Artistic analysis of the poem by V. V. Mayakovsky

Due to the fact that the work is built on dialogue and has a bright journalistic beginning, read the verse “ An Extraordinary Adventure"Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky will be of interest to both an adult and a young schoolchild. The theme of this poem is the hard but noble work of the poet. Main lyrical hero- a working poet. The plot of the work is a fantastic meeting between Mayakovsky and the sun.

The text of Mayakovsky's poem "An Extraordinary Adventure" was written in 1920. It tells how Mayakovsky, angry at the sun because it was too hot, invited him to visit. To the poet’s surprise, the sun responded and soon was already sitting at his home. Vladimir Vladimirovich and his guest began to have a conversation about how difficult their work was. By the end of the evening they had become friends. Mayakovsky even began to pat the sun on the shoulder. During the conversation, they came to the conclusion that everyone should follow their calling and do their work with full dedication.

The work is studied at school during a literature lesson in the 7th grade. The teacher reads it to the children in its entirety, analyzes it with them, and then gives them a passage to learn at home. On our website you can read the poem online or download it.

An extraordinary adventure that happened with
Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha

(Pushkino. Shark Mountain, Rumyantsev’s dacha,
27 versts along the Yaroslavl railway. dor.)

The sunset glowed with a hundred and forty suns,
Summer was rolling into July,
it was hot
the heat was floating -
it was at the dacha.
The hillock of Pushkino humped
Shark Mountain,
and the bottom of the mountain -
was a village
the roof was crooked with bark.
And beyond the village -
and probably into that hole
the sun went down every time
slow and steady.
And tomorrow
flood the world
The sun rose brightly.
And day after day
terribly angry
And so one day I got angry,
that everything faded in fear,
I shouted point blank to the sun:
“Get off!
Enough of hanging around in hell!”
I shouted to the sun:
you are covered in the clouds,
and here - you don’t know either winters or years,
sit down and draw posters!”
I shouted to the sun:
"Wait a minute!
listen, golden forehead,
than so,
go in idle
to me
It would be great for tea!”
What have I done!
I'm dead!
To me,
of my own free will,
spreading out his ray-steps,
The sun walks in the field.
I don’t want to show my fear -
and retreat backwards.
His eyes are already in the garden.
It's already passing through the garden.
In the windows,
at the door,
entering the gap,
a mass of sun fell,
fell in;
taking a breath,
spoke in a deep voice:
“I’m driving back the lights
for the first time since creation.
Did you call me?
Drive the teas,
drive away, poet, jam!”
Tears from my eyes -
the heat was driving me crazy
but I told him
for the samovar:
sit down, luminary!”
The devil took away my insolence
yell at him -
I sat down on the corner of the bench,
I'm afraid it couldn't have turned out worse!
But the strange one from the sun is emerging
flowed -
and sedateness
having forgotten
I'm sitting talking
with the luminary
About that
I'm talking about this
something got stuck with Rosta,
and the sun:
do not be sad,
look at things simply!
And to me, do you think
- Go try it! –
And here you go -
started to go
you walk and shine bright!”
They chatted like that until dark -
before former night that is.
How dark is it here?
No misters"
We are completely at home with him.
And soon,
no friendship,
I hit him on the shoulder.
And the sun too:
“You and me,
There are two of us, comrade!
Let's go, poet,
we look,
let's sing
the world is in gray trash.
I will pour my sunshine,
and you are yours,
in verse."
Wall of shadows
nights in prison
fell under the sun with a double-barreled shotgun.
A mess of poetry and light
shine on anything!
It will get tired
and wants the night
lie down,
stupid dreamer.
Suddenly - I
with all the light I can -
and again the day rings.
Always shine
shine everywhere
until the last days of the Donetsk,
shine –
and no nails!
This is my slogan
and sun!

Pushkin was called “the sun of Russian poetry,” and Vladimir Mayakovsky compared poetry itself to the sun and wrote a poem “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”, the analysis of which will be discussed below.

