The motto and chant of the flower squad. New names, mottos and emblems of teams for sports competitions

For the squad? This question has been asked more than once by counselors, educators, competition organizers, and the participants themselves. Today we will tell you how you can easily and quickly do this, and also share with you several mottos.

It’s better to come up with a squad name and motto not out of thin air, but based on some topic. So you can choose the theme “cartoons”. For example, Chip and Dale, Aladdin, DuckTales, Winnie the Pooh. You can also try with a profession. For example, sailors, rescuers, doctors, pilots, teachers and others. Well, if nothing works out with this, rely on your own imagination.

If you need a name and motto for a camp unit, it is better to come up with it together with the children. At the beginning, the counselor must choose a few names himself, but children (students) should not tell them, let them be smart and try to come up with something interesting. If things are going really badly and the squad can’t come up with anything, then the counselor should tell them a few of his names, and the children will try to suggest their own similar ones. It will be more interesting for children if they make up the name and motto for their squad themselves.

Worth paying Special attention that the motto and name should be age appropriate, easy to pronounce and meaningful.

Squad name and motto

Squad: Phoenix

Motto: Burn and light up others!

Fight until the end for victory.

Squad: Leaders

Motto: Everywhere we are first in everything

We are skilled leaders.

Squad: Major League

Motto: Our motto: Move forward!

Victory lies ahead.

Squad: Alarm

Motto: Neither light nor dawn get out of bed

Greet every morning with a smile.

Squad: Sailors

Motto: The sea is getting rough.

But sailors never.

Squad: The youth

Motto: You won't wake us up in the morning

During the day you won’t find it at all.

This is the kind of people we are

And we are called: Youth!.

Squad: Penguins

Motto: We are the coolest penguins

Success awaits us today.

Squad: Rescuers

Motto: Like Chip and Dale to the rescue

Let's decide quickly and leave.

Squad: Smile

Motto: Smile!

After all, a smile gives joy.

Squad: Tornado

Motto: And there is no need to put pressure on us.

We are the squad: Tornado!

Squad: Laces

Motto: We are as friendly as shoelaces.

If you tie us tightly

It will be difficult to untie.

Squad: Hope

Motto: There is always hope

The main thing is to believe until the end.

Squad: Teenagers

Motto: We are modern guys

And with gadgets we are on the same page.

Squad: Internet

Motto: We are called: Internet.

There is certainly no one better than us.

I'm telling you the address

Camp _____ dot ru.

Squad: Modern youth

Motto: Torn jeans, sneakers, windbreaker.

We are the generation of the new party.

Squad: Galaxy

Motto: They flew all over the universe

And we have never seen a better squad than ours.

Squad: Pirates of the Caribbean

Motto: We are pirates - a team of villains

The sea is our home, we won’t let you in here.

Squad: Coca-Cola

Motto: Our Coca-Cola Team

Goes through life on hold.

Squad: Friendship

Motto: As a united unit we will defeat everything.

Squad: Stars

Motto: The stars shine from above

Give us warmth and light

Our little country

They send a big, big hello.

Squad: Mammoths

Motto: Thunder rumbles, the earth trembles

A squad of mammoths is running.

Squad: Friends

Motto: There are many of us and we are always together!

Squad: Funny boys

Motto: We look for fun in everything, no matter what!

Squad: Patriots

Motto: In this life we ​​try to grow as patriots

Because it's necessary

So as not to let the country down!

Squad: eaglets

Motto: We're eaglets - don't scare us

We love to fly high!

Squad: Tankers

Motto: Tank, like an all-terrain vehicle

It goes straight towards the enemies.

Squad: Soldiers

Squad name:220 volt
We cannot live without movement
We're always energized
Let's quickly ignite the spark,
Let's recharge everyone around us.
If you need to shake something up!
We're hitting 220!

Squad name: Keds
For those who wear sneakers, age is no barrier,
Sneakers, sneakers are the key to success!

We'll be wearing at least one sneaker,
We will still come to victory.

Even if there is a hole in the sneaker,
We are still running towards victory!

Squad name: Lightning
We are fast as lightning
Used to winning
And this time we'll try
Outplay you all!

Squad name: Brooms
Eneki, beniki,
Everyone will be beaten by brooms!

Squad name: Athletes
We come to win
Let's go practice.
Do you want to get ahead of us -
You can't keep up with us!

Squad name: Dynamite
We are great athletes
We are explosive
Who will win today?
Well, of course DYNAMITE!

