How to learn to cheer up. How to brighten up your dull everyday life and lift your spirits

Today we will talk to you about how to improve your mood and get rid of sadness and melancholy. In every person's life there are moments that we call a bad mood. This state is unsettling and can overshadow any long-awaited holiday or event. Apathy to what is happening, a feeling of anxiety and emotional instability appears.

The reason for this may be failure at work, general fatigue, or hormonal imbalances. The latter is often found in women. They may have a hormonal imbalance during menopause or before “these” days. This condition significantly impairs the quality of life.

So how can you improve your mood, and are there ways to lift it for yourself? Psychoanalysts claim that each person is an individual, and for each specific case there is its own way. A girl will need enough attention from her boyfriend or a get-together with a friend, a man – a well-established conversation in business, etc. Everyone has their own method of how to quickly get rid of a bad mood. The ability to increase your positive attitude in a few minutes helps you get into the right frame of mind. This affects how others perceive you and affects your career and personal life.

Smile at a bad mood

Everyone wants to know how to maintain a good mood. It may change during the day. And not everyone manages to feel constantly optimistic, since external stressful everyday factors have a colossal impact on a person.

Psychologists say that smiling helps maintain your mood throughout the day. In human perception, it is associated with positivity. But, in addition to the visual perception of joy, a smile is a clear result of the production of the hormone of happiness in the body. When it appears in the blood, we feel bliss and joy. A smile suits any girl. She becomes attractive to others.

Smiling is the first way to deal with a bad mood. Its appearance causes our body to produce endorphin, which quickly changes our emotional perception of the environment.

So smile to spite everyone. You can bring a smile by reading jokes, watching a funny film or a humorous program. Just go to the mirror and make a face for yourself - and a smile will appear on your face.

Psychotherapists talk about simple ways to always be in a good mood. There are some practical tips to help you be optimistic and not let bad thoughts and situations ruin your day.
  1. Music. Psychologists consider it one of the best ways to get rid of a bad mood. However, it should not be active or danceable. Listen to music that you like. Psychologists also recommend singing along if possible. When melancholy has settled in your soul, feel free to drive it away with the help of your favorite melody in your headphones.
  2. Dance. This may be a continuation of the first point. This will give you positive energy for the whole day. The main rule is to move actively. A girl can dance this at a disco or at home.
  3. Get out. Often a bad mood comes from a mess. A minimal amount of tidying up will help quickly correct the situation. Make it a rule to start your workday by cleaning your desk. You will feel that neatly folded items significantly improve your mood. If you are at home, start making your home more comfortable. General cleaning and changing bed linen will also help create comfort and thereby improve your mood. Spend a few minutes a day on this. This way you are distracted from bad thoughts.
  4. The right attitude. No matter what happens, always remain optimistic. In any situation, set yourself up for a positive outcome. Assert yourself that everything will be fine, and you can easily overcome the difficulties that arise. When you go into a meeting, always think about a positive outcome. People have an expression: “Human thought is material.” Therefore, by remaining optimistic, you will always solve problems that arise with ease.
  5. Talk about the problem. Psychologists believe that problems should be shared. Talk about what worries you with a friend, mother, relative. Even just saying it out loud brings significant relief and lifts your spirit.
  6. Sport. This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of a bad mood. Even being an optimist in life, there are times when you give up. Force yourself to do a couple of physical exercises (squats, jumping rope, abdominal exercises). If possible, go to the gym. This will not only help create a good mood, but also help the girl maintain her figure. A few minutes a day - and your figure can become ideal. A toned body in the mirror always lifts a girl's mood.
  7. Give yourself joy. Do what you love. Spend a couple of minutes on your favorite game, watch your favorite movie in the cinema or at home, read a book by your favorite author. A girl can pay attention to herself or find a new hobby or passion.
  8. Make a promise to yourself. How to improve your mood? Promise to become an optimist and not pay attention to minor troubles. You can always fight back against a bad mood. Becoming a person with a good and positive attitude is possible, and anyone can do it.
  9. Cold and hot shower. This is a physiological way to create a good mood. When a person is doused with hot and cold water alternately, the tension goes away.
  10. Walks. Every person, lying on the couch and scrolling through negative moments in his thoughts, drives himself into depression. Nature has enormous positive energy that can be obtained. Force yourself to go for a walk. A few minutes in the fresh air and you will feel a significant improvement.
  11. Get some sleep. A bad mood often occurs due to simple fatigue. How to improve your mood? Put everything aside and relax.

