Interview of Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece to the magazine. Priluchny showed his daughter's face for the first time

One of the most beautiful acting couples of our time never ceases to please its fans joint photos. Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece have been happily married for several years. Find out their biography and details personal life right now!

Pavel Priluchny

Born November 5, 1987 in the family of a boxer and choreographer. His father died when Paul was 11 years old. Childhood fell on a very difficult period in the life of the country - the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of many criminal groups. After the funeral of his father, he decided to leave his native Shymkent for Russia. From that moment it began independent life, since the mother remained in Kazakhstan. The new place of residence was the city of Berdsk, which is located in the Novosibirsk region. Here he began boxing, but having received more than ten concussions, he decided to leave this hobby.

Hard time

Live in big city brought a lot of material problems. Paul enters choreographic school, but the lack of money forces him to leave training. Later, he was accepted into the budgetary Novosibirsk Theater School. The guy has to earn extra money as a loader and courier to ensure a tolerable existence.

He decides to continue his studies in Moscow. The capital met an unfriendly new resident: on the very first day he was cruelly deceived. Pavel decides to rent an inexpensive apartment and turns to a real estate agency. He had to leave 15,000 rubles as collateral. In the evening, he was waiting for the realtor at the subway, but no one showed up. The guy realized that he was simply “thrown” and turned to the police. But there they only sympathized and advised not to cooperate with fake offices anymore. The enraged actor returned to the agency and got into a fight after being laughed at.

Entering GITIS for an acting and directing course, he gets a room in a hostel and graduates from the institute in 2010. During his studies, he successfully played in

The first love

During his studies, Pavel met overseas actress Nikki Reed. The girl was invited to the theater and she flew to her Russian colleagues for a short visit. Young people immediately liked each other and spent the whole week together. As she left, she promised that they would see each other soon and discuss them. life together. Pavel had to leave school for a while in order to earn money for their existence with Nikki. At first, the lovers constantly called up and corresponded, and then the girl simply stopped communicating. Thus ended Paul's first love.

First steps in cinema

Several episodic film roles attracted the attention of directors to the young talented actor. Pavel accepts Sanaev's invitation to star in his new film "On the Game". Having brilliantly performed his role, the artist receives many offers. Two years later, he starred in popular series"Closed School" and becomes the idol of millions Russian girls. On the set, Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece meet. According to the plot, they were supposed to play a couple in love, and soon their feelings turned into real life. After the end of the series, the actor did not remain in the shadows for long - he was offered the main role in the sitcom "Major". Again praise from critics and enthusiastic congratulations from colleagues. On the this moment he is one of the most demanded actors in Russia. Only a person far from the world of cinema does not know the name of Pavel Priluchny.

Agata Mutsenietse

She was born on March 1, 1989 in Riga. Mother worked as a cook, father was a bartender. Just like Pavel Priluchny, Agatha Muceniece lost her father at an early age. During my school years, I attended theater studio, but interrupted her studies due to lucrative contracts with world famous brands. For a long time she worked as a model and successfully starred in advertising. After finishing her career as a fashion model, she returned home and entered the University of Latvia, where she received a diploma in Chinese philosophy. In 2008 he decides to start acting career and comes to Moscow. From the first time she entered VGIK and graduated with honors. Having received an offer to star in the series "Closed School", she immediately agreed.

Meeting at film set with Paul completely changed her life. Having played a couple in love on the screen, they could no longer part. By the way, the girl received a marriage proposal already on the day they met. But at that moment, she did not consider it necessary to agree. After two weeks of living together, Pavel heard the coveted “Yes”. That's how quickly this couple came to the decision to become husband and wife. Agatha Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny did not delay the wedding. They did not advertise this event and simply registered a relationship in Friends and colleagues learned about this event after the fact. A beautiful couple belatedly accepted congratulations on the wedding. Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny no longer had joint work. The girl practically does not appear on the screens, preferring to devote all her time to her husband and children.

