onegin received the news that his uncle was dying and would like to say goodbye to him. Evgeniy had already prepared in advance that he would have to look after his uncle for the sake of the inheritance.

What low deceit

To amuse the half-dead,

Adjust his pillows

It's sad to bring medicine,

Sigh and think to yourself:

“When will the devil take you!”

But when he arrived, his uncle had already died. Onegin inherited all his possessions in the village: factories, water, forests, lands. For two days Eugene rejoiced at “the secluded fields, the coolness of the gloomy oak grove, the murmur of a quiet stream.” But just as he could not perceive and appreciate the beauty theatrical arts, Onegin was unable to feel the charm of the Russian rural landscape.

Then he saw clearly

That in the village the boredom is the same,

Although there are no streets or palaces,

No cards, no balls, no poems.

Handra was waiting for him on guard,

And she ran after him,

Like a shadow or a faithful wife.

Chapter 2 – contents.

At the same time, landowner Vladimir Lensky settled next door to Onegin. He was handsome and romantic. Lensky was endowed with a noble and sublime soul.

He's from foggy Germany

He brought the fruits of learning:

Freedom-loving dreams

The spirit is ardent and rather strange,

Always an enthusiastic speech

And shoulder-length black curls.

Lensky's soul was full of dreams and hopes, life did not lose its charm for him. Unlike Onegin, Lensky believes in the best in a person - in friendship, love. Lensky's soul longs for happiness and reciprocity.

Over time, a friendship develops between Onegin and Lensky. They talk for a long time, touch on philosophical, social, scientific issues, in a word, spend a lot of time together.

First by mutual difference

They were boring to each other;

Then I liked it; Then

We rode together every day

And soon they became inseparable.

So people (I am the first to repent)

Nothing to do Friends.

Lensky told Onegin that he was madly in love with Olga Larina.

Always modest, always obedient,

Always cheerful like the morning,

How a poet's life is simple-minded,

How sweet is the kiss of love...

Chapter 3 – summary

Lensky spends every day with Olga: they take long walks in the garden; he dedicates passionate poems to her; reads novels to her. They often play chess.

Olga's older sister's name was Tatyana. Tatyana is a dreamy, reserved girl. She loves solitude. Her thoughts and feelings do not diverge from her actions. Tatyana reads a lot, especially Richardson and Rousseau. She loves everything folk: songs and fairy tales, omens and fortune telling.

Lensky and Onegin came to visit the Larins. Tatiana seemed sad and silent to Onegin, and Onegin did not like Olga:

She's round and red-faced,

Like this stupid moon

On this stupid sky.

Onegin upset Lensky with his opinion.

Onegin, in turn, made a great impression on Tatiana. She fell in love, she saw her betrothed in Onegin. Obeying the dictates of her heart, she decides to be the first to confess her feelings to Onegin. Tatiana writes a letter to Onegin.

Imagine: I'm here alone,

Nobody understands me,

My mind is exhausted

And I must die in silence.

I'm waiting for you: with one glance

Revive the hopes of your heart

Or break the heavy dream,

Alas, a well-deserved reproach.

Chapter 4.

Days pass, but there is no answer from Onegin. Having received Tatiana's message, Onegin was touched, but did not want to deceive the young girl's dreams. At the meeting, Onegin said to Tatyana:

I love your sincerity

She got excited

Feelings that have long been silent;

But I am not made for bliss;

My soul is alien to him;

Your perfections are in vain;

I am not worthy of them at all.

I love you with the love of a brother

And maybe even more tender...

Learn to control yourself;

Not everyone will understand you like I do;

Inexperience leads to trouble.

Tatyana could barely breathe, listening to Onegin through her tears without objection. Tatyana is upset by Onegin's answer. She suffers and suffers. Onegin, in turn, suffers from the blues. One day Lensky said that Onegin was invited to Tatyana’s name day. Onegin was against it, but in the end agreed.

Chapter 5.

Somehow in winter night Tatiana is dreaming horrible dream: Onegin grabs a knife and kills Lensky. Tatyana woke up in horror and became worried. She is trying to unravel the dream she had.

Tatiana's name day has arrived. In the morning, the Larins' house is filled with guests. All the neighbors, friends, and relatives came together.

There is a hustle and bustle in the front hall;

Meeting new faces in the living room,

Barking mosek, smacking girls,

Noise, laughter, crush at the threshold,

Bows, shuffling guests,

The nurses cry and the children cry.

The music started playing and everyone sat down at the table. Soon Lensky and Onegin arrived. Onegin is seated opposite Tatiana. Tatiana and Onegin were nervous all evening. Onegin was angry with Lensky for persuading him to come. In retaliation, he grabbed Olga and, dancing with her, began to flirt in front of Lensky. Lensky is jealous of Olga and leaves the holiday.