Bad mood during menopause

During this period, the woman feels a certain depression and frequent mood swings. During menopause, many women become depressed. This is directly related to hormones. How to deal with bad mood during menopause? Experts advise at the first signs of a decrease in a positive attitude to normalize your diet and pay more attention to walks in the fresh air.

During menopause, psychologists recommend, which helps supply oxygen to the body and relieves general tension in the body as comfortably as possible. Do what you love. You can become more cheerful during this period with the help of sports. Exercise helps blood flow during menopause. This in turn supplies the organs with oxygen and helps to better transport it.

During this period, it is very important for a woman not to become withdrawn and to be able to share her experiences. During menopause, any woman needs support and understanding. Relatives and friends should remember this and become support and support for her. With their help, it is easier for a woman to endure mood swings. During menopause, do not leave a woman alone with her thoughts; try to cheer her up and support her.

What should you avoid?

Enough has been said about how to keep your spirits up. But what should not be done? What should you be wary of? What can lead to serious complications? Psychologists do not recommend that a girl:
  1. Eating a lot will add unnecessary problems. Becoming fat is much easier than losing excess weight.
  2. Indulge in alcohol or tobacco. They do not help, but aggravate the problems. Alcohol and tobacco do not help you be more cheerful, but make you even more depressed.
  3. Control your emotions. Many people, having a bad mood, inadvertently try to ruin it for others.
  4. Shut down. You don't have to think about your thoughts alone. Find a good person to talk to or just talk through everything that worries you. This will help you become more receptive to people and increase your positive attitude.
  5. To take revenge. The girl does not benefit from revenge, just like any other person. She will not let you be a good-natured person.

Always think about what you are going to do when you are in a bad mood. It is better not to take any action if you are in a negative mood, so as not to regret what you did in the future.

Perhaps you had a fight with your best friend, or something went wrong at school or at work, or maybe the weather is just affecting your mood. We all go through times when what's going on in our lives doesn't make us feel happy, so the first thing you need to remember is that you're not alone. Regardless of the situation, you can find both short-term and long-term solutions to help you get out of this state and move on.


Coping with bad conditions in the moment

    Have a cry. Tears caused by intense emotions give the body a signal to produce endorphins, or “happy hormones,” which restore peace of mind and a sense of well-being. Tears not only help the body rid itself of stress hormones, but also ultimately bring peace of mind, since after a good cry the level of heartbeat and breathing is restored. Healthy crying is crying that allows you to release stress and accumulated negative emotions and does not negatively affect your life.

    • If you feel like you can't control when or how often you cry, or if your tears keep you from doing your job or doing household chores, this is an indicator of a more serious problem: depression or an anxiety disorder. Schedule an appointment with a mental health counselor or psychotherapist who can teach you ways to control tears that are interfering with your daily functioning.
  1. Stop for a few minutes and take a series of deep breaths. Something as simple as taking a deep breath can help you feel better. Deep breathing saturates the entire body with oxygen, allowing muscles to relax during periods of stress and helping to reduce blood pressure. Deep breathing also engages your parasympathetic nervous system, which puts you into a state of rest. Just the act of focusing on your breathing and taking your mind off a stressful situation can help you feel better.

    Start keeping a journal. Describing emotional experiences provides a kind of outlet for these emotions, as well as an opportunity to work through the circumstances that caused them on a rational level. Clarifying the situation is one of the additional components of reducing the level of emotional pain. In fact, research has shown that journaling restores a sense of well-being and brings comfort during emotional stress. In addition, journaling is believed to have a positive effect on the immune system.