Family life

On January 11, 2013, Pavel became a father for the first time. Agatha bore him a son, who was named Timothy. The proud father accepted congratulations and thanked his wife for such a wonderful gift. At this time, many photos of Agatha Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny appear in the press. The guy gives interviews in which he speaks with the warmest words about his wife and son. On March 3, 2016, the couple's long-awaited daughter, Mia, is born. Now the house of Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece is a full bowl. They willingly let journalists into their abode and do not hide children.

Interesting facts from the life of a married couple

Paul and Agatha often strangers mistaken for brother and sister. The fact is that the couple has an original sense of humor and it is sometimes difficult to understand their jokes. But they laugh out loud and catch the condemning glances of the people around them.

Pavel realized that he was in love with his future wife during their first cinematic kiss. But at that moment the girl had a relationship with another young man. He patiently waited for their breakup, after which he immediately hinted at his feelings. A few days later they were already living together.

Everyone in the family has a funny nickname. No matter how strange it may sound, Pavel calls his wife Dzhigurdenysh. He believes that the girl with her humor and easy temper reminds him of this extravagant actor. Agatha, in turn, calls her husband Pinguish or Sonya. The guy loves to sleep and devotes a lot of time to this occupation. Timothy is affectionately called Kozyavochka, for his love of sorting through objects and cleaning.

Pavel loves to surprise his wife. During her filming in Minsk, he greatly missed his beloved and rushed to visit her in a hotel room. At this time, he talked to her on the phone and said that he was in Moscow. When the girl heard a knock and opened the door, she saw her precious husband in person. Let news periodically appear on the Internet that Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece are getting divorced, but, in fact, this is far from the truth.

The actors gave exclusive an interview with OK!, in which they told how their everyday life goes after the birth of their second child

Photo: Andrey Baida

Perhaps you can already say that OK! writes a chronicle of one of the brightest and most beloved film families among the public: it was Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece who told us about the changes in their lives when their first-born Timofey was born three years ago; then both of them communicated with us more than once in the framework of new projects and other pressing topics; The spouses were the first to share with us the good news about the upcoming replenishment, and we were entrusted to tell us again about their joy - the appearance of their daughter Mia and the troubles associated with her.

We present several quotes from Pasha and Agatha from big interview for the new OK!

Agatha: “Already in the process of filming, I found out that I was expecting a baby, moreover, I was in my third month. It was a surprise for everyone. It was December, and in March I gave birth. While filming, I persuaded Mia not to grow up so fast, I was on a diet, on proper nutrition: vegetables, fruits, boiled chicken ... I watched the material from the filming, it seems like it’s not visible there.

Pasha: “Timofey once asked me: “Dad, where do you live?” I hinted that with them, but he said: “No, I live with my mother, but do you have your own house?” I take a lot of work not because I want to shoot everywhere. There are certain responsibilities that need to be fulfilled: finish building the house and so on ... Then I will take a break and I will only act in what I like.

Agatha: “By the way, here’s another comparison of characters: Timofey could always be handed over to anyone, he was very trusting, and Mia only goes to those she knows. If a stranger takes her in his arms, she will be hysterical.”

Already in early spring, the actors Agatha Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny will have a second child.

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

This baby, like their first-born Timothy, is a gift of fate: for certain reasons, the spouses planned to replenish the family a little later. But they are ready for difficulties: the nursery has already been equipped and a name has been chosen, and Timofey is mentally prepared for the appearance of a brother or sister ...

R fuck, when I called you in the fall, you weren't even ready to confirm that you were expecting a baby, and now you've filmed with us as a family. Why did they hide?

Agata: To be honest, we didn’t hide much, but we didn’t want to advertise the pregnancy either. Pasha has many fans who are not very happy about this news. Why once again show everyone how happy you are? At some point, I even became annoyed that everyone was asking: “Oh, why did you get better? You have such a belly!” I did not want to bring this up for discussion, besides, having learned about the pregnancy, I worked for a long time. Now I'm already in the eighth month, the shooting is over, everything is settled - you can tell.

Can you even name the baby's gender and name?

A: Pash, what do you think?

