Metal corrosion - causes and methods of protection. Hydrogen and oxygen corrosion

Chemical and physicochemical reactions that occur at the moment of interaction environment with metals and alloys, in most cases lead to their spontaneous destruction. The process of self-destruction has its own term - “corrosion”. The result of corrosion is a significant deterioration in the properties of the metal, as a result of which products made from it quickly fail. Every metal has properties that allow it to resist destruction. Corrosion resistance, or, as it is also called, chemical resistance of a material, is one of the main criteria by which metals and alloys are selected for the manufacture of certain products.

Depending on the intensity and duration of the corrosion process, the metal can be subjected to either partial or complete destruction. The interaction of a corrosive environment and metal leads to the formation of phenomena such as scale, oxide film and rust on the metal surface. These phenomena differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the degree of adhesion to the surface of metals. For example, during the oxidation of a metal such as aluminum, its surface is covered with a film of oxides, which is characterized by high strength. Thanks to this film, destructive processes are stopped and do not penetrate inside. If we talk about rust, then the result of its influence is the formation of a loose layer. The corrosion process in this case very quickly penetrates the internal structure of the metal, which contributes to its rapid destruction.

Indicators by which the classification of corrosion processes is carried out:

  • type of corrosive environment;
  • conditions and mechanism of occurrence;
  • nature of corrosion damage;
  • type of additional effects on metal.

According to the mechanism of the corrosion process, both chemical and electrochemical corrosion of metals and alloys are distinguished.

Chemical corrosion- this is the interaction of metals with a corrosive environment, during which a simultaneous oxidation of the metal and restoration of the oxidizing component of the environment are observed. Products interacting with each other are not separated spatially.

Electrochemical corrosion- this is the interaction of metals with a corrosive environment, which is an electrolyte solution. The process of ionization of metal atoms, as well as the process of reduction of the oxidizing component of a given corrosive environment, occur in different acts. The electrode potential of the electrolyte solution has a significant impact on the rate of these processes.

Depending on the type of aggressive environment, there are several types of corrosion.

Atmospheric corrosion represents the self-destruction of metals in an air atmosphere or in a gas atmosphere characterized by high humidity.

Gas corrosion is the corrosion of metals that occurs in a gaseous environment in which the moisture content is minimal. The absence of moisture in a gaseous environment is not the only condition that contributes to the self-destruction of a metal. Corrosion is also possible at high temperatures. This type of corrosion is most common in the petrochemical and chemical industries.

Radiation corrosion represents the self-destruction of a metal under the influence of radioactive radiation of varying degrees of intensity.

Underground corrosion is corrosion that occurs in soils and various soils.

Contact corrosion represents a type of corrosion, the formation of which is facilitated by the contact of several metals that differ from each other in stationary potentials in a specific electrolyte.

Biocorrosion is the corrosion of metals that occurs under the influence of various microorganisms and their vital activity.

Corrosion by current (external and stray)- another type of metal corrosion. If a metal is exposed to current from external source, then this is corrosion by external current. If the effect is carried out through stray current, then this is stray current corrosion.

Corrosive cavitation is a process of self-destruction of metals, the occurrence of which is facilitated by both impact and corrosive effects of the external environment.

Stress Corrosion is metal corrosion caused by the interaction of a corrosive environment and mechanical stresses. This type of corrosion poses a significant danger to metal structures that are subject to severe mechanical stress.

Fretting corrosion- a type of metal corrosion that is caused by a combination of vibration and exposure to a corrosive environment. To minimize the likelihood of corrosion due to friction and vibration, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of structural material. It is also necessary to use special coatings and, if possible, reduce the coefficient of friction.

Based on the nature of the destruction, corrosion is divided into continuous and selective.

Complete corrosion completely covers the metal surface. If the rate of destruction over the entire surface is the same, then this is uniform corrosion. If the destruction of metal in its various areas occurs with at different speeds, then the corrosion is called uneven.

Selective corrosion implies the destruction of one of the alloy components or one structural component.

Local corrosion, which appears in the form of spots separately scattered on the surface of the metal, represents depressions of different thicknesses. The lesions may be shells or points.

Subsurface corrosion forms directly on the surface of the metal, after which it actively penetrates deeper. This type of corrosion is accompanied by delamination of metal products.

Intergranular corrosion manifests itself in the destruction of metal along grain boundaries. By appearance metal is quite difficult to determine. However, the strength and ductility of the metal change very quickly. Products made from it become fragile. This type of corrosion is most dangerous for chromium and chromium-nickel steels, as well as for aluminum and nickel alloys.

Crevice corrosion is formed in those areas of metals and alloys that are located in threaded fasteners, various gaps and under all kinds of gaskets.

The word corrosion comes from the Latin corrodere. It literally means “to corrode.” The most common type of corrosion is metal. However, there are cases when products made from other materials also suffer from corrosion. Stones, plastic and even wood are susceptible to it. Today, more and more often people are faced with the problem of corrosion of architectural monuments made of marble and other materials. From this we can conclude that a process such as corrosion means destruction under the influence of the environment

Causes of metal corrosion

Most metals are susceptible to corrosion. This process is their oxidation. It leads to their decomposition into oxides. In common parlance, corrosion is called rust. It is a finely ground light brown powder. On many types of metals, during the oxidation process, a special composition appears in the form of an oxide film bonded to them. It has a dense structure, due to which oxygen from the air and water cannot penetrate into the deep layers of metals for their further destruction.

