How to play a seven-string electric guitar. How to play the seven-string guitar Tutorial for playing the seven-string guitar online

At first glance, the answer is obvious. The difference is one string. But this is not true, because you can turn a six-string guitar into a seven-string one without adding a seventh string.
For example, he performs his songs, as is known, on a seven-string, but in fact on six. It’s just tuned to a seven-string, but without the fifth string – H (B).

Now we can safely draw the logical conclusion that the difference is not in the number of strings, but in the musical structure. Open strings seven string guitar sound in G major. Hence the name of this tuning “open G”.

If you are already playing on six string guitar, then you will have to relearn if you want to play in Russian seven-string tuning, because Chords with this tuning are plucked differently.
And a little poetry. :)
Many grew up listening to seven-string melodies. Those who watched the film “The Elusive Avengers” will never forget the experience in the tavern. He played in his native language seven string guitar !

7 string guitar tuning:

  • The first string, pressed at the 7th fret, should sound in unison with the tuning fork A (440 Hz)
  • The second string, pressed at the 3rd fret, should sound in unison with the open first string.
  • The third string, pressed at the 4th fret, should sound in unison with open second string.
  • Fourth string, pressed down on the 5th fret, should sound in unison with the open third string.
  • The fifth string, pressed down at the 3rd fret, should sound in unison with the open fourth string.
  • The 6th string, pressed down at the 4th fret, should sound in unison with the open 5th string.
  • The 7th string, pressed down at the 5th fret, should sound in unison with the open 6th string.

In addition to the six-string guitar, there is also a seven-string guitar. There is a fatal seven-string, the tuning of which repeats the tuning of a six-string with a lower B string. And there is a typically Russian seven-string instrument with a slightly different tuning. We wrote about this in detail in this article.

Chords for rock seven-string guitar

Since the tuning of such a guitar is similar to the tuning of a six-string, the chords are played on it.

Chords for Russian seven-string guitar

The repertoire performed on such a guitar is slightly different: mainly Russian romances. Let us first remember the structure of this instrument: the string count starts from the thinnest: D of the first octave-B-Sol-D of the small octave-B-Sol-D of the large octave. Moreover, this is not the only option; some musicians adjust the guitar to their voice, for example, Vladimir Vysotsky lowered the strings a tone lower.

1. C chord

As with the six-string, this chord here should not pose much difficulty for a beginner.

  • Forefinger placed on the fifth string of the first fret (this is the tonic of the C chord).
  • The middle finger pinch the second string of the first fret.
  • The ring finger is placed on the fourth string of the second fret.
  • Finally, use your little finger to pinch the first string on the second fret.

A simplified version of this chord - without the fourth string pressed.

This triad can also be played with a full barre at the fifth fret.

Surely you have already realized that the G chord in the first position with this tuning is played on empty strings, that is, without the participation of the left hand. However, there is another variation of this chord that uses all four fingers of the left hand.

  • On the third fret, press the second string with your index finger.
  • At the 4th fret, pinch the 3rd string with your middle finger.
  • Use your ring finger to press the 4th string on the 5th fret.
  • Use your little finger to press the 1st string at the 4th fret.

The thumb is not involved in the chord.

This chord involves thumb, pressing the 7th bass string. The index finger presses the 3rd string on the 1st fret, the middle finger presses the 4th string on the 2nd fret, and the ring finger presses the first string on the third fret.

4. Em chord for seven-string

The fingering is almost the same, only the 3rd string remains open.

This is one of those chords for seven-string guitar, which requires the left thumb to pick up. However, do not be alarmed: practice makes perfect.

7. H chord

Here you also need to take a barre, but only a full one, on the 4th fret. Other fingers are not involved in this triad.

The power and range of sound of seven-string electric guitars exceeds the capabilities of more conventional six-string instruments. An additional string at the bottom gives more room for the guitarist's self-expression, and updated chords with changed fingerings and new sounds open the way to new interesting sound solutions.

How to play a seven-string electric guitar. Content:

What is the difference between a seven-string guitar and a six-string one?

Comparison of six-string and seven-string electric guitars

Among the main differences, in addition to the number of strings, six-string and seven-string instruments differ in pickups and their characteristics, the length and width of the neck, as well as a different sound range. But first things first.


Fokin Pickups Demolition 7-String Guitar Humbucker Set

Seven-string guitars are used in extreme and heavy styles of music - alternative metal, various cores and even djent. The low-end sound of these guitars is provided by special high-output humbuckers like those found in DiMarzio, EMG, or Fokin Pickups products.