Chapter 6.

The next day, Lensky challenges Onegin to a duel in a letter. He accepts the challenge.

The duel took place at dawn. Lensky shot first and missed.

Onegin fired... They struck

Time clock: poet

Silently drops the gun...

In the anguish of heart remorse,

Hand clutching the pistol,

Evgeniy looks at Lensky.

"Well? killed,” the neighbor decided.

Onegin deeply and sincerely repented of killing his friend. In a depressed state of mind, he leaves the village forever. Time has passed. At first, Olga and Tatyana came to Lensky’s grave, hugged each other, sat and cried for a long time.

Between the mountains lying in a semicircle,

Let's go where the stream is

Winding and running through the green meadow

A stream runs through a green meadow

To the river through a linden forest.

There is a nightingale, a lover of spring,

Sings all night...

And the key voice is heard, -

There is a grave stone visible

In the shade of two obsolete pine trees.

To the newcomer the inscription says:

“Vladimir Lensky lies here,

Died early by the death of the brave,

In such and such a year, such and such years.

Rest in peace, young poet!

Chapter 7

Olga did not grieve for Lensky for long. Soon she got married and left. And Tatyana sacredly kept the memory of Onegin. Every day she came to his house and read books.

After some time, Tatyana moved to live with her relatives in Moscow. Two years later, Tatyana married Prince N. there.

Chapter 8.

Once at a ball, Tatyana saw Onegin among the guests, but pretended not to notice him. Onegin saw Tatiana and met her husband. He, suspecting nothing, invited Onegin to visit. Evgeny came and serendipity he managed to remain alone with Tatyana, but he did not know how to start a conversation. Tatiana's husband came in and broke the awkward silence. After the end of the evening, Onegin could not forget Tatyana.

I was busy with Tatyana alone,

Not this timid girl,

In love, poor and simple,

But an indifferent princess,

But an unapproachable goddess

Luxurious, royal Neva.

Every day he tried to see Tatyana, “he chases after her like a shadow.” But she doesn't notice him. Out of despair, Onegin decides to write a letter to Tatyana.

But so be it: I’m on my own

I can no longer resist;

Everything is decided: I am in your will

And I surrender to my fate.

There was no answer. Then Onegin wrote a second, third letter and, when his patience ran out, he decided to meet her.

As soon as he entered... he

She's coming towards you. How harsh!

They don’t see him, not a word is spoken to him;

Where, where is the confusion, the compassion?

Where are the stains of tears?... They are not there! They are not here!

There is only a trace of anger on this face...

Onegin, amazed by such a meeting, leaves and locks himself in his house for the whole winter. He rereads all the books in the house. Now he truly loves Tatyana and cannot live without her. Onegin is again looking for a meeting with Tatyana. He enters the house and, to his amazement, sees that Tatyana is sitting alone, reading his letter and crying.

A simple maiden, with dreams, a heart of former days,

Now she has risen again in her.

Evgeniy rushed to her feet. She shuddered and turned pale. Finally she stood him up and said that she would like to explain herself, now it was her turn to teach him a lesson.

I got married. You must,

I ask you to leave me;

I know: in your heart there is

And pride and direct honor.

I love you (why lie?),

But I was given to someone else;

I will be faithful to him forever.

She left.

Evgeniy stands,

As if struck by thunder.

What a storm of sensations

Now he's heartbroken!

But a sudden ringing sound rang out,

And Tatyana’s husband showed up...

I hope this summary of the work “Eugene Onegin” helped you prepare for the lesson and remember the main events of the work.

Present to your attention brief retelling one of famous works Russian literature - the novel Eugene Onegin. A unique creation by A.S. Pushkin is a classic not only Russian literature, but also global literary heritage. Traditionally, we have collected the most successful versions of the summary of the novel Eugene Onegin, a retelling and very summary this work.

Evgeny Onegin - summary by chapter

Chapter first

And he’s in a hurry to live and he’s in a hurry to feel.
Prince Vyazemsky, Eugene Onegin - a secular man - heads to the village to receive an inheritance. However, at the same time, he is filled with very disrespectful thoughts about who left him this inheritance.
Even within the framework of a brief summary, this point cannot be shortened:
“My uncle has the most honest rules,
When I seriously fell ill,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of anything better.
His example to others is science;
But, my God, what a bore
To sit with the patient day and night,
Without leaving a single step!
What low deceit
To amuse the half-dead,
Adjust his pillows
It's sad to bring medicine,
Sigh and think to yourself:
When will the devil take you!”
Next, the poet presents a detailed portrait of the main character - Eugene Onegin, his short biography, description of habits and inclinations. His usual pastime is briefly summarized. The author outlines the morals of the “high society” and tells how Onegin, unable to find himself in the bustle of St. Petersburg life, fell ill with one of the “diseases” of aristocratic society - the blues.
Onegin did not receive any inheritance from his father, because... it was barely enough to cover the debts of his father himself. At the same time, the young man receives news about in serious condition uncle living in the village. Onegin hurries to his uncle, but upon arrival he learns of his death. After burying the old man, Evgeniy decides to live in the village.