    Take up a creative hobby. Creative expression has a long history and strong relationship with emotions in many cultures where music, dance and stories have been used to promote healing emotional expression. Whether you're a creator or a connoisseur, try to use your hobby as a channel for transforming negative and painful emotions into something creative.

    Develop your personal support system. Numerous studies have proven the benefits of a support system from loved ones: family and friends - who you can turn to during a difficult period in life. Social support provides a sense of belonging and security without leaving a person alone with their emotional pain, and this also leads to increased self-esteem. Try to call a friend you trust or visit a family member with whom you can confide your painful and desperate emotions.

    Reward yourself. During times of emotional chaos, it can be helpful to treat yourself to something special. It can be anything that makes you happy. Get a massage, visit an amusement park, buy a new pair of shoes, cook your favorite dessert, go to the movies, or any other of your favorite activities. Take some time for yourself and treat yourself.

    • Do not forget to treat this point with full responsibility. You should not spend too much time on entertainment or wait until negative emotions are added to worries about the spent budget.
  2. Take a break and laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, as it does everything at once: it helps relax muscles, reduces stress levels throughout the body, and lifts your mood. It is believed that laughter can lift the mood during periods of depression and anxiety. Let yourself laugh by remembering a funny situation, calling your funniest friend, or simply watching a funny video online. Use whatever you can get your hands on to distract yourself and laugh.

    Give yourself a break. A five-minute walk or light morning exercise can help you reduce painful levels of emotional energy. You may not be a yoga master or even a fan, but basic stretching exercises contribute to the emergence of positive emotions. Stretching exercises are believed to help release negative energy associated with stress, anxiety, depression, and so on.

    Avoid alcohol and drugs. While alcohol and drugs can provide an immediate calming effect during times of stress, experts agree that the short-term relief is not worth the long-term risks of using these substances. Chronic stress and other traumatic emotions are one of the leading risk factors in the development of substance abuse problems. While all the other recommendations in this article are, at their core, tools for overcoming negative feelings, drugs and alcohol create a vicious cycle of dependence on a substance that makes you feel better in the moment.

    • If you find yourself continually turning to drugs and/or alcohol to cope with emotional pain, seek professional advice.
  3. Donate your time to something you are passionate about and believe in. The feeling of satisfaction from your contribution can significantly improve your self-esteem. Try volunteering for a charity that helps people in need, help feed the homeless, or find another topic that piques your interest and desire to get involved.

    Don't forget the broader perspective. One of the most difficult aspects of maintaining a healthy emotional state is to constantly remember that difficult situations that create emotional chaos are a natural part of life, that we grow and develop through such situations, and that overcoming such problems is this is a reason to be proud of yourself. Remember that you have the ability to address the source of your burnout, and what is most important is how you deal with your emotions and how quickly you learn to control them so you can continue to function in your daily life.

    Seek advice from a psychologist or psychiatrist. If, despite your best efforts to cope, you are still overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, despair or depression, make an appointment with a psychologist or therapist. A professional can help you find the right tools to cope with the situation affecting you. A professional can also prescribe appropriate medications, provide you with contacts for support groups, or recommend other resources that you may not be able to find out on your own.


  • If you are having thoughts of harming yourself, seek medical attention immediately.
  • If you find yourself increasingly turning to alcohol or drugs for comfort, seek professional help before the habit becomes a serious problem.

Sources and resources

Olga Kartoshechkina | 10/16/2015 | 1722

Olga Kartoshechkina 10/16/2015 1722

When my mood is at zero and neither my husband’s gifts nor my child’s good marks in the diary please me, I use “heavy artillery.” I offer you my simple feminine ways to cheer yourself up.

You can choose the ones you like best from the options I have proposed.

Lean on something tasty

I offer three options for that delicious thing that will not only lift your spirits, but also benefit your health.

  1. Orange– slowly peel an orange, bright, sunny orange and eat it slice by slice. We feel how the fiery sweet and sour juice drives out the remnants of a bad mood from us.
  2. bitter chocolate– 50 g of this delicacy per day will improve your state of mind and give you a supply of “endorphins.” In addition, this product has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Apple. This fruit is extremely healthy and low in calories. Helps drive away bad moods and at the same time keep your figure in perfect shape.