7-string guitar pickups are designed to accommodate the increased number of available sounds and range of the instrument.


Often, dropping the sixth string on a regular guitar causes problems with tuning the instrument, even when using extra-high tension strings.

Seven-string guitars are equipped with necks with scales ranging from 26 to 29.4 inches (660 mm to 749 mm). This size gives greater tuning stability. Sometimes there are guitar models on the market with necks like six-string instruments - the scale length of such necks is 25.5 inches (648 mm), just like Fender guitars.

The increased length of the neck and the use of extra-high tension strings force manufacturers to play it safe when designing. Many necks of seven-string instruments are reinforced with the help of additional materials.

Neck width

Jackson Chris Broderick Pro Series Soloist 7

The standard neck width of an electric guitar is 43 mm. The neck width of the seven-string guitar has been increased to 48 mm.

Manufacturers are actively working to improve the playability of such guitars. Thanks to this, when playing, guitarists do not feel discomfort along the entire length of the neck and are not limited in the speed of movement along the frets.

Seven-string guitar tuning

Standard tuning for a seven-string electric guitar: B, E, A, D, G, B, E

In the industry, the standard tuning for such instruments is considered to be (from low to high):

  • Si (B);
  • Mi (E);
  • A (A);
  • D (D);
  • Salt (G);
  • Si (B);
  • Mi (E).

Just as on six-string guitars the sixth string is lowered to D to create a drop D tuning, seven-string electric guitars use a drop A tuning, lowering the seventh string to A.

Drop A tuning for seven-string electric guitar: A, E, A, D, G, B, E

Thus, the guitar tuning looks like this:

  • A (A);
  • Mi (E);
  • A (A);
  • D (D);
  • Salt (G);
  • Si (B);
  • Mi (E).


Jackson Chris Broderick Pro Series Soloist 7

Understanding how to play a seven-string electric guitar requires a lot of patience and a change in your thinking. The sixth string is no longer the lowest, get used to it!

How to play a seven-string electric guitar. Scales and chords

Adding a seventh string better reveals the sonic potential of an electric guitar. When playing a seven-string guitar, the guitarist can use new chord fingerings, enriched with additional notes. For example, chords often have added IX or XI degrees.

In this material we will only use standard setting seven-string electric guitars - B, E, A, D, G, B, E.

To understand how to play a seven-string electric guitar, let's understand the principles of constructing chords on such an instrument. The examples given are chords familiar to a six-string guitar, enriched with additional steps.

Badd9 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

Badd11 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

Bm9 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

Bsus9 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

Cmaj7 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

D5 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

The situation is similar with respect to scales: the form remains the same, but there is additional room for maneuver. The seventh string adds new colors to the sound, and the guitarist can cover almost three octaves within one scale when playing. At the same time, position changes during the game are kept to a minimum.

Pentatonic scale in E minor for seven-string guitar

Scale E major for seven-string electric guitar

Which seven-string electric guitar should you choose under $1100?

Most seven-string instruments can be found in the lines of Japanese guitar manufacturers Yamaha, Ibanez, LTD, Caparison, as well as from American companies Schecter, Washburn, Jackson. Other well-known companies also make seven-string electric guitars, but the choice of models is much smaller.

Seven-string electric guitars are divided by quality. The better the quality of the tool, the higher its cost. We chose three guitars - cheap, mid-priced and expensive in the price range up to $1100.

Schecter Diamond Series C-7 Deluxe

Schecter Diamond Series C-7 Deluxe

Price: $299

The C-7 Deluxe from Schecter is a versatile budget model with a basswood body and maple fingerboard.


LTD EC-407

Price: $782

A killer-heavy seven-string electric guitar with a mahogany body, maple neck, rosewood fingerboard and a pair of EMG pickups.

Ibanez RGIR27E

Ibanez RGIR27E

Price: $1099

A high-quality tool in the middle price segment. Pronounced bottom, bright top. Basswood body, maple neck, rosewood fingerboard. The guitar has a locking vibrato and killswitch.

How to play the seven-string guitar. Exercises and examples

Example 1. Getting used to the instrument

When first introduced to seven-string electric guitars, you are surprised by how low the extra string sounds.

To understand how to play a seven-string electric guitar, try a simple palm muting exercise. This exercise will help you understand the specifics of playing a seven-string guitar and teach you how to control the resonance of the instrument.