Aluminum is very active metals. From a theoretical point of view, it should split easily when it comes into contact with air or water. However, during corrosion, a special film is formed on it, which compacts its structure and makes the process of rust formation almost impossible.

Table 1. Metal compatibility

High N N N N N N
Aluminum Low U N N WITH WITH
High U N N N N N
Carbon steel Low N N N N WITH WITH WITH
High N N N N N N N
Low alloy steel Low N N N N WITH WITH WITH
High N N N N N N N
Cast steel Low N N N N WITH WITH WITH
High N N N N N N
Chrome steel Low N N N N U U WITH
High N N N N N N
Lead Low N N N N N N
High N N N N N
Tin Low N N N N N
High N N N N N
Copper Low N N N N U WITH
High N N N N N U
Stainless steel Low N N N N N N
High N N N N U U N
Column 1 of the table presents metals that are or are not subject to corrosion with the metals indicated in the remaining columns of the table and the proportion of the ratio of the areas of the metal indicated in column 1 to the metals in the remaining columns of the table. The short designation S, U, N in the table means:

Table 2. Compatibility of steel with metals

Metals for which data are presented in the table on their susceptibility to corrosionRatio of metal area to other metals tableCarbon steelLow alloy steelCast steelChrome steelStainless steel
High N N N N N
Aluminum Low U WITH WITH
High N N U U U
High N N N N N
Carbon steel Low U WITH WITH WITH
High N N N N
Low alloy steel Low N N WITH WITH
High N N N N
Cast steel Low N U WITH WITH
High N N N
Chrome steel Low N N N WITH
High N N N N
Lead Low N N N N
High N N U N N
Tin Low N N N
High N N N U
Copper Low N N U
High N N N N
Stainless steel Low N N
High N N N U

Column 1 of the table presents metals that are or are not subject to corrosion with the metals indicated in the remaining columns of the table and the proportion of the ratio of the areas of the metal indicated in column 1 to the metals in the remaining columns of the table.

The short designation S, U, N in the table means:

  1. C - severe and rapid metal corrosion;
  2. U - moderate metal corrosion;
  3. N - Insignificant or negligible metal corrosion

Types of metal corrosion

Complete corrosion

Least dangerous for various items metals are completely corroded. It is especially not dangerous for those situations where damage to devices and equipment does not violate the technical standards for their further use. The consequences of this type of corrosion can be easily predicted and equipment adjusted accordingly.

Local corrosion

The greatest danger is local corrosion. In this case, the loss of metal is not large, but through damage to the metal is formed, which leads to failure of the product or equipment. This type of corrosion occurs in products that come into contact with sea water or salts. This appearance of rust causes the surface of the metal base to partially corrode and the structure loses its reliability.

A large number of problems arise in places where sodium chloride is used. This substance is used to remove snow and ice on roads in urban areas. This type of salt causes them to turn into liquid, which, already diluted with salts, ends up in city pipelines. In this case, protecting metals from corrosion will not hurt. All underground communications begin to collapse when water and salts enter. In the United States of America it is estimated that per year repair work In the field of road communications, approximately two billion dollars are spent. However, utility companies are not yet ready to abandon this type of salt for treating road surfaces due to its low cost.

Methods for protecting metals from corrosion

Since ancient times, people have tried to protect metals from corrosion. Constant precipitation rendered metal products unusable. That is why people lubricated them with various fatty oils. Then they began to use coatings of other metals that do not rust for this purpose.

Modern chemists carefully study all possible methods of combating metal corrosion. They create special solutions. Methods are being developed to reduce the risk of corrosion on metals. An example is a material such as stainless steel. For its production, iron was used, supplemented with cobalt, nickel, chromium and other elements. With the help of elements added to it, it was possible to create a metal on which rust does not form for a longer period of time.

To protect various metals from corrosion, various substances have been developed that are actively used in modern industry. Varnishes and paints are actively used today. They are the most affordable means of protecting metal products from rust. They create a barrier for water or air to reach the metal itself. This allows you to temporarily delay the appearance of corrosion. When applying paint or varnish, you should take into account the thickness of the layer and the surface of the material. To achieve the best result, the coating of metals against corrosion should be done in an even and dense layer.

Chemical corrosion of metals

Essentially, corrosion can be of two types:

  • chemical,
  • electrochemical.

Chemical corrosion is the formation of rust under certain conditions. In industrial environments, it is not uncommon to encounter this type of corrosion. Indeed, in numerous modern enterprises, metals are heated before creating products from them, which leads to the formation of such a process as accelerated chemical corrosion of the metal. This produces scale, which is a product of its reaction to the appearance of rust during heating.