Pavel: We'll probably keep the name a secret for now. First we will baptize, then we will say. Too many things evil eyes. And gender - please: we will have a girl.

Let's see how everything goes with the baby, I'll start from this. I really miss training, I want to strain my muscles.

Full set! Agatha, after the first birth, you quickly got into shape. Already have a plan how to do it now?

BUT.: ( laughing.) Pasha always tells me: “Baby, you look great!” And I recently saw photos taken during my first pregnancy, so my legs are thicker there than myself. I was just a terrible bomb, and he told me that I was awesome. Now everything is much neater and, to be honest, I don’t plan anything special. The only thing, before pregnancy, I took up half-dance, which was inspired by Pasha's brother's wife. She also has two children, and this helped her get back in shape. Let's see how everything goes with the baby, I'll start from this. I really miss training, I want to strain my muscles.

Pasha, are you ready to change diapers yourself while your wife is dancing?

P: Of course! I do not see anything shameful in this. I often stayed alone with Timofey when he was very small.

A .: It’s not at all scary to leave a baby with Pasha: he will feed and change the diaper. Many complain about their men: they say they sit on the couch, play on the computer, hang out on football and don’t help at all, and then they also scold their wife that the apartment is dirty when she rushes about with two children. Pasha is not like that at all. He can take and wash the apartment so that, God forbid, I don’t overwork. Together we catch this wave, this balance. Duties should not be divided into male and female.

P .: We are not like that, but life is like that. A lot depends on who you share it with. If you want to do something for a person, you just do it, and that's it.

How did you know you were going to be a dad again?

P .: It seems that we were then in Africa ...

A: What are you? In Africa we got pregnant! I made a surprise for Pasha: I inflated the balloons and put a small baby doll and a pregnancy test into one of them. He had to burst all the balloons and find a gift, but he immediately grabbed the right balloon. Then he stared at the test for a long time and finally said: “It can’t be!” But of course, he guessed that he had messed up. ( Smiling.)

P: I was happy! Although we planned to replenish a little later. The fact is that I started a construction site outside the city in order to move there with my children in the future. It’s not very cool to live in Moscow: the environment is completely rubbish, you move everywhere by car, you won’t let your child go for a walk ... But a crisis arose, and everything stopped. So I was a little unprepared. But nothing, with the first child it was even more fun: we just moved from one rented apartment to another.

Have you already prepared for the fact that the amount of noise in the house will double?

P: It seems to me that it is impossible to prepare for this. ( laughing.) If we talk about it, we were not ready for the first child either. Everything is relative.

A .: To be honest, I still have no idea how we organize our life. There is a feeling that with the second child it will be easier. Because we have gained some experience. But I still have no idea how to organize my life with two children. Somehow it will work out. It will probably be hard at first, but it’s hard for everyone at first, but then it’s fun and cool. In general, two children is good, this is a full-fledged family. Children are not bored, they can play with each other. I think it's very important to have a brother or sister. For example, I have no one closer to my sister.

P: And me? And what about me?

A: Well, you know what I mean. ( Laughing.)

How did Timofey react to the news that he would have a sister?

A .: It seems to me that he still does not really understand what awaits him.

P .: At first he immediately said: “I don’t need it.” Then we began to teach him, to show by the example of our friends what a sister is: “Here is such a little girl and you will have one too.” And he began to somehow condescendingly relate to this. I have already tried to take care of some of my younger friends, even feed them.

A .: He plays scenes with toys: mom, dad, he and sister. We have long been accustomed to the fact that we have two children in our family. But sometimes the son still says: "Mom, dad and Timosha." I then ask: “Where is my sister?” He shows that she is in the tummy. But he already understood that soon she would be at our house. I'm really a little afraid of jealousy on his part. I even bought a special book to learn how to prevent my mother from sharing and quarrels about it. How do you build your work schedules? Do you often get to be together?