Squad name: Extremes
We guys are extreme sportsmen,
One victory is not enough for us!
Both on land and in water,
We will be the first everywhere !

Squad name: Pirates.
We pirates are great - smart, athletic!
A jack of all trades and, of course, strong!

Squad name: Rescuers
Our motto is four words:
If you are drowning yourself, save someone else!

Squad name: Sailors
We are not afraid of storms and storms.
We are heroes by nature.

Squad name: Danceland
Our dancing is a sport
And sport is a healthy mind and body,
We all dance without worries,
Let's go through life boldly.

Squad name: Samurai
Uki-muki, zyaki-zyaki, murakami and miyaki,
Yamomoto and Kinzo, we are “good” in the squad.
We live without despair,
Because we follow the samurai code of honor.

Unit name: Musketeers
Know the enemy is our flag,
Ringing of swords, honor!
Are there musketeers?

Squad name: Kipish
Hey man, are you listening?
- We are a team - KIPISH!

Squad name: Assets
Active at night, active during the day,
Active always, everywhere and in everything!

Squad name: BEMS

Squad name: Youth of the New Century
We are the youth of the new century,
We will achieve success always and everywhere!
We came from an ordinary planet,
There is nothing supernatural about us,
But we will be the best, we will win,
We will never forget everyone who helped with this!

Squad name: NonStop
No matter what happens -
NonStop always moves forward!

Squad name: Adrenaline
We are the ADRENALINE squad,
We will defeat everyone in the world.
We will never give in
We will always be the first!

Squad name: Brave
We are brave guys
We will stand up for ourselves.
We know everything, we see everything,
We will protect the weak too!

Squad name: Elephants
Elephants are the strongest!
Elephants are the most powerful!
"Elephants" all obstacles
They will overcome!

Squad name: Fly away
We are a great team
It's always fun with us!
We're cool guys
We never get bored!
Take out the machine gun -
A squad of Ulyo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o is coming to you!!!

Squad name: Black Hearts
We are the Black Hearts team,
Even though our hearts are black,
But they have a fighting spirit,
We will fight back against any team!!!

Squad name: Red Bull
We fly higher than the sky
We are Red Bull and we are victory!
You guys are afraid of us
Our squad is stronger than you!

Squad name: Major League
Squad - Major League!
And our motto is:
More to do less words!

Squad name: Stalker
Obstacles on the way are not a hindrance to us -
We will achieve success always and everywhere!

Squad name: Dolphin
The dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

Squad: SHOCK
Shock! Hooray! We will always be the first!
We have a blow
We have a throw
We will crush everyone into powder!

Squad: Sailors
We are strong for each other,
This is our maritime custom.
Greet every morning with a smile,
If a friend is in trouble, help him out!

Raspberry Day

Thematic day, it is not clear why it was named so. Cool! During the day, the rules of the game change every hour, every new hour becomes an hour of something. What exactly? Here's one option:

§ 8.00-9.00 sports hour

§ 9.00-10.00 hour of bows

§ 10.00-11.00 hour of singing

§ 11.00-12.00 pantomime hour

§ 12.00-13.00 gossip hour

§ 13.00-14.00 hour topsy-turvy

§ 14.00-15.00 hour of silence

§ 15.00-16.00 hour of rest

§ 16.00-17.00 reverse hour

§ 17.00-18.00 jumping hour

§ 18.00-19.00 courtesy hour

§ 19.00-20.00 hour of compliments

§ 20.00-21.00 hour of declarations of love

§ 21.00-22.00 kissing hour

§ 22.00-8.00 dream hours

The trick is that during the day ordinary (any) squad activities are carried out, but with the rules set by the hour being followed. Be sure to participate as much as possible more people: in addition to all the children, all the counselors, physical teachers, circle leaders, in general, everyone who can be involved. Active support of the game by adults is the key to success (however, as always). The schedule of hours is posted wherever possible: in the dining room, in teams, etc. It would also be nice to report changes via loudspeaker and somehow punish rule breakers. It’s very cool when the whole camp comes to the line with bows, then everyone doesn’t talk, but sings or explains themselves with gestures, gossip, everyone comes to lunch in their clothes inside out, dresses up as boys and girls, moves only in jumps, says politeness to each other, compliments , confess their love and kiss. For the counselors, Malinnik’s day continues with an hour of detachment training, an hour of debriefing at a planning meeting, an hour of fun, watching a movie, etc.