Scientists have proven that modern iron is much more susceptible to rust. It contains a large amount of sulfur. It appears in the metal due to the fact that coal is used during the extraction of iron ores. The sulfur from it gets into the iron. Modern people They are surprised that the ancient objects of this metal, which archaeologists find at excavations, retain their external qualities. This is due to the fact that in ancient times charcoal was used to extract iron, which contains virtually no sulfur that could get into the metal.

These metals are susceptible to corrosion.

Among the metals there are different kinds. Most often, iron is used to create any items or objects. It is from it that twenty times more products and objects are made than from other metals combined. This metal began to be used most actively in industry in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It was during this period that the first cast iron bridge was built. The first sea vessel appeared, for the manufacture of which steel was used.

In nature, iron nuggets are found in rare cases. Many people believe that this metal is not terrestrial, it is classified as cosmic or meteorite. It is this that is most susceptible to corrosion.

There are also other metals that are susceptible to corrosion. Among them, copper, silver, and bronze stand out.

Video " Corrosion of metals, methods of protection against it"

Articles on the topic

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It's no secret that metal is not flammable. However, despite this, exposure to high temperatures leads to a change in its hardness, as a result of which the metal becomes soft, flexible and, as a result, capable of deformation. All of these are the reasons why the load-bearing capacity of the metal is lost, which can cause the collapse of an entire building or a separate part of it during a fire. Undoubtedly, this is very dangerous for human life. In order to prevent this, various compounds are used during construction that can make metal structures more resistant to high temperatures.

Today without different types pipelines are impossible to imagine life in. They are found in almost every locality and provide communications. The production of pipes for laying underground is carried out from metals of various types.

The inhibitor is not a specific substance. This is the name given to a group of substances that are aimed at stopping or delaying the occurrence of any physical or physicochemical processes.


When in contact with the environment, many metals, as well as metal-based alloys, can be subject to destruction due to chemical interaction (ORR with substances in the environment). This process is called corrosion.

A distinction is made between corrosion in gases (gas corrosion), which occurs at high temperatures in the absence of moisture on metal surfaces, and electrochemical corrosion (corrosion in electrolyte solutions, as well as corrosion in a humid atmosphere). As a result of gas corrosion, oxide, sulfide, etc. are formed on the surface of metals. films. Furnace fittings, parts of internal combustion engines, etc. are subject to this type of corrosion.

As a result of electrochemical corrosion, metal oxidation can lead to both the formation of insoluble products and the transition of the metal into solution in the form of ions. This type of corrosion affects pipelines located in the ground, underwater parts of ships, etc.

Any electrolyte solution is an aqueous solution, and water contains oxygen and hydrogen that are capable of reduction:

O 2 + 4H + +4e = 2H 2 O (1)

2H + +2e=H 2 (2)

These elements are oxidizing agents that cause electrochemical corrosion.

When writing about the processes occurring during electrochemical corrosion, it is important to take into account standard electrode potentials (EP). Thus, in a neutral environment, the EC of process 1 is equal to 0.8B, therefore, metals whose EC is less than 0.8B (metals located in the activity series from its beginning to silver) are subject to oxidation by oxygen.

The EP of process 2 is -0.41V, which means that only those metals whose potential is lower than -0.41V (metals located in the activity series from its beginning to cadmium) are subject to oxidation with hydrogen.

The rate of corrosion is greatly influenced by impurities that a particular metal may contain. Thus, if a metal contains non-metallic impurities, and their EC is higher than the EC of the metal, then the corrosion rate increases significantly.

Types of corrosion

There are several types of corrosion: atmospheric (corrosion in humid air at zero altitude), corrosion in the soil, corrosion with uneven aeration (oxygen access to different parts of a metal product in solution is not the same), contact corrosion (contact of 2 metals with different EP in an environment where moisture is present).

During corrosion, electrochemical reactions occur on the electrodes (anode and cathode), which can be written by the corresponding equations. Thus, in an acidic environment, electrochemical corrosion occurs with hydrogen depolarization, i.e. Hydrogen is released at the cathode (1). In a neutral environment, electrochemical corrosion occurs with oxygen depolarization—water is reduced at the cathode (2).

K (cathode) (+): 2H + +2e=H 2 - reduction (1)

A (anode) (-): Me – ne →Me n + – oxidation

K (cathode) (+): O 2 + 2H 2 O + 4e → 4OH - - reduction (2)

In the case of atmospheric corrosion, the following electrochemical reactions occur on the electrodes (and at the cathode, depending on the environment, various processes can occur):

A (anode) (-): Me→Me n + +ne

K (cathode) (+): O 2 + 2H 2 O + 4e → 4OH - (in alkaline and neutral environments)

K (cathode) (+): O 2 + 4H + + 4e → 2H 2 O (in acidic medium)

Corrosion protection

The following methods are used to protect against corrosion: the use of chemically resistant alloys; protection of the surface of metals with coatings, which most often use metals that are coated in air with oxide films that are resistant to the effects of the external environment; treatment corrosive environment; electrochemical methods (cathodic protection, protector method).

Examples of problem solving



Exercise The part consists of an alloy of iron and nickel. Which metal will corrode faster? Write down the equations of the anodic and cathodic processes during atmospheric corrosion. The values ​​of standard electrode potentials are E(Fe 2+ /Fe) = - 0.444V, E(Ni 2+ /Ni) = -0.250V.
Solution First of all, active metals (those with the most negative values ​​of standard electrode potentials) are subject to corrosion; in this case, it is iron.

