How to draw a beautiful frame on a sheet of paper. Learning to draw and frame

02/07/14 96.4K

Quite often there is a need to visually separate an image from the surrounding text on a website and decorate wedding photographs.

There are many applications on the Internet for creating frames, but you can do it in almost any graphic editor. How to make a frame in Photoshop?

Let's look at a few of the simplest methods.

Ways to Create a Frame in Photoshop

Method number 1: stroke

Open a photo in Photoshop and select the image using the keyboard shortcut ctrl+a or using the selection tools by going to the "Edit" menu and clicking on the item " Stroke»:

Select the color, thickness and position of the stroke:

If the outer stroke location is selected, the image size can be reduced using the command " Free transformation", moving the dotted line, or increase the size of your canvas by the desired amount.

Method number 2: frame around the picture as a background effect

Let's assume that the frame we need has a thickness of 2 pixels. If a picture opened in Photoshop has only one layer, then it is the background layer.

Press F7, double-click on the background layer, and when the Layer Style window opens, select the Stroke panel. The “Outside” selector must be changed to “Inside”. Having specified all the parameters you need, click on “OK":

Method number 3: using a brush

In order to make an arbitrary frame for a picture or a separate part of it, you can use a brush. Select a brush using the B hotkey and specify its thickness:

The frame color will be active in this moment color. Click the brush in the place where you will start drawing the stroke, hold down the shift key and, without releasing the button, draw a straight line.

Repeat this action three more times on all sides of the picture, and you will get a simple stroke. Unsuccessful actions can be undone using the ctrl+z combination. The end result differs little from the first method, however, you can make such a frame not only along the edges of the image, but also in any part of the picture:

Method number 4: transparent frame

Open the image and duplicate the background layer twice using the keyboard shortcut ctrl+j. Turn off the top two layers by clicking on the eye icon next to each:

While on the first layer, select "Filter", "Blur" and " Gaussian blur" and blur the image:

Then in the “Filter” window, click on “Noise” - “Add noise”. In the layer blending options of layer 2, in the already familiar way, make a one-pixel black or white stroke.

Turn on the visibility of all layers and layer 2, using free transformation, reduce it along the contour by the required amount.

You will get a frame like this:

By experimenting with layering and blurring, you can create a beautiful and effective photo frame. However, sometimes it is necessary for a photograph to have a more complex or thematic frame.

In order not to reinvent the wheel, on the Internet you can easily find many different free .psd or .png files into which you just need to insert an image. How to do it?

How to insert a photo into a finished frame?

Step #1

Open the downloaded frame and photo in the same Adobe Photoshop project:

Step #2

Using the Move tool, drag the photo into the frame window. In order to synchronize images, in the "Edit" menu, select " Free transformation" and, holding down the shift key, resize the image to fit the frame and rotate if necessary:

Step #3

In the Layers window, place the frame layer higher than the photo layer, as shown in the picture.

In order for the photo to look unusual, the most the easy way is the framing of it by a frame. Nowadays such frames are extremely popular on the Internet. People use these frames to make their photos more colorful and interesting. Nowadays there are a lot of links for downloading frames, but in our lesson we will teach you how to draw a frame in Photoshop yourself. These tips and options given in the article will help you draw it correctly and without much effort. In the article, you will find the answer to the question of how to draw a frame, what is needed for this and what tools can be used to make a frame, as well as what program to use to achieve the best effect.

How to draw a frame in Photoshop

Open the photo of your choice in Photoshop. We adjust the photo to right size. Now we need to change the background color. In the menu on the left, select the background we need - the color of the frame. You can choose the color you want, whatever you want. Now we need to determine the size of our future frame. Go to the Image menu and select Canvas Size. Depending on the size of the source file, we make the dimensions of the frame. To do this, enter the values ​​we need in the Width and Height fields and click OK. You can also play with the layer settings, click Background, double-click, enter the settings, determining what exactly we need, click OK, then the Stroke tab.