Chapter two

The author reports on how Onegin’s solitary life developed in the village. Having settled in the village, our hero, more out of boredom than out of conviction, decides to carry out some changes in the household.
In his wilderness the desert sage,
The yoke from the ancient corvée was replaced by a light quitrent;
And the slave blessed fate.

Onegin's innovations did not find a response among his neighbors. Evgeniy’s relationships with others do not work out; he avoids them and avoids making new acquaintances.
Ultimately, all the neighbors recognize the hero of the novel as a dangerous eccentric, a farmer, and stop any contact with him.
The young poet Vladimir Lensky becomes Onegin's only friend.
Initially, the friendship between Lensky and Onegin seems incredible.
Pushkin expresses this circumstance in vivid lines:
Everything gave rise to disputes between them
And it led me to think:
Tribes that passed the treaties
The fruits of science, good and evil,
And age-old prejudices,
And the grave secrets are fatal,
Fate and life in their turn,
Everything was subject to their judgment.
And yet, despite the difference in years and the dissimilarity of characters, the young philosophers find each other’s company pleasant: Onegin is pleased by conversations with Lensky, to whose ardor Onegin is condescending.
Lensky is rich, “accepted as a groom” everywhere, but, like Onegin, he is alien to the obsessive friendship of his narrow-minded and boring neighbors.
The author introduces the reader to Lensky's passion - Olga Larina, and at the same time with her sister - the main character novel, “dear Tatyana.”

If the poet characterizes Olga as a light-hearted, cheerful and simple-minded girl, then Tatyana appears before us in a much more complex image.
Her older sister Tatyana is not at all like Olga.
Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest deer is timid,
She seemed like a stranger in her own family.
Thoughtfulness, her friend
From the most lullabies of days,
The flow of rural leisure
Decorated her with dreams.

Chapter Three

Interested in the subject of Lensky's passion, Onegin asks to introduce him to the Larin family better.
The Larins receive him with all cordiality. On the way back, Evgeniy openly tells his friend that he would prefer his older sister Tatyana to Olga.
And Onegin’s appearance at the Larins’ made no less an impression on everyone, and they are already beginning to propose him as Tatyana’s suitor.
Somewhere under the influence of these conversations, somewhere under the impression of the manners of the new “Child Harold,” Tatyana falls in love with Onegin and writes him a letter of recognition in French.
Until now, ladies' love
Didn't speak Russian
Our language is still proud
I'm not used to postal prose.
She writes without the tricks of note-taking coquettes, but with sweet innocence and gullibility. The summary of the letter is that Tatyana is confident in the divine will of Onegin’s appearance in her life and she would not give her heart to anyone else, and asks him for protection.
Soon, along with Lensky, Evgeniy arrives at the Larins’ house. 

Chapter Four

A meeting between Onegin and Tatyana Larina takes place in the garden.
Tatiana's letter, her “gullible confession” deeply touched Onegin. However, he does not want to deceive her and answers her “with a confession also without art”:
Whenever I wanted to limit my life to my home circle;
If only a pleasant lot had commanded me to be a father, a husband;
If only for one moment I could be captivated by the family picture, -
That's right, except for you alone
I was looking for no other bride.
But I am not made for bliss;
My soul is alien to him;
Your perfections are in vain:
I am not worthy of them at all.
Believe me (conscience is a guarantee),
Marriage will be torment for us.
Evgeniy inspires Tatiana with the idea that her love and this whole situation are an unfortunate mistake.
Meanwhile, Olga and Lensky’s romance is developing successfully, and there has long been talk in the village about the upcoming wedding. The author gives new details about Onegin’s village life, interspersing them beautiful paintings rural nature in autumn time. During the next visit Lensky to Onegin a friend tells Evgeny about his upcoming marriage in two weeks and, by the way, about the invitation from the Larins to Tatyana’s name day.

Chapter Five

The chapter begins with a description of the Russian winter, a season that Tatyana especially loves. Christmas time is approaching - the time for girls' fortune telling.
Tatyana believed the legends
Common folk antiquity.
And dreams, and card fortune-telling,
And the predictions of the moon.
After the divination, the girl has a terrible dream in which Onegin kills Lensky. The meaning of this dream remains a mystery to Tatyana. Further events distract the girl from heavy thoughts: in the morning the Larins’ house is full of guests, in the evening there will be a ball.
Seeing Onegin, Tatiana finds it difficult to remain calm. Not inclined to contemplate “girls’ fainting spells and tears,” Onegin is openly disturbed by what is happening. First of all, he is angry with Lensky, who persuaded him to this visit.