Metal corrosion is known to cause a lot of trouble. Isn’t it up to you, dear car owners, to explain what it threatens: give it free rein, and the car will only be tires. Therefore, the sooner the fight against this disaster begins, the longer the car body will live.

To be successful in the fight against corrosion, you need to find out what kind of “beast” it is and understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Today you will find out

Is there hope?

The damage caused to humanity by corrosion is enormous. According to various sources, corrosion “eats” from 10 to 25% of global iron production. Turning into brown powder, it is irrevocably scattered throughout white light, as a result of which not only we, but also our descendants are left without this most valuable construction material.

But the trouble is not only that metal as such is lost, no, bridges, cars, roofs, and architectural monuments are destroyed. Corrosion spares nothing.

The same Eiffel Tower, the symbol of Paris, is terminally ill. Made from ordinary steel, it inevitably rusts and breaks down. The tower has to be painted every 7 years, which is why its weight increases by 60-70 tons each time.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely prevent metal corrosion. Well, unless you completely isolate the metal from the environment, for example, place it in a vacuum. 🙂 But what is the use of such “canned” parts? Metal must “work”. Therefore, the only way to protect against corrosion is to find ways to slow it down.

In ancient times, fat and oils were used for this, and later they began to coat iron with other metals. First of all, low-melting tin. In the works of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC) and the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder there are already references to the use of tin to protect iron from corrosion.

An interesting incident occurred in 1965 at the International Symposium on Corrosion Control. An Indian scientist spoke about a society for the fight against corrosion that has existed for about 1600 years and of which he is a member. So, one and a half thousand years ago, this society took part in the construction of sun temples on the coast near Konarak. And despite the fact that these temples were flooded by the sea for some time, the iron beams were perfectly preserved. So even in those distant times, people knew a lot about fighting corrosion. So, not everything is so hopeless.

What is corrosion?

The word "corrosion" comes from the Latin "corrodo - to gnaw." There are also references to the Late Latin “corrosio” - corroding. But anyway:

Corrosion is the process of metal destruction as a result of chemical and electrochemical interaction with the environment.

Although corrosion is most often associated with metals, concrete, stone, ceramics, wood, and plastics are also subject to it. In relation to polymeric materials, however, the term destruction or aging is more often used.

Corrosion and rust are not the same thing

In the definition of corrosion in the paragraph above, it is not for nothing that the word “process” is highlighted. The fact is that corrosion is often identified with the term “rust”. However, these are not synonyms. Corrosion is a process, while rust is one of the results of this process.

It is also worth noting that rust is a corrosion product exclusively of iron and its alloys (such as steel or cast iron). Therefore, when we say “steel rusts,” we mean that the iron in its composition rusts.

If rust only applies to iron, does that mean other metals don't rust? They don't rust, but that doesn't mean they don't corrode. They just have different corrosion products.

For example, copper, when corroded, becomes covered with a beautiful greenish color (patina). Silver tarnishes when exposed to air—a sulfide deposit forms on its surface, a thin film of which gives the metal its characteristic pinkish color.

Patina is a product of corrosion of copper and its alloys

The mechanism of corrosion processes

The variety of conditions and environments in which corrosion processes occur is very wide, so it is difficult to give a single and comprehensive classification of the occurrence of corrosion cases. But despite this, all corrosion processes have not only a common result - the destruction of the metal, but also a single chemical essence - oxidation.

Simplified, oxidation can be called the process of electron exchange. When one substance is oxidized (donates electrons), another, on the contrary, is reduced (receives electrons).

For example, in the reaction...

... the zinc atom loses two electrons (oxidizes), and the chlorine molecule gains them (reduces).

Particles that donate electrons and oxidize are called restorers, and particles that accept electrons and are reduced are called oxidizing agents. These two processes (oxidation and reduction) are interrelated and always occur simultaneously.

Such reactions, which in chemistry are called redox, underlie any corrosion process.

Naturally, the tendency to oxidize is different for different metals. To understand which ones have more and which have less, let’s remember the school chemistry course. There was such a concept as an electrochemical series of voltages (activities) of metals, in which all metals are arranged from left to right in order of increasing “nobility”.

So, metals located to the left in a row are more prone to losing electrons (and therefore to oxidation) than metals located to the right. For example, iron (Fe) is more susceptible to oxidation than the more noble copper (Cu). Certain metals (for example, gold) can only give up electrons under certain extreme conditions.

We’ll return to the activity series a little later, but now let’s talk about the main types of corrosion.

Types of corrosion

As already mentioned, there are many criteria for the classification of corrosion processes. Thus, corrosion is distinguished by the type of distribution (continuous, local), by the type of corrosive medium (gas, atmospheric, liquid, soil), by the nature of mechanical effects (corrosion cracking, Fretting phenomenon, cavitation corrosion) and so on.

But the main way to classify corrosion, which allows us to most fully explain all the subtleties of this insidious process, is classification according to the mechanism of its occurrence.