Already the first lines of this poem help the reader to immerse himself in atmosphere funny fairy tale , a fun adventure. Before his gaze appears, on the one hand, a completely specific area (Pushkino, Akulova Gora, Rumyantsev’s dacha), on the other hand, there is a feeling of something unusual, which is found only in fairy tales: something like "in some kingdom, in some state". The name itself sets up the perception of some kind of adventure that will happen to a hero who bears the same name as the author. A similar abstraction from one’s own name would be developed in the prose of the twentieth century by Venedikt Erofeev.

A familiar, at first glance, picture of a sunset suddenly turns into fantastic picture: “The sunset glowed with a hundred suns”(characteristic of Mayakovsky's style hyperbola). A slightly slow, thorough beginning filled with light humor gradually intensifies, as if “warming up” interest in the story, making you look forward to the event that was promised in the title.

The extraordinary event itself is presented very emotionally:

What have I done! I'm dead!

Such conversational intonations give the poem the confidence characteristic of all Mayakovsky’s poetry. It is no coincidence that he has so many “Letters” and “Conversations”. In addition, the use of literally erased metaphors: for the poet, the sun really sets and sets, as if it were some kind of creature. Not without humor, he depicts his extraordinary meeting with the sun, but conceals the fantasy, surrounding it with simple signs of everyday life, accompanying it with spare, but very colorful details: “stumbled in, caught his breath, and spoke in a deep voice...”, “confused, I sat down on the corner of the bench...”, “And soon, without concealing friendship, I hit him on the shoulder.”.

The conversation between the poet and the luminary proceeds slowly and naturally. The poet, in a playfully mischievous tone, teases the sun, and then, in turn, provokes: “Go and try it!”. In the dialogue and in the author's remarks there are many colloquial vocabulary: “Well, sit down, luminary!”; “Get off! Enough of hanging around in hell!”; "Darmoed!"; “... and I retreat backwards”.

Mayakovsky also skillfully handles and homonyms:

What's the point of walking around doing nothing?
Would you like to come to my place for tea?
I am driving back the lights for the first time since creation.
Did you call me? Drive the tea,
drive away, poet, jam!

Of course, the heroes of the poem are very peculiar: a strong, but at the same time gentle and hardworking sun and a poet, a little tired, at first even slightly irritated, but immensely loving life, who knows the value of himself and his creativity. This is probably why he allows himself to talk so easily with the heavenly body “itself.”

The work surprises with the boldness of the plot and the beauty of thought: the poet and the sun are two comrades: “You and I, there are two of us, comrade!”. But behind the everyday plan, another one clearly emerges - serious, even pathetic. Mayakovsky actually asserts the creative role of poetry, which not only transforms everything around. Like the sun, the poet’s living word warms people, illuminating the darkest corners of their lives, destroys prejudices, dispels doubts, like the darkness that has surrounded many throughout their lives. That is why these two luminaries agree, which allows us to say:

Always shine, shine everywhere,
until the last days of the Donetsk,
shine - and no nails!
This is my slogan and the sun!

The uniqueness of the work is created by a whole cascade rhymes: from exact: "ROSTA - simple" to something that doesn't sound the same at all: “not melting – you and me”. The traditional division of a line into small segments-steps allows you to maintain pauses and place logical emphasis on the most meaningful words. A large number of neologisms: "golden forehead", "pampered", "let's sing"- gives the poem a unique style. Some of them require explanation. For example, "we look" can mean “let us rise above the earth to illuminate it.”

Thus, the poet reflects not only on poetic creativity, but also defends the enduring significance of any, even the most modest, unnoticed work, if it is dedicated to a high goal.

  • “Lilichka!”, analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem
  • “The Sitting Ones”, analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem

The theme of the purpose of the poet and poetry in the poem “An extraordinary adventure that happened to Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha.”