In a fit of anger, Onegin decides to take revenge on his friend, driving him crazy. To this end, he invites Olga to dance several times in a row and flirts with her.
Tormented by jealousy and offended, Lensky leaves the ball.
A couple of pistols
Two bullets - nothing more
Suddenly his fate will be resolved.

Chapter Six

The next morning, Onegin receives a note from Lensky. It contains a challenge to a duel. In his heart, Onegin understands that he has gone too far in trying to harass his friend. Lensky himself is annoyed at the haste of his decision, due to the fact that Olga’s behavior proves that there were no real reasons for quarrels and insults.
And yet Lensky’s determination to fight does not leave him, he is obliged to protect Olga from the “corrupter”, the duel must take place.
The seconds negotiate the terms of the duel. Onegin and Lensky, just recently heartfelt friends, but now mortal enemies, stand with “downcast eyes.”
Reconciliation between them is still possible.
Shouldn't they laugh while
The hand is not stained,
Shouldn't we part ways amicably?..
But wildly secular enmity
Afraid of false shame.

Lensky foresees his death and is not mistaken: in the duel, Onegin shoots first and kills the young poet. The author indulges in reflection, a brief summary of which boils down to thoughts about the fate of the poet, had he remained alive.

Chapter Seven

The chapter begins with a description of the awakening nature.
After the murder of Lensky, Onegin leaves the village. Olga Larina quickly forgot about her grief by marrying a lancer. Tatyana wants to see the house where her lover lived. Her visits to this house become frequent. The girl reads the books that Onegin read, and gradually begins to understand “the one by whom she was condemned to sigh by the imperious fate.” Meanwhile, Tatiana’s mother is trying to find a home for her daughter and receives advice from a neighbor to take the girl “to Moscow, to the brides’ fair.” Upon arrival in Moscow, the Larins visit all distant relatives, they help bring Tatyana into the world. At one of the balls the general noticed the girl, and Tatyana’s fate was decided.

Chapter Eight

First, the poet speaks from his lyceum youth:
Blessed is he who was young from his youth,
Blessed is he who matures in time,
Who gradually life is cold
Over the years I was able to endure...
What follows is a story about the muse - how she first visited him, how she changed with the passage of time and, finally, how she, in the image of sweet Tatiana, went to a social event. Evgeniy unexpectedly showed up here, returning from a long journey.
He returned and hit
Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.
He notices Tatyana, but at first refuses to recognize this socialite as the one a simple girl which I saw in the village. A feeling for Tatyana awakens in Evgeny’s heart. He begins to look for a meeting with her, sends her notes. Finally, Onegin manages to catch Tatyana alone. She admits that she still loves him, but briefly adds: “... I was given to another; I will be faithful to him forever.”
The work ends with the poet's farewell to Onegin and to the readers.

Lecture, abstract. Eugene Onegin summary of the novel - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Evgeny Onegin very short summary read

A brief retelling of the novel Eugene Onegin

A young rake travels to the village from St. Petersburg to visit his dying uncle, anticipating a rich inheritance and the boredom of provincial life.

“Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks of the Neva,” his father lived in grand style, “and finally squandered it.” Evgeniy received home education from French tutors.

Scolded Homer, Theocritus,

But I read Adam Smith

And there was a deep economy...

However, Eugene understood best the “science of tender passion” and was very successful in its practical application.

Every day Onegin receives several invitations for the evening, goes for a walk on the boulevard, then has lunch with a restaurateur, and from there goes to the theater.

Evgeny Onegin, as they would say today, is a metrosexual. He spends a lot of time in front of the mirror behind the toilet. His office has all the fashionable decorations and accessories: perfumes, combs, scissors, nail files, brushes.

“You can be a efficient person/And think about the beauty of your nails.” Onegin is in a hurry again - now to the ball. The holiday is in full swing, music is playing, “the legs of lovely ladies are flying”...

Returning from the ball, Evgeny goes to bed early in the morning, when Petersburg is already waking up. “And tomorrow is the same as yesterday.”

But is Evgeniy happy? No, he was bored with everything: friends, beauties, light, shows. Like Byron's Childe Harold, he is gloomy and disappointed. Onegin, locked at home, tries to read a lot, tries to write himself - but all to no avail. The blues take possession of him again.