A .: Pasha disappeared altogether. He hasn't been home since September. This pregnancy passed him by. ( laughing.) To be honest, she also passed me by, because in the fall I started a project where I played the main role. Employment - six days in one. The schedule was so tight that I didn’t even notice how six months had passed: no toxicosis, no feeling unwell- There was nothing. At the end of December, I had the last shooting day, and Pasha and I immediately went to rest. Only then did I realize that the marathon was over and I could exhale. More precisely, it seemed to me so, because, in addition to work, I had a house, a child, a dog. And anyway, I'm pregnant! But at that moment I was completely confused and did not immediately remember what month I had. And Pasha has not been home for six months.

In "Major 2" removed?

P: Well, yes. Recently they filmed a project for the channel "Russia", which is called "Murder", and as soon as it ended, "Major 2" began. That's why I haven't been home for a long time. On weekends, of course, I try, but it's one or two, less often three days.

A .: Now it has somehow become freer. Here Timosha and I were with Pasha in St. Petersburg for a whole month, we recently returned. It was necessary to equip a corner for the baby.

Agatha, what are you planning to do with your career? How long will you stay at home with the kids?

A: Let's look at the circumstances. I remember that during my first pregnancy, I was very worried about my career. It seemed to me that I would spoil everything, everyone would forget me, I would not succeed, I would have to start over ... Now I almost don't care. I won't be able to pursue a career - I'll think of something else. For example, I will start actively taking everyone to all sorts of circles. ( Laughs.) If it appears good project, then I’ll just take my child with me to the shooting. FROM breastfeeding this is not a problem at all: you just call the nanny, and all together go to the shooting. Or you send the driver home with jars of milk. So I don't even think about it. It seems to me that at least fifteen children you have - this cannot interfere with your career. The main thing is to distribute everything wisely, to find a balance between work and family.

Have you thought about how you will raise your daughter? Still, the approach to girls and boys is traditionally different.

A .: I think (and I’m trying to instill this in our dad) that children up to three years old should not be divided by gender. Because a child is always a child, especially a small one. They have the same needs. The only thing, it seems to me, the girl will be more daddy than mommy. Our son is so motherly. All my friends and acquaintances, who have the same complete set, believe that girls gravitate more to dads than to moms. And then we will start from the character, from how she will behave, what requirements she will have. I really hope that Timosha will take care of her sister and protect her. Timofey is already at the age when children understand that they can manipulate their parents. Does he succeed?

P .: I will not say that he is so directly manipulating. He grows up unspoiled. Timosha behaves very well with me, understands everything and is not capricious. True, as soon as he sees women and understands that he can play on it, then yes, something starts there ...

A .: If guests come to us, we often hear: "For the first time we see such a well-mannered boy, especially at the age of three." He puts the toys in their place and shares them with other children. He can come up to me and say in my ear: “Mom, please turn on the cartoon.” Mom immediately melts: “Well, of course, I’ll turn it on now.” ( laughing.)

P .: If we are together with him, then he obeys me unquestioningly.

A .: When there are a lot of people around him - Pasha and I, grandmother, nanny - then everything, Timosha begins to deteriorate. He can burst into tears and run up even to an outsider to be pitied. Maybe he can beg for a candy in the store, and they will give him for free. It was recently: the nanny and Timofey came from the store, and he had a chocolate bar in his hand. I ask: “Vera, did you buy this?” And she: “No, they gave it to Timofey at the checkout.”

Pasha, don't you and your son compete for Agatha's attention?

A .: It happens that they fight with the cries of “My mother! No, mine!

P .: You know, before I had a question: how will we live with children? Now I ask myself: how could I live without Timothy? It's weird, boring and so on. I'm now shooting again in St. Petersburg, and I'm sad. Timofey is at the age when it becomes very fun to be with him: he talks, understands a lot, he is already developing a character. I see how he tries to be like me, and this encourages me to become better. It's very cool when you realize that you are growing a personality. Last interview for OK! you said that you allow Timofey to test the world himself, literally taste it: they say, if he wants to eat sand, let him eat. Has anything changed in your views?