Based on this criterion, two types of corrosion are distinguished:

  • chemical
  • electrochemical

Chemical corrosion

Chemical corrosion differs from electrochemical corrosion in that it occurs in non-conductive environments. electricity. Therefore, with such corrosion, the destruction of the metal is not accompanied by the emergence of an electric current in the system. This is the usual redox interaction of a metal with its environment.

The most typical example of chemical corrosion is gas corrosion. Gas corrosion is also called high-temperature corrosion, since it usually occurs at elevated temperatures, when the possibility of moisture condensation on the metal surface is completely excluded. This type of corrosion can include, for example, corrosion of electric heater elements or rocket engine nozzles.

The rate of chemical corrosion depends on temperature; as it increases, corrosion accelerates. Because of this, for example, during the production of rolled metal, fiery splashes fly in all directions from the hot mass. This is when scale particles break off from the surface of the metal.

Scale is a typical product of chemical corrosion, an oxide resulting from the interaction of hot metal with atmospheric oxygen.

In addition to oxygen, other gases can have strong aggressive properties towards metals. These gases include sulfur dioxide, fluorine, chlorine, and hydrogen sulfide. For example, aluminum and its alloys, as well as steels with high content chromium (stainless steels) are stable in an atmosphere that contains oxygen as the main aggressive agent. But the picture changes dramatically if chlorine is present in the atmosphere.

In the documentation for some anti-corrosion drugs, chemical corrosion is sometimes called “dry”, and electrochemical corrosion is sometimes called “wet”. However, chemical corrosion can also occur in liquids. Only, unlike electrochemical corrosion, these liquids are non-electrolytes (i.e., non-conducting electric current, for example alcohol, benzene, gasoline, kerosene).

An example of such corrosion is the corrosion of iron parts of a car engine. The sulfur present in gasoline as an impurity interacts with the surface of the part, forming iron sulfide. Iron sulfide is very brittle and flakes off easily, freeing up a fresh surface for further interaction with sulfur. And so, layer by layer, the part is gradually destroyed.

Electrochemical corrosion

If chemical corrosion is nothing more than simple oxidation of a metal, then electrochemical corrosion is destruction due to galvanic processes.

Unlike chemical corrosion, electrochemical corrosion occurs in environments with good electrical conductivity and is accompanied by the generation of current. To “start” electrochemical corrosion, two conditions are necessary: galvanic couple And electrolyte.

Moisture on the metal surface (condensation, rainwater, etc.) acts as an electrolyte. What is a galvanic couple? To understand this, let us return to the activity series of metals.

Let's see. More active metals are located on the left, less active ones are on the right.

If two metals with different activities come into contact, they form a galvanic couple, and in the presence of an electrolyte, a flow of electrons occurs between them, flowing from the anode to the cathode sites. In this case, the more active metal, which is the anode of the galvanic couple, begins to corrode, while the less active metal does not corrode.

Galvanic cell diagram

For clarity, let's look at a few simple examples.

Let's say a steel bolt is secured with a copper nut. Which will corrode, iron or copper? Let's look at the activity row. Iron is more active (positioned to the left), which means it will be destroyed at the junction.

Steel bolt - copper nut (steel corrodes)

What if the nut is aluminum? Let's look at the activity row again. Here the picture changes: aluminum (Al), as a more active metal, will lose electrons and collapse.

Thus, contact of a more active “left” metal with a less active “right” metal increases the corrosion of the first.

As an example of electrochemical corrosion, we can cite cases of destruction and sinking of ships whose iron plating was fastened with copper rivets. Also noteworthy is the incident that occurred in December 1967 with the Norwegian ore carrier Anatina, traveling from Cyprus to Osaka. IN Pacific Ocean A typhoon hit the ship and the holds were filled with salt water, resulting in a large galvanic couple: copper concentrate + steel hull of the ship. After some time, the steel hull of the ship began to soften and it soon sent out a distress signal. Fortunately, the crew was rescued by a German ship that arrived in time, and the Anatina itself somehow made it to the port.

Tin and zinc. "Dangerous" and "safe coatings"

Let's take another example. Let's say the body panel is covered with tin. Tin is a very corrosion-resistant metal; in addition, it creates a passive protective layer, protecting iron from interaction with external environment. This means that the iron under the tin layer is safe and sound? Yes, but only until the tin layer gets damaged.

And if this happens, a galvanic couple immediately arises between tin and iron, and iron, which is a more active metal, will begin to corrode under the influence of galvanic current.

By the way, people still have legends about the supposedly “eternal” tin-plated bodies of the “Victory”. The roots of this legend are as follows: when repairing emergency vehicles, craftsmen used blowtorches for heating. And suddenly, out of the blue, tin begins to flow “like a river” from under the flame of the burner! This is where the rumor began that the body of the Pobeda was completely tinned.

In fact, everything is much more prosaic. The stamping equipment of those years was imperfect, so the surfaces of the parts were uneven. In addition, the steels of that time were not suitable for deep drawing, and the formation of wrinkles during stamping became common. The welded but not yet painted body had to be prepared for a long time. The bulges were smoothed out with sanding wheels, and the dents were filled with tin solder, especially a lot of which was near the windshield frame. That's all.