Lesson objectives:

To acquaint students with the work of V.V. Mayakovsky, to give an idea of ​​the features creative manner writer. Determine the role of poetry in the life of V.V. Mayakovsky, to show how this theme is reflected in his work.

Development of analysis skills poetic text, thinking, ability to see author's position, oral speech students.

To foster a respectful attitude towards work, to show the importance of determining one’s place in life, as well as the role of hard work in achieving goals.

During the classes:

Each person is individual, and primarily because his character combines many personal qualities, manifested to one degree or another. What character qualities do you know?

Are there any that are needed in some way? certain area activity, profession?

Being a poet is also a profession; what qualities should a poet have?

Today we will get acquainted with the work of V.V. Mayakovsky and try to see what the poet sees as the purpose of his poetic gift, as well as what means of expressive language he uses to let us understand this. In addition, I really hope that today in class you will not forget such personality traits as politeness, hard work, tolerance, because they will be very useful to us.

Reading the epigraph on the board:

Poetry –

all! –

riding into the unknown.

Already in this one line we see a magnificent metaphor. What is it?

(The poet compares poetry with a journey to unfamiliar, mysterious, attractive countries)

Do you think people need poetry, and why?

(To know yourself, it is better to raise the world, as well as the world of human feelings and experiences)

Can all poems touch the souls of readers? What does it take to make this happen?

(It is necessary to select words and phrases that convey certain phenomena or feelings as accurately as possible)

The role of the poet in the life of society, the purpose of his poetry is a question that worried many writers in different times. Today in class we should see how V.V. understands this topic. Mayakovsky.

The writer took his poetic gift very seriously, many poetic works and articles have been written precisely on this topic. In particular, one of his works is “How to Make Poems.” Let's now see what principles and stages of work on a poem the poet highlighted.

(post based on his article “How to Make Poems”)

From of this message, how did you understand what was very important for the poet in the process of creating poems?

Indeed, the poet was demanding of himself and treated his calling as very hard work.

Let's see what kind of world poetic images the writer creates. To do this, let’s listen to an excerpt from the poem “Conversation with the Financial Inspector about Poetry,” the words from which became the epigraph to our lesson:



Riding into the unknown.

Poetry -

The same radium mining.

Per gram production,

A year of work.


For the sake of a single word

thousand tons

Word ore.

But how


These words burn


With smoldering

Raw words.

These words

Set in motion

thousands years

Millions of hearts.

How does the poet understand the essence of poetic creativity according to this passage? What seems unusual to you?

(Compares poetry with production processes– “radium mining”; “raw word”, “verbal ore”. He claims that the work of a poet is no easier than the work of a laborer, because the ultimate goal - to touch the hearts and souls of people - is not an easy one)

Indeed, V.V. Mayakovsky says that the work of a poet requires enormous responsibility and hard work, because moral education, people's insight.

Let's now take a closer look at the world of the poet's images. Turn to page 351 of your textbook. Here is a poem by V.V. Mayakovsky - “An extraordinary adventure that happened to Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha.” What do you think a poem with this title might be talking about?

(About an adventure, about something unusual, incredible)

Let's read the subtitle. Why do you think the author not only indicates the location of the action in the title, but also gives its exact location in the subtitle?

(installation on verisimilitude, wants to convince readers that this really happened)

Before you read the poem, what can you tell by its title? What features do you think this work will have?

(a combination of truth and fiction, features of the real and the fabulous, the fantastic)

Let's read this poem

(reading a poem)

This poem is interesting because it has a plot. And it can be divided into several parts. What do you think these parts will be? How could you title them?

(- the work of a poet;

Quarrel and reconciliation with the sun;

Conversation over tea;


Now let's divide into groups. Each group will try to analyze one of these four parts, based on the questions provided:

Group 1: answers questions regarding “the work of a poet”:

Find the hyperbole at the beginning of the poem. For what

Is this technique used?

(“In a hundred and forty suns the sunset glowed” - thanks to this hyperbole

we can more vividly imagine the sweltering heat in which

works as a poet)

Pay attention to the description of the area. Where is the poet?