Do some exercise

When I come home from work in a bad mood, I don’t lie down on the sofa, but do a little exercise and do simple exercises. To get your dose of the happiness hormone – serotonin – you don’t have to run a marathon or torture yourself in the gym. It is enough to sit down, jump rope or jog in place. Depression, goodbye!

Listen to the music

Favorite music can easily retune you from a minor to a major mode. I don’t recommend playing sad songs or listening to Mozart’s “Requiem.” Let it be lyrical compositions or favorite songs from Soviet films. By the way, I love listening to songs from the 80s. Imagine, when I hear “The Golden Staircase” by Yuri Antonov, the sadness immediately goes away!

A fun, dynamic film with unexpected twists and turns and likable main characters will be able to hold your attention for a long time, and will also give you the opportunity to laugh to your heart's content and free you from dreary thoughts. By the way, I often invite my husband and child to join the film show. We often watch our favorite Soviet films.

Weave a mandala

A mandala is a symbol in the form of a circle with drawings. It can be found in ancient temples and on modern clothing. , or you can weave - as you like. This method will easily pull all the negativity out of you and fill you with positivity. Bright threads will form a wonderful pattern and create an indescribable mood.

Well, I admit, drawing mystical circles is also quite entertaining.

Clean your feathers

Nothing lifts a woman’s spirits more than her beloved taking care of herself. New hairstyle, makeup, fresh manicure - we forgot that something upset us. We are cheerful and carefree again, and we want to live again. This method can be easily done at home. By the way, I'm still practicing. Useful and interesting. Two in one!

Take on a culinary feat

When the cats are scratching at my soul, I chase them away with a delicious dish that I have never cooked before. The last time the “victim” of my experiment was something unusual. And, I admit, I don’t necessarily need to eat it to lift my mood. When I hear words of gratitude and admiration from my family, everything immediately gets better.

I really want to believe that my methods will help you drive away sadness and melancholy and fully enjoy spring and communication with your loved ones.

How do you deal with a bad mood?

It's a shame when you get upset in the first half of the day, when, in fact, there is still a lot of time that needs to be devoted to work. No worthy thoughts come into your head, you don’t want to do anything, and you immediately feel a loss of strength. What if you are invited to dinner by friends in the evening? Do you really have to sit with a sour expression? I don’t want to infect others with my mood. Whatever the reasons, it is necessary to take measures that can bring you back to life.

Fortunately, there are a great many of them, as they say, for every taste and color, the main thing is not to delay the decision and choose the one that suits you. Consider the degree of despondency, lifestyle, opportunities and, of course, your character. For those who are suited to one, the other will not suit them at all. So your emotional state will depend on the right choice. So, let's begin!

How to cheer yourself up

All the methods that I will share with you today can be safely divided into several categories:

  • physical, involving physical activity and nutrition
  • psychological - self-discipline
  • emotional - those that evoke certain emotions


This method of raising your mood is very effective. I even tried it on myself. But not everyone is able to raise their butt and start moving. If you have no contraindications to activity and physical activity, be sure to try some of them. The benefits are enormous and not only as a means of lifting your mood. Are you tired of laziness? Read the article and work on yourself!

It has long been proven by many experiments and studies that movement not only makes a person strong, resilient and healthy, it also has the greatest impact on our consciousness and emotional state.

Bad mood? Put on your sportswear and run laps around the house or on a special treadmill. No opportunity? Go to the gym. For mothers with children or those who for some reason cannot leave the house, home classes are suitable. Find great workouts with uplifting music and start moving.

You will feel tired very quickly, especially if you are not prepared and have not exercised at all before. But this is just the beginning. The body will begin to recover and produce the hormone of happiness. But that is not all! Self-satisfaction, increased self-esteem, the realization that you did it will lift your spirits even more.

Paradisaic delight!