Well, you already know whether a tinned body is “eternal”: it is eternal until the first good blow from a sharp stone. And there are more than enough of them on our roads.

But with zinc the picture is completely different. Here, in essence, we are fighting electrochemical corrosion with its own weapons. The protecting metal (zinc) is to the left of iron in the voltage series. This means that if damaged, it will no longer be the steel that will be destroyed, but the zinc. And only after all the zinc has corroded will the iron begin to deteriorate. But, fortunately, it corrodes very, very slowly, preserving the steel for many years.

a) Corrosion of tinned steel: when the coating is damaged, the steel is destroyed. b) Corrosion of galvanized steel: when the coating is damaged, the zinc is destroyed, protecting the steel from corrosion.

Coatings made from more active metals are called " safe", and from the less active - " dangerous" Safe coatings, in particular galvanizing, have long been successfully used as a method of protecting automobile bodies from corrosion.

Why zinc? Indeed, in addition to zinc, several other elements are more active in the activity series relative to iron. Here's the catch: The farther two metals are from each other in the activity series, the faster the destruction of the more active (less noble). And this, accordingly, reduces the durability of anti-corrosion protection. So for automobile bodies, where in addition to good protection of the metal it is important to achieve a long period of this protection, galvanizing is ideal. Moreover, zinc is available and inexpensive.

By the way, what happens if you cover the body, for example, with gold? Firstly, it will be oh so expensive! 🙂 But even if gold became the cheapest metal, this cannot be done, since it would do our hardware a disservice.

Gold, after all, stands very far from iron in the activity series (farthest), and with the slightest scratch, iron will soon turn into a pile of rust covered with a gold film.

The car body is exposed to both chemical and electrochemical corrosion. But the main role still allocated to electrochemical processes.

After all, let’s be honest, there are a lot of galvanic couples in a car body and a small cart: these are welds, and contacts of dissimilar metals, and foreign inclusions in rolled sheets. All that is missing is an electrolyte to “turn on” these galvanic cells.

And the electrolyte is also easy to find - at least the moisture contained in the atmosphere.

In addition, under real operating conditions, both types of corrosion are enhanced by many other factors. Let's talk about the main ones in more detail.

Factors affecting car body corrosion

Metal: chemical composition and structure

Of course, if car bodies were made of technically pure iron, their corrosion resistance would be impeccable. But unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, this is impossible. Firstly, such iron is too expensive for a car, and secondly (and more importantly) it is not strong enough.

However, let's not talk about high ideals, but return to what we have. Let's take, for example, 08KP steel, which is widely used in Russia for stamping body parts. When examined under a microscope, this steel appears as follows: small grains of pure iron mixed with grains of iron carbide and other inclusions.

As you may have guessed, such a structure gives rise to many microgalvanic cells, and as soon as an electrolyte appears in the system, corrosion will slowly begin its destructive activity.

Interestingly, the corrosion process of iron is accelerated by the action of sulfur-containing impurities. Usually it gets into the iron from coal during blast furnace smelting of ores. By the way, in the distant past, not stone, but charcoal, which practically did not contain sulfur, was used for this purpose.

It is also for this reason that some metal objects of antiquity have remained virtually unaffected by corrosion over their centuries-old history. Take a look, for example, at this iron column that is located in the courtyard of the Qutub Minar in Delhi.

It has been standing for 1600 (!) years, and no matter what. Along with the low air humidity in Delhi, one of the reasons for such amazing corrosion resistance of Indian iron is precisely low content sulfur in metal.

So in reasoning along the lines of “before, the metal was cleaner and the body did not rust for a long time,” there is still some truth, and a considerable one.

By the way, why then do stainless steels not rust? But because chromium and nickel, used as alloying components of these steels, stand next to iron in the electrochemical voltage series. In addition, upon contact with an aggressive environment, they form a strong oxide film on the surface, protecting the steel from further corrosion.

Chromium-nickel steel is the most typical stainless steel, but there are other grades of stainless steel. For example, lightweight stainless alloys may include aluminum or titanium. If you have been to the All-Russian Exhibition Center, you have probably seen the obelisk “To the Conquerors of Space” in front of the entrance. It is lined with titanium alloy plates and there is not a single speck of rust on its shiny surface.

Factory body technologies

The thickness of the sheet steel from which body parts of a modern passenger car are made is, as a rule, less than 1 mm. And in some places of the body this thickness is even less.

A feature of the stamping process of body panels, and indeed of any plastic deformation of metal, is the occurrence of unwanted residual stresses during deformation. These stresses are negligible if the stamping equipment is not worn out and the strain rates are adjusted correctly.

Otherwise, a sort of “time bomb” is placed in the body panel: the arrangement of atoms in the crystalline grains changes, so the metal in a state of mechanical stress corrodes more intensely than in its normal state. And, characteristically, the destruction of the metal occurs precisely in the deformed areas (bends, holes) that play the role of the anode.

In addition, when welding and assembling the body at the factory, many cracks, overlaps and cavities are formed in it, in which dirt and moisture accumulate. Not to mention the welds, which form the same galvanic couples with the base metal.