(He looks at his surroundings as if from above)

This is where our acquaintance with the sun takes place. What is being reported about it?

(The sun appears before us as a living being who does work every day and goes to rest at night in order to

start work again tomorrow)

What made the poet angry?

(The monotony of the days and the endless heat, interfering


Group 2: answers questions regarding “quarrel and reconciliation with the sun.”

Watch how the poet’s attitude towards the sun changes. Like this

Can it be traced through the lexical structure of speech?

(At first he uses quite rude words: “get off”, “parasite”,

“quite wandering around.” The lyrical hero is tired of work and heat, the routine around him. Then he changes his anger to mercy, realizing his mistake: “wait”, “golden-browed”, “that would have gone too far”. A change in mood is also manifested in speech; if at first we heard an accusation, an order, now we hear a request)

Why did the sun want to come down for tea?

Group 3: “conversation over tea”

What kind of relationship do you think (friendship,

Hostile, neutral) began a conversation between

The poet and the Sun? What details help us understand this?

(Before us is a picture of a friendly conversation on the most intimate and exciting topics for the characters. Moreover, this conversation takes place in a cozy, homely environment: tea and a samovar are symbols of hospitality.

In addition, the Sun initially maintains a friendly, even personal tone in a conversation with the poet - “bring some tea,” “bring some jam,” “okay, don’t worry.” The poet, remembering his rude attitude, now turns to the Sun with respect, but at the same time tells him all the problems associated with work).

What are the Poet and the Sun talking about? Why did they find it so quickly

Mutual language?

(They talk about work. That responsibility and loyalty to the chosen work should be above any difficulties associated with its implementation).

Group 4: output.

Why does the poet start talking about night and

Shadows? What is the opposite of these phenomena?

(They are contrasted with the image of a poet, whose creativity is tantamount to the light of day. Such a contrast more clearly shows the power that poetry has)

What does the poet see as the main purpose of his life?

A writer?

(Shine always, shine everywhere...)

Why is the image of the sun introduced into the poem?

(With the help of this comparison we can see the attitude of the lyrical hero and the author to his work. Poetry is compared to the sun, it illuminates human souls, but at the same time it is also a huge work of mind and soul)

3 minutes are given to work in groups, after which students answer the question, and the main thoughts are written down.

What do you guys think, what did the author want to say with his poem?

(The profession of a poet is hard and necessary work. Overcoming difficulties, it is necessary to carry out the work for which you are responsible, especially since this work is important and necessary).

What qualities does the poet proclaim to show his intention?

Is it possible to say that such an attitude towards one’s profession is only for creative individuals?

(No, any profession is important. It is necessary to find exactly one that would give pleasure to its owners and at the same time benefit others. At the same time, it is important not to forget about such an important quality as hard work, because it is this that will help to achieve the greatest heights).

In fact, going to school and classes is also a job that you do. I suggest you now think about what personal qualities were useful to you in today's lesson. To do this, fill out a short form.

Homework: Answer in writing the question “Do you think poetry is hard physical work or a state of mind.”

FI _______________

FI _______________

  1. What personal qualities were useful to you in class today?
  1. What personal qualities would you like to develop in yourself for more successful work?

FI _______________

  1. What personal qualities were useful to you in class today?
  1. What personal qualities would you like to develop in yourself for more successful work?

FI _______________

  1. What personal qualities were useful to you in class today?
  1. What personal qualities would you like to develop in yourself for more successful work?

FI _______________

  1. What personal qualities were useful to you in class today?
  1. What personal qualities would you like to develop in yourself for more successful work?

FI _______________

  1. What personal qualities were useful to you in class today?
  1. What personal qualities would you like to develop in yourself for more successful work?

(Pushkino. Shark Mountain, Rumyantsev’s dacha,

27 versts along the Yaroslavl railway. dor.)

The sunset glowed with a hundred and forty suns,

Summer was rolling into July,

it was hot

the heat was floating -

it was at the dacha.