The blues are afraid of your desires and preferences! Do you like sweets? Please! Treat yourself to your favorite treat if you really want it! Satisfaction brings an extraordinary feeling, thanks to which you will instantly forget about your bad mood. But there are many nuances here. For example, if you want to lose weight and the reason you are not in the best mood is being overweight, then you should limit yourself and eat a small piece of cake or chocolate. Otherwise, after a moment of weakness, you may become even more depressed due to your lack of restraint and lack of willpower! But, if there are no problems with this, feel free to eat whatever your heart desires!

The healthiest sweet is natural chocolate. It contains the amino acid tryptophan. During processing, it turns into serotonin - the hormone of happiness.

Drink your vitamins!

In the autumn-spring period, the body very often experiences a lack of vitamins. It is not for nothing that they say that these are the most critical times of the year, when many people are subject to frequent mood swings. Diseases worsen, immunity declines, and poor health prevents you from living a full life. It is at such moments that you should especially monitor your health, eat rationally and balancedly, and also take vitamins.

Vegetables and fruits, berries and herbs will be especially useful at this time. Instead of juices, cook compotes and make fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries. They are sold frozen in any large supermarket.

This year I stocked up on enough. I eat it myself and give it to my children and husband every day, 1 tablespoon. This is an excellent nutritional supplement that benefits the body better than any synthetic vitamins and protects against illness and bad mood.


Often the cause of a bad mood can be overwork. When our body experiences a huge lack of energy. At the same time, you feel tired and unwell. What a mood we are talking about!

Moreover, it is very important not to cross the line and not make such a situation chronic. On days when you feel blue due to overwork, give yourself a good rest. and calm is the best medicine.

And most importantly, try to avoid such situations in the future. Manage your body's time and energy wisely to always be in a great mood. Emotional and physical health comes first.

House cleaning and rearranging!

As ridiculous as it may sound, cleaning and order have a huge impact on our mood. As they say, order in the head means order in life.

Constant chaos and scattered things are depressing, do not allow you to fully relax and do not satisfy your needs at all. Not to mention how much nerves it takes to find the things you need. Finally, clean the house and live happily! But this advice is most likely suitable for slobs.

For housewives who love cleanliness and try to maintain it, most likely, it will not help, but there is a slightly different interpretation of this advice. Change the environment by rearranging furniture, updating the interior and design. Any changes, no matter how significant, lift your spirits and give a breath of fresh air for new changes.

Have a positive attitude

It is very important to tune in to a positive wave when it comes to raising your mood. If you constantly think about the bad, feel sorry for yourself, and nothing good will come of it, even if you run until you lose strength, eat only vitamins and carry out rearrangements at night.

Literally capable of working miracles and changing the life of a pessimist in general. Remember the funny stories that once happened to you or your friends, think about what is good in your life, besides those events that ruined your mood.

Are there really no things that make you happy? Life is associated with white and black stripes. And it will be black as long as you think about it.

Always think about the good, don't let negative thoughts enter your head. Imagine, dream only what brings you pleasure!

Intimate talk

What could be better than heart-to-heart conversations with your beloved girlfriend or boyfriend. At such moments you feel great support and understanding. All emotions give way, the soul becomes lighter, the mood improves, and the blues go away.

Moreover, it is best to talk with friends not on the phone, but in a neutral, cozy place, like a cafe or diner. Well, if you manage to gather a group of friends, then you won’t be bored at all. A charge of positive emotions, meeting with old acquaintances, new stories from life will lift your spirits. Even if you cry into your best friend’s vest, it will become easier. Such a shake-up will only benefit you; the main thing is to choose reliable and understanding interlocutors.

Fulfillment of desires

Surely each of you has a desire that, in principle, is quite possible, but for some reason you constantly postponed its fulfillment. For example, there was no time, money or the circumstances were wrong. You can cheer yourself up very quickly if you fulfill your desire, which you have been putting off for a long time.

Did you want to go to a concert of your favorite singer or buy stilettos, but you didn’t feel like spending money? Or maybe you wanted to take an extra day off, but didn’t dare ask your boss about it? Give yourself a little shake-up - visit a circus, a show, go to a movie or theater. Against the backdrop of a monotonous life and gray everyday life, you will definitely cheer yourself up and cheer up a little.