Environmental influence during operation

The environment in which metal structures, including cars, are used is becoming more aggressive every year. IN last decades the content of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon has increased in the atmosphere. This means that cars are no longer washed with just water, but with acid rain.

Since we're talking about acid rain, let's return once again to the electrochemical series of voltages. An observant reader will notice that hydrogen is also included in it. A reasonable question: why? But why: its position shows which metals displace hydrogen from acid solutions and which do not. For example, iron is located to the left of hydrogen, which means it displaces it from acid solutions, while copper, located to the right, is no longer capable of such a feat.

It follows that acid rain is dangerous for iron, but not for pure copper. But this cannot be said about bronze and other copper-based alloys: they contain aluminum, tin and other metals that are in the series to the left of hydrogen.

It has been noticed and proven that in a big city, bodies live less. In this regard, data from the Swedish Corrosion Institute (SCI) is indicative, establishing that:

  • in rural Sweden, the rate of destruction of steel is 8 microns per year, zinc - 0.8 microns per year;
  • for the city these figures are 30 and 5 microns per year, respectively.

The climatic conditions in which the car is operated are also important. Thus, in a marine climate, corrosion is approximately twice as active.

Humidity and temperature

We can understand how great the influence of humidity on corrosion is by the example of the previously mentioned iron column in Delhi (remember the dry air as one of the reasons for its corrosion resistance).

Rumor has it that one foreigner decided to reveal the secret of this stainless iron and somehow broke off a small piece from the column. Imagine his surprise when, while still on the ship on the way from India, this piece became covered with rust. It turns out that in the humid sea air, stainless Indian iron turned out to be not so stainless after all. In addition, a similar column from Konarak, located near the sea, was very badly affected by corrosion.

The rate of corrosion at relative humidity up to 65% is relatively low, but when the humidity increases above the specified value, corrosion accelerates sharply, since at such humidity a layer of moisture forms on the metal surface. And the longer the surface remains wet, the faster corrosion spreads.

This is why the main foci of corrosion are always found in hidden cavities of the body: they dry much more slowly than open parts. As a result, stagnant zones form in them - a real paradise for corrosion.

By the way, the use of chemical reagents to combat ice corrosion is also beneficial. Mixed with melted snow and ice, de-icing salts form a very strong electrolyte that can penetrate anywhere, including into hidden cavities.

As for temperature, we already know that increasing it activates corrosion. For this reason, there will always be more traces of corrosion near the exhaust system.

Air access

Still, this corrosion is an interesting thing. As interesting as it is, it is also insidious. For example, do not be surprised that a shiny steel cable, seemingly completely untouched by corrosion, may turn out to be rusty inside. This happens due to uneven air access: in places where it is difficult, the threat of corrosion is greater. In corrosion theory, this phenomenon is called differential aeration.

The principle of differential aeration: uneven access of air to different areas metal surface leads to the formation of a galvanic cell. In this case, the area intensively supplied with oxygen remains unharmed, while the area poorly supplied with it corrodes.

A striking example: a drop of water falling on the surface of a metal. The area located under the drop and therefore less well supplied with oxygen plays the role of an anode. The metal in this area is oxidized, and the role of the cathode is played by the edges of the drop, which are more accessible to the influence of oxygen. As a result, iron hydroxide, a product of the interaction of iron, oxygen and moisture, begins to precipitate at the edges of the drop.

By the way, iron hydroxide (Fe 2 O 3 ·nH 2 O) is what we call rust. A rust surface, unlike a patina on a copper surface or an aluminum oxide film, does not protect the iron from further corrosion. Initially, rust has a gel structure, but then gradually crystallizes.

Crystallization begins inside the rust layer, while the outer shell of the gel, which in the dry state is very loose and fragile, peels off, and the next layer of iron is exposed. And so on until all the iron is destroyed or all the oxygen and water in the system are gone.

Returning to the principle of differential aeration, one can imagine how many opportunities there are for the development of corrosion in hidden, poorly ventilated areas of the body.

They rust... everything!

As they say, statistics know everything. Previously, we mentioned such a well-known center for the fight against corrosion as the Swedish Corrosion Institute (SCI), one of the most authoritative organizations in this field.

Every few years, the institute’s scientists conduct an interesting study: they take the bodies of well-worked cars, cut out the “fragments” most favored by corrosion (sections of thresholds, wheel arches, door edges, etc.) and assess the degree of their corrosion damage.

It is important to note that among the bodies under study there are both protected (galvanized and/or anti-corrosive) and bodies without any additional anti-corrosion protection (simply painted parts).

So, CHIC claims that the best protection for a car body is only the combination of “zinc plus anticorrosive”. But all other options, including “just galvanizing” or “just anticorrosive”, according to scientists, are bad.

Galvanization is not a panacea

Proponents of refusing additional anti-corrosion treatment often refer to factory galvanization: with it, they say, the car is not in danger of any corrosion. But, as Swedish scientists have shown, this is not entirely true.

Indeed, zinc can serve as an independent protection, but only on smooth and smooth surfaces, which are also not subject to mechanical attacks. And on edges, edges, joints, as well as places regularly exposed to sand and stones, galvanization succumbs to corrosion.