After the death of his father, who lived in debt and eventually went bankrupt, Onegin, not wanting to engage in litigation, gives the family fortune to the lenders. He hopes to inherit his uncle's property. And indeed, having arrived to visit a relative, Eugene learns that he died, leaving his nephew an estate, factories, forests and lands. Evgeny settles in the village - life has at least somehow changed. At first, his new situation entertains him, but he soon becomes convinced that here it is just as boring as in St. Petersburg. Easing the plight of the peasants, Eugene replaced corvee with quitrent. Because of such innovations, as well as insufficient courtesy, Onegin became known among his neighbors as a “most dangerous eccentric.” At the same time, eighteen-year-old Vladimir Lensky, “an admirer of Kant and a poet,” returns from Germany to a neighboring estate. His soul has not yet been corrupted by the light, he believes in love, glory, the highest and mysterious goal of life. With sweet innocence, he sings of “something and the foggy distance” in sublime verse.

A handsome man, an advantageous groom, Lensky does not want to embarrass himself either by marriage or even by participating in the everyday conversations of his neighbors.

At all different people, Lensky and Onegin nevertheless converge and often spend time together. Evgeniy listens to Lensky’s “young nonsense” with a smile. Believing that over the years, delusions will disappear on their own, Onegin is in no hurry to disappoint the poet; Lensky’s ardor of feelings still arouses respect in him.

Lensky tells Onegin about his love for Olga Larina. The author describes the landowner's life and the life of the Larin family, gives portraits of both sisters. Olga was:

"Always modest, always obedient,

Always cheerful like the morning,

How a poet's life is simple-minded,

How sweet is love's kiss,

Eyes like the sky blue;

Smile, flaxen curls,

Everything in Olga... But any novel

Take it and you will find it, right,

Her portrait..."

Her older sister, Tatyana, is not at all like the always cheerful, rosy-cheeked and blond Olga. Thoughtful and sad, she prefers loneliness and reading foreign novels to noisy games. The mother of Tatyana and Olga was once married against her will. In the village where she was taken, she cried at first, but then she got used to it, got used to it, and began to “autocratically” manage the household and her husband. Dmitry Larin sincerely loved his wife, trusting her in everything. The family revered ancient customs and rituals: they fasted during Lent, and baked pancakes during Maslenitsa.

Their life passed so calmly until the “simple and kind gentleman” died. Lensky visits Larin's grave. Life goes on, one generation is replaced by another. The time will come, “...our grandchildren in good time/will push us out of the world!”

One evening Lensky is going to visit the Larins. Onegin finds such a pastime boring, but then he decides to join his friend to look at the object of his love. On the way back, Evgeniy openly shares his impressions: Olga, in his opinion, is ordinary; in the place of the young poet, he would rather choose his older sister. Meanwhile, an unexpected visit from friends gave rise to gossip about the future wedding of Evgeniy and Tatiana. Tatyana herself secretly thinks about Onegin: “The time has come, she fell in love.” Immersed in reading novels, Tatyana imagines herself as their heroine, and Onegin as their hero. At night she cannot sleep and starts talking about love with the nanny. She tells how she was married off at the age of thirteen, and cannot understand the young lady. Suddenly Tatyana asks for a pen and paper and starts writing a letter to Onegin. In him, trusting, obedient to the attraction of feelings, Tatyana is frank. She, in her sweet simplicity, is unaware of the danger, does not observe the caution inherent in the “inaccessible” cold St. Petersburg beauties and cunning coquettes who lure fans into their networks. The letter was written in French, since ladies at that time were much more accustomed to express themselves in this language. Tatyana believes that Evgeny was “sent from God” to her, that she cannot entrust her destiny to anyone else. She is waiting for a decision and answer from Onegin.

In the morning, Tatyana, in excitement, asks nanny Filipevna to send a letter to her neighbor. An agonizing wait ensues. Lensky finally arrives, followed by Onegin. Tatyana quickly runs into the garden, where the maidservants sing while picking berries. Tatyana just can’t calm down, and suddenly Evgeny appears in front of her...

The sincerity and simplicity of Tatiana's letter touched Onegin. Not wanting to deceive the gullible Tanya, Evgeniy turns to her with a “confession”: if he were looking for a calm family life, then he would choose Tatyana as his girlfriend, but he is not created for bliss. Gradually, the “confession” becomes a “sermon”: Onegin advises Tatiana to restrain her feelings, otherwise her inexperience will lead her to disaster. The girl listens to him in tears. We have to admit that Onegin acted quite nobly towards Tanya, no matter how his enemies and friends honored him. In our lives we cannot rely on friends, family, or loved ones. What remains? “Love yourself...” After an explanation with Onegin, Tatyana “fades, turns pale, fades away and is silent.” Lensky and Olga, on the contrary, are cheerful. They are together all the time.