Fulfillment of desires and new incredible emotions give a huge charge to move forward, and you definitely won’t have to be sad in the near future.

Do what you love

Perhaps the reason for your bad mood is dissatisfaction and self-searching. How we always want to do what we like and what we are drawn to. Office workers and workers, as a rule, work for money, and completely forget about their hobbies and hobbies.

Being able to realize yourself, even if you only get pleasure from it without monetary reward, is the key to self-respect.

Think if you don’t know for sure what you would like to do besides your main job. Perhaps you have always been interested in collecting or cooking new exotic dishes, or maybe you dreamed of drawing or sewing?

Find like-minded people, share your creativity with others, feel recognized. Some people turn their hobby step by step into a business. The main thing is not to give up, but to move forward.

Well, if you have unfinished tasks and they are weighing on you, plan your coming days in such a way as to complete them completely. The satisfaction that you will get just from not standing still and trying to correct the situation will already lift your spirits and instill self-respect for your person.


Don't hide your emotions and feelings. If you want to cry, cry. Scientists have proven that as tears flow down your cheeks, the body begins to produce the hormone of satisfaction and happiness. This is a protective reaction to stressful situations.

And indeed, after the outburst of emotions, one feels such relief, and the problem is no longer as acute as it seemed, and everything seems to be fine. So don’t be shy, show your feelings, all the negativity will pour out along with tears.

Personal care

Dramatic changes in image or simple self-care procedures also entail an emotional shake-up.

If you want, you can change your hair color or hairstyle. An excellent option, but not the cheapest, is to change your wardrobe.

Methods are cheaper, but no less effective than the previous ones - go to a beauty salon, do spa treatments at home, for example, take and make a face mask.

Loving yourself is a link that cannot be separated from life. If you don’t love and value yourself, no one will. Self-care is part of self-love and should become a habit.


Many will say how bad moods and dreams are related to each other. It has many advantages. But some people underestimate this technique and do not take it seriously.

Lie down to dream, relax, forget about problems, imagine that you have everything in your hands, all your dreams have come true - this relieves enormous emotional stress and puts your thoughts in order.

If you are in a bad mood, try to retire, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and think about good things, imagine that all your wishes have come true... You may want to visit other worlds and visit foreign lands. Draw pictures, imagine, and you will soon feel that your mood is rising, everything is returning to normal.

Change yourself

Well, the last piece of advice that I would like to give to those who are constantly testing themselves for strength, are on the verge of depression and stress. For those who are constantly in a bad mood.

No matter what happens in life, it nevertheless continues. There is a lot of unknown and unusual things around us. The world is beautiful in its beauty and splendor, and only those who really want to see it can see it all.

It might be worth thinking about what kind of lifestyle you lead. Anyone can change themselves, create new skills, the main thing is to start and not stop, despite failures.

Analyze everything. Which ones need adjustment? For example, start playing sports, make friends and enjoy the little things.

Find yourself a hobby, if possible, change your unloved job to a more interesting one. Develop yourself, read books, make your life rich and colorful. All in your hands!

How to cheer yourself up using express methods

  • Watch a comedy
  • Read jokes
  • Listen to fun music
  • Take a contrast shower
  • Do some good deeds
  • Do something stupid, but only innocent
  • Take a walk in the fresh air

Now you know how to cheer yourself up. How do you deal with the blues? Share your proven methods in the comments! See you again! I kiss everyone and bye!

It happens that things don’t go well in the morning, or for some reason the mood suddenly deteriorates. And there is still a lot of time until evening. You don’t want to waste the rest of the day, so it’s better to try to rectify the situation. If you can’t beat the case itself, you need to work with your mood. After all, the essence is not in the reasons themselves, but in human perception. if everything is bad or seems so?