A .: He is a very reasonable guy and does not do anything that could shock us. Oddly enough, our tactic works: when you allow something, he does not do it. It can run around, yell, play around, with dad they sometimes laugh to the point of tears. There are no brakes here: if he emotionally accelerates, then it is difficult to stop him. Probably, all children are like that, they are still unstable at this age. And as far as choice is concerned, we always give it freedom. Here Timosha said that he did not want to go to football, and no one began to force him. Let's wait, try again, and if not, then no. Forcing is never worth it, everyone has a childhood only once.

P .: In fact, he still needs to be like football. He started when he was not three years old, but something did not grow together, he once said that he no longer wants to. I think that as a footballer he shows promise. He doesn’t even need any toys: pistols, dolls, robots - everything is past, but the ball should always be there. He has a box at home with a lot of balls in it. In general, it is not necessarily football, we will try something else.

Do you feel like you are growing with your child?

P: Yes, perhaps. Old habits go away, more responsibility appears. You will no longer walk until you lose your pulse, there are priority things. We are growing.

A .: It would be strange if we degraded. ( laughing.) I have a very strange feeling. I understand that now I love Timothy fifteen times more than I loved him when he was just born. Can you say that I have grown? Don't know. By the way, acquaintances who have not met Pasha for a long time, all as one say that he has matured and become a responsible man. And I see from the outside that this is true: that’s how he became Pasha Papa.

P: Because now, before I do something, I think what it will teach the child. Unfortunately, many parents do not care about such things at all. Children even at six months remember everything, and then at three, five or ten years it will definitely come back to haunt.

You speak very sensibly. Did your own parents teach you or books?

P .: I think our parents influenced us. After all, we were also brought up, and something somehow assimilated. Agatha's mother is a wonderful woman, mine too. Well we found a friend

friend, in fact.

A .: Some women inspire me with their example - both just acquaintances and famous actresses like Will Smith's wife. It is amazing how they have learned to strike a balance between work and family. I also want everything to be good on the set, and for the child to be happy, the husband to be happy, and the dog. ( Smiling.)

And you never, ever have a desire to take a break from your family and go somewhere far away?

A .: Everyone has it and everyone should have it. Otherwise, you can go crazy. It seems to me that without such breaks, nothing will work out. Because life, no matter how beautiful it is, is still boring. Mom and dad should stay together, even if they have the best and most obedient children in the world. And if there is an opportunity to leave together for at least three days, you need to use this, it's great.

P .: And the child rests a little, reboots when the parents are not around. It is necessary to give him the feeling that he can and should be independent. Otherwise it will be difficult for him.

A .: There are children who will not even go into another room without a mother. This annoys me a lot. I believe that a child should be independent. When Pasha and I were filming in Quest, Timofey was one and a half years old, and we left him for five or six days with his grandmothers. We had no choice, we were both busy as hell. And with him, imagine, nothing happened. On the contrary, at the age of three he can stay with any person, he has no fear, he makes contact with everyone. And he became friends with the nanny in a couple of days. There must be some kind of boundary that would separate children from their parents. Husband and wife should have personal space so that they can maintain their relationship, their marriage. Therefore, fun, parties, trips together - all this will remain with us. I think Pasha and I will run away together at eighty-five. ( Laughing.)

Style: Ekaterina Troshko.

Makeup and hair: AnvarOchilov

Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece for the first time with the whole family starred for the glossy magazine OK!

In early March of this year, Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece became parents for the second time, the acting couple had a daughter, Mia. Agata Muceniece actively shares on Instagram family photos, however, the actress has carefully hidden the face of her little daughter until now.

The celebrity couple gave an interview to OK magazine, and they family photo graced the cover of the December issue. Now fans have been able to see what the youngest daughter of their idols looks like.

It should be noted that OK! posting not for the first time exclusive interviews and a photo of the Priluchny family. In an interview, Agata Muceniece spoke about what different tempers at her children. So Timofey, who is now four years old, always went into the hands of anyone, he was so trusting, and Mia goes only to those he knows. According to Agatha, if a stranger picks her up, she will immediately cry.