The hillock of Pushkino humped

Shark Mountain,

and the bottom of the mountain -

was a village

the roof was crooked with bark.

And beyond the village -

and probably into that hole

the sun went down every time

slow and steady.

flood the world

The sun rose brightly.

And day after day

terribly angry

And so one day I got angry,

that everything faded in fear,

I shouted point blank to the sun:

Enough of hanging around in hell!"

I shouted to the sun:


you are covered in the clouds,

and here - you don’t know either winters or years,

sit down and draw posters!"

I shouted to the sun:

listen, golden forehead,

go in idle

I'd love to have some tea!"

What have I done!

of my own free will,

spreading out his ray-steps,

The sun walks in the field.

I don’t want to show my fear -

and retreat backwards.

His eyes are already in the garden.

It's already passing through the garden.

In the windows,

entering the gap,

a mass of sun fell,

fell in;

taking a breath,

spoke in a deep voice:

"I'm driving back the lights

for the first time since creation.

Did you call me?

Drive the teas,

drive away, poet, jam!"

A tear from my own eye -

the heat was driving me crazy

but I told him

for the samovar:


sit down, luminary!

The devil took away my insolence

yell at him -


I sat down on the corner of the bench,

I'm afraid it couldn't have turned out worse!

But the strange one from the sun is emerging

flowed -

and sedateness

I'm sitting talking

with the luminary


I'm talking about this

something got stuck with Rosta,

and the sun:

do not be sad,

look at things simply!

And to me, do you think

Go ahead and try it! -

And here you go -

started to go

you walk and shine with both lights!”

They chatted like that until dark -

until the previous night, that is.

How dark is it here?

We are completely at home with him.

no friendship,

I hit him on the shoulder.

And the sun too:

There are two of us, comrade!

Let's go, poet,

the world is in gray trash.

I will pour my sunshine,

and you are yours,


Wall of shadows

nights in prison

fell under the sun with a double-barreled shotgun.

A mess of poetry and light

shine on anything!

It will get tired

and wants the night

stupid dreamer.

with all the light I can -

and again the day rings.

Always shine

shine everywhere

until the last days of the Donetsk,

shine -

and no nails!

This is my slogan

and sun!

“An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”

In the summer of 1920, Mayakovsky wrote one of his bright poems(actually

It's small lyric poem) about poetry - “An extraordinary adventure that happened to Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha.”

This poem is rightly compared with Derzhavin’s (“Hymn to the Sun”) and Pushkin’s (“Bacchic Song”) tradition. Pushkin sang a hymn to the bright sun of the creative human mind; Mayakovsky likened poetry to the sun, the source of light and life.

Developing classical traditions, Mayakovsky in this poem appears as a poet of the new historical era, which determined a new, special system of feelings and thoughts, new figurative associations. The image of the sun is also filled with new content. In Mayakovsky’s post-October works, this image usually personifies a bright (communist) future. In “Left March” it is “the sunny land without end.” In the “Windows of GROWTH”, a bright future is graphically depicted in the form of the sun rising from the horizon. In the revolutionary poetry of those years (for example, among the Proletkult poets), the sun motif usually serves as a means of transferring the action to the “cosmic”, “universal” plane. In “An Extraordinary Adventure...” all these allegories do not have such a clear, definite expression. They appear only as a literary and historical context, the general cultural “background” of the work. The theme of the poem develops in a deeply lyrical way. Although the event itself is truly “extraordinary”, fantastic, its authenticity is confirmed by many real details reported, starting from the title, from the subtitle. Dan the exact address events (“Pushkino, Shark Mountain, Rumyantsev’s dacha”...), the situation at the dacha (field, garden, “jam”, “samovar”, “teas”...), many psychological details (“angry”, “frightened” ", "retreating backwards", "confused"...). The July heat was also characterized, which “floated” - “with a hundred and forty suns the sunset glowed” (a surprisingly “accurate” calculation of the brightness of the sunset - a hyperbole in the style of Gogol).