Let's understand the problem

First, you should stop the moment and comprehend the cause of apathy. Maybe you really feel bad, but it’s another thing when you want to draw attention to yourself so that someone will take pity and console you. In any case, you need to make yourself understand that life is already fleeting. Instead of despondency, it is better to devote time to something that is at least pleasant. And how many useful things you can do if you stop whining. However, if you still decide to yearn, then you should at least do it with taste. For example, it’s good to feel sad while listening to music, especially your favorite one. What if inspiration comes and despondency is replaced by the muse of creativity?

Choosing the right direction

Secondly, you need to wean yourself from a bad mood. Yes it is possible. This is exactly what everyone does. Just every time you are overcome by despondency, force yourself to do something that will drive bad thoughts away. If every time you are in a bad mood, you take a book and read, then either sadness will come less and less often, or you will become a very well-read person. When you feel angry, you can fight your resentment with physical exercise. It's nice to imagine how toned your body will become. In any case, there is a benefit - that's a fact.


How to cheer yourself up at home when you are alone or have an argument with a loved one? You need to understand that time will pass and everything will definitely get better. When you feel lonely, you can call your friends or parents. Mental communication provides indispensable support in difficult moments. You can invite guests and spend a pleasant evening together. Or go visit someone close to you. It is useful for you, it is pleasant for them. Specific options depend on the situation. However, proven ways to raise them still exist. Let's look at them now.

Turn up the music louder by choosing songs you like

You can do a lot of useful things while listening to your favorite song. Take time for yourself, take care of your appearance. You can apply a mask to your face, close your eyes and turn on pleasant music, and at the end of the procedure, drink a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. By the way, these drinks have a tonic effect, which helps improve your mood.

Draw without thinking

Just take a piece of paper, a pencil and move your hand. It relaxes and helps calm the nervous system. And if you use multi-colored pencils or pens, color therapy will also come into play. Forget about problems, immerse yourself in the process like a child. Remember your childhood and enjoy the moment.


Dancing is a win-win option to lift your spirits at home or outside.

Give your body free rein to move without thinking about how it looks from the outside - just dance. A charge of positive energy will certainly displace bad moods and gloomy thoughts. A good solution is to go dancing with friends. It could be a disco or a salsa night. Skills and abilities don't matter. Your goal is to get a positive charge from the process.


When it seems that everything is bad, the first thing that will start to irritate you is scattered things at home or documents on your desktop. Turn on the music, get determined and get to cleaning. At the same time, get rid of unnecessary things, clear space for new things and positive energy in the house. How to cheer yourself up at work? The music probably won’t be entirely appropriate, but it won’t hurt to sort through the pile of papers and empty the drawers of documents. As a result, observing the order, you will feel that your mood has really improved, your soul has become much lighter.



A person’s mood is also related to the time of year and weather conditions. How to cheer yourself up in the fall, when it’s raining outside and the leaves are sadly falling from the trees? Put on rubber boots, take an umbrella, a thermos of tea and go for a walk. Notice how beautiful the nature is at this time of year, how rich the colors are, and how fresh, humid, and spicy the air is. Take a deep breath, focus on your feelings, forget about the unpleasant day or incident. Now it is important to teach yourself to enjoy the moment, the nature around, the sounds of rain. Look how beautiful life is, there is no place for a bad mood in it.

Solarium and healthy products

Often in the autumn-winter period people suffer from chronic apathy or even a depressive state. This is due to the fact that there are much fewer sunny days. How to cheer yourself up if you're depressed? You can go to the solarium - this will give you a dose of ultraviolet radiation, which will be enough to lift your spirits. You need to walk in the fresh air more often, or even better, jog.

Dark chocolate is considered a proven remedy for depression. However, citrus fruits also have the same property. If you drink a glass of fresh orange juice at least every other day, it will not only lift your spirits, but also strengthen your immune system. Bananas increase the content. It is enough to eat one a day - in addition to vitamins, this will provide the body with a good mood.

Winter fun

In winter, you can perfectly lift your spirits by ice skating or skiing, depending on your capabilities. Or maybe a sled? Remember how fun it was to slide down an ice slide as a child. Why not use the same methods in adulthood? Go to the skating rink yourself, with your children, friends, and family. This is a great reason to have a great time and forget about the severity of pressing problems. A frosty blush and positivity are guaranteed to you.