Example 2: Muting the Strings

Because the 7th string continues to sound as it moves to other strings, playing riffs with open strings runs the risk of polluting the sound.

To avoid dirt, mute the open string with the tip of your finger, which you use to pinch notes on other strings.

Example 3. Playing scales

Due to the wider neck, at first you may have problems playing the lower (bass) strings.

The third example is aimed at improving finger stretching. As you play it, you'll get used to the wider neck of a seven-string electric guitar.

For greater convenience, place your thumb at the bottom of the bar, that is, make the palm extend as wide as possible. This will make it easier to reach the lowest strings.

Example 4: Changing strings

The fourth exercise develops clarity and purity of sound production of individual notes, especially those located on different strings. Please note that in the example the game is on alternating stroke, not straight.

Example 5: Power Chord Riff

Having become familiar with the instrument, let's play power chords. The difference between power chords on six- and seven-string electric guitars lies in the number of strings - on a seven-string instrument, power chords can be played on four strings. This makes the chords sound more powerful, and by palm muting you can achieve an even heavier sound.

The first measure uses a straight stroke (downstroke), while in the second the exercise switches to an alternating one.

Example 6. Trivium style

The example is inspired by the playing style of Corey Beaulieu from the group Trivium. The point of the example is to combine power chords and short melodic lines.

Mute all power chords that fall on the downbeat, and play power chords on the downbeat without muting. This will place emphasis during the game and give the game more dynamics.

Playing melodic sections will also require muting, but we will mute the lower strings to avoid dirt and unnecessary noise (see Example 2 above).

Example 7. Chris Broderick's style

Example based on the playstyle of Chris Broderick from Megadeth and Act of Defiance. The example is performed in the Phrygian mode (see).

Do not chase the speed of execution; first practice a clean execution of the exercise at a slower pace.

The most difficult moment in the example is the transition from a rhythmic line to a melodic line. Practice the transition very slowly and gradually pick up speed. When playing the melody line, mute the lower strings to avoid mud while playing.

The power and range of sound of seven-string electric guitars exceeds the capabilities of more conventional six-string instruments. An additional string at the bottom gives more room for the guitarist's self-expression, and updated chords with changed fingerings and new sounds open the way to new interesting sound solutions.

How to play a seven-string electric guitar. Content:

What is the difference between a seven-string guitar and a six-string one?

Comparison of six-string and seven-string electric guitars

Among the main differences, in addition to the number of strings, six-string and seven-string instruments differ in pickups and their characteristics, the length and width of the neck, as well as a different sound range. But first things first.


Fokin Pickups Demolition 7-String Guitar Humbucker Set

Seven-string guitars are used in extreme and heavy styles of music - alternative metal, various cores and even djent. The low-end sound of these guitars is provided by special high-output humbuckers like those found in DiMarzio, EMG, or Fokin Pickups products.

7-string guitar pickups are designed to accommodate the increased number of available sounds and range of the instrument.


Often, dropping the sixth string on a regular guitar causes problems with tuning the instrument, even when using extra-high tension strings.

Seven-string guitars are equipped with necks with scales ranging from 26 to 29.4 inches (660 mm to 749 mm). This size gives greater tuning stability. Sometimes there are guitar models on the market with necks like six-string instruments - the scale length of such necks is 25.5 inches (648 mm), just like Fender guitars.

The increased length of the neck and the use of extra-high tension strings force manufacturers to play it safe when designing. Many necks of seven-string instruments are reinforced with the help of additional materials.

Neck width

Jackson Chris Broderick Pro Series Soloist 7

The standard neck width of an electric guitar is 43 mm. The neck width of the seven-string guitar has been increased to 48 mm.

Manufacturers are actively working to improve the playability of such guitars. Thanks to this, when playing, guitarists do not feel discomfort along the entire length of the neck and are not limited in the speed of movement along the frets.

Seven-string guitar tuning

Standard tuning for a seven-string electric guitar: B, E, A, D, G, B, E

In the industry, the standard tuning for such instruments is considered to be (from low to high):

  • Si (B);
  • Mi (E);
  • A (A);
  • D (D);
  • Salt (G);
  • Si (B);
  • Mi (E).

Just as on six-string guitars the sixth string is lowered to D to create a drop D tuning, seven-string electric guitars use a drop A tuning, lowering the seventh string to A.