One day Lensky invites Onegin to join him at a ball in honor of Tatyana’s name day. Onegin does not want to go, but still agrees.

At the holiday, Onegin sees how Tatyana suffers in his presence. He is angry with Lensky for forcing him to be here. Deciding to annoy his friend a little for this, he flirts with Olga. A young lady ignores her fiancé several times because of constant attention Onegin. As a result, Larin leaves the ball in a fit of anger and jealousy. Onegin also goes home. In the morning, Onegin’s neighbor, the landowner Zaretsky, brings a note from Vladimir challenging him to a duel. Evgeniy regrets his inappropriate behavior, but accepts the challenge because he is afraid of public opinion.

Larin also realizes the haste of the decision to duel, but he can no longer retreat.

The author hints to the reader that reconciliation between friends was close. The summary of his arguments boils down to the fact that only blind assimilation to secular rumor did not allow the tragedy to be avoided. The duel ended with the death of Lensky.

Onegin left the village. However, over time, he realized that he had feelings for Tatyana. After the heroes finally met again, their destinies diverged forever. Tatyana admitted that she also still loves Onegin, but time has passed and now she has a different husband.

Evgeny Onegin - very brief summary

The young rake Evgeny Onegin goes to his dying uncle from St. Petersburg to the village. At the same time, the author briefly talks about Evgeniy’s life, how he grew up to the age of 24, what kind of education he received, talks about his experience, habits and character.
In St. Petersburg, Onegin lives in grand style, has fun at parties and balls, and visits theaters. Evgeniy devotes a lot of time to his appearance and enjoys the attention of the ladies.
The “Russian blues” persuaded Onegin to decide to live in the village.
There Onegin encounters a negative attitude towards himself from the peasants and neighbors. His only friend is an 18-year-old boy, Vladimir Larin. Young poet is not at all similar in character to Onegin, but still their communication turns out to be comfortable for each other.
Lensky is in love with his neighbor's daughter, Olga Larina. Soon Lensky and Onegin visit the Larins. Vladimir introduces his friend to the sisters Olga and Tatyana. The author introduces us to the sisters as very different girls in character and appearance. Olga is light, simple and carefree. Tatyana, on the contrary, is deep, sensitive and romantic.
Six months pass. Tatyana has long been deeply in love with Onegin. Unable to hide this, she confesses her feelings to Onegin in a letter. Although Evgeny is deeply touched by the girl’s confession, he is not ready for family life and asks Tatyana to forget about him.
Another six months pass. Lena covenant with you on Tatiana Onegin’s name day. Vladimir is happy that his wedding with Olga will soon take place. At the same time, Tatyana dreams a strange dream, in which Onegin kills Lensky. The next day, at Tatiana’s name day, Evgeniy notices the birthday girl’s excitement and trepidation. He is angry with Lensky for forcing his ship to come.
In order to hurt young Lensky, Onegin begins to specially court Olga. In a fit of jealousy, Vladimir challenges Evgeniy to a duel. In a duel, Onegin kills Lensky. Due to mental anguish, Onegin leaves the village. Olya, after a short period of mourning, got married to another person. Tatyana, tormented by her feelings for Onegin, visits his house. She refuses all suitors. But soon her mother takes Tatyana to Moscow, where she gets married. After some time, Onegin now meets Princess Tatiana. Evgeniy realizes that he has loved her all this time. In mutual revelations, Tatyana tells Onegin that she loves him too, but has already been “given to another” and will be “faithful to him forever.”

Eugene Onegin is the most beautiful creation of Russian literature. A summary of the novel Eugene Onegin will allow you to quickly and briefly become familiar with the characters and events of the work. However, if you want to get more than just a summary of something truly magnificent, read the entire novel. Reading Eugene Onegin is not an obligation or requirement school curriculum, this is a real pleasure for anyone who speaks and thinks in the “great and mighty” Russian language.

Evgeny Onegin summary by chapters in detail, which can read online.

We bring to your attention a summary of chapter 2 of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