Sweet drinks

There is a category of people who “get off on the wrong foot.” And this happens almost every day. The cause of a bad mood or even feeling unwell in the morning is a lack of glucose. The first thing you should do is go to the kitchen. A great way to cheer yourself up in the morning is to drink a cup of aromatic, freshly brewed sweet coffee. A glass of fruit juice also helps. The body is immediately filled with a charge of vivacity, and a nutritious breakfast will provide energy for the whole day. It's great to start your morning with your favorite product.

Physical exercise

Exercise is another proven way to cheer yourself up if everything is bad. The easiest way to do this is at home. But even at work, if you wish, you can perform several simple exercises. The body's blood circulation will improve, and an influx of strength will be felt almost instantly. Physical activity increases the level of the happiness hormone in the blood, so it is worth devoting more time to this useful activity. According to statistics, people who go to the gym at least three times a week are more stress-resistant and cheerful. The reason lies in the production of the happiness hormone during muscle work.


How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad? Face the truth. There are situations when the cause of a bad mood is melancholy. Then you should figure it out - do you miss a person, an event, a bygone time? In the first option, you can call or meet a person. If it so happens that the one you miss has died, then remember the most beautiful moments that connected you. People who left our world would only be glad that you are happy and everything is fine with you. Mentally send a ray of light and love to the person, you will immediately feel better. If you are in a quarrel, determine what is more important for you - to prove that you are right or to be with the person next to you. Depending on this, act. There may not be another chance to take the first step.

Sometimes the question of how to cheer yourself up if everything is bad interests a person who is accompanied by a streak of failures. In this case, you should put everything in order. First you need to find out the reasons for the failures that occurred. These are personal mistakes or inability to navigate the current circumstances. Take responsibility, give yourself the mindset that you are the only person influencing the situation. Then you will feel an influx of new strength, and you will certainly be able to cope with the most seemingly unsolvable problems. And, by the way, it is better to remove this word from the lexicon forever. Tell yourself differently - there are no problems, there are tasks.


A good way to lift your loved one’s bad mood is to allow yourself to eat something delicious. Make yourself comfortable and give the process some time. It is better at this moment to isolate yourself from anything that can distract you. Just enjoy the taste of your favorite ice cream or dessert, or maybe a meat dish. There are no comrades in taste and color. There will be no trace left of your bad mood. And after a portion of delicious food, the best thing to do is go for a walk. Fresh air and rhythmic breathing will organize your thoughts, and your view of the state of affairs can change dramatically.

Relax and improve your mood

If apathy has completely developed and you have no strength to do anything at all, then you need to give yourself some rest. At the same time, you can distract yourself with:

  • reading your favorite book, or one that you never had time for;
  • watching a movie, series, TV show;
  • a computer game, but it’s important not to get carried away and stay up until the morning;
  • writing your own essay, poetry, prose (for many, apathy leads to enlightenment in creativity and identification of talents);
  • drawing, especially with paints;
  • handicrafts (often the resulting works have unsurpassed beauty and uniqueness, and all because the soul was experiencing deep feelings at that moment).

How to cheer yourself up? Photos of funny moments will help you in this matter. Looking through them, a person will begin to dream about good things, and maybe he will finally be ready to take a vacation and go on a trip. New experiences are the best way to cope with despondency. Sometimes simply viewing beautiful photographs or paintings greatly lifts your mood, saturating


There are countless ways to rid yourself of a bad mood. Ten volumes would not be enough to list them all. Some really work and change perceptions for the better, others are less effective, but better than nothing. In any case, the main and most correct way is the person’s reluctance to be in a bad mood. If life's course is set on luck, no matter what happens, it will be perceived as experience. No one is immune from mistakes. But some learn from them and become stronger, others lose strength in the struggle for what is right.

Bad moods need to be crossed off your list if you are determined to be successful. Now only joy will fill every day you live. Be happy!

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