In addition, not all cars have completely galvanized bodies. Most often, only a few panels are coated with zinc.

Well, we must not forget that although zinc protects steel, it is inevitably consumed in the process of protection. Therefore, the thickness of the zinc “shield” will gradually decrease over time.

So the legends about the longevity of galvanized bodies are true only in cases where zinc becomes part of the overall barrier, in addition to regular additional anti-corrosion treatment of the body.

It's time to finish, but the topic of corrosion is far from exhausted. We will continue to talk about the fight against it in the following articles under the “Anti-corrosion protection” section.

Which cars are more susceptible to corrosion?

All cars are susceptible to the “red plague”, some to a lesser extent, some to a greater extent, and some, as it turns out, especially so. And Belarus in this regard is not very lucky with the climate - even the most stainless cars are subject to corrosion and car owners either “treat” the car or take preventive measures. AUTO.TUT.BY decided to find out whether it is true that “Volkswagens do not rust” and “Toyota SUVs are indestructible.”

Japanese automobile company Toyota Motor Corp. recently said it would pay $3.4 billion in compensation to owners of a range of vehicle models that are susceptible to corrosion that threatens structural strength. According to Reuters, this applies primarily to the 2005-2010 Toyota Tacoma, the 2005-2008 Tundra model, as well as the Sequoia SUVs produced from 2007 to 2008.

How are things going with these and other car brands here, considering that Belarus is not the best favorable climate? To find out, AUTO.TUT.BY met with Sergei Mukhlaev, director of a specialized anti-corrosion treatment center, and compiled his rating of those cars whose owners most often various reasons contact the center. They are used for two reasons: a preventive measure or anti-corrosion treatment.

Our rating does not pretend to be completely objective and is based on the number of calls to service stations for anti-corrosion treatment. Perhaps these data indicate that car owners, due to the peculiarities of the Belarusian climate, take more care of their cars than others and “prevent” possible problems.

Sergey Mukhlaev: We have the most requests for Toyota SUVs. But that doesn’t stop me from being a fan of the brand and driving a Land Cruiser 100

Our company has close relations with similar authorized centers in the Baltic countries, so first I suggest you look at how things are there. Due to the greater development of the market, their statistics on requests is much higher. The centers in the Baltic states have been operating since 2010, and the total base has about 15,000 clients.

So, as for the Baltic countries, the situation there is as follows: in Latvia and Estonia, the Mazda brand is in first place in terms of requests, and in Lithuania, Toyota, says Sergei.

Toyota passenger models, even over five years old, are not afraid of the “red plague”

As for Japanese brands, in different countries there is a slight shift towards one brand or another, but the composition of participants does not change. Such shifts are most likely associated with certain market features in terms of the popularity of a particular brand. But VW’s fifth place is typical for all four countries,” says Sergei.

“The French” were not included in the list in any country. This applies to both Russian-assembled and French-assembled cars.

As for Belarus, according to Sergei, we have also accumulated enough experience to make a rating of cars whose owners most often seek anti-corrosion coating services because they care about their car.

Top 5 most rusting brands in Belarus

1st place - Toyota

Ten-year-old Toyota Land Cruiser 100 looks depressing from below

The rating includes almost all SUVs of this brand, so the claims of American and Belarusian consumers in this regard completely coincide. Land Cruiser 100, 150, 200 models have one common problem - a rusting frame. The welds are the first to fail, and already in the first year of operation, and then the rust spreads throughout the entire frame.

The welds on the frame of the one-year-old Lexus LX450 already show signs of rust.

These problems can equally be attributed to “identical” Lexus SUVs. All welds are covered with rust within the first year. Then the rust “gnaws” all the hanging equipment under the bottom of the body. For example, in the “100” the active suspension control unit rots.

But, for example, the Lexus RX crossover has no problems with corrosion, just like all Toyota and Lexus passenger models.

2nd place - VW

Among VW models, experts especially note the Touran model - in some places the paint is peeling off in large pieces

The Touran model accounts for the largest number of requests, followed by the Passat. The Touran's weakest points are the sills, the bottom of the doors, and the rear side members. Moreover, VW does not rust on the outside. The paint on the body parts is peeling off, exposing galvanized areas.

3rd place - Nissan

The most problematic of this Japanese brand is the Patrol SUV. Like Toyota, rust most often affects the frame.

This is not to say that Nissans rust a lot, but their owners often do “anti-corrosion”

In addition, there are many requests from owners of new budget cars and inexpensive crossovers. But this is more due to the desire of owners to preventively protect cars from the consequences of operation in our conditions.

4th place - Mazda

It is impossible to single out any strong and weak models. Even relatively new cars are equally susceptible to corrosion.

The rear arches, doors, and sills are corroded by rust. Bringing Mazda 6 to this state is not a problem

Frank weak spots- sills, doors, fenders, trunk lid. The niches behind the rear wheel arches are particularly affected. Condensation constantly accumulates there, and there are no drainage holes. Therefore, no matter how good the metal is, it cannot withstand prolonged contact with water. Not for our Belarus with harsh climate car, what a pity.

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