At the beginning of the chapter it is given general information about the current state of affairs and life of Onegin: now he lives in a large castle, under his subordination there are many serfs. Of course, the neighbors begin to be very interested in him, as a new person in their small rural world, but the young man is not interested in them. Evgeniy, out of boredom, is busy transforming the order on the estate: he replaces the outdated corvée with quitrent, to the joy of the peasants, which the neighbors do not understand. Every time you approach uninvited guests to the castle, Eugene gets on his horse and rides away, just so as not to see them. Gradually everyone ends their friendship with him, deciding that he is “a most dangerous eccentric.”
In the second chapter of Eugene Onegin, the author introduces a new important hero of the novel. From Germany to native village Vladimir Lensky returns, “an admirer of Kant and a poet,” a lover of enthusiastic speeches and passionate thoughts, himself brought up in the city, accustomed to secular society and not yet fed up with him, unlike Eugene. Everything is alien and boring to Lensky country life, in Eugene he finds the only listener who understands him. Gradually, these two opposite young people converge and become friends, despite the radical difference in their characters: “There’s nothing to do with being friends.”
Evgeniy learns that Vladimir has been in love with the beautiful and sweet Olga Larina since childhood: “Take any novel and you will definitely find her portrait... But I am tired of him immensely.” The girl was the daughter of a friend of his father, and young people often played together as children.
The reader will learn much more about Olga's older sister Tatyana Larina. She is the complete opposite of her sister, ugly, thoughtful, never frolicked with other children as a child, did not play with dolls, spent her days looking out the window, was not interested in anything except the novels of Rousseau and Richardson, which became a substitute for her. real life. “She seemed like a stranger in her own family.”
The Larin family lives a simple life quiet life rural landowners, in the evenings they meet with friends and neighbors, following old Russian traditions. The girls' mother was in love with a sergeant in her youth, but she was forcibly given away to Larin, who took her to the village. At first she was torn and sobbed, even wanted to get a divorce, but gradually she got used to it. Her husband loved and respected her very much until he died of old age.
Vladimir Lensky visited the grave of the head of the Larin family and “immediately inscribed a tombstone madrigal for him.” And then he reflects on how generations change, already at the grave of his own parents: “Others follow them... So our windy tribe grows, worries, seethes and presses towards the grave of our great-grandfathers. Our time will come, our time will come...” The 2nd chapter of Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” ends with this thought about the frailty of existence, with summary which you could find on this page. However, this retelling is not even close to being able to reflect the full depth of the author’s thoughts and all the beauty of the poems. It is much better to read the novel itself and enjoy Pushkin's genius.

The first lines introduce the reader to the main character - Evgeny Onegin, a young nobleman caring for his dying uncle, who made him the heir to his property.

The hero's father squandered his fortune. When Onegin began to go out into the world, he was received cordially - he knew French, danced well, and knew how to carry on small talk. He was especially famous for his ability to seduce women, while remaining good friend for their husbands and admirers.

Evgeniy paid Special attention your appearance. The hero returned from the balls in the morning, slept until lunch, then received another invitation to the ball.

Gradually he got tired of this life. He became bored, the “Russian blues” took possession of him. He even tries to start writing novels, but nothing comes of it due to lack of patience and perseverance. Onegin turns into a gall young man capable of cruel jokes and ridicule.

At this time, the narrator meets Evgeniy. They plan to leave St. Petersburg, but the death of the hero's father prevents this from happening. Onegin gives his entire fortune for his father's debts. But Evgeniy’s uncle, who died before his nephew’s arrival, leaves him an inheritance of an estate - forests, factories, lands.

Chapter 2

Evgeny settled in the village, his house on the bank of a river was surrounded by a picturesque garden. For fun, he replaced corvée with quitrent, which is why his noble neighbors considered him a dangerous eccentric. He himself avoided meeting them.

The young romantic Vladimir Lensky returned to one of the neighboring villages from Europe. He is a poet who dreams of understanding the mysteries of existence. Gradually the young people became good friends.

Lensky discussed his poems with a friend and philosophized about the purpose of life. Onegin listened to his friend’s heated speeches with a condescending smile, but tried not to dissuade his enthusiasm. Vladimir once admitted that he was in love with Olga Larina, a childhood friend.

Olga was a cheerful, frivolous, rather pretty girl. Her older sister Tatyana was completely different: a silent, timid girl who read serious novels by the European educators Rousseau and Richardson.

Chapter 3

Lensky was with the Larins every evening. Onegin did not understand what could interest him in a simple village family, where everyone only talks about household matters. Once Evgeniy asked a friend to introduce him to Olga. Lensky invited him to go with him.

On the way back, Onegin admitted to the dreamy poet that he liked the family, but what was more interesting to him was not Olga, but Tatyana, calm and silent, like Svetlana from Zhukovsky’s poem. Onegin's arrival marked the beginning of gossip about Tatiana and Evgeniy's engagement. The girl realizes that she really has fallen in love with the capital’s nobleman. She imagines him as the hero of all the novels she has read, dreams of him, walking in the garden with a book of love poems.

One day she asks the nanny to talk about her youth and love. But she says that she married a ten-year-old boy at the age of 13. Therefore, she does not know what love is. The girl looks sadly at the moon. It occurs to her to write a letter to her loved one in French.

She reports that she would not have decided to open up if she knew for sure that she would be able to see him at least occasionally. She feels that her whole life was aimed at meeting him, that she saw him in her dreams since childhood. Tatyana trusts him with her destiny, declaring her love.