Recall that a week ago, Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece flew on vacation to Spain. The actors share their impressions of Barcelona with fans on Instagram. Pavel Priluchny flew to Moscow for one day to participate in a press conference dedicated to the creation of the KIT Film Studio. Now Pavel continues to rest in Barcelona and has already shared a romantic photo of his beloved wife in Barcelona on Instagram.

According to Kinopoisk, Pavel Priluchny, for his modest 28 years, already has 41 projects in his creative piggy bank! And we have not only good actor but also a real family man. Pavel is happily married to actress Agatha Muceniece, whom he met on the set of the Closed School series in 2011. The couple is raising their 3-year-old son Timofey, and on March 3 this year they became parents for the second time - the baby was named unusual name Mia. We asked Pavel how he manages to combine work with fatherhood.

Pavel, you have so many projects! Tell me what are you working on now?

Recently, the second part of the Major series was filmed in St. Petersburg, which will be shown on Channel One in the fall. There I have the main role. And now I'm filming a project for one of the central channels. It's called "Mafia Chief".

While you are on the set, who helps Agatha with the children?

My mom and nanny. With such a busy schedule and two children, help is indispensable. After all, Agatha, although less often, is also removed. We both work. In general, I try to spend more time with my family. If the shooting takes place somewhere in another city, then I take the whole team with me. After the birth of Mia, I learned a lot about child care myself. I can bathe her, change her clothes, change her diapers. Not everything should hang on the shoulders of a woman.

But, probably, when you have free time, is it a holiday for the whole family?

It is practically non-existent. But if it happens, then we go to the park in a crowd. I recently bought my son a two-wheeled bicycle, and took a scooter for myself. Super tool! I would move only on it, if in Moscow I didn’t have to stand in traffic jams for hours and there weren’t such huge distances.

Jun 11 2016 at 7:14 PDT

What kind of dad are you?

I think it's strict. But there is a problem - I pamper children. If Timothy wants something, for example, some kind of toy, he immediately gets it. I can't resist buying. Especially when I see joy in the eyes of a child. After the birth of my daughter, I began to allocate time a little differently and relate to some things. What seemed like a problem in the past is now a small thing. Two children at current life- it's a lot. By the way, the son also matured. I realized that now I am not alone, I need to share and help with my sister. I am glad that Timofey will not grow up to be an egoist, which he would most likely become if he were alone in the family.

Who chose such a creative name for their daughter?

Agota and I are together. We chose between several options. We wanted something soft. Thought maybe Mila? Then we decided, let the baby be born first, and then we will look at her and decide. Our daughter was born on March 3rd. When we saw her, my wife and I immediately knew it was Mia. But the name of the son was decided even before his birth.

Are there any traditions in your young family?

Yes. Agatha is from Latvia, and there is a big festival called Ligo. It is usually celebrated on the night of June 23rd to 24th. At this time, we are trying to get out to Latvia, where my wife's relatives live. Ligo is celebrated in the country. We roast meat and jump over the fire. It's pretty funny. True, this year I will not be able to go, I will be on the set. Agatha will fly with the children.

May 25, 2016 at 3:19 PDT

You give the impression of a strong family. Share the rules of a happy life...

The first is mutual respect. We are lucky that we do not have time to get tired of each other. That's why we hardly fight. Either I'm on the set, then Agatha works. If I see that my wife is tired, then it costs me nothing to help her in everyday life. For example, if she cooked dinner for half an evening, tried, then after the meal I wash the dishes. It's easy for me. We must respect and appreciate each other.

Many say that after the birth of children, romance fades into the background. What about you?

And there is. No more romantic dinners by candlelight. A lot of trouble, albeit pleasant, that are associated with children. But I still try to somehow distract Agatha. I often give flowers. Though a trifle, but nice. If I go somewhere, I will definitely bring her gifts.

I know that you for a long time sought the location of Agatha. What advice would you give to young people who are still in search of a soul mate?

You have to listen to your own heart. The girl may not give up right away, but if this is fate, believe me - you will succeed.

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