Drop A tuning for seven-string electric guitar: A, E, A, D, G, B, E

Thus, the guitar tuning looks like this:

  • A (A);
  • Mi (E);
  • A (A);
  • D (D);
  • Salt (G);
  • Si (B);
  • Mi (E).


Jackson Chris Broderick Pro Series Soloist 7

Understanding how to play a seven-string electric guitar requires a lot of patience and a change in your thinking. The sixth string is no longer the lowest, get used to it!

How to play a seven-string electric guitar. Scales and chords

Adding a seventh string better reveals the sonic potential of an electric guitar. When playing a seven-string guitar, the guitarist can use new chord fingerings, enriched with additional notes. For example, chords often have added IX or XI degrees.

For the purposes of this material, we will only use the standard tuning of seven-string electric guitars - B, E, A, D, G, B, E.

To understand how to play a seven-string electric guitar, let's understand the principles of constructing chords on such an instrument. The examples given are chords familiar to a six-string guitar, enriched with additional steps.

Badd9 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

Badd11 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

Bm9 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

Bsus9 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

Cmaj7 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

D5 chord diagram for seven-string guitar

The situation is similar with respect to scales: the form remains the same, but there is additional room for maneuver. The seventh string adds new colors to the sound, and the guitarist can cover almost three octaves within one scale when playing. At the same time, position changes during the game are kept to a minimum.

Pentatonic scale in E minor for seven-string guitar

Scale E major for seven-string electric guitar

Which seven-string electric guitar should you choose under $1100?

Most seven-string instruments can be found in the lines of Japanese guitar manufacturers Yamaha, Ibanez, LTD, Caparison, as well as from American companies Schecter, Washburn, Jackson. Other well-known companies also make seven-string electric guitars, but the choice of models is much smaller.

Seven-string electric guitars are divided by quality. The better the quality of the tool, the higher its cost. We chose three guitars - cheap, mid-priced and expensive in the price range up to $1100.

Schecter Diamond Series C-7 Deluxe

Schecter Diamond Series C-7 Deluxe

Price: $299

The C-7 Deluxe from Schecter is a versatile budget model with a basswood body and maple fingerboard.


LTD EC-407

Price: $782

A killer-heavy seven-string electric guitar with a mahogany body, maple neck, rosewood fingerboard and a pair of EMG pickups.

Ibanez RGIR27E

Ibanez RGIR27E

Price: $1099

A high-quality tool in the middle price segment. Pronounced bottom, bright top. Basswood body, maple neck, rosewood fingerboard. The guitar has a locking vibrato and killswitch.

How to play the seven-string guitar. Exercises and examples

Example 1. Getting used to the instrument

When first introduced to seven-string electric guitars, you are surprised by how low the extra string sounds.

To understand how to play a seven-string electric guitar, try a simple palm muting exercise. This exercise will help you understand the specifics of playing a seven-string guitar and teach you how to control the resonance of the instrument.

Example 2: Muting the Strings

Because the 7th string continues to sound as it moves to other strings, playing riffs with open strings runs the risk of polluting the sound.

To avoid dirt, mute the open string with the tip of your finger, which you use to pinch notes on other strings.

Example 3. Playing scales

Due to the wider neck, at first you may have problems playing the lower (bass) strings.

The third example is aimed at improving finger stretching. As you play it, you'll get used to the wider neck of a seven-string electric guitar.

For greater convenience, place your thumb at the bottom of the bar, that is, make the palm extend as wide as possible. This will make it easier to reach the lowest strings.

Example 4: Changing strings

The fourth exercise develops clarity and purity of sound production of individual notes, especially those located on different strings. Please note that in the example the game is played with an alternating stroke, and not with a straight line.

Example 5: Power Chord Riff

Having become familiar with the instrument, let's play power chords. The difference between power chords on six- and seven-string electric guitars lies in the number of strings - on a seven-string instrument, power chords can be played on four strings. This makes the chords sound more powerful, and by palm muting you can achieve an even heavier sound.

The first measure uses a straight stroke (downstroke), while in the second the exercise switches to an alternating one.

Example 6. Trivium style

The example is inspired by the playing style of Corey Beaulieu from the group Trivium. The point of the example is to combine power chords and short melodic lines.

Mute all power chords that fall on the downbeat, and play power chords on the downbeat without muting. This will place emphasis during the game and give the game more dynamics.

Playing melodic sections will also require muting, but we will mute the lower strings to avoid dirt and unnecessary noise (see Example 2 above).

