Khovansky after. Yuri Khovansky - biography, photos, songs, videos, personal life, height, weight

Participant's name: Yuri Mikhailovich Khovansky

Age (birthday): 19.01.1990

City: Nikolsk, St. Petersburg

Height and weight: 1.86 m

Channel direction: Stand up and other humorous sketches

Channel created: 09/21/2011

Number of subscribers: over 3 million subscribers

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Yura was born in small town Nikolsk, which is located in the Penza region. Throughout his childhood, he was very active, loved to play yard football, where he most often played the role of goalkeeper.

While staying at home, the boy spent a lot of time at the computer, playing online games. IN adolescence Yura played bass guitar in amateur rock bands.

After graduation high school Khovansky's parents insisted that he enter the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics. This is exactly the kind of university that seemed serious to them. The young man listened to his parents, submitted documents, but the competition did not pass.

Then Yuri went to another institute, where he began to study to become a programmer. True, it only lasted for a couple of courses - Khovansky quickly realized that this profession was not for him and quit training.

A little later, when Yuri succeeded in other areas, he still decided to get a diploma higher education and graduated in absentia from St. Petersburg State Economic University. Interesting fact- Yuri received his diploma with honors!

Khovansky had no luck in his work and career for a long time. Where did the young man work? He was a promoter, a waiter, a courier, and a call center employee.

This did not bring him any financial or any other dividends, so the moment came when Khovansky had to seriously think about his future activities. That’s when the idea was born to try myself on the Internet on the You Tube channel.

At the beginning of his career, Khovansky posted videos of foreign stand-up comedians, which he himself translated into Russian. Then, under the nickname “That Guy with the Guitar,” he performed various songs, often social and humorous. He also performed with them on the wave of Internet radio and participated in reviews by famous bloggers.

All these movements were scattered in nature exactly until the young man met Ilya Maddison, a well-known online observer of films, video games and videos.

It was he who advised Khovansky to start own channel and move more closely in this direction. The same Maddison gave all kinds of advertising to the comedian and still willingly collaborates with him, recording joint videos.

After that he was born Yuri's first full-fledged project called “Russian Stand-up”. Each video of this show was dedicated to acute social problems or simply reflections on life. The comedian's performances were funny and unusual.

But the main highlight of the videos was that there were no taboos for Khovansky. He spoke harshly and openly, which gave the video emotionality. It was this format of communication between the blogger and his subscribers that brought Khovansky fame.

The channel began to quickly gain popularity. As a result, 4 seasons of “Russian Stand-up” were filmed, after which the project was stopped. Yuri explains this by saying that he has lost interest in him.

Then Khovansky got involved in several projects at once, among them we can highlight: “Lex Play”, “Big Smoking Pile of Sketch”, “Russian Drink Time”, “[standing]”, “Shaverma-Patrol”.

After gaining wide fame, Yuri openly calls himself the “Emperor of Humor”, and also emphasizes in every possible way that he is the first stand-up comedian on the Internet.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of opponents of Khovansky’s work online. This is due to the comedian’s behavior in the commercials and his violation of all moral principles.

Internet users believe that great intelligence is not needed for such creativity. Whether they are right or wrong is difficult to say; everyone finds the answer to this question for themselves.

In 2016, he became involved in several conflicts at once, thanks to which his popularity is only rising. The conflict with Dmitry Larin ended with both performing at the Versus battle, where Yura won.

In the summer of 2016, Andrei Afonin ( challenged Yura to a fight and vehemently declared that Khovansky was promoting a terrible and wrong way of life. As a result of several videos dedicated to each other, Yura was the first to emerge from the conflict.

Surprisingly. The most open and chatty comedian on the network does not talk about his personal life and does not boast about romantic victories. The only reliable information is that the blogger is not officially married.

Photo by Yuri

Yura is not a fan of photographs, but he can often be seen in various images for your video shows.

Yuri Khovansky is a popular Russian video blogger and stand-up comedian from St. Petersburg with scandalous fame. He runs his own channel on YouTube called “Russian Stand-up”.

The young man acts as a director, screenwriter and let's player.

The childhood of Yuri Khovansky

Yuri Khovansky was born on January 19, 1990 in the city of Nikolsk, located in the Penza region. He grew up as an ordinary boy - he loved football and computer games. As a teenager, Yura became interested in playing the bass guitar and was a member of several amateur rock bands.

After graduating from school, he followed his parents’ lead and tried to enter the Engineering and Economics Institute in St. Petersburg, but was unsuccessful. Khovansky began studying to become a programmer, but quickly realized that numbers and algorithms did not interest him. The young man worked as a courier, waiter, call center employee, and later he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics with honors.

Career of Yuri Khovansky

Work in his specialty did not attract Yuri. He achieved fame, success and material well-being thanks to virtual reality.

In 2011, Khovansky began running his own vlog (short for “video blog”) on YouTube, posting videos of foreign stand-up comedians in his translation. Also there appeared videos of “That guy with a guitar”, in which Khovansky performed his songs, often humorous.

Yuri Khovansky - schoolchildren are pissed off on the Internet

After that, he was noticed by Ilya Maddison, a famous video blogger and video game reviewer. It was he who gave Khovansky the idea of ​​filming his own humorous videos. This is how the debut project “Russian Stand-up” appeared. The aspiring showman, in a sharp and sometimes cynical manner, shared with the audience his thoughts and thoughts about various aspects of life.

Although the blogger often crossed the line of generally accepted morality in his speeches, his show was lively and emotional, and therefore quickly gained popularity. However, after the release of four seasons, Khovansky lost interest in the show and froze the project. Instead, new programs appeared that had varying degrees popularity.

Yuri Khovansky and his project “Drunk Yards”

The showman’s history includes the following projects: “[standing]”, “Lex Play”, “Russian Drink Time”, “ZADROT-TV”, “Shaverma-Patrol”, “Asked for it”, “Big smoking pile of sketches” and a number of other extravagant undertakings like guitar lessons and survival lessons for a thousand rubles a week. And in 2014, the blogger became a judge in the popular rap battle “Versus”.

Personal life of Yuri Khovansky

The scandalous video blogger does not advertise his personal life, and therefore both fans and opponents of his work can only speculate about the lady of Khovansky’s heart. But on social networks Yuri’s status is “single.”

The showman does not hide the fact that he is a lover of alcoholic beverages, and, with teenage years. He once said that in the past he could drink up to eight liters of foam, but since then he has lost his strength.

On July 20, 2012, a message appeared on Khovansky’s VKontakte page that he had died. The information was confirmed by Maddison, but by the evening it became clear that he was the author of this joke.

Yuri loves the animated series “My Little Pony"and even participated in alternative amateur voice acting for three characters at once.

In 2014, he launched an online petition calling for Senator Elena Mizulina to undergo a compulsory mental health assessment. The document was signed by 116 thousand people.

Scandals of Yuri Khovansky

Although Yuri has a very non-conflict character, he has quite a lot of real enemies, including rapper Noize MC. Khovansky has repeatedly spoken about his work in a negative way, and in September 2014, during the filming of the next “Versus”, he attacked the blogger with his fists.

In 2016, the showman decided to try his hand as a rap artist. The debut composition “Father in the Building” from the five-track mini-album immediately received public recognition and earned several million views on YouTube. Along the way, Khovansky once again insulted Noize MC with the line “The homeless Noize saw the battle and pissed on his cardboard.” Next, Yuri released the track “Noise”, in which he again “attached” the rapper.

MS Khovansky - Dad in the Building

At some point, authoritative rapper Oksimiron stood up for Noize MC, declaring that “Khovansky was playing too hard.” Khovansky’s apology song “Forgive me, Oksimiron” was not long in coming - he presented it on December 28, 2016.

The blogger also had a conflict with Christina Si, a graduate of the Timati music label. On her Twitter, she called Khovansky a drunk and was indignant that he was judging Versus. Khovansky did not remain in debt. The result of their squabble was Christina’s video “Yurik,” dedicated to Khovansky, in which the girl called the blogger “a failed comedian, a lover of other people’s mothers.”

Kristina Si - Reply to Yuri Khovansky on Versus

Khovansky has another “personal enemy” - blogger Dmitry Larin. “A certain Larin appeared and started teaching everyone: how to joke funny, how to make videos, how to do stand-up. Such a devil, an upstart,” – this is how Yuri spoke about him.

In March 2016, they clashed on the Versus site, and Khovansky won. This issue became one of the most popular in the entire history of the project.

Yuri Khovansky now

In the spring of 2017, Yuri Khovansky, together with vlogger Nikolai Sobolev, presented the track “Drinks Beer” - a parody of the sensational video “The Ice Is Melting” by the group “Mushrooms”.

MS Khovansky - Drinks beer (“The Ice is Melting” gr. Mushrooms)

At the same time, he recorded another parody track, “Supervaper,” a remix of the 2016 hit “Partymaker.”

Yuri Khovansky tries to fit into all the topics that receive more than 1 million views in the Russian-language segment of Youtube. This simple scheme turned out to be quite successful. Naturally, Yura could not ignore the rap theme. This is exactly how MC Khovansky appeared, who today shoots expensive videos and gives real concerts.

Runet learned about the existence of Yuri Khovansky in 2011. In search of himself, he did a variety of things - he tried to sing songs with a guitar, adapted videos of Western stand-up comedians for Russian-speaking audiences, filmed own show under telling name"Russian Drink Time". Among the comedians Khovansky looks up to are Andy Kaufman and Stewart Lee.

Yuri's first real success came with his videos getting on home page"Thank you Eva" website. Even then, viewers formed an attitude towards Khovansky, which has not fundamentally changed today - tons of hatred and a huge number of views. However, Yura was soon asked to join “Thank you Eva”, and in his own spirit he recorded a revealing video about this resource.

In parallel with other activities, Khovansky worked as a presenter on Internet radio. It was here that he was noticed by another popular blogger, Maddison, who has now completely stopped online activity. In tandem with Mad, Khovansky gained steady popularity.

One of the main tools for introducing Khovansky into the minds of the audience is scandal. He managed to speak harshly about Fedor Emelianenko and Viktor Tsoi, Mikhail Gorshenev and Pussy Riot, Elena Mizulina and the Russian Orthodox Church. IN different time Yura had conflicts with Noize MC, Basta, Ptah and Kristina Si. A video of Noize MC shouting “I’m warning you, motherfucker!” he blackened Khovansky's left eye, as many people probably saw.

Yuri moved from endless bacchanalia to more serious achievements at the beginning of 2016, when he fought at Versus Battle with Dmitry Larin. Khovansky's convincing victory showed that there was something we didn't know about him. Perhaps Yura didn’t even know this about himself. After the battle, he began releasing clips one after another in the image of a gangster. “Father in the building”, “Noise”, “Whisper of trunks”, “Forgive me, Oksimiron” - all of them collect millions of views on Youtube.

Khovansky’s last powerful shot is a clip parody of “The Ice Is Melting” from the group Grib. Within a week, the song “Drinks Beer” almost broke the 10 million views mark.

Of course, all this is happening on the wave of hype skillfully ridden by Yura. He himself notes this in the song “Drinks Beer” with the words “The hype is dying down, the memes are going away, and someone will soon replace me.” But this does not negate the fact that Khovansky really found himself, and is now making capital - both social and very real monetary.

Yuri Khovansky is a Russian video blogger developing a humorous direction on the portal YouTube. Popular young man created the “Russian Stand-up” channel, which aired a show of the same name. Now Yuri has more than a dozen projects. Khovansky calls himself the “Emperor of Humor”, and his own jokes are alternative.

Yuri was born in 1990 in the city of Nikolsk, which is located in the Penza region. The boy’s father, Mikhail Khovansky, held the position of technical director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

As a teenager, he loved to play football in the yard with the boys, where he acted as a goalkeeper, and at home he could sit at the computer for many hours, enjoying online games. Also in his youth, Yuri became interested in music. The young man played bass guitar in amateur rock bands.

After school, at the insistence of his parents, Khovansky applied to the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, but did not pass the competition. The young man began studying at another university to become a programmer, but after a while he realized that this field was not interesting and dropped out of classes.

Later, Yuri graduated in absentia from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, and received a diploma with honors. True, the title of specialist did not bring dividends. Khovansky worked as a promoter, waiter, call center employee, and courier. Yuri’s success, including financial success, came from the virtual world.


First of all, Yuri Khovansky began posting videos of foreign stand-up comedians on YouTube, for whom he translated into Russian and voiced them. Also, a blogger under the name “That Guy with the Guitar” performed songs, often humorous. At the same time, Yuri led columns and podcasts on third-party projects “Maddyson FM” and “Thank you, Eva!”

On Internet radio, the young man met Ilya Davydov, better known as a reviewer of films, videos and video games. This young man recommended Yuri to shoot his own comic videos. Thus, Khovansky’s first project “Russian Stand-up” was born. Creative biography The first fans became interested in the blogger.

The first season started at the end of September 2011. Against the backdrop of a brick wall, the showman shared his opinions and thoughts about various aspects of life, not hesitating to speak harshly and in some cases even cynically. Also, Yuri often crossed the line of generally accepted taboos, but his performances were emotional, lively and eloquent, which relatively quickly affected the popularity of the show.

A total of 4 seasons of “Russian Stand-up” were filmed, after which Khovansky decided to freeze the project, as he lost interest in the program. Instead of this program, Yuri launched a number of other shows - “Big Smoking Pile of Sketch”, “[Standing]”, “Lex Play”, “Russian Drink Time”, “Shaverma-Patrol”.

In 2014, a conflict broke out online between the R"n"B singer, artist of the Black Star Inc. label, and Yuri Khovansky. The girl posted in “ Twitter"comment on the Versus battle she watched, in which she called the host of the competition, Yuri, a drunk. To which the young man gave an insulting answer and called Christina to fight him personally on the online platform. The singer sent a musical diss track, where in poetic form she threatened the blogger with reprisals from the Armenian mafia. A couple of days later, Yuri Khovansky said that he was attacked in his own entrance, for which he blamed Christina Sy. The conflict ended when the singer caught Khovansky in a blatant lie and stopped communicating.

Khovansky acts as the permanent host of the rap battle “Versus”. At his home site, the blogger himself once became a participant in the competition. In 2016, Khovansky fought against his colleague. Yuri won the competition.

Personal life

Yuri Khovansky does not talk about his romantic adventures, and fans of creativity can only get lost in guesses and conjectures about whether their idol, a tall, stately young man (Yuri’s height is 182 cm), has a lady of his heart. The only thing known from social networks, so this is that Yuri is not married.

Yuri is a fan of the animated television series “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” and even participated in alternative amateur voice acting, giving the Russian voice to three characters at once. By the way, among the fans of this cartoon there are many other bloggers and movie stars.

Yuri Khovansky now

In 2017, Khovansky released a disc with his own hip-hop songs, “My Gangsta,” which included the tracks “Dad in the Building,” “Forgive Me,” and “Whisper of Trunks.” In August online "

Yuri was born in 1990 in the city of Nikolsk, which is located in the Penza region. The boy’s father, Mikhail Khovansky, held the position of technical director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

As a teenager, he loved to play football in the yard with the boys, where he acted as a goalkeeper, and at home he could sit at the computer for many hours, enjoying online games. Also in his youth, Yuri became interested in music. The young man played bass guitar in amateur rock bands.

After school, at the insistence of his parents, Khovansky applied to the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, but did not pass the competition. The young man began studying at another university to become a programmer, but after a while he realized that this field was not interesting and dropped out of classes.

Later, Yuri graduated in absentia from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, and received a diploma with honors. True, the title of specialist did not bring dividends. Khovansky worked as a promoter, waiter, call center employee, and courier. Yuri’s success, including financial success, came from the virtual world.


First of all, Yuri Khovansky began posting videos of foreign stand-up comedians on YouTube, for whom he translated into Russian and voiced them. Also, a blogger under the name “That Guy with the Guitar” performed songs, often humorous. At the same time, Yuri led columns and podcasts on third-party projects “Maddyson FM” and “Thank you, Eva!”

On Internet radio, the young man met Ilya Davydov, better known as a reviewer of films, videos and video games, Ilya Maddison. This young man recommended Yuri to shoot his own comic videos. Thus, Khovansky’s first project “Russian Stand-up” was born. The first fans began to take an interest in the blogger’s creative biography.

The first season started at the end of September 2011. Against the backdrop of a brick wall, the showman shared his opinions and thoughts about various aspects of life, not hesitating to speak harshly and in some cases even cynically. Also, Yuri often crossed the line of generally accepted taboos, but his performances were emotional, lively and eloquent, which relatively quickly affected the popularity of the show.

Best of the day

A total of 4 seasons of “Russian Stand-up” were filmed, after which Khovansky decided to freeze the project, as he lost interest in the program. Instead of this program, Yuri launched a number of other shows - “Big Smoking Pile of Sketch”, “[Standing]”, “Lex Play”, “Russian Drink Time”, “Shaverma-Patrol”.

In 2014, a conflict broke out online between R"n"B singer Christina Sy, an artist on the Black Star Inc. label, and Yuri Khovansky. The girl posted a comment on Twitter about the Versus battle she watched, in which she called the host of the competition, Yuri, a drunk. To which the young man gave an insulting answer and called Christina to fight him personally on the online platform. The singer sent a musical diss track, where in poetic form she threatened the blogger with reprisals from the Armenian mafia. A couple of days later, Yuri Khovansky said that he was attacked in his own entrance, for which he blamed Christina Sy. The conflict ended when the singer caught Khovansky in a blatant lie and stopped communicating.

Khovansky acts as the permanent host of the rap battle “Versus”. At his home site, the blogger himself once became a participant in the competition. In 2016, Khovansky fought against colleague Dmitry Larin. Yuri won the competition.

Personal life

Yuri Khovansky does not talk about his romantic adventures, and fans of creativity can only get lost in guesses and conjectures about whether their idol, a tall, stately young man (Yuri’s height is 182 cm), has a lady of his heart. The only thing known from social networks is that Yuri is not married.

Yuri is a fan of the animated television series “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” and even participated in alternative amateur voice acting, giving the Russian voice to three characters at once. By the way, among the fans of this cartoon there are many other bloggers and movie stars.

Yuri Khovansky now

In 2017, Khovansky released a disc with his own songs in the hip-hop style “My Gangsta”, which included the tracks “Dad in the Building”, “Ask Your Mom”, “Forgive Me, Oksimiron”, “Whisper of Trunks”. In August, two episodes of the “Moscow - Jupiter” program appeared on the VKontakte network, where Yuri acted as co-host of Dmitry Malikov. In the program, Khovansky was assigned the role of the ringleader-comedian, and Dmitry from time to time diluted the blogger’s monologue with his own jokes. In October, Khovansky starred in a video for an MTS advertisement about a world without the Internet, authored by Vasily Sigarev. The video also stars Dmitry Malikov and Ida Galich.

Now the scandal associated with Khovansky’s statement about Mikhail Zadornov is gaining momentum. The young man posted a post on Twitter, where he indicated that the comedian paid for his own statements. This post caused a negative reaction among users, but the blogger did not refuse his own words. After some time, a picture appeared on Khovansky’s Instagram of a young man sitting in prison with a magazine, on the cover of which you can see a photo of a satirist who died of cancer.

The blogger got the opportunity to film in prison dungeons while participating in the reality show “Experiment-12,” where the blogger appeared in the role of a prison warden. Creators Russian show with round-the-clock broadcast, they decided to repeat the Stanford experiment of 1971, the essence of which was to divide a group of volunteers into conditional prisoners and guards.

Every day, prisoners are required to carry out the task received from the head of the prison, Khovansky. At the end of the week, after the spectators' votes are counted, a demonstration execution of one prisoner is carried out. The process looks naturalistic, but does not pose a danger to the person himself. Guards are prohibited from using violence against prisoners, but prisoners cannot leave the project until it is completed.


"Russian stand-up"

"Big Steaming Pile of Sketch"

"Lex Play"

"Russian Drink Time"

"That Guy with the Guitar"

“Khovansky will ruin it”

"Shaverma Patrol"

"Beach purchase"

"Lost in the Jacuzzi"

"Visiting Khovansky"


"Behind the bar"

“Khovansky in video chat”

"Moscow - Jupiter"

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