I offer you a small selection of possible names:

Squad: Worms

Motto: Let's break off all the hooks - we are tough worms!

Squad: Gryffindors

Motto: Courage, valor, beauty - This is our motto. A lot of adventures await us, have fun with us.

Squad: Orange

Motto: We are all orange slices. We are friendly and indivisible.

Squad: Light Bulb

Motto: We don't care

Order: Squirrels

Motto: And our motto is this: Don’t let enemies into the hollow!

Squad: The night Watch

Motto: The Night Watch will always save, We will defeat any enemy!

Squad: 220 Volt

Motto: We cannot live without movement, We are always energized, We will ignite your spark, We will recharge everyone around us.

Squad: Night Runners

Motto: We are Runners in the Night, if you saw it, then be silent.

Squad: Champions

Motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter! This way we will achieve success faster. If another squad is ahead, we will tell him - Well, wait a minute!

Squad: Weirdos

Motto: We go to Java even in our dreams. We are on land and in water. We are always moving forward. Good luck awaits the weirdos!

Squad: Penguins

Motto: We penguins are just awesome, win, try us

Squad: Chicken Coop

Motto: Roosters and hens are different figures

Squad: Turtles

Squad: Lunatics

Motto: We walk at night, we walk during the day, we never get tired.

Squad: Firefly

Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

Squad: Smile

Motto: Living without a smile is just a mistake, smiles everywhere - goodness everywhere.

Squad: Ducklings

Motto: Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't quack in vain.

Squad: Kapitoshka

Motto: The rain is dripping on the roads, but we are not at all bored. We play and sing and have a lot of fun.

Order: Dandelion

Motto: Stay together so as not to get blown away.

Squad: Rainbow

Motto: We, like the colors of the rainbow, are never separate.

Squad: Bell

Motto: We are ringing, we are ringing all day long, but we are not too lazy to call.

Squad: Robinson

Motto: We don't need nannies. We are islanders.

Squad: Iskryata

Motto: We are funny guys, because we are Sparkles!

Squad: Dolphin

Motto: The dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

Squad: Rescuers

Motto: Chip and Dale are rushing to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

Squad: Vitamin

Motto: Vitamin is strength, it is vigor, it is life.

Squad: Restless

Motto: Boredom, laziness out of mind - our “Restless” squad.

Squad: Prometheus

Motto: Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

Squad: Scarlet Sails

Motto: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes, and miracles.

Squad: UFO

Motto: Fly across all galaxies, never leave friends in trouble.

Squad: Abana

Motto: We are not punks, not punks, we are Aban's guys.

Squad: Crew

Motto: There is no better crew than us in the camp right now!

Squad: Major League

Motto: And our motto is this - more action, less words!

Squad: Crossword

Motto: If you want to know us, then try to figure it out!

Squad: Boomerang

Motto: Launched with a faithful hand.

Squad: Family

Motto: We are a family of simple class - everyone in our family is atas!

Squad: Fortune Hunters

Motto: We always need luck, only this way and not otherwise!

Squad: Both-on!

Motto: “Both-on!” - this is a miracle, “Both-on!” “This is class, our life is not bad at all, you will miss us.”

Squad: Barkhan

Motto: The movement is us.

Squad: RMID

Motto: The Republic of boys and girls is stronger than all the commonwealths on Earth.

Squad: Businessmen

Motto: We are businessmen of the market age, the fate of man is in our hands.

Squad: BEMS

Motto: Fighting, Energetic, Young, Pretty.

Squad: Spark

Motto: A spark will ignite a flame!

Squad: Phoenix

Motto: Burn and light others up.

Squad: Leader

Motto: If there is to be, then to be the best!

Squad: We

Motto: When we are united, we are invincible!

Squad: Style

Motto: Choose your style

Squad: Sprite

Motto: Don't let yourself dry out!

Squad: New Generation

Motto: If you’re not happy, object; if you object, suggest; if you suggest, do it; take on the task boldly!

Squad: Philips

Motto: Let's change ourselves for the better.

Unit: Women's Battalion

Motto: Our men are men to all men.

Squad: Maximum

Motto: One hundred percent good behavior.

Squad: UN

Motto: Special Forces Unit.

Squad: Hello!

Motto: We guys don’t have any problems - we are a squad of “Big Hello!

Squad: Amazons and Rabbits
Motto: We have balls for rollers, we are Amazons and bunnies!
Squad: Tide

Motto: Dirt is power, dirt is class, let's take this power and flush it down the toilet!