As the lyrical plot develops, there is a gradual personification of the sun from an inanimate celestial body into a guest hero, speaking in a “bass voice”, drinking “tea” with the lyrical hero, switching to “you” with him, calling him “comrade”. True, the lyrical hero himself, already at the beginning of the poem, “getting angry,” addresses the sun as “you.” But this is rudeness. By the end of the poem, this is already a mutual, friendly “you”. As a result of the “extraordinary adventure” and friendly conversation, the deep commonality of the roles of “the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky” and the “sun” becomes clear:

I will pour my sunshine, and you will pour yours, in poetry.

Both comrades, the sun and the poet, fire a “double-barreled gun” of rays and poetry at the hostile forces of darkness - “the wall of shadows, the prison of the nights” - and win. Thus, by action, by joint participation in the struggle, the unity and coincidence of their tasks is confirmed:

Always shine, shine everywhere.

This is my slogan - and the sun!

The final slogan “shine” always and everywhere, illustrated so brightly and wittily, with such an “extraordinary” story, is no longer an abstract allegory. This is the everyday work of a poet, an artist who conquers darkness, bringing beauty, joy, and light to the world.

Updated: 2011-05-09


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“An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”

The poem “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha” is dedicated to the theme of difficult but noble poetic work. Like most of V.V.’s works. Mayakovsky, it is built on dialogue and carries a pronounced journalistic beginning. Basic artistic technique V this work- parallelism: the life of the sun and creative path poet.

The rather long title of the poem, also equipped with a detailed subtitle that clearly specifies the location of the action, aims at a detailed story about the events that actually happened.

The poem opens with a dacha landscape, which is as unusual as the poet’s adventure stated in the title.

It opens with the expressive hyperbole “In a hundred and forty suns the sunset burned,” emphasizing the strength of the summer heat and at the same time setting the dynamics for the entire subsequent action of the work:

And tomorrow
flood the world
The sun rose brightly.
And day after day
terribly angry

This is how an imaginary conflict is outlined in the work. Next, the cocky lyrical hero throws a desperate challenge to the heavenly body:

I shouted point blank to the sun:
“Get off!
Enough of hanging around in hell!”

The hero's remarks contain many colloquial and colloquial phrases. This gives his speech a familiar character. Having initially dared to communicate with the sun, a person seems to boast of his fearlessness. Then the sun finally responded to the challenge, the hero’s mood changes:

The devil took away my insolence
yell at him -
I sat down on the corner of the bench,
I'm afraid it couldn't have turned out worse!

The poem (as well as the lyrics of V.V. Mayakovsky in general) has an extremely strong dramatic element. The fantastic action unfolds like an ordinary table scene: before us are two close comrades conducting an everyday conversation over a samovar. They (the poet and the sun) complain to each other about everyday problems and eventually agree to join forces in a common cause:

You and me
There are two of us, comrade!
Let's go, poet,
we look,
let's sing
the world is in gray trash.
I will pour my sunshine,
and you are yours,
in poetry.

At the same time, the “golden-faced sun” finally acquires human image: Not only does it carry on a leisurely conversation, but you can even pat it on the shoulder.

At the end of the poem, the abstract image of a common enemy is destroyed:

Wall of shadows
nights in prison
fell under the sun with a double-barreled shotgun.

The work ends with an optimistic picture of the triumph of poetry and light, all that is most beautiful on earth.

Poetic metaphors help V.V. Mayakovsky combined fantastic and realistic plans for the artistic reflection of reality:

To me,
of my own free will,
I will spread out in ray-steps,
The sun walks in the field.

The lyrical hero perceives the heavenly body as some kind of real being - the poet’s assistant. Both of them do one common thing - they bring light to the world.

V.V. Mayakovsky strove to be consistent in his views on art. This poem by the poet echoes the problematics of a number of his other works devoted to the theme of the poet and poetry.

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