Second way

This method is undoubtedly more elegant. Now we'll tell you how to draw beautiful frame a little different. Open the image, then:

  1. To draw a beautiful frame, first we need to duplicate the background (Background), you can use the key combination Ctrl + J. This creates a new layer - Layer 2. Next, press the D key - reset the palette, that is, set the default color settings - this is usually black and white colors. Press the key combination Ctrl + Backspace in order to fill the second layer with white - Layer 2.
  2. Then, in the dialog box, find the item canvas size - Canvas Size, you can call it using the Image menu, and increase the size of this document. Hold down the Ctrl key and click once on the picture with our 1st layer - Layer 1, if you don’t know where, it’s in the lower right corner, the Layers toolbar. We've just selected our entire layer. If this seems like a lot to you, then you can reduce the width and length of the selection areas by approximately as many pixels as you need. To do this, we press Select, then Modify and Contract, and choose what suits you. Now we need to add a mask to the first layer - Layer 1. Click once on our layer in the Layers toolbar and click on Layer Mask. For those who do not know and for those who have forgotten, let us remind you that at the very bottom there is a layers panel.
  3. This is the very last step. And the most creative, so to speak. Photoshop filters will help us here, with the first layer mask - Layer 1. There are many filters, so there can be many masks. In this case, we will consider one option with which in the future you will be able to make various masks to suit your taste. To get this frame, we need to click once on the “mask” of the first layer - Layer 1. Apply the Spatter filter, this is in the Filter menu, then Brush Strokes, now Spatter again, with the settings you need. If you don’t like the result, you can cancel it with a simple Ctrl+Z key command. If everything is fine, then you must definitely execute the Trim command, you can call it using the Image menu, then Trim, it is usually used to remove excess white space around the edges of the photo (pictures, images ). That's it, the frame is ready!

Pictures in beautiful frames amaze with their beauty. And if it’s easy to draw a picture, then drawing a frame seems like a difficult task.

In our instructions we will tell you and show you how to correctly draw a frame for a painting, photo or drawing. Follow the instructions and you will succeed.
You will need: a sheet of paper;

pencil; eraser; ruler;

Step 1

The basis

We draw the base in the form of a rectangle or square. You can choose the figure that you like best.


Inside you need to mark the border where the frame ends. Try to keep the corners on the same line.

Step 3


We draw the corners in the form of diagonal lines.

On the same line they diverge in opposite directions.

The lower ones should be a continuation of the upper ones.

You can apply a ruler and draw diagonal lines. Then erase the excess and leave only the corners.

Step 4


There should be another rectangle inside the frame since the wood joints form these lines.

Between this line and the border there is another rectangle. Draw it without pressing the pencil.

Step 5 Volume To give the frame volume, draw rectangles very

short distance

from each other.

Leave a small part of the frame near the base empty. There will be patterns here.

Step 6 Top and bottom pattern Draw patterns small

Near the corners the lines become smaller and smaller. Try not to overstep your boundaries. Draw without pressure so that if you make a mistake you can easily erase the detail.

Step 7


On at this stage review the drawing and correct it. Give the frame the desired shape and erase unnecessary details.

Step 8

Patterns on the sides

We finish the drawing with patterns on the left and right. These lines should be horizontal but slightly curved upward.

Step 9


Classic frames are painted in shades of yellow or brown colors. This is because gold plated and wooden frames used to be popular.

Step 10

With this tutorial you will learn how to create simple frames for your photos.

I'll show you several ways to create different frames, so you can consider this one big tutorial to contain several on the same topic.

Frame No. 1. Simple strip frame.

Despite its simplicity, this frame improves perception and gives the work a finished look.

Step 1. Open our image. Select the entire image by pressing CTRL+A.

A selection frame will appear around the image.

Step 2. Select from the menu Select - Modify - Compress(Selection - Modify - Contract). In the dialog box, select the amount of indentation in pixels.

Let's use the command.

Step 3. Press RMB while holding the cursor inside the selected area, and in the menu that appears, select Stroke.

In the dialog box that appears, set the color and width of our strip.

Step 4. We apply the command and get the result.

Don't forget to deselect it by pressing CTRL+D.

Frame No. 2. Frame with rounded corners inside.

Step 1. From the toolbar, select the Rounded Rectangle tool.

Let's switch to the path creation mode (on the top tool settings panel)

Step 2. Let's enter the required corner radius.

Step 3. Let's create a contour with the necessary indents from the edges.

Step 4. Convert the outline into a selection. Press RMB while holding the cursor inside the outline, and in the menu that appears, select Create a selection area.

Step 5. Invert the selection using the key combination SHIFT+CTRL+I and press CTRL+DEL to fill the selection with the foreground color or ALT+DEL for the background color. Remove selection by pressing CTRL+D.

Frame No. 3. Jagged edges.

Step 1. Follow steps 1 and 2 Frame No. 1.