Squad: Tornado

Motto: There is no need to run into us, Because we are a tornado!

Squad: Pirates Caribbean Sea
Motto: We, pirates, are great - smart, athletic! A jack of all trades and, of course, strong!

Squad: Dynamite

Motto: If our camp thunders, Dynamite did it!

Squad: Tourers
Motto: We stopped by for an hour...

Motto: If you come to our detachment, you won’t leave without a black eye!

Squad: Forum

Motto: We live on the forum and sing songs together!

Squad: Brigantine

Motto: No boredom, no mud on board the brigantine!

Squad: Pins

Motto: Despite all the mistakes, our life is full of jokes!

Squad: Smile

Motto: Our motto is just three words - smiling is cool!

Squad: Forest Brotherhood

Motto: We are cheerful lads - camp "Balchug", building two!

Squad: Constellation

Motto: The stars shine above, In our small country, The stars send us their greetings, Give us warmth and light. We bring joy to people, We sing songs joyfully!

Squad: Felt-tip pens of yellow nationality
Motto: Markers have different tastes and colors!

Squad: Diabetes

Motto: We don't smoke, we don't drink - we love candy!

Squad: Harem

Motto: There are many of us, but he is one. How did this happen? Our squad is invincible! It turned out great! (The last phrase was said by the guy-counselor)

Squad: Restless

Motto: Thunder struck in a clear sky, It’s us - Restless! Correct our pranks... Even the riot police won't help!

→ Fun starts

Victories do not come immediately,
But onward and onward again
Us youth persistently, firmly
Calls for sports records!

In this section of the site you can find a suitable team motto and emblem to prepare for fun starts.

Motto- a short saying, usually expressing the guiding idea of ​​behavior or activity.

Emblem- this is a conventional image of an idea in a drawing, which is assigned one or another meaning. The emblems must certainly be clear and simple; the viewer must see in them what they wanted to say.

Cup- are an integral attribute of various festivals, competitions, tournaments and competitions.

Team names and mottos


Team"Wait for it!"

Maximum sport, maximum laughter! This way we will achieve success faster.
If another squad is ahead, We will tell him: “Well, just wait!”

Motto: There are few of us, but we have freckles!
Speech:“We are daring guys, we are mischievous freckles! We came here to win! Try to catch up with us!”

Motto: We penguins are just cool,
Win try us!

Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small, But we are friendly and therefore strong.


The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth!
Long live happiness always and everywhere!


Let's fly forward and win!
We help everyone who is lagging behind!


The comet has a motto:
"Never fall down"

Motto1: Cheburashka - true friend,
Helps everyone around!

Team"Scarlet Sails"

The wind blows in the sails
youth believes in miracles.


Swim always, swim everywhere,
and you will find the path to your dream!


Camelot - always forward,
Camelot always came first!

Motto: We are like rainbow colors, never separable!
Motto: We are like orange slices.
We are friendly and indivisible.

Team"Faithful friends"

We are a team no matter what!
We are all masters in sports.
We'll run and kick the ball,
Fight for victory

If a friend gives his word,
Will never let you down!


Life without a smile is a mistake,
Long live laughter and smile!


Kapitoshka is at the helm,
Never gives up!


Burn, don’t smolder and be able to do everything!


Our motto: Friendship and success!
We will defeat everyone today!


All for one, one for all,
Then the team will be successful!


Aurora knows, Aurora fights,
Aurora will always achieve victory.

Team"3rd row"
Good, smart 3rd row
It will make the guys happy.

Unit names, mottos, emblems


Team names and mottos



Motto: Fly across all galaxies, never leave friends in trouble.


Motto: Vitamin is strength, vigor, life.

Team"Wait for it!"

Motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter!

This way we will achieve success faster.

If another squad is ahead,

Team We will tell him: “Well, just wait!”



Motto: Chip and Dale rush to the rescue, but we are not far behind.


Motto: We are simply awesome penguins, win, try us!

Although our light is weak and we are small,

Team But we are friendly and that is why we are strong.

"Comet" Motto 1:

The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth! Long live happiness always and everywhere! Motto 2:

Let's fly forward and win! We help everyone who is lagging behind! Motto 3:

Team The comet has a motto: "Never fall down"


Team Cheburashka is a faithful friend, Helps everyone around!

"Comet""Scarlet Sails"

The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth! Long live happiness always and everywhere! The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles.