In the morning, the girl asks the nanny to take the letter to Onegin. She waited two days for an answer. Finally he pays them a visit. Tatiana, frightened, hides in the garden. Having barely subdued her excitement, she goes out into the alley and sees a gloomy Eugene there.

Chapter 4

Onegin, disillusioned with secular beauties, was touched by Tatyana's sincere letter. He did not want to deceive the girl’s gullibility and naivety. The young man thanks Larina for her frankness and presents her with his confession. He admits that if he wanted to get married, he would not be looking for best wife than her. But he is not destined to be happy. He offers her brotherly love and at the end of his speech instructs the girl: he wishes her to have more self-control, because in his place there could be someone who would ruin her reputation forever.

After talking with Onegin, Tatyana became even sadder because unrequited love. There was already talk around that it was time for her to get married. Olga and Lensky were happy.

Onegin avoids society and reads books. Winter evening Lensky arrives. He asks a friend about the Larin sisters. Vladimir and Olga have a wedding scheduled in two weeks. And Onegin was invited to his older sister’s name day.

Chapter 5

Tatyana Larina loved Russian Epiphany fortune-telling. One day, when she went to bed, she put a mirror under her pillow. She dreamed that she was wandering through snowdrifts in complete darkness. Ahead is a river and a fragile, shaky bridge over it. The girl is afraid to walk across the bridge, but the bear on the other side helps her. She runs away from the beast, but it pursues her. Then the exhausted girl falls. The bear carries her to the hut to his godfather. There is a noise behind the doors, similar to screams like at a funeral. Looking outside the door, she saw monsters led by Onegin. The young man drives the monsters away from the girl, sits down with her on the bench and leans his head on her shoulder. Vladimir and Olga enter. Onegin curses at them, then plunges a knife into Lensky. Tatiana wakes up.

Tatiana's name day is coming. Guests arrive, among them Lensky and Onegin. Evgeny was seated opposite the heroine of the occasion. She does not raise her eyes, which are filled with tears. Seeing this, Onegin became angry with Lensky, who invited him, and decided to take revenge on him. He dances with Olga all evening, making his friend jealous. As a result, Vladimir challenges his friend to a duel and leaves.

Chapter 6

After Lensky's departure, Onegin stops even noticing Olga. Soon he returns home. In the morning they bring him a note inviting him to a duel. Evgeniy agrees, although he blames himself for bad joke over the poet. The duel must take place at dawn at the mill.

Before the deadly meeting, Vladimir comes to Olga, wanting to embarrass her. But she is so happy with him that jealousy leaves the young man’s heart. The whole day passes for Lensky in a fog. In the evening, he prepares pistols and writes dying poems for Olga with a request to visit his grave.

Evgeniy is late for the duel. The opponents converge. Onegin raises the pistol first and shoots. Lensky was killed. Onegin looks at his lifeless body in despair.

The poet was buried near a stream in the shade of a spreading tree.

Chapter 7

Olga soon forgot her groom and married a lancer. Tatiana continued to love Evgeniy. One day, while walking, she came to his house. The servants let her in, and she carefully examined the furnishings of the rooms. From then on, she began to come there often, delving into the books that Onegin read, trying to recognize what kind of person he was.

The Larin family began trying to get Tatyana married. She is taken to Moscow to the “bride fair”. The girl indifferently obeys the will of her relatives. In the end, the “fat general” pays attention to her.

Chapter 8

At one social ball, the reader meets Onegin again. Now he is 26 years old, he is still not married, he is still bored. Evgeny traveled for many years, he also got bored with it.

Raut is visited by a high society lady on the arm of the general, who attracts the attention of all those present. Onegin recognizes her as Tatyana. When Onegin is brought to meet her, she does not betray her trepidation with a single movement. Onegin is at a loss: he can’t believe that in front of him is the same naive Tatyana who wrote him the letter.

In the morning, Onegin is invited to visit by Prince N, Tanya’s husband. Onegin hurries to see the princess, who does not seem to notice him. In desperation, he writes her a letter, where he reveals his love. But he doesn't receive an answer. Evgeniy writes several more messages. The blues again take possession of him, he reads a lot, thinks about “the legends of deep antiquity.”

One spring day, a young man goes to Tatyana without an invitation. He finds her sobbing over his note. He falls at her feet. Tatyana begs him to get up and asks him to listen to her instructions this time. She admits that she loved him, but he was harsh. Although she has nothing to blame him for, since he acted nobly with her. Now he is not interested in her, but in the lady she has turned into. Tatyana says that love still lives in her heart, but she is given to another and will never betray him.

The princess leaves. Eugene, stunned, meets his beloved's husband on the threshold.

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