Step 2. Quick mask(Quick Mask).

Step 3. We apply Filter - Strokes - Airbrush(Filter - Brush Strokes - Sprayed Strokes). Filter settings are selected individually, depending on the image.

Step 4.(optional). We apply Filter - Distort - Wave(Filter - Distort - Wave) The parameters are also selected empirically.

Step 5. Exit Quick Mask mode by pressing Q. Now we have a selection.

Step 6. Invert the selection using the key combination SHIFT+CTRL+I and press CTRL+DEL to fill the selection with the background color (white by default) or ALT+DEL for the foreground color (black by default). Remove selection by pressing CTRL+D.

Frame No. 4. Stepped

Step 1. Follow steps 1 and 2 Frame No. 1.

Step 2. Press Q to enter mode Quick mask(Quick Mask).

Step 3. Apply Filter - Appearance - Fragment(Filter - Pixelate - Fragment).

Step 4. Apply the filter several times by pressing CTRL+F. Usually for a picture measuring 900x600 pixels, 4-5 times are enough.

Step 5. Repeat steps 5 and 6 of the previous section. We get the result. In this case, I used the default foreground color, black.

I wish everyone creative inspiration and success!
Author: Evgeny Kartashov.

Quite often you need to draw a frame around a photo, icon, avatar or any other design to visually separate it from the surrounding text or other photos. You can outline a picture with a thin line in any graphic editor, for example, in a standard Paint. But so far no other program can handle photo processing better than Photoshop. Fits Photoshop and for drawing frames, and I counted about a dozen ways to draw it. In this lesson, prepared for beginners in Photoshop, I will tell you about the two simplest methods.

Method 1: Border Around a Picture in Photoshop as a Background Layer Effect

Let's say we have a picture around which we would like to see a 2 pixel thick frame. The easiest way to do this is to use an effect on the background layer, which draws a frame of the desired color and thickness. If a picture has one layer (an ordinary photo or drawing that has not just been processed in Photoshop), then it is also the background layer. For this:

1. Open a window with drawing layers ( – F7) and double-click on the background (only) layer in this window:

There is no need to click on the name of the layer (for us – “strawberry”), unless we are going to rename the layer.

2. A window will open Layer Style, in which you can change many properties of the current layer. We are interested in the bookmark Stroke window Layer Style, with which we will make a green frame 2 pixels thick:

Pay attention to the field Position, whose value must be set to Inside(the frame is shown inside the picture rather than outlining it, as is the default). To change the frame color, click on the rectangle next to the field Color and select desired color in the window that opens.

3. Actually, that's all. All you have to do is press the button OK in the upper right corner of the window Layer Style and save the drawing in the desired format.

In order to change the color, thickness, transparency and other characteristics of the frame drawn in Photoshop, repeat steps 1 and 2 of this lesson. To remove a frame, right-click on the layer in the window Layers and from the context menu that appears, select Clear Layer Style.

Method 2: Draw a frame with a pencil in Photoshop

To draw an arbitrary frame, for example, around a fragment of a picture or different thickness and color on each side of a photo, you can use the tool Photoshop entitled Pensil Tool(hotkey - B). Using a mouse to draw a straight line with a pencil is difficult, but if you hold down the key Shift on the keyboard, the pencil in Photoshop only draws a straight line. The instructions in this case are very simple, although detailed, and do not require illustrations.

1. Select the pencil tool ( Pensil Tool), by pressing a Latin letter on the keyboard B.

2. In the list of pencil properties that appears immediately below the main Photoshop menu, indicate the desired thickness of the frame that you plan to draw. The line color will be the active Photoshop color (the top of the colored squares in the toolbar Photoshop).

3. Create a new layer ( Ctrl+Shift+N), in which we will draw a frame. You don’t have to create a new layer, but this way we risk ruining the layer with the main pattern and we’ll have to start all over again.

4. Click with a pencil in the place of the picture where the frame will begin, then click Shift and, without releasing the pressed left mouse button, drag the cursor in the desired direction.

5. Release the left mouse button, but do not release the key Shift. Now you need to click where the remaining corners of the picture frame should be. Since the frame is non-standard, there can be any number of angles. Experiment by undoing bad moves using extreme CTRL+Z and CTRL+ALT+Z.

In the simplest case, when you need to draw a rectangular frame around a picture, the picture will not look different from the one we got in the first way in this lesson:

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