Example 7. Chris Broderick's style

Example based on the playstyle of Chris Broderick from Megadeth and Act of Defiance. The example is performed in the Phrygian mode (see).

Do not chase the speed of execution; first practice a clean execution of the exercise at a slower pace.

The most difficult moment in the example is the transition from a rhythmic line to a melodic line. Practice the transition very slowly and gradually pick up speed. When playing the melody line, mute the lower strings to avoid mud while playing.

As the musicians say, the Russian seven-string classical guitar- the most romantic instrument that has rich history. This article will introduce the reader in detail to this truly charismatic instrument.

It’s immediately worth noting that the seven-string classical guitar comes in four types:

  1. Classic. Contains normal tuning with an extra bass note B (B). Oddly enough, its only advantage is the expansion of the bass range. This also includes the seven-string electric guitar.
  2. Mexican. with two necks and, accordingly, 14 strings. Each group of strings can be tuned differently, this is the advantage of the Mexican guitar. However, its production has almost completely stopped.
  3. The Brazilian guitar is almost no different from the classical one, with the exception of minor design innovations.
  4. Russian. The most popular type Hundreds of professional musicians from all over the world (including such masters as Paul McCartney and Bulat Okudzhava) appreciated its unique character. This article will be devoted to this guitar.

A Brief History of the Russian Seven-String Guitar

Andrey Sikhra, the founder of the Russian guitar, is rightfully considered the father of the Russian seven-string guitar. guitar music, author of more than a thousand compositions. The debut of the Russian seven-string took place in Vilnius in 1793.

Guitar construction

It is worth mentioning that the Russian seven-string classical guitar is almost completely different from the usual acoustic one. Despite the obvious one small difference, the designers radically redesigned its structure. tuning and playing which is a little specific will require increased skills from the musician (barre, for example, will be more difficult to take).

  • Firstly, the tuning on a Russian guitar is completely different - D (the thickest string), G, H, d, g, h, d1 (where the notes are with a small letter - this means that the note is an octave higher than the one written with a capital). There are other tunings, but this is information for enthusiasts, since they are rarely used.
  • Secondly, in the Russian guitar only metal strings. No nylon.
  • Thirdly, the bar is attached to the body with a screw, which determines the angle of the bar.
  • And fourthly, a different arrangement of strips inside the case.

As you can see, the design difference is quite large, but the classical instrument is no more complicated than a 7-string guitar, the tuning of which has never been a problem for guitarists. Even novice musicians easily managed to get used to the new design.

Guitar tuning and playing

How can a 7-string guitar whose tuning is so linear and simple cause problems for beginners? Of course not! For tuning, a classic tuning fork, a tuner and an ear are used (all can be used together).

When tuning a seven-string guitar by ear, the easiest way is to first tune the very first string (the note D) according to a standard (it can be the fourth string on a regular guitar, a piano key, or an audio recording from the Internet). You can also use an Internet tuner.

Now you can tune the remaining strings relative to the first one already tuned. Here's a step-by-step mini-instruction describing how to tune the first string of your guitar, and then all the others:

  1. The second string on the third fret should sound like the first string open.
  2. The third string on the fourth fret is like the second open string.
  3. The fourth on the fifth fret is like the third.
  4. The fifth on the third fret is like the fourth.
  5. The sixth on the fourth fret is like the fifth.
  6. The seventh on the fifth fret is like the sixth.

This is worth doing even without experience, because guitar tuning is gray everyday life guitarist By the way, strings for a 7-string guitar are absolutely easy for residents to get big cities- V music stores you can always find a couple of sets, but for those who live in small populated areas, you will have to order them from the online store.

What to play on a seven-string guitar?

The range of genres covered on the Russian seven-string guitar is even smaller than on the classical one. It is absolutely not suitable for most genres. Her genres are folk ballads, romances, plays and bard melodies. The melodies of Vladimir Vysotsky are great for learning - they are relatively simple and recognizable (there will be something to brag about in company). Tabs should also be “seven-stringed”.

Yes, by the way, it is not easy - a 7-string will require not only the strings, but also the hands. You will have to completely relearn how to play chords on such an instrument. The pressing technique will remain completely the same, but the finger positions will be different, even in the chords of the same name.

In addition, they will require more endurance from your fingers than nylon ones. You will have to suffer for some time until working calluses form.

In general, the adjustment period for mid-level guitarists takes about a month.

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