Motto: Swim always, swim everywhere, and you will find the path to your dream!


Motto: Camelot - always forward, Camelot has always been first!


Motto: We are like rainbow colors, never separable!

Team We are like orange slices.

"Comet" We are friendly and indivisible.

The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth! Long live happiness always and everywhere!"Faithful friends"


Motto: We are a team no matter what! We are all masters in sports. We will run, kick the ball, fight for victory

Team If a friend gives his word, he will never let you down!

Motto: Life without a smile is a mistake, Long live laughter and smile!




"Comet" Kapitoshka is at the helm, Never gives up!

The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth! Long live happiness always and everywhere! Burn, don’t smolder and be able to do everything!


Motto: Our motto: Friendship and success! We will defeat everyone today!

Team All for one, one for all, Then there will be success in the team!

Motto: Aurora knows, Aurora fights, Aurora will always achieve victory.


"3rd row"
Good, smart 3rd row Will please the guys.

Let's sing chika-boom all together If you need some cool noise Sing chika-boom with us I'm singing boom chika-boom I'm singing boom chika-boom I'm singing boom, chika-ra-ka, chika-ra-ka, chika-boom Ah! Hurry up again!


We are terribly hungry, It’s no longer important to eat. We eat everything. This is our squad.

To the dining room:

Let's say together, let's say at once, Where are we going now? Let's sing songs together and go to the dining room!

We always want to eat. From exercise to lights out. Feed us, cooks. We will eat any dish! Thanks for the cutlets, Thanks for the compote! We ate so much that it’s true we won’t eat for a year

All: Ta-ra-ram! We are never bored. Counselor: Look, Everyone: People! Counselor: Squad All: Coming! Counselor: What does a hungry choir sing when the cook calls for food? Everyone: Take a spoon, take some bread and sit down for lunch! Counselor: Bim-bom


doo on the tank (the troop repeats each line after the leader) I see a cow in a hat with earflaps With a healthy horn Hello cow How are you Do you speak English What are you calling me names?

Swimming in a submarine Again a cow In a mask and fins With a healthy horn Hello cow Where are you going Shrechen sie Deutsch What are you calling me names?

I'm flying in a helicopter Again a cow On a parachute With a stern look Hello cow Where are you flying Assalam alekum What are you calling me names?


Let's go on a hike. What will the squad take with them? A pot and a spoon, a mug and potatoes! Let's make soup, warm up tea. Have fun and don't get bored!

Leader: Go there, Everyone: I don’t know where! Leader: Bring it, Everyone: I don’t know what! Leader: Meet with whom?! Everyone: Tell everyone. All together: That our squad is top class!!!

We go, we go, we go. We go wherever we get. There we will reach where we will be Joyful and cheerful!

We walked for a long time, almost tired, But we didn’t forget Where and how, why, where It’s time for us to get there!

Success awaited us along the way, without damage or hindrance! After all, a detachment is going on a hike, Our counselor is very happy!

"Bala - bala - mi"

The chant is spoken by the leader, the rest shout only one word, “Hey.” Ved: Bala - bala - mi! All: Hey! Ved: Chika - chika - chi! All: Hey! Ved: Tika - tika - ti! All: Hey! Ved: Chick! All: Hey! Ved: Chik - chirk - chik! All: Hey, hey! Everyone repeats after the counselor: Hey, guys, take a wider step! We can't be bored! No, probably, in the whole world there are more fun, more friendly guys. We are not sad in our family, We sing, we dance, we dance. All activities are good - have fun from the heart! Who walks with backpacks? Who is not familiar with boredom? Those who are behind, don't lag behind. Those who are tired, do not be discouraged! Who wants to go with us, sing our song


We're going to the stadium. Our squad will be champions. Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey athletes, line up! Do you have a team? Eat! Is our captain here? Here! Come out to the field as soon as possible. It is an honor to support the squad.


The counselor says a line, everyone repeats (It looks like a chant that you can say when going to the beach)

All the guys are happy about the sunny summer. Relaxation, sea, friendship - what else do we need? We promise to tan and never get sick. Swim like dolphins, arching your backs. Let's fly together, kids Let's ring out a loud "HURRAY!"

The squad is divided into two teams: girls and boys. They each shout their own words at the same time. Whoever is louder wins.

Boys: We are a squad soul. The change is good with us, We are strong and brave, Like tanned blacks!

Girls: We decorate the squad, everyone is happy to meet us. We are cheerful and friendly, Every